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Family Sketches

Surnames Beginning with "A"

This page was last updated 6 Apr 2016

These family sketches are from Landmarks of Albany County, New York, edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y.; D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1897.

Abrams, Augustus C., was born in Rensselaerville in 1842. He is the son of Elijah, who was born in Greenville, Greene county, in 1808, being one of four sons and four daughters born to Benjamin, formerly a farmer in Long Island, who removed to and settled in the town of Rensselaerville, where he spent his last days. Elijah, the father, was a farmer and came to Guilderland in 1868, where he was successful. He was a man of many peculiarities but well liked. His wife was Thankful Bouton, daughter of David Bouton, by whom he had five sons and four daughters, four of whom are now living. Augustus C. remained with his parents until he became of age, when he went to California via the Panama route, where he remained for five years; he interested himself in the mines, meeting with fair success. He returned by request of his father in 1868. In 1870 father and son purchased a dairy farm of 180 acres in Guilderland, and farmed it together, selling milk in Albany city until 1889, when Augustus bought the father out. They had added fifty acres to the place and made many improvements, erecting a fine house which has since been remodeled. The father lived mostly with Augustus until his death in 1891, and was buried from the old homestead by special request; his wife died in 1884. Augustus is a thorough, practical farmer. In 1869 he united with the M. E. church; has been a class leader ever since, also superintendent of the Sunday school for fourteen years. He has been a member of the Masonic order since 1864; also of the I. O. G. T. Was a member of the Sons of Temperance when seventeen years of age. In 1871 he married Anna E. Herrick, daughter of Nathaniel and Nancy J. Herrick, who died in 1893, leaving two children, Lilly M. and Charles E., who are at home; Charles is engaged in the poultry and broiler business. His second wife is Anna Wise, daughter of Martin Wise. They have two children, Jessie I. and Ethel M. After many years of the closest and most friendly and affectionate relationship between father and son, which lasted until the dying day of the father, strange to say, Mr. Abrams, through some unfortunate mistake was left entirely out of his father's will.

Addington, George, son of Joseph, a native of England, was born in Albany, April 24, 1860, and was graduated from the high school in 1878. His father served in the Rebellion in the 7th N. Y. H. A., was shot in the hip at the battle of Cold Harbor and died from the wound in 1871. Mr. Addington read law with Mead & Hatt and Hale & Bulkeley, and after his admission to the bar in 1881, remained in the latter's office as managing clerk until 1885, when he began active practice. In the spring of 1894 he was elected justice of the city court for three years, running ahead of his ticket and receiving about 3,600 majority. He is a member of the K. of P., Elks, and Unconditional Republican Club, past colonel of the New York Division S. of V. November 9, 1890, he married Susie M. Stoffels of Albany.

Ainsworth, Danforth E., the subject of this sketch, was born at Clayton, Jefferson county, N. Y., November 29, 1848. He was educated at Pulaski Academy and Falley Seminary, and in the early years of his life was a teacher in the common schools of the State. He read law with the Hon. Henry L. Howe, and was admitted to the bar in 1873. He then resided at Sandy Creek, Oswego county, N. Y., where he continued in the active practice of his profession as a partner of Hon. Henry L. Howe until 1878 when the partnership was dissolved. Mr. Ainsworth continued the practice of law at Sandy Creek until the year 1885 when he was elected to the Legislature, representing the second district of the county of Oswego. He represented that district in the Legislature during the years '86, '87, '88 and '89, during the two latter years serving as chairman of the Committee upon Appropriations in that body. He was again elected to the Legislature in 1892, and served during the years of '93, '94 and '95, the two latter years being chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and Republican leader of the House; also serving upon the Committee of Judiciary, where his experience as a lawyer made him a strong man upon the committee. He was always a forcible and ready speaker, taking an active part in all debates of the House. It was largely owing to his support and advocacy that the reform legislation of the city of New York passed the Legislature in the session of 1894. The policy of the two parties as represented by the passage of this legislation and its veto by Governor Flower contributed in no small degree to the Republican tidal wave of 1895. Upon the election of Hon. Charles R. Skinner as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mr. Ainsworth was selected as his deputy, and is at present serving in that capacity.

