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Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died.
Raaf, Frederic and Elisabeth Daalhamer. Ch: Maria, b. Nov. 28, 1764.
Raca (Riker?), Jeremiah and Ann McMillen. Ch: Andrew Truex, b. Nov. 14, 1790.
Radcliffe, Rateliffe, Ratie, Rattelief, Redliff, Redley, &c.
Radcliffe (Redley, &c.), Jan, was appointed city porter in place of Hendrick Marcelis, in 1697, and klockluyer instead of Hend. Roseboom, in 1703. His wife, Rachel Lambertse Jochemse Van Valkenburgh, was a widow in 1727, and was buried Apri 7, 1748. Ch: bp.; Anna, Jan. 10, 1686, buried April 24, 1741, then being the widow of Billy Sixberry, who d. Jan. 19, 1740; Rykert, July 15, 1688; Lambert, Sept. 6, 1691; Johannes, Aug. 19, 1694; Jochem, Nov. 24, 1697; Willem, Nov. 3, 1700, buried Feb. 12, 1734; Jacobus, Sept. 12, 1703; Margarita, June 9, 1706.
Radcliffe, Joannes, m. first Selia Yates, March 24, 1717, secondly Geertruy Bratt, Jan. 21, 1744. His first w. was buried Jan. 10, 1741; he was buried Jan. 19, 1757. In 1719, he had a lot 35 by 120 ft., at the foot of Gallows Hill on the west side of Pearl, south of Beaver street. Ch: bp.; Johannes, June 31 (sic)1717; Anna, Nov. 30, 1718; Joseph, Dec. 23, 1720; Rachel, Dec. 9, 1722, buried April 7, 1749; Marytje, Feb. 17, 1725; Rykert, June 30, 1728; Catalyna, Nov. 1, 1730; Johannes, Jan. 4, 1745; Wyntje, July 12, 1747; Andries, Aug. 20, 1749; Celia, Feb. 17, 1751.
Rattelief, Willem, m. Martha Bennewe (Bennoit), Feb. 13, 1725. He was buried, Feb. 12, 1734. Ch: bp.; Rachel, April 11, 1725; Pieter, Jan. 21, 1728; Johannes, Oct. 24, 1730; Rachel, Oct. 1, 1732.
Rattelief, Samuel, and Anna. Ch: Johannes, bp. Jan. 17, 1725.
Rattelief, Lambert, m. Antie Van Santen, Jan. 4, 1724. In 1733, he had an acre of land on Gallows Hill for a brickyard. Ch: bp.; Maria, Oct. 30, 1726; Rachel, Oct. 13, 1728; Johannes, Nov. 8, 1730; Anna, Dec. 24, 1732; Margarita, Jan. 18, 1735.
Rettelief (Radclif), Jacob (Jacobus), and Catharina Bovie. In 1729, he had a lot of 30 x 120 ft., at the foot of Gallows Hill, on west side of Peal and south of Beaver St. Ch: bp.; Rachel, Feb. 19, 1729; Matheus, Oct. 3, 1730; Catharina, Nov. 21, 1731; Johannes, Jan. 6, 1734; Philip, Oct. 26, 1735; Willem, April 16, 1738; Willem, Dec. 23, 1739; Willem, July 12, 1741; Maria, Feb. 26, 1744; Elisabeth, Aug. 16, 1747.
Rettelief, Jochem, and Hilletie. Ch: Johannes, bp. Feb. 22, 1730.
Radclief, Joseph, m. Margriet Bratt, Feb. 19, 1743. Ch: Johannes, bp. Oct. 2, 1743.
Radcliff, Johannes, Jr., m. Anna Macans, May 16, 1752. Ch: bp.; Celia, March 8, 1753; Margarita, Aug. 12, 1754; Geertruy, Feb. 15, 1756; Andries, Nov. 4, 1757.
Radcliff, Johannes, Jr. [perhaps the same as the last] m. Margarita Passage, Oct. 18, 1760. Ch: Jacobus, bp. Aug. 2, 1761; Hendrik, b. Nov. 13, 1763; Nicolaas, b. Oct. 25, 1765; Johannes, bp. March 2, 1770; Sofia, b. Feb. 24, 1772.
Radcliff (Reflof), Ryckert, of Niskitha, m. Maria Oliver (Olfer), Jan. 5, 1755. Ch: Johannes, bp. May 16, 1756; Arent, bp. April 23, 1758; Willem, oud 5 weken, bp. June 5, 1763; Antje, b. Sept. 3, 1765; Ryckert, b. Aug. 22, 1768; Jacobus, bp. Aug. 18, 1771.
