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The information on this page is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany, from 1630 to 1800, by Prof. Jonathan Pearson.

Surnames Beginning with "M"

Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; a., aged; d., died.

Maat, alias Van Loosereght, Jacob Hendrickse, an inkeeper, in 1654 became farmer of the excise for 1300 gl.; in 1665 was accused of gambling, and of roughly handling on Steven Janse Conninck.

Maby, Johannes, and Christina. Ch: Hanna, b. Oct. 12, 1769.

McAdam, Hugh, and Catharina Gerritsen. Ch: Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1769.

McAlpine, James, and Margarita Bratt. Ch: David, b. Dec. 13, 1780.

McBead, Daniel and Rachel McCantish. Ch: William, b. April 6, 1779.

McBride, William, and Elizabeth Chambers. Ch: Margaret, b. Feb. 20, 1795; George, b. June 17, 1797.

McCantelish, William, and Geertruy Kidney. Ch: Roeloff, b. March 1, 1771.

Macarty, Pieter (Patrick), of Half Moon, m. first, Greetje Thee, wid., March 7, 1735, and 2dly, Anna, about 1742. Ch: Philip, bp. Jan. 8, 1736; Catharina, bp. Feb. 6, 1743.

Macarty, John and Anna Dorson. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 14, 1748.

McCarty, Dennis, and Nancy Homes. Ch: Rachel, bp. Feb. 21, 1780.

McCarty, Timothy, and Rebecca Patin. Ch: Henry, b. Feb. 15, 1787.

McCasory, James, and Dolly Ramsey. Ch: John, b. July 24, 1781.

McCay, John, and Alida Barheit. Ch: Catalyntje, bp. March 6, 1748.

McCay, Neil, and Catharine McKinzy. Ch: John b. Aug. 20, 1781.

McChesney (McChesnut), Hugh, and Joanna Plum (Plumb). Ch: Joseph, b. Aug. 31, 1776; Isaac, b. Nov. 15, 1779; Isabella, b. Oct. 30, 1780.

McChesney (McChesnut), Robert, and Mary Cannum. Ch: William, b. Dec. 11, 1779.

McChesney, Joseph, and Mary Monney (Mullennichs). Ch: Samuel, b. March 14, 1780; William, b. Sept. 15, 1781.

McChesney, John, and Catharina Heens. Ch: Samuel, b. Dec. 5, 1780.

McChesney, John, and Rebecca Hooghkerk, m. Aug. 15, 1796. Ch: John Hooghkerk, b. June 23, 1797.

McClairen, Pieter, and Margaret Thompson. Ch: John, bp. Jan. 8, 1777.

McClelian, Robert, and Jane Williams. Ch: Hannah, b. Feb. 17, 1779 [Robert McClelian, formerly State treasurer, d. Oct. 8, 1817.]

McClesky, John, and Mary Nengels. Ch: Martha, bp. April 24, 1779; James, b. Nov. 31, 1781.

McCloud, Mordar (Mordach), and Christina Rose. Ch: Hugh, b. Nov. 8, 1780; Reynold and Alexander, b. Sept. 4, 1782.

Macluur, John, and Jannetie. Ch: Johann, bp. Sept. 5, 1731; Andries, bp. Jan. 25, 1733; Thomas, bp. Feb. 9, 1735; Margrietje, bp. Dec. 26, 1735; Alida, bp. June 3, 1739; Jannetje, bp. Aug. 21, 1743.

McCoy, William, and Geertje Levison. Ch: Mayke, b. July 25, 1785.

McCoughtry, John, and Elizabeth Seabury. Ch: Jane, bp. May 14, 1793.

McCrea (Carree), John, and Eva Beeckman. Ch: Sara, b. Nov. 1, 1767; Maria, b. June 1772; Johannes Beeckman, b. Aug. 20, 1773.

McCrea (?) (Carray), James, and Maria Houghing. Ch: Maria, b. Feb. 2, 1771.

McCullogh, Willem, and Elizabeth Bride. Ch: Nancy, July 8, 1781.

McDeerwith, Angus, and Margaret Campbell. Ch: Read, bp. July 4, 1756.

McDole (Doll), George, and Catharina Zeger. Ch: Thomas, b. Jan. 3, 1773; Elizabeth, b. June 24, 1779; Jacob, b. June 22, 1781; Maria Catharina, b. May 21, 1787.

McDole, John, and Eleanor Chasley. Ch: William Chasley, b. March 29, 1792.

McDonald, Neil, and Anna Davie. Ch: George, bp. Aug. 26, 1752.

McDonald, Donald, and Catarine. Ch: John, bp. Oct. 4, 1756.

McDonald, James, and Margaret Nevels (Nevins). Ch: John, bp. Sept. 14, 1756.

McDonald, Jacob (John), Lydia Pangburn. Ch: Jacob, b. March 20, 1781; Joseph, b. April 4, 1782.

McDonald, Daniel, and Nancy McGrieger. Ch: Christina, b. Sept. 16, 1781.

McDonald, Norman, and Eleanor. Ch: William, b. May 9, 1777.

McDougal, Pieter, and Catharina Thompson. Ch: Malcolm, b. July 20, 1781.

McElwayn, Thomas, and Jenny. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1781.

McFarland, Thomas, and Catharina Kincheir (Kinsela?). Ch: Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 2, 1756.

McGinnis, Teddy, and Sarah Coss. Ch: Catharina, bp. April 24, 1748.

McGregory, Patrick, uyt Schotlandt, m. Zytje Matthyse Hooghteling weduwe of Frank Marrits, May 4, 1697. In 1685, Patrick M. was commissioned ranger general of Staten Island; 1697, he was in Albany and petitioned the city council for his father-in-law Hendrick Marcelis's place as city porter, the latter being then deceased; 1701, he was admitted city carman, provided he take out his "City freedom;" not living in 1707. Ch: Tryntje, bp. July 25, 1697; Margriet, bp. May 9, 1700; Rachel, bp. Aug. 16, 1702; Pieter, bp. Aug. 20, 1704.

Magregorie, Pieter, m. Annatie Broedts, Nov. 12, 1733. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. April 13, 1735.

