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Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died.
Tack, Aert Pieterse, born at Etten in the barony of Breda, in Brabant, where he had a brother Cornelis, living; in 1660, a resident of Beverwyck.
Tappen, alias Glasemaedker, Juriaan Teunise, innkeeper, 1654-1677. He was a large dealer in real estate, comprising village lots and farms. In 1670, he exchanged a house and lot in Albany for the farm of Cornelis Cornelise Viele in Schenectady, which was purchased two years later by Harmen Vedder, and in 1671 he received a conveyance from Jeronimus Ebbingh, husband of Johanna De Laet, who interited one-tenth of Rensselaerswyck from her father, of a bouwery lying between the Wynant's and Poesten kils; the next year Capt. Philip Pieterse Schuyler bought this bouwery for 600 beaver skins. Juriaan Teunise and his wife Wybrecht Jacobse Dochter made a joint will in 161; at this time they had no children living.
Teabear (Taber?), Joseph, and Debora Smith. Ch: Maria, bp. Feb. 19, 1777.
Talbot (Tarbird), William, m. Annatie (Johanna, Hannah) Young, March 16, 1777. Ch: b.; Robert, Sept. 28, 1779; Maria, Sept. 9, 1781; Hannah, Jan. 8, 1784; (no name written), Jan. 8, 1797; Susanna, Feb. 2, 1799; Margaret, Nov. 28, 1801.
Tannson, Jan, m. Maria Huygh, Jan. 20, 1717. Ch: Anna, bp. July 13, 1717.
Taylor, James, and Rachel Hooghkerk. Ch: Jacobus, bp. June 10, 1753.
Taylor, John, and Susanna Baxter. Ch: William, bp. Nov. 6, 1756.
Taylor, John, and Sara Wilry. Ch: Phoebe, b. Sept. 12, 1768.
Taylor, Robert, op de halve Maan,, and Emmetje Hendrickse. Ch: b.; Willem, Sept. 19, 1768; Johannes, Jan. 2, 1770.
Taylor, John, and Claartje Clute. Ch: Phoebe, b. June 19, 1770.
Taylor, Lucass, and Celia Bratt. Ch: b.; Rachel, Jan. 8, 1777; Lydia, Sept. 20, 1779.
Taylor, Alexander, of Saratoga, and Jenny Brisby. Ch: Jane, bp. Feb. 5, 1789.
Taylor, John, and Eleanor Naggy. Ch: Hugh, b. March 28, 1793.
Teller, Willem, the first settler, merchant of New York, aged about 78 y. in a deposition made July 6, 1698, said that he arrived in this Province in the year 1639, was sent to Fort Orange, by Kleft, served there as corporal, and then was advanced to be Wachtmeester of the fort; tht he had continued his residence at Albany, from 1639 to 1692, with some small intermissions upon voyages to New York, Delaware and one short voyage to Holland. He was a trader for about 50 years in Albany from whence he removed to New York in 1692, with his sons; he died in 1701. In his will made March 19, 1869 (sic), proved 1701, he spoke of but 6 of his 9 ch. as then living, viz, Andries, Helena, Elizabeth, Willem, Johannes and Jannetie, and though a properous merchant the inventory of his property amounted only to 910 pounds, 10 shillings, 2 pence. There is reason to believe that he had distributed most of his property among his children before his death. He was one of the early proprietors of Schenectady, in 1662, though probably never a resident there, and one of the 5 patentees mentioned in the first patent of the town in 1684. His first wife was Margaret Donchesen; she d. before 1664, in which year, he made a marriage contract with Maria Varleth, widow of Paulus Schrick; she d. in 1702, when an inventory of her estate was made amounting to 1275 pounds, 12 shillings, 9 pence. His ch. were: Andries, b. 1642; Helena, b. 1645, m. first Cornelis Bogardus, and secondly Francis Rombouts; Maria, b. 1648, m. first Pieter Van Alen, secondly ____ Loockermans; Elizabeth, b. 152, m. first Abraham Van Tricht, and secondly, Melgert Wynantse Van der Poel; Jacob, b. 1655; Willem, b. 1657; Johannes, b. 1659; Caspar; and Jannetie, m. Arent Philipse Schuyler.
