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The information on this page is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany, from 1630 to 1800, by Prof. Jonathan Pearson.

Surnames Beginning with "S"

Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died.

Safflin, George, and Jennette Stewart. Ch: James, bp. Nov. 6, 1756.

Salisbury, Capt. Sylvester, was commissioned, July 13, 1670, to be lieutenant of the governor's company of foot and commander of the fort at Albany, D. Lovelace, ensign. In 1673, he was sheriff of Rensselaerswyck; and was continued in he office of commander of the fort, until his death about 1680. In 1682, his wid., then w. of Doctor Cornelis Van Dyck, administered on his estate. His son Francis settled in Catskill, where his descendants were numerous.

Salisbury, Francois, of Catskil, m. Maria Gaaspeek. Ch: William, bp. Jan. 30, 1709; Abraham (?). (See also Catskill Families).

Salisbury, William, m. Teuntje Staats, March 27. 1740. Ch: bp.; Sylvester, Jan. 27, 1741; Barent Staats, April 3, 1749; Elisabeth, May 12, 1751. (See also Catskill Families).

Salisbury, Francis, m. first, Lydia; secondly, Elsie Staats, Jan. 27, 1772. Ch: William, b. June 17, 1772. (See also Catskill Families).

Salisbury, Joseph, and Margaret Oversandt. Ch: Margaret, b. March 12, 1793.

Salisbury, James, and Catharine. Ch: David, b. Oct. 1, 1798.

Salisbury, John, and Alida Martin. Ch: Gertrude, b. Sept. 10, 1798.

Sanders, Thomas, smith, of Amsterdam, m. Sarah Cornelise Van Gorcum, in New Amsterdam, Sept. 16, 1640. She d. in Albany, in Dec. 1669. He received a patent from Gov. Kieft for a house and 25 morgens of land on Manhatten island. In 1654, he owned a house and lot in Beverwyck, which he sold to Jan Van Aecken. He probably returned to New Amsterdam. Ch: bp. in New Amsterdam; Robert, Nov. 10, 1641; Cornelis, Nov. 25, 1643; Cornelis, Nov. 17, 1644; Thomas, July 14, 1647.

Sanders, Thomas, bolter, of New York, son of the last, had the following ch. bp. in New York: Robert, Oct. 4, 1696; Styntje, Dec. 26, 1697; Robert, Jan. 1, 1700; Jacob, Oct. 19, 1701; Elsie, Oct. 27, 1703; Anneke, Jan. 30, 1706; Maritie, May 13, 1708; Jacob, June 9, 1712; Beatrix, Sept. 25, 1715.

Sanders, Robert, son of Thomas and Sarah Van Gorcum, smith, 1667, merchant, 1692 settled in Albany as early as 1665. In 1691, he and Harmanus Myndertse Van der Bogart, received a patent for a mile square of land in Dutchess county, including the site of the city of Poughkeepsie. His first w. was Elsie Barentse; the second was Alida. Ch: Helena, w. of Johannes Lansing; Barent; Maria, w. of Gerrit Roseboom; Sara (?), w. of Hendrik Greefraadt; Elsje, bp. July 13, 1683, buried Dec. 31, 1732.

Sanders, Barent, mayor, 1750-4, m. Maria, dau. of Evert Wendel, Sept. 19, 1704. He was buried in the church, June 22, 1738; She was buried in the church, Nov. 21, 1757. Ch: bp.; Robert, July 15, 1705; Maria, Dec. 3, 1707; Johannes, July 12, 1814. (sic)

Sanders, Robert, merchant, m. first, Maria Lansing, Dec. 6, 1740; secondly, Elisabeth Schuyler, Jan. 11, 1747. His first w. was buried in the church, Feb. 15, 1743, and the second d. about 1763. He made a will May 7, 1765, proved June 6, 1765, and spoke of "my only son Pieter;" dau. Maria; Catharina; Debora; Elisabeth; and "my late wife." Ch: bp.; Barent, Feb. 6, 1743, Maria, Aug. 23, 1747; Maria, Oct. 22, 1749; Catharina, Feb. 23, 1753; Barent, Dec. 16, 1753, buried Oct. 6, 1756; Pieter, Dec. 7, 1755; Debora, Feb. 9, 1758; Elisabeth, b. July 9, 1760; Elisabeth, bp. Dec. 20, 1761.

Sanders, Johannes, m. Debora Glen, of Schenectady, Dec. 6, 1739. She was the only child and heir of Col. Jacob Glen, of Scotia. In 1765, by the purchase of the interest of John Glen, of Albany, and John Glen, Jr., of Schenectady, for 4,000 pounds, Johannes Sanders and w. became sole owners of the Glen estate in the present town of Glenville. He made a will Jan. 27, 1779, proved Feb. 11, 1783; in it he mentions his only son, Johannes; w. Debora, living; and daughters, Maria; Sara; Elsje; and Margaret. He d. Sept. 13, 1782; she d. March 8, 1786. Ch. all b. in Schenectady; Maria, bp. June 14, 1740, w. of Johannes Beekman of Albany; Sara, bp. Feb. 20, 1743, m. her cousin Jno. Sanders Glen, of Scotia; Barent, b. Aug. 6, 1744, d. Nov. 21, 1746; Elisabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1746, d. Sept. 19, 1747; Elisabeth, b. Dec. 5, 1748, d. Feb. 5, 1776; Barent, b. Dec. 22, 1750, d. Sept. 5, 1758; Elsje, bp. April 5, 1752; m. Schuyler Ten Eyck, of Schenectady; Jacob Glen, b. April 5, 1755, d. Sept. 18, 1765; Johannes, bp. Oct. 23, 1757, m. his cousin Debora, dau. of Robert Sanders, of Albany; Barent, b. Dec. 26,1759, d. Dec. 31, 1759; Margaret, bp. June 24, 1764, m. Kiliaan Van Rensselaer, of Claverack.

Sanders, Johannes, Jr. (son of the last), m. first, Debora Sanders, of Albany, Feb. 24, 1777, and secondly Albertina Ten Broeck, of Clermont, Columbia county, in 1799. His first w. d. Nov. 28, 1793, he second d. July 30 (23), 1840, a. 79 y.; he d. March 30, 1834. Johannes Sanders, Jr., inherited his father's estate, and resided in the ancient Glen house at Scotia. Ch: b. at S.; Elisabeth, Dec. 20, 1777, m. Doct. William Anderson, d. June 21, 1850; Barent, Jan. 12, 1779, d. June 5, 1854, a. 75 y.; Robert, Sept. 8, 1781, d. Oct. 25, 1783; Sarah, Aug. 28, 1783, m. Peter S. Van Rensselaer, d. Aug. 12, 1869, a. 86 y.; Catharina, Oct. 10 (11), 1785, m. Gerard Beekman, of New York; Robert, July 18, 1787, d. Nov. 5, 1840; Jacob Glen, April 20 (22), 1789, c. March, 1867; Peter, Feb. 17, 1792, d. May 12, 1850; John, Dec. 27, 1802; Theodore (or Derrick Wessels), Oct. 20, 1804.

Sanders, Barent, of Albany, m. Catalina Bleeker, June 9, 1810, d. June 5, 1854, a. 75 y. Ch: John, b. Feb. 1, 1812; Debora, b. Feb. 9, 1814.

Sans, Hendrick, and Catarina Ham. Ch: bp.; Annatie, Feb. 19, 1754; Catarina, July 11, 1756.

Santhagen, Frerik, and Charlotte Roff. Ch: Johannes Frerik, b. Jan. 14, 1779.

Schaats, Domine Gideon, became the second minister of the church in Beverwyck, in 1652. Having become incapacitated by age to perform the duties of his office Demine Dellius became his coadjutor in 1683. He died in 1690 in his 83d year. The name of his first wife is not known; on the 22d of August, 1683, he married widow Barentje Hendrickse in New York, he being then 75 years old; she d. in 1688. Three of his children reached mature age; Reynier, the eldest son; Anneke, who married Thomas Davidtse Kikebell, of New York, which whom she had some disagreements which were finally amicably arranged; and Bartholomeus who passed over to Holland, in 1670 and on his return settled in New York as a silversmith. According to the church records, he, with Catalyntje Schaats, [perhaps his wife] abiit cum testimonio Neo Eboraca in 1706. He is said to have died about 1720, leaving a son Reynier from whom are descended all of the name now in this country. O'Callaghan's Hist. of N. Netherland. He had a daughter Antje, bp. in N.Y. Feb. 27, 1715. [Bartholomeus Schaats m. Jacoba Kierstede, widow, in N.Y., April 21, 1734].

Schaets, Reynier, "Chyrurgion," eldest son of Domine S., was an early settler at Schenectady, where he was appointed justice of the peace by Leisler in 1689. He and a son were killed on the 9th of Feb. 1690, at the massacre and burning of the village by French and Indians. His widow Catrina Bensing, m. Jonathan Broadhurst, in Albany, April 23, 1696. Reynier Schaets left two children, a son Gideon, and dau. Agnietie, who m. Matthys Nak of Albany.

Schans (Schyaensch), Christiaen, m. Catharina Van Buren, Nov. 8, 1719. Ch: bp.; Catharina, Feb. 12, 1721; David, March 24, 1723; Andries, August 1, 1725; Maria, Jan. 8, 1727; Hendrik June 14, 1749; Margarita, April 30, 1732; Anthonie, Sept. 22, 1734; Jeremias, Sept. 5, 1736.

Schans, Hendrick, and Catharina Ham. Ch: Andries, bp. Sept. 24, 1758.

Schants, David, m. Maritie Immerick, June 22, 1744. Ch: Christiaan, bp. May 5, 1745.

Schauns, see Jones.

Scheer, Petrus, of Halve Moon, m. Catharina (Maria) De Voe, Feb. 23, 1773. Ch: b.; Elizabeth, April 27, 1777; Isaac, August 3, 1780.

Schefer, Johannes, and Elizabeth Daniels. Ch: Jacob, bp.; August 9, 1747.

Schenklin, Andrew, and ____. Ch: Joseph Jan, and Elizabeth, drielingen, bp. Jan. 11, 1782.

Schermerhooren, Jacob Janse, brewer and trader was born in 1622, it is said in Waterland, Holland; in 1654, his father was living in Amsterdam. He came out to Beverwyck, in 1636, and became a prosperous trader. He made his will May 20, 1688, and soon after died at Schenectady. He left a large estate for the time, amounting to 56,882 guilders. He married Jannetie Segers, dau. of Cornelis Segerse Van Voorhoudt, and had nine children: Reyer, Symon, Helena, w. of Myndert Harmense Vander Bogart, Jacob, Machtelt, w. of Johannes Beeckman, Cornelis, Jannetie, w. of Caspar Springsteen, Neeltie, w. of Barent Ten Eyck, and Lucas.

Schermerhooren, Reyer Jacobse, born in Beverwyck, in 1652, settled in Schenectady, and became a prominent and influential citizen there. He m. in 1676, Ariaantje Arentse Bratt, widow of Helmer Otten, baker, of Albany. He made his will April 5, 1717, and d. Feb. 19, 1719. He had the following Ch: Jan, bp. Oct. 14, 1685; Catalina, w. of Johannes Wemp; Janneke, w. of Volkert Symonse Veeder; Jacob; and Arent, bp. Jan. 1693.

Schermerhooren, Symon Jacobse, was born in 1658. At the burning of Schenectady, Feb. 9, 1690, he rode to Albany by way of Niskayuna to carry the news of the massacre, although shot through the thigh and his horse wounded. His son Johannes, together with his three negroes, were killed on that fatal night. In 1691 he removed to New York where he died, about 1696, leaving a widow and one son, Arnout. He married Willempie Viele, probably dau. of Arnout Cornelise V. and had the following ch. bp. in Albany: Johannes, July 23, 1684, killed in 1690; Arnout, Nov. 7, 1686; Maria, bp. in N.Y., 1693; Jannetie, bp. in N.Y., March 24, 1695.

Schermerhooren, Jacob Jacobse, resided in the manor of Rensselaerswyck and was master of the sloop Star pling between New York and Albany, in 1681-4. He was buried at Papsknee, below Albany, June 20, 1743. He married Gerritie Hendrickse, [Van Buren] and had the following ch. bp. in Albany: Jacob, Dec. 27, 1685; Hendrick, Oct. 16, 1687; Cornelis, Sept. 22, 1689; Magtelt, Jan. 3, 1692; Jannetie, May 6, 1694; Elizabeth, August 28, 1698; Johannes, July 21, 1700; Reyer, Feb. 21, 1702.

Schermerhooren, Cornelis Jacobse, was living in the Manor Livingston, near Kinderhook, in 1720. He had previously been master of the sloop Star. He married first, Maritie Hendrickse Van Buren, Jan. 21, 1695, and secondly , Margarita Albertse, Feb. 6, 1713. Ch. bp. in Albany: Jacob, Oct. 4, 1696; Hendrik, in N.Y., Sept. 9, 1699; Hendrik, Feb. 23, 1701; Jannetie, April 23, 1710; Jannetie, May 24, 1719; Jacobus, July 3, 1720.

