
The information on this page is from Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany, from 1630 to 1800, by Prof. Jonathan Pearson.

Surnames Beginning with "L"

Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; ae., aged; d., died.

Labagh, Nicholas, and Eleanor Wilsie. Ch: Jan, b. Oct. 28, 1792.

Labatie (Labaddle), Jan, a native of France came to Beverwyck previous to 1634, subsequently commissaries to the Patroon of Rensselaerwyck, afterwards held a like office at Fort Orange under the W. I. Company. O’Callaghan’s Hist. N. N. I, 434. He bought and sold various lots of ground in Albany and Schenectady. His wife was Jillesje Claes [Swits] aunt of Claes and Isaac Cornelise Swits of Schenectady, and widow of Surgeon Harmen Myndertse Vander Bogart. It is not known that he left any children.

Lady John, and Catrina Oliford (Alvord?) Ch: Thomas, bp. Aug. 25, 1751.

La Fort, see Fort. La Grange, and La Granzie, see De la Grange.

Lancaster, Samuel, and Sara Warren. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 21, 1780.

Lanck, Philip, and Madalena. Ch: Anna Maria, bp. March 31, 1717; Jacob, bp. May 4, 1718; Anna Maria, bp. Oct. 2, 1720. (See also Leen).

Lange, Christiaan, and Beertie (Dorothea). Ch: Madalena, bp. June 23, 1734; Tryntie, bp. Feb. 8, 1736; Lena, bp. April 3, 1733; Johannes, bp. Sept. 26, 1742.

Lang, William, of Saratoga, and Betsey Johnson. Ch: Drew, b. May 5, 1787.

Lang, Hannes, and Christina (Stina) Bratt. Ch: Christina, b. March 1, 1763; Adam, b. Aug. 22, 1764; Coenraad, b. Oct. 15, 1766; Lydia, b. Sept. 22, 1768; Beertje, b. Jan. 16, 1771; Gerrit, b. Dec. 4, 1773; Pieter, b. Nov. 2, 1774; Susanna, b. May 24, 1780.

Lang, John, of Saratoga, and Elizabeth Rob. Ch: John, b. Sept. 22, 1786; Jane, b. June 19, 1788.

Langburn, Edmund, and Maria Van Oostrander. Ch: Catharine, b. April 27, 1780.

Lansing (Lansinck, Lansingh), Gerrit, from Hassell near Swoll in Overyssell, was deceased before Oct. 3, 1679. He left the following children: Gerrit; Hendrick; Johannes; Aeltie, w. of Gerrit Van Slicktenhorst; Gysbertje, w. of Hendrick Roseboom; and Hilletie, widow of Storm Van der Zee.

Lansing, Hendrick, son of Gerrit L., was in Albany as early as 1666; d. July 11, 1709. His wife was Lysbet. Ch: Alida, bp. July 3, 1685; Jacob; Maria, wife of Huybert Gerritse? Henrick?

Lansing, Gerrit (son of Gerrit), baker and trader, resided at different times in Albany, Schenectady and New York; m. secondly, about 1692, Catryntje Sanderse Glen, widow of Cornelis Barentse Van Ditmars, who was killed in the burning of Schenectady, in 1690; and thirdly, about 1696 (?), Elsie. The name of his first wife is not known. Perhaps he d. July 20, 1708. Ch: Elizabeth bp. Jan. 20, 1689; Gerrit, bp. Aug. 20, 1693, perhaps buried Jan. 26, 1736; Johannes, bp. March 10, 1695; Anna, bp. in N. Y., March 28, 1697; Elsie, bp. in N. Y., March 12, 1699; Sander, bp. in N. Y., April 20, 1701; Susanna, bp. in N. Y., Jan. 5, 1703; Evert, bp. Dec. 31, 1704; Jacob [Jacobus?], bp. Dec. 22, 1706; Abraham, bp. Feb. 27, 1709; Isaac (?); Jacob (?).

Lansing, Johannes (son of Gerrit), merchant, m. in 1678 Geertie Goosense Van Schaick, widow of Hendrick Coster; naturalized in 1715; d. and was buried in the church, Feb. 26, 1728. Ch: Elizabet, b. 1679, m. Stephanus Groesbeck, in 1699; Geertruy, bp. Nov. 2, 1684, m. Ryer Gerritse; Johannes, bp. Sept. 4, 1687; Engeltie, bp. Aug. 17, 1690; Gerrit (?); Abraham (?).

Lansing, Jacob (son of Hendrick), m. Helena Pruyn, Sept. 27, 1701. [Jacob L. “was buried by [near] his house,” Oct. 17, 1756]. Ch: Alida, bp. July 26, 1702; Henrick, bp. Dec. 1, 1703; Elizabeth, bp. June 30, 1706; Franciscus, bp. July 18, 1708; [Note: the following baptisms and those under Jacob Gerritse which follow cannot be placed with certainty, owing to ambiguity in the Record.] Gerrit, bp. March 4, 1711; Jacob, bp. July 12, 1714; Anna, bp. July 15, 1716; Johannes, bp. Oct. 19, 1718; Abraham, bp. Nov. 13, 1720.

Lansing, Jacob (son of Gerrit), baker, 1711 owned the lot on west corner of Steuben St. and Broadway, and was then about to make “a considerable arrectment thereon,” subsequently he had a “boulting house” there; in 1715, petitioned for addition to his lot. His wife was Helena (?). Ch: Gerrit, bp. Oct. 7, 1711; Jacob, bp. Oct. 29, 1713; Johannes, bp. Dec. 23, 1715; Catryna, bp. Sept. 7, 1718; Abraham, bp. April 24, 1720; Isaac, bp. Jan. 28, 1722; Sander, bp. Aug. 18, 1723, d. April 3, 1807, a. 84 y.; Elsie and Isaac, bp. Oct. 24, 1725.

Lansing, Isaac [son of Gerrit?], m. Jannetje (Johanna) Beekman, June 27, 1703. Ch: Maghtel, bp. Dec. 12, 1703; Gerrit, bp. Dec. 12, 1705; Johannes, bp. Sept. 11, 1709, buried Sept. 16, 1745; Susanna, bp. Nov. 13, 1715; Jacob, bp. April 27, 1718; Neeltje, bp. March 31, 1722.

Lansing, Abraham [son of Johannes], in 1710 had lot on south corner of Chapel and Steuben Sts.; m. Magdalena Van Tricht, Nov. 28, 1703. He was buried June 20, 1745. Ch: Abraham, bp. May 14, 1704; Gerrit, bp. Nov. 28, 1705; Johannes, bp. May 16, 1708; Jacobus [Jacob?], bp. April 23, 1710 [Jacob, son of Abraham L., was buried May 12, 1745.]; Elsie, bp. March 8, 1713; Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 10, 1717; Myndert, bp. Jan. 24, 1722; Susanna, bp. Aug. 9, 1724; Margarita, bp. April 17, 1728, buried July 31, 1747.

Lansing, Henrik, Jr. [son of Henrik?], m. Jannetie Knikkelbakker, March 4, 1704; Ch: Lysbeth, bp. Aug. 5, 1705.

