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This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

Charles Moore Brower

Charles Moore Brower was the eldest son of S. Douglas Brower, by a second marriage, and was born in Albany on the 28th of November, 1846. His mother's maiden name was Mary Berry Moore. He was naturally a boy of a delicate constitution, with a mind thoughtful, and very discriminating. He had a nervous temperament, so much so that in his early school days the effect of study made such inroads on his health, that he was obliged to cease for a time going to school.

When about fifteen years of age, he entered upon a course of study preparatory to entering college, at Olivet, Michigan; his uncle, Rev. John M. Barrows, being a professor in the college. Here he soon developed talents of a high order, and which gave great promise of future success. But his health failing, he was obliged, after two years of study, to relinquish his purpose to go through college.

While prosecuting his studies, he was brought to an experimental knowledge of a Saviour's love, and was induced to take a stand for Christ.

He had been religiously educated, and had been scrupulously moral in the past, but now the grace of God added new charms to his character.

When the war broke out, he was filled with enthusiasm for the government and the country, but he was too young then to enlist in the army. But when he became older he began to think that he ought to enlist, even after his brother Henry had been killed; that fact in no way diminished his ardor, and he wrote to his father thus: "Will you let me enlist? I will go and take Henry's place. The country needs more men. If Walter is drafted, let me know and I will go in his place. Do let me go. I never shall be satisfied unless I do go."

He wrote to his brother-in-law, Major T. M. Newson, in regard to his enlisting, who discouraged him, knowing how frail he was, and fearing he would not be able to endure the hardships of war. His father and mother declined giving their consent, for the same reason.

When the Major made his head-quarters at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, being State Commissary of subsistence, he invited Charlie to his office, that he might there serve his country without being exposed with his delicate constitution to the toils and dangers of the battle field. He accepted the appointment, July 1, 1865. Fort Snelling being a rendezvous for troops, the returning regiments that came there to be mustered out, brought with them typhoid fever. A great part of the garrison were prostrated by the disease. It seized upon Charlie, and for nearly ten weeks he required greater care than an infant. Slowly he began to recover, but the fever left him with a swollen limb, reducing which, induced congestion of the lungs.

In a letter, written home, under date of 28th October, 1865, the Major says: "Charlie is dead! Yes, he is dead! And yet not dead. I feel that he is with us still; that he comes in spirit and cheers the hearts of those now lonely. Charlie was apprised of his approaching death, two days and two nights before it occurred, and he was calm and resigned. In the presence of death he sweetly said, 'God, I trust in Thee.' With a heroism never witnessed by me before, he exhibited no fear, but patiently awaited the coming of the great change. He knew he could not live. He knew he must pass into the mysteries of the future. He knew this for hours, with his mind perfectly clear, and yet how heroically and grandly he gave up all, trusting in the Saviour of all.

"His exemplary character, his Christian consistency, his fortitude, his trust, his patience during his sufferings, are mementoes and monuments of a life, simple, beautiful, sublime. He died October 25, 1865."

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Debby Masterson

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