Redley, _____, and Cathalyntje. Ch: Martha, bp. June 22, 1761.
Radcliff, Johannes, and Catharina Van ____. Ch: Annatie, bp. June 22, 1761; Jacobus, oud 4 weken, bp. June 26, 1763; Philip, b. Oct. 9, 1765; Ryckert, b. April 10, 1768; Catharina, b. Feb. 13, 1772.
Radcliff (Redly), Johannes L., and Elizabeth. Ch: Thomas, b. Sept. 13, 1762.
Redliff, Johannes, and Elisabeth Wilkeson. Ch: b.; Elisabeth, Nov. 24, 1763, m. Samuel Norton, d. April 30, 1841, a. 77 y.; Lambert, April 18, 1766; Lambert, April 17, 1767.
Redley, Joseph and Geertruy. Ch: Johannes, bp. Sept. 10, 1769.
Redliff, Johannes, and Marytje Egmond. Ch: b.; John, Nov. 5, 1774; Jacob, Feb. 5, 1776; Andries, Nov. 18, 1778.
Reflif, Jacobus, m. Mary Otman, Nov. 9, 1783. He d. May 16, 1831, in 72d y. Ch: b.; Margarita, Oct. 7, 1784; d. July 2, 1865, a. 82 y.; Catharine, May 21, 1790; John, May 26, 1792.
Redlif, Hendrik, m. Elizabeth Jacobs, May 4, 1784. Ch: Margarita, b. March 5, 1785.
Redlif, Jacobus, m. Susanna Classen, Nov. 10, 1784. Ch: Margarita, b. Oct. 8, 1785.
Redly (Raidley), Philip, m. Nancy (Newman, Hesbe, Naomi) Hall, Feb. 23, 1786. Ch: b.; Jacobus, March 14, 1787; William, Jan. 21, 1792; Thomas, Nov. 30, 1794.
Redly, Philip, and Susanna Seger. Ch: Mary, b. June 11, 1790.
Radley, William, and Margaret Cline. Ch: b.; Nicolaas, Jan. 4, 1794; Nicholas Kline, Jan. 18, 1800; William, August 24, 1802.
Radney, Jonathan, and Hannah Van Zandt. Ch: b.; John, May 29, 1792.
Ramter, Adam, and Magdalena. Ch: Catharina Barbara.
Ramert, Francis, and Carolina Beever. Ch: Mary, b. July 15, 1780.
Richter, Nicolaas, of Niskitha, m. Maria Hindermond (Hoenemond), Feb. 27, 1762. Ch: Margarita, b. May 30, 1762; Elsie, bp. March 4, 1764; Catharina, bp. Dec. 8, 1765; Cornelia, b. June 1, 1767; Maria, b. April 11, 1769; Johannes, b. June 26, 1771; Catharina, bp. August 22, 1779.
Reddeines, Peter and John (?) Lodowic. Ch: Jane, b. Nov. 28, 1794.
Rees, Willem, of Claverac 1720, m. first Catrina Janse, and secondly Maria Goewey. Ch: bp.; Cornelis, Sept. 16, 1685; Benjamin, Feb. 7, 1694, nota d'ouders vande Luysersche kke synde soo hebden de getuygen belooft om het kint in de belydenisse ouser-kke op-te-brenze; Henderick, Feb. 16, 1696; Willem, Oct. 31, 1703.
Rees, Andries, of Claverac, m. Ariaantje Andries Scherp, Jan. 1, 1697. Ch: bp. Jonathan, Jan. 26, 1690; Johannes, in New York, Feb. 12, 1696; Catryntje, May 9, 1697; Andries, April 9, 1699; Neeltje, July 6, 1701; Lysbeth, June 18, 1704; Geertruy, May 11, 1707; Willem, Jan. 22, 1710.
Rees, Jan, of Kinderhoek, 1709, Claverac, 1720, m. Maria Janse Goewey, Oct. 9, 1702. Ch: Catelyntje, b. Nov. 8, 1706; Andries, bp. Jan. 9, 1709.
Rees, Johann, and Catharina. Ch: Catharina, b. Oct. 5, at Claverack, and bp. Jan. 15, 1721.
Rees, Benjamin, and Geertruy. Ch: Wilhelm, b. April 9, and bp. by the Lutheran minister, Falkner, at Claverac, April 30, 1721; Catharina, bp. May 19, 1723.
Rees, Ephraim, and Margarita. Ch: Christoffel, b. at Taghkanick and bp. at Gospel-hoek in Claverac, 22 naar Trinit: 1721.