Lansing, Johannes Gerritse, had a lot on north side of State by the river side; m. first, Helena Sanders, Sept. 20, 1704; secondly, Catalyna, about 1726. Ch: Gerrit, bp. Sept. 9, 1705; Robert, bp. Jan. 12, 1707; Elsie, bp. July 4, 1708; Maria, bp. Oct. 7, 1711; Joannes, bp. June 30, 1718; Sander, bp. 1724; Thomas, bp. Sept. 24, 1727, d. March 4, 1811, a. 83 y. 5 m. 2 d.

Lansing, Gerrit, Junior [son of Johannes?], m. Elizabeth Bancker, dau. of Evert B., Oct. 27, 1715. Ch: Neeltie, bp. Nov. 4, 1716; Neeltie, bp. April 11, 1718; Geertruy, bp. Dec. 26, 1719; Johannes, bp. Oct. 9, 1724; Johannes, bp. April 24, 1726; [a Gerrit L., was buried Jan. 26, 1736.

Lansing, Johannes [son of Johannes and Geertie], m. Geertruy Schuyler, day. of Pieter S., June 13, 1714. [The wife of Johannes L., was buried June 23, 1744.] Ch: Johannes, bp. April 7, 1715. Maria, bp. Dec. 4, 1717; Pieter, bp. Aug. 6, 1721, d. May 13, 1807, a. 86 y.; Gerardus, bp. Sept. 29, 1723, d. March 24, 1808, a. 84 y.; Geertruy, bp. Jan. 1, 1727; Philip, bp. Feb. 23, 1729; Geertruy, bp. Jan. 7, 1733.

Lansing, Gerrit, Junior, {son of Gerrit?]. He had a lot in 1736, in the rear of Bleecker Hall, between Dean St. and the river, 75 feet front and rear; m. Engeltie Van Deusen, day. of Rutger Melgertse V. D., Oct. 28, 1718. [Gerrit G. L.’s wife was buried Oct. 6, 1745.] Ch: Gerrit, bp. July 26, 1719; Rutghers, bp. March 25, 1722; Johannes, bp. Aug. 28, 1726.

Lansing, Johannes Gerritse, m. Jannetie Van Vechten, May 12, 1729; she was buried March 19, 1752. Ch: Catharina, bp. June 5, 1730; Catharina, bp. Nov. 22, 1732; Maria, bp. Jan. 22, 1737; Cathalyntje, bp. May 16, 1742.

Lansing, Abraham Gerritse, m. first Ryckie, dau. of Goosen V. Schaick; she was buried May 18. 1732; secondly, Helena Van Deusen, dau. of Harpert V. D., April 21, 1733; she d. before the baptism of her son Harpert, Sept. 7, 1740; thirdly, Catharine De Foreest, widow, April 20, 1741. Ch: Goosen, bp. April 16, 1732; Catharina, bp. April 11, 1734; Lena, bp. Feb. 29, 1736; Annatie, bp. May 28, 1738; Harpert, bp. Sept. 7, 1740.

Lansing, Gerrit Jacobse; in 1732, he had a lot on the north corner of Hudson and Green streets 60 ft. square; m. Ida Van Wie, dau. of Jan. V. W., Aug. 1734. He was buried Aug. 1, 1746; She was buried Aug. 4, 1743. Ch: Helena, bp. June 8, 1735; Catharyna, bp. Aug. 28, 1737; Jacob, bp. June 10, 1741.

Lansing, Robert [son of Johannes] m. first, Margarita [illegible], Dec. 5, 1734, who was buried Sept. 5, 1746; secondly, Sarah Van Schaick about 1749, who was buried May 14, 1749; and thirdly, Catarina Ten Broeck, widow of Ephraim Van Vegten of Claverack, June 27, 1752. Ch: Maria, bp. Nov. 2, 1735; Hendrik, bp. Dec. 23, 1737; Helena, bp. March 27, 1743; Helena, bp. Oct. 6, 1745; Sarah and Margarita, bp. April 6, 1749.

Lansing, Gerrit Jacobs, m. Marytje Evertsen, Nov. 29, 1734; she was buried Jan. 27, 1741. Ch: Jacob, bp. April 4, 1736; Maria, bp. Oct. 6, 1737; Alida, bp. Sept. 7, 1738.

Lansing, Henrik [son of Jacob?], m. Annette Ouderkerk. Ch: Lena, bp. Aug. 29, 1736; Isaac, bp. May 6, 1739; Jacob, bp. April 4, 1742; Mayke, bp. Jan. 4, 1745.

Lansing, Evert [son of Gerrit], m. Annatie Cooper. Ch: Gerrit, bp. June 30, 1736; Cornelia, bp. Jan. 11, 1738; Obedia, bp. Feb. 4, 1739; Obedia, bp. June 29, 1740; Catharina, bp. Feb. 14, 1742; Johannes, bp. May 1, 1743; Annatie, bp. Feb. 22, 1756.

Lansing, Franciscus [son of Jacob], m. Maria Lieverse (Laviense), “op de Have Maan” Jan. 6, 1737. Ch: Jacob and Helena, bp. April 30, 1738; Catharina, bp. Sept. 28, 1740; Rachel, bp. June 19, 1743; Anna, bp. Feb. 16, 1746; Rachel and Anna, bp. July 19, 1747; Rachel, bp. July 7, 1750; Lavibus, bp. June 23, 1754.

Lansing, Jacob Jacobs, m. Huybertje Yates, May 13, 1738 [Col. Jacob L. Jr. d. Jan. 18, 1791, a. 76 y.] Ch: Jacob, bp. Nov. 4, 1739; Christoffel, bp. Jan. 1, 1743; Henderick, bp. March 20, 1748; Catalyntje, bp. Mah 6, 1753; Helena, bp. Jan. 1, 1758.

Lansing, Gerrit Isaacse, m. Ariaantje Beeckman, March __, 1740, and was buried Oct. 2, 1748. Ch: Isaac, bp. Nov. 2, 1740; Hester, bp. July 17, 1743; Jannetie, bp. Jan. 1, 1747; Gerritje, Nov. 6, 1848 (sic).

Lansing, Gerrit Johannes or Janse, m. Elsie Lansing, May 14, 1740, and was buried Aug. 27, 1757. Ch: Helena, bp. Dec. 13, 1741; Abraham, bp. May 5, 1745; Elsie, bp. Oct. 1, 1749.

Lansing, Abraham [son of Abraham], m. Catharina Lansing. Ch: Jacob, bp. Feb. 6, 1743; Magdalena, bp. Nov. 16, 1746; Magdalena, bp. June 2, 1750; Abram, bp. July 26, 1752, d. at Cherry Hill, Feb. 21, 1822, a 70 y.

Lansing, Jacob Jacobse. He resided in the ancient house on the corner of Broadway and Quackenbush street; commanded a regiment at the battles of Stillwater and Saratoga; m. Marytje Egbertse (Ebberts), Nov. 6, 1742. Ch: Lena, bp. Feb. 6, 1742. Ch: Lena, bp. Feb. 6, 1743; Benjamin, bp. Jan. 3, 1745; Annatie, bp. July 26, 1746; Elsie, b. July 28, 1748, d. July 27, 1811, a. 62 y. 11 m. 20 d.; Benjamin, bp. June 31 (sic), 1750; Femmitie, bp. July 7, 1751; Jacob, bp. Aug. 19, 1753; Jacob, bp. Aug. 19, 1753; Maria, bp. Dec. 7, 1755; Benjamin, bp. July 31, 1757.

