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Will of Abraham Schuyler

In the name of God, Amen. Know all men by these presents that I, the undersigned, Abraham Schuyler, burgher and inhabitant of the City of Albany in the province of New York, hale and sound in body and having full possession of my understanding, memory and speech, considering the frailty of this life, the certainty of death and the uncertain hour thereof, wishing therefore to dispose of the temporal effects which God Almighty has granted me, commending first and foremost my soul to the gracious hands of God my Creator and Savior and my body to a Christian burial, dispose as follows:

1 That after my death my respected wife Geertruy Schuyler hall remain in full possession of my whole estate and effects, that it real and personal estate, nothing therefrom excepted, during her widowhood.

2That on the remarriage of my aforesaid wife, before her wedding day, shall relinquish all of my real estate, as well as houses and lots as lands, to my five children, to wit, David aged about seventeen years, Christyna aged about fifteen years, Dirck aged about 10 years, Abraham aged about five years, together with the child or children which in this present wedlock we may yet have, to the end that same may be equally divided among my children, share and share alike, except that my eldest son David shall for his birthright have the sum of five pounds current money of this province, with the understanding and my will is that my house and lot lying here in Albany in the Brouwers straet1, at present by me occupied, shall go to my two sons David and Jacobus aforesaid, share and share alike, which house and lot they shall receive by appraisal of three impartial persons, in order that the just portion may be turned over to the other child or children when each child attains his [or her] majority or marries; with the further understanding that if my aforesaid wife marry again, she may nevertheless remain in occupancy of the little house on the street and have the use of a lot in the rear of the breadth of said house, for the term of seven years beginning from such marriage day and no longer.

3 My wife remains holden on the marriage of each of my children to give a proper outfit according to the value of the estate.

4 I nominate and appoint as guardians and executors of my children and whole estate aforesaid my two brothers David and Myndert Schuyler with my two brothers-in-law Wessell and Samuel Ten Bro[e]ck, to the end that my foregoing will in all its parts may be observed and maintained. All that is hereinbefore written the testator declares to be his last will and testament. Thus with my own hand subscribed and sealed in Albany this fifteenth day of December annoq. domini one thousand seven hundred and nine.

Abraham Schuyler (L.S.)

Signed, sealed and published in presence of

Andries Coeymans
Joh'. Cuyler
Pieter van Brugh

1 Literally: Brewer's street, now Broadway.

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Debby Masterson

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