Teller, Andries, merchant and for many years magistrate in Albany; m. Sophia, dau. of Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt, May 6, 1671, in New York, to which place he soon after removed; made his will Dec. 16, 1702, and he spoke of his ch.: Andries, and Margarita, he likewise had a son Oliver Stephen, bp. in Albany, Nov 29, 1685.
Teller, Oliver [son of Andries], m. Cornelia De Peyster, in New York, Oct. 12, 1712. Ch: bp. in New York; Margareta, March 18, 1713; Johannes, Aug. 21, 1715; Margareta, Dec. 25, 1716; Cornelia, March 29, 1719.
Teller, Andries [son of Andries], resided in New York; made will Sept. 3, 1702 and spoke of son Andrew, brother Oliver, sister Margaret and mother Sophia. His son Andries probably m. first Cathrine Vandewater, Sept. 15, 1722, and secondly, Maria Marius, Nov. 15, 1730; made will Feb. 15, 1730-31, and spoke of w. Mary, dau. Catharina and Uncle Oliver.
Teller, Jacob [son of Willem T., senior], of New Albany, m. Christina Wessels, of New York, Oct. 24, 1683, in N.Y. In 1686 he lived in Whitehall street. He was master of the sloop Hopewell, plying between New York and Esopus; made will Aug. 8, 1696, and spoke of w. Christina and dau. Anna Margarita; his wid. made will Sept. 17, 1698, also spoke of dau. Anna Margarita. Ch: bp. in New York; Willem, Dec. 22, 1689; Anna Margarita, Aug. 1, 1694.
Teller, Willem, Jr. [son of Will T., senior], of New Albany, m. Rachel Kiersted, of New York, Nov. 19, 1686; soon after removed to New York; made will June 25, 1710. Ch: bp. in New York: Margarita, Aug. 17, 1687; Willem, Sept. 1, 1689; Willem, Dec. 25, 1690; Hans, March 12, 1693; Margariet, Feb. 2, 1696; Jacobus, April 18, 1699; Andries, Jan. 25, 1702; Jacobus, Aug. 29, 1703. [William Teller and Maria Van Tricht received a license to marry Jan. 19, 1706.]
Teller, Willem, probably son of the last, had a son Willlem, bp. in New York, March 21, 1714.
Teller, Hans [son of Willem T., Jr.], m. Catharina Van Tilburg,April 23, 1719. Ch: Willem, bp. in New York, May 26, 1720.
Teller, Johannes [youngest son of Willem T., Senior], settled in Schenectady, and m. Susanna Wendel, Aug. 18, 1686. Ch: bp.; Margarita, Feb. 19, 1693; Willem, Oct. 4, 1695; Jacobus, July 15, 1698. See also Schenectady Families.
Teller, Johannes, and Elizabeth ____. Ch: John, bp. Feb. 21, 1725.
Ten Broeck, MajorDirkWesselse, born in 1642, was a servant of Pieter Van Alen in Beverwyck, as early as 1662; soon after, he began to trade forhimself, and for many years was largely engaged in Indian and other public affairs at Albany. Some years he exported as many as 5,000 beaver skins. In 1686, he became the first recorder under the charter of the city; 1696-8, her served as mayor. The following notice of his death is recorded in an ancient Bible owned by one of his descendants: 1717, Den 13 Sept. in Roeloff Jansen's kil is myn vader Dirk Wesselse in den Heere gerust op syn bouwery op Roeloff Jensen's kil. De Ileere geve hem een zalige opstandings. He married Christina Cornelise Van Buren. In his will made Feb. 4, 1747-5, proved Feb. 6, 1717 he mentioned the following children: Wessel; Elsje, w. of Johannes Cuyler; Catalyntje, w. of Johan Lisejer; Cornelia, w. of Johannes Wyncoop; Geertruy, w. of Abraham Schuyler; Christina, w. of Johannes Van Aen; Elisabeth, w. of Antony Coster; Lidia, w. of Volkert Van Vechten; Samuel; Johannes; Tobias, bp. Feb. 20, 1689; besides these, Manasse and Ephraim, twins were bp. Nov. 21, 1681. Maj. Ten Broeck bought of the heirs of the famous Anneke Janse, soon after her death in 1663, the lot on the east corner of State and James streets, which he retained till his death. Besides this he owned a bouwery on the Roeloff Jansen's kil. [Hendrick Wesselse Ten Broeck, of New York, 1686, and Jochem Wesselse, of Beverwyck, were probably his brothers.]
