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Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; ae., aged; d., died.
Caarn, Hendrick, and Catryna. Ch: Anna, bp. March 10, 1717.
Caghill, Cornelius, and Hanna Russell. Ch: Daniel, b. Aug. 12, 1780.
Caillier, see Collier.
Caldwell (Colwell), James, and Elizabeth Barents. Ch: George, b. Aug. 6, 1778.
Cambefort (Comfort), of Schenectady, 1690, and Niskayuna, 1720; owned land on the north side of the Mohawk river "Boven Kaquarrioone" (Hoffman's Ferry), which he sold in 1694 to Carel Hanse Toll. His first wife of Antje Raal. Ch: Geraldus, bp. May 11, 1690, and probably settled in New York. His second wife of Ariaantie Uldrick, widow of Gerrit Claase of Albany, m. Oct. 16, 1692.
Cambefort (Comfort), Geraldus of New York; was a cooper and had his shop burned there in 1738, but by "the timely assistance of the inhabitants and Fire Indians, his house was saved. He m. Catharine Burger, in New York, March 24, 1713. Ch: bp. in New York; Annatie, bp. Sept. 28, 1714; Catharina, bp. Aug. 18, 1717.
Campbell, Moses, and Elizabeth Combes. Ch: Margaret, bp. Sept. 9, 1759.
Campbell (Kimmel), Pieter, and Maria. Ch: Pieter, Dec. 30, 1770.
Campbell (Kemmel), Archibald, and Christina Starenberg. Ch: Archibald, b. April 8, 1778.
Campbell, Robert, and Sara McDavid. Ch: Margaret, bp. April 1, 1779; Robert, b. March 27, 1781.
Campbell, Alexander, and Mary McMillen (McMuller). Ch: John, b. May 24, 1779; Angus, b. April 13, 1781.
Campbell, Price, and Margaret Clark. Ch: Alexander, b. April 15, 1776; Margaret, b. Feb. 1, 1778; William, b. Dec. 4, 1780; Catharine, bp. Dec. 18, 1781.
Campbell, Alexander, and Catharine Steel. Ch: William, b. April 18, 1781.
Canada, Guy, and Margaret Patterson. Ch: Sarah, b. March 16, 1795.
Cane, William, and Elizaabeth Dox. Ch: William Abraham, b. Nov. 5, 1778.
Canker, Jan F., and Johanna Wyser. Ch: Maria, bp. Aug. 5, 1754.
Canner (Conner), Wm., and N. Canner. Ch: Sara Rachel Regina, bp. Dec. 30, 1761.
Canton, Richard and Catrina Baquena (?). Ch: Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1789.
Cardigan, Hugh, and Catharine Miller. Ch: Barnabas, bp. Aug. 27, 1749.
Carkner, see Kirchner.
Carr, William, and Sara Wilson. Ch: Benjamin, b. July 13, 1777.
Carter, William, and Ann Gasley. Ch: Patty, b. Oct. 20, 1778; Samuel, b. Oct. 5, 1790; Ward, b. May 18, 1797.
Cartridge, Robert, and Elizabeth Hopjer. Ch: Archibald, bp. July 23, 1749.
Cartwright, Richard, "an esteemed merchant,: d. in Canada, Oct. 1794 ae. 73 y. m. Ann Beesley. Ch: John, bp. July 12, 1747; Susanna, bp. Aug. 7, 1748.
Casemay, Patrick, and Mary Craig. Ch: Jean, bp. Jan. 30, 1757.
Casparse (Carstense ?) Van Ivere, Warner, and Anna Pruyn. Ch: Casparus, bp. Aug. 1, 1697; Alida, Aug. 6, 1704.
Casper, Johannes, and Elizabeth. Ch: Gerrit, bp. Jan. 22, 1744.
Casparus, Valentine, and Rebecca Snyder. Ch: Margarita, b. Oct. 14, 1783; Jacob, b. Marh 19, 1786.
Casparus, Martinus, and Catharine Countryman. Ch: Abraham, b. Nov. 24, 1799.
Casselman, Pieter, and Elizabeth Weasen. Ch: Christiaan, bp. Oct. 27, 1751.
Cassiday, Lucas and Rachel Cool. Ch: Ralph, Jan. 2, 1778.