Reese, Philip, and Eleanora Callingon (Calligan). Ch: John, b. July 21, 1779.
Reese, George, and Anna Bullocks. Ch: Nicolaas, b. Dec. 27, 1779.
Reisdorp, Lourens, and Margarita. Ch: Lena, b. June 28, 1762.
Reisdorp, Leendert, and Jannetie (De) Foreest. Ch: b.; Marten, Sept. 11, 1788; Lourena, July 21, 1790; Philip, Oct. 3, 1800.
Reims, Edward, victualler, made will Sept. 14, 1702, spoke of his wife Elizabeth, also of Daniel Wilkeson to whom he gave 10 pounds, "for his care of me in sickness;" John Taylor, drummer in Capt. James Weem's company to whom he gave 5 pounds; and of Capt. Henry Holland, who he made his executor; letters of administration issued Sept. 24, 1702.
Rendel, Timothy Van Dyck, and Catharina Van Antwerpen. Ch: Willem, b. March 1, 1762.
Rendell (Rundle), Jeremiah and Geertruy Gardenier. Ch: b.; Tempe, May 7, 1784; Henrika (?), July 20, 1795; Anna, March 24, 1797; Abigail, Sept. 15, 1799.
Reur, Hendrick Jansen, in Beverwyck and the Colonie 1656-64; owned land at Lubberde's land (Troy) which after his decease in 1664 was let to wife of Marcelis Janse.
Reydt, Hendrick. Ch: Jonathan, bp. June 30, 1689.
Reyerse, Gerrit, and Jannetie Van Slyck. Ch: Hendrick, b. August 13, 1775.
Reyersen, Jan, came to Beverwyck in 1637, and succeeded Ryckert Rutgersen in the possession of the Bethlehem Island, in 1652, and gave his name to it. O'Callahan's Hist. N. N., I. 437. He died in 1665.
Reyndertse, Barent, smith, purchased a house and lot in Beverwyck in 1657, and continued to live there until his death in 1682. He bought and sold diverse lots of ground in the village among which was one in Yonker (State) street which was conveyed in 1682 to his son in law Joachim Staats.
Reynlie (Raily, Reyley), John, and Lena (Magdalena) Barber. Ch: bp.; Maria, July 24, 1743; Hendrik, June 8, 1747; Daniel, May 8, 1748; Lena, May 28, 1749; Thomas, March 3, 1751; Magdalena, March 22, 1752; Jannetie, Dec. 22, 1754.
Reyley, Philip, of Schenedtady, and Jannetie Van Slyck. Ch: bp. Oct. 25, 1761; Harmanus, b. Aug 22, 1766. See Schenectady Families.
Reyley, Johannes, of the Colonie, m. Cathalyntje Van Den Berg, Jan. 7, 1769. Ch: b.; Thomas, July 8, 1769; Willem, June 4, 1772; Reinier, Feb. 15, 1780; John, Aug. 23, 1785; Jacob, June 3, 1788.
Reynolds, James, and Margaret Jackson. Ch: Ephraim, b. May 22, 1799.
Rham (De Rham), Johan Otto, m. Catharina Hoogstrasser, March 6, 1765. Ch: b.; Jacob, Feb. 12, 1768; Elisabeth, May 25, 1771; Hendrik, Feb. 8, 1777; Catharina, May 2, 1779.
Richards, John, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Hendrick Van Rensselaer, April 24, 1731. She d. April 13, 1779, a. 78 y. Ch: Stephanus, bp. July 9, 1732.
Richards, Hendrick, and Annatie Huyck. Ch: Margarita, Sept. 21, 1755.
Richards, Ozia, and Hannah Sickels. Ch: Elisabeth and Abraham, b. Oct. 26, 1792.
Rickert, Jurriaan, and Eva Staring. Ch: Geertruy, b. April 6, 1766.
Riddeke (Riddeker), Hendrik, m. Elisabeth Clute (Wells), Nov. 17, 1765. Ch: Ariaantie, bp. June 17, 1770; Pieter, bp. May 14, 1775; Nicolaas, b. April 31 (sic), 1777; Sofia Regina, bp. Feb. 2, 1781.
Riddeker (Ridecker), Nicholas, m. Hannah (Alida) Bulsen, July 15, 1796. Ch: b.; a child name not given, June 22, 1797; Geertruy, Aug. 15, 1799; Elisabeth, March 1, 1802.
Riddeker, Peter, m. first, Elisabeth Suatt, and secondly, Mary Clute, about 1803. Ch: b.; Henderick, Dec. 30, 1791; Elisabeth, May 22, 1804.
