US GenWeb

Albany County Soldiers and Sailors

This page is our gateway to military and pension records for soldiers from New York state and, where available, from Albany County, NY. At the bottom of the page are links to websites about battles that took place in Albany County, NY.

The US Department of Veterans' Affairs maintains 120 national cemeteries, and their website's Nationwide Gravesite Locator now makes these 120 national cemeteries searchable online! To search for the US veterans on your family tree, click here.

Loyalist records: At the time of the American Revolution, quite a few residents of what later, in 1791, would become Albany County, NY remained loyal to Great Britain. You may learn more information about Loyalist records by clicking here.

Albany County Soldiers and Sailors

Albany County Militia, 1715:Click here for a list of their names
Colonial Militia, 1767:Van Aernam's Militia
American Revolution, 1775-1783:Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) DAR Patriot Lookup
American Revolution, 1775-1783:Excerpts from Revolutionary War pension application files
1840: 1840 US Census Revolutionary War pensioners for NY state; searchable
First World War, 1914-1918 (US involvement 1917-1918): NY State Archives holdings - personal information, service data, muster rolls etc. of NY state veterans of World War I

New York State Soldiers and Sailors

Index to NY recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor
Index to Revolutionary War pension lists NY 1792-1795
Index to Revolutionary War pension lists NY 1801-1815
Native Americans mustered into the service of the USA in the War of 1812
NY soldiers of the Civil War buried in national and other cemeteries
NY service units of the Civil War
Generals of the American Civil War
Which NY regiments were mustered where? - covers infantry, cavalry and artillery and gives details of each company

To learn how to obtain copies of veterans' records (military service records, pension application files or bounty-land warrant application files), click here.

Revolutionary War Sites in and around Albany County, NY

Battle of Bennington - Although it takes its name from a nearby town in Vermont, the Battle of Bennington was fought in the town of Hoosick, Rensselaer County, NY. You can read about this battle from the American perspective as well as from the British perspective.
A Revolutionary Week Along the Historic Champlain Canal - outlines an itinerary for visiting Revolutionary War sites in eastern New York state
Day-Long Revolutionary War Road Trips

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson

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