US GenWeb


This page was last updated 6 Apr 2016

of the
Patriot-Martyrs of the City and County of Albany,
sacrificed their lives during the late
war in defence of our nation,

Soldiers that have no rank associted with their name were called "Private Soldiers" by the author of the aformentioned book. These biographies were transcribed by Debby Masterson. Every attempt has been made to correctly reproduce the original content. If you see something that looks odd or out of place, kindly email me at the above address and I will check it against the book. Thanks!

Angus, Walter Henry, Sergt. Bailey, John E., Corpl. Barckley, Michael Henry, Lieut. Barker, Augustus I., Capt.
Bell, Matthew, Lieut. Bell, Robert H., Capt. Bell, William Henry, Sergt. Benedict, Lewis, Bvt. Brig. Gen.
Bogart, James Henry, Maj. Briggs, William M. Brower, Charles Moore Brower, Henry D., Lieut.
Bryan, Michael K., Col. Burhans, David, Capt. Cadwell, Robert A. Cady, William C., Sergt.
Cameron, Robert H., Corpl. Carhart, Abram H. Carroll, Edward B., Capt. Carroll, Howard, Col.
Caverly, John C. Chandler, Samuel W. Clark, William Paige, Lieut. Conley, John H.
Corliss, Roswell B. Crounse, John Q. A. Crounse, William, Sergt. Darling, Robert B., Corpl.
Dawson, George S., Maj. Dempsey, James L., Lieut. Dempsey, John M., Lieut. Douw, John DePeyster, Capt.
Dudley, Orange Dunham, Josiah Evans, Charles Swaine, Lieut. Everett, Robert Bartlett, Capt.
Fee, John A., Capt. Fellows, Addison J. Fredenrich, Charles H., Sergt. Frisby, Edward, Col.
Gates, George T., Corpl. Gerling, James S., Sergt. Gladding, Joseph Goewey, John T. B., Lieut.
Goldwait, Thomas Goold, James E. Hammill, Hugh Harvey, Levi I.
Havens, William Hawell, Arthur Hayes, Azor T. Heald, Charles Wesley, Lieut.
Heermance, Charles Sedam Higham, Edward Augustus Hill, Edward Bayard, Lieut. Hill, Luther Ackley, Lieut.
Hoffman, Alanson F. Holmes, Edmund Holmes, Erastus Hamilton, Corpl. Hotaling, Andrew T., Sergt.
Huntley, Justin R. Jackson, William A., Col. Jaques, Irving P., Sergt. Maj. Kelly, Samuel W.
Kennedy, James, Capt. Kilbourn, George W. King, Robert Henry Latham, Charles G., Corpl.
Lewis, Alonzo E., Corpl. Lockley, John A. Lodge, Douglass, Capt. Loomis, Samuel G.
Ludden, Alonzo Grove, Corpl. Madden, Fergus Maher, Patrick, Lieut. Mattoon, Whitman V. R.
McConnell, Henry, Lieut. McCulloch, David McCulloch, Stephen McDonald, Miles, Maj.
McGuire, John, Capt. McMahon, James P., Col. Merriman, Harmon N., Capt. Miller, Addison B.
Mitchel, Ormsby Macknight Maj. Gen. Moon, William H., Corpl. Morgan, James H., Lieut. Morris, John Arthur, Capt.
Morris, Lewis Owen, Col. Murry, William, Corpl. Noxon, Robert G., Lieut. Orr, William Emet, Lieut.
Parks, Stephen Putnam Pearse, Sebastian Pease, Minot Henry Percy, Gustavus A., Sergt.
Perkins, John G. Phillips, John Peter, Lieut. Pitts, Joel B. Pohlman, William H., Lieut.
Pratt, George W., Col. Pruyn, Charles Elisha, Maj. Quay, Lewis W., Corpl. Quay, Paul, Sergt.
Read, John B., Lieut. Rice, Alexander Davidson, Sergt. Rice, James C., Brig. Gen. Roach, Isaac J., Corpl.
Rogers, Theodore C., Capt. Russell, John H., Adjt. Sanders, George, Sergt. Sayre, Henry
Schermerhorn, George W. Scrafford, James A. Shepard, Sylvester Barrett, Lieut. Sitterly, Martin, Corpl.
Slawson, Alexander S. Smith, Albert C., Corpl. Snell, William Southwick, James McAlister, Lieut.
Springer, Aaron P. Springsteed, Edward A., Maj. Stackhouse, George Washington, Maj. Stafford, Michael B., Lieut. Col.
Stalker, Peter M., Orderly Sergt. Stevens, George Strong, Richard Marvin, Adjt. Sullivan, John, Capt.
Temple, William James, Capt. Tremain, Frederick Lyman, Lieut. Col. Van Allen, Charles Van Allen, Jacob
Van Bueren, John Van Denburg, Gerrit H. Van Denburg, Philip, Corpl. Van Gaasbeek, William A.
Van Hagen, Jesse D. Van Rensselaer, Henry, Col. Van Santvoord, Eugene, Capt. Van Wie, George
Vanderhoof, Joseph Cowan, Sergt. Visscher, Harmon Visscher, James D., Col. Wagner, Michael
Wallace, William, Maj. White, Stephen Ross Whyte, William J. Williamson, James, Lieut.
Wilson, James Wilson, Joel Wilson, John, Col. Wolcott, George B.
Wright, Nathaniel, Capt. Yearsley, Charles L., Lieut. Young, James, Corpl.