Riddle, John, and Mary Creaton. Ch: Jean, bp. June 28, 1756.
Riddle, Walter, and Margaret Brown. Ch: Henry, bp. Oct. 4, 1757.
Rightmeyer, Coenraet, m. Catharina Hoogtmensch (?), Oct. 24, 1728; who was buried April 8, 1733; secondly, Elisabeth Houst, about 1835. Ch: bp.; Johannes, April 20, 1729; Coenraat, Nov. 25, 1730; Jacobus, March 31, 1733; Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1735; Eva, Nov. 14, 1736; Juriaan, Apri 23, 1738; Christiaan, April 20, 1740; Elisabeth, Oct. 27, 1743; Elsje, Jan. 12, 1746; Heyltie, April 17, 1748.
Rine (Ryan?), Michael, and Josina Clerk. Ch: Margarita, bp. Jan. 24, 1754.
Rinckhout, Daniel, was in Beverwyck as early as 1653; had a house and lot on the south corner of Exchange street and Broadway, which his brother Jan inherited after his death in 1662. He was born in Pomeren, Holland, and in 1662 was 32 yrs. old; then made a will giving to his brother Jan his house and all his property, save 25 guilders bequeathed to his brother Aertman of Pomeren, if living. His brother Jan was a baker, and in 1670 his wife Elizabeth Drinkvelt leased his bakery to Antony Lespinard.
Roberts, Ebenezer (Abner), of New England, m. Geertie (Caatje, Catharina) Vosburg of Hosack, Dec. 30, 1751. He lived in "Steen Rabie" in 1771. Ch: Abraham, bp. Sept. 29, 1753; Sara, bp. Nov. 22, 1755; Abner, bp. Jan. 18, 1757; Sara, b. May 7, 1771.
Robertson, Hendrick, and Ann Weeger. Ch: Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1790.
Robinson, Joseph, and Susanna. Ch: Maria, oud 9 weeks, bp. June 19, 1763.
Robinson, John, and Geertje Van Petten. Ch: David, b. April 10, 1784.
Robinson, William, m. June (?) (Jaranah, Elhanah) Fryer, Dec. 9, 1789. Ch: b.; Jane, March 26, 1789; James, June 16, 1795; Elizabeth, March 25, 1797.
Rock, Adam, and Maria Van der Hoef. Ch: Margarita, bp. August 3, 1760.
Rodey, Hendrik, and Maria Smith. Ch: Margarita, b. June 24, 1784.
Rodgers, William, soldaat onder de compagnie van Capt. James Weems, m. Mary Johnson geboren tot Boston in Niew Engeland, July 3, 1706. [Wm. Rodgers and Susannah Foreest, m. Feb. 7, 1721.] Ch: Susanna, bp. Feb. 10, 1707; Mary, bp. Feb. 11, 1708; William, bp. Dec. 4, 1709.
Rodgers (Radtgert), William, Jr., m. Mary White (Weith), Feb. 19, 1738. Ch: bp.; Susanna, Oct. 21, 1744; John, August 9, 1747.
Rodgers, George, and Eleanor Murray (Morry). Ch: Jane, bp. May 11, 1776; George, b. Sept. 27, 1778; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 22, 1781.
Rolantsen, Adam, schoolmaster in Beverwyck in 1639, afterwards in New Amsterdam.
Roeloffse (De Goyer), Jan, son of the noted Anneke Janse by her first husband. See Bogardus.
Roej, Thomasss, and Catharina Tarrant. Ch: Susanna, b. March 6, 1779.
Roeso (Rousseau?), Frans, geboren in Flanderen, m. Maria Palsin geboren in de Palts, April 11, 1758. Ch: Maria, bp. Nov. 19, 1758.
Roman, Barent, m. Maria Wendell, March 3, 1761. Ch: Pieter, b. Jan. 16, 1762.
Roman, Pieter, and Catharine Van Deusen. Ch: b.; Lea, Jan. 24, 1787; Robert, Oct. 4, 1790; Mary, July 14, 1792; Margaret, March 26, 1794; Gertrude, Jan. 12, 1796; Hubertus, June 29, 1797; Gertrude, April 22, 1800.
Romville, Antoine, geboren tot Vienne in Dauphine, m. Heyltie Dekker, Feb. 8, 1707. Ch: Margarita, bp. Jan. 30, 1709.
Ronckel, Hendrik, and Margarita Toeper. Ch: Margarita, b. March 18, 1785.
Roos (Reus), Johannes, and Cornelia. He d. in 1695, leaving his three children to the care of his father, Gerrit Janse Roos. Ch: bp.; Catarina, Oct. 7, 1683; Cornelia, May 6, 1688; Jacobus, March 29, 1689.
