US GenWeb

This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

Capt. Robert H. Bell

Robert H. Bell was born in England, Lancashire, of English descent. He came to this country when about nineteen years old, and was a resident of Philadelphia for a number of years. He then married and came to this city. He was a wood-carver by profession, and was connected with the Fire Department. For some time previous to the breaking out of the rebellion, he was Foreman of Company No. 8. At the commencement of the rebellion, when the Twenty-fifth Regiment responded to the call for troops, he left his home and friends to join in defending his adopted country. He served at first as a private in the ranks of Company K, of Twenty-fifth Regiment. At the end of three months he returned to his home and friends, and resumed his occupation.

As the war progressed, a call was made for more men, and Albany again nobly responded. Men were commissioned to recruit companies for the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, and among the first to enroll his name and fill his company was Captain R. H. Bell, of Company F. He again went forth to fight for his country. He was a kind and courteous ofiicer, and beloved and respected by his men. He made every effort to sustain the responsible position he held, and was ever at his post when duty called.

The regiment left this city August 19, 1862. Arrived at Fort Reno, and there remained on garrison duty until May 15, 1864. They then received marching orders, and left the fort on Sunday morning, and arrived at Belle Plain. They were engaged in the battle of the Wilderness, and on the afternoon of the 19th Capt. Bell received a very severe wound in the left leg, and was taken from the field.

His leg was amputated, and the same day he was brought to Washington to the Army Square hospital. He lingered until the 20th of June, when his spirit took its flight to the other world. His body was embalmed and brought home, and was received by his former friends and associates. His brother firemen conveyed his remains to the Bleecker street Engine house, where it lay until the 27th of June, when the funeral services took place at two o'clock. His remains were then taken to the Cemetery for interment, followed by a large concourse of friends and citizens, who came to pay their last tribute of friendship and respect to the gallant dead. He left a wife and two children to mourn his loss.

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Debby Masterson

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