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Inventory of the estate of Neeltie Claese, widow of the late Hend: Gardenier, the 7th of April 1695.
- First, the half of the two mills at Shotak, on the east bank of Hudson's river, the other half of which said mills Cornelis Claese has bought, being valued by said Cornelis Claese and Andries Gardinier, guardians of the children, at fifty-five beavers seawan: fl. 1320:--
A statement of the debts to be paid out of the aforesaid estate. Albany, April 7, 1695.
To Evert Banker - 20 beavers: fl. 480:--
- The four lots of land lying on Shotak's island and in the jurisdiction of said Shotak, being valued at eight beavers seawan: fl. 1920:--
- The lot at Shinnechtady, lying between the lot of the late Domine of Shinnechtady and the lot of Pottmann, being valued at fifteen beavers seawan: fl. 360:--
- By a horse which was sold to Philip D'More, but not yet paid: fl. 120:--
- By a colt: fl. 84:--
- By his hardware, viz., a crowbar, 2 augers, 1 try square, 1 broadax and 1 chisel: fl. 48:--
To Claes Rosevelt - 10 beavers: fl. 240:--
To Arent Shuyler - 17-1/2 beavers: fl. 420:--
To Jan Spoor - 1-3/4 beavers: fl. 42:--
To Abraham Kip - 7 beavers: fl. 168:--
To Andries Arentse Bratt - 3 beavers: fl. 72:--
To Jan Janse Mulenaer1 - 8 beavers, 3 gl.: 195:--
To Adam Vrooman - fl. 12:--
To Andries Gardinier for 110 boards @ 1 gl. 10st - fl. 165:--
To Gerrit Gysbertse - fl. 16:10
To Hendrick Coenraedtse - 5 beavers: fl. 120:--
To the estate of Jacob Janse Gardenier, dec'd, for a bowl, kettle and spoon: fl. 19:--, for 26 skipples of peas @ 5 sk. per beaver and carting @ 9 beavers total: fl. 320:--, for the house on the land at Shotak 7-1/2 beavers, and purchase of the house and barn, fl. 60:--, total fl. 240:--, also 1-1/2 months of the waterloot:2 fl.28:10
1 Doubtless intended for Maulenaer, or Molenaer, meaning "the miller."
2 Perhaps intended for water loop, meaning rent for water privilege.
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