McGriger, Alexander, m. Ebbie (Betsey) McVie, Feb. 14, 1779. Ch: Mary and Jennet, b. March 13, 1780; John, bp. Sept. 5, 1782.

Mack, John, and Anna Sudita (?) Mack. Ch: Anna, b. Nov. 25, 1767.

Mackansch, Andries, m. Hagar Pycket, Aug. 18, 1725. Ch: Johannes, bp. Nov. 27, 1726; Maria, bp. Feb. 9, 1729; Patrick, bp. May 4, 1735; Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 16, 1737.

Mackansh, John, and Anna. Ch: Volkert Van Hoesen, bp. Jan. 26, 1743.

Mackans, Patrick, and Jannetje. Ch: Joachim, b. May 9, 1762.

McKans, Daniel, and Rachel McKentish. Ch: Alexander, bp. July 22, 1781.

Mackay, (Coy) Charles, m. Mayke Ouderkerk, Feb. 20, 1761. Ch: Willem, b. June 18, 1762; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4, 1764; Maria, b. Aug. 3, 1781.

McKee, James, and Mary Logan. Ch: Elizabeth and Margaret, b. Dec. 14, 1776.

McKentick, John, and Eleanor McNeal. Ch: Duncan, bp. Aug. 6, 1756.

Mackie (Magee), Jan, m. Catharyna Oliver, Nov. 21, 1737. Ch: James and John, bp. Jan. 14, 1739.

Mackie, Tobias, and Sara Cos. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 4, 1745.

McKinney, John, and Elizabeth McCarty. Ch: Elizabeth, b. May 19, 1782.

Mackintosh, Anniar and Ebbetje Vanden Bergh. Ch: Catharina, b. Aug. 2, 1766.

McIntosh, John and Mary Smith. Ch: Rebecca, b. Aug. 22, 1788.

McKinsey, Hugh, and Maron McCloud. Ch: Catharine, b. Aug. 29, 1779.

McKinsey, Francis, and Eleanor Watson. Ch: Margaret, b. April 18, 1781.

McKinsy, Henry, and Elizabeth Van Alsteyn. Ch: Jannetje, b. Sept. 30, 1783.

McLean, John, and Catrina Van Deusen. Ch: Isaac, bp. Nov. 24, 1751.

McLean, Cornelius, of Saratoga, and Margaret McLean. Ch: Cornelius, b. Feb. 28, 1789.

MacManus (Meemannus), Cornelius, and Rebecca Northen (Norton). Ch: Hugh, bp. June 14, 1747; Elizabeth, bp. April 9, 1749.

McManus, William, m. Mary Veher (Fare), Jan. 18, 1784. Ch: Rebecca, b. Oct. 19, 1784.

McMichael, Daniel, and Sara Marselis. Ch: James, bp. June 21, 1752.

McMichael, John, and Engeltie Kidney. Ch: Dirk, b. Feb. 13, 1779; Phebe, b. July 24, 1783; Sara, b. May 14, 1790; Bassett, b. Oct. 14, 1792.

McMullen, Hugh, and Rosanna. Ch: John, b. Aug. 9, 1777.

McMullen, John, and Agnes Gordon. Ch: Alexander, b. Dec. 20, 1780.

McNaughton, Hugh, and Judith McDonald. Ch: Daniel, bp. Nov. 2, 1756.

McPherson, Alexander, and Anna McCantish. Ch: Farquard, bp. July 4, 1756.

McPherson, Lewis, and Ann. Ch: Lewis, bp. Aug. 29, 1758.

McVie, William, and Mary McDonald. Ch: Christina, b. Sept. 19, 1780.

Mahoney (Mohennie), David, and Rebecca. Ch: Mary, bp. Feb. 13, 1737; Jan, bp. Sept. 10, 1737 (sic); Rebecca, b. June 14, 1740; William, bp. Jan. 30, 1743.

Maloney, John, and Elizabeth Erskine. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Oct. 22, 1779.

Man, Jacob, and Catharina Smith. Ch: Marytje, bp. Jan. 20, 1773.

Mangelse, Jan, was in Beverwyck as early as 1657; his father-in-law was Pieter Adriaense Soegemackelyk. Ch: Johannes, bp. Jan. 27, 1686.

Mancius, Wilhelmus, m. Annatie Ten Eyck, Dec. 17, 1766. Doctor Mancius, b. Sept. 29, 1739, d. Oct. 22, 1808, a. 70 y.; she d. April 26, 1816, a. 74 y. 7 m. 16 d. Ch: Georgius Wilhelmus, b. Dec. 13, 1767, d. Dec. 1 (4), 1823; Anna, b. Dec. 12, 1769; Jacob and Anna, b. Jan. 12, 1771; Anna, b. April 10, 1773; Anna, b. May 13, 1777, d. in Watervliet, Dec. 20, 1855, a. 79 y.; Jacob Ten Eyck, b. Dec. 10, 1779, d. Nov. 7 (8), 1833, in his 54th y.; John, b. Sept. 9, 1784, d. Jan. 6, 1827.

Manley, John, and Richard (sic) Tuttle. Ch: Richard Brewster, b. May 11, 1798.

Mannypenny, John, and Darky Kendy. Ch: Clemens, bp. Dec. 12, 1756.

Marinus, Willem, of Schenectady, and Bata Klein. Ch: Maria, bp. June 19, 1709.

Marinus, Karel, of Schenectady, and Margareta Mambrut (Van Brute). Ch: Willem, bp. Jan. 15, 1749.

Marking, Hendrik, and Frena. Ch: Hendrik, bp. March 30, 1740.

Marselis, Hendrik, was on of Melyn's colonists of Staten Island, having come over probably with the others in the New Netherland's Fortune in 1650. In 1654, he had a grant of a lot in Beverwyck. When Staten Island was attacked by the Indians in 1655, he fled with his wife, two children (daughters), and servant, and removed to Fort Orange, where he made a permanent settlement. In 1673, he dwelt "behind Kinderhook," where his son-in-law Matthys Coenraedse lived. His other daughter m. Patrick McGregory. He acted as city porter in 1697, in which year he died about Nov. 1. His wife was Tryn Van den Bergh.

