US GenWeb

This biography is from Landmarks of Albany County, New York, edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y.; D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1897.

Frank H. Fisk, M. D.

Frank H. Fisk, M. D., son of Daniel, was born in Salisbury, Conn., August 6, 1854, and when young removed with his parents to Bridgeport, in the same State. He descends from an old Massachusetts family, and on his mother's side is descended from the Chambers of Greenfield, Mass. He attended and was graduated from the public schools of Bridgeport, and then entered and was also graduated from Barnum's Academy, a celebrated institution for higher learning in that city. Later he was a student for a time in the academy at Wilbraham, Mass. Deciding upon medicine as a profession he went, while yet a youth, to Springfield, Mass., and entered the office of a leading practitioner. He subsequently studied with physicians in New Haven, Boston, and Albany, and was graduated from the Albany Medical College with the degree of M. D. in 1881, since which time he has been in active practice in this city. As a surgeon he has won a reputation, and has performed many diflicult and dangerous operations. Dr. Fisk is a member of the Albany County Medical Society and of the several Masonic and Odd Fellow fraternal organizations of Albany.

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Debby Masterson

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