Ten Broeck, Wessels, baker, m. Caatje Lookermans, April 2, 1684. In his will, made June 10, 1723, proved Jan. 29, 1752, he spoke of his w. Catharyna, dau. and heir of Jacob Lookermans, late of Albany, deceased, of his ch.: Dirk; Jacob; Christine; Cornelis; and Anna Catharina. He d. May 27, 1747. In 1678, he and Cornelis Van Dyck bought land of the Indians on the east side of the Hudson river. The following ch. were bp. in Albany: a child, name omitted, April 26, 1685; Dirk, Dec. 5, 1686; Christina, Oct. 20, 1689; Jacob, Feb. 28, 1692; Christina, June 26, 1698; Jacob, Aug. 18, 1700; Cornelis, March 10, 1706.
Ten Broeck, Samuel, of Claverack, m. Maria, dau. of Hendrick Van Rensselaer, and Catharine Van Brugge, Nov. 7, 1712. She d. April 4, 1756, in Albany, a. 74 y. 7 m. and was buried in Greenbush. Ch: Christina, bp. Feb. 7, 1714; Dirk Wesselse, bp. May 1, 1715; Hendrik, bp. March 24, 1717; Johannes, bp. Sept. 4, 1720, d. Oct. 23, 1793; Cathrina, d. May 18, 1758; Jeremias, bp. Feb. 1, 1727, d. Oct. 24, 1802; Christina, bp. Jan. 7, 1730.
Ten Broeck, Dirk, mayor of Albany, 1746-8; m. Margarita Cuyler, Nov. 26, 1714, was buried in the church Jan. 7, 1751. Ch: Catryna, bp. Sept. 4, 1715; Anna, bp. June 9, 1717, was buried Dec. 30, 1731; Christina, bp. Jan. 1, 1719; Maria, bp. April 23, 1721; Wessel, bp. April 28, 1723; Sara, bp. May 30, 1725; Margarita, bp. March 26, 1727; Abraham, bp. April 6, 1729; Margarita, bp. Oct. 10, 1731; Dirk, bp. May 16, 1736; Dirk, bp. July 26, 1738.
Ten Broeck, Tobias, of Claverack, m. Maritie Van Stry, Oct. 24, 1714. 1724 Den 8 Juny, Is Tobyas Ten Broeck in den Heere gerust op syn bouwery op Roeloff Jansen's Kil. De Heere geve hem een zalige opstandige. Ch: bp.; Catryna Johanna, Sept. 26, 1715; Dirk, April14, 1717; Christina, May 17, 1719; Elisabeth, Jan. 8, 1721.
Ten Broeck, Johannes, m. [first, Elisabeth Wendel, June 18, 1709, and secondly] Catryna Van Rensselaer, Dec. 29, 1714. Ch: bp.; Dirk Wesselse, Oct. 30, 1715; Catryna, Jan. 6, 1717; Hendrik, March 9, 1718; Johannes, Sept. 20, 1719; Ephraim, Jan. 15, 1721; Christina, March 18, 1722; Jeremias, Jan. 18, 1724; Christina, Sept. 5, 1725; Cornelis, May 22, 1727; Pieter, Nov. 17, 1728; Abraham, June 18, 1730; Maria, Nov. 21, 1731; Ephraim, Aug. 15, 1733.
Ten Broeck, Jacob, and Christina ____. Ch: bp.; Catharina, June 4, 1727; Johannes, Feb. 9, 1729; Christina, Feb. 15, 1738; Maria, March 30, 1740.