Roos, Frans, and Maritie Bonns [perhaps same as Frans Roeso above.] Ch: Frederick, bp. July 12, 1761.
Roos, Daniel, and Baatie Ponk (Bank?). Ch: Marten, bp. Jan. 26, 1777.
Roos, Samuel, and Elizabeth Rees. Ch: Johan Pieter, b. Feb. 11, 1780.
Ross, Isaac, m. Marytje Van Vranken, Nov. 22, 1763. Ch: b.; Johannes, Aug. 13, 1764; Annatie, Aug. 18, 1766; Ryckert, Dec. 11, 1769; Machtel, April 20, 1772. See Schenectady Families.
Roseboom, Hendrick Janse, trader, was the Voorlezer and sexton of the church; in 1674, he brought a suit to recover his fees from a man who had employed the grave-digger of the Lutheran church, styled an interloper; judgement for the plaintiff 18 guilders. His house an lot originally Pieter Bronck's was on the east side of North Pearl street, 162 Rynland ft. north of Maiden Lane, and in 1677, the stockades passed through it and the gate (called Roseboom's gate) and the Burgher blockhouse were situated there; this was one of the best business places in the village because the Indians entered chiefly through this gate. He was for many years farmer of the slaughter excise. His first wife was Gysbertje Lansing; in his old age he married Tryntje Janse Van Breestede, widow of Rutger Jacobsen; d. Nov. 4, 1703. Ch: Johannes; Gerrit (?); Henderik; Myndert (?); Margarita, w. of Pieter Thomase Mingael.
Roseboom, Johannes, trader, m. Gerritje Coster, dau. of Hendrick Coster, Nov. 18, 1688. He was buried in the church Jan. 25, 1745. Ch: bp.; Hendrick, Aug. 4, 1689; Johannes, April 23, 1692; Johannes, April 29, 1694; Gerrit, Feb. 17, 1697; Elisabet, April 28, 1700; Geertruy, Dec. 27, 1702; Margarita and Anna, April 21, 1706.
Roseboom, Gerrit, trader, m. Maria, dau. of Robert Sanders, Nov. 24, 1689. He was buried Dec. 21, 1739. Ch: bp.; Robert, May 21, 1693; Elsje, Sept. 15, 1695; Gysbert, Dec. 15, 1697; Ahasuerus, April 28, 1700; Johannes, March 22, 1702; Elizabeth, July 23, 1704.
Roseboom, Henderick, Jr., m. Debora Staats, Nov. 1, 1694. She was buried Oct. 2, 1749. Ch: bp.; Jacob, July 14, 1695; Elisabeth, June 6, 1697; Rykje, Oct. 13, 1700; Hendrik, March 3, 1703; Catharina, June 16, 1706; Margarieta, Oct. 19, 1712; Abraham, Jan. 9, 1715.
Roseboom, Myndert, m. Maria Vinhagen. He was buried Oct. 22, 1722. Ch: bp.; Hendrik, Sept. 21, 1707; Maria, Oct. 23, 1709; Margarita, Oct. 7, 1711, buried April 9, 1741; Alida, Sept. 20, 1713; Joannes, Jan. 15, 1716.
Roseboom, Jacob, m. Geertruy Lydius, Aug. 12, 1716. She was buried July 27, 1757. Ch: bp.; Sara, Jan. 13, 1717, buried Feb. 16, 1733; Joannes, Feb. 4, 1719; Hendrik, May 28, 1721; Hendrik Jaobus, Sept. 4, 1726; Geertruy, living in 1764.
Roseboom, Gysbert, and Catharina. He was buried Oct. 29, 1749. Ch: bp.; Maria, Nov. 20, 1721; Anthony, July 23, 1727; Elisabeth, Oct. 24, 1731; Catharina, Oct. 7, 1733; Catharina, June 28, 1738; Elsie, May 13, 1741. [Gysbert R. and Christina (Catharina?) Bries, m. Dec. 4, 1720.
Roseboom, Ahasuerus, m. Maritie Bratt, Nov. 25, 1725. She was buried Nov. 30, 1745. Ch: bp.; Maria, Sept. 25, 1726; Gerrit, Jan. 9, 1732, d. July 7, 1787, a. 54 y. 5 m.; Hendrik, June 3, 1734.
Roseboom, Hendrick, m. Elsie Cuyler, Oct. 25, 1724. Ch: bp.; Johannes, Jan. 19, 1726; Elsie, Dec. 17, 1727; Elisabeth, June 14, 1730; Elisabeth, March 8, 1732; Gerritje, July 26, 1738, buried in the church, Nov. 23, 1746. [Hendrik Roseboom, buried Oct. 29, 1754.
