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Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died.
Paal (Pawl, Paul or Powell?), James, and Ann McEwen (Cowen). Ch: Robert and Duncan, bp. April 25, 1779; James, b. Jan. 17, 1781; Margaret, b. July 30, 1782.
Palmentier, Damin, and Elizabeth Bertley. Ch: Peter, b. Nov. 22, 1782.
Pammerton, see Pemberton.
Pangburn, Pengburn, Bengburn.
Pangburn (Bengburn), William, and Elizabeth Bogart (Van der Bogart). She died Jan. 18, 1827, a. 87 y. 4 m. Ch: born; Johannes, Aug. 12, 1764; Maria, Oct. 10, 1766; Lydia, Sept. 10, 1768; Neeltie, Oct. 13, 1770; Elizabeth, May 7, 1775; David, March 14, 1777; Margaret, June 18, 1779.
Pangburn (Pengburn), Richard, of Niskatha, m. Cathalyntje Van Etten, Sept. 28, 1769. Ch: born; Willem, Oct. 6, 1771; Hilletje, Jan. 8, 1772; Benjamin, Feb. 24, 1777; Isaac, Aug. 12, 1791.
Pangburn, Stephen, and Sarah Seger. Ch: Gerrit, b. July 15, 1797.
Papendorp, Adriaen Gerritse, probably came to colony Rensselaerwyck, in 1634; served many years as magistrate; his wife was Jannetje Croon; made a will, Oct. 7, 1688, in which he did not speak of any children.
Pars, (Puis), Matthys, of Kingston 1701; of Kinderhook, 1706; m. Tanna Winne, Nov. 1, 1701. Ch: Adam, bp. Jan. 13, 1706.
Parse, see Pearse.
Paree, (Pary, Pareois), Johannes, and Annetie. Ch: baptised; Johannes, April 5, 1719; Nicolaas, June 18, 1721; James, Aug. 7, 1762.
Parker, Sergeant William, owned a lot on the hill which he sold in 1670-1, to Dirck Albertse Bratt, and Ryck Claese [Van Vranken.]
Passage, John, and Margarita Cramm. Ch: Lena, b. May 15, 1780.
Passage, Henry, and Elizabeth Claus. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1793.
Pastoor, Frans Barentse, in 1654, on of the magistrates of Fort Orange; a brewer, and owned among other property a lot on east side of Broadway next north of Bleecker Hall, which with house, garden and brewery he sold to Hendrick Andriese Van Doesburgh, for 3630 guilders. It is not known that he left any children.
Patridge, Thomas, and Mary McGuire. Ch: Nancy, b. Jan. 8, 1778.
Patterson, David and Phebe Cox. Ch: George, b. Dec. 29, 1778.
Patterson, William, and Mary McEntee. Ch: Peter, b. April 13, 1782.
Pearse, Persen, Peers, Parse, &c.
Pearse, Nehimiah, in 1675 bought house and lot on the hill of Evert Janse Wendel, which in 1676 he sold to Samuel Holman.
Pearse (Parse), Jacobus, m. Maritie Van den Bergh, Nov. 18, 1781. Ch: born; Abraham, Jan. 14, 1788; Rachel, May 28, 1800.
Persen (Peers), Jacob, of Nistagieone in 1720, and Jannetje. Ch: baptised; Annatie, April 20, 1712; Geertruy, April 5, 1719; Johannes, Nov. 27, 1720; Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1722.
Persen (Pearse), Johannes, m. Alide Van Vranken in Schenectady, Nov. 8, 1745. He was buried Oct. 26, 1756. Ch: baptised; Ryckart, March 24, 1751; Abraham, Jan. 17, 1753; Johannes, Aug. 5, 1754; Maria, in Schenectady, March 6, 1757; Jacob; Annatie.
Pearson, George and Gitty Huyck. Ch: Catalyna, b. Dec. 10, 1796.