Schermerhooren, Lucas Jacobse, settled in Raritan, N.J., and is said to have married Elizabeth Dame, in 1700. He had two ch. bp. in N.Y.; Jannetie, Oct. 29, 1701; Sophya, April 7, 1703.

Schermerhooren, Arnout, son of Symon Jacobse, of New York, had the following ch. bp. there: Catharina, May 10, 1711; Willemyntje, Oct. 14, 1713; Johannes, July 13, 1715; Aeltie, May 19, 1717; Jannetie, Sept. 20, 1719.

Schemerhooren, Arent, of Schenectady, m. Antje Fonda, April 16, 1714. Ch: Catalyntje, bp. Oct. 10, 1714. See also Schenectady Families.

Schemerhoorn, Jacob, m. Margarita Tillery, Nov. 20, 1715.

Schemerhoorn, Jacob, and Susanna. Ch: Catryna, bp. July 10, 1715.

Schemerhoorn, Jacob Cornelise, and Antje. [A Jacob Schemerhoorn, and Agniete Van Vechten, were m. in Albany June 23, 1714; another Jacob S. m. Johanna Beekman, May 4, 1718.] Ch: bp.; Maria, March 6, 1717; Marretie, Oct. 12, 1718; Cornelis, Jan. 1, 1719; Marten, Sept. 11, 1720; Reyer, April 9, 1721; Cornelis, Sept. 23, 1722; Maria, Jan. 30, 1723; Gerritie, Oct. 11, 1724; Hendrik, Sept. 25, 1726; Johannes, May 13, 1727; Jannetie, Feb. 25, 1728; Philip, April 17, 1737.

Schemerhoorn, Hendrik, and Elsie. Ch: Gerritje, b. Nov. 24, op de flakie Loonenburgh, and bp. in the Luth. Church, at Klinkenberg, Dec. 16, 1716; Johannes, bp. August 31, 1718; Geesie, bp. Nov. 27, 1720; Elizabeth, bp. May 5, 1723; Jacob, bp. June 13, 1725; Roeloff, bp. Jan. 15, 1727.

Schermerhoorn, Reyer, blacksmith or Rhinebeck [son of Jacob Jacobse], m. Geertie Ten Eyck, July 4, 1724. He made a will July 16, 1759, proved May 26, 1768, in which he spoke of wife Maritie, brother-in-law Johannes B. Ten Eyck, and childen Barent, Jacob, Jan the youngest, Johannes, Jannetie, Catharine, and Gerritie, w. of Gerrit Harmenci; of these ch. the following were bp. in Albany: Barent, May 17, 1725; Gerritie, April 2, 1727; Reyer, June 5, 1737.

Schemerhoorn, Johannes [son of Jacob Jacobse], and Engeltie. Ch: bp.; Gerritie, April 30, 1732; Jacob, May 16, 1736; Samuel, July 2, 1738; Dirk, March 23, 1740; Gerritje, March 7, 1742.

Schermerhorn, Jacob, Jr., of manor Livingston [son of Jacob Jacobse] and Cathalyntje. He made will Nov. 19, 1760, proved July 21, 1761, in which he mentioned ch: Cornelis; Jacob; Teunis; William; Hencrick; Marten; Neeltie, w. of Johannes Radclift; and Polly, w. of Jeroo Halenbeck, of Claverack. Of these ch., Jacob was bp. Nov. 1, 1741; and Cornelis, April 24, 1743.

Schermerhorn, Cornelis, m. Maria Winne, Oct. 22, 1742. Ch: bp.; Jacob, June 12, 1743; Philip, Jan. 28, 1750; Dirkie, June 14, 1752.

Schermerhorn, Jacob, Jr., m. first Elisabeth Whitaker, and secondly, Annatie Stroop, about 1773. Ch: b.; Neeltie, Nov. 11, 1767; Rebecca, March 6, 1770, Maria, Dec. 3, 1773.

Schermerhorn, Jacob C., and Gerritje Schemerhorn. Ch: bp.; Marytje, Dec. 17. 1769; Marytje, Aug. 16, 1778; Cathalyna, Jan. 20, 1782; Gerritje, b. Feb. 5, 1787.

Schermerhorn, Ryer, and Dirkie Van Buren. Ch: Antie, b. June 26, 1776.

Schermerhorn, Johannes, and Margarita Folksby. Ch: Jannetie, bp. June 23, 1777.

Schermerhorn, John W., and Cathalyntje (Van) Valkenburg. Ch: Cornelis, bp. March 1, 1778.

Schermerhorn, Hendrik, and Cornelia Lansing. Ch: Cornelia, b. July 1, 1778.

Schermerhorn, Ryer B., of Albany Co., m. Marytje Beveers, Feb. 2, 1775. Ch: Willem, b. April 11, 1779.

Schermerhorn, Jacob, ad Geertruy. Ch: Barent, b. April 19, 1779.

Schermerhorn, Dirk, and Cathalyntje. Ch: Susanna, b. March 20, 1779.

Schermerhorn, Daniel, and Maria Van Der Poel. Ch: Jacob, b. Jan. 7, 1780.

Schermerhorn, Johannes, and Bata Van Valkenburgh. Ch: Neeltie, b. Dec. 25, 1781.

Schermerhorn, Jacob J., and Aaltie Schermerhorn. Ch: Cornelia, b. April 15, 1783.

Schermerhorn, Jacob, and Annatie Kenneda. Ch: Samuel, b. April 17, 1787.

Schermerhorn, Cornelius and Catharina Van Rensselaer. Ch: b.; Henry Rensselaer, March 24, 1797; Alida, Dec. 30, 1799.

Scherp, see Sharp.

Schever (Scheber, Schiever), Hendrick, and Marytje. Ch: Catharyna, bp. Dec. 17, 1738; Christina, bp. June 7, 1741; Philip, bp. Jan. 26, 1743.

Schever, Deiderich, and Maria Margarita Hendrich. Ch: Annelse, bp. Aug. 22, 1756.

Scholtus, Johannes, and Elisabeth Doth. Ch: Hendrik, b. July 20, 1768.

Schoen,Jan Willemse, farmer in colony Rensselaerswyck in 1660.

Schoonmaker, Jan Barentse (Van Edam) came to Beverwyck in 1636, and was still there in 1665.

Schoonmaker, Harmen, owned a house lot in Albany in 1676.

Schoonmaker, Michael, and Catharina Oatner. Ch: Anna, bp. March 11, 1754.

Schoonmaker, Johannes, and Aaltie (Alida) Burhans. Ch: Hendrikus, bp. May 21, 1775; Abraham, b. Oct. 20, 1777; Margarita, b. Margrita, b. May 27, 1780; Cornelis, b. Jan. 14, 1783.

Schoonmaker, Tjerk, and Cornelia Acker. Ch: Johannes, b. March 17, 1786.

Schoonmaker, John, Jr., m. Magdalena Honser (Hansen), Oct. 5, 1790. Ch: John, b. July 22, 1791; Maria, b. Dec. 18, 1792.

Schouten, Gerrit Jacobse, of Kinderhook, m. Lysbeth Arnoutse (Arnolds) Eli [Viele?], June 17, 1693. Ch: bp.; Abigail, Jan. 20, 1695; Meesje, June 28, 1696; Cornelis, Jan. 8, 1699; Dorothee, Feb. 5, 1701.

Schouter (Schoute, Shuter?), of Niskayuna, and Cypjen. Ch: bp.; Jurriaen, March 23, 1684; Jan, April 18, 1686; Jacob, March 2, 1690.

Schram, Johannes, and Eva (Van) Valkenburgh. Ch: Abraham, b. Jan. 7, 1774.

Schreydel, Jan Lod, m. Neyltie (Heyltie) Van Woerd, Oct. 31, 1727. Ch: Eva, bp. July 14, 1728.

Schufeldt (Schoufeld, Zoufeld), Adam, and Neeltje Freer. Ch: b.; Annatie, Jan. 8, 1764; Theunis, Nov. 20, 1766; Willem, Sept. 9, 1768; Elisabeth, Nov. 10, 1769; Zacharias, Feb. 23, 1772.

Schufeldt (Zoufeld), Hannes, and Sara (Elisabeth) Freer. Ch: b.; Petrus, July 22, bp. June 30 (sic), 1765; Maria, Jan. 2, 1767; Neeltie, April 14, 1770.

Schut (Schuidt) alias Dommelaer, Willem Janes, tailor, was in Beverwyck 1657-68.

Schuyler. Two brothers of this name, David and Philip Pieterse Schuyler, were among the early settlers of Beverwyck, and were the progenitors of the numerous families bearing this name in Albany and vicinity. They came from Amsterdam.

Schuyler, David Pieterse, m. Catalyn, dau. of Abraham Verplanck, Oct. 13, 1657, in New Amsterdam. On the 29th Nov., 1692, he lived near the northeast corner of the city walls by the water side, on the south corner of Broadway and Steuben street, and in 1699 she petitioned for an addition of 14 feet to the north side of her lot, which was refused by the city authorities because "it will reach too near ye Citty Stockadoes." This lot was occupied in 1709 by Jacobus and Abraham, his sons. His sons who lived to maturity and had families in Albany were Pieter; Jacobus; Abraham; David; and Myndert.

Schuyler, Pieter Davidtse, was a trader and in 1694 lived in Claverack; in 1685, he was commissioned judge of the court of Oyer and Terminer for Albany county; in May 1696, he was lately deceased. He m. Alida Van Slichtenhorst, widow of Gerrit Goosense Van Schaick, and dau. of Brant Arents Van S. Ch: Gerrit (?) Johannes, bp. De. 3, 1684; Catalina, bp. Oct. 10, 1686; David, bp. Dec. 26, 1688; Alida, bp. Jan. 21, 1693; Philip, bp. Oct. 28, 1694; Pieter, bp. Aug. 9, 1696.

Schuyler, Jacobus, Davidtse, lived on the lot now on the south corner of Broadway and Steuben street. He d. March 22, 1706-7. His first wife was Catalyntje Wendel; he m. secondly Susanna Wendel, June 3, 1704, and had one ch.: Catalyntje, bp. April 21, 1706.

Schuyler, Abraham Davidtse, in 1709, resided upon the lot which his father had occupied on the south corner of Broadway and Steuben street. In 1684 he was master of the sloop Hopewell plying between New York and Albany. In his will, made Dec. 15, 1709, he speaks of the five following children, of his wife and his brothers-in-law Wessel and Samuel Ten Broeck. He m. Geertruy Ten Broeck, Nov. 11, 1691. Ch: David, bp. Nov. 30, 1692; Christina, bp. July 21, 1695; Dirk, bp. July 28, 1700; Abraham, bp. Aug. 27, 1704; Jacobus, bp. March 23, 1707.

Schuyler, David Davidtse, was mayor of Albany, 1706-7. He m. first, Elsje, dau. of Harmen Rutgers (?) Jan. 1, 1694; and secondly, Elizabeth Marschalk in New York, May 3, 1719. She d. Sept. 24, 1722. Ch: Catrina, bp. Nov. 25, 1694; David, bp. April 11, 1697; Hermanus, bp. July 21, 1700; Catharina, bp. Dec. 19, 1703; Myndert, bp. Oct. 7, 1711 (admitted freeman of N.Y. city, 1734, m. Elizabeth Wessels, June 21, 1735); Anthony, bp. Oct. 30, 1715; Elizabeth, bp. in N.Y., March 6, 1720.

Schuyler, Capt. Myndert (Davidse), merchant; mayor of Albany, 1719-21, and 1723-5. In 1703, he occupied a lot on the south side of State street, formerly Gerrit Bancker's, the third east from South Pearl street. He was buried in the church, Oct. 26, 1693; she was buried in the church, Oct. 21, 1755. He m. Rachel Cuyler in New York, Oct. 2, 1693; she was buried in the church July 24, 1747. Ch: Anna, bp. Feb. 28, 1697, m. Johannes DePeyster. Rachel, named in her father's will.

Col. Philip Pieterse Schuyler, the better known of the two brothers of this name who first settled in New Netherland, is usually recognized as the ancestor of all the Schuylers of Albany and vicinity. Like his brother David, he had a numerous family, who became connected by marriage with some of the most respectable families of the Province. He wa a trader and farmer and resided on a bouwery, at the Flats below the present village of West Troy; died March 9, 1683, and was buried on the 11th in the church. His wife, Margareta Van Slichtenhorst, dau. of Brant Aertse Van S., he m. Dec. 12 (22), 1650. Ch: Guysbert, b. July 2, 1652; Geertruy, b. Feb. 4, 1654, m. Stephanus Van Corlandt, of N.Y., Sept. 10 (Oct. 3), 1671; Alida, b. Feb. 28, 1656, m. first Rev. Nicolaas Van Rensselaer, and secondly, Robert Livingston; Pieter, b. Sept. 17, 1657; Brant, b. Dec. 18, 1659; Arent, b. June 25, 1662; Sybilla, b. Nov. 12, 1664, c. aged 4 weeks; Philip, b. Feb. 8, 1666; Johannes, b. April 5, 1668; Margareta, b. Jan. 2, 1672.