Albright, Lawrence, a well-known and prominent man, was born in New Scotland, October 5, 1891. Frederick, the grandfather, was born in his father's stone house in New Scotland, where he spent his whole life, and having inherited the property, he continued farming. He reared four sons and two daughters and lived to be over eighty years of age. Henry F., the father, was also born on the same place in 1786, where he spent his life as a farmer, with the exception of four years spent in Syracuse, whence he returned to the farm again on account of ill-health. His first wife was a Miss Pangburn, by whom he had seven children. His second wife was Thursey A. Waggoner, by whom he had eight children. He died in 1849; his wife survived him and lived to be over eighty years of age. She was a daughter of Henry Waggoner of New Scotland; she died in Albany. Lawrence spent his life in New Scotland and attended the common schools. When he was nineteen years of age he began for himself, having rented a farm, and by faithful attention to business and economy he amassed enough to purchase a farm of 112 acres in 1867, in the town of Guilderland, where he has since done a general farming, making a specialty of hay. In 1851 he married Miss Catharine Woodworth, and their children were Willard, Ada J., wife of George Gardener of Charlton, Saratoga county; Charles, Emma E., wife of Carni Fort of Charlton, Saratoga county; and Nellie V., who died at the age of sixteen years.

Albright, Peter S., was born in New Scotland, near New Salem, on the Albright homestead, February 8, 1821. Hendrick Albright (or Albrecht), his great-grandfather, was born in Germany in 1716 and came to America in 1740 and settled on a farm of 400 acres, which he afterward divided between his four sons. One of the farms (the homestead), now owned by Jacob Albright, brother of Peter S., has ever since been in possession of the Albright family. He (Hendrick) married Hannah Poland in 1742, by whom he had seven children. As an instance of his aversion to the Tory element of his time, it is related that a son-in-law named Strauss joined the British army during the Revolution. At the close of the war on his return to his family he was emphatically ordered by his father-in-law to quit America, and evidently considering discretion the better part of valor, he withdrew to Canada for the remainder of his days. Hendrick erected a large store house on the homestead in 1783, which stood for over a hundred years and was finally destroyed by fire in 1894. He died in 1783, and was succeeded on the homestead by his son Jacob, who was born there in 1762, and where he spent his whole life. Jacob was twice married, first to Hannah Arnold, by whom he had three children. His second wife was Elizabeth Wheeler, by whom he had fourteen children. He died in 1829. Isaac, his son, was born in the old stone house June 11, 1797, and was married in 1820 to Sicily Simmons, daughter of Peter Simmons of Clarksville, by whom seven children have been born: Peter S., Jacob, Harriet, Sarah, Emeline, Mary and Isaac. Isaac Albright, Sr., in early life united with the Reformed church of New Salem and was a faithful attendant until a few weeks before his death. Although a firm adherent of the doctrine of his own church, he was free from the bigotry common in churches years ago, and was a firm friend of the persecuted Methodists of the early days. Following his father and grandfather, he allied himself with the Democrats and was a firm adherent to the party of his choice, casting his last vote with them. He gave to each of his sons a farm, and after a long and honorable career died January 21, 1888. Peter S. remained on his father's farm until twenty-five years of age, when he and his brother Jacob took the homestead farm to work, and were later given each a farm by their father. In 1854 Mr. Albright purchased another farm of ninety acres adjoining the homestead, on which he erected fine and large buildings, where he has ever since made his home and conducted a successful mixed husbandry. His son is now occupying one of his farms. In March, 1846, he married Catherine Ellen Hallenbeck, who was born in Bethlehem in 1828, and was a daughter of Ephraim G. and Mary Magdelene (Bartlett) Hallenbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Albright have eight children living: Mary M. Moak, born in May, 1848; Sarah M. Jones, born in November, 1849; Isaac S., born in July, 1852; Emeline Fowler, born in March, 1858; Rocelia Hurst, born in February, 1860; George H., born in February, 1862, died November, 1882; Catherine, born in March, 1864; Adelbert, born in March, 1871; and Cordelia Finch, born in September, 1873.

Alexander, Thomas, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1858. George Alexander, his father, was a native of Edinburgh, and was a carpenter by trade, but became one of the largest builders and contractors in the city of Edinburgh, sometimes employing as high as three hundred men at a time. He was a man of progression, with great business ability and accumulated a good fortune. He made two trips to America, and was preparing for his third trip when death overtook him in August, 1892. His wife was Ann Murray, by whom sixteen children were born, seven sons and five daughters, who all grew to maturity. Thomas Alexander received a common school education and learned the mason's and stone cutter's trade. He worked with, and assisted his father for fourteen years, till 1885, when he left home and sailed for America, landing in Quebec, Canada, where he remained two weeks. While with his sister at Port Dover, he learned of the magnificent capitol building under way of erection in the city of Albany, and concluded that was the city for him, and after visiting Niagara Falls and Buffalo, he landed in Albany with but twenty-five cents in his pocket. He immediately sought and found employment as a mason, borrowing money from a stranger to buy his tools, and began work. He was not long to see the good qualities of the Helderberg blue flag stone and concluded to engage in the stone business; consequently in 1887, in partnership with his employer, he purchased fifteen acres of stone land where his quarry is now located, and later came in possession of the entire quarry, and subsequently purchased the remaining eighty acres on which the quarry is located, and after hard toil and careful supervision has opened up and developed one of the finest and largest quarries in the State, which is second to none in the country. In March, 1894, he married Miss Hannah Smith of Berne, a daughter of Henry J. Smith; she died five months later.