Pearson, George, m. Judith Van Vechten, Dec. 12, 1808. Ch: Ann Van Vechten, b. Feb. 10, 1818.
Peck, Abraham, and Mary Hammond. Ch: Sarah, b. July 14, 1790.
Peebles, Thomas, of Halve Maan, and Elizabeth Bratt. Ch: born; Gerrit, March 28, 1769; Gerritje, Sept. 12, 1771.
Peek (Peeck), Jan, inkeeper of New Amsterdam; in 1655, sold two houses in Fort Orange, to Johannes Dyckman for 1627 guilders. The creek at Peekskill, takes its name from him. He m. Maria Volchers, widow of Cornelis Volckertse, in New Amsterdam, Feb. 20, 1650. Ch: baptised in New York; Anna, Oct. 15, 1651; Johannes, Oct. 12, 1653; Jacobus, Jan. 16, 1656; Maria, March 6, 1658. See Schenectady Families.
Peek, Jacobus, of Schenectady, and Elizabeth Teunise. Ch: baptised; Ludovicus, July 14, 1686; Margriet, March 27, 1692. See also Schenectady Families.
Peek, Abraham, m. Catarina Van Santen [Zandt], Aug. 22, 1752. Ch: Johannes, bp. March 18, 1753; Joseph, bp. April 15, 1755; Maria, bp. Dec. 12, 1756; Gerrit, bp. April 5, 1759; Tryntje, bp. July 5, 1761; Joseph, b. March 13, 1764; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 30, 1765; Abraham, b. July 17, 1768; Joseph, b. Feb. 14, 1771.
Peelen, Brandt, Van Nieuwkerk, came to Fort Orange in 1630; his second (?) wife was Maritie Pieterse, widow of Claas Sybrantse of New Amsterdam, whose daughter Aaltie Claese, m. Claes Calff. Brandt Peelen died in a644, leaving at lease three children; Lysbet, Gerritje, w. of Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick, deceased in 1657; and Cornelis Brantse Van Nieuwkerk. His descendants in Albany county are said to pass by the name of Brandt.
Peeren, Wilhelm, and Lysbeth Sickell. Ch: Maria, bp. March 1, 1693.
Peesing (Beesinger), Andries, of Niskitha, m. Jannetje Bratt, Nov. 1762. Ch: born; Annatie, Dec. 5, 1763; Pieter, June 11, 1765; Andries, June 5, 1769; Isaac, Aug. 16, 1774; Catharina, March 10, 1780.
Peesinger, Zepherinus (Sobrinus), m. Maritie Young, Oct. 18, 1773. Ch: born; Willem, Oct. 30, 1776; Johannes, April 1, 1779; Daniel, May 1, 1789.
Pels, Evert, Van Steltyn, settles in Rensselaerwyck in 1642, was a brewer and erected a brewery in the Colonie; lived on Mill creek in Greenbush; also owned a sloop on the river and a lot in Broadway Manathans, which he sold in 1656. In 1657 he sent down to New Amsterdam 2100 beaver skins. His son Evert Evertse, m. Breechtje Elswaerts in New York, Aug. 13, 1670.
Pels, Evert [Evertsen, grandson of the first settler?], m. Grietje Van Deusen in New York, Sept. 29, 1695. Ch: baptised in Albany; Breechje, and Evert, twins, June 7, 1696; baptised in New York; Bregie, and Engeltie, July 25, 1697; Bregje, Feb. 4, 1700; Rachel, March 29, 1702; Evert, July 2, 1704; Annatie, Aug. 24, 1706; Abraham, March 28, 1708, buried Sept. 1, 1754; Rachel, Dec. 9, 1711; Annatie, April 17, 1715.
Pemberton (Pammerton), Jeremiah, and Maritie. In 1730, he had a lot on the "Plain" north side of Hudson east of Pearl street. Ch: baptised: Andries, March 28, 1730; Andries and Willem, May 14, 1732; Andries, May 13, 1733; Willem, Aug. 26, 1735.