Ten Broeck, Cornelis, m. Maria Cuyler, Oct. 12, 1733. Ch: bp.; Catharyna, May 19, 1737; Johannes, July 30, 1740, d. Dec. 26, 1822, a. 83 y.
Ten Broeck, Hendrick, m. Annatje Van Schaick, Oct. 14, 1743. Ch: bp.; Antony, Nov. 1, 1747; Antje, July 7, 1754.
Ten Broeck, Dirk Wesselse, m. Catrina Conyn, June 28, 1743. Ch: Leendert, bp. Feb. 11, 1753. [Dirk Ten B. m. Annatje Douw, Nov. 25, 1761.]
Ten Broeck, Johannes, m. Sara Gansevoort, June 12, 1762, d. Dec. 26, 1822, a. 83 y. Ch: b.; Cornelis, Feb. 23, 1763; Magdalena, May 8, 1765; Harmen, March 25, 1767; Maria, Nov. 11, 1768; Johannes, March 26, 1771; Petrus, bp. May 9, 1773; Leendert, Jan. 24, 1775; Sara, Feb. 2, 1778; Catharina, Nov. 20, 1779; George, Dec. 23, 1781; Wessel, Sept. 25, 1783.
Ten Broeck, General Abraham, mayor of Albany, 1779-83 and 1796-99; d. Jan. 19, 1810, a. 75 y. He m. Elizabeth Van Rensselaer. Ch: b.; Dirk, and Elizabeth, twins, Nov. 3, 1765; Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1772; Margarita, July 18, 1776; Maria Van Rensselaer, Feb. 23, 1779.
Ten Broeck, Dirk, and Cornelia Stuiversand [Stuyvesant]. Ch: b.; Abraham, July 13, 1788; Margaret Stuyvesant, July 24, 1790; Petrus Stuyvesant, Jan. 26, 1792; Elisabeth Maria, May 20, 1795; Cornelia, April 23, 1798.
Ten Eyck, Coenraad, of New Amsterdam, a tanner and shoemaker. Ch: bp. in New York: Margreit, Aug. 20, 1651; Tobias, Jan. 26, 1653; Coenraad, Nov. 22, 1654; Hendrick, April 30, 1656; Matthys, March 20, 1658; Margriet, Oct. 22, 1659; Andries, Jan. 15, 1662; Metje, April 11, 1664; Jacob; Dirk.
Ten Eyck, Coenraad, Jr., of New York, m. Beletie Hercks, May 19, 1675. Ch: bp. in New York: Coenraad, Dec. 13, 1675; Samuel, July 24, 1678; Maritie, Nov. 3, 1680; Wyntje, Jan. 15, 1684; Belitie, Feb. 23, 1687; Johannes, Nov. 28, 1690; Jacob?; Samuel, Sept. 6, 1704; Beletie, Sept. 11, 1706; Elisabeth, April 2, 1710; Jacobus, Feb. 20, 1712.
Ten Eyck, Jacob Coenraetse, shoemaker, of Albany, m. Geertje Coeymans, who was b. April 23, 1654, and d. Feb. 2, 1786, a. 82 y. She made her will Sept. 6, 1716, proved July 10, 1736, then a widow and spoke of the following ch. except Andries who d. Feb. 27, 1735-6. Ch: Coenraat, b. April 9, 1678; Barent; Mayken, b. April 2, 1685, m. Andries Van Petten, of Schenectady, Dec. 26, 1712; Andries, bp. March 25, 1688; Anneken, bp. Aug. 20, 1693, m. Johannes Bleecker, and d. Dec. 9, 1738.
Ten Eyck, Barent, m. Neeltje Schermerhooren, Sept. 30, 1700. He d. Jan. 20, 1710-1. The following ch. were spoken of in their grandmother's will as living in 1716, except the first. Ch: bp.; Jannetie, March 23, 1701; Geertje, Aug. 30, 1702; Jacob, Feb. 6, 1704; Jannetje, Dec. 12, 1705; Maria, May 30, 1708; Johannes, Nov. 1709.