Cetin, Edward, and Isabel Marshall. Ch: Samuel, bp. Dec. 25, 1747.
Chace, William, and Mary Stone. Ch: Mary Ann, bp. Aug. 22, 1759.
Chambers, Abraham Gaasbeck, stepson of Thomas Chambers, alias Clabbort of Esopus, m. Sara Bayard in New York, Aug. 26, 1703. Ch: Blandini, bp. Jan. 6, 1706.
Chambers, Lourens (Leonard), and Fanny Thiff (Kief). Ch: Lourens, bp. July 28, 1778; Mary, b. oct. 18, 1781.
Chambers, David, and Margarita Van der Werken. Ch: Albert, b. Feb. 15, 1779.
Chambers, Hendrik, and Rachel Van Santen (Zandt), m. April 4, 1779. Ch: Edward, b. June 20, 1780.
Chapman, William, and Elizabeth Lambert. Ch: John William, b. Jan. 13, 1798; Elizabeth, b. March 9, 1800.
Charles, George, and Mary Price. Ch: William, b. May 2, 1797; Stephen, b. Sept. 15, 1799; Maria, b. March 29, 1803; Sara Ann, b. Feb. 5, 1806; Eleanor, b. Jan. 6, 1809; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1811; George, b. May 28, 1814.
Chesney, Alexander, and Jane McMolly. Ch: Mary, b. Jan. 20, 1776.
Chisholm, James, and Eve McCloud, m. Nov. 8, 1797. Ch: Margery, b. Aug. 18, 1798.
Christiaanse, Christiaan; 1671, he bought a morgen and a half of land at Schenectady of Paulus Janse; 1694 he sold his house and lot there. His son Christiaan remained in Schenectady. His wife was Maritje Ysbrantse Elders. Ch: Neeltie, bp. Nov. 11, 1685; Elizabeth, bp. July 11, 1693; Daniel, bp. April 11, 1697; Christiaan; Johannes.
Christiaanse, Johannes, of Half Moon, 1720, "geboren tot Schannechede en wonende tot Conistagioene," m. Neeltie Cornelise, June 30, 1790. Ch: Marytje, bp. July 3, 1709; Elizabeth, bp. March 11, 1716;Sara, bp. Nov. 15, 1718; Johannes, bp. Feb. 26, 1724; Christiaan, bp. Jan. 1, 1726; Neeltie, bp. Jan. 5, 1729; Cornelis, bp. Aug. 18, 1732. (Jan Christiaanse was buried Nov. 16, 1746).
Christie, [illegible], and Sarah Stevenson. Ch: Napier, bp. Sept. 16, 1746.
Christman, Nicholass, and Maria Christman, m. April 10, 1780. Ch: Frederick, b. Oct. 27, 1780.
Christman, Hans, and Cath. Dochsteder. Ch: Pieter, b. Nov. 28, 1780.
Cittene, see Kidney.
Claas, Johan Pieter, and Clara Margarita Curtin (Kortjen, Curteen, Courdin), m. April 22, 1758. Ch: Anna, bp. May 6, 1759; Susanna, bp. March 1, 1761; Johannes, "6 weken oud," bp. May 22, 1763; Johan Pieter, b. April 25, 1766; Andries, b. Oct. 29, 1768; Marytje, bp. Marh 10, 1771; Nicolaas, b. Oct. 16, 1775; Catharina, b. Oct. 13, 1778.
Claas, Pieter, and Annatie Van Esis. C: Margaret, b. Jan. 5, 1793.
Claerbout, Pieter, voorzanger in the church, was in Beverwyck in 1659, probably had departed or deceased before 1674. He had a daughter Ariaentie, bp. in New York, April 7, 1658, and a son Walraeff Pieterse Claerbout.
Claerbout, Walraeff, Pieterse, a trader in Beverwyck, in 1659. He m. Emmetie Hendrickse, June 10, 1668, in New York. He was then said to be of Haerlem and she of Manhatans. He had a daughter Belitie, bp. in New York, Jan. 16, 1669.
Clapper, Pieter, and Margaret House. Ch: Nicolaas, b. June 16, 1787.
