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This biography is from ANNALS of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-1851, by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

Josiah W. Lay

Josiah W. Lay was born in the town of Westbrook, Middlesex county, Connecticut, in the year 1791, being about four years younger than his brother, Dr. Zina W. Lay. He began the study of medicine under the direction of his brother, which he subsequently continued with Dr. John Ely, and attended medical lectures in New York in the winter of 1814 and 15. He received his license from the Medical Society of Greene County, in January 1816, and commenced business in Princetown, Schenectady county, in the autumn of 1818, having spent the period intervening between his license and settlement at Princetown, with his brother Zina at Chesterville in this county. In 1820 he removed to the town of Berne, and in June 1825, he took his residence to the town of Westerlo, where he continued to practice until he was disabled by paralysis about three years before his death.

Dr. Lay was a man of quiet, unostentatious habits, and esteemed a good practitioner. He was greatly beloved by the people of Westerlo, among whom he lived for thirty seven years. Dr. Lay was the father of eight children, seven of whom are still living. He died on the 1st of July, 1862, at the age of seventy-one years.

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