Schuyler, Col. Pieter (Philipse), merchant of Albany, was the first mayor of the city, 1686-1694. In 1703 he occupied a house and lot on the east side of Broadway at the "Great bridge," across he Rutten Kil just south of State street. His lot extended back to the river. He m. first, Engeltie Van Schaick; and secondly, Maria Van Rensselaer, Sept. 14, 1691. He was buried Feb. 22, 1724. Ch: bp.; Philippus, Oct. 1684; Anna, Sept. 12, 1686; Geertruy, Aug. 17, 1689; Maria, May 8, 1692; Geertruy, Feb. 11, 1694, m. Johannes Joh. Lansing; Philippus, Jan. 15, 1696; Jeremias and Pieter, twins, Jan. 12, 1698.

Schuyler, Brandt (Philipse), lived in Broad street, New York, in 1686. He m. first, Cornelia Van Cortlandt, July 12, 1682; and secondly, Margarita Van Syck, April 16, 1741; d. Aug. 15, 1752. Ch: bp. in N.Y.; Philippus, Nov. 6, 1683; Oloff, Dec. 12, 1686; Johannes, Jan. 15, 1690.

Schuyler, Arent (Philipse), trader, was admitted freeman of New York city in 1695; before 1725, he was probably settled on the Second or Passaic river at Belleville, N.Y. He m. first, Janneke Teller, Nov. 26, 1684; secondly, Swantie Dyckhuyse about Jan. 1703. Ch: bp. in Albany: Marareta, Sept. 27, 1685; Philippus, Sept. 11, 1687; Maria, Oct. 6, 1689; Judik, March 13, 1692; bp. in N.Y., Casparus, May 5, 1695; Wilhelmus, June 2, 1700.

Schuyler, Philip (Philipse), m. Elizabeth De Meyer of New York, August 24, 1687. Ch: Nicolaas, bp. Sept. 21, 1692, in N.Y.

Schuyler, Capt. Johannes, trader, youngest son of Philip Pieterse, held a captain's commission in 1690, at the age of 22 yrs., and led an expedition into Canada; he had great influence with the Indians; was mayor of Albany, 1703-6; in 1712, his house lot was 55 ft. wide (Rynland measure) on the south corner of Pearl and State streets, running back to the Rutten Kil. He d. July 25, 1747. His wife Elisabeth Staats, widow of Johannes Wendel, was m. April 25, 1695; buried in the church June 5, 1737. Ch: bp.; Philip, Dec. 25, 1695, killed by the French at Saratoga, Nov. 28, 1745; Johannes, Oct. 31, 1697; Margarita, the "American Lacy," Jan. 12, 1701; Catalyntje, March 5, 1704, m. Cornelius Cuyler.

Schuyler, Gerrit or Gerardus [son of Pieter and Alida Van Slichtenhorst], was admitted freeman of New York city in 1702, and m. Aagje De Grood, there Sept. 28, 1703. Ch: bp. in N.Y.: Alida, Nov. 19, 1704; Janneke, Jan. 29, 1707; Aegje, Jan. 25, 1710; Pieter, Jan. 9, 1712; Aegje, March 20, 1715; Johanna Gouda, June 2, 1717; Maria, Feb. 10, 1720.

Schuyler, Col. Philip [son of Pieter and Maria Van Rensselaer], m. his cousin Margarita ["Aunt Schuyler"] dau. of Johannes Philipse. He lived on the Flats [West Troy] and d. Feb. 16, 1758.

Schuyler, Philip [son of Brandt S., of N.Y.?], m. Ann Elisabeth Staats, dau. of Dr. Samuel S., of N.Y., Aug. 28, 1713. Ch: bp. in N.Y.: Johanna, Oct. 17, 1714; Brandt, July 21, 1717; Samuel, June 7, 1719.

Schuyler, Jr., Philip [son of Arent?], m. Sara Rosevelt, in N.Y., Feb. 28, 1718. Ch: Sara, bp. in N.Y., Aug. 19, 1719.

Schuyler, Nicolaas [son of Philip and Elisabeth De Meyer], was a surveyor, m. Elsie Wendel, Dec. 2, 1714, was buried July 8, 1748. Ch: bp.; Elisabeth, Sept. 18, 1715; Philip, Oct. 27, 1717; Harmanus?

Schuyler, David [son of Abraham and Geertruy Ten Broeck], had a lot in 1735 on the south corner of Broadway and Steuben street; m. first, Anna Bratt, July 17, 1720, who d. Sept. 24, 1724; and secondly, Maria ____, about 1734. Ch: bp.; Alida, Feb. 12, 1721, Pieter, March 10, 1723; Abraham, Nov. 15, 1734; Abraham, Dec. 25, 1735.

Schuyler, Pieter, Jr. [son of Pieter and Maria Van Rensselaer], m. first, Catharina Groesbeck, Nov. 4, 1722, and secondly, Geertruy Schuyler, dau. of Johannes S. He was buried at the Flats Sept. 2, 1753. Ch: bp.; Pieter, Feb. 20, 1723; Elisabeth, Jan. 3, 1725; Maria, Jan. 22, 127; Stephanus, April 2, 1732; Philip, April 22, 1736; Col. Philip P. Schuyler d. June 3, 1808, a. 73 y.; Maria, Dec. 20, 1738; Maria, May 7, 1741; Johannes, Aug. 14, 1743; Cornelia, July 26, 1746; Johannes, Dec. 10, 1749.

Schuyler, Jeremias [son of Pieter and Maria Van Rensselaer], in 1728 lived on the east side of broadway in the first ward, by the bidge over the Rutten kil, just south of State street. He m. Susanna ____; was buried at the Flats, Dec. 10, 1753; she was buried June 17, 1747. Ch: bp.; Magdalena, Nov. 3, 1723; Maria, April 17, 1726; Pieter, Sept. 22, 1728; Thomas, Nov. 15, 1734; Margarieta, Sept. 3, 1738.

Schuyler, Harmanus [son of David and Elsie Rutgers], was admitted freeman of N.Y. city in 1728; m. Jannetie Bancker in Albany, Dec. 1, 1722. Ch: bp. in Albany: David, Feb. 7, 1725; Evert, Aug. 28, 1726.

Schuyler, Johannes, Jr. [son of Johannes, and Elizabeth Staats], m. Cornelia Van Courtlandt of N.Y. Oct. 18, 1723. [He or another of this name was mayor of Albany, 1741-2.] Ch: bp.; Geertruy (?), w. of Pieter Schuyler, Jr.; Catharina, July 14, 1728; Philip, Oct. 17, 1731; Philip [Maj. Gen.] Nov. 11, 1733; Cortlandt, July 9, 1735; Stephannus, Aug. 14, 1737; Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1738; Oliver, Feb. 22, 1741. [Johannes Schuyler, Jr. was buried at the Flats Nov. 6, 1741; Johannes S., Jr. was buried in the church Nov. 7. 1746; and another Johannes S. was buried in the church July 22, 1740.]

Schuyler, Abraham [son of Abraham and Geertruy Ten Broeck], m. Catherine Staats, Sept. 7, 1732. Ch: Christina, bp. June 20, 1733.

Schuyler, Abraham A. [perhaps same as last] and Maria ____. Ch: Hendrick, bp. Feb. 8, 1738.

Schuyler, Jacobus [son of Abraham and Geertruy Ten Broeck], m. Geertruy Staats, Nov. 12, 1735. Ch: Geertruy, bp. May 2, 1736; Geertruy, bp. Oct. 21, 1737; Dirk, bp. March 16, 1740; Neeltie, bp. Aug. 15, 1742; Anna, bp. April 21, 1745; Neeltje, bp. Nov. 22, 1747; Barent Staats, bp. Feb. 18, 1750; Christina, bp. Dec. 24, 1752.

Schuyler, Harmanus [son of Nicolaas, and Elsie Wendel], m. Christina Ten Broeck of Claverack, Sept. 4, 1754. Ch: Nicolaas, bp. June 22, 1755; Samuel, bp. Nov. 20, 1757; Elsie, bp. March 9, 1760; Dirk, bp. Dec. 6, 1761; Johannes geboren gisteren, bp. Aug. 1, 1763; Maria, b. Feb. 1, 1766; Philip, b. Dec. 12, 1767; Maria, b. April 25, 1769; Philip, b. Aug. 22, 1771.

Schuyler, Gen. Philip, Jr. [son of Johannes and Cornelia Van Cortlandt], m. Catrina Van Rensselaer, dau. of Johannes V. R., Sept. 7, 1755, d. Nov. 18, 1804, a. 71 y. Ch: Engeltie, bp. Feb. 22, 1756; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 7, 1757, m. Alexander Hamilton, Dec. 9, 1780, d. in Washington, Nov. 7 (?), 1854; Margarita, bp. Sept. 24, 1758, m. Stephen Van Rensselaer; Cornelia, bp. Aug. 1, 1761; John Bradstreet, bp. Oct. 8, 1763; John Bradstreet in huis gedoopt July 23, 1765; d. in Saratoga, Aug. 19, 1795; Philip Jeremias, b. Jan. 20, 1768, d. Feb. 21, 1835, in N.Y.; Rensselaer, b. Jan. 29, 1773; Cornelia Lynch, b. Dec. 22, 1776, m. ____ Morton, d. in Philadelphia, July 5, 1808; Cortlandt, b. May 15, 1778; Catharina Van Rensselaer, b. Feb. 20, 1781, m. first Samuel Malcolm son of Gen. Malcolm, and secondly Maj. James Cochrane, son of Surgeon Gen. Cochrane of the Revolutionary army, and d. in Oswego, Aug. 26, 1857.

Schuyler, Stephanus [son of Pieter, Jr. and Catharina Groesbeck], m. Engeltie Van Vechten. Ch: Pieter, bp. May 14, 1758; Geertruy, bp. Jan. 4, 1760; Reuben, bp. Jan. 10, 1762; Philip, b. Aug. 21, 1763; Catharina, b. Oct. 9, 1765; Johannes, b. May 23, 1768; Jeremie, b. Sept. 27, 1771.

Schuyler, Stephen or Stephanus J. [son of Johannes and Cornelia Van Cortlandt], m. Lena Ten Eyck, April 29, 1763. Ch: b.; Johannes, Jan. 4, 1768; Tobias, Nov. 27, 1765; Philip, Jan. 24, 1768; Hendrick Ten Eyck, Dec. 31, 1772; Philip Cortland, July 30, 1775; Cornelia, Nov. 1, 1777; Barent, April 12, 1780; Stephen Van Rensselaer, Oct. 3, 1783; Cortlandt, bp. Sept. 24, 1786, d. July 31, 1858, a. 72 y., and was buried from his residence in Tivoli Hollow.

Schuyler, Abraham [son of David and Maria ____], m. Eva Beeckman, Dec. 2, 1763, d. May 27, 1812, a. 76 y.; she d. July 17, 1803, a. 69 y. 5 m. 3 d. Ch: b.; Maria, Dec. 18, 1764; Martin Beeckman, March 2, 1767; David, March 31, 1769; Maria, Feb. 14, 1771; Geertruy, July 16, 1773; Hendrik, Sept. 8, 1775.

Schuyler, Col. Philip Pieterse [son of Pieter, Jr. and Catharina Groesbeck], m. Annatie Wendel, April 21, 1765, d. June 3, 1808, a. 73 y. Ch: b.; Catharina, March 12, 1766; Elizabeth, May 4, 1771; Geertruy, June 26, 1773; Pieter, July 15, 1776; Maria, Sept. 11, 1778; Stephen, Nov. 17, 1780, d. Feb. 5, 1845, a. 66 y.; Ariaentje, Sept. 15, 1782; Lucas, March 9, 1785.

Schuyler, Dirk [son of Jacobus and Geertruy Staats], m. Maria Van Deusen, in N.Y. April 26, 1764. Ch: b.; Jacobus, July 29, 1768; Catharina, Nov. 20, 1770; Willem Van Deusen, May 9, 1773; Geertruy, July 25, 1775.

Schuyler, Pieter, Jr., m. Geertruy Lansing, Jan. 17, 1767. Ch: Anna, b. Feb. 6, 1769.

Schuyler, Reuben [son of Stephanus and Engeltie Van Vechten], m. Sara Foss. Ch: Sara, b. March 8, 1785.

Schuyler, John Bradstreet [son of Gen. Philip and Catrina Van Rensselaer], m. Elizabeth Van Rensselaer, Sept. 18, 1787, d. in Saratoga, Aug. 19, 1795. Ch: Philip, b. Oct. 26, 1788; Stephen Van Rensselaer, b. May 4, and d. May 25, 1790.

Schuyler, Pieter S. [son of Stephanus and Engeltie Van Vechten], m. Caty Cuyler, Dec. 2, 1789. Ch: b.; Engeltie, Sept. 8, 1790; Angelica, Jan. 30, 1794; Angelica, Oct. 1, 1798, m. Sander Lansing, Jr., and d. March 24, 1863, aS. 67 y., buried at West Troy; John Cuyler, Dec. 1, 1801.