Clark (Klerk), Roeloff, and Lena. Ch: Hilletie, bp. Nov. 6, 1726; Helletie, bp. May 7, 1732; Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 27, 1738.
Clark, Patrick, and Cornelia Waldron. Ch: Nelly, bp. Feb. 26, 1749; Martin, bp. Nov. 4, 1750; Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 10, 1751; Maria, bp. March 11, 1753; Tryntje, bp. Sept. 15, 1758; Cornelia, b. April 29, 1762; Paulus, b. Nov. 10, 1767; Engeltie, b. Dec. 18, 1767.
Clark, Alexander and Nancy Grant. Ch: Caty, bp. Jan. 17, 1779; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 29, 1789.
Clauw (Klauw), Frans Pieterse, carpenter, in Beverwyck as early as 1656, of Kinderhook, 1683, had two sons, Hendrick and Jurriaan. He was called the Kint Van Weelden, but in 1680 lived at Kinderhook in great poverty. Sluyter's and Dankers' Tour.
Clauw, Hendrick Fransen, and Cornelia Andriesse Sharp, m. Oct. 14, 1685. Ch: Frans, bp. Nov. 7, 1686; Engel, bp. July 8, 1688; Jannetje, bp. May 25, 1693; Andries, bp. June 28, 1696; Maria, bp. July 10, 1698; Gysbert, bp. Nov. 3, 1700; Pieter, bp. Aug. 8, 1703; Gerrit, bp. Oct. 14, 1705; Hendrick, bp. July 11, 1708.
Clauw, Jurriaen Fransen, of Kinderhook, 1720, and Maria Janse. Ch: Fans, bp. June 1, 1701; Rachel, bp. June 13, 1703; the following were bp. in the Lutheran church at Athens: Lea, b. "op Kinderhoek," Jan. 20, 1705, bp. "op Klinkenberg," June 10, 1705; Maria, b. "op Kinderhoek" Nov. 15, 1708; Johannes, b. "op Kinderhoek," Feb. 1, 1711; Willem, b. "op Kinderhoek," Aug. 20, 1716.
Clauw, Hans Jurriaense, and Anna Catharina. Ch: Jacob, b. Sept. 22, 1722, and bp. at Claverack, "22 naar Trin."
Clauw, Hendrick, and Rebecca. Ch: Hendrik, bp. Oct. 6, 1734; Johannes, bp. Sept. 22, 1736; Frans, bp. Dec. 17, 1738. [Caspar Clauw d. in Athens, Sept. 28, 1828, ae. 95y.]
Clauw, Gysbert, and Wyntie (Neeltie) Scherp. Ch: Hiltje, bp. July 1, 1789; Lourens, bp. Aug. 16, 1741; Gysbert, bp. May 29, 1748; Johannes, bp. July 14, 1751.
Clauw, Willem, and Christyntie Huyck, m. Feb. 3, 1739. Ch: Mayke, bp. Jan. 23, 1740; Rachel, bp. May 29, 1752.
Clauw, Pieter, and Johanna. Ch: Mattheus, bp. Jan. 11, 1741.
Clauw, Frans, and Catalyntje Bording. Ch: Engeltie, bp. Oct. 8, 1748.
Clauw, Hendrick, and Elizabeth Hollenbeck. Ch: Gysbert, bp. Oct. 7, 1768.
Clauw, Lourens, and Annatie Bord. Ch: Gysbert, bp. April 14, 1771.
Claver, Johan Nicolaas, and Susanna Merriday (Merideth), m. Aug. 1, 1767. Ch: William, b. Aug. 4, 1768; Johannies, b. June 25, 1770; Maria, b. July 18, 1772; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 1, 1774; Hilletie, b. Dec. 5, 1776; Catharina, b. April 10, 1798.
Claver, William, and Catharine Schuyler. Ch: Mary, b. April 23, 1791; Mary Schuyler, b. Aug. 13, 1792; Charlotte, b. Jan. 29, 1797.
Clement, Jacobus, in 1755 the second interpreter to the Indians; m. Jannetie Van Woert, Feb. 27, 1743. Ch: Marie, bp. Feb. 6, 1747; Nicolaas, bp. Oct. 23, 1748; Nicolaas, bp. Dec. 2, 1750.
