The subject of this brief sketch was the son of Samuel Chandler, a well known and respected citizen of Albany.
At the formation of the Forty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers, known as the Ellsworth Regiment, Mr. Chandler enlisted, and at once secured a high reputation as a soldier. He participated with his regiment in several hard fought battles in Virginia. At the battle of Hanover Court House he was killed under the following circumstances. The Sergeant, while holding the flag, had been shot through the head, and instantly killed. The flag was then seized by a man named Young, also of this city. No sooner had he raised it than he was shot, the ball severing his jugular vein, when he fell. Young Chandler, who had been wounded in the leg and arm, and with his wounds bleeding crept to the staff, and with great effort raised it the third time. In a moment, he was shot in the breast, and also fell. After lingering a few days in intense agony, death came to his relief. His last words were: "I regret that I have only one life to give to my country."
It is impossible to conceive of an act of nobler daring than that of young Chandler. His two comrades lay dead at his feet. He was himself badly wounded. The balls were whistling thick and fast over his head. Knowing this, it was almost certain death to attempt to raise the flag, yet he did not hesitate a moment, but gave up his life in its defence. He died nobly, and for his heroic act deserves the applause of the nation. From the Colonel to the lowest private in the ranks, his memory will be loved and honored as long as they live.
He leaves a widow and two children, who, while they mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father, yet have the consolation of knowing that he died a true patriot, a brave soldier, and added another martyr to the cause of human liberty.