Schuyler, Harmanus F. [son of Philip P. and Annatie Wendell?], m. first, Mary Staats, Oct. 2, 1790; and secondly, Maria Dean, about 1800. [Harmanus P. S., and Hester Beeckman, m. Feb. 16, 1797.] His first wife d. March 24, 1794, a. 20 y.; his wife Mary Dean d. Dec. 28, 1810, a. 33 y. 2 mo. 28 d.; he d. in Niskayuna, Oct. 13, 1822, a. 53 y. Ch: b.; Mary, July 8, 1791; Philip, Jan. 26, 1793; Mary Anna, July 27, 1800.

Schuyler, John S. [son of Stephen J. and Lena Ten Eyck], m. Catharine Cuyler; she d. at Watervliet, Sept. 28, 1855, a. 92 y. Ch: b.; Stephen, Nov. 16, 1793; Stephen, June 30, 1797; Helena, Jan. 16, 1803.

Schuyler, Philip S. [son of Stephanus and Engeltie Van Vechten?], m. Rachel Van den Bergh, July 1, 1789. Ch: b.; Stephen, Oct. 27, 1794; a child name not registered, Dec. 12, 1796; Abraham, Sept. 5, 1799; Lucan Van Vechten, Nov. 20, 1801.

Schuyler, Jeremiah [son of Stephanus and Engeltie Van Vechten?], m. Jane Cuyler. She d. at Watervliet, Feb. 15, 1832. Ch: Cornelius, b. July 1, 1795; Anne Jane, b. May 28, 1797.

Schuyler, Philip S. [son of Stephen and Lena Ten Eyck?], m. Cynthia Carpenter. Ch: b.; John Carpenter, Oct. 2, 1801; Helena, Aug. 30, 1803.

Schyarch (Church), William and Mary ____. Ch: Jeremias, bp. May 2, 1725.

Scott, Robert, m. Agnietje Williams, May 23, 1736. Ch: bp.; Jan, Jan. 26, 1737; Hilletje, Nov. 8, 1738; Margarieta, Dec. 14, 1740.

Scott, Matthew, and Mary Hue. Ch: Marytje, bp. Aug. 17, 1746.

Scott, John and Mary ____. Ch: Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 14, 1749.

Scott, David and Marytje Wendell. Ch: b.; Alexander, Nov. 16, 1765; Claartje (?), June 18, 1768; Susanna, July 7, 1771; Claartje, July 25, 1773.

Seaton, William, and Cathy Connick. Ch: Alida, b. April 21, 1775.

Seaman, Isaac, and Margaret ____. Ch: Mary, b. Jan. 11, 1795.

See, David, and Leentje Snyder. Ch: Joseph, bp. Jan. 6, 1782.

Segers is the surname of a family in Albany which in earlier times was called Van Voorhoudt. Cornelis Segerse Van Voorhoudt, the first settler, came to Beverwyck in 1642, "and succeeded Vander Donck on the farm called Welysburgh, on Castle Island." His wife was Bregje Jacobsen; she d. April 1667. In 1663 they made a joint will, she being then indisposed, and mentioned the following ch., all living save Claas: Cornelis, Claas, Seger, Jennetje, w. of Jacob Janse Schermerhoorn; Neeltje, w. of Hans Carelse Noorman; and Lysbeth, w. of Francis Boon.

[Segers], Seger Cornelise, m. Jannetie, dau. of Teunis Dirkse Van Vechten.

[Segers], Claas Cornelisse, m. Bregje Maryrns, and was accidentally killed in a brawl by Andries Herpertsen in 1662. After his death his widow m. Jan Tyssen Goes and d. in 1663. In 1663, the following ch. of Claas Cornelise Van Voorhoudt were living: Maryn, a. 12 y.; Jacob, a. 10 y.; Lysbeth, a. 8 y.; Tryntje, a. 5 y.

Segers, Johannes, m. Breechie Wielaars (Wheeler?), June 19, 1719. In 1730 he bought a lot on the east side of South Pearl next to Jacob Egmont's lot 105 ft. north from Hudson street. Ch: bp.; Evert (?); Hilletie, Jan. 20, 1723; Hendrik, April 25, 1724; Thomas, Jan. 16, 1726, d. March 25, 1809, a. 84 y.; Roeloff, Aug. 13, 1727; Johannes, Nov. 9, 1729; Albertus, Oct. 21, 1733; Hilletie, Jan. 8, 1735; Jacob, Oct. 31, 1736; Josyntje, July 31, 1738.

Segers, Staats, m. Susanna Bratt, Dec. 6, 1740. Ch: bp.; Gerrit, March 22, 1741; Pieter, Dec. 5, 1742; Frederic, June 10, 1744; Johannes, Jan. 24, 1748; Adam, Feb. 25, 1750; Maria, May 29, 1752; Adriaan, Jan. 5, 1755; Staats, May 30, 1756.

Segers, Evert [son of Johannes and Brechie Wielaars], m. Sara Orhert [Orchard], April 21, 1744. Ch: bp.; Johannes, Feb. 17, 1745; Brechie, Nov. 22, 1747; Thomas, Dec. 11, 1748; Wyntje, March 17, 1751; Josina, March 8, 1752; Hendrick, Sept. 15, 1754; Jacobus, Nov. 25, 1759; Brechie, b. May 14, 1762; George, May 30, 1765.

Segers, Thomas [son of Johannes and Brechie Wielaars], m. first, Josina Wheeler, and secondly, Judith Hoogland, about 1758. His first wife was buried Sept. 13, 1753; he d. March 25, 1809, a. 84 y. Ch: Johannes, bp. June 26, 1748; Bregie, bp. Oct. 15, 1758; Adriaanus Hogeland, b. July 27, 1762; Hadrian Hoogeland, b. Feb. 29, 1764.

Segers, Johannes [son of Johannes and Breghie Wielaars?]. Ch: bp.; Maria, March 27, 1748; Pieter, Feb. 20, 1751; Gerrit, June 24, 1753; Johannes, Dec. 7, 1755; Maria, April 2, 1758; Lydia, geboren voor 6 weken, May 6, 1764; Frederic, b. Aug. 20, 1767.

Segers, Roeloff [son of Johannes and Breghie Wielaars?], m. first, Margarita Arnold, who was buried March 9, 1752; and secondly, Lidia Harty, Feb. 25, 1754. Ch: Margarita, bp. Feb. 23, 1752; Jacobus, bp. Oct. 20, 1754; Johannes, bp. Feb. 4, 1767.

Segers, Johannes, and Catarina Pieterse. She was buried June 17, 1757. Ch: Johannes, bp. March 30, 1755; Thomas, bp. June 5, 1757.

Segers, Hendrick [son of Johannes and Breghie Wielaars], m. first, Elizabeth Haver, who was buried Sept. 2, 1757; and secondly, Margarita Koen, April 16, 1761. Ch: Johannes, bp. Aug. 28, 1757; Elizabeth, b. Oct. 15, 1762; Elizabeth, b. April 1, 1767; Juriaan, b. March 20, 1769; Breghtje, b. July 25, 1771; Simon, b. March 26, 1781.

Segers, Gerrit, m. Wyntje Oliver, July 15, 1757. Ch: Antje, bp. June 15, 1758; Maria, bp. Aug. 5, 1759; Jan, bp. Oct. 11, 1761; Lydia, b. Jan. 9, 1764; Lydia, b. Sept. 13, 1766; Sara, b. March 11, 1769.

Segers, Gerrit [son of Staats, and Susanna Bratt?], m. Mary Pengburn (Bengwood), Dec. 11, 1766. Ch: William, b. Feb. 10, 1770; Marytje, b. Oct. 12, 1771; Adam, b. March 5, 1773.

Segers, Johannes E. [son of Evert and Sara Orchard], m. first, Sara Brook; and secondly, Sara Pengburn about 1771. Ch: Sara, b. Aug. 16, 1770; Susanna, b. May 1, 1772; Adam, b. July 25, 1783.

Segers, Pieter [son of Staats and Susanna Bratt], m. Annatje Howk (Huik). Ch: Susanna, bp. March 3, 1771; Marytje, b. Aug. 24, 1780.

Segers, Johannes [son of Evert and Sara Orchard?]. Ch: Evert, b. Aug. 10, bp. Sept. 31 (sic), 1774. [A Johannes S. m. Rebecca Witbeck, Oct. 6, 1782.

Segers, Jacob [son of Roeloff and Lydia Harty?] and Maria Crosby. Ch: Lydia, b. Sept. 7, 1778.

Segers, Alexander, and Mary Potter. Ch: Alexander, b. April 23, 1778.

Segers, Hendrik [son of Evert and Sara Orchard] and Annatie ____. Ch: b.; Sara, Sept. 14, 1780; Sara, Oct. 17, 1785.

Segers, George [son of Evert and Sara Orchard], m. Catharine Van der Williger [Terwilliger.] Ch: b.; Dirk, Feb. 28, 1790; Jane, March 16, 1792.

Segers, William [son of Gerrit and Mary Pengburn], m. Annatie Brant. Ch: Gerrit, b. Jan. 18, 1793.

Sequn, Jacob, and Margarita Dunbar. Ch: Elisabeth Roe, b. March 25, 1790.

Sharp, Scharp, Scherp, Schaap, &c.

Scharp, Andries Hanse, in Beverwyck as early as 1660; in 1671 bought a farm behind Kinderhook. He had sons: Johannes and Gysbert; Laurens.

Scharp, Johannes Andriese [son of the last], of Kinderhook, and 1720, of Claverack, m. Geertruy Rees, Nov. 25, 1694. Ch: bp.; Jannetie, Sept. 8, 1695; Andries, Jan. 5, 1701; Willem, July 10, 1698; Andries, Jan. 8, 1704; Neeltie, July 6, 1707; Cornelis, April 30, 1710; Catryna, Aug. 2, 1713.

Scharp, Gysbert Andriese, of Kinderhook, m. Lysbert Janse Goewey, Oct. 21, 1701. Ch: bp.; Andries, Aug. 30, 1702; Catharina, Aug. 20, 1702; Jan Salomon, March 24, 1706; Cornelis, May 3, 1708; Philip, Oct. 30, 1710; Laurens, Oct. 19, 1712; Maria, May 23, 1723.

Scharp, Laurens [son of Andries Hanse (?) and Hilletie Janse Goewey.] Ch: bp.; Andries, May 16, 1714; Salomon, Dec. 16, 1716; Catalyna, Aug. 24, 1718; Cornelia, Sept. 4, 1720; Pieter, Oct. 20, 1723; Jacob Salomonse, April 3, 1726.

Scharp, Thomas, m. Maria De Warran, Nov. 13, 1720; she was buried Nov. 3, 1748. Ch: bp.; Jacobus, Aug. 12, 1722; Thomas, Sept. 27, 1724; Thomas Scherp's son "Tommie" was buried April 18, 1741; Anna, Aug. 7, 1726; Maria, July 3, 1747.

Scharp, Jurriaan, and Barbara ____. Ch: bp.; Coenraad, Sept. 10, 1738; Augustinus, May 13, 1744; Jurrie (?); Pieter (?).

Scharp, Andries, Jr. [son of Lourens and Hilletie Goewey?], m. Elizabeth, dau. of Salomon Goewey, Aug. 31, 1739. Ch: Laurens, bp. June 22, 1740.

Scharp, Jurrie, Jr. [son of Jurriaan and Barbara], m. Catharina Fleegring (Filegery). Ch: Jurrie, bp. May 28, 1758; Catharina, bp. June 13, 1761; Jacob, geboren Pinxter-dag, bp. June 19, 1763; Marytje, b. May 3, 1766; Barbara, b. April 20, 1768; Christina, b. Sept. 29, 1770.

Scharp, Jacobus [son of Thomas and Maria De Warran?] and Annatje McGinnis. [James Sharp m. Hanna Wendell, widow, of Albany, March 12, 1763.] Ch: Maria, b. Sept. 28, 1763.

Scharp, Pieter, Jr. [son of Jurriaan and Barbara?], m. first, Catharina Berringer, Nov. 1762, and secondly, Mary Donneway, about 1778. Ch: b.; Barbara, Oct. 6, 1765; Frederic, July 22, 1769; Margarita, Dec. 6, 1776; William, Oct. 20, 1778; Mary, June 12, 1781.

Sharp, Willem, and Neeltie Suydam (Zerdam). Ch: Johanna, b. Sept. 15, 1767.

Sharp, Nicolaas, m. Lena Hoogeboom, Jan. 31, 1767. Ch: b.; Jacob, March 30, 1767; Bartholomeus, April 1, 1769; Jurriaan, Dec. 7, 1771; Barbara, June 25, 1776; Margarita, April 9, 1779.

Sharp, Lourens, and Geesie Schermerhorn. Ch: Hendrik and Gerritje, twins, bp. March 14, 1769.