Clement, Johannes, and Rachel Redliff (Radcliffe), m. Dec. 30, 1753. Ch: Annatie, bp. Jan. 1, 1755.
Clement, Nicolaas, and Rachel DeGarmo. Ch: Sara, b. Dec. 12, 1777.
Clemerger (Clemison, Clemisher, Clemisham), Daniel (alias Dennis Clevison), and Rachel Milton. Ch: John, b. Nov. 31 [sic], 1785; Hendrik, b. Dec. 16, 1787; Rachel, b. June 2, 1790; William, b. Sept. 1, 1796; George, b. Jan. 18, 1800.
Clinton, Joseph of Hellenbergh, and Mary Brouwer. Ch: David, b. Aug. 18, 1790.
Clum, Thomas, and Margarita Davies. Ch: Thomas, bp. Nov. 3, 1779.
Clute (Cloet), Capt. Johannes (Jans), came to Beverwyck about 1656 from Neurenbergh, was a trader, and considerable land-holder, at Loonenburgh, Niskayuna, Albany &c. He had good credit with the Indians. It is not known that he had any family. On his death, his property passed to his Nephew Johannes Clute, the boslooper.
Clute, Johannes, of Niskayuna, nephew of the preceding, m. Bata Slichtenhorst. Ch: Jacob (?); Alida, bp. Sept. 14, 1684; Elizabeth, bp. March 16, 1687; Gerardus, bp. Aug. 4, 1689; Margarita, bp. July 11, 1693; Gerardus, bp. in New York, Jan. 1, 1697; Johannes, bp. May 12, 1700; Anna; Bata, bp. in Schenectady May 7, 1704. Johannes Clute was buried at Niskayuna, Nov. 26, 1725.
Clute, Frederick, of Half-Moon 1720, came from Kingston about 1703, and bought land of Johannes Clute at Niskayuna. What relationship existed between them is not known. He m. Francyntje Du Mont or Du Mond. Ch: Jacob (?); Sara, bp. Feb. 19, 1707; Magdalena, bp. June 26, 1709; Pieter, bp. April 20, 1712; Walraven or Waldron. See Schenectady Families.
Clute, Jacob, of Canistagioene 1720, and Geertruy Van Vranken, m. April 12, 1707. Ch: Gerrit, bp. Jan. 4, 1708; Gerrit, bp. July 10, 1709; Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 10, 1712; Ariaantje, bp. May 1, 1715; Bata, bp. Aug. 18, 1717; Johannes, bp. Nov. 15, 1719; Petrus, bp. Aug. 12, 1722; Nicolaas, bp. May 30, 1725.
Clute, Waldron (Walraven), and Anna. Ch: Antje, bp. Oct. 21, 1722; Frederic, bp. March 8, 1724; Evert and Francyntje, bp. Feb. 27, 1726; Nicolaas, bp. July 7, 1728; Maria, bp. March 28, 1730; Willem, bp. Oct. 10, 1731.
Clute, Johannes, and Anna. Ch: Johannes, bp. Sept. 15,1728; Alida, bp. July 2, 1731; Lysbeth, bp. April 15, 1733; Barber, b. April 27, 1735; Barber, bp. Feb. 15, 1738; Bata, bp. Nov. 18, 1739; Anna, pb. Feb. 14, 1742; Gerrit, bp. March 11, 1744.
Clute, Jacob, and Maria Brouwer, m. Nov. 16, 1727. Ch: Nelletie, bp. Oct. 13, 1731; Fredericus, bp. Feb. 22. 1730; Pieter, bp. Oct. 31, 1731; Francyntie, bp. Oct. 2, 1733; Johannes, bp. June 14, 1735.
Clute, Gerrit (Gerardus), and Machtelt Heemstraat, m. May 28, 1725. Ch: Catie, bp. Dec. 31, 1732; Gerardus, bp. Oct. 19, 1735; Jacobus, bp. Jan. 18, 1736; Bata, bp. Nov. 5, 1738; Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 21, 1741; Maritie, bp. May 1, 1743; Claartje, bp. May 5, 1745; Gerardus Clute was buried July 27, 1746.