Lansing, Abraham Jacobse, m. Elizabeth Cooper, May 20, 1744. Ch: Obadiah, bp. Aug. 5, 1744; Jacob, bp. Jan. 10, 1746; Gerrit, bp. Oct. 25, 1747; John, bp. Nov. 12, 1749; Elsie, bp. Sept. 22, 1751; Cornelia, bp. May 27, 1753; Lena, bp. July 27, 1755; Abram, bp. Feb. 13, 1757; Isaac, bp. March 18, 1759; Helena, b. Sept. 4, 1760; Annatie, b. May 16, 1762.

Lansing, Johannes Jacobse, m. first, Rachel Lievens, Aug. 14, 1741, who d. May 28, 1742; secondly, Cathalyna Van Schaick, Oct. 20, 1744; thirdly, Cathalyna Schuyler [about 1747], she d. March 31, 1797, a. 73 y. 7 m. He occupied a house on west side of Broadway the 4th north from Maiden Lane; died April 19, 1808; a. 92 y. 3 m. 19 d. Ch: Goosen, bp. Sept. 8, 1745; Nicolaas, bp. Sept. 11, 1748; Rev. Nicolaas Lansing, d. at Tappan, Sept. 26, 1835, a. 87 y.; Lena, bp. Nov. 4, 1750; Jacob, bp. Aug. 19, 1752; Philip, bp. Nov. 28, 1756; Elsie, bp. July 15, 1759.

Lansing, Abraham Jacobse, and Catharina Lievens. Ch: Levinus, bp. Jan. 12, 1746; Levinus, bp. Aug. 6, 1749; Cornelis, bp. July 6, 1752.

Lansing, Gerrit Jacobse, and Elizabeth Van Schaick. Ch: Gerrit, bp. Aug. 3, 1746.

Lansing, Johannes Johannese, and Ariaantie Wendell. Ch: Johannes, bp. July 26, 1746; Evert, bp. May 8, 1748; Geertruy, bp. July 22, 1750; Johannes and Engeltie, bp. June 23, 1754; Geertruy, bp. Aug. 1, 1756; Johannes, bp. Aug. 6, 1758.

Lansing, Pieter, and Elizabeth Wendell. He d. May 13, 1807, a. 86 y. Ch: Maria, bp. July 26, 1746; Maria, bp. July 30, 1749; Catalyntie, bp. Nov. 17, 1751; Jeremias, bp. April 22, 1754; Isaac, bp. May 9, 1756; Geertruy, bp. Sept. 3, 1758.

Lansing, Isaac, and Annette Van Woert. Ch: Jacob, bp. Dec. 14, 1746; Hendrikje, bp. Oct. 23, 1748; Helena, bp. Sept. 1, 1751; Jacob, bp. July 14, 1754, d. June 4, 1830, a. 77 y.; Sara, bp. Aug. 28, 1757; Sara, bp. Sept. 20, 1761; Hendrick, b. Jan. 30, 1763.

Lansing, Gerrit, Junior, and Annatie Yates. Ch: Anna, b. Jan. 12, 1746.

Lansing, Johannes Jacobse, and Maritie Huyck. Ch: Maria, bp. Jan. 24, 1748; Joeb (Job), bp. Jan. 21, 1750; Gerrit, bp. April 26, 1752; Lena, bp. March 12, 1755; Anna, bp. July 24, 1757; Andries, b. Feb. 12, 1760; Rachel, b. Oct. 5, 1762; Johannes, b. April 10, 1765; Hendrik, b. Sept. 29, 1767; Neeltie, b. Oct. 7, 1769; Alida, b. March 30, 1772.

Lansing, Gerardus, and Marytje Wendell. He d. March 24, 1808, a. 84 y. Ch: Geertruy, bp. Nov. 19, 1749; Anna, bp. May 16, 1754.

Lansing, Gerrit J., Jannetie Waters. She d. March 2, 1810, a. 87 y. Ch: John, bp. March 5, 1749; John, bp. Feb. 3, 1754; Chancellor Lansing disappeared in New York city, Dec. 12, 1829 and was never heard of afterwards; Abraham, bp. Dec. 12, 1756; Sara, bp. July 1, 1759; Gerrit, bp. Nov. 11, 1760, an officer of the Revolution, d. at Oriskany, May 29, 1831, a. 70 y.; Sara, b. June 23, 1763, m. Barent Bleeker; Sander, b. Jan. 17, 1767, m. Catharina, eldest dau. of Abm. Ten Eyck, and d. in Mannheim, Sept. 19, 1850, a 84 y. 3 m. 2 d.

Lansing, Gerrit, Junior, and Wyntie Van den Bergh. Ch: Anna, bp. Nov. 4, 1750; Gerrit, bp. Sept. 9, 1753; Catalyntje, bp. Aug. 15, 1756; Gerrit, bp. July 16, 1760.

Lansing, Hendrick, and Anna Ouderkerk. Ch: Abram, bp. June 2, 1750.

Lansing, Philip, and Elsie Hun. Ch: John, bp. April 2, 1748; Johannes, bp. Jan. 4, 1760; Jan, bp. Feb. 15, 1761; Annatie, b. June 25, 1762; Geertruyd, b. March 13, 1766; Maria, b. July 23, 1771; Johannes Hun, b. April 12, 1774; Pieter, b. Dec. 15, 1778.

Lansing, Hendrick R., m. Mary Marcelis, Sept. 19, 1762. Ch: Margarita, b. Sept. 18, 1762; Johannes, geboren desen dag, bp. Nov. __, 1764; Robert, b. Nov. 14, 1766; Robert, b. Nov. 28, 1767; Margarita, b. Oct. 30, 1770. [Henry R. Lansing, d. Aug. 9, 1819, a. 81 y. 7 m.

Lansing, Harpert (Herbert), and Maritje Visscher. Ch: Abraham, b. Oct. 14, 1763; Gerrit, b. March 4, 1765; Johannes, b. April 20, 1777.

Lansing, Johannes, m. Catharyntje Burhans, Oct. 25, 1761. She d. Oct. 27, 1799, a. 61 y. Ch: Lena, b. Oct. 6, 1763; Sara, b. Sept. 6, 1765; Meinard, b. Aug. 1, 1767; Helena, b. July 2, 1769; David and Helena, bp. March 2, 1773; Robert, b. May 19, 1775; Hans Burhans, b. July 25, 1778; Gerrit, b. Oct. 31, 1783.

Lansing, Jacob H., and Maria Ouderkerk. Ch: Annatie, b. April 10, 1764; Maria, b. Feb. 28, 1766; Helena, b. July 21, 1768; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 31, 1771; William, b. May 11, 1774.

Lansing, Jacob Franse, of the Colonie, m. Jannetie Visscher, June 27, 1762 [widow Jane Lansing, d. in Watervliet, Nov. 1830 in her 92d year.] Ch: Isaac, b. Aug. 25, 1764; Theunis, b. Jan. 10, 1766; Marytie, b. Oct. 22, 1767; Machiel, b. Sept. 27, 1769; Dirkie, b. April 9, 1775; Franciscus, b. Aug. 4, 1774; Helena, b. Nov. 14, 1780.

Lansing, Isaac H., m. Annetie Van Arnhem, June 19, 1761. Ch: Abraham, b. July 24, 1765; Jacob, b. Dec. 26, 1769.

Lansing, Rutger, m. Susanna Van Schoonhoven, Oct. 27, 1764. Ch: Gerrit, b. Nov. 18, 1765.