Ten Eyck, Coenraad, silversmith, m. Geeritje Van Schaick, Sept. 24, 1704 (church rec.) Oct. 10, 1703 (family Bible). He was buried Jan. 23, 1753. Ch: Jacob, b. April 21, 1705; Maria, b. Jan. 3, 1707, m. Gerrit Bratt; Gerritje, b. Jluly 1710; Antony, b. Sept. 17, bp. Sept. 13 (sic) 1712; Barent, b. Sept. 29, 1714, d. March 1 (Feb. 27), 1795, a. 81 y. (Effie, w. of Barent Ten Eyck, d. Nov. 27, 1791, a. 68 y. 2 m. 1 d.); Catrina, b. Jan. 29, 1716-7, d. Nov. 11 (Oct. 15), 1741; Andries, b. Dec. 18, bp. Dec. 17 (sic) 1718; Anna Margarita, b. Feb. 12, 1721; Tobias, b. May 18, 1723; Gerritje, b. Aug. 19, bp. July 18 (sic) 1728, m. Pieter Gansevoort.
Ten Eyck, Henrik, baker, m. Margarita Bleecker, Nov. 28, 1706. Ch: bp.; Jacob, Jan. 25, 1708; Johannes, Oct. 28, 1710; Geertie, Jan. 18, 1713; Margarita, May 10, 1715; Tobias, Aug. 18, 1717; [See Schenectady Families.] Henrik, May8, 1720; Barent, Sept. 9, 1722; Hendrik, Sept. 5, 1725.
Ten Eyck, Jacob, m. Alida Visscher, June 17, 1728. Ch: bp.; Neeltie, Jan. 15, 1729, m. Samuel Pruyn, and d. April 14, 1817, a. 88 y. 2 m. 22 d.; Alida, Nov. 15, 1730; Alida, Sept. 15, 1732; Barent, Sept. 22, 1734; Geertje, Jan. 11, 1736, m. Johannes F. Pruyn, and d. May 16, 1807, a. 70 y. 3 m. 27 d.; Barent, Sept. 24, 1738; Barent, Sept. 7, 1740; Maria, Feb. 27, 1743.
Ten Eyck, Jacob H., m. Annatje Wendel, Nov. 30, 1737. Ch: bp.; Margarita, Oct. 1, 1738; Anna, Aug. 31, 1740; Anna, Sept. 12, 1742; Hendrik, Oct. 9, 1744; Harmanus, March 29, 1747; Harmanus, Jan. 14, 1750.
Ten Eyck, Jacob C., m. Catharyna, dau. of Abraham Cuyler, Aug. 1, 7136 (sic). He was judge of the court of common pleas, and mayor 1748. Ch: b.; Conraad, Nov. 27, 1741 - 50, d. Sept. 9, 1793, a. 88 y. She d. Nov. 22, 1790, a. 81 y. Ch: b.: coenraad, Nov. 27, 1741; Abraham, Nov. 29, 1743; Catharina, March 14, 1746; Anthony, Sept. 17, 1739.
Ten Eyck, Barent Henderickse, merchant, m. Lena Ryckman, April 21, 1745. Ch: bp.; Lena, Sept. 8, 1745; Hendrick, Nov. 8, 1747. [Barent Ten E. and Elsie Cuyler, m. Jan. 29, 1759.]
Ten Eyck, Johannes H. and Sarah Ten Broeck. He d. July 31, 1794, a. 83 y. 11 m. 10 d.; she d. Feb. 16, 1801, a. 70 y. Ch: Hendrick, April 17, 1748; Hendrick, May 28, 1749; Hendrick, June 23, 1754; Margarita, April 16, 1758.
Ten Eyck, Andries, and Anna Margarita Coeymans. Ch: bp.; Pieter, b. Oct. 29, 1749; Maria and Charlotte, Jan. 30, 1752; Coenraad, Aug. 20, 1754; Pieter Coeyman, July 15, 1759; Andreas (?) Charlotte.