Clute, Gerrit , and Marite Heemstraat, m. Sept. 22, 1732. Ch: Dirk, bp. Feb. 5, 1738; Geertruy, bp. June 22, 1740; Gerrit, bp. Nov. 7, 1742; Gerardus, bp. June 17, 1750.
Clute, Pieter, and Adriana (Ariaantje). Ch: Geertruy, bp. June 1, 1470 [sic]; Francyntie, bp. in Schenectady, Feb. 20, 1743; Nicholas, bp. May 13, 1744; Elizabeth, bp. July 26, 1746; Pieter, bp. Nov. 4, 1750; Rachel, bp. April 12, 1752.
Clute, Johannes, Jr., and Sarah Van Arnhem, m. Sept. 27, 1752. Ch: Johannes, bp. Sept. 9, 1753; Alida, bp. in Schenectady, Mar. 9, 1755; Alida, bp. Feb. 6, 1757; Anna, bp. April 1, 1759; Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 24, 1762; Abraham, b. Jan. 11, 1764; Gerrit, b. Feb. 20, 1765; Abraham, b. May 16, 1767; Sara, May 25, 1769; Abraham, April 16, 1773; Wouter, b. April 11, 1775. (John J. Clute, formerly of New York, d. in Albany, Feb. 24, 1936, ae. 84y.)
Clute, Johannes, and Jannetje Ouderkert, m. Oct. 6, 1753. Ch:Jacob, bp. April 7, 1754; Wyntie, bp. Aug. 31, 1755; Johannes, bp. May 6, 1759; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1765; Abraham, bp. Nov. 2, 1771.
Clute, Frederick, of Niskayuna, and Magtel Quackenbos, m. in Schenectady May 22, 1742. Ch: Abraham, bp. Sept. 22, 1754: Willem, bp. May 14, 1758. See Schenectady Families.
Clute, Nicholas, of Saratoga, and Ariaantje (De) Ridder, m. Nov. 2, 1754. Ch: Evert, bp. Aug. 31, 1755; Gerrit, bp. Nov. 6, 1757; Annatje, bp. June 19, 1760.
Clute, Johannes G., and Catarina Lansing. Ch: Gerardus, bp. Sept. 21, 1755; Abraham, bp. Jan. 22, 1758; Dirk, b. April 19, 1760.
Clute, Frederick, of Saratoga, and Maria (De) Ridder, m. Nov. 2, 1754. Ch: Maria, bp. Dec. 28, 1755; Maria, bp. Jan. 28, 1759; Gerrit, bp. March 8, 1761; Annatie, b. Nov. 10, 1765; Annatie, bp. Oct. 21, 1770.
Clute, Nicholaas, and Claartje Clute. Ch: Bata, bp. March 4, 1761; Catharina, b. Jan. 30, 1763.
Clute, Jacob, and Maayke Lansing, m. June 12, 1761. Ch: Gerardus, b. Jan. 23, 1763; Hendrick, b. Oct. 27, 1765; Dirk, b. July 15, 1768.
Clute, Gerrit (Gerardus), and Sara Abel. Ch: Jacobus, b. Aug. 9, 1776; Adam, bp. in Schenectady, Sept. 16, 1781.
Clute, Dirk, and Rachel Lansing. Ch: Jacob, b. Oct. 18, 1785; Abraham, b. Oct. 31, 1787; Gerrit, Oct. 18, 1789.
Clute, Gerrit, and Elizabeth Kane, m. Nov. 20, 1791. Ch: John, b. Aug. 28, 1792; Johanna, b. Jan. 1, 1794; William, b. Nov. 1, 1795; Ann, b. March 3, 1798; Rebecca, b. April 5, 1800; Pieter Kane, b. June 3, 1806; Cornelia Ann, b. March 19, 1810. (Elizabeth, widow of Gerrit Clute, d. Sept. 29, 1850, in her 85th y.)
Clute, Gerrit, and Bata Bovie. Ch: Charles, b. Oct. 21, 1804.
Clyne, see Klein.
Cobes, Ludovicus, born in Herentals in Brabant; was court messenger in Beverwyck as early as 1656; notary public in Albany, and in 1677 secretary of Schenectady, where he died. His only daughter m. Johannes Klein.