Roseboom, Hendrik Hendrikse, m. Cathalyna Schuyler, April 3, 1729. He was buried Aug. 15, 1746. Ch: bp.; Debora, June 21, 1729, buried July 20, 1746; Jacobus, Aug. 8, 1731; Susanna, June 6, 1733; Jacobus, Nov. 20, 1736; Hendrik, Sept. 2, 1739; Elisabeth, June 2, 1742; Jacobus Schuyler, April 19, 1745.
Roseboom, N. and M. Ch: Johannes, bp. Dec. 31, 1732.
Roseboom, Hendrik Myndertse, m. Maria Ten Eyck, Oct. 29, 1734. Ch: bp.; Myndert, May 26, 1735; Barent, Oct. 24, 1736; Johannes, Oct. 14, 1739; Neeltje, Nov. 15, 1741; Maria, Jluly 26, 1746.
Roseboom, John Jac., m. Magtel Ryckman, May 25, 1740. Ch: Jacob, bp. Nov. 23, 1740.
Roseboom, Jacob, Jr., m. Hester Lansing, Jan. 20, 1763. She d. 3 (30) Nov. 1826, in 84th y. Ch: b.; Geertruid, July 30, 1763; Johannes, April 8, 1766; Geertruy, April 28, 1768; Ariaantje, Oct. 2, 1770; Johannes, March 25, 1773; Johannes, July 17, 1774; Johannes, Sept. 15, 1776, d. at Cherry Valley, March 15, 1829, a 54 y.; Gerrit, August 7, 1778; Lena, April 18, 1781; Lena and Johannes, twins, Dec. 6, 1783.
Roseboom, Meinard, m. Geertruy Swits, July 24, 1765. Ch: Maria, b. June 1, 1766.
Roseboom, Jacob G., and Neeltie. Ch: Gerrit, bp. Sept. 11, 1768.
Roseboom, Dirk, and Rhoda Dowey. Ch: Gerrit, b. March 11, 1791.
Roseboom, Gerrit, m. Josina Hornbeck (Halenbeck), Jan. 28, 1798. Ch: b.; Jacob, August 22, 1798; Cornelia, Sept. 24, 1800; Hester, Nov. 15, 1802.
Rosenberg (Rosebelt), Jacob, and Regina Tzisesa. Ch: Johannes, bp. Dec. 29, 1751; Hans Tjerk, bp. Oct. 21, 1753.
Rosie, Jan, and early settler of Albany, was buried in 1709; another of the same name (his son ?) was buried Nov. 1, 1737.
Ross, John, and Mary Russell. Ch: Sara, bp. Feb. 20, 1780.
Roube, Coenraad, and Sara. Ch: Frany, b. Nov. 18, 1763.
Roul, Nicolaas, and Ann Dorothe Margarita. Ch: Christiaan Willem, bp. May 25, 1713.
Rous, Johannes, of Halve Maan, and Alida Van Etten. Ch: Lena, b. Jan. 29, 1787.
Rouw, Wilhelmus, m. Geertruy Schuuk (Schup), Sept. 25, 1778. Ch: Annatie, b. Jan. 4, 1780.
Ruger, Frans, op Saratoga, and Jennet Jewel. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Sept. 18, 1787; Johannes, b. June 13, 1789.
Ruiler, Harmanus, and Barbara Marcelis. Ch: Anna, bp. Feb. 7, 1762.
Rumney (Rumbly), Jonathan, geboren in London in oud England m. Johanna Van Corlaar, Nov. 17, 1707. He d. Sept. 16, 1722. Ch: Robert, bp. Oct. 30, 1709.
Rumney, John, m. Rachel Meinersse, August 28, 1784. Ch: b.; Benjamin, Oct. 2, 1785; Maria, Dec. 18, 1787.
Rumple, Hendrick, and Margaret Hooper. Ch: Sarah, b. Aug. 31, 1790.
Russell, Benjamin, and Rachel Bank. Ch: Thomas, b. Nov. 22, 1732.
Rutgers. Two brothers, Rutger and Teunis Jacobse Van Schoenderwoert, or Van Woert, were among the early settlers of Beverwyck and originated two families, distinct in name and loyalty. Rutger Jacobsen's descendants assumed the surname of Rutgers, and were later found in New York and vicinity; his brother Teunis's descendants took the surname Van Schoenderwoert, or simply Van Woert, and settled chiefly in Albany county. [See Van Woert.]