Marcelis, Janse Van Bomme, "born at Bommel in Gelderland," one of the first settlers of Beverwyck and ancestor of those bearing the name of Marselis, in this region, was farmer of the excise for several years following 1655. His wife was Annatie Gerritse. In 1690, June 11, he made his will, and was not living in 1700. Ch: Gysbert; Huybertje, m. Joseph Yates; Sytje, m. Joseph Janse Van Santen [Zandt]; Judith, m. Lucas Hooghkerk; Ahasuerus settled in Schenectady; Gerrit with wife and child was killed in the massacre at Schenectady, Feb. 9, 1690.

Marselis, Gysbert, shoemaker, in 1680 bought a house and lot of Gerrit Slichtenhorst, on the East corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl sreet where he was still living in 1714. He was buried June 8, 1740. His first wife was Barber Claase Groesbeck, dau. of Claas Jacobse G. Ch: Nicolaas and Johannes, twins, bp. Aug. 5, 1683; Gerrit, bp. Feb. 10, 1686; Annetie, bp. June 30, 1689, d. Nov. 30, 1702; Lysbeth, bp. Jan. 31, 1692; Johannes, bp. May 26, 1695; Gerrit, bp. Feb. 16, 1698; Catharina, bp. Jan. 1, 1701.

Marselis, Ahasuerus, shoemaker, had a lot in 1716, without the South Gate, near the corner of Broadway and Hudson street, removed to Schenectady in 1710; m. Sara Van Heemstraaten, Dec. 8, 1697. Ch: Johannes, bp. June 26, 1698; Derrick, bp. Jan. 5, 1700; Johanna, bp. Jan. 26, 1701; Gysbert, bp. June 4, 1704; Gerrit, bp. Sept. 22, 1706; Takel, bp. Jan. 1, 1709; Annatie, bp. in Schenectady, March 6, 1711; Marretie, bp. March 8, 1713; Trientien, bp. in Schenectady, July 31, 1715; Ahasuerus, bp. Dec. 15, 1717; Abraham, bp. July 8, 1721; Isaac, bp. June 29, 1723.

Marselis, Myndert, m. Tytje Oothout, May 23, 1713; she was buried May 30, 1757. Ch: Gerrit, bp. Nov. 1, 1713; Alida, bp. May 10, 1715; Breghie, bp. June 10, 1717; Rebecca, bp. July 3, 1720; Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 24, 1725; Gerrit, bp. Jan. 1, 1727; Johannes, bp. Dec. 10, 1727; Gerrit, bp. May 10, 1730; Andries, bp. Oct. 30, 1732.

Marselis, Johannes, m. Anna (Johanna) Beekman, June 9, 1723. She made her will Aug. 9, 1769, proved Jan. 26, 1780, in which she spoke of her Ch: Gysbert; Eva, wife of Johannes M. Roseboom; Barbara, w. of Hendrick I. Bogart; Maria, w. of Henry Lansingh, and Henderick. The following ch. were bp. in the church: Gysbert, March 29, 1724; Eva, Jan. 1, 1726; Barber, Sept. 24, 1727; Johannes, Sept. 7, 1729; Gerrit, April 7, 1732, made will Feb. 5, 1766, proved May 28, 1766, in which neither wife nor children are spoken of; Maria, Aug. 31, 1735; Hendricus, Sept. 23, 1739; Hendricus, Oct. 31, 1742. [Johannes Marselis was buried, Aug. 19, 1747; another Johannes, M. was buried Jan. 26, 1746.]

Marselis, Gerrit, m. Margarita Bleecker, Dec. 22, 1730. Ch: baptised, -- Gysbert, Sept. 26, 1731; Gysbert, Nov. 1732; Johannes, Sept. 22, 1734; Barber, April 31 (sic), 1737; Nicolaas, May 25, 1740; Jacob, Sept. 12, 1742; Jacob, March 27, 1748; Anna, April 29, 1750.

Marselis, Gysbert, m. Catalina Wendell, Nov. 29, 1751. Ch: bp.-- Johanna, June 10, 1753; Johannes, Feb. 1, 1756; Anna, Sept. 17, 1758; Eva, Jan. 18, 1761; Evert, b. Feb. 20, 1764; Eva, Sept. 27, 1767.

Marselis, Johannes (Hannes), and Neeltie Gardenier. Ch: Andries, bp. May 9, 1756; Myndert, b. Jan. 13, 1760; Fytje, b. Sept. 4, 1762.

Marselis, Gysbert G., Jr., m. Annatje Staats, Feb. 5, 1761. Ch: Gerrit, b. June 25, 1762; Gerrit, b. Dec. 8, 1763; Maria, b. Jan. 31, 1766; Margarita, bp. Sept. 11, 1768; Isaac, b. March 21, 1772.

Marselis, Nicolaas, m. Margarita Groesbeck, Aug. 9, 1766. Ch: born, Gerrit, Nov. 2, 1767; Maria, Oct. 25, 1769; Anna, Dec. 3, 1771; Gerardus, Feb. 25, 1774; Maria, June 5, 1776; Margarita, June 19, 1780; Stephanus, Oct. 19, 1782; Geertruy, bp. July 6, 1785.

Marcelis, Johannes, Junr., m. Margarita Van den Bergh, June 8, 1770. Ch: born; Barbara, Aug. 15, 1771; Margarita, Sept. 22, 1772; Annatie, April 12, 1774; Lydia, Oct. 13, 1775.

Marselis, Hendrikus, m. Maria (De) Foreest, Nov. 7, 1766. She d. Jan. 4 1816. Ch: Johanna geboren desen dag, bp. Aug. 21, 1771.

Marselis, Evert, m. Sara Van Benthuysen, Aug. 17, 1786. Ch: born; Cathalina, April 16, 1787; Gysbert, June 9, 1792; Mary, Aug. 15, 1802.

Marselis, Gerrit G., m. Magtel Visscher, Jan. 31, 1787. Ch: born; Engeltie, May 19, 1788; Engeltie, June 24, 1789; Anna, June 23, 1791; Catalina, Feb.13, 1796; Gysbert, June 4, 1801.

Marselis, Myndert, and Catharine Milderbergh. Ch: born; Eleanor, July 14, 1796; John Milderbergh, May 31, 1798.

