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Will of Andries Hendricksen

In the name of God, Amen. By the contents of this present public instrument know all men that in the year after the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 1680, on the fifth day of the month of January, before me, Andraien van Ilpendam, notary public residing in New Albany, admitted by the Right Honorable Edmont Andross (in behalf of His Royal Highness James, Duke of York, governor general over all his territories in America), and before the afternamed witnesses, came and appeared the worthy Andries Heyndrickse, born at Ootmars in Twent1, dwelling at present at the Kinderhook, to me, the notary, well known, being at present of sound body, going and standing, having full use and power of his senses, reason, memory and understanding according to all outward appearances, which appearer, considering the shortness and frailty of human life, the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time and hour thereof, and desiring therefore to dispose of his temporal effects to be left behind, (while he yet by God's grace may do so) and which he does of his own free will and motion, without the suggestion or misleading of anyone, has now ordained and concluded this his last will and testament in manner following:

First and foremost committing his immortal soul (whenever it may be separated from his body) to the gracious and merciful hands of God, his maker and redeemer, and his body to a Christian burial, he, the appearer and testator, declares that he has nominated and constituted, as he hereby does, Jan Gilbertz, or in case of Jan Gilbertz' death before that of this testator, Jan Gilbertz' wife, names Cornelia Arents, or in case of the death of both of them their surviving child, or children, as the sole and universal heir [or heirs] of all his estate, personal and real, nothing excepted, which the said testator at his death shall leave behind, without contradiction or gainsaying by any person, and the testator promises to hold the foregoing binding and valid and nevermore to make a will or bequest in favor of any other person, provided that if the testator be taken sick or become incapacitated, or in his old age be not able to earn his living, said Jan Gilbertz, or his wife, or his children, shall be bound properly to provide him with food, clothing and service his life long.

All which aforesaid provisions the appearers declare that they hold good, binding and valid, notwithstanding that certain formalities required by law or custom may not be observed herein, desiring that the utmost benefit herefrom may be had.

Thus done and delivered at the house of Jan Gilbertz in New Albany, in the presence of Jacob Martense and Evert Wendel, junior, called as trustworthy witnesses hereto, who with the appearers have subscribed this instrument with their own hands in New Albany, the year, month and day above written.

After collation this was found to agree with the original in my custody. In New Albany, January 5, 1680. Quod attestor, Adriaen Van Ilpendam, Not. Pub.

Recorded in Albany 18 January 1690.

1Ootmarssum, a small town in the district of Twenthe, province of Overysel, Netherlands.

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