Rutger Jacobsen, alias Rut Van Woert, was a man of considerable repute and wealth in the little village in which he served as magistrate many years, probably until his death in 1665. His business was varied; he owned a sloop upon the river which he sometimes commanded himself; at other times, Abraham De Truwe [Truax now] was his skipper; he was a considerable dealer in village lots and farming lands, among which was the island called Pachonakellick or Mohicander's Island, "obliquely over against Bethelehem," owned in partnership with Andries Herbertsen Constapel, and hence sometimes called Constapel's island. In 1654, he bought Jacob Janse Van Noorstrant's brewery and lot in Beaver street nearly opposite the present Middle Dutch church, which was inherited by his son Herman; he m. Tryntje Janse Van Breestede in New Amsterdam, June 3, 1646; her sister Dorotee subsequently m. Volckert Janse Douw. After Rutger Jacobsen's death, his widow in her old age, m. Hendrick Janse Roseboom, Dec. 5, 1695. She is said to have d. at her son's in 1711 at a very great age. It is not known that Jacobsen had more than three ch: two daughters, Margaret, who m. Jan Janse Bleecker; and Engel, bp. in New Amsterdam, April 10, 1650; and one son, Harmen.
Rutgers, Harmen, son of Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoenderwoert last mentioned, was probably b. in Beverwyck soon after his father moved there; he was still living in 1720. He was a brewer, his brewery, which he sold in 1765 to Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick and Pieter Lassingh, being on the east half of the present Exchange Block; in 1678, Richard Pretty, collector of the excise complained of him for defrauding the excise and selling beer to the Indians, but after considerable litigation the complaint was dismissed. He had two sons, Anthony and Harmen, who settled in New York.
Rutgers, Anthony, baker, admitted freeman in New York, in 1699, m. Hendrickje Vandewater, of N.Y., Dec. 30, 1694. Ch: bp. in New York; Harmanus, Nov. 5, 1699; Petrus, May 4, 1701; Catryna, Dec.20, 1702; Anneke, March 31, 1704; Catharina, Nov. 21, 1705; Anthony, Feb. 9, 1707; Catharina, Oct. 27, 1708; Anthony, April 29, 1711.
Rutgers, Hermanus, brewer, admitted freeman in New York, in 1696, m. Catharina Myer, in N.Y., Dec. 25, 1706. He d. Aug. 9, 1753 "at an advanced age." Ch: bp. in New York; Harmen, May 2, 1708, Elsie, Feb. 1, 1710; Hendrik, Feb. 24, 1712; Catharina, Feb. 21, 1714; Maria, April 11, 1716; Anthony, June 8, 1718; Eva, Aug. 30, 1719.
Ruyter (Ruiter), Frederic, m Engeltie Vander Werken, Feb. 6, 1738. [Frederic Rutyer, Jr., was buried May 19, 1746.] Ch: bp.; Margriet, May 27, 1739; Elisabeth, Oct. 5, 1740; Hendrik, Sept. 26, 1742; Johannes, Feb. 26, 1744; Catharina, Jan. 10, 1746.
Ruyter, Philip, m. Geertruy Vander Werken, March 20, 1741, was buried June 1, 1746. Ch: bp.; Hendrik, Feb. 14, 1742; Johannes, April 24, 1743.
Ruyter (Ruiter), Hendrick, of Hoosac, m. Rebecca Dooth (Doth, Staats), Aug. 16, 1763. Ch: b.; Gertruid, April 12, 1764; Johannes, June 16, 1768; Elisabeth, Sept. 8, 1770.
Ruyter, Johannes, of Hoosac, m. Elisabeth Pest, Nov. 14, 1764. Ch: Annatie, b. Sept. 23, 1768.
Ruyting, Gerrit Janse, and ____. Ch: Louys, bp. June 22, 1690.
Ryan (Reyel), James, and Elizabeth. Ch: bp.; William, Sept. 5, 1736; Anna, Sept. 9, 1739; Sara, Oct. 11, 1741; Philip, Oct. 2, 1743.
Ryckensen (Richardson?), Samuel, and Catryna. Ch: Johannes, bp. Oct. 7, 1759; Johannes, bp. Oct. 14, 1759.
Ryckers, Michael, and Maria. Ch: Johannes, bp. Oct. 5, 1766.
Ryckman, Harmen Janse, was a resident in Albany, from 1666 to 1677.
Ryckman, Jan Janse, of Beverwyck, d. before 1663, at which time his widow, Tryntje Janse, had become the wife of Elfert Gerbertse Cruyff. She then had one son living named Albert Janse Ryckman.