Pemberton, Jeremiah, and Susanna Bratt. Ch: Adam, b. Dec. 6, 1776.
Pendell, Thomas, m. Jannetie Salsbury, July 17, 1776. Ch: Jannetie, bp. July 17, 1776.
Pender, Christiaan, and Elizabeth Cramer. Ch: Sara, b. Oct. 10, 1780.
Penniman, James, bought John Cornell's lot for 70 pounds Boston money, and sold the same in 1677, to Andries Teller.
Pepper, William, and Elizabeth Simpson. Ch: born; William, Aug. 22, 1795; John, Aug. 14, 1797; Magdalena, Aug. 24, 1799; John, Oct. 24, 1801.
Perry, Johannes, of Claverac, m. Francyntje Clute, Jan. 9, 1748. Ch: baptised: Emmetie, Nov. 7, 1752; Marytje, Dec. 21, 1760.
Perry, William, and Elizabeth Gardenier. Ch: John, bp. Feb. 19, 1754. Pest (Pess), Jacob, and Annatie Jaart (Shaat). Ch: born; Annatie, July 22, 1764; Margarita, Feb. 9, 1767.
Pest, Jacob, of Hosac, m. Catharina Mellingtown (Mellendon, Mellery), Jan. 26, 1766. Ch: born; Jacob, Nov. 9, 1768; Thomas, Oct. 12, 1770.
Pest, Jacob, and Jannetie Vredenburgh. Ch: Nelly, b. May 16, 1777.
Petit, Jonathan, and Agnes Riddle. Ch: born; James, April 13, 1777; George, Jan. 13, 1780.
Philips, Michael, m. Margarita Wyngaart, Nov. 28, 1748. Ch: baptised; Maria, Sept. 24, 1749; Michael, Aug. 16, 1752; Machtelt, Nov. 24, 1754.
Philip, Willem, and Eva Church. Ch: Jurrie, bp. Aug. 26, 1752.
Pieterse, Meyer, Gillis, carpenter of Gouda, m. Elsie Hendrickse of Amsterdam, in New Amsterdam, July 6, 1642. Valentine says he resided on the site of Wall street where it joins Pearl; on his decease in 1676, his son Hendrick Gillise, purchased the interest of his brothers-in-law, Capt. Hans Hendrickse and Johannes Wendel, in said lot. He received a patent for a house lot in Beverwyck in 1654. Ch: baptised in New Amsterdam; Eva, April 26, 1643, m. Capt. Hans Hendrickse of Beverwyck; Pieter, Nov. 20, 1644; Tryntje, April 22, 1647; Tryntje, July 4, 1648; Hendrick, March 6, 1650, cordwainer in New York, 1702; Maria, Jan. 21, 1652, m. Johannes Wendel, of Beverwyck.
Pieterse, Reyndert, in 1662, with Jacob Gevick, bought Pieter Bronk's brewery, lot, etc. He died in 1673.
Pietersen, William, and Lena Van Eps. Ch: Sophia, bp. Sept. 28, 1745. See Schenectady Families.
Pietersen, Petrus, and Rebecca Montagne. Ch: Geertruy, bp. Dec. 7, 1760; Petrus, b. Dec. 18, 1762.
Pikkart, Bartholomeus, jong man Van Lester schier in out Englandt, m. Aagje Claase, Van Schenegtade, Nov. 12, 1698. In 1716, he purchased a parcel of ground at the Verreberg on the north side of the highway (to Schenectady) over against the house of Isaac Valkenburgh. Ch: Rachel, bp. Jan. 29, 1709.
Pitman, Nicolaas, and Anna Martarita Pit. Ch: Sophia Christina, bp. Feb. 22, 1756.
Plank, Jacob Albertse Sheriff of Rensselaerwyck, 1630-8.