Allanson, James E., is a grandson of Peter Allanson, Sr., a carpenter and a native of Leeds, England, who settled in Albany and died here. Peter Allanson, Jr., father of James E., was born in Albany, in 1811, was also a carpenter and builder and died here in 1880. He married Jane Easterly. James E., born in Albany, October 23, 1846, was educated in School No. 8, learned the trade of carpenter and was associated with his father until the latter's death. In 1880 he engaged in the insurance business and was secretary of the New York State Relief Association during its existence. In December, 1888, he organized the Permanent Savings and Loan Association and has since been the secretary and manager. This association represents $125,000 assets, has paid off about $80,000 matured stock and has experienced a steady growth. Its stock matures in about seven years. Mr. Allanson is a member of Mount Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M., of which he is past master. Temple Chapter No. 5, R. A. M., of which he is past high priest, De Witt Clinton Council No. 23, R. & S. M., of which he has been recorder since 1872 and is the present incumbent, Temple Coramandery No 2, K. T., past commander, Cyprus Temple N. O. M. S., past chief rabbin, and the Acacia Club, and was one of the incorporators and first secretary of the Masonic Hall Association. He was supervisor of the Fifth ward in 1874. In 1879 he married Susan J. Hewson, who died in March, 1881, leaving one son, James E. , Jr. He married second, in October, 1884, Mary C. Hitchcock, who died in 1886, leaving a daughter, Harriet A.

Allen, Gen. D. Frank, is the son of William and Catharine (Wadleigh) Allen, and was born in Boston, Mass., December 25, 1843. He is a descendant of English ancestors who took part in the founding of the government of the United States. He lived and worked on a farm until 1860, when he moved to New York and obtained employment in the house of Elias Howe, the first manufacturer of the sewing machine, where he was second operator at the time of the breaking out of the war. General Allen enlisted in New York city and on April 27. 1861, was mustered for two years as a private in Co. G, 10th Regt. National Zouaves. He served his time and was discharged May 6, 1863, disabled by a broken down constitution. He was in the engagement at Big Bethel and took part in the defence of Fortress Monroe, during the battle of the Merrimac and Monitor. He was on the expedition from Fortress Monroe to Norfolk, Va. , took an active part in the famous Seven Days' battle in Porter's Corps to the final battle at Malvern Hill, and fought at the battles of Gaines Mill, White Oak Swamp, Second Bull Run, Antietam and Fredericksburg. In 1863 he removed to Albany and entered the pharmacy of Dr. Aaron Griffin and subsequently acquired the possession of it. He remained there twelve years, when having sold out, he went into the employ of Judson, Parsons & Haskell, dealers in spices, and was with them five years, when the company went out of existence, suc- ceeded by Stephen H. Parsons. After two years spent in the packing department of Maurice E. Viele's hardware store, Mr. Allen went back to the employ of Stephen H. Parsons, with whom he remained until May, 1895, when he was appointed assistant adjutant-general of the department of G. A. R., and in May, 1895, he was appointed acting assistant quartermaster-general of the department of N. Y. G. A. R. During Albert C. Judson's incumbency of the office of county clerk, Mr. Allen was a clerk in his office. He has been a member of Lew Benedict Post, No. 5, G. A. R., since 1884 and has passed all the chairs, being now past commander. He is a member and past grand of Mt. Hermon Lodge No. 38, 1. O. O. F. In 1864 he married Mary E. Reynolds and they have nine children.

Amsdell, Theodore M., was born in Troy, N. Y., November 20, 1828. His ancestors were Holland-Dutch and went from Holland to England at the time of Charles II. Early in 1821 William Amsdell, the father of the subject of this sketch, came to America and in 1845 established the Amsdell Brewery in Albany, N. Y. Theodore M., received his education in the Albany public schools and in 1844 engaged in his father's business and soon after became the master thereof. In 1851 he purchased his father's plant and five years later removed to Jay street. He formed a partnership with his brother, George I., and the firm of Amsdell Brothers was widely and favorably known. This firm continued until October, 1893, when Theodore sold his interest to his brother and purchased with his son-in law, George C. Hawley, the Dobler Brewery, situated on Swan and Elm streets and Myrtle avenue. The name The Dobler Brewing Co., adopted in 1805, is still retained. In 1855 Mr, Amsdell married Helen E. Zeh, and they have one daughter, the wife of George C. Hawley. In 1878 Mr. Amsdell was elected a member of the Brewers' Association of New York State.