Sharp, Augustinus, m. Maria Van Alsteyn, Dec. 10, 1767. Ch: b.; Maria, Aug. 17, 1769; Barbara, Oct. 29, 1775; Jurriaan, March 30, 1780; Jannetie, April 22, 1788.

Sharp, Coenraad [son of Jurriaan and Barbara] and Elizabeth Staats. Ch: Jurriaan, b. April 9, 1776; Jurriaan, b. Aug. 25, 1778; Catharine, b. March 30, 1786; Catharina, b. May 23, 1790.

Sharp, Johannes, and Jerusha (Jerisia) North (Noth). Ch: Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6, 1779; Abraham, b. March 3, 1786.

Sharp, Salomo, and Rachel Halenbeck. Ch: Johannes, b. June 25, 1781; Hilletje, b. Nov. 15, 1784.

Sharp, Abner, and Cornelia Halenbeck. Ch: Sibble, b. Jan. 22, 1788; Henry Halenbeck, b. Nov. 15, 1799.

Sharp, Jacob, m. Ariaantje Van Iveren (Everen), April 9, 1789. Ch: Catharine, b. Sept. 22, 1789; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1791.

Sharp, Gilbert, m. Annatie Schoenmaker, May 28, 1792. Ch: Peter, b. March 8, 1793.

Sharp, Jacob and Geertruy Wing. Ch: Samuel, b. March 22, 1800.

Shaw, Joseph, and Sara Duischer. Ch: Thomas, b. March 1, 1769; Catharina, b. Feb. 25, 1771.

Shaw, Benjamin, and Antje ____. Ch: Benjamin, b. Sept. 10, 1769.

Sherman (Shairman), Job, and Anna (Any) Conger. Ch: Lydia, b. Jan. 3, 1781.

Shever, Carel, m. Sara (Celia) Redly, May 25, 1776. Ch: Johannes, b. March 1, 1779.

Shewdy(Shoudy), Johannes, and Catharina Keizer. Ch: Barbara, b. Aug. 22, 1790; John, bp. Feb. 13, 1793.

Shuckburgh, Richard and Mary ____. Ch: John, bp. March 15, 1747.

Shutter, Hendrick, m. Jannetie Hindermond, March 29, 1779. Ch: b.; Margarita, May 20, 1783; Temperance, May 10, 1787.

Shutter, Abraham, and Geertruy Vosburgh. Ch: Barbara, bp. May 2, 1784.

Sibry (Sibree), William, m. Rebecca Yates, May 30, 1779. Ch: b.; Maria, Sept. 28, 1783; Johannes Yates, April 28, 1786.

Sickels, Zikkels, Zichelson.

Sickels, Van Weenan, Zacharias, was for many years in the West India Company's service as corporal, first at Curacos, and from 1656-9 at Fort Orange and New Amsterdam. In 1693, he removed from Albany to New York. In the years 1670-1-2 and 1681-2-3 he was the town's herder, and contracted to perform this duty for the season at 18 guilders a head. In 1689, he was Rattel watch for the village. He had the following ch: Lambrecht, b. 1666; Zacharias, b. 1670; Grietje, bp. May 17, 1684; Lea, bp. May 8, 1687; Robert (?); Thomas (?).

Sickels, Robert [son of Zacharias the first settler], m. Geertruy Ridderhaas, April 5, 1686. Ch: bp. in Albany: Maria, March 11, 1688; Sophia, July 27, 1690; Henricus, bp. in New York, Aug. 14, 1692; Elizabeth, bp. in N.Y., Aug. 13, 1707.

Sickels,Lambert (Lambrecht) [son of Zacharias thefirst settler.] Ch: bp. in New York: Johannes, Dec.18, 1692; Alida, May 9, 1703.

Sickels, Lea [dau. of Zacharias the first settler] had a dau. Martha, bp. in N.Y., Aug. 25, 1706.

Sickels, Zacharias [son of Zacharias thefirst settler], m. Maryhen Janse in N.Y., Aug. 29, 1693 and had the following ch. bp. there: Johannes, July 29, 1694; Jacobus, Nov. 17, 1695; Zacharias, Sept. 4, 1698; Zacharias, June 12, 1700; Thomas, March 28, 1703.

Sickels, Thomas [son of Zacharias thefirst settler]. Ch. bp. in N.Y.: Zacharias, Aug. 30, 1702; Zacharias, Feb. 23, 1704; Hendrikje, Oct. 7, 1705; Johannes, May 16, 1707; Thomas, March 6, 1709; Thomas, Sept. 24, 1710; Wilhelmus, April 13, 1712; Maritie, Sept. 13, 1713; Robert, Nov. 2, 1715; Annatie, June 2, 1717; Jannetie, Nov. 30, 1718; Jannetie, Sept. 18, 1720.

Sickels (Zikkels, Zilchelson), Zacharias [perhaps son of Lambert], m. Annatie Wyngaard, July 4, 1728. She was buried Aug. 6, 1746. Ch: bp. in Albany: Maria, June 21, 1729; Jacobus, May 19, 1731; Elizabeth and Annatie, Aug. 8, 1733; Lammert, July 30, 1735; Abraham, June 5, 1737; Gerrit, Feb. 17, 1740; Christina, Aug. 7, 1743; Christina and Margareta, Sept. 8, 1745.

Sickels, Abraham [son of Zacharias and Annatie Wyngaard], m. Maria Cannel (Kanner, Conner), April 16, 1767. She d. 27 (28) May, 1829, a. 89 y. Ch: b.; Annatie, Aug. 16, 1767; Daniel, Sept. 14, 1769; Marytje, Aug. 25, 1771; Jacobus, Dec. 31, 1773; Elizabeth, May 26, 1776; Willem, June 24, 1778; Catrina, Oct. 26, 1779; Johannes, Sept. 6, 1785.

Sickels, Zacharias, m. Catharina Sheers (Cheir, Sheerum, Sharer, Shaver), June 19, 1777. Ch: b.; John, May 16, 1778; Rachel, Nov. 9, 1780; Letty, April 6, 1784; Jane, Oct. 28, 1793.

Sickels, Christoffer, and Neeltie Fynhout. Ch: Debora, b. Sept. 7, 1778.

Sickels, Thomas, and Mary Norwood. Ch: Richard, b. July 9, 1780; John Brazier, bp. Oct. 11, 1782.

Sickels, Daniel, and Jane Dox (Jennet Dunse). Ch: b.; Alexander, Oct. 27, 1796; Marian, Jan. 4, 1800.

Sickket, Lodewyck, m. Christina Vretje (Fratien), Nov. 23, 1765. Ch: Jacob, b. Feb. 20, 1768.

Sill, Richard, m. Elizabeth Nicolls, May 2, 1785. Ch: b.; William Nicolls, March 25, 1786; John Lea, Aug. 13, 1787.

Silverssen, Pieter, and Jennetje Van Schaick. Ch: Francis, b. July 22, 1767.

Simmons, Benjamin, and Annatie Manley. Ch: John, b. July 20, 1783.

Simmons, Jonas, and Elsie Strunk (Strong). Ch: Pieter, b. Dec. 6, 1788.

Simpson, John, and Catharine Douglass. Ch: b.; George, May 17, 1797; Christiaan, Aug. 25, 1799; John, Oct. 24, 1803.

Sinhoo, Jacob, and Matnamskidas. Ch: Johannes, bp. July 26, 1724.

Sitzer, Andries, and Sara Allen. Ch: Pieter, b. Oct. 14, 1781.

Siverse, Siwerts, Siversend, Syberse, Siwers, Suoerts, Swart, &c.

Siverse, Claas, was nephew of Marten Gerritse Van Bergen, his sister's son.

Siverse (Sywertsen), Juriaan, of Catskill 1732-5, m. Elizabeth Groot of Schenectady, Feb. 5, 1727, in S. Ch: bp. in Albany: Nicolaas, May 30, 1728; Anna, June 18, 1730; Gertraud in Catskill, March 26, 1732; Syme in Catskill, Jan. 27, 1735.

Sixberry, Nicolaas, and Mary ____. Ch: Nicholaas, bp. June 10, 1722.

Sixberry, Evert, and Elsie Egmond. Ch: bp.; Marytje, Oct. 22, 1783; Anna, Jan. 22, 1741; Catharina, April 3, 1743; Nicholaas, July 18, 1744; Catarina, Jan. 10, 1748; Gerrit, May 19, 1751; Willem, July 22, 1754; Evert, May 2, 1756.

Sixberry, Willem, m. Anna Radcliff, Dec. 9, 1738. "Billy Sixberry" was buried Jan. 19, 1740. Ch: Nicolaas, bp. Aug. 19, 1739. Billy Sixberry's child was buried April 1, 1740.

Sixberry, Abraham, and Eva Backes (Baccis, Eegie Ackers). Ch: Ch: Maria, bp. March 19, 1758; Abraham, b. Oct. 15, 1766.

Sixberry, Nicholaas, m. Cornelia Cooper, March 7, 1773. Ch: b.; Elsie, Feb. 7, 1774; Evert, Feb. 5, 1776; Catharina, Dec. 12, 1777; Annatie, Sept. 14, 1779; Maritie, April 13, 1782; Jacob, Nov. 8, 1786; Elizabeth, Jan. 6, 1789; Elizabeth, March 26, 1790.

Sixsby, Johannes, and Lea Davenport. Ch: b.; Abraham, July 6, 1780; Johannes, Sept. 22, 1782. [Johannes Sixby, and Alida Bont, m. Feb. 28, 1776.]

Skidmore, John, and Ann Clark. Ch: b.; Jane, Nov. 13, 1794.

Skinner, Jared, and Mary Drew. Ch: Mary Ann, b. July 2, 1798.

Slickoten, Willem Janse, in 1661, was the husband of Neeltie Frederickse, widow of the late Claas Hendrickse Van Schoonhoven, deceased.

Slingerland, Teunis Cornelise, m. first, Engeltie Albertse Bratt, and secondly, Geertie Fonda, widow of Jan Bikker, April 9, 1684. Of his children, the following reached maturity and left families: Arent, Albert and Cornelis; Elizabeth wife of Thomas Eeckars, of New York.

Slingerland, Arent, m. Geertruy Cobuse Van Vorst (Vosch), his second wife, Oct. 1688. In his will made Jan. 28, 1712, he speaks of ch.: Engeltie, Teunis, Gerrit and Sara. Ch: bp.; Johannes, May 10, 1685; Engeltie, Nov. 10, 1689; Teunis, March 18, 1694; Gerrit, May 2, 1697; Sara, July 21, 1700; Albertus, Jan. 2, 1704.

Slingerland, Albert, of "Niscothaa" and Hester Brikkers (Bekkers). In his will made July 7, 1725, proved July 18, 1731, he mentions his wife, and the following children: Johannes, bp. July 19, 1696; Engeltie, bp. July 10, 1698, m. Andries Witbeck, Jr.; Teunis, bp. Dec. 8, 1700; Teunis, bp. Dec. 21, 1701; Thomas, bp. March 5, 1704.

Slingerland, Cornelis, of Schenectady, m. Eva Mebie, May 28, 1699, in S. [Cornelis S. was buried in Niskatha, Sept. 3, 1753.] Ch: Catharina, bp. April 28, 1710; Eva, bp. July 12, 1714. See also Schenectady Families.

Slingerland, Teunis [son of Arent], m. first, Elizabeth Vanderzee, Oct. 4, 1719; and secondly, Cornelia Kip, July 5, 1724; he was buried June 29, 1746; his wife, March 16, 1745. Ch: Arent, bp. April 24, 1720; Wouter, bp. Nov. 4, 1722; Hester, bp. Jan. 19, 1729; Abraham, bp. Nov. 29, 1730; Albert, bp. Nov.27, 1732; Isaac, bp. Aug. 14, 1734; Geesie, bp. Sept. 12, 1736; Engeltie, bp. Dec. 25, 1738; Anna, bp. Feb. 22, 1741; Geertruy, Sept. 25, 1743.

Slingerland, Johannes (Hannes) [son of Albert], m. his cousin Anna, dau. of Cornelis S., of Schenectady, Jan. 24, 1724. Ch: Hester, bp. July 26, 1724; Egie, bp. Jan. 22, 1727; Engeltie, bp. April 6, 1729; Albert, bp. May 30, 1731; Albert, bp. March 7, 1733; Eggie, bp. Sept. 14, 1735; Cornelis, bp. May 7, 1738; Maria, bp. Sept. 26, 1742; Maria, bp. Sept. 28, 1745.

Slingerland, Arent [son of Teunis], m. Jacomyntje Van der Volgen, dau. of Teunis V. D. V. of Schenectady. Ch: Teunis, bp. Aug. 24, 1746; Sara, bp. Feb. 17, 1751; Wouter, bp. Feb. 24, 1754; Nicolaas, bp. March 7, 1756; Antony, bp. Feb. 26, 1758; Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1764.

Slingerland, Teunis Cornelise [son of Cornelis of Schenectady], m. Angenitje Witbeck. Ch: bp.; Maria, Dec. 25, 1747; Eechie, May 13, 1750; Cornelis, Feb. 2, 1752; John, March 10, 1754; Petrus, Sept. 19, 1756; Petrus, Feb. 25, 1759; Eytje, June 7, 1761; Hendrik, b. Aug. 1765; Albert, bp. Oct. 8, 1769.