Lansing, Christofer, of the Colonie, m. Sara Van Schaick, Jan. 26, 1766. Col. Christopher L., was quarter master of Col. Schuyler’s regiment in the Revolutionary war; he built and occupied, in 1766, the house on north corner of Broadway and North Lansing street; d. Oct. 25, 1819, a. 76 y. 8 m. 26.; his wife b. Nov. 26, 1743, d. April 23, 1788, a. 44 y. 4 m. 28 d. Ch: Jacobus, b. June 15, 1766; Alida, b. Aug. 14, 1768; Johannes Van Schaick, b. May 20, 1771, d. April 30, 1798, a. 26 y. 11 m. 10 d.; Hubertje, b. July 26, 1773; Cathalyntje, b. Oct. 7, 1778; Sara, b. June 18, 1784.

Lansing, Jacob, of the Colonie, m. Willempie Brat, Nov. 2, 1764. Ch: Lena, b. Nov. __, 1766, m. Dr. Van Zandt of Watervliet; Jan Van Arnhem, b. June 15,1769.

Lansing, Jacob A., and Alida Levison. Ch: Maria, b. Sept. 17, 1768; Maria, b. June 27, 1772.

Lansing, Johannes E., and Maria Staats. Ch: Alida, b. Sept. 17, 1769; Evert, b. Oct. 27, 1773; Abraham, b. March 15, 1777; Maria, b. Feb. 25, 1781; Catharina, b. May 20, 1787.

Lansing, Hendrick J., of the Colonie, m. Lena Winne, May 6, 1769. She d. in Watervliet at the residence of her son Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1827, in her 81st year. Ch: Jacob, b. Aug. 2, 1770; Sara, b. July 20, 1773; Benjamin, b. July 10, 1776; Christoffer, b. Oct. 22, 1779; Rachel, b. Aug. 28, 1782; Rachel, b. Aug. 9, 1784; Hubertje, b. Sept. 11, 1787; Levinus Winne, b. Feb. 8, 1792.

Lansing, Lavinus F., of Colonie, m. first Catharina Van der Hayden, March 11, 1770; secondly, Marytje Persse (Pearse) Oct. 15, 1780. Ch: Catharina, bp. Oct. 8, 1770; Dirk, bp. Jan. 23, 1772; Alida, b. June 4, 1783; Franciscus, b. April 15, 1790.

Lansing, Gerrit A., m. first, Agnietie Bratt, Oct. 1, 1771; secondly, Catharina Swart about 1776. Ch: Margarita, b. April 20, 1772; Annatie, b. July 15, 1775.

Lansing, Obadiah, of Greenbush, m. first, Cornelia Van Benthuysen; secondly, Cornelia Cooper about 1774. Ch: Annatie, b. May 9, 1773; Evert, b. Feb. 6, 1775; Jacobus, b. March 15, 1780; Sara, b. March 6, 1782; Johannes, b. Nov. 8, 1783; Obadia, b. Oct. 23, 1785; Catharina, b. March 4, 1787.

Lansing, Gerrit J., m. Alida Fona, June 5, 1773. Ch: Cornelia, b. Dec. 17, 1774; Johannes, b. Feb. 29, 1776; Isaac, b. Sept. 19, 1778; Marytje, b. Feb. 12, 1781.

Lansing, Abraham A., and Elsie Van Rensselaer. He d. at Cherry Hill, Feb. 21, 1821, a. 70 y. Ch: Abraham, b. March 18, 1775; Ariaantje, b. Nov. 11, 1778; Ariaantje, b. April 24, 1781; Catharina, b. Aug. 27, 1783; Ariaantje, b. July 23, 1785; Kilian, b. May 8, 1787; Magdalena, b. Nov. 6, 1789; Magdalena, bp. April 6, 1793; Gerrit, b. March 14, 1791; Kilian Van Rensselaer, b. Nov. 23, 1794.

Lansing, Jacob G., m. Femmetie Lansing, Aug. 28, 1774. He d. Nov. 25, 1803, a. 66 y. His wife Frances, d. March 26, 1807, a. 56 y. [Jacob G. L., m. Neeltie Rosenboom, March 14, 1767.] Ch: Gerrit, b. Dec. 24, 1775; Maria, b. July 19, 1779; Jacob Sanders, b. Dec. 21, 1781; Jannetie, b. May 14, 1786.

Lansing, Johannes A., m. Elizabeth Fryer, Feb. 10, 1776. He d. Jan. 30, 1825, a. 76 y. at 33 South Pearl street, corner of Hudson. Ch: Abraham, b. Aug. 6, 1776, d. June 2, 1820, a. 44 y.; Annatie, b. May 13, 1778; Annatie, b. Nov. 23, 1779; Willem, b. Feb. 23, 1782; Jacob, b. Marh 21, 1784; Annatie, b. June 1, 1786; Elizabeth and Maria, b. Sept. 5, 1788; Gerrit, b. Feb. 15, 1791.

Lansing, Gerrit A., m. Elizabeth Wynkoop, Dec. 26, 1776. [This or another Gerrit A. L. m. Cathalina Van Aelstyne, Feb. 27, 1768.] Ch: Abraham, b. Dec. 6, 1777; Abraham, b. Jan. 3, 1782; James Wynkoop, b. April 20, 1783; James Wynkoop, b. July 19, 1784; Gerrit, b. July 20, 1785; Alida, b. Jan. 19, 1787; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1788; James, b. April 2, 1791; Abraham, b. Feb. 10, 1793; Cornelia Wynkoop, bp. Dec. 25 bp. Sept. 10 (sic) 1794; John, b. March 10, 1797; Robert, b. May 6, 1800; Sarah, b. Sept. __, 1802.

Lansing, Jacob Isaacse, m. Susanna Fonda, Jan. 10, 1778. He d. June 4, 1830, a. 77 y.; she d. April 25, 1817; in her 61st y. Ch: Annatie, b. Dec. 27, 1778; Maria, b. Sept. 8, 1780; Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1782; Abraham Fonda, b. Dec. 28, 1784, d. April 8, 1861, a. 77 y.; Isaac, b. April 8, 1787; Jacob and Alida, b. Oct. 25, 1789; Jacob, b. June 17, 1791; Alida, b. Dec. 30, 1794; Alida, b. May 17, 1796.

Lansing, Abraham G., and Susanna (Sanneke) Yates, daughter of Abraham Yates. [Dr. A. G. Lansing d. May 15, 1844.] Ch: Jannetie, b. Feb. 18, 1780; Abraham Yates, b. Jan. 12, 1782; Gerrit, b. Aug. 4, 1783, d. Jan. 3, 1862, a. 79 y.; Cornelia De Ridder, b. Nov. 17, 1785; John, b. March 10, 1788; Antje, b. June 6, 1790; Sanders, b. April 15, 1792; Christopher, b. May 27, 1795; Antie, b. Jan. 26, 1799; Sarah, b. Sept. 5, 1802 (?).

Lansing, Jacob, and Maria Knipp. Ch: Johannes, b. Aug. 9, 1781.

Lansing, Jeremie, m. Lena Wendell, Oct. 1, 1780. She d. Oct. 11, 1829, a. 69 y. Ch: Pieter, b. April 13, 1781; Hermanus, b. Nov. 6, 1783; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 14, 1786, d. March 23, 1865, a. 79 y. at No. 80 North Pearl street; Pieter, b. Jan. 18, 1790; Jacob Jeremiah, b. Nov. 27, 1792; Barbara, b. June 19, 1800.