Amyot, Bruno E., D. D. S., is a leading member of the dental profession in Cohoes, and is a son of Bruno Arayot, who has been a resident of this place for nearly half a century. He came from Vercherer, Province of Quebec. Doctor Amyot was born in 1869 in Cohoes and was educated in the parochial schools. At the age of nineteen he entered the New York College of Dentistry, and after two years graduated, in 1890, beginning practice here at once, where he enjoys a large patronage. He is a member of the Third District Dental Society of New York State. September 30, 1896, he married Miss Rosa de Lima Masson of Cohoes.

Anderson, Charles W., was born April 28, 1866, in Oxford, Ohio. He graduated from the High School of that town, Spencerian Business College of Cleveland and Miami University. He determined upon the legal profession, and to prepare himself read law with Judge Weed of Cleveland. He did not complete his studies, however, but moved east to New York and entered politics. He was for a time on the staff of the New York Age, and was connected with the late Col. Elliot F. Shephard until his death. He was appointed United States Internal Revenue Ganger by Hon. William Windom, which position he held until December, 1893, when he resigned to accept the appointment of private secretary to State Treasurer Colvin, which position he now holds. Mr. Anderson is regarded as one of the most scholarly colored men of the country, and has probably been honored as much as any living man of his race. He responded to the sentiment, "The Citizen and the Nation," at the annual banquet of the Garfield Club of Providence, R. 1., in 1891, and to that of "The Future of the Republican Party," in 1892. He also responded to a toast at the annual banquet of the St. Patrick's Club at Hotel Brunswick, New York, March 17, 1892; he was one of the speakers at the banquet given by the government of Venezuela, through her commissionar, Hon. Napoleon Domiuici, at Delmonico's, to the American advocates of the Monroe Doctrine in the same year. Mr. Anderson responded to the toast of "The Emancipation Proclamation," at the Lincoln banquet of the Marquette Club of Chicago, at the Grand Pacific Hotel, February 12, 1895. He has delivered many lectures, among them being "The Delights and Defects of Conversation," "The Life, Times and Teachings of Rousseau," "Abraham Lincoln," "The Abolitionists," "Frederick Douglass," "The Philosophy of Prejudice," "The Amateur Thinker," and "The Brotherhood of Man." He has made many occasional addresses and is regarded as one of the readiest and most polished speakers of his age in the State. He was appointed a commissioner to the Tennessee Centennial by Governor Morton, and was selected by the Republican State Committee to accompany Hon. William McKinley on his speaking tour through New York State during Hon. Levi P. Morton's canvass for governor. Mr. Anderson makes many friends wherever he goes, as is evidenced by the fact that he was tendered a complimentary luncheon by members of the Union League Club of Chicago, October 17, 1896.

Andrae, M., treasurer and manager of the American Soap and Washoline Company, was born in 1846 in Germany and came to this country in 1856, and took up his residence in Cohoes and after a short time went to Canada. He returned to Cohoes in 1860, and in 1861 enlisted in Co. D, 88th N. Y. Vols. Throughout McClellan's campaign he braved the hardships and privations of a soldier's life, and then served aboard the United Stales Ironclad Roanoke. After leaving the gunboat he was honorably discharged in April, 1864. The next September he enlisted in Co. A, 175th N. Y. Vols., serving until the close of the war. Returning here he engaged in the meat market business until 1888, then entered the American Soap and Washoline Company at its reorganization. This important industry increased under his able management. They employ many men, and 100,000 pounds of soap can be produced weekly, which finds a ready sale from Maine to Oregon among manufacturers. A member of the Cohoes Lodge, F. & A. M., since 1869; member of N. G. Post Lyon, No. 43, G. A. R., director of the Fairview Home for Friendless Children, Watervliet, N. Y., since its organization; director of the Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society since its organization; vestryman of St. John's Episcopal church for nine years, and warden for seventeen years; a member of Diocesan Convention of Albany for twenty-six years.