Marshall, Pieter Busie, m. Annatie Flensburgh, July 23, 1743. Ch: baptised; Johanna, Jan. 4, 1745; Daniel, Feb. 15, 1747; Franciscus, Jan. 15, 1749; Johanna, Feb. 23, 1752; Johannes, Deb. 7, 1755; Johannes, b. Jan. 6, 1765.

Marshall, Franciscus, m. Geertruy Van Deusen, Nov. 23, 1770. Ch: born; Annatie, Sept. 13, 1771; Cornelis, June 5, 1773; Petrus, July 25, 1775; Maria, bp. Feb. 8, 1778; Immetje, Jan. 31, 1780; Lea, March 17, 1782.

Marshall, Daniel, and Elizabeth Conchron (Cachron, Cochron). Ch: born; Petrus, Jan. 17, 1773; Petrus, April 20, 1774; Daniel Flensburgh, Feb. 11, 1781; Joseph, May 31, 1784; Franciscus, March 5, `788; John, Dec. 7, 1795.

Marshall, Peter, and Hannah Bacon. Ch: born; Daniel, Aug. 23, 1797; Rebecca, Aug. 9, 1801.

Martense, Jan, see DeWeever.

Martense, Jacob, perhaps brother of Jan Martense DeWeever, and Paulus Martense Van Benthuysen. In 1571 (sic) he bought a lot of land behind Kinderhook of Robert Orchard. Ch: baptised; Johannes, April 17, 1685; Maria, Jan. 16, 1687; Ytje, Aug. 22, 1688.

Martin, Patrick, trommelslager onder de compagnie granadiers van de Hon. Richard Ingoldsby, m. Mary Cox, March 15, 1707. Ch: baptised; Elizabeth, July 27, 1707.

Martin, Daniel, and Alida. Ch: baptised; Jonathan, April 27, 1735; Margrieta, May 15, 1737.

Martin, Peter, and Elizabeth Burns. He was buried, Nov. 24, 1755. Ch: baptised; Maria, Feb. 5, 1749; Patrick, June 14, 1752; Margarita, March 31, 1754. [Petrus Meerthen of Hosak and Elizabeth Creller, m. June 17, 1865.]

Martin, Alexander, m. Annatie Philipse, May 13, 1753. Ch: Alexander, bp. Jan. 27, 1754.

Martin, John, and Cath. Beemus. Ch: Geertruy, b. March 23, 1781.

Maryns, ____, and Lysbet Tyssen; they had a dau. Brechie Maryns, in 1663, late wife of Claes Cornelise Van Voorhout deceased.

Matthews, Vincent, and Catryna. Ch: Catalyna, bp. Aug. 18, 1723.

Matthias, Elias, and Margaret Soor. Ch: Maria, b. Dec. 16, 1792.

Matthison, John, and Margaret Sunderland. Ch: Jenny, bp. Nov. 7, 1756.

Matthysse,Tjerk, of Esopus, and Maria Ten Eyck. Ch: Tjaatje, bp. Jan. 28, 1708.

Mebie, Jan Pieterse, of Schenectady, and Antje Pieterse Borsboom. Ch: Pieter, bp. Jan. 20, 1686; Annetje, bp. April 16, 1693. (See Schenectady Families.)

Megapolensis, Domine Johannes, came to Beverwyck in 1642 with his wife Machelt Willemsen; removed to New Amsterdam in 1649. His children were Hillegonda, who married Cornelis Van Ruyven, the colonial secretary; Dirck; Jan, who became a physician and practiced in Beverwyck in 1654, in New Amsterdam 1655, and removed to Holland about 1656; Samuel, educated in Harvard College, and at Leyden, and returned to New Amsterdam.

Meigs (Miggs), Seth, and Jemima Boskerk. Ch: Jenny, b. Dec. 27, 1784.

Meisserger, Hans, and Antje Van den Bergh. Ch: Petrus, bp. Feb. 18, 1776.

Merky, Roeloff, and Catharina Bovie. Ch: Antje, b. Aug. 9, 1765.

Merriday, William, m. Hilletie (Bratt) Lewis, widow, Dec.. 3, 1748. Ch: Susanna, bp. Aug. 27, 1749.

Metselaer (De Metselaer) Harmen, in Albany 1666; died Nov. __, 1667, leaving a widow.

Metselaer (De Metselaer), Marten, in 1657 got into a fight with Pieter Jacobse Borsboom who he wounded in the head with his dagger, for which he was hauled out of bed and set in stocks.

Metselaer (De Metselaer), Teunis Teunise, came to Beverwyck in 1641; made his will Aug. 7, 1685, and spoke of his wife Egbertien Egbertse and Ch: Maritie, w. of Harmen Lieverse; Egbert; Gerritje, wife of Andrie Hanse; Dirkje, w. of Bastiaan Harmense [Visscher]; Willemtie, a. 23 y.; Anna, a. 21 y.; Martyn, a. 19 y.

Metselaer, Egbert Teunise, and Maritie Barentse. In 1703-4, the consistory of the church dealt with him for refusing to pay his seat rent for the benefit of the domine's salary; after standing out for a time he yielded. Ch: baptised; Benjamin, March 28, 1686; Jeremia, Dec. 4, 1687; Susanna, m. Jan. 20, 1689; Gerritje, Dec. 6, 1691.

Meyer, See Gillis Pieterse.

Meyer, Hendrick, m. first, Susanna, who was buried Sept. 1, 1756; 2d, Maria Morry, June 1, 1761. Ch: Hendrick, bp. May 18, 1740; Johannes, bp. Oct. 27, 1743; Susanna, bp. April 21, 1745; Johannes, bp. Feb. 1, 1747; Johannes, bp. June 11, 1749; Susanna, bp. 1752; Cornelis, bp. Sept. 20, 1761; Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 23, 1764; Hendrick, b. Jan. 23, 1769.

Meyer, Hendrik, and Maria Snyder. Ch: Johannes, b. May 26, 1766; Leendert, b. Nov. 1, 1771.

Meyer, Andries, m. Catharina Ronkel, Jan. 22, 1771. Ch: Andries, b. April 14, 1777.

