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Will of Hendrick van Wie

God be praised in the highest. Hendrik van Wie, being quite infirm, but in full possession of his mind, walking and standing, has declared to us his last will and desire as follows:

First, Hendrik van Wie wills that his wife shall remain in full possession of his estate so long as she lives, on condition that she bring up the children to the best of her poor ability, and after her death the lawful heirs begotten of them shall share alike, except that the eldest son shall first of all have a horse. But whenever his wife shall marry again, an inventory shall be made of all there is, in order that the estate not be diminished. In witness hereof he has signed this with is own hand.

This is the X mark of Hendrik van Wie

This is the X mark of Gerrit Gysbertse

H I by me, Pieter Winne

Albany ye 3d of June 1701

Then appeared before me Johannis Cuyler & Peter van Brugh Esq., Justices of ye Peace Gerrit Gysbertse & helmer Janse of ye County of Albany aforesaid wittnesses as abovewritten who declare upon ye hold Evangelist that some time about ye year of our Lord 1690 they saw ye signing of ye abovementioned Instrument by hendrik van wie of ye said County as his last will or Testament who Dyed in ye year 1690 as aforesaid.

Johannis Cuyler Justice
Peter van Brugh Justice

Recorded ye 8th of October, 1701

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