Andrae, Paul H., came to America, when fifteen years of age, from Bruiting, Germany, where he was born in 1856. He was a son of Paul Andrae, a hotel keeper of that place. Mr. Andrae came to Cohoes in 1871, and engaged in the meat market of his brother for eight years. In 1879 he opened a meat and vegetable market at 23 White street. In 1881, having erected a new building, including a residence and a commodious market at 26 White street, he removed his business to his new building, where he has at present one of the finest meat and vegetable markets in the city. In his dealing with his fellowmen he is a most honorable and upright man. He was president for one year of the Business Men's Association.

Andrews, Arthur L., son of Dr. George and Julia A. (Hooker) Andrews, was born in Marion, Ia., April 16, 1855, and descends from William Andrews, who in 1635 came from England to New Haven, Conn., where the family lived for generations, and held State and Federal offices. Dr. George Andrews, a physician, removed to Westfield, Mass., in 1857, and died in Wallingford, Conn., November 27, 1895. Arthur L. Andrews attended the private schools at Westfield, was graduated from Westfield High School in 1871, and received the degree of B. A. from Wesley an University in 1875. being one of the honor men in his class, and taking while there a prominent part in all the athletic exercises. On July 7, 1875, he came to Albany and entered the law office of Stedman & Shepard, and was admitted to the bar September 8, 1877. He remained with his preceptors as managing clerk until August 1, 1879, when he formed a copartnership with David A. Thompson, as Thompson & Andrews. On February 16, 1885, this firm became associated with George L. Stedman, under the name of Stedman, Thompson & Andrews, and on January 1, 1889, George W. Stedman was admitted as partner. January 1, 1896, this firm dissolved and since then the style has been Thompson & Andrews. In November, 1895, Mr. Andrews was appointed by Governor Morton as commissioner to devise charters for cities of the second class. He has been attorney for the Board of Supervisors for two years and counsel for the Republican organization for two years, and is a trustee of the Albany Home School for oral instruction of the deaf, a member and deacon of the State Street Presbyterian church, a member of the Fort Orange, Ridgefield Athletic, and Capital City Clubs, president of the McKinley Guards, and a member of the Psi Upsilon Club of New York city. September 4, 1879, he married Alice, daughter of Samuel Anable of Albany, and they have one son, Harold Fourdrinier Andrews, born July 3, 1884.

Andrews, Horace, Jr., was born in New Haven, Conn., March 19, 1852. His ancestry includes several of the most prominent founders of the Connecticut Colony, and the Holland settlers of Kinderhook, N. Y. Mr. Andrews's parents were Horace Andrews and Julia R. Johnson, both of Connecticut. He was educated at private schools in New York city and New Haven, and at the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, where he received his first and second degrees, the latter (of Civil Engineer) in 1872. Since then his occupation has been entirely in the line of his profession. He was engaged on hydrographic work, under the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, in 1872 and for several years afterwards was connected with the same government bureau, first in connection with the survey of the harbor and vicinity of New Haven, Conn., and afterwards on the east coast of Florida, whence he was called m 1878 to accept the position of assistant on the New York State Survey which he filled till the conclusion of the survey in 1884. Several of the technical papers in the reports of this survey were communicated by Mr. Andrews. Sanitary investigations in many parts of the State were next undertaken by him, under the New York State Board of Health, until his appointment by Mayor Thacher, in 1886, as city engineer of Albany, which office has been filled by him since his first appointment up to the present time. Mr. Andrews has been a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers since 1887 and of the Geometer Yerein of Germany since 1881; for several years he has been a member of the Fort Orange Club and he is a member of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal church. In 1881 he married Adeleine Louise Downer, of Hamden, Conn., who died in December 1893. Of his three children, all of whom were born in Albany, the two now living are Theodore and Bertha A.

Angus, Charles H., son of Charles and Mary (Pearl) Angus, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1868. He attended the Albany public and High Schools and learned the carpenter trade with the firm of Gick & Sayles, with whom he remained five years. In 1888 he entered the employ of the Albany Venetian Blind Co. as superintendent and manager, and soon after became a stockholder. In 1889, however, owing to the pressure of personal business, he sold his interest in the latter business and confined his attention to overhauling property at Castleton, N. Y. In October, 1890, Mr. Angus bought from the estate of E. S. Foster, the nickel plating works established in 1884 by George F. Dodge, and located on Pleasant street. In 1894 Mr. Angus moved the plant to Nos. 317 and 319, North Pearl street and changed the name to the Albany Nickel Plating and Manufacturing Works, where he does a general foundry, machine and plating business, and manufacturing hardware specialties. August 26, 1889, he married Phoebe M. Vose of Albany, and they have one daughter, Helen.