Lansing, Johannes, Jr., late chancellor, lived on north corner of Broadway and Steuben street in 1805; disappeared in New York, Dec. 12, 1829, and never heard from afterwards. He m. Cornelia Ray, April 8, 1781. Ch: Robert, b. July 13, 1783; Jane, b. Jan. 27, 1785; Sara, b. Feb. 12, 1787; Robert Ray, b. Nov. 8, 1788; Frances, bp. June 26, 1791; Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1793, d. Oct. 21, 1834; Sara and Cornelia, b. Jan. 17, 1795; Sara, b. Aug. 19, bp. Aug. 15, (sic) 1797; Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1800.

Lansing, Abraham, Junior, m. Maria Bloodgood, Feb. 8, 1784. Ch: Abraham, b. June 8, 1785; Annatie, b. Dec. 15, 1787; Jacobus Stoutenburgh, b. Jan. 1, 1791.

Lansing, Jacob J., and Jannetie Heyer. He d. June 21, 1794, a. 40 y. Ch: Geertruy, b. April 5, 1784; Catharina, b. April 30, 1786; Helena, b. Sept. 1, 1793.

Lansing, Andries, and Annette Van den Bergh. Ch: Johannes, b. March 4, 1787; Evert, b. Dec. 4, 1790. [See also Abraham L., and Annatie V. D. Bergh, above.]

Lansingh, James (Jacobus), and Rachel Verplanck. Ch: Lydia, b. March 1, 1788; Sara, b. July 5, 1790.

Lansing, Gerrit J., m. Maria Van Aernham (Van Deusen), April 21, 1787. Ch: Lea, b. June 26, 1789; Helena, b. Jan. 21, 1790.

Lansing, Gerrit R., m. Alida [De] Foreest, Sept. 2, 1787. Ch: Susanna, b. Aug. 26, 1788; Isaac De Foreest, b. June 17, 1790.

Lansing, John Van Aernhem, m. Ariaantie Verplanck, July 9, 1788; he d. Nov. 1863, on Watervliet, a. 94 y. Ch: Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1789; Abraham Verplanck, b. Nov. 12, 1790; Jacob, b. Dec. 16, 1793; Willempie, b. Feb. 13, 1795; Geriuyn Verplanck, b. April 27, 1797; John, b. Aug. 18, 1899; (sic) Helena; Harriet.

Lansing, Johannes, Jr., and Annatie Marshall. Ch: Maria, b. Sept. 26, 1789.

Lansing, Sander (son of Gerrit J. L.), was a lawyer; removed to Little Falls, in 1820; many years a land agent there; one of the judges of Herkimer county; removed to Manheim where he died Sept. 19, 1850, a. 84 y. 3 m. 2 d. He m. Catharina Ten Eyck, eldest daughter of Abraham T. E., Dec. 9, 1789; she d. Sept. 23, 1850, four days after her husband. Ch: Jane Ann, b. Aug. 19, 1790; Abraham Ten Eyck, b. Aug. 12, 1792; d. at Manheim, Feb. 10, 1842, a. 47 y.; Maria, b. Jan. 10, 1797; Robert, b. Feb. 2, 1799; Maria, b. Feb. 21, 1801; Frances (sic), b. April 3, 1803; Frederic, b. May 30, 1806; Edward, b. June 18, 1808.

Lansing, Jacob Jacobse (son of Col. Jacob J. L., and Marytje Egbertse), m. Annatie Quackenbush, Jan. 21, 1790. Ch: Margarita, b. Nov. 5, 1790; Jacob, b. Dec. 17, 1792. He was born in the ancient Dutch house on the north-east corner of North Pearl and Columbia streets, graduated at Middleburg College; practiced law in Albany; was judge of the Court of Common Pleas; and d. March, 20, 1858. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Dec. 1, 1794.

Lansing, Jacob, and Alida Douwe. Ch: Mary, b. April 26, 1793; Andries Douwe, b. Feb. 29, 1796, Gen. Andries D. L., d. July 26, 1864, a. 68 y.; James, b. Sept. 22, 1799; Volkert Douwe, b. April 3, 1804; Volkert Douwe, b. Feb. 10, 1807.

Lansing, Myndert, m. Mary Usher, daughter of Rev. John U. of Bristol, R. I., June 3, 1791. He d. April 10, 1814, in his 40th y., and she d. March 7, 1845, a. 78 y. Ch: Catharine, bp. Feb. 5, 1792; Ann Usher, b. Feb. 24, 1794; Pieter, b. 1796, c. Sept. 22, 1809; George Dunbar, b. Aug. 11, 1798; George Dunbar Usher, b. Aug. 26, 1799; Myndert, b. Feb. 9, 1801, d. April 24, 1842, a. 43 y.; Sarah, b. Nov. 11, 1804; Sally Usher, d. Sept. 10, 1842, a. 38 y.

Lansing, Gerrit, and Christal Hoffman. Ch: Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1794. [Gerrit L. d. April 29, 1860, a. 86 y.]

Lansing, John, and Ariaantie Lansing. Ch: Helena, b. Oct. 23, 1801.

Lant, Johannes, and Sara Winne. Ch: Michael, b. Aug. 26, 1752.

Lantman (Landman), Pieter and Elizabeth. Ch: Stephanus, bp. Dec. 8, 1736; Abraham, bp. Jan. 10, 1739; Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 15, 1741.

Lantman, Michael, of Hosack, m. Maria Brouwer, Oct. 6, 1751. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 19, 1752; Catharyntje, oud 4 werken 1 dag, bp. March 4, 1762; Abraham, b. July 31, 1763; Neeltie, bp. Sept. 8, 1765; Catalyntje, b. May 6, 1773.

Lantman (Landman), Hannes, and Santje Litger. Ch: Hendrick, oud 6 weken, bp. Oct. 2, 1763; Abraham, b. Aug. 12, 1765.

Lantman (Landman), Pieter, and Sara Van Santen. Ch: Susanna, b. Dec. 15, 1776.

Lappary, see Lappius.

Lappius, William, m. Alida Van Dewsen, May 26, 1776. Ch: Johannes, b. June 5, 1778.

Lappius (Lappary), Abraham, and Maria (De) Foreest. Ch: Tanneke, b. Jan. 25, 1787; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3, 1789; Susanna, b. March 29, 1791 (?), bp. April 25, 1791.

Larraway, Willem, m. Sara Wynkoop, June 12, 1779. Ch: Catharina, b. Oct. 12, 1781.

Larwee (see Le Roy).

Lasher (Leycher, Lisser, Lisjer, Litzert, Lygher, Lycher), Mark, and Elizabeth Kilmer. Ch: Catharine, b. June 10, 1793.

Lassingh, Pieter Pieterse, in 1659, ran away from his master, Volkert Janse Douw, who sent after him to Hartford, Connecticut; in 1675, in company with Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick, he punchased the Brewery of Harmen Rutgers standing on easterly half of the Exchange lot; subsequently he sold his half interest in it to Sybrant Goosense Van Schaick; in 1685, he was at Esopus.

Lanssingh, Pieter, Jr., born at Albany, and dwelling at het lange rak [Poughkeepsie?] married Cornelia Rees of Claverack, Oct. 28, 1704, at Albany. Lath, Willem, and Nancy Jackson. Ch: John, b. Aug. 11, 1780.