Meyer, Stephen, and Catharina Bernard. Ch: Susanna, b. March 19, 1781.

Meyer, Abraham, and Geesie Bont. Ch: Theuntje, b. Jan. 15, 1788.

Michel, Pieter, m. Maria Bosch, June 25, 1764. Ch: Maria, b. Jan. 27, 1767.

Michel, Hannes and Sarah Church. Ch: Hannes, b. March 7, 1771.

Michielsen, Jan (Van Edam), tailor, came to Beverwyck in 1637 with his boy. His wife TryntjeJansen died in 1665, when an inventory of her effects was made, amounting to 414 guilders. Willem Janse Shut agreed to take these goods and maintain for life Jan Michelsen, who was to do what work he could.

Middleton, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Owens. Ch: born; Mary, Aug. 17, 1794; Richard, July 5, 1798; Joseph, June 27, 1801.

Miller, Richard, and Elizabeth. Ch: Sjene (Jane?), bp. Sept. 26, 1736.

Miller, Robert, and Margaret. Ch: Mary, bp. Nov. 8, 1747.

Miller, Andries, and Margarita Kets. Ch: Jacob, b. March 11, 1778.

Miller, Jacob, and Annatie Bratt. Ch: Margarita, b. Aug. 22, 1780.

Miller, Henry, and Mary McCarty. Ch: William, b. Feb. 9, 1781.

Miller, John-Ernest-Coonraad-Christian, m Maritie Van Schaick, June 25, 1791. Ch: John Ernest, b. April 14, 1792; Gosen Van Schaaick, b. April 13, 1794; Augustus Van Schaaick, b. April 4, 1796; William, b. Aug. 8, 1798.

Milligan, James, and Isabella Campbell. Ch: Ann, bp. Jan. 29, 1760.

Milligan, Thomas, m. Catharine Outhout, Nov. 3, 1797. Ch: Robert, b. July 12, 1798; Margaret, b. March 17, 1800.

Millington (Willinton), Thomas, geboren in oud Englandt, public carman, m. Tryntje Wendel, Sept. 17, 1699. Ch: Mayke, bp. April 28, 1700; Thomas, bp. Jan. 21, 1702; Anna, bp. April 23, 1704.

Mills, Abraham, and Margaret Britton. Ch: Guy, bp. Aug. 8, 1778.

Milton, Hendrick, m. first, Jannetie Eivens; secondly, Rachel Naarten (Norton), Dec. 31, 1757. Ch: Johannes, bp. Aug. 2, 1752; Hendrick, bp. Nov. 30, 1760; Barbara, b. May 16, 1762; George, bp. July 17, 1768; Willem, b. Nov. 5, 1770; George, b. June 17, 1776.

Milton, John, and Rosina Shockat (Chucat, Shoeact, Joucat). Ch: Hendrick, b. June 28, 1780; Annatie, b. March 13, 1784; Daniel, b. Aug. 15, 1786; Cathalina, b. Sept. 24, 1788.

Mingael, Jan Thomase, of New Amsterdam was deceased by Nov. 3, 1642, when his widow, Jannetie Martense, had the paternal estate settled upon her children.

Mingael, Thomas Janse (son of the last) settled in Beverwyck as early as 1654, and married Maritie Abrahamse, daughter of Abraham Pieterse Vosburgh, by whom he had at least two sons and one daughter; Capt. Johannes Thomase M. who married Mayke Oothout; Pieter Thomase M. who married Margarita Rosenboom Nov. 15, 1685 and d. in April, 1706; and Anna Thomase. After Thomas Janse Mingael's death in 1662 his widow married (in 1763) Evert Janse Wendel.

Mingael, Capt. Johannes Thomase, and Mayke Oothout daughter of Jan Janse O. He lived on the north corner of James St. and Maiden Lane, 1703-14; his pasture in 1706 was on the south corner of Hudson and Pearl. Ch: Johannes, bp. Oct. 13, 1696.

Mitchell, James, and Mary Cameron. Ch: Christina, bp. Jan. 21, 1779.

Mitchell (Mitcher), James, and Mary McGrieger. Ch: James, b. Sept. 29, 1781.

Mol, Jacobus, and Lydia Winne. Ch: all baptised in New York save the first; Engeltie, April 16, 1704; Myndert, May 22, 1706; Catharina, Oct. 29, 1707; Johanna, July 24, 1709; Rachel, April 20, 1712; Annatie, Aug. 4, 1714; Abraham, July 4, 1716; Johannes, Jan. 8, 1718; Jacobus, Dec. 9, 1719.

Mol (Mor.), Johannes, and Rebecca Barheit (Borhead). Ch: baptised; Jacobus, Jan. 12, 1746; Wouter, June 14, 1747; Thomas, Aug. 6, 1749; Rachel, Aug. 25, 1751; Engeltie, May 20, 1753.

Mol, Abraham, and Tytie Barheit. Ch: baptised; Annatie, Sept. 26, 1749; Engeltie, Aug. 30, 1752.

Mol, Wouter, and Cornelia Cool. Ch: Johannes, b. March 10, 1778. [Wouter Mol m. Catharina Peek, May 2, 1799.]

Mol, Isaac, m. Jannetie Schermerhorn, Feb. 1, 1784. Ch: John, b. Dec. 24, 1785.

Monroe, William, and Hester Blackfield. Ch: John, bp. Nov. 5, 1756.

Montgomery, William, m. Alida Halenbeck, July 10, 1796. Ch: born; Mary, Aug. 10, 1799; Elisabeth, March 26, 1801; John, Aug. 21, 1802.

Monfour, Andrew, and Sara. Ch: Nicolaas, bp. Oct. 31, 1756.

Moogh, Jacob (Hannes Jochem), m. first, Frena; secondly, Catharina Claasen, Feb. 21, 1761. Ch: Hendrik, bp. June 29, 1740; Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 22, 1744; Ariaantje, bp. Dec. 16, 1753; Jacob, bp. Sept. 29, 1761; Frena, b. July 10, 1763; Susanna, b. Jan. 14, 1766; Hendrick, b. Nov. 20, 1771.

Mook, Johannes, and Barber Beekman. Ch: Johannes, bp. Jan. 30, 1757; Elisabeth, b. Jan. 3, 1767; Lena, b. June 12, 1770.