Annesley, Richard Lord, son of Lawson and Laura (Jones) Aunesley, was born in Albany, July 16, 1838. His father was born in Bordentown, N. J., May 5, 1795, and in 1802 came to Albany with his father, William Annesley, who in that year engaged in the picture and art business, founding what is now the Albany Art Gallery. In 1820 William was succeeded by his son Lawson, who continued the business until 1860, when his son Isaac became the proprietor. The latter carried on the establishment until his death, in June, 1865, when Richard Lord Annesley, his brother, succeeded him, and has since remained in charge. This is the oldest, the largest and one of the finest art stores in the city. About twenty-five years ago a large manufactory for fine woodwork and furniture was added. Richard Lord Annesley was educated at the Albany Academy, in Prof. C. H. Anthony's school and at the Troy Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He began active life on the Erie Canal enlargement. In 1862, with Major (then captain) John L. Newman, he recruited and organized Co. I, which joined the 43d N. Y. Inf. at Hagerstown, Md., with four other companies from Albany. Mr. Annesley was elected first lieutenant, was promoted captain and served until the close of the war, being brevetted major April 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service at the assault on Petersburg. Returning from the army he succeeded his brother Isaac in business and has since carried on the trade established by his grandfather ninety-five years ago. He is a member of Post No. 63, G. A. R., the Loyal Legion of the United States, the Society of the Army of the Potomac and the Fort Orange Club. In January, 1886, he married Miss Harriet, daughter of John Ward of Albany.

Ansbro, Thomas, son of Peter and Mary (McEvily) Ansbro, was born in Albany, December 18, 1854. His parents were natives of Mayo, province of Connaught, Ireland. Thomas Ansbro was educated at the Christian Brothers' Academy and in 1868 obtained a clerkship in Patrick Cuddy's grocery store, where he remained twelve years; he then went to New York city and was for a time in the employ of Philip Steiner, tea merchant. He came to Albany in 1881 and opened a restaurant on Broadway, which he conducted for seven years. In 1888 he was appointed, by Superintendent McEwan, as keeper in the Albany County Penitentiary, which he resigned after five years, to accept the position of superintendent of the brush factory of the penitentiary, to which position he was appointed by Mr. Bronk, the contractor. In 1893 he was appointed inspector of markets by Mayor Manning and held the position until the expiration of Mayor Manning's term of office. In 1895 he was appointed appraiser of customs by Hon. John P. Masterson and still occupies that position. Mr. Ansbro represented the Fourth ward in the Common Council for six years. He is a member of the Catholic Union, and in 1891 married Delia, daughter of Michael Coughlin of Albany. They have one son, Anthony Brady.

Antemann, Herman W., son of Gottlieb and Augusta (Scherff) Antemann, was born in Saxony, Germany, April 21, 1847. He came to America with his parents when he was five years old and settled in Albany, N. Y., where he was educated in a private German school and the public schools. He obtained his first employment with Thomas R. Van Loon at No. 480 Broadway, where he learned the jewelry business. In 1870 Mr. Antemann and Mr. Van Loon formed a partnership. Six months later Mr. Van Loon sold out to Mr. Antemann and for the past twenty-four years Mr. Antemann has been in business at his present location, No. 14 James street, where he now does a large business as a manufacturing jeweler. He is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer and a member and director of the Albany Musical Association. February 10, 1870, he married Elizabeth Huber of Albany, by whom he has four children, Elizabeth, Kathryn, Millie and Augusta Elsie.

Appleton, Joseph L., M. D. S., son of George and Elizabeth (Garton) Appleton, was born in York, Ontario, Canada, October 24, 1858. His father, a native of Yorkshire, England, came to America in 1836 and died December 25, 1882. His mother, who was born in Canada, died in March of the same year. Dr. Appleton received a public school education, came to Albany in 1879, studied dentistry with Dr. E. C. Edmunds, attended the New York Dental College, and afterward received the degree of M. D. S. from the State Board of Dental Censors in May, 1886. He remained with Dr. Edmunds until the latter's death in November, 1887, when he succeeded to his practice. He is a member and ex-president of the Third District Dental Society, has been a delegate to the New York State Dental Society since 1888 and in 1895 was a delegate to the American Dental Association. He is a member of Temple Lodge, Capital City Chapter, De Witt Clinton Council and Temple Commandery of Masons, an officer of Grace M. E. church and superintendent of its Sunday school since 1894. In 1887 he married Margaret E., daughter of John Q. Graham of Albany, and they have two sons: Joseph L., Jr., and Andrew Graham.