Planck, see also Verplanck.
Plass, Johan Emmerick, of Claverack, made his will April 8, 1745, proved July 15, 1752, spoke of wife Agneta Flora, and "mys only daughter Elizabeth wife of Henderick Plass" and "my grandson John Emmerick Plass."
Ploeg, Pieter, and Aaltie Pels. Ch: Catharina, bp. Jan. 25, 1708.
Poel, Willem, and Elizabeth. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 21, 1714.
Poel, Mattheus, m. Elizabeth Shutter, Nov. 18, 1777. Ch: born; Catharina, May 17, 1779; Catharina, May 7, 1781; Barbara, June 12, 1783; Gerrit, Nov. 24, 1787.
Poel, Johannes, and Geertruy Van Buren. Ch: Pieter, b. Aug. 27, 1780.
Poel, Johannes, and Isabella (Elizabeth) Douglas. Ch: born; Abraham, Feb. 21, 1783; John, Sept. 11, 1784; Margarita, March 2, 1787.
Poel, Isaac, and Maria Van Buren. Ch: Catharina, b. June 4, 1785.
Poel, Gerrit, and Caty Cowenhoven. Ch: Pieter, b. Dec. 26, 1786. [Gerrit Poel, and Margarita Wilson, m. April 8, 1780.]
Pruyn, Frans Janse, tailor, was in Albany as early as 1665, previously in New Amsterdam where most of his ch. were born. In 1699, he could not take the oath of allegiance, &c., because he was a Papist. His wife was probably Alida. Ch: bp. in New York, Tryntie, Nov. 24, 1641; Jannetie, April 9, 1656; Lysbeth, Sept. 14, 1659; Johannes, Jan. 5, 1663; bp. in Albany, Samuel, Helena (?), w. of Jacob Lansing; Maria, w. of Elbert Gerritse; Christina (?); Frans, Sept. 28, 1683; Barentje, April 11, 1686; Arent, May 24, 1688.
Pruyn, Samuel, blacksmith, m. Maria Bogart, Jan. 15, 1704; made will March 27, 1752, proved Jan. 26, 1753, and spoke of wife Maritie, and ch. Francis; Johannes; and Jacob, buried June 27, 1752. Ch. baptised; Franciscus, March 15, 1704; Alida, Nov. 17, 1706; Jacob, Feb. 10, 1712; Maritie, Sept. 20, 1713, Johannes, July 14, 1723.
Pruyn, Johannes, m. Emilia Sanders, Sept. 1705. He was buried Aug. 23, 1749. Ch: bp.; Alida, March 23, 1707; Johannes, June 12, 1709; Elsie, Feb. 14, 1714.
Pruyn, Frans, and Margarita. Ch: bp.; Christina, May 23, 1715; Maria, March 8, 1719; Magdalena, Jan. 11, 1721; Angje, March 24, 1723; Elisabeth, June 13, 1725; David, Oct. 6, 1727; Franciscus, June 8, 1731; hendrick, Dec. 30, 1733.
Pruyn, Arent, m. Catryna Gansevoort, Nov. 21, 1714. Ch: bp.; Alida, March 11, 1716; Maria, May 31, 1719; Christina and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1722; Franciscus, Feb. 2, 1724; Harman, Oct. 18, 1727.
Pruyn, Frans S., m. first, Anna; secondly, Alida Van Yveren, July 15, 1726. Ch: bp.; Franciscus, Jan. 16, 1717; Anna, Oct. 30, 1726; Samuel, Oct. 6, 1727; Samuel, Sept. 15, 1728; Anna, April 16, 1732; Casparus, May 19, 1734; Johannes, Dec. 23, 1739, d. March 23, 1815, a. 75 y. 2 m. 21 d.; Jacob, July 22, 1744.