Mook (Mooth), Hendrik, and Elisabeth Keller (Neller). Ch: born; Ariaantje, July 22, 1780; William, Jan. 11, 1791.

Mook, Jacob, and Mary McGee. Ch: John, b. Aug. 10, 1782.

Moon, Jan, and Christina Logen. Ch: Susanna, bp. Oct. 12, 1735; Catryn, bp. March 6, 1738.

Moor, Richard, jong man geboren in West-Indien nu wonende aan 't Claver-rak, m. Geesje Janse Salsbergen (Salisbury), dau. of Jan Hendr: Van S., Nov. 3, 1700. Ch: baptised; Johannes, March 26, 1701; Jannetie, March 21, 1703; Omphry, Oct. 7, 1705; Richard, Aug. 9, 1708; Ephraim, b. Jan. 15, 1t Klaverak and bp. at Klinkenberg, April 22, 1711; Jacob, bp. Jan. 10, 1714; Omphrey, bp. June 24, 1716; Anna, b. March 21, at Claverak, and bp. at gospel hoek 3 Sondag naa Paschen, 1718 (?)

Moor, John, and Christina McKinley. Ch: Margaret, bp. Jan. 21, 1782.

Morgan, Charles, m. Sara Heger (Neyer, Heyer), Nov. 17, 1788. Ch: born; Gerrit, Aug. 24, 1789; Elizabeth, March 26, 1792; Charlotte, Oct. 25, 1795; Juliana, Sept. 27, 1804.

Morrill (Marl), Daniel and Alida Doxat (Doxie, Dox). Ch: baptised; Judick, May 27, 1739; Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1744; Samuel, Dec. 23, 1748; Johannes, April 26, 1752.

Morrill (Marl), Thomas, m. Hester De Mes, June 22, 1742; Ch: baptised; Marytje, Dec. 4, 1743; Johannes, June 19, 1748; Elizabeth, July 29, 1750.

Morrill (Marll), m. first, Rachel Gardenier, March 14, 1772; and secondly, Claartje Groesbeck about 1798. Ch: born; Andries, May 11, 1773; Daniel, Feb. 1, 1775; Johannes, Jan. 12, 1777; Nicolaas, Feb. 23, 1779; Harmen, May 1, 1781; Harmen, June 30, 1783; Mattheus, Dec. 23, 1785; Jonathan, March 20, 1788; Jacob, April 18, 1791; Samuel, Dec. 22, 1798.

Morrill (Marsel, Morel), Andrew, and Cornelia Slingerland. Ch: born; Richard, Jan. 12, 1795; Rachel, Sept. 27, 1796; Rachel, April 1, 1798; Christina, Feb. 6, 1800; Samuel, Jan. 18, 1802.

Morris, Frans, and Zytje Matthys Hooghteling. [ She m. Patrick McGregory, May 4, 1697.] Ch: baptised; Lysbeth, June 7, 1691; Maria, Oct. 23, 1692.

Morris, John, m. Eva Bratt, Dec. 26, 1736. Ch: John, bp. Oct. 23, 1737.

Morrow, John and Judy. Ch: Samuel, bp. Aug. 16, 1724.

Mourisse, Marten, brother of Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck; their mother was a Mohawk woman.

Mowers, Philip, and Hannah Coens (Coons). Ch: born; William, Aug. 1, 1795; John, June 7, 1802.

Muller, Mulder, Miller.

Mulder, Jan Pieterse, a soldier in the service of the West India Company at Beverwyck, 1660-1; in garrison at the Esopus in the village of Wiltwyck in 1663.

Muller, Cornelis Stephense, of Greenbush, 1663; of Claverack, 1720. He owned a large lot, of more than 100 feet front, on west side of Broadway, two rods and ten feet north of Maiden Lane, which passed by will to his sons Jacob and Johannes. He married Hilletje Loockermans, probably dau. of his neighbor Pieter L. Ch: baptised; Jannetie (?), wife of Pieter Meese Hoogeboom; Jeremiah (?); Pieter, Dec. 25, 1683; Cornelis, Oct. 28, 1685; Jacob, Jan. 8, 1688; Johannes, March 9, 1690; Johannes, Oct. 18, 1691; Christoffel, Nov. 19, 1693; Ariaantje, July 19, 1696; Kiliaan, May 12, 1700; Stephen (?).

Muller, Jeremias of Claverac, m. Lysbeth Halenbeck, wonende op Klinkenberg, [near Athens], Feb. 10, 1705. Ch: baptised; Cornelis, Feb. 3, 1706; Hendrikje, July 4, 1708; and bp. op Klinkenberg, April 22, 1711; Johannes and Heylie, May 10, 1715; Maria, July 27, 1718; Jannetie, June 11, 1721; Jacobus, b. op Klaverak, March 22. (sic)

Muller, Johannes, m. Lybetie Halenbeck, June 5, 1715. He was buried March 24, 1727. Ch: baptised; Cornelis, June 9, 1717; Isaac, May 7, 1719; Jacob, July 16, 1721; Jeremias, April 25, 1724; Hendrik, Oct. 2, 1726.

Muller, Jacob, and Agnietje. Ch: baptised; Cornelis, Sept. 6, 1719; Philip, July 9, 1721; Heyltie, May 3, 1724; Wyntje, July 23, 1727; Leendert, May 1729; Johannes, March 14, 1731.

Muller, Stoffel, m. Rachel Hallenbeck, Sept. 6, 1719. Ch: baptised; Fytje, Aug. 6, 1721; Jeremias, April 17, 1726.

Muller, Stephen, and Maria. Ch: Heyltie, April 15, 1722.

Muller, Isaac, and Elizabeth Kittle. Ch: baptised; Maria, April 25, 1742; Elizabeth, May 27, 1744; Elizabeth, Oct. 23, 1748.

Muller, Cornelis, m. Maria Van Hoesen, Feb. 17, 1743; Ch: baptised; Jacob, May 8, 1743; Geesie, June 10, 1744; Harmanus, May 25, 1746; Philip, Oct. 23, 1748; Angenietie, May 26, 1751; Hendrik, Jan. 7, 1753; Leendert, April 27, 1755; Geesie, March 12, 1758; Volkert, b. Feb. 5, 1760; Johannes, b. April 1, 1762; Lucas, b. May 21, 1765; Cornelis, b. April 23, 1768.