Coenraads, Philip, and Franz Clomb (Fromy Clumm). Ch: Franz, b. Oct. 11, 1763; Adam, b. Dec. 1766.
Coeny, William, and Elizabeth King, m. Sept. 15, 1777. Ch: Catharina, bp. July 22, 1778.
Coeymans, Pieter. Ch: Barent the miller (De Molenaer); David; Arent; Jacob; Lucas; Dirkje, wife of Cornelis Vos, deceased, 1665; Geertruy, w. of Abraham Vosburgh. These brothers came to Rensselaerwyck in 1636 from Utrecht.----See O'Callaghan's Hist. N. Netherlands, I, 435.
Coeymans, Barent Pieterse, the miller, bought a large tract of land at the place called by his name. His w. was a daughter of Andries De Vos. His Ch: were Andreas, who moved to Raritan, M. J. He had two Ch: bp. in New York; Johanna, Nov. 9, 1716; and Mayke, March 23, 1720; Samuel, b. Aug. 3, 1670; Pieter; Ariaantje, b. Oct. 19, 1672; Jannatie; and Geertie, wife of Jacob Ten Eyck.
Coeymans, Lucas Pieterse, de houtsager, and Ariantie. Ch: Jannetje, bp. Oct. 19, 1684. He and Jan Cornelise Vyselear in 1675, bouth of Sweer Teunise Van Veesen a saw mill called the Poestenmill, on what is now called the Poesten kil, on the east bank of the Hudson over against Stoney Point (Steene Hoec).
Coeymans, Pieter Barentse, and Elizabeth Greveraad, m. Oct. 5, 1713. Ch: Mayke, bp. Oct. 19, 1714, m. Andreas Witbeck; Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 27, 1716, m. Jacob Van Alen; Pieter Bar. Coeymans, m. Charlotte Amelia Drawyer, his second wife. Ch: Geritje, bp. Oct. 21, 1722, m. John Barclay; Ann Margaret, bp. April 11, 1725, m. Pieter Ten Eyck; Charlotte Amelia, b. Dec. 24, 1727, m. Johannes Bronck. (Pieter Coeymans was buried on Beeren island, April 30, 1744). (Died at Coxsackie, April 22, 1828, Mrs. Charlotte McCarty, wid. of late Gen. McCarty, and granddau. of Pieter Coeymans, in her 88th year).
Colbrecht (Colebridge), Willem, and Esther Van Duzen, m. Nov. 15, 1777. Ch: Stephen, b. Oct. 19, 1781; Hugh Bennys, b. Nov. 6, 1783; William, b. March 9, 1790.
Coldin, John, and Alida Van Wurmer. Ch: John, b. Aug. 11, 1780.
Collen, William, and Elizabeth Bratt. Ch: Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1779.
Colwell, Joshua, and Annatie Broadin. Ch: Rebecca, b. Aug. 14, 1779.
Collier (Caillier, Caljer), Jochem, and wife Madalena (?) of New Amsterdam. Ch: Jeurgie, bp. in N. Amst., march 13, 1644; Jacobus, bp. in New Amsterdam, Feb. 9, 1658; Hans (?); Michiel; Jurriaan. In 1660 Jochem Caljer was not living; his wid. was then the wife of Gysbert Theunisse. In 1660 she hold her late husband's lot on South William Street, New Amsterdam, and in 1663 another lot in Stone street.
Collier (Caillier), Michael, of Coxhackie, 1720, and Irtje Jurriaense Van Hoesen. Ch: Magdalena, bp. July 17, 1686; Jochem, bp. June 8, 1690; Folkie, bp. Oct. 23, 1692; Jurriaan, bp. May 26, 1695; Johannes, bp. April 9, 1699; Caspar, bp. Jan. 4, 1702; the following from the Athens Lutheran Church Records; Jacob b. "op de Flakte" bp. in the Albany Lutheran Church, June 11, 1704; Isaac, b. "op de Flakte" June 16, 1706; and bp. in Lutheran Church in New York, Sept. 4, 1706; Isaac, b. Sept. 22, "op de Flakte Loonenburgh" and bp. "op Klinkenberg" Dec. 6, 1711.
Collier (Caillier), Juriaan, of Kinderhook, 1683, and Lysbeth. Ch: Dorethee, bp. May 19, 1689. Juriaan C. was 32 years old in 1676.