Pruyn, Johannes S., and Jannetie Van Aalsteyn. Ch: bp.; Jacob, Jan. 22, 1749; Maritie, Nov. 4, 1750; Samuel, Nov. 19, 1752; Johannes, April 27, 1755; Reinier, May 22, 1757; Pieterje, March 15, 1761; Franciscus, b. Oct. 1, 1764.
Pruyn, Samuel, m. Neeltie Ten Eyck, Feb. 7, 1756. Ch: b. Franciscus, bp. July 10, 1757; Maria, Jan. 22, 1760; Anna, Aug. 2, 1762, d. Feb. 3, 1833, a. 70 y. 6 m.; Jacob, June 28, 1765, d. at Lafayette, N. Y., July 20, 1836, a. 72 y.; Johannes, Nov. 1, 1768.
Pruyn (Pruim), Casparus, m. Catharina Groesbeck, Dec. 1762. He d. Oct. 8, 1817. Ch: b.; Maria, April 12, 1763; Alida, Jan. 122, 1764; Franciscus, bp. Sept. 27, 1767; Franciscus, July 19, 1769; David, Aug. 24, 1771; Willem, March 11, 1776.
Pruyn, Jacob, Jr., and Hendrickie Van Buren. Ch: b.; Alida, Jan. 20, 1775; Cathalyna, April 24, 1778; Franciscus, Jan. 31, 1781; Margarita, Dec. 10, 1783; Annatie, Aug. 22, 1786; Debora, April 13, 1790.
Pruyn (Pruin), Samuel, m. Neelie Horsford Hasevaet, Eleanor Horsefield), dau. of Reuben H. of Schenectady, June 11, 1775. Ch: born; Johannes, Nov. 17. 1776; Reuben, in Schenectady, Jan. 25, 1778; Dirk, April 2, 1786; Jannetie, Sept. 30, 1790.
Pruyn (Pruin), Johannes J. and Ariaantje Verplanck. Ch: born; Johannes, April 13, 1783; Johannes, April 1, 1785; Willem, March 31, 1787; Teunis, August 6, 1789; Rynier, August 7, 1793.
Pruyn (Pruin), Reiner, m. Jannetie Goey (Goewey), Oct. 3, 1786. Ch: born; Jannetie, August 27, 1787; Loreina, May 31, 1789; Maritie, August 18, 1791.
Pruyn (Pruin), Jacob J., m. Neeltie De Foreest, March 17, 1786. Ch: born; Isaac, Feb. 3, 1788; Johannes, May 28, 1790, d. July 12, `862, a. 72 y.; Alida, Sept. 4, 1792; Jacob, Dec. 12, 1794; Jannetie, August 3, 1796.
Pruyn (Pruin), Francis C., m. Cornelia Dunbar, August 30, 1791. Ch: born; Carparus, May 26, 1792, d. Feb. 11, 1845, a. 54 y.; Catharine, Jan. 30, 1794; Levinus, Oct. 4, 1796; David and Margaret, Jan. 26, 1799; David, Nov. 20, 1801; Gertrude, Oct. 19, 1802; Maria, June 5, 1808; Cornelia, Dec. 12, 1810.
Pruyn (Pruin), John S., m. Margaret Lansing, April 4, 1795; Alida Ten Eyck, Nov. 23, 1797; Samuel, Feb. 25, 1800, d. Feb. 18, 1862, a. 63 y.; Agnes, June 15, 1807.
Pruyn, David, and Hubertie Lansing. He d. Jan. 11843; she d. Sept. 2, 1855, a. 83 y. Ch: b.; Sara, Aug. 5, 1796; Catharine, Feb. 14, 1803; Casparus, April 2, 1809; John Van Schaick Lansing "June 22, 12, 12 o'clock," 1811.
Purnel, John, and Joanna. Ch: John, bp. Aug. 7, 1748.
Putnam, Elisha, m. Esther Johnson, Dec. 25, 1792. Ch: b.; Laina, Jan. 4, 1798; Stephen, June 14, 1800.
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