Lattimore, Francis, and Geertruy [Van] Esch [Ness]. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1787.

Lauer, Michael, and Janneke Van Buren. Ch: Margarita, b. Aug. 16, 1771; Catharina, b. April 1, 1773; Catharina, b. Dec. 5, 1775.

Lawrence, William, m. Maria Perry, March 6, 1796. Ch: Andrew McNeally, b. April 25, 1799.

Leek, Nicolaas, and Marytje Snyder. Ch: Cornelis, b. Jan. 12, 1768.

Leen (Lank), George, m. Mary Shaw, May 11, 1765. Ch: James, b. Jan. 16, 1771; Cornelis, b. Jan. 6, 1773.

Leendertse, Jan, and Eliaan Janse. Ch: Timotheus, bp. April 30, 1710.

Leenert (Lingert, Leonert), Johannes, m. Cornelia Richter (Rechteren), Aug. 29, 1767. Ch: Johanns, b. Oct. 1, 1770; Margriet, b. April 26, 1777; Nicholas, b. March 19, 1779; William, b. Oct. 18, 1792.

Le Foy, Abraham, and Anna Maria Forer. Ch: Catharina, bp. Feb. 18, 1705.

Legged (Legate), John, and Bata. Ch: Cornelis, bp. Jan. 20, 1742.

Le Maitre, Cornelis of Esopus, and Margarita Van Steenbergen. Ch: Anna Catharina, bp. Jan. 28, 1708.

Lent, Jacob, and Hannah Odell. Ch: Catharine Odell, b. Dec. 1, 1798.

Leonard, Enoch, and Maria Van Vechten. Ch: Anna, b. Oct. 19, 1785; Cornelis Van Vechten, b. July 28, 1791; Miriam, b. Jan. 15, 1794; Herman, b. Oct. 11, 1797; Richard, b. March 10, 1800; Helena Maria, b. Dec. 20, 1803.

Leonard, John, and Maria Van Vechten [perhaps the same as the last.] Ch: Reuben, bp. July 12, 1788.

Le Roy, Larraway, Larwee, Lerway, Lerrday, &c.

Le Roy, Jonas (Jonathan), of Esopus, and Maria Usile. Ch: Blandina, bp. Feb. 1, 1708; Jonas, bp. Sept. 19, 1714; Jonas, bp. June 24, 1716; Jan, bp. Oct. 19, 1718; Maria, bp. June 4, 1721.

Leycher, Johannes Hendrickse, and Elizabeth. Ch: Margarita, bp. March 28, 1756; Marytje, bp. April 9, 1758; Hendrik, b. Sept. 6, 1766.

Lisser, Hendrick, and Annatje Huyck. Ch: Susanna, bp. May 28, 1737; Geertruy, bp. Feb. 18, 1739; Catharina, bp. June 7, 1741; Marytje, bp. Jan. 11, 1744; Christina, bp. May 29, 1752; Johannes, bp. March 19, 1757.

Lespinard, Antony (Athoine), baker, hired the bakery of Jan Rinckhout in 1670, with permission to bake for both Christians and Indians; made a will April 2, 1685, and spoke of his wife Abeltie and children: Johannes, aged 10 y.; Cornelia; Margarita; and Abeltie, aged about 6 mos. (bp. Sept. 21, 1684). He gave to the poor of Albany 8 beavers or the value thereof in silver money. His son Antony, bp. Oct. 31,1683, was probably not living at the date of his will; he had another son of the same name who settled in New York, where he married Elisabeth DeKleyn, Nov. 3, 1705.

Letteon (Liddeson), William, and Maritie. [Wm. Letteson, m. Elisabeth Bouman, Dec. 16, 1720.] Ch: Jems, bp. June 30, 1717.

Levy, Asser, a Jewish trader of New Amsterdam, who owned a house and lot, and did business in Albany from 1661 to 1665.

Lewis (Luwes), Tames, and Mary French. Ch: Tames, bp. Nov. 19, 1707.

Lewis, Anthony, and Jannetje Morenes. Ch: Barent, bp. March 4, 1711; Johanna, bp. in New York, April 10, 1715; Barent, bp. in New York, Feb. 17, 1717; David, bp. in New York, Oct. 7, 1719.

Lewis, Barent, and Catharina Van Slyck. Ch: Jannetie, bp. Dec. 16, 1741; Jannetie, bp. Jan. 12, 1746; Annatie, bp. Nov. 10, 1751.

Lewis, John, and Hillegont. Ch: Mary, bp. July 8, 1744.

Lewis (Louis), Hendrick, m. Marytje Davids, Feb. 3, 1771. Ch: Johannes, b. Dec. 6, 1771; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 22, 1774; Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1776. [Hendrick Lewis and Jannetie Helling, m. Aug. 16, 1778.]

Lewis, Neimy, and Maria Davis. Ch: Magdalena, bp. Sept. 2, 1789.

Liethers, John, and Maria. Ch: Richard, bp. May 21, 1731.

Lievens (Lievense, Liverse, Lieverse, Levison), Janse, in 1657 conveyed to Andries Andriesen a house and plantation consisting of 25 morgans lying in the town of Newtrown, adjoining Hellgate; about this time he probably removed to Beverwyck. He had at least two children, Harmen and Annatie, who Married Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick in 1657.

Lievense, Harmen (perhaps son of the above), and Maritje Teunise. He had a farm on Van Schaick’s island at the mouth of the Mohawk river, in 1681. His wife was a widow in 1700. Ch: Tomas, bp. Feb. 24, 1684; Egbertje, bp. April 2, 1686; Pieter, bp. Dec. 15, 1689; Rachel, bp. Jan. 13, 1692, buried Aug. 21, 1746; Livinus? Teunis? Livinus Harmense (probably son of the last), m. Catryna Van den Bergh, Oct. 26, 1713. Ch: Maritie, bp. March 26, 1714; Wilhelmus, bp. Jan. 1716; Harmen, bp. Jan. 28, 1718; Cornelis, bp. July 15, 1720; Catharina, bp. March 6, 1723; Rachel, bp. March 27, 1726; Pieter, bp. Sept 7, 1729. Teunis Harmense (probably son of Harmen Lievnse above), m. Rachel Gansevoort, Nov. 6, 1714. Ch: Harmen, bp. Aug. 27, 1715; Maria, bp. Oct. 6, 1717; Rachel, bp. April 19, 1719; Agniete, bp. May 13, 1722; Lidia, bp. Jan. 17, 1728.

Lievense, Willem, m. Maria Fonda, Dec. 9. 1742. Ch: Lavinus, bp. May 15, 1743; Alida, bp. Oct. 23, 1748; Levinus, bp. Oct. 6, 1754.

Lieverse, Livinus, and Catharina. Ch: Livinus, bp. July, 1746. [Levinus Lieverse was buried July 2, 1749.]

Lieverse, Harmen, and Anna Van Schoonhoven, beide van Haalve Maan, m. Jan. 30, 1752; She was buried Jan. 6, 1757; he m. secondly Catharine Winne (Van den Bergh), Dec. 8, 1760. Ch: Catarina, bp. July 12, 1752; Susanna, bp. Aug. 20 1754; Geertje, 4 weken, bp. Feb. 26, 1764.