of the
Medical Society of the County of Albany,

by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

These biographies were transcribed by Debby Masterson. Every attempt has been made to correctly reproduce the original content. If you see something that looks odd or out of place, kindly email me at the above address and I will check it against the book. Thanks!

Adams, Archibald Hamilton Adams, Frederick C. Anderson, William Bay, William
Beck, Lewis C. Beck, Theodric Romeyist Breakey, Isaiah Brown, James M.
Burbank, Asa Clement, Moses Cooper, Charles Dekay Crosby, Obadiah
De La Mater, Peter Dickson, Samuel Dorr, Palmer C. Eights, Jonathan
Fonda, Alexander Glen Ford, Edward Willard Freligh, Michael Gannon, Patrick
Gansevoort, Rensselaer Gansevoort, Ten Eyck Gauff, Caleb Gibbons, Thomas James
Greene, Henry Gregory, Lewis B. Griffin, Christopher Columbus Hallenbake, Jesse
Hallenbeck, Henry Barnard Hammond, Ammond Harris, Augustus Hegeman, Joseph W.
Hempstead, Isaac Hinkley, John Warren Houghtailing, David W. D. Humphrey, Carrol
Humphrey, William Humphries, Samuel Hungerford, Nelson L. Hyde, Isaac
James, Edwin James, John and Daniel Jenks, Otis Johnson, Jonathan
Knauff, John G. Lathrop, Oliver Lay, Josiah W. Lay, Zina W.
Leonard, Edward Augustus Lincoln, Solomon Low, James Malone, Michael
Mancius, Wilhelmus Martin, David McClelland, William McHarg, Henry Barnard
McKown, Abraham H. McLachlan, David Neely, Thomas Harmon Reinhart, Jacob
Rockwell, Alva W. Sabalis, Bernherd Selkirk, Francis N. Smith, Jesse
Spalding, Guy Spencer, Henry T. Stearns, John Taber, Paul Todd
Taylor, Augustus Fitz Randolph Townsend, Charles D., Dr. Treat, Samuel Stringer Trotter, John H.
Tully, William Van Alstyne, John, Dr. Van Antwerp, Henry Van Buren, John
Van Deusen, Jacob Lansing Van Olinda, Henry Veeder, Simon Viets, Roger
Vrooman, Cornelius Wade, James Webster, Ashbel Wendell, Peter
Willard, Elias Williams, Erastus Williams, Platt Wing, Joel A.
Winne, Nanning Visscher Woodruff, Hunloke Yates, Christopher C.

edited by
Amasa J. Parker
of Albany, N. Y.,

Syracuse, N. Y.;
D. Mason & Co. Publishers,

These biographies were transcribed by Debby Masterson. Every attempt has been made to correctly reproduce the original content. If you see something that looks odd or out of place, kindly email me at the above address and I will check it against the book. Thanks!