Ten Eyck, Tobias C., of Albany, m. Judithje Van Buren of Schotack, Feb. 6, 1756. Ch: bp.; Coenraad, May 31, 1757; Eytje, Dec. 31, 1758; Johannes, Nov. 1, 1761; Gerritje, b. March 15, 1765.
Ten Eyck, Hendrik, Jr., m. Margarita Douw, May 22, 1767. Ch: b.; Anna, Sept. 17, 1768; Lyntje, March 28, 1770; Catharina, Sept. 7, 1772; Geertruy, June 15, 1774, d. at Cazenovia, June17,1839, a. 64 y.; Elsie, June 4, 1777; Elsie, Feb. 19, 1779; Jacob, Dec. 8, 1785.
Ten Eyck, Abraham, m. Annatie Lansing, April 14, 1769. He d. Nov. (Oct.) 7, 1824; she d. Nov. 7, 1824, a. 76 y. 6 m. Ch: b.; Catharina, Nov. 17, 1769; Jacob, Feb. 17, 1772, m. Magdalena Gansevoort, March 6, 1795; Maria, June 28, 1774; Abraham, Oct. 23, 1767; Lena, Aug. 26, 1779; Cornraad, July 17, 1782; Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, May 13, 1785;Lena, June 13, 1787; Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, April 3, 1790.
Ten Eyck, Barent, and Sara Codwies. Ch: Maria, b. Sept. 6, 1769.
Ten Eyck, Hendrick B., and Catharina Sanders. She was dead at the baptism of her child. Ch: Robert Sanders, b. July 25, bp. July 28, 1771.
Ten Eyck, Anthony, of Schodac, was a member of the convention in 1787, which ratified the constitution of the United States; first judge of Rensselaer county until 60 years of age, and a member of the senate for 8 yrs. he m. Maria Egbertse, Feb. `8, 1776. Ch: b.; Catharina, Dec. 14, 1776; Egbert, April 18, 1779; Anthony, July 9, 1783; Anthony, Dec. 23, 1784.
Ten Eyck, Coenraad, m. first, Charlotte Ten Eyck; secondly, Geertje Ten Eyck, Feb. 18, 1781. Ch: Jacob, b. Jan. 10, 1778.
Ten Eyck, Harmanus, m. Margarita Bleecker, March 30, 1776; he d. Jan. 27, 1828, a. 71 y. at No. 362 N. Market St.; she d. Sept. 1, 1834, a. 79 y. Ch: b.; Cathalyna, May 24, 1777; Cathalyna, Oct. 12, 1778; Jacob, Feb. 9, 1781; Anna, March 16, 1783; Hendrik, Feb. 21, 1786; Margarita, April 30, 1788; Margariet, July 22, 1791; Catharine Van Ingen, Feb. 10, 1796.
Ten Eyck, John De Peyster, son of Tobias Ten E., of Schenectady, m. Maria Douw, Jan. 20, 1782. Ch: John De Peyster, b. May 3, 1788.
Ten Eyck, George, and Magdalena Upham. Ch: b.; Andreas, Sept. 10, 1789; Hendrick, June 30, 1795; Hendrick, Nov. 12, 1797 (?); Susanna, July 11, 1801.
Ten Eyck, Barent, m. Annatie Hoffman, July 18, 1790. She m. secondly, Dr. McClelland. Ch: b.; Catharine, April 7, 1791, m. Barent Mynderse, of Schenectady; Harmen Hoffman, 1793 (?).
Ten Eyck, Andreas, and Luetie Van Esh. Ch: Sarah, b. May 28, 1791. [Andrew Ten E., and Lucy La Grange were m. March 10, 1797.]
Ten Eyck, Jacob, m. Magdalena Gansevoort, March 6, 1795; he d. at Whitehall, near Albany, July 26, 1862, a. 90 y. 5 m. 9 d.; she d. at same place May 14, 1868, a. 86 y. Ch: b.; Hester Gansevoort, Jan. 4, 1796; Abraham Cuyler, July 6, 1797; Anna, Jan. 3, 1800; Leonard Gansevoort, Oct. 12, 1801; Jacob Lansing, Dec. 20, 1803; Harmen Gansevoort, Jan. 17, 1806; Peter Gansevoort, Dec. 19, 1809.