Ryckman, Capt. Albert Janse, brewer, had his brewery on the east side of Broadway on or near the south corner of Hudson street and Broadway heretofore the property of Pieter Bronck. He was a mayor of Albany, 1702-3; made his will, Dec. 23, 1736, proved May 1, 1739; was buried Jan. 12, 1737. In his will he spoke of the heirs of his son Johannes, of Margaret, w. of Samuel Kip; of Magdalena, wife of Benjamin Bratt; of Tryntje; Pieter; Harmanus; of the two ch. of his dau. Maria, who m. Barent Bratt, and of Tobias. His wife Neeltie Quackenbos, was buried Oct. 17, 1738. Ch: Johannes, deceased in 1736; Albert, buried Oct. 8, 1722; Tryntje; Pieter; Harmanus; Margaret; Catharina, wife of Anthony Bries; Maria, bp. Aug. 26, 1683, w. of Barent Bratt, d. about 1729; Magdalena, bp. May 13, 1685; Tobias, bp. Oct. 27, 1686; Magdalena, bp. March 24, 1689; Rachel, bp. Dec. 18, 1692.
Ryckman, Pieter, tailor [son of Albert] m. Cornelia Keteltas in New York, May 6, 1696. He made will in 1747, proved Oct. 21, 1749, and spoke of his children Wilhelmus and Petrus, and of his grand dau. Cornelia, dau. of his son Wilhelmus. Ch: Wilhelmus, bp. in N.Y., June 18, 1699; Lelletie, bp. in N.Y., July 8, 1702; Petrus, bp. in N.Y., July 21, 1706; Petrus, bp. in Albany, Nov. 14, 1708.
Ryckman, Harmen [son of Albert], made his will August 28, 1750, proved Oct. 11, 1756, spoke of his brothers Tobias, John, and Pieter, and of sisters Margaret, Maria, and Magdalena, also of his father, but not of any wife or children. He was buried Nov. 3, 1755.
Ryckman, Tobias [son of Albert], in 1745 had a house on the dock near "Gansevoort's Point" [foot of Maiden Lane?]. He m. Helena Beekman, August 18, 1715. She was buried August 26, 1744. Ch: bp.; Nelletie, June 3, 1716; Machtelt, August 22, 1719; Lena, Sept. 29, 1723.
Ryckman, Pieter [son of Pieter], m. Catharyna Kierstede, was buried Sept. 4, 1748. Ch: bp.; Cornelia, Dec. 15, 1734; Ariaantje, April 3, 1737.
Ryckman, Tobias, Junior, and Marytje. Ch: Aafje, bp. Jan. 12, 1737.
Ryckman, Wilhelmus, and Anna Vander Heyden. Ch: Rachel, in ondertrouw zynde, bp. June 18, 1721; Nilletje, bp. June 28, 1741; Ariaantje, bp. June 29, 1744.
Ryckman, Pieter, m. Lydia Vanden Bergh, Nov. 28, 1758. He d. Jan. 22 (15) 1811, in his 80th y. Ch: Wilhelmus, bp. April 8, 1759; Margarita, May 3, 1761; Gerrit, b. July 31, 1762; Albert, b. Jan. 3, 1765, d. August 24, 1841, aged 77; Margarita, b. July 7, 1767, d. August 2, 1840, a. 72; Pieter, b. Oct. 23, 1769; Cornelis, b. June 14, 1777.
Ryckman, Gerrit, m. Elizabeth Van Buren, Dec. 5, 1769. Ch: b.; Wilhelmus, April 29, 1770; Anna, May 6, 1772; Teuntje, Feb. 28, 1774; Pieter, March 19, 1776; Pieter, Feb. 22, 1777; Elizabeth, April 20, 1779; Cornelia, Nov. 10, 1781; Sara, Dec. 15, 1784; Cornelis, bp. Jan. 6, 1786; Hester, b. Dec. 18, 1788; Henry, b. May 2, 1791.
Ryckman, Wilhelmus G. [P.?], m. Maria Fonda, d. Sept. 16, 1840, a. 81 y. Ch: b.; Gerrit, Jan. 26, 1798; Catalina, Nov. 22, 1799; Lawrence Fonda, Jan. 29, 1806; Peter, Oct. 6, 1806.
Ryerse, Gerrit, probably son of Reyer Elbertse, (see Gerritse). Ch: bp.; Wouter, August 12, 1683; Barent, Oct. 14, 1683 [1684?]; Goosen, March 7, 1686; Barent, June 4, 1688.
Ryverdingh, Pieter, in 1654-5 clerk and court messenger at Fort Orange and Beverwyck.
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