Slingerland, Wouter [son of Teunis, and Elizabeth Van der Zee], m. Hester, dau. of Johannes Slingerland. Ch: bp.; Teunis, Nov. 4, 1750; Arent, March 22, 1752; Isaac, May 21, 1756; Wouter, b. Feb. 9, 1770.

Slingerland, Anthony, m. first, Claartje Clute, Sept. 21, 1751; and secondly, Saartie Clute, about 1766. Ch: bp.; Elisabeth, July 26, 1752; Gerrit, April 7, 1754; Dirk, Jan. 7, 1759; Wouter, b. April 12, 1767.

Slingerland, Abraham [son of Teunis], m. Rebecca Viele, Dec. 4, 1756. Ch: Teunis, bp. Oct. 2, 1757; Petrus, b. March 4, 1760; Abraham, b. Dec. 13, 1762; Catharina, b. May 10, 1765; Cornelia, b. Aug. 28, 1767; Maria, b. Dec. 15, 1769; Albert, b. Dec. 24, 1773; Stephanus, b. Oct. 23, 1775.

Slingerland, Gerrit T., of Niskitha [son of Teunis, and Elisabeth Vanderzee], m. Egie Vanderzee, Nov. 16, 1757. Ch: Elisabeth, bp. May 28, 1758; Storm, b. Sept. 28, 1764; Lena, b. April 28, 1767; Lena, b. Aug. 5, 1769; Teunis, b. June 5, 1774.

Slingerland, Isaac [son of Teunis and Elizabeth], m. Eva Van Woert, Dec. 27, 1760. Ch: Cordelia, bp. Nov. 14, 1761; Jacob, b. Feb. 18, 1763; Teunis, b. Nov. 10, 1764; Johannes, b. July 4, 1766; Johannes, b. Aug. 24, 1769; Hendrikje, b. Sept. 22, 1771; Hendrikje, b. April 6, 1774; Isaac, bp. May 5, 1776; Petrus, b. Dec. 21, 1778.

Slingerland, Albert [son of Johannes and Anna], m. Elizabeth Moke (Mook), Dec. 26, 1760. Ch: b.; Annatje; Maria, Oct. 2, 1763; Hester, Dec. 25, 1765.

Slingerland, Albert [son of Teunis and Cornelia], m. Christina Van Vranken, Sept. 31, (sic) 1763. Ch: b.; Maria, May 20, 1766; Ryckert, March 26, 1768; Teunis, March 27, 1770; Annatje, March 30, 1772; Cornelia, Dec. 7, 1775; Teunis, Feb. 2, 1779; Abraham Trouex, July 1, 1781.

Slingerland, Teunis W. [son of Wouter and Hester], m. first, Rachel Bogart, May 31, 1777, and secondly, Rachel Davis, about 1792; she d. June 26, 1833. Ch: b.; Hester, Oct. 22, 1778; Douwe, April 4, 1781; Douwe, April 4, 1782; Isaac, Feb. 19, 1784; Isaac, April 25, 1793; Annatie Drett, Oct. 22, 1797.

Slingerland, Teunis [son of Abraham and Rebecca], m. first, Margarita Hansen, April 18, 1779; and secondly, Maritie Malice (Neulie), 1791. Ch: b.; Abraham, Nov. 28, 1780; Maria, March 2, 1782; Maria, Nov. 25, 1783; Rebecca, Jan. 5, 1786; Maritie, Feb. 2, 1792; Maritie, Oct. 13, 1793.

Slingerland, Arent W. [son of Wouter and Hester], m. Annatie Aarnouds (Arnold), Jan. 3, 1786. Ch: b.; Hester, Dec. 25, 1786; Elizabeth, Feb. 5, 1790; Jacob, July 8, 1793; Angeltie, Sept. 5, 1804.

Slingerland, Storm [son of Gerrit and Eegie], and Annatie Halenbeck. Ch: Gerrit, b. July 22, 1786.

Slingerland, Pieter [son of Abraham and Rebecca], m. first, Mary Vander Veer; and secondly, Mary Waldron about 1789. Ch: Rebecca, bp. Feb. 3, 1788; Hendrik, b. Aug. 14, 1790.

Slingerland, Francis, and Rachel Davis. Ch: Jannetie, b. Jan. 9, 1790.

Slingerland, Abraham [son of Abraham and Rebecca], m. Sarah Schoenmaker, March 18, 1790. Ch: b.; Rebecca, April 18, 1791; Jannetie, Feb. 9, 1793.

Slingerland, Wouter [son of Anthony and Claartje], m. Jacomyntje Halenbeck; and secondly, Henrietta Slingerland, about 1801. Ch: b.; Claartje, Feb. 14, 1792; Esther Rebecca, Nov. 10, 1801.

Slingerland, Peter [son of Abraham and Rebecca], m. Maritie Van der Werken, Jan. 2, 1785. Ch: Abraham, b. May 20, 1793.

Slingerland, Jacob [son of Isaac and Eva], m. first, Catharine Van Everen, May 23, 1790; and secondly, Cornelia Van Alsetyn about 1799. Ch: b.; Isaac, Sept. 2, 1790; Debora, Nov. 16, 1792; Catharine, Oct. 14, 1795; Stephen Van Rensselaer, April 19, 1800.

Slingerland, John [son of Isaac and Eva], and Susannah Evertsen. Ch: b.; Martina, Dec. 15, 1796; Isaac, Jan. 8, 1800.

Slover, Isaac, and Alida (Antje) Whitlock. Ch: b.; Eleanor, March 25, 1799; Isaac, March 18, 1801.

Sluyter, Willem, and Sarah ____. Ch: Cornelia, bp. March 1, 1713; Edward, Oct. 20, 1714.

Sluyter (Sleighter), Bartholomew and Catharine Boyle. Ch: Maria, bp. Dec. 22, 1779.

Smit, Rem Jansen, in New Amsterdam 1643-51; in Beverwyck, 1655-60; at Waleboght, 1663-85, in which places he owned several houses and lots. In 1668, he was complained of my Adriaen Hegeman for carrying off a ploughshare, was ordered by the court to replace it in the spot where he found, and if he had any claim to prosecute it at law. His w. was Jannetie Joris Rapailie.

Smith, Thomas, and Maria Barret (Bergen). Ch: bp.; Elsie, June 14, 1747; Margarieta, July 2, 1749; Barentje, May 18, 1755.

Smith, Bennoni, and Mary Springer. Ch: Daniel, bp. March 18, 1750.

Smith, Jacob, and Mary ____. Ch: Wilhelmus, bp. April 15, 1760.

Smit, Coenraad, and Jannetie Hoogeboom. Ch: Jeremias, bp. Jan. 22, 1754.

Smit, Jacob, Van Saratoga, m. Maria Barbara Smit, Oct. 14, 1758. Ch: bp.; Johannes, Feb. 10, 1754; Rachel, Jan. 15, 1758; Jacob, Aug. 17, 1762; Margarita, b. July 10, 1769.

Smit, Wilhelmus, m. Annatie (Hanna) Bratt, Dec. 6, 1761. Ch: b. Nov.6,1762; Barent, oud 4weken,bp.April 7, 1765; Annatie, b. Sept. 8, 1767; Albert, b. Oct. 30, 1770; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1773; Cornelia, b. Dec. 7, 1776.

Smit, Johannes H., of Niskatha, m. first, Margarita Weitman; and secondly, Margarita Peesinger, Oct. 8, 1765. Ch: Zacharias, oud 6 weken, bp. May 15, 1763; Andries, b. July 1, 1766; Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 19, 1768; Sabina, bp. Feb. 17, 1771.

Smith, Jacob, and Barbara Crafter. Ch: Nicolaas, b. Oct. 16, 1764.

Smith, Alexander, and Rachel ____. Ch: Catharina, b. Feb. 2, 1768.

Smith, Hannes, and Neeltie Larraway. Ch: Saartie, b. April 7, 1768.

Smtih, Jacob, and Elizabeth Vinkel. Ch: Jurriaan, b. March 13, 1770.

Smith, David, and Any Smith. Ch: David, b. July 12, 1773.

Smith, Janes, and Elizabeth Allen. Ch: James, b. Jan. 31, 1778.

Smith, Willem, and Mary Corker. Ch: Willem, bp. May 2, 1778.

Smith, Elisha, m. Alida Bulsing, April 5, 1778. Ch: Helena, b. May 10, 1778.

Smith, Theodorus, and Caty Simson. Ch: Nicolaas, b. April 18, 1780.

Smith, Charles, and Margaret Asurine (?). Ch: Margarita, bp. April 114, 1782.

Smith, John, of Saratoga, and Mary McDole. Ch: Abijah, b. April 28, 1789.

Smith, Richard, and Sophia Muller. Ch: Jeremia and Geesie, tweelingen in huis ge doopt wegens ziekie, June 7, 1790; Elizabeth, b. April 11, 1796.

Smith, Barent, m. Hannah Bel, March 21, 1790. Ch: b.; Margaret, Dec. 1, 1790; Jeremiah, March 7, 1793; Anna, Sept. 23, 1795; Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1798; Elizabeth, April 3, 1801.

Snoet, Johann Matthys, and Geertruy Rees. Ch: Anna, b. Jan. 30, 1788.

Snyder, Jacob, and Anna ____. Ch: Pieter, bp. May 25, 1713. [Jacob Snyder m. Elizabeth Feek, June 9, 1722.]

Snyder, Willem, and Barber Clapper. Ch: Margarita, bp. Jan. 22, 1754.

Snyder, Andries, and Annatie Harris. Ch: Annatie, b. June 23, by de Fonteine en op weg gedoopt, Aug. 13, 1769.

Snyder, Johannes, and Maria Cool. Ch: Lydia, bp. July 4, 1773.

Snyder, Lourens, and Elizabeth Heggerry. Ch: Christiaan, b. Aug. 12, 1774.

Snyder, John, and Mary Deerstine. Ch: Henry, b. Feb. 17, 1793.

Snyder, Nicolaas, and Femmetie Van Sinderen. Ch: Ulpianus, b. Dec. 12, 1788.

Soesbergen, Reyer Cornelise, miller, in 1660, hired a horse mill and gears of Arent Van Curler and Willem Bout for three years.

Soegemakelyk, alias Van Woggelum. Two brothers of his name, Pieter and Jacob Adriaense, with their mother, were early settlers of Beverwyck; both were inn keepers. In 1660, their mother Anna Pieterse Soegemakelyk was a widow by the death of her second husband, Barent Janse Bal; she d. in Dec. 1669. Pieter Adriaense was apprehended by the revenue officer, Johan De Dekkere, for refusing to pay the excise on his sales of wine, beer, &c., but escaped; he denied the right of the officer of Fort Orange to collect this excise in the Colonie where he lived and in this he was sustained by the Patroon. In 1664 he received a patent for a bouwery and home lot at Schenectady, which he sold in 1670, to Helmer Otten for 35 beavers; after Otten's death his widow married Reyer Jacobse Schermerhorn, and this bouwery thus acquired has remained in this family until the present time. He had at least three children, Pieter, Jan and a daughter who m. Jan Mangelse. The first, Capt. Pieter Pieterse van Woggelum, in 1669 had a lot and garden at Lubberde's land [a part of Troy] and in 1672 he bought of Myndert Janse Wemp of Schenectady his father's bouwery lying upon and south of the Poestenkill, for 250 beavers; subsequently he sold this land to Dirk Van Der Heyden from whom it passed to his three sons, Jacob, David and Matthys. Capt. Van Woggelum was a skipper, and 1684 was master of the open boat Unity plying between New York and Albany. Jan Pieterse Adriaense Soegemakelyk, the brother of Pieter, was also an inn keeper in 1655, and because he lived without the village of Beverwyck, in the Colonie regused to allow the excise collector to gauge his liquor casks. He is sometimes called Jacob Adriaense Van Utrecht (?).

Sornberger, David, and Christina Louwer. Ch: bp.; Jurrie Jacob, Jan. 1, 1754; Coenraat, May 20, 1759.

Soul (Sool), William, m. Margaret Wyngaard (widow Philips), June 2, 1758. Ch: Robert, bp. Jan. 21, 1759; Martha, Dec. 21, 1760; Hannes Wyngaart, b. March 14, 1763; Elizabeth, bp. March 29, 1767.

Soup, Dirk, and Mary Couverd. Ch: Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1791.

Sperry, Jan, and Francyntje Clute. Ch: Antje, bp. Oct. 23, 1748.

Speulman, Johannes, and Christina Huyck. Ch: Christina, bp. June 25, 1757.

Spitsbergen, Teunis, see Vander Poel.

