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In the name of God, Amen. Know all men whom it may concern that on the eleventh day of June at New Albany, sixteen hundred and ninety, being the second year of the reign of William and Mary, king and queen of Great Britain, Marcelis Janse, dwelling in the aforesaid city, hale and sound in body, walking and standing having perfect possession and use of his senses, memory, understanding, reason and speech as outwardly appears, who considering the frailty of life and the unforseen hour of death, unwilling to depart hence without first having disposed of his temporal effects by the Almighty granted him and that without the persuasion, inducement or misleading of any persons but of his will and motion, commending first his soul to the hands of God and his body to a Christian burial, hereby nominates appoints and chooses his lawful wife Annetie as his sole and universal heir of his whole estate and property, whether orchard or orchards, ground or grounds, lot or lots, house or houses, his movable goods, rights and credits and all that he may leave behind at his death, nothing whatsoever reserved and excepted, but with the understanding that (after the testator's death) she shall have the usufruct of the real estate during the time of her life, without being at liberty to alienate, encumber or sell the same, but after her death it shall go to their children lawfully procreated by them, to wit, Gysbercht, Huybertje, Sytje, Judith and Aasuerus, to be divided among them equally, without regard to male or female sex or, in case of their death, to the grandchildren, taking the place of their deceased parent or parents; except that the eldest son before any partition shall receive the value of six guilders in beavers, but with the understanding that the aforesaid real estate and houses shall go to the aforesaid youngest two children, the value of which, at a lawful and proper appraisal, the aforesaid youngest two children shall pay (their just portion being deducted) in the time of the six following years, every year a just sixth part, to begin from the time of the appraisal; but as regards the movable estate, the testator's wife may sell, alienate, consume and dispose of the same in every way, just as the testator could do while alive, without deliveirng and statement or inventory to any child or children, or in case of infancy or death of the same, to the children's chlldren, blood relations, guardians, the honoralble orphan masters, constable or constables, the court of this city or government, whether high or low, judge or judges, or to any other person whomsoever much less giving surety or bond, inasmuch as the testator excludes and debars them all, jointly and severally, and wills and desires that his aforesaid wife shall have full administration and to this end makes her administratrix and executrix in the fullest manner possibe, notwithstanding that some law or laws, custom or customs of this government may otherwise direct, which laws and customs, he wills shall herein be inoperative and of no effect. All that is hereinbefore written the testator declares to be his testamentary disposition and last will, which he desires to have effect from the weightiest to the least article thereof; whether as testament, codicil, gift in anticipation of death or among the living, or any other bequest, however it may be named, notwithstanding al formalities required by law may not be observed herein, desiring the utmost benefit of the law for the maintenance of what is above written. Thus done and signed and sealed by the testator's own hand, on the aforesaid 11th of June, at New Albany, A. 1690.
Was signed:
Marcelus Jansen (L.S.)
Signed and sealed in presence of
Cornelis Swart
In my presence, Johannes Becker, Senior Kingston in the County of ulster may the 22d A. 1722
Johannes Becker, Junr.
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