Archibold, John, M. D., of Archibold Bros.' elegant drug store, and successful general practitioner of Cohoes, is a native of Bonfield, Scotland, born in 1861. He was brought by his parents to America when three years of age, and began his education at Cohoes, graduating from the Albany Medical College in 1888. He began practice at Troy and afterward removed to Green Island, where he served as health officer for one year. He has practiced here since 1892, and for the last three years has been city health officer. William Archibold established the drug business upon his arrival in Cohoes in 1864. He stood in the front rank of his profession until his death in 1889, and the business has taken no step backward under the able management of his two sons. Dr. Archibold enjoys a wide popularity, outside of his professional radius, and as a man inherits the sterling qualities of his race. He is lieutenant of the crack local company National Guards S. N. Y.

Armatage, Hon. Charles H., son of Jared H., born in Saratoga county in 1833, and Rachel Martin, his wife, of New Braintree, Mass., both living in Albany, was born in Albany January 30, 1849, and descends from New England ancestry dating back 200 years. His grandfather and great-grandfather were residents of Dartmouth, Mass. He was educated at the Albany Boys' Academy, and for several years was assistant superintendent of the Buffalo division of the West Shore line, but resigned this position to take charge of his father's grocery business and soon became an active factor in politics. In 1892 he was elected alderman at large and in 1892-93, was president of the Common Council. August 21, 1894, he was was appointed by Mayor Wilson superintendent of the almshouse and overseer of the poor, which positions he has since held. He is a prominent Mason, being a member of Temple Lodge, De Witt Clinton Council. Temple Chapter, Temple Commandery (of which he is past eminent commander), and the Scottish Rite bodies, thirty-third degree, receiving the latter at Boston, September 18, 1894; a trustee of the Scottish Rites, illustrious potentate of Cyprus Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, first lieutenant commander of Albany Sovereign Consistory, sovereign grand inspector-general of the thirty-third and last degree, and a trustee of the Masonic Hall Association. September 12, 1893, he was elected eminent grand warden of the Grand Commandery, K. T , of the State of New York. While eminent commander of Temple Commandery No. 2 he inaugurated the annual pilgrimage on Christmas day to the Albany Orphan Asylum, which has been observed every year since. In 1891 he also inaugurated the trip of Temple Commandery to Europe, and there he was made a member of Quator Coranota Lodge of London. He is also a member of the Craftsman Club of New York city, vice-president of the Albany Bicycle Club, a manager of the Acacia Club of Albany, member of the Empire Curling Association, president of the local branch of the Mercantile Co-operative Bank, a founder of the Albany Mutual Boat Club in 1868 and in 1870 won several trophies for rowing on the Hudson. He is also president of the New Democracy. In 1870 he married Susan Denison of Albany, whose grandfather donated the site on which stands the Leland Opera House. Their children are Carrie G. and Elmer E.

Armstrong, Rev. J. B., was born at Johnsburg, N. Y., in 1854, and a son of J. W. Armstrong, who was a farmer of Scotch-Irish ancestry. He was twenty years of age when he decided to enter the ministry, and was graduated in 1876 from Fort Edward Institute. He taught several years in the public schools, and then natural science at the Troy Conference Academy, and also taught higher mathematics. In 1883 he took his first charge at Ames, Montgomery county, where he remained for three years. Thence he proceeded to East Greenbush, then to Johnsonville and to West Troy in 1891, where he is pastor of the Third Avenue M. E. church. He is a man of rare attainments, of liberal views, and is an eloquent speaker. During his sojourn here he has labored faithfully and effectually for the upbuilding of the church of God. Among the fruits of his pastorate may be noticed a vigorous growth in all departments of the church work, largely increased membership and a new and modernized temple of worship.