Spoor, alias Wybesse, Jan, of Niskayuna; in 1662, Jan Wybesse Van Harlingen, farm servant, bought of Christoffel Davidts 16 morgens of land over the kil at Catskil, lying next Eldert Gerbertse Cruiff's land. In 1698, he owned land at Niskayuna, which he sold to Johannes Schuyler for 120 pounds. His wife was Anna Maria Hanse. Ch: bp.; Antje; she was killed and burnt at Schenectady by the French and Indians Feb. 9, 1690; Saartje, Dec. 3, 1684; Nicolaas, April 27, 1690; Annetje, June 7, 1691; Rebecca, April 22, 1694; Rachel, Jan. 31, 1697.

Spoor, Johannes, of Kinderhook, joined the church of Albany in 1700, met attestatie Van Kingstowne; his wife was Maria Singer. Ch: bp.; Hendricus, Jan. 13, 1707; Abraham, Aug. 3, 1707 (sic); Dirk, April 30, 1710.

Spoor, Gerrit, and Mary Gilbert, were m. before 1700. He made his will May 26, 1719, proved June 3, 1720, and mentioned his wife Mary and the following ch: Ann; Mary; Cornelia, bp. April 20, 1712; Johannes, bp. Nov. 29, 1713; Willem or Wilhelmus, Feb. 12, 1716; Abraham, Feb. 2, 1718.

Spoor, Hendrik, and Rebecca Van Valkenburgh. Ch: bp.; Hieronymus, Sept. 9, 1739; Rebecca, Aug. 5, 1744; Abraham, June 11, 1749.

Spoor, Johannes, m. Magdalena Bogart, June 18, 1757. Ch: Rebecca, bp. Feb. 11, 1759; Maria, bp. Dec. 7, 1760; Maria, b. Feb. 1, 1764; Gerrit, b. Dec. 8, 1767.

Springer, Dennis (Daniel) and Mary ____. Ch: bp.; Abigail, Jan. 12, 1737; Dennis, Sept. 10, 1738; Benjamin, June 14, 1740.

Springer, J., and A. ____. Ch: John, bp. March 3, 1737.

Springer, Hendrik, and Frena Keyser. Ch: bp.; Jacob, May 8, 1743; Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1746.

Springer, David, m. Margarita Oliver, Oct. 26, 1754. Ch: Maria, bp. March 8, 1761.

Springer, Banjamin, and Hendrikje Oliver (Olfer). Ch: Vincent, b. Dec. 14, 1767.

Springer, Hannes, and Jannetje Bont. Ch: b.; Theuntje, Jan. 10, 1771; Alida, April 1, 1778.

Springer, Jacob, m. Marytje Snyder, Feb. 10, 1771. Ch: b.; Hendrik, July 26, 1771; Frina, Feb. 10, 1776.

Springstede, Joseph, and Elizabeth Matthews. Ch: Jeremiah, b. Dec. 23, 1781.

Springsteen, Caspar, miller, of Schenectady, 1707, m. first, Wyntje Jurex in New York Aug. 9, 1693; and secondly, Jannetie Jacobse Schermerhoorn in N.Y., July 28, 1695. Ch: bp. in N.Y.: Melle, Jan. 31, 1694; Jannetje, June 13, 1697; Jacob, May 14, 1699; Simon, June 19, 1709, in Albany. See also Schenectady Families.

Springsteen, Abraham, and Antie ____. Ch: Machtelt, bp. May 16, 1736.

Springsteen, Reyer, m. first, Mary Borner (Torner), Nov. 21, 1735; secondly, Helena ____ about 1751. Ch: bp.; Caspar, Aug. 1, 1736; Jannetie, May 6, 1739; Willem, Oct. 26, 1740; Jannetje, Nov. 6, 1743; Jacob, April 27, 1746; Isaac, Aug. 30, 1752.

Springsteen, Simon, m. Maria Seger, June 1, 1744. Ch: bp.; Casparus, July 7, 1745; Gerrit, June 5, 1748; Magtel, May 27, 1751; Jannetje, April 15, 1753; Staats, Jan. 5, 1755.

Springsteen, Jacobus (Jacob), m. Rachel Cole (Cool) Aug. 15, 1779. Ch: Jacob, b. July 4, 1780.

Springsteen, Daniel, of Greenbush, and Annatie Schermerhorn. Ch: Cornelia, b. March 23, 1787.

Sprong, Cornelis, and Margarita Schans (Schawns; T'Jaans, Jones ?). Ch: Johannes, bp. March 24, 1754; Catarina, bp. July 25, 1756; Johannes, bp. June 25, 1760; David, b. Feb. 14, 1763; Christiaan, b. Oct. 7, 1764 (?); Christina, b. Jan. 18, 1768; Elisabeth, b. Oct. 18, 1770; Volkert, bp. May 16, 1773; Marytje, b. Sept. 2, 1775.

Sprott, William, of Saratoga, and Margaret McGrieger. Ch: James, b. Sept. 21, 1788.

Squince, John, and Jane Nixon. Ch: John, b. March 19, 1778.

Staats (Staes), Maj. Abram, surgeon, came to Rensselaerswyck in 1642, with Dominie Megapolensis; in 1643, he became one of the council and president of the board in 1644, at a salary of 100 florins; he obtained a license to trade in furs [in 1657, he sent to N. Amsterdam 4200 beaver skins], and had also a considerable bouwery, besides pursuing the practice of his profession (O'Callaghan's Hist., N.N.). For many years he was a skipper on the North river, commanding the sloop Claverack, plying between New York and Albany, in 1684. He m. Catrina Jochemse [dau. of Jochem Wesselse.] He had four sons who reached maturity (and perhaps a daughter), Jacob; Abraham, b. in 1665; Samuel and Jochem.

Staats, Jochem, m. Antje, dau. of Barent Reyndertse; she d. in 1707. Ch: bp.; Barent; Tryntje, Jan. 7, 1685; Isaac, Jan. 15, 1688; Tryntje, Sept. 8, 1689; Isaak, June 28, 1691; Reynier, in N.Y., July 29, 1696; Richard, in N.Y., Aug. 10, 1698; Isaak, July 20, 1701; Elisabeth, in N.Y., June 18, 1712.

Staats, Samuel, "chirugeon," is said to have learned his profession in Holland, and on his return to have settled in New Amsterdam. When the Province surrendered to the English in 1664, he returned to Holland where he remained until the Prince of Orange ascended the English throne in 1688, when he returned to New York. During Leisler's administration of the government he was a prominent leader and councillor. His death occurred in 1715. [Valentine's Man., 1864.] The name of his first wife is not known; May 7, 1709, he m. Catharina Hawarden in New York. Of the 9 children, which he had in 1703, the first five were probably b. in Holland; the four, bp. in New York, were Catalina, June 16, 1689; Anna Elizabeth, Dec. 21, 1690, m. Philip Schuyler; Joanna, Jan. 31, 1694; Tryntje, April 5, 1697.

Staats, Jacob, surgeon, eldest son of Maj. Abram Staats, resided in Albany; was master of the sloop Unity plying between New York and Albany in 1684; justice of the peace, 1690; surgeon to the garrison at Albany, 1698-1708. His wife Ryckie, d. in Sept. 1709. It is not known that he left any children.

Staats, Abraham, of Claverack, was b. about 1665; m. Elsje, dau. of Johannes Wendel, July 3, 1696; made his will Sept. 24, 1731, proved Jan. 30, 1739-40, in which the following ch. are mentioned: Abraham, bp. May 30, 2697; Maria, bp. Oct. 23, 1698; Abraham, bp. July 28, 1700; Catharina, Nov. 1, 1702; Johannes, Sept. 24, 1704; Sara, June 2, 1706; Isaac, Sept. 26, 1708; Jacob, bp. Oct. 7, 1711, d. Feb. 16, 1735; Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 4, 1713; Jochem, bp. May 20, 1716; Elsje, bp. June 30, 1718; Samuel.

Staats, Barent [son of Jochem], m. Neeltje Gerritse Van den Berg, Dec. 15, 1701. Ch: bp.; Joachim, May 3, 1702; Anna, Dec. 24, 1703; Ariaantje, May 13, 1706; Catharina, Dec. 12, 1708; Geertruy, March 11, 1711; Jannetie, Feb. 22, 1713; Joachim, Sept. 15, 1717; Teuntie, March 20, 1720; Gerrit, June 3, 1722; Elisabeth, Oct. 3, 1725.

Staats, Abraham, and Maria ____. Ch: bp.; Pieter, Jan. 7, 1713; Barent, March 20, 1717.

Staats, Isaac [son of Jochem], m. Maria Van Deusen, June 23, 1728. Ch: bp.; Joachim, April 20, 1729; Elisabeth, April 16, 1731; Anna, Oct. 22, 1733; Willem, May 2, 1736; Barent, June 3, 1739; Hendrik, Sept. 20, 1741.

Staats, Joachem [son of Barent], m. Elisabeth Schuyler, May 12, 1739. Ch: bp.; Neeltje, Aug. 12, 1739; Barent, Nov. 29, 1741; Nicolaas, Oct. 2, 1743; Elsie, Oct. 25, 1747; Neeltie, Feb. 18, 1750; Gerrit, March 29, 1752; Philip, Aug. 12, 1754; Johannes, Nov. 20, 1756; Annatie, Jan. 4, 1760.

Staats, Barent [son of Abraham], m. Magdalena Schuyler, Nov. 2, 1743. He was buried at the Hoogebergh, July 28, 1752; she was buried June 16, 1749. Ch: bp.; Maria, Oct. 19, 1744; Susanna, Nov. 16, 1746.

Staats, Samuel [son of Abraham], m. Neeltie Staats, Jan. 8, 1742. Ch: bp.; Neeltie, Feb. 16, 1746; Elsie, June4, 1749; Anna, May 17, 1752.

Staats, Gerrit [son of Barent], and Debora Beekman. Ch: bp.; Jacob, July 3, 1748; Neeltie, May 3, 1750; Debora, May 10, 1752, m. Maj. John Graham; Anna, Sept. 29, 1754; Jacob, Nov. 20, 1756; Neeltje, March 25, 1759; Barent, b. May 16, 1762; Hendrik, b. July 27, 1764.

Staats, Jochem [son of Barent ?], and Geesie Vedder. Ch: Maria, b. May 7, 1767.

Staats, Barent J., m. Angje Winne, August 24, 1767. She d. in Bethlehem, April 11, 1829, a. 81 y. Ch: b.; Joachim, April 27, 1769; Deniel, Sept. 19, 1771; Cathalyna, Jan. 11, 1774; Gerritje, April 18, 1777; Elisabeth, May 3, 1779.

Staats, Gerrit, and Catharina Cunningham. Ch: Joachim, bp. Jan. 4, 1769; Joachim, b. Feb. 6, 1771; Margarita, b. Nov. 19, 1778; Hendrick, b. Dec. 8, 1775; Willem, b. April 19, 1778; Johannes, b. Sept. 25, 1780; Annatie, b. Nov. 2, 1784.

Staats, Hendrick, and Maria Du Mont. Ch: b.; Hendrik Du Mont, Dec. 1, 1771; Maria, May 10, 1778; Catharina, Feb. 1, 1776; Hendrik Du Mont, Dec. 13, 1777.

Staats, Hendrick, and Antje Lott; Anna, wid. of Henry S., born on Long Island, d. Feb. 25 (26), 1829, a. 82 y. Ch: Cathaina, b. Aug. 29, 1787.

Staats, Willem, m. Annatie (Hannah) Yates, May 1, 1771. He d. May 22, 1825, a. 89 y. 15 d.; his widow d. June 3, 1829, a. 79 y. 5 m. 11 d.; Ch: b.; Isaac, Nov. 1, 1772; Rebecca, Nov. 9, 1774; Johannes Yates, Sept. 6, 1776, d. at his bro. Willem's, 195 N. Market St., April 21, 1830; Hendrik, Oct. 21, 1778; Catharina, May 18, 1783; Elisabeth, Sept. 20, 1786; Isaac, June 1, 1789; Willem, Oct. 16, 1791.

Staats, Nicolaas, and Maria Salisbury. Col. Nicholas S. of Schodac, d. May 7, 1816, in his 73d year. Ch: b.; Willem, June 16, 1773; Jochem, Jan. 25, 1777; Joachim, Aug. 25, 1778.

Staats, Abraham, m. Cornelia Lansing, Feb. 6, 1774. Ch: b.; Isaac, Jan. 7, 1775; Gerrit, Nov. 29, 1780.

Staats, John, m. Jenny McClellan, Sept. 24, 1780. Ch: b.; Joachim, July 5, 1781; John, April 15, 1784.

Staats, Gerrit, Jr., m. Elizabeth Low (Yates), Nov. 22, 1779. Ch: b.; Cornelis, Aug. 1, 1780; Maria, Feb. 22, 1781; Elizabeth, April 16, 1782; Samuel Provost, Sept. 6, 1784.

Staats, Gerrit, and Ann Lowe. Ch: Nancy, b. March 20, 1793.

Staats, Barent, and Antje Winne. Ch: Joachem, bp. Aug. 1782; Dirkje, b. Nov. 28, 1785; Gerritje, b. Feb. 5, 1789.

