In the name of the Lord, Amen. Know all men by these present that I, Aarent Slingerlandt, in the colony of Renselaerwyck, at present weak and sick in body but yet having the perfect use of my senses and memory, God be praised therefor, considering the shortness and frailty of human live, the certainty of death and the uncertain hour thereof and being desirous to set all things in order, do make this my last will and testament, hereby annulling, canceling and revoking all such will or wills, whether by word of mouth or writing, and [intending] this only to be held as my last will and testament, and no other.
Imprimis. I commend by soul to God my Creator, to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my Sanctifier, and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in a Christian manner, there to rest until the same shall be reunited with the soul at the last day and receive the everlasting joy of immortality which God has prepared for all those who unfeignedly believe and with a true heart and trust in Christ; and as regards such temporal estate as of lands, houses, slaves, cattle, money and other goods, which the Lord far above my deserts has been pleased to grant me, I give and dispose of the same in form and maner hereinafter written.
2 It is my will and desire that all my just debts shall in due time be paid out of my aforesaid estate.
3 I give to my eldest son Teunis Slingerlandt the net sum of three pounds current money of this province in consideration of his right of primogeniture.
4 It is my will and desire that my beloved wife Geertruy Slingerland shall remain in full possession and retain the use and income of my whole estate for the maintenance of her and my children during her widowhood, but if my aforesaid wife come to marry again she shall give up my whole estate only keep for herself all my household furniture, bedding, linen and woolen, save that the clothing belonging to my body shall be for my two sons Teunis and Gerrit Slingerland.
5 It is my will and desire and I ordain that six months after the death of my aforesaid wife or after her remarriage my whole immovable or real estate, with negro slaves, horses and cattle, plow, wagon and other implements for tilling the land or belonging to the mill shall be appraised by three impartial perons therefor appointed by my executors and my children, which estate I desire that my eldest son shall receive for him, his heirs and assigns forever provided and with this understanding that he or his heirs pay to my other children, Gerrit Slingerland, Engeltie Slingerlandt and Sarah Slingerland, to eah of them, their heirs or assigns, a just fourth part of the value of said estate according to the before ordered appraisal, within the time of five years after the remarriage or death of my aforesaid wife; and in case any of my aforesaid children happen to die in their minority, then shall their portion devolve upon and go to my surviving children, share and share alike, and my eldest son Teunis Slingerlant dying during his minority, the aforesaid estate shall go to my aforesaid son Gerrid Singerland, his heirs, or assigns, provided he pay the parts and portions to my aforesaid daughters, their heirs, or assigns, according to appraisal and direction herinbefore written.
6 I constitute and make my dear and worthy friend and brother Albert Slingerlant, Johannis Mingaal and Casper van Hoesen my executors of his my last will and testament, and desire that all that is herein comprehended according to its true meaning may be performed. Thus subscribed and sealed and declared the twenty-eighth day of January in the year of out Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve and thirteen.
mark X of
Signed, sealed and declared his last will and testament in presence of us,
Johannis Mingal
Aarent Slingerlant
Casper van Hoesen
Albert Slingerlant
Rutger Bleecker
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