Lieverse, Cornelis, m. Cornelis Bratt, March 5, 1757. Ch: Livinus, bp. July 15, 1757; Antony, bp. April 29. 1760.

Lieverse, Pieter, and Maria Fonda. Ch: Douwe, bp. Jan. 4, 1750; Lavinus, bp. Nov. 14, 1761; Aaltie, b. Sept. 6, 1763; Marytje, b. April 11, 1766; Cornelis, b. Sept. 24, 1768; Isaac, b. April 14, 1771; Maayke, b. Oct. 20, 1774; Willem, b. Jan. 4, 1779.

Levison (Lieverse), Douse, and Annatie Visscher. Ch: Barent, b. Dec. 2, 1786; Pieter, bp. Oct. 1788.

Lighthall, Nicolas, of Schenectady, and Elisabeth Wageman. Ch: Margarita, bp. Ot. 21, 1776. See Schenectady Families.

Lincoln, Hosea, and Elizabeth Correl. Ch: Josiah, b. Jan. 9, 1777.

Lins, Jur(iaan), and Maria. Ch: Molly, bp. June 29, 1734; James, bp. Dec. 17, 1736.

Liswell, John, and Annette Lansing. Ch: John, bp. July 3, 1786; Abraham, bp. Jan. 13, 1788.

Littelriel, David, and Susanna. Ch: Lourens, bp. Dec. 3, 1715.

Livingston, Robert, secretary of Albany, from 1675 to 1721, when he was succeeded by his son Philip; mayor of Albany 1710-1719; his house lot was on the north corner of State and North Pearl streets; m. Alida, widow of the Rev. Nicolas Van Rensselaer; was buried in the church in Albany, April 21, 1725. Ch: Philippine Johanna, bp. Feb. 3, 2684; Philippus, bp. July 25, 1686; Robert, bp. July 29, 1688; Gysbert, bp. March 5, 1690; Willem, bp. March 20, 1692; Johanna, Dec. 16, 1694; Catrine, bp. July 17, 1798.

Livingston, Robert, Jr., cousin (nephew) of the last; appointed deputy secretary of Albany in 1699; m. Margarita Schuyler, Aug. 26, 1697. Ch: Engeltie, bp. July 17, 1698; Jacobus, bp. Dec. 21, 1701; Jannet, bp. Nov. 24, 1703; Pieter, bp. Jan. 6, 1706; John, bp. March 6, 1709; [Robert, bp. in New York, Aug. 31, 1718.]

Livingston, Philip, eldest son of Robert, senior, admitted to the bar of New York, Dec. 31, 1719; in 1720 appointed commissioner for Indian affairs; 1721, succeeded his father as secretary of the commissioners of Indian affairs, and clerk of Albany county; called to the Council in 1725, and continued in public life until his death Feb. 4, 1749. He occupied his father’s house and lot on the north corner of State and Pearl streets; m. Catharina, dau. of Pieter Van Brugh of Albany, Sept. 19, 1707. Ch: Robert, bp. Dec. 25, 1708; Pieter (Van Brugh), bp. Nov. 3, 1710, m. Maria Alexander in New York, Nov. 3, 1739; Pieter, bp. April 20, 1712; Johannes, bp. April 11, 1714; Philippus, bp. Jan. 1717, d. June 12, 1778; Hendrik, bp. April 5, 1719; Sara, bp. May 7, 1721; William, bp. Dec. 8, 1723; Sara, bp. Nov. 7, 1725, m. Gen. Lord Sterling; Alida, bp. July 18, 1728; Catharina, bp. April 15, 1733.

Livingston, Pieter, m. Zelia Holland, dau. of Henry H., Nov. 13, 1728. Ch: Robert, bp. July 27, 1729; Henry Holland, bp. Sept. 25, 1730; Margarita, bp. July 2, 1732; Thomas, bp. Oct. 5, 1733; Jane, bp. June 18, 1735; Margarita, bp. June 23, 1736.

Livingston, Robert, m. Maria Thong in New York, May 20, 1731. Ch: Catharina, bp. Aug. 6, 1732.

Livingston, John, m. Catharyna Ten Broeck, Sept. 6, 1739. Ch: Robert, bp. March 16, 1740. Martrieta, bp. Oct. 10, 1742; Dirk, bp. Oct. 19, 1744.

Livingston, Philip, Jr., m. Christina Ten Broeck, April 14, 1740. Ch: Philip, b. May 28, 1741; Dirk geboren den 6 Juny and bp. June 8, 1743; Catharina, bp. Aug. 25, 1745.

Livingston, James, and Elizabeth. Ch: John, b. May 19, 1777.

Livingston, Jacob, and Sarah House. Ch: Maritie, b. April 7, 1791.

Lock, Claas Hendrickse; 1665 in Albany; 1668 owned a sloop; 1674 valuation of his property was 600 guilders; 1684 master of the sloop Sarah plying between Albany and New York; in 1671, he m. Cuiesje Hendricks, widow, in New York.

Lodewycksen, Thomas, a carpenter, in partnership with Reynier Wisselpenningh; in 1658 they brought an action against the church for 270 guilders for building the doop huysie (babtistry), and recovered the whole amount; in 1661 his partner sued him in the matter of fitting out a sloop which they were building together.

Loeck, Coenraad, m. Geertruy Van Deusen, Oct. 6, 1751. Ch: Philip, bp. June 17, 1753; Engeltie, bp. May 30, 1756.

Lock, Johannes, “Van Neskatha,” m. Geesje La Grange, “Van Noormanskil,” April 27, 1753. Ch: Phlip, bp. Dec. 9, 1753; Maria, bp. March 5, 1758.

Loeck (Lock), Jacob, m. Alida Goewey (Hooey), Nov. 2, 1754. Ch: Philip and Salomon, bp. Oct. 23, 1755, the mother then being dead.

Loeck, Jacob, m. Rachel Slingerland (widow Hogen), May 28, 1757. Ch: Alida, bp. July 1, 1759.

Loek, Loek, Louk, Look, Luke, Lock, &c. Loek, (Louk), Philip and Magdalena. Ch: Magdalena, bp. Dec. 5, 1726. Philip Louk was buried ear his house, April 4, 1751.

Loek, Hendrick, and Neeltie Scherp. Ch: Martinus, bp. June 4, 1763.

Loek (Look), Philip of Niskatha, m. Magdalena Van Wie, July 9, 1772. Ch: Hendrik, b. Nov. 17, 1776.

Loek (Luke), Philip and Aitie (Eitie) Van der Spaan (Spawn). Ch: Johannes, b. March 10, 1777; Catrina, b. May 1789; bp. Jan. 10, 1790.

Loek, Philip (see above), and Magdalena Van Wie. Ch: Johannes Van Wie, b. Dec. 20, 1779. Loek (Look), Salomon, and Lena Moock. Ch: Jacob, b. Aug. 10, 1790; Maria, b. Jan. 9, 1794.

Loek (Luke), Coenraad, and Elizabeth Hillebrant, m. May 24, 1790. Ch: Magdalena, b. April 7, 1791.