Muller, Philip, and Geertruy Goeway. Ch: Heyltie, bp. Aug. 12, 1750; Johannes, bp. March 29, 1752; Jacob, bp. May 22, 1759; Barent, b. Aug. 26, 1762; Agnietje, b. Oct. 10, 1764; Andries, b. June 22, 1766; Jannetie, b. Jan. 29, 1774.

Muller, Willem, and Rachel Hallenbeck. Ch: Rachel, bp. Aug. 26, 1752.

Muller, Cornelis J., and Teuntje Van Valkenburgh. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. June 17, 1753.

Muller, Jacob, and Heyltie. Ch: Heyltie, bp. Jan. 22, 1754.

Muller, Johannes, m. Sara Van Iveren, June 30, 1753. Ch: Barent, bp. July 27, 1755; Angenietje, bp. Aug. 28, 1757; Cornelia, b. Feb. 23, 1760; Barent, b. Aug. 21, 1762; Heiltje, b. Jan. 24, 1764; Jacob, b. April 25, 1767; Reynier, b. Oct. 17, 1769; Cornelis, b. March 23, 1772; Sara, b. Sept. 8, 1778.

Muller (Miller), Leendert, of Halve Maan, m. first Maritie Van Nes; and secondly, Maria Strong., April 9, 1784. Ch: Angenietje, bp. Sept. 3, 1755; Angenietje, bp. Dec. 10, 1758; Gerrit, bp. July 12, 1761; Jacob, b. Nov. 7, 1765; Sara, b. June 16, 1768; Marytje, b. Dec. 5, 1770; Johannes, b. June 23, 1773; Petrus, b. Sept. 27, 1777; Cornelis, b. Jan. 9, 1785; Maritie, b. June 12, 1791.

Muller, Isaac, and Geertruy [Van] Driessen. Ch: John Hendrick, bp. July 31, 1757.

Muller (Miller), Hendrick, and Rachel Norton. Ch: Willem, bp. Oct. 22, 1758. [See Hend. Miller.]

Muller, Philip, and Geesie Van Hoesen. Ch: Maria, b. March 29, 1772; Harmen, b. Jan. 31, 1778; Maria, b. March 11, 1783; Cathalina, b. Oct. 13, 1785.

Muller, Jeremiah, and Catharina Moor. Ch: Heiltje, b. Nov. 15, 1774; Geesie, b. Dec. 2, 1776; Stephanus, b. Jan. 30, 1780; Ridgard (Richard?), b. April 19, 1783.

Muller, Hendrick, m. Catharina Van Ostrander, Oct. 6, 1776. Ch: Maria, b. April 12, 1777; Abraham, b. Jan. 16, 1780.

Muller, Nicolaas, and Cathalina Gardenier. Ch: Isaac, b. Jan. 8, 1781.

Muller, Barent, and Cornelia Goey (Goewey). Ch: Johannes, b. Oct. 15, 1785; Barent, b. Oct. 4, 1787.

Muller, Jacob P., m. Geertruy Veeder, Oct. 1783. Ch: Rachel, b. Dec. 23, 1786; Pieter, b. June 4, 1789; Maritie, b. Sept. 28, 1793; Philip, b. Feb. 14, 1797; Cornelis Veeder, b. Nov. 10, 1799; John, b. Feb. 27, 1803.

Muller, John, and Catharine Strunk. Ch: Hendrick, b. Sept. 1, 1791.

Murphy, Peter, and Catharine Cannel (Connor). Ch: Peter, b. Oct. 1, bp. Sept. 21 (sic), 1795; Sarah, Jan. 15, 1797; Peter, Jluly 18, 1801; James, Jan. 16, 1808.

Myndertse, Barent, master shoemaker, in Beverwyck, as early as 1659; d. about 1689, when Pieter Vosburgh administered on his estate. It is not known that he left any children.

Two brothers, Myndert and Carsten Frederickse, smiths, were among the early settlers of Beverwyck. They came from Iveren. Among other real estate in the village they owned the north corner of State street and Broadway, and had their smith shop without the south gate on the north corner of Broadway and Spanish (now Hudson) street. They were members of the Lutheran church of which Myndert was elder and Carsten deacon, in 1680. The latter died probably about 1690 leaving four children (see Frederickse).

Myndert Frederickse was armorer to the fort in 1697; made his will March 20, 1703 or 4 proved May 1, 1706, in which he spoke of "my house hard by the church in Cow street [now Broadway], and of "my [Lutheran] church book with silver clasps and chain." He married first Catharyn Burchharts [Burger], in New Amsterdam, Aug. 5, 1656; and secondly Pietertje Teunise Van Vechten, in 1663. At the date of his will, in 1704, he had five children living, viz: Frederick, b. in 1657; Burger, b. 1660, settled in New York; Neeltie, w. of Hendrick Douw; Reynier; Johannes, who settled in Schenectady.

The unsettled condition of the early Dutch family names is well shown by the descendants of Myndert Frederickse, which follow; some took the surname of Myndertse,, his Christian name; whilst others took that of Van Iveren, the place from whence he came in Holland.

Myndertse, alias Van Iveren, m. Saartje Bratt, Sept. 7, 1699. She was buried Feb. 4, 1756. Ch: baptised; Myndert, April 28, 1700; Susanna, Oct. 5, 1701; Pieterje, Aug. 22, 1703; Barent, Jan. 6, 1706; Johannes, Jan. 4, 1708, buried May 15, 1746; Antony, June 8, 1710; Reinier, Oct. 12, 1712, buried Feb. 5, 1731; Jacob, Dec. 15, 1714; Susanna, June 31 (sic), 1717.

Myndertse, Van Ivere, Johannes of Schenectady, and Geertruy Van Slyck. Ch: Margarita, bp. June 8, 1707; Jacobus, bp. April 22, 1709. See also Schenectady Families.