Collier (Cailjer), Caspar, and Rachel. Ch: Catharine, bp. March 15, 1741.
Collier (Caillier), Jochem, and Christina Vosburg, m. June 16, 1721. Ch: Michiel, bp. May 6, 1722; Johannes, bp. Sept. 18, 1737.
Collier, George, and Cataline O'Brien, m. Sept. 7, 1793. Ch: Cataline, b. April 13, 1797; Margaret, b. Oct. 4, 1801.
Collins, Lieut. John, attorney-at-law, 1720, m. Margarita Schuyler. Ch: Edward, bp. July 30, 1704; attorney-at-law, mayor of Albany, 1733, m. Margarita Bleeker, buried "in church," March 29, 1753. Lieut. John Collins, d. April 13, 1728. His wife survived him. Collins, Andrew, and Charlotta M. Hart. Ch: William, b. May 30 1782.
Collinson, John, "geboren tot London in oude Engeland," and Rebecca Bratt, "weduwe Van Claas Bogaart," m. March 20, 1703. Ch: Johannes, bp. Dec. 19, 1703.
Colwell, see Caldwell.
Comfort, see Cambefort.
Compston (Comestone, Connystead, Cumpston, Comptton), Edward, m. first Mary Van Schaick, May 24, 1778. Ch: John Henry, b. Feb. 4, 1780; Andrew Van Schaick, b. Aug. 24, 1781; Andrew Van Schaick, b. Aug. 29, 1783; Samuel, b. Aug. 18, 1784; Samuel, b. Sept. 30, 1789. He m. secondly, Mary Bratt. Ch: Alida, b. July 20, 1796. Major Edward Cumpston, a Revolutionary officer, formerly of Albany, d. in Auburn, Aug. 22, 1825, ae. 72y.
Conchlin, Joseph, "op de Halve Maan" and Rebecca Robinson. Ch: Johannes, bp. Nov. 19, 1768.
Conckkel, Frederick, and wife. Ch: Pieter, bp. Feb. 19, 1758.
Coneel (Conel), John, "a soldier," in Albany, 1666; removed to Catskill about 1678, and bought land there of Capt. Jan Clute and Harmen Gansevoort, not living in 1706, when his widow, Margaret owned a lot in Maiden Lane.
Congel, Uzra, and Mary Hungerford. Ch: Job, b. Nov. 18, 1780.
Conger, Reuben, and Lena De Voe, m. May 10, 1780. Ch: Hilletje, b. May 9, 1781.
Conklin, William, and Jane Brouwer. Ch: Nicolas, b. May 10, 1777.
Connel, Edward, and Sara Polton (Powlton, Proteltenny, Bolton ?). Ch: Catharina, b. Oct. 7, 1776; Daniel, bp. July 21, 1779; Maria, b. Oct. 25, 1782.
Connelly, William, and Elizabeth Kelly. Ch: Sera "4 maand oud," bp. Feb. 11, 1764.
Consaul and Consaulus, see Gonsaulus.
Constable, Charles, and Mary Ashley, m. Jan. 2, 1722. Ch: Patrick, bp. Dec. 2, 1722.
Constapel (gunner), Andries Herbertsen, Van der Blaes, was in New Amsterday till 1654, when he removed to Beverwyck. He owned considerable real estate in the village and vicinity, among which was half the island opposite to Fort Orange, which after his death, in 1662, was sold to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. In 1662, he killed on Segar Cornelise Van Voorhout in self-defense. His wife was Annatie Jurriaensen. Ch: bp. in New York, Jan, July 25, 1649, and Johannes, Sept. 3, 1651. It is not known that any of his children survived him.
Conyn, Leendert Philipse, was in Beverwyck, as early as 1655, d. in 1704, m. Agnietie. Ch: Philip, Caspar and Jacob (?).
Conyn, Philip Leendertse, of Coxhackie, 1720. m. Wyntie Dirkse. Ch: Leendert, b. Sept. 9, 1683; Dirk, bp. April 19, 1685; Agniete, bp. Feb. 6, 1687; Antie, bp. Jan 27, 1689; Feytie, bp. Jan. 15, 1693; Philip, bp Jan. 29, 1694; Saartie, bp. July 17, 1698; Johannes, bp. June 15, 1701.