Loockermans. Three brothers of this name were among the first settlers of New Netherland, — Govert Janse, who settled in New Amsterdam, where he m. Maritie Janse, July 11, 1649, and Jacob and Pieter Janse Loockermans, who settled in Beverwyck. Jacob was in Beverwyck as early as 1657; the sheriff brought a suit against him for having assaulted Meuwes Hoogeboom and split his face open from his forehead to his underlip with his knife; he was fined 350 guilders and ordered to pay for loss of time, board and surgical attendance. In 1664 he was one of the commissioner to negotiate a treaty of peace between the Mohawk and Northern Indians. Pieter Janse Loockermans was a citizen of Beverwyk in 1656; in 1658, he was boatswain in the service of the W. I. Company, He had a son Pieter, and Laughter Lammertie who married Arien Ooohout.

Logen, Hendrick (Andries), geboren in Irland [probably intended for Hogen], m. Alida Pruyn, Oct. 29, 1733. Ch: Johannes, bp. July 7, 1734; [Frnaciscus, bp. July 26, 1736; see Hogen]; David, bp. April 23, 1738; Hendrik, bp. April 20, 1740; Anna, bp. Aug. 1, 1742; Margarita, bp. May 20, 1744.

Long, Adam, and Nellie Groesbeck. Ch: John, b. June 26, 1789.

Lotteridge, William, and Anna De Wever. Ch: John, b. April 4, 1777; Abraham, b. March 9, 1779.

Lottridge, Thomas, m. Mary Bratt, July 13, 1766. Ch: Bernardus Bratt, b. Jan. 19, 1779; John, b. March 9, 1781.

Lottridge, Robert, and Sarah Bloemendal. Ch: William, b. Nov. 21, 1792. [Robert L., d. Oct. 31, 1848, in his 75th y.]

Louw, Nicolaas, and Sara. Ch: Pieter Nicolaas, b. Dec. 23, 1777.

Love, William, and Elisabeth Danielson. Ch: Jennet, bp. Sept. 24, 1780.

Low, William, and Elisabeth Daniels [see the last.] Ch: Pieter, b. Jan. 4, 1779.

Lowe (Loery), Thomas, and Geertruy (Charity) Vosburgh. Ch: Thomas Witbeck, b. March 25, 1791; Sarah, b. March 11, 1793.

Loveridge, William, hatter. In 1671 he bought a house and lot of Pieter Jocobse Borsboom on the east side of Broadway, bounded north by the king’s court house. This lot was taken to extend Hudson street to the river. In 1676 he was accused of having charged the Dutch with supplying the Indians with ammunition, and ordered to be kept in custody until he made good the charge; not proving the same, he was fined 20 beavers. In 1678 he and others were condemned for planting a scandalous tree before the door of Richard Pretty, magistrate; he addressed Capt. Brockhols in extenuated, that it was a custom of the place to set up a tree on the occasion of marriage; not withstanding, his sentence was confirmed. In 1680 he owned a farm at Catskil, and petitioned for an addition of 40 acres. He had a son William.

Lubbertson, Gerrit, from New York, m. Alida Evertsen, of Albany, March 12, 1684. Ch: Grietje, bp. Jan. 4, 1685; Grietje, bp. Aug. 15, 1686; Rebecca, bp. March 4, 1688.

Lubkins, Georginus (George), and Margaret. Ch: Johannes, bp. Feb. 27, 1737; George, bp. April 23, 1738; Albertus Meinert, bp. Sept. 9, 1739.

Luke, see Loek.

Lupton, Rev. Brant Schuyler, and Esther Brown. Ch: Elisabeth Schuyler, b. Oct. 6, 1790.

Lush, Richard (Dirk), m. Lyntje Fonda, Dec. 14, 1780. In 1805 he dwelt on the north corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane. Ch: John, b. Oct. 12, 1781; Elsie, b. May 3, 1783, d. June 1, 1843; Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1785; Annatie, b. May 28, 1789; Lyntie Douw, b. April 11, 1791; Gilbert Fonda, b. April 19, 1793, d. Dec. 10, 1828, a. 35 y.; Lydia, b. Feb. 13, 1800.

Lush, Stephen, a native of New York, graduate of Columbia College; admitted to the bar in 1774, at the age of 21 y.; an officer of the Revolutionary war at the close of which he removed to Albany, where he attained eminence in his profession. He m. Lydia, dau. of Doctor Samuel Stringer, d. April 19, 1825. She d. Aug. 10, 1841, a. 82 y. Ch: Samuel Stringer, d. Sept. 7, 1782; Samuel Stringer, b. Oct. 20, 1783; he was an eminent lawyer and sometime member of the legistature; d. June 21, 1841, a. 58 y.; William, b. Nov 6, 1785, d. July 2, 1846; his wid. Margaret Trotter, d. Sept. 1, 1870. Mary, b. Jan. 10, 1787, m. Doctor John M. Bradford; Richard, b. June 20, 1798, d. Oct. 25, 1828, in 30th y.; Rachel, m. Henry G. Wheaton; Gertrude, m. Wm. S. Ross.

Luther, John, and Elizabeth Roller (Rowler). Ch: Jeremiah, b. Aug. 20, 1783; Maria, b. May 6, 1791; Helen and Susanna, bp. Jan. 14, 1793; George, b. July 29, 1795; Elizabeth, b. April 10, 1799.

Luwes (see Lewis). Luycassen, Evert, baker (perhaps son of Lucas Gerritse Wyngaard), at Beverwyck in 1657; in 1665, purchased land behind Kinderhook of the Indians; sold the same in 1677 to Jacob Janse Gardenier; in 1680, with Lourens Van Alen, he petitioned for another tract of land in Kinderhook.

Luyks (Loux), Hendrik, and Anna Elizabeth Coen. Ch: Margariet, bp. May 22, 1743; John Pieter, bp. Aug. 25, 1745.

Lydius, Domine Johannes, arrived in Albany from Holland with Domine Bernhardus Freerman, July 20, 1700, and officiated as minister of the church, until his death on March 1, 1710. He lived in the Parsonage standing on the site of Bleecker Hall. His wife (?) Isabella Starts, and daughters (?) Geertruy Isabella Lydius, and Maria Adrianata Lydius, were naturalized Feb. 28, 1716. The latter was buried in the church, May 4, 1733. Children baptized in Albany: Margarita Johanna, Nov. 19, 1701; Johannes Henricus, July 9, 1704; Susanna Catharina, July 13, 1707; buried in the church, Oct. 2, 1727.

Lydius, Johannes Henrichs. Serious charges were brought against him in 1747, by the council of the Province; for abjuring his Protestant religion in Canada; of marrying a woman there of the Romish faith; and of alienating the friendship of the Indians from the English; he d. in Kensington near London, in 1791, having retired to England in 1776. His wife was Genevieve Masse (Mazie, Mazee). Ch: Nicholas Jacob, bp. Oct. 8, 1732; Maryanus, bp. May 19, 1734; Isabella Margarita, bp. Jan. 14, 1736; Sara Maria, bp. July 7, 1738; Balthazar, bp. March 8, 1740, lived unmarried, on the east corner of State and Pearl streets; an eccentric man, the terror of boys, d. Nov. 17 (19), 1815; Catharina, bp. Sept. 25, 1743.

Lyud, Hannes (Herculeus, Archelaus), and Maritje Duitebach. Ch: Johannes, b. Sept. 1, 1762; Antje, b. Nov. 14, 1764; Catharina, b. March 17, 1767; Archelaus, b. May 1, 1768; Antje, b. Oct. 25, 1770.

Lynn, Arent, and Phoebe Woodruff. Ch: Eleanor, b. April 13, 1788.

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Debby Masterson

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