Amsdell, George I. Banks, A. Bleecker Barnes, Thurlow Weed Barnes, William, Jr.
Beattie, William Bendell, Herman, M. D. Best, George N. Bigelow, John M., M. D., Ph. D.
Blair, Louis E., M. D. Blunn, James Borthwick, James M. Brady, Anthony N.
Brass, Richard W. Briggs, John N. Bronk, Barent T. E. Brooks, Jonas H.
Brown, Frank Brown, W. Howard Buchanan, Charles J. Burch, John G.
Burke, Thomas, Rt. Rev. Burlingame, Eugene Byington, William Wilberforce Cantine, Edward B.
Carpenter, Charles Whitney Chester, Alden Clute, Jacob H. Colvin, Verplanck
Covert, James C. Cox, James W., M. D. Curreen, George H. Delahanty, John A.
Dickson, Walter Doane, William Crosswell, Rt. Rev. Easton, Frederick Farnsworth, John G., Gen.
Farrell, John H. Fiero, James Newton Fisk, Frank H., M. D. Fitzgerald, David C.
Fuller, Howard N. Griffin, William, Rev. Griffith, William Herrick Hale, Matthew
Hancock, Theodore E. Hand, Samuel Harris, Hamilton Hastings, Hugh
Haswel, George S., M. D. Herrick, D. Cady Hevenor, Winfield S. Hornby, Ralph
House, George A. Howell, George Rogers Jermain, James Barclay Jones, Charles Edmund, A. M., M. D.
King, Rufus H. Kinnear, Peter Lansing, Abraham Lansing, J. Townsend
Learned, William L., LL. D. Lewi, Joseph, M. D. Lewis, T. Howard Lintner, Joseph Albert
Little, Charles W. Lueke, Henry Manning, Daniel Marsh, Benjamin
Marvin, Selden E., Gen. Marvin, Selden E., Jr., Col. Maynard, Isaac H. McAlpin, Edwin A., Gen.
McCormic, Robert H., Jr. McCreary, Edward McKee, James B. McKown, James A.
Meegan, Edward J. Merrill, Frederick J. H. Morton, Levi P. Munson, Samuel L.
Myers, Herman Myers, Max Nead, William M., M. D. Newman Family
Oliver, Robert Shaw, Gen. Palmer, Edward De L. Palmer, John Parker, Amasa J.
Parker, Amasa J., Jr. Pasquini, Attilio Peck, Charles A., A. M. Peckham, Rufus W.
Perry, Isaac G. Plympton, Lucy Ann Porter, Charles H., M. D. Pruyn, John V. L., LL. D.
Rathbone, John F. Root, Josiah G. Rosendale, Simon W. Sanford, John C.
Sisson, Noel E. Slavin, Thomas Slingerland, John I. Spalding, Nathaniel B.
Stedman, George L. Stern, Louis Stevens, Albert P. Story, George
Stowell, Charles F. Sweet, Elias W. Sweet, Elnathan Thacher, George Hornell
Thacher, John Boyd Tillinghast, Joseph W. Townsend, Frederick, Gen. Townsend, Theodore
Tracey, Charles Tucker, Luther Tucker, Luther H. Van Allen, Garret A.
Van Alstyne, Thomas J. Van Alstyne, William C. Van Antwerp, John H. Van Loon, Arthur B., M. D.
Van Rensselaer, Howard, M. D. Van Wormer, John R. Vander Veer, Albert, M. D. Vosburgh, Isaac W.
Wallace, William J. Ward, Samuel Baldwin, M. D. Wilson, James H. Woodruff, Timothy L.
Woods, Francis H. Wooster, Benjamin W. Zeh, M. J., M. D.
* * *

Family Sketches

These family sketches were transcribed by Debby Masterson. Every attempt has been made to correctly reproduce the original content. If you see something that looks odd or out of place, kindly email me at the above address and I will check it against the book. Thanks!

Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 3 Mar 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016
Updated 6 Apr 2016

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Debby Masterson

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