Terwillegen, Simon, and Jannetie Coen. Ch: Saartie, b. June 28, 1789.
Teunissen, Gerrit, and Geertruy Groesbeck. Ch: Jacobus, b. Nov. 1, 1776.
Teunisse, Juriaan, see Tappen.
Thiel, Bastiaan, and Catrina Ruyter. Ch: bp.; Henderick, April 20, 1753; Catarina, April 20, 1755.
Thing (Tingy, Tingly, Tinky), John and Mary Lucy (Luitz, Louths). Ch: b.; William, Nov. 11, 1768; Catharina, Aug. 14, 1770; Johannes, July 17, 1773; Maria, Aug. 29, 1780; Susanna, March 21, 1787.
Thomas, Evan, and Catharine ____. Ch: Willem and Susanna, twins, bp. April 19, 1767.
Thompson, William, and Mary ____. Ch: William, b. March 27, 1777.
Thompson, John, and Jannet Wilson.Ch: Christina, b. Aug. 4, 1778. [John T. and Janny McFarson, m. Jan. 21, 1781.]
Thompson, Robert, and Agnes Webner. Ch: Nancy, b. Nov. 15, 1779.
Thompson, Alexander, and Nelly Grant. Ch: Ann, b. June 31, (sic) 1781.
Thompson, James Elliott, and Gertrude Conner. He d. Aug. 28, 1825. Ch: a child, no name registered, b. Feb. 14, 1789; Margaret, b. May 8, 1791; Archibald, b. Aug. 2, 1799.
Thompson, George, and Elisabeth Bratt. Ch: Jane, b. Oct. 18, 1789.
Thomson, Capt. Gabriel, see Stridles.
Thorn, Jan, geboren tot N.Y., m. Geertje Bresser, geboren tot Kingstown, Jan. 23, 1706. She d. Oct. 23, 1707. Ch: Nicolaas, bp. Sept. 21, 1707.
Thousek, Caspar, and Elizabeth ____. Ch: Catharina, bp. March 7, 1769.
Tiets, Willem, and Maria M. Cregeler. Ch: Catharina, b. July 5, 1780.
Tietsoort, Willem Abrahamse, of Schenectady, removed to Dutchess county. He m. Neeltje Swart. Ch: Ariaantje, bp. Aug. 2, 1685.
Tilman, Christopher, and Lucy Tracy. Ch: Christopher William, b. July 29, 1790.
Tilton, Pieter, and Margaret Yhl (Ehle). Ch: Petrus, b. Dec. 20, 1782.
Timmel, Jan, a resident of Greenbush in 1671.
Toinel, Anthony, a trader of Beverwyck. In 1661, Mrs. Sophia Van Wyckersloot, wife of Mr. Toinel, sold certain goods to arrive from Holland to Asser Leevi, a Jewish trader, at 75 pr. ct. advance and freight. In 1662, he acknowledged a debt of 60 guilders and two beavers to Philip Pieterse Schuyler, for his fare from Holland, which he promised to pay when he returned from Holland, next year. His wife was the widow of Didrick Van Hamel late secretary of Rensselaerwyck.
TJans, see Jones.
Tjerkse, Isaac. Ch: Willem, b. May 23, 1686.
Toll, Carel Hansen, of Schenectady, and Lysbet Rinckhout. Ch: bp.; Neeltje, June 20, 1686; Daniel, Aug. 11, 1691; Neeltje, July 7, 1695; Simon, May 8, 1698. (See also Schenectady Families).
Toll, Carel H., of Schenectady, m. Marytie Kittel at S., Oct. 2, 1759. Ch: Maria, b. Oct. 5, 1771. (See also Schenectady Families).
Toll, Jesse, of Saratoga, and Maria Viele. Ch: Anna, b. Dec. 31, 1786.
Tomase, Jacob. Ch: Rutgert, bp. April 17, 1687.
Tomase, Cornelis. Ch: Agniet, bp. April 10, 1687.
