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In the name of God, Amen. In the year of or Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the 10th of December , and in the eighth year of their majesties' reign annoq: domini 1709, Gysbert Gerritse van Brakel, of the village of Schonhechtade, in the county of Albany, in the province of New York, husbandman, considering the frailty of life, the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, is inclined to dispose of his temporal effects, which God far above his deserts has granted him, before he departs out of this world, in form and manner following:
First and foremost I offer up my soul to God my Creator and to Jesus Christ my Savior after I shall have left this world and my body to a Christian burial, hereby annulling all former testament or testaments, gift or gifts of whatsoever nature, and make this my last will and testament. First, it is my will that after my death my son Gerrit Gysbertse van Brakel shall have that lot on which my said son Gerrit Gysbertse's house now stands, lying next to Jan Vroman's and Arent Danielse's lots, also one pound in money of this province or twenty shillings, without returning anything therefor [Nota bene - I give my son Gerrit Gysbertse the aforenamed lot on which his house stands and one pound in money for his birthright, he being my eldest son]: further it is my will that my son Gerrit shall have my parcel of land called Jufferows Landt and the half of the pasture land to me belonging in the village, provided that said land and pasture land shall be appraised by two impartial persons and the money be divided among all my children, except my youngest son Gysbert, who shall nave no part or portion thereof, but my said son Gysbert shall for his whole portion have my present house and lot and half of said pasture without returning anything to any of the other brothers and sisters or heirs; furthermore, it is my will and desire that my beloved wife Elisabeth Gerritse, and it is so expressly stipulated, shall have all my personal estate to be used for her maintenance during her life or until she shall marry again, when she shall have the sum of fifteen pounds current money of this province and no more, which shall be paid to her within six weeks after her marriage; further it is my will that all my household stuff and movable property of whatsoever nature and kind it may be shall be given to my youngest son Gysbert, provided that my said son Gysbert shall pay all my debts and in case my son Gerrit Gysbertse after receiving said estate as above mentioned can not pay the said appraised value thereof to his brothers and sisters as above within the time four years, he shall be holden to pay its proper interest until the money shall be fully paid; it is also my desire that my son Gerrit Gysbertse and Volkert Symonse be the administrators of my estate for my children, that each may have his rights as above written.
Given under my hand and seal at Schonh[echtade], the 10th of December, 1709.
Was signed, the mark GVB of Gysbert Gerritse van Brakel (L.S.)
Signed and sealed in presence of
Philip Schuyler
Albany the 7th June 1710
This day appeared before me Dirk wessels Esqr. Judge of the Inferior Court & Albert Ryckman & John Schuyler Esqr. Justices of the Said Court, Elisabeth van Brakell wife of gysbert gerritse van Brakel Decd. & Producedthe within Last will & Testament of ye sd will approved, and we have therefore hereby Proved approved & Insimuated ye sd will & Testament and ordered the Same to be Entered into the Publick Records helf for such Instruments.
Was Signd, Dirk Wessels, Judge
Recorded ye 10 June 1710
Johannis Mynderts
Arent Danielse
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