Myndertse, Van Ivere, Frederick, m. Sara De Wandelaer, Oct. 9, 1706. He was buried Feb. 12, 1740; she was buried Dec. 11, 1732. In 1716, his house was without the south gate on the north corner of Spanish [now Hudson] street and Broadway and he was granted the privilege of building a blacksmith's shop north of his house keeping 6 feet away from the stockadoes. Ch: baptised; Myndert, April 27, 1707; Sara, June 12, 1709; Johannes, Oct. 7, 1711; Petrus, Feb. 14, 1714; Andries, June 3, 1716, moved to Schenectady; Neeltie, April 12, 1719; Abraham, April 1, 1722; Catharina, Oct. 23, 1724; Marten, April 16, 1727; Hendrik, July 13, 1729.

Myndertse, Harmen, [Vander Bogart?] and Geertruy. Ch: Harmen, bp. Sept. 13, 1729.

Myndertse, (Van Iveren) Myndert [son of Reynier M. and Saartje Bratt] m. Ariaantje Wyngaart, Dec. 2, 1721. Ch: baptised; Sara, March 18, 1722; Hessie, March 5, 1727; Reinier, Dec. 4, 1728; Anna, May 9, 1731; Gerrit, Oct. 7, 1738; Susanna, Feb. 20, 1737.

Myndertse, alias Van Iveren, Barent [son of Reynier M. and Saartje Bratt] m. Cornelia Van Aalsteyn, July 8, 1728. He was buried May 12, 1746. Ch: baptised; Reynier, May 1729; Cornelis, Dec. 12, 1730; Sara, Aug. 10, 1734; Maria, Oct. 3, 1736; Myndert, May 31, 1739; Martinus, Dec. 25, 1741; Barent, July 26, 1746.

Myndertse (Van Ivere), Warner, see Casparse.

Myndertse (Van Iveren), Anthony [son of Reinier M. and Saartje Bratt], m. Maria Van Den Bergh, May 23, 1740. Ch: baptised; Reinier, Nov. 9, 1740; Cathalyntje, July 27, 1743; Gysbert, Oct. 19, 1744; Jacob, March 29, 1747; Cornelis, Jan. 21, 1750; Cornelis, July 19, 1752; Sara, July 25, 1756.

Myndertse, alias Van Iveren, Johannes [son of Frederick and Sara De Wandelaer] m. Maria Ostrander, May 24, 1740. Ch: baptised; Sara, May 10, 1741; Sara, Dec. 25, 1742; Elizabeth, April 19, 1745, d. Aug. 27, 1823; Frederick, Oct. 25, 1747; Frederick, May 28, 1749; Sara, March 24, 1751; Frederick, April 8, 1753; Rachel, March 21, 1756.

Myndertse, Martin (Matthew) (son of Frederick and Sara De Wandelaer), m. Sara Ryckkman, Nov. 16, 1751. He d. April 26, 1806, a. 79 y. 6 d.; she d. Feb. 15, 1791, a. 66 y. 1 mo. Ch: Sara, bp. March 29, 1752; Wilhelmus, bp. March 12, 1755; Sara, bp. Oct. 11, 1761; Wilhelmus, b. July 11, 1767.

Myndertse, (Van Yveren), Reinier (son of Myndert, and Ariaantje Wyngaard) m. Debora Filden, (Fielding, Viele). Ch: Sara, bp. Jan. 4, 1760; Catharina, b. July 26, 1762; Meinard, b. Jan. 22, 1765; George, b. June 5, 1768; Ariaantje, b. July 15, 1771; Annatie, b. Sept. 15, 1775.

Myndertse, Abraham (son of Frederic, and Sara De Wandelaer), m. first, Catharina Oostrander, who was buried June 21, 1756; secondly, Catharina Lansing, Oct. 18, 1760. Ch: born; Sara, July 6, 1762; Johannes, Feb. 6, 1764.

Myndertse (Van Yveren), Gerrit (son of Myndert and Ariaantje Wyngaard), m. Catharyntje Bogart, July 17, 1764. Ch: born; Myndert, Sept. 1, 1764; Hendrikje, Jan. 6, 1766; Ariaantje, Sept. 13, 1767; Catharina, Aug. 18, 1769; Sara, July 19, 1772.

Myndertse, Frederic (son of Andries of Schenectady), m. Elizabeth Waldron, April 23, 1765. Ch: born; Andries, Nov. 10, 1765; Annatie, Dec. 22, 1764; Susanna, July 23, 1768; Susanna, Dec. 24, 1770; Sara, Sept. 9, 1773; Annatie, Aug. 25, 1776; Willem, March 15, 1779; Neeltie, Sept. 25, 1781; Catharina, March 24, 1784. Jannetie, Nov. 5, 1786; Hendrik, Feb. 1, 1790.

Myndertse (Van Yveren), Barent, m. Rebecca Bratt, March 5, 1770. Ch: born; Barent, June 21, 1770; Wyntie, Aug. 10, 1772; Cornelia, Aug. 24, 1780; Meinard, May 24, 1784; Cornelia, Dec. 1786.

Myndertse (Van Iveren), Reinier, and Annatiej Hoghil. Ch: Cathalyntje, b. Feb. 9, 1773.

Myndertse (Van Iveren), Reinier, m. Rebecca De Foreest, Jan. 19, 1777. Ch: Maria, b. Feb. 28, 1778.

Myndertse (Van Iveren), Reinier, m. Elizabeth Ostrander, Feb. 1784. Ch: born; Christina, Sept. 12, 1784; Annatie, Feb. 25, 1787.

Myndertse (Van Iveren), Martinus (son of Barent and Cornelia Van Aalsteyn), m. Cornelia Van Schaick, Feb. 26, 1776; Ch: born; Barent, Oct. 16, 1776; Maayke, Aug. 21, 1778; Gosen, Dec. 28, 1780; Gerrit, July 17, 1784; Cornelia, March 30, 1786; Cornelia, April 1, 1788; Annatie, May 3, 1790.

Mynderse, Frederic (son of Johannes and Maria Ostrander), m. Machtel Witbeck, Jan. 12, 1777. Ch: born; Maria, Sept. 29, 1777; Gerritje, Feb. 2, 1780; Johannes, Jan. 29, 1783; Jonathan, Nov. 2, 1787.

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