Staats, Barent G., merchant, on west sidd (sic) of Broadway one door south of Maiden Lane, m. Catharina, dau. of Jacob Cuyler, March 25, 1789. He d. Aug. 25, 1840, a. 78 y.; his widow d. Sept. 16, 1852, a. 86 y. Ch: b.; Willem, March 22, 1790, d. at Haverstraw about April 1, 1830, a. 30 y. (?); Catharine Cuyler, July 13, 1792; John, Nov. 15, 1795; Gerrit, March 1, 1798; Richard Cuyler, July 16, 1800; Henry, Jan. 17, 1802; Richard Henry, Oct. 6, 1803; Cuyler, 1806, d. Jan. 24, 1832, a. 25 y. 5 m. 18 d. Edward, Jan. 31, 1810; Lydia, May 8, 1814.

Stalker, Joseph, van de Presbyteriansche gemeente, m. first, Elisabeth Boils; she d. 1767; secondly, Hannah Albrechts, about 1780. Ch: b.; Alexander, Nov. 13, 1767; William, April 16, 1781. Staring, Nicolaas, and Catryna ____. Ch: bp.; Joseph and Catryna, April 11, 1714.

Stater, Jurian Henrich, and Maria Rosina Renitsin. Ch: Johan Philip, bp. June 24, 1759; Elisabeth, b. July 13, 1766.

Stavast, Gerit, and Claas Janse, left New York about 1672 , and came to Albany; the former d. about 1676, and his wid. m. Pieter Meese Vrooman. Soon after the death of his brother, Claas returned to New York, and in 1686, was living with his w. Eefie Gerritsen, in Stone street.

Steele, Daniel, m. Elisabeth Van Benthuysen, April 15, 1797. Ch: Daniel, b. Jan. 24, 1798.

Steen (Sting), Juriaan, and Lea Van der Hoef (Van Roef). Ch: b.; Johannes, Jan. 17, 1762; Leona, July 15, 1764; Michael, Jan 29, 1767; Maria, bp. Augut 13, 1769; Lydia, Feb. 19, 1772; Rachel, April 17, 174; Johannes, May 24, 1780.

Stenhouse (Steenhuysen), James, m. Anna Margarita Vedder, Sept. 16, 1732. She was buried April 9, 1748. Ch: bp.; Anna, Oct. 5, 1733; Margarita, Jan. 12, 1787; Johannes, June 17, 1789; Robert, Dec. 13, 1741; Seth, March 27, 1748.

Sterrevelt, Cornelis Cornelise, owned a house and lot in Beverwyck, 1657-60.

Stevenson (Stevens), James, m. Sara Groenendyck, Dec. 9, 1729. He was buried in the church June 6, 1744. Ch: bp.; Sara, Dec. 12, 1736; Pieter, June 28, 1741.

Stevenson, John, and Magdalena Douw. He d. April 24, 1810, a. 75 y. Ch: Catharina, b. Jan. 6, 1779.

Still, Francis, and Rosino Fero. Ch: Francis, b. April 20, 1786.

Stooner, Pieter, of Hellenbergh, and Mary Steely. Ch: Geertje, bp. Sept. 14, 1790.

Stol, alias Hap, Jacob Janse, came to Beverwyck, in 1630 and succeeded Hendrick Albertsen as ferrymaster. About 1657, he bought land at Esopus of Kit Davidts and removed thither. He was an active man in the management of affairs there, frequently corresponding with the Governor in relation to the Indians. His wife was Geertruy Andriese, sister of Hendrick Andriese Van Doesburgh. After her husband's death in 1661, she lived in Esopus.

Stoll, Willem Janse, probably brother of the last, sold a house in the Fort [Orange] to Arent Vandenbergh for 1100 guilders. In 1661, he was the husband of the widow of the late Claas Hendrickse Van Utrecht.

Stoppelbeen, Hendrick, and Elsie Smith. Ch: Maria, bp. Jan. 22, 1754.

Story, Robert, trader in 1676, bought two houses and lots of William Nottingham, on the north corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl street.

Story, Thomas, and Helena (Eleonora) ____. Ch: bp.; Catryn, Dec. 9, 1722; Maria, Feb. 26, 1724.

Story, Frans, and Catharina De Wever. Ch: Magdalena, b. April 2, 1785.

Stover, William, m. Elisabeth Halenbeck, Oct. 1, 1789. Ch: Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1790.

Streel, Johannes, and Margarita ____. Ch: Margarita geboren voor 3 weken, bp. Oct. 2, 1763; Matheus, bp. Nov. 12, 1769.

Streler (Strell), John, and Marytje Elva. Ch: Eva, oud 5 weken, bp. Aug. 25, 1765; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1767.

Stridles, Gabriel Tomase (Gabriel Thompson Strudles), in 1662, hired himself to Thomas Powell for two years at breadmaking, for 22 beavers [$70.40] a year and found; 1665 hired Jochem Ketelhuyn's house; 1670, bought a house and lot of Jan Clute; 1684, was master of the sloop Hopewell, plying between New York and Albany. About 1690, he removed to New York, and in 1701 was an innkeeper there; 1718 Gerrit Van Laer of New York, baker, peditioned for administration of the estate of Gabriel Thompson Strudles. He was brother-in-law of Tichard Pretty, and had the following children bp.: Jannetje, Aug. 19, 1683; Thomas, Sept. 28, 1684; Dirk, Jan. 31, 1686; Elisabeth, May12, 1689; Johannes, in New York, May 7, 1693; Fytje, in New Yorkkkk, Feb. 14, 1694.

Stringer, Samuel, and Rachel Vander Heyden. Doctor S. was a native of Maryland, settled in Albany at the conclusion of the French war; d. July 11, 1817, in his 83d y. His house was on the west side of Broadway, the 9th north from Maiden Lane, and his office was next north of the house. Ch: David, b. March 12, in huis gedoopt wegens zietke, March 24, 1765; Lydia, m. Stephen Lush; Gertrude, m. Richard S. Treat, and d. March, 1837.

Strobel, Emanuel, m. Helena Burn, wid. Oct. 15, 1758. Ch: Johannes, bp. June 24, 1759.

Stroop (Strook), Johannes, and Dorothea Canner. Ch: Christina, bp. Feb. 1, 1761; Willem, b. Oct. 31, 1763; Frederic, b. Jan. 13, 1768; Catharina, b. Au. 24, 1770.

Stronk (Strunck, Strong), Hendrick, geboren in Dutschland, m. Elsie Harwich (Harbich), Nov. 23,1756. Ch: Maria, bp. Oct. 2, 1757; Catharina, b. March 1, 1762; Elsie, b. Jan. 29, 1766; Christina, bp. Jan. 10, 1768; Jacob, bp. Dec. 24, 1769; Johannes, b. Nov. 21, 1776; Johan Joost, b. July 15, 1779.

Strunk, Philip, and Elisabeth Cooper. Ch: Henry, b. Nov. 5, 1799.

Stuart (Stewart), Jan, bought a lot on the hill in 1670, of John Conell, which his administrators sold to Laurens Van Alen in 1675.

Stuart, James, and Jenny ____. Ch: Thomas, bp. June 15, 1778.

Stuart, John, and Jane Campbell. Ch: Nancy, b. May 27, 1779; Jenny, b. June 14, 1781.

Studevant, James, and Mary Devenant. Ch: Caleb, b. Sept. 22, 1758, bp. Sept. 28, 1796.

Studevant, Caleb, and Sarah Chandler, Ch: b.; Susanna, April 29, 1783, bp. Sept. 18, 1796; Sarah, b. Feb. 29, 1788, bp. Sept. 28, 1796.

Stuip, Frans, and Catharina De Wever. Ch: b.; Maria, March 20, 1774; Abraham, Aug. 16, 1776; Karel, June 16, 1779; Annatje, April 3, 1782.

Sturges, Isaac, m. Sally Hardy (Smith), Nov. 6, 1777. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. July 8, 1779.

Suidam, Teunis Pieterse, and Margariet Lawrense. Ch: bp.; Pieter, Jan. 28, 1694; Lourens, June 13, 1703; Samuel, Aug. 12, 1705; Catharina, Jan. 30, 1709.

Sulliman (Sullivan?), Charles, and Dorothea Luther. Ch: Angenita, bp. Dec. 26, 1757.

Sullivan, John, and Elizabeth Cooper. Ch: Dorothea, bp. May 8, 1773; Maria, b. April 11, 1775; Abraham, b. June 25, 1779.

Sutherland, William, and Elizabeth. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. July 3, 1759.

Swart, Gerritt, was appointed schout [illegible] sheriff of Rensselaerswyck in 1652; in 1670 he was succeeded by Capt. Salisbury; the magistrates, appointed four schoolmasters for the village in 1676, of whom he was one; at this tme he owned land at Lubberde's land [Troy] and a lot on the millroad [now upper Broadway], 80 ft. wide next to Barent Pieterse Coeymans. In 1661, he and his wife Anthonia Van Ryswyck, made a joint will; they had then no child living; she died Feb. 15, 1700.

Swart, Cornelis, of Schenectady, eldest son and heir of Teunis Cornelise S. and Elizabeth Van der Linde, was born in 1652; in 1715, he was a resident of Ulster county tho' owning land at Schenectady. Ch: bp.; Abigail, Sept. 16, 1685; Elizabeth, Nov 13, 1687; Geertruy, April 27, 1690.

Swart, Esaias Teunise, of Schenectady, son of Teunis Cornelise S., m. Eva Teunis Van Woert. Ch: bp.; Sara, Dec. 16, 1696; Jesaias, Oct. 30, 1709. See also SchenectadFamilies.

Swart, Adam Antonisse "Van Schenegtade" 1690, Kinderhoek, 1706; m. Metie Willemse Van Slyck "Van Nieu Albanie" Jan. 15, 1690. Ch: Johanna, bp. Jan. 13, 1706.

Swart, Dirk, m. Jannetie Van der Zee, July 22, 1758. Ch: Teunis, bp. Jan. 4, 1760.

Swart, Jacobus, and Nelly Whitaker. Ch: b.; Edward, Jan. 10, 1771; Dirk, Oct. 20, 1773; Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1775.

Swartwout, Roeloff, a resident and freeholder of Beverwyck, until 1660, when he was appointed first sheriff of Wiltwyck, at the Esopus; 1663, suspended from office on account of an insolent letter, on making an apology restored; 1689-90 appointed justice and collector of the grand excise of Ulster county. He m. Eva Albertse, dau. of Albert Andriese Bratt, and widow of Antony de Hooges, of Beverwyck.

Swartwout, Barnhardus, of Esopus, and Rachel Schepmoes. Ch: bp.; Eva, Feb. 18, 1705; Jacob, Feb. 1, 1706.

Swits, Isaac Cornelise, of Schenectady, and Susanna Groot. Ch: bp.; Isaac, July 28, 1691; Jacob, Oct. 29, 1693. See also Schenectady Families.

Swits, Cornelis, geboren en wonende tot Schenechtade in 1702, m. Hester Visscher, Oct. 9, 1702; she was buried Nob. 14, 1757. Ch: bp.; Isaac, July 2, 1703; Femmetje, Jan. 13, 1705, buried June 8, 1725; Isaac, Sept. 22, 1706; Tjerk, Feb. 29, 1708; Anna, Oct. 19, 1712; Tjierk Harmense, August, 14, 1714, buried Aug. 25, 1740; Ariaantje, Apri 15, 1716; Cornelis, Aug. 30, 1719.

Swits, Isaac, m. Maria Vrooman, Feb. 25, 1728. Ch: bp.; Femmetie, Aug. 22, 1735; Cornelis, April 28, 1738; Geertruy, Jan. 10, 1742; Catharina, Jan. 10, 1746. See also Schenectady Families.

Swits, Cornelis, m. Catharina Schuyler in New York, Jan. 15, 1762. Ch: b.; Maria, Aug. 7, 1763; Margarita, Sept. 20, 1765; Isaac, Oct. 19, 1767; Johanna, Jan. 2, 1771; Brand Schuyler, Sept. 11, 1772; Femmetie, Aug. 17, 1774; Catharina, Aug. 21, 1776.

Swits, Brandt Schuyler, m. Alida, dau. of Col. Goosen Van Schaick, Oct. 13, 1797. She d. April 1, 1823, a. 52 y. then a widow. Ch: Schuyler, b. Aug. 15, 1798, d. April 15, 1799.

Nov. 21, 1695, Lancaster Simms, and Katharine his wife, petitioned for a confirmation of a tract of land on the boundary line between New York and New Jersey, and between Hudson's river and Overpeck's creek, formerly granted by the governor of New Jersey to Balthazar De Haart.

Symes, Lancaster, Jr., m. Mrs. (Mary) Lydius, Jan. 15, 1729. Ch: Lancaster, bp. Nov. 19, 1729.

Symonse, Willem, servant of Volkert Janse Douw, in 1659; with his fellow servant Pieter Pieterse Lassingh ran away to Hartford, Conn.: his master empowered Paulus Schrik, merchant there to apprehend and send them back.

Symonse, Pieter Van Oostsanen, a tobacco planter at Beverwyck in 1661.

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