Tortler, John, and Elisabeth Cribble. Ch: Anna Maria, b. July 3, 1791.
Teunsel, James, and Rachel Gardenier. Ch: James, b. May 6, 1776.
Towhay, Timothy, and Elisabeth Jones. Ch: Jacob, bp. June 21, 1747.
Treal, Hannes, and Elsie Mucret. Ch: Catarina, bp. Feb. 7, 1762.
Treat, Richard S., and Gertrude Stringer. Ch: b.; Elisabeth, Jan. 20, 1795; Samuel Stringer, Dec. 30, 1796; Samuel Stringer, April 27, 1798; Rachel Stringer, Jan. 15, 1800; Richard Joseph, May 30, 1802.
Trephagen, Johannes, and Aagie Winne. Ch: Willem, bp. Jan. 8, 1706; Alida, bp. in N.Y. Oct. 10, 1708.
Trotter, John, and Annatie Hogen. Ch: Marten, bp. Sept. 16, 1750; Matthew (?).
Trotter, Gen. Matthew, and Margaret Wendell. He d. Dec. 9, 1830; she d. July 23, 1849, in her 80th yr. Ch: b.; John, Oct. 17, 1789; Henry, Dec. 11, 1792, d. March 25, 1825, at 488 South Market St.; Margaret, Sept. 3, 1796, m. William Lush and d. Sept. 1, 1870; Anna Maria, Aug. 2, 1803, d. Dec. 2, 1815.
Trotter, John, merchant, m. Sarah Ten Eyck, dau. of Dr. Elias Willard; she d. Oct. 22, 1830, in her 41st yr.; he d. Dec. 31, 1862, a. 75 y. Ch: John; Edward Willard; and ____.
Trowbridge, Luther, m. Elisabeth Tillman, March 15, 1778. Ch: b.; Margaret, June 14, 1796; Anna Maria, Sept. 7, 1798; Charles Christopher, Dec. 29, 1800.
Truex, a corruption both in pronunciation and spelling from De Trieux. Philip Du Truy, an early settler in New Amsterdam, was court messenger there. His sons were Isaac, bp. in N. Amst., April 21, 1642; Jacob, bp. in N. Amst., Dec. 7, 1645; and Abraham (?) and dau. Sara; Susanna; Rachel; and perhaps Rebecca.
Truex, Isaac, of Schenectady, m. Maria Willemse Brouwer. Ch: Isaac, bp. March 2, 1690; Lysbeth, bp. July 3, 1692; Johannes, bp. Dec. 11, 1696. (See also Schenectady Families).
Truex, Abraham, of Schenectady, m. Christina La Grange. Ch: bp.; Joanna, Sept. 20, 1713; Anna, April 14, 1717; Abraham, Feb. 21, 1728.
Truex, Isaac Jacobse, of Schenectady, m. Maria Wyngaart, June 16, 1750. Ch: bp.; Jacob, April 21, 1751; Petrus, March 19, 1762; Maria, Nov. 2, 1766. [Isaac T. of the Normanskil, m. Christina Pelleger, Jan. 21, 1769.] (See Schenectady Families).
Truex, Jillis, and Ariaantje Jansen. Ch: Jacob, bp. June 26, 1755.
Truax, Gillis, and Nancy McKinney. Ch: Andries, b. Nov. 2, 1775.
Truex, John W., of Schenectady, and Magdalena Huyser. Ch: Isaac, b. June 13, 1779. (See Schenectady Families).
Truex, Andries, of Schenectady, and Cathalyna Wyngaard. Ch: Elisabeth, b. March 4, 1780. [Andries T., and Cathalyntje Maris, m. Feb. 13, 1770.] (See Schenectady Families).
Tymensen, Cornelis, and Maria Lieverse. Ch: bp.; Petrus, June 26, 1748; Teunis, March 11, 1750; Rachel, May 10, 1752; Eldert, Ovt. 14, 1753; Rachel, March 28, 1756.
Tymensen, Pieter, and Geertruy Cregier. Ch: Cornelis, b. March 12, 1772.
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