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In the name of God, Amen. On this tenth day of May in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ seventeen hundred and sixty-four, Dirck Van Vegte, dwelling upon the flat in the district of Lonenburg in the county of Albany in the government of New York, being sound of body, after considering with delibarate and mature counsel the certainty of death and the uncertain hour thereof, without the inducement, persuasion or misleading of any person, declared to have made, ordered and determined this his last will and testament in form and manner following:
First and foremost commending his immortal soul whenever it departs from his body to the gracious and merciful hands of God, his Creator and Savior, and his body to a Christian burial at the discretion of his executors hereinbelow named, he disposes of his effects left behind as follows:
First. It is my will and desire that all my just debts bepaid out of my personal estate.
Item. I give to my eldest son Teunis Van Veghte and to his heirs forever the choice of my horses for his birthright.
Item. I give to my worthy wife Helen Van Veghte my whole estate, real and personal, nothing exepted, during her life and no longer.
Item. I give to my son Teunis V. Vechten and to the heirs of his body my farm on which he now dwells, being on the map made by Chers Clinton1 lot no. seventy-seven and failing of heirs of his body, after his death I give said farm to my grandson Dirick Van Veghten, son of my son Albartus, and to his heirs forever.
Item. I give to my son Teunis Van Veghte and to the heirs of his body the half of a lot in the Bougat, being on the aforesaid map no. seventy-two (72).
Item. I give to my son Hubartis Van Vechte and to his heirs forever the other half of the lot in the Bougat, being on the said map the lot no. seventy-two, and in case my son Teunis has no heirs of his body, it is my will and desire that the half hereinbefore devised to my son Teunis Van Veghte shall go to my son Hubartus Van Veghte, or to his heirs, forever.
Item. I give the farm on which I now dwell, as the same is now in use by me, after the death of my worthy wife Helena Van Veghte, to my daughter Jannetie and to her heirs or assigns, upon the following conditions, that she, my daughter Jannetie, or her heirs, pay to my daughter Sara Van Veghte, wife of Isaac Kalier, or to [her heirs] and to my daughter Eva Van Veghte, wife of Abraham Van Valkenburg, or to her heirs, to each of my aforenamed daughters a sum of fifty pounds burrent money of New York, to each the half, one year after the death of the survivor of me or my worthy wife, and the other half two years after our death, that is of the survivor of me and my worthy wife Helena Van Vechte, each payment a like half to my aforenamed daughters, to the one no more than the other.
Item. I give to my daughter Maria Van Veghte, wife of Nicolas Spoor, and to her heirs forever my five acres in the Bougat vley, marked on the map made of the patent of Lonenburgh by Cherls Clinton, and being part of lot no. twenty-four.
Item. I give to my sons Teunis Van Vechte, Hubartis Van Veghte, and to my daughters Catariena Van Veghte, wife of Lambert Van Valkenburgh, Maria Van Veghte, wife of Nicolaus Spoor, and to my daughter Janetie Van Veghte, and to their respective heirs, all my portion in the wood that lies in common between the Halenbecks and Isaac Kalier and myself in the partent of Lonenburgh, likewise my part in the new patent of Stigkock2, or the hills to the west of the patent of Lonenburgh, for each of them a share in proportion to their land, so that they may make such use thereof as they shall need without being hindered by the other, till such time as they shall have reason each to take his own.
Item. I give after the death of my beloved wife Helena Van Vechte to my sons Teunis Van Vechte and Hubartis Van Vechte and to my daughters Catariena Van Vechte, wife of Lambert Van Valkenburgh, Sara Van Veghte, wife of Isaac Kalier, Maria Van Veghte, wife of Nicolas Spoor, and to my daughter Jannatie Van Vechten and to Even Van Veghte, wife of Abraham V. Valkenburgh, or to their respective heirs to assigns my entire personal estate, to be divided equally among them, to the one no more than to the other, it being understood that the blacks which they have received of me and divided among my son Teunis and daughters Catariena, Sara and Eva Van Vechten shall be accounted in their portions according to the value they have received for them; and in speaking here of my entire personal estate, it is to be understood that out of it shall be paid my just debts and to my son Teunis a portion for his birthright, and furthermore it is my desire and will that my sons Teunis and Hubartis Van Vechte shall divide between equally my woolen and linen clothing and that my daughters Catariena, Sara, Maria, Eva and Janetie Van Vechte shall divide the clothing of their mother equally among then, both linen and woolen; and it is my desire that my two sons Teunis and Abartis shall divide my tools among them equally.
Lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my son Hubartis Van Vechte, my son-in-law Lambert Van Valkenburgh and my son-in-law Nicolaus Spoor, on the day and year above written.
Dirk V. Veghten
Signed, sealed and declared by the afornamed Dirck V. Veghten to be his last will and testament, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
John Ten Broeck
May 30th, 1764
Item. It is my further will and desire that if it happen that my daughter Janetie Van Veghte die without heirs of her body before the hundred pounds be paid out as I herein have ordered, it is my will and desire that the inheritance from the farm which I now dwell upon shall go to my son Huba[r]tus Van Veghte and to his heirs forever, on condition of the same obligation to make payment to my daughters Sara and Eva Van Veche, as heretofore my daughter Jannatie was obliged to do.
Item. It is my will and desire that all my house furniture after the death of my worthy wife Helena Van Vechte shall be divided equally among my five daughters or their heirs forever, to wit, Catariena, Sara, Maria, Eva and Janetie Van Veghten, to the one no more than to the other.
Dirick V. Vechten
Signed, sealed and declared y the testator Dirick Van Veghte to be a supplement to and a part of the within written will, in presence of us:
John Ten Broeck
Be it Remembered that on the eight day of February in the Year or Our Lord One thouand seven hundred & eighty two personally appeared before me Robert Yates Esquire one of the Judges of the supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New York the above named Martin Lydious and Jacob Rosebom, who being severally sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God deposed and say that they severally have seen the above named Dirick Van Vechten sign seal publish and declare the within Instrument as and for his last will and Testament and have also seen him sign seal publish and declare the above Instrument, as a Codocil to the said last will and Testament that they respectively subscribed their names to the said Instruments as Witness To the execution thereof, Thay [sic] they severally have seen John Ten Broeck and John H. Lydious respectively subscribed their names at witness to the Execution of the said Instruments, and I have Inspected the said Instrument do allow the same to be recorded.
Martin Lydious
Jacob Roseboom
John H. Lydious
Martin Lydious
Jacob Roseboom
John H. Lydious
1 Charles Clinton, the father of Governor George Clinton.
2 Stighcook, a tract of land in Greene county, granted to Casparus Brunk and others in 1743. E. M. Ruttenber, Indian Geographical Names, p. 176.
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