Hon. A. Bleecker Banks was born in New York city, March 7, 1837. He comes from old Revolutionary stock and is a son of David Banks, who founded a law book publishing house in New York city in 1804 and a branch at Albany soon after, of which branch Mr. A. B. Banks has been the manager since 1858. Mr. Banks was educated at the public and private schools and Columbia College, New York city. He was a member of assembly from Albany county in 1863, State senator, 1868-71, and mayor of Albany city, 1876 to 1878 and also 1884 and 1885. He was instrumental during his first term as senator in securing the first appropriation for the new State Capitol, establishing Washington Park and legislating a new charter for his city. When mayor he inaugurated the granite block pavement and improved sewerage systems, which has made Albany one of the best paved and drained cities of the State. It was through his plans and management that the Bi-Centennial of Albany city was carried on to its final success. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago in 1884, and aided in nominating Grover Cleveland for president; he was also a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of 1894. He is an active member of the firm of Banks & Brothers, law book publishers, Albany and New York.