Arnold, Major Isaac, Jr. (Ordnance Department), was born in Connecticut and graduated from the Military Academy, June 17, 1862. He was promoted second lieutenant of the Second Artillery the same date and was assigned to Battery F. He joined Battery K, Fourth Artillery, at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, and served with the same in the Third Corps, Army of the Potomac, until after the battle of Chancellorsville, and was present at the following engagements: Second Malvern Hill, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, and was wounded at the latter place. He was transferred to the Ordnance Corps, April 27, 1863; he served at Washington Arsenal, District of Columbia, until about January 1, 1864, when he was transferred to St. Louis Arsenal, Missouri. From that point he was detached in the spring of 1864 and sent to Springfield, Ill., to arm the one-hundred-day men. After three or four months he was relieved from that duty and ordered to Hilton Head, South Carolina, where he served as chief ordnance officer of the Department of the South until the close of the war. Lieutenant Arnold served a short time as assistant at Allegheny Arsenal, Pennsylvania, and was then assigned to the command of the San Antonio Arsenal, Texas, and chief ordnance officer of the Department of Texas; was promoted captain of ordnance March 7, 1867. From Texas he was ordered to Springfield Armory, Massachusetts, as an assistant, and moved from there to Allegheny Arsenal, Pennsylvania. He then took six months' leaveof absence, on expiration of which he was ordered to Benicia Arsenal, California; he was ordered to Indianapolis Arsenal in 1878 where he remained over eight years (whilst in command of the Indianapolis he was complimented in orders by Major-General Hancock, commanding Department of the Atlantic, for services rendered in the suppression of civil disturbances following the strike of railroad employees in 1877. He was promoted major of ordnance, May 29, 1879, and was then sent to command San Antonio Arsenal, Texas, and was chief ordnance officer, Department of Texas per S. O. 236 and 261, respectively, H. Q. A. 1883, remaining there four years; he was then sent to Fort Monroe Arsenal, Virginia, per S. O. 223, H. Q. A. 1887, where he was stationed for two years, and then assumed command of Columbia Arsenal, December 1, 1889, per S. O. 272, H. Q. A. 1889, and superintended the completion of the buildings constructed at that post; member of board for the purpose of considering and reporting upon the subject of field and siege carriages, &c., per S. O. 108 of May 7, 1892; was relieved from command December 14, 1892, and assumed command of the Watervliet Arsenal, New York, December 19, 1892, per S. O. 290 of December 12, 1892, where he is at present. Now president of board for testing rifled cannon, per S. O. 119 of May 26, 1893.

Aspinwall, William F., whose charming home near Loudonville, surrounded by grounds evincing the care and skill of a landscape gardener, cannot fail to attract the admiration of travelers along the Loudonville road, is the son of the late Lewis E. Aspinwall, who came to Watervliet in 1848. He was a brass founder by trade and noted for inventive genius and skill; but ill health led him to retire to the country. He died here in 1888, aged seventy years. W. F. Aspinwall was born at Hastings on the Hudson in 1843. He was about years old when his family moved to Watervliet; since then he has resided here, chiefly engaged in gardening. Mr. Aspinwall is a musician, chiefly as an amateur violinist, and it is his own tasteful labors which have beautified the surroundings of his home. A daughter. Miss Margaret, evinces much of the same artistic proclivity; and a son, William D. Aspinwall, a recent graduate of Harvard College, is now occupying a position with a Boston publishing house. Mr. Aspinwall is a gentleman of quiet and studious tastes, with no political ambitions. He feels a just pride in the fact that one of his paternal ancestors was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and it is interesting to note that the Aspinwall Potato Planter, known the world over, was invented by his elder brother, L. Augustus Aspinwall.

Atkins, John R., is one of the most energetic and progressive business men of West Troy, and since 1885 has been engaged as plumber, gas and steam pipe fitter, and is agent for the Boynton steam and hot water heaters. After one year in Rochester at his trade, he spent seven years in Philadelphia as an employee in the plumbing business. Mr. Atkins was born at Sing Sing in 1854, and is a son of William Atkins, a grocer. When twelve years of age he removed to Rochester, where he was educated. In 1878 he came as a plumber to Troy, making his home at West Troy.

Austin, Arthur C., born in San Francisco, Cal., in November, 1859, received his early education in the California Military Academy at Oakland, Cal,, and in 1879, just before his majority, came East, contra to Greeley's famous advice, to seek his fortune, simply because he could not go farther west. His first effort in this direction on his own behalf was in the photograph business in Nashua, N, H., where he remained with moderate success for five or six years. About this time photo process engraving began to meet with public approbation, and Mr. Austin determined to dispose of his portrait gallery and devote himself to the process of engraving, believing that the field was larger and more fruitful. He obtained employment in Philadelphia, and by close attention soon fitted himself to accept a more responsible situation in Boston. Here he remained for some time, until he took charge of the Hyde Park Company, Hyde Park, Mass. In 1893 Mr. Austin removed to Albany and organized an engraving company. This was successful from the start, but because of uncongenial surroundings and lack of opportunity for development, Mr. Austin withdrew in 1895, and together with Jarnes Ten Eyck, Howard Martin, C. S. Pease and others, organized the A. C. Austin Engraving Company, a successful corporation from its inception, with a bright future, employing a goodly force of skilled labor, and altogether a credit to Albany. Mr. Austin is a member of Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M., Capital City Chapter No. 342, R. A. M., De Witt Clinton Council No. 33, R. & S. M., Temple Commandery No 3, K. T., Cyprus Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Capital City Lodge, I. O. O. F., and the Albany Camera Club.

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