Conyn, Caspar Leendertse, of Claverac, 1720, made will March 3, 1720-1, proved June 7, 1727, in which he mentions wife Alecta and all the following children except Tanna. He m. Alette (Alecta) Winne. Ch: Anna, bp. Jan. 6, 1684; Tanne, bp. Dec. 28, 1684; Leendert, bp. March 1687; Anganietie, bp. May 12, 1689; Pieter, bp. June 28, 1691, deceased, 1721; Casparus, bp. Dec. 31, 1693; Marietie, bp. Jan. 1, 1696; Lysbeth, bp. Dec. 25, 1697; Commertie, bp. May 12, 1700; Racheltie, bp. Dec. 28, 1701; Eva, bp. June 3, 1705.
Conyn (Conynen), Jacob, and Marytie. Ch: Johan, bp. July 21, 1700.
Conyn, Dirke Philipse, and Rachel Andriesse of Bergen, N. J. Bans proclaimed in Albany, Sept. 16, 1707, m. in New York, Oct. 24, 1707. Ch: Weintie, bp. Aug. 1, 1708.
Conyn, Leendert, of Kinderhook, 1720, and Emmetie. Ch: Elbertie, bp. Jan. 10, 1714; Agnietie, bp. Oct. 6, 1717; Philip, bp. May 15, 1720; Lourens, bp. June 10, 1722.
Conyn, Pieter, and Alida de Wandelaer, m. Nov. 13, 1714. Ch: Sara, bp. Oct. 9, 1715; Pieter, bp. May 26, 1717.
Conyn, Leendart, and Hendrikje Cool, m. Jan. 15, 1714. Ch: Petrus, bp. Jan. 8, 1721.
Conyn, Philip, of Coxhackie, 1720, and Catharina. Ch: Philip, bp. June 7, 1724; Jannetie, bp. April 17, 1726; Leendert, bp. Jan. 22, 1730; Jeremias, bp. Jan. 21, 1739.
Conyn, Philip, of Coxhackie, 1750, and Commertie Bronck, m. June 12, 1750. Ch: Philip, bp. Jan. 17, 1753.
Cool, Pieter Barentse of manor of Livingston, 1720, m. Hendrikje Janse, in New York, Nov. 3, 1680. P. B. Cool "weduwnaer van Hendrikje Janse en Janneke Dingman jonge dochter beyde van Kinderhoek" were m. in Albany, 1688. Ch: Hendrick, bp. July 10, 1687; Henrik, bp. Oct. 5, 1707; Pieter, bp. April 30, 1710.
Cool, Lambert, and Maritie Kidney, m. Dec. 30, 1743. Ch: Johannes, bp. April 19, 1745; Engeltie, bp. July 24, 1748; Roeloff, bp. May 24, 1750; Rachel, bp. July 12, 1752.
Cool, Pieter, and Alida Dingmanse. Ch: Hendrickie, bp. Aug. 26, 1752.
Cool, Johannes, and Annatie Daniels. Ch: Maria, b. Oct. 2, 1771; John Daniels, b. Oct. 31, 1773; Geertruy, b. Sept. 28, 1777; Pemberton, bp. Feb. 20, 1780.
Coons, see Koens.
Cooper (Couper), Obadiah, and Cornelia Gardenier. He was buried May 6, 1742, she, April 17, 1748. Ch: William, bp. Oct. 5, 1718; Obadia, bp. Oct. 9, 1720; Sara, bp. Oct. 21, 1722; Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 23, 1724; Jacob, bp. April 17, 1726; Abraham, bp. Feb. 21, 1728; Maria, bp. Nov. 9, 1729; Cornelia, bp. June 6, 1733; Cornelis, bp. Dec. 12, 1735.
Cooper (Couper), John, and Elizabeth. Ch: Cornelia, bp. March 8, 1740; Samuel, bp. Sept. 27, 1741.
Cooper (Couper), Thomas, and Elizabeth Van Buren (Duren), m. Oct. 4, 1742. She was buried Sept. 11, 1748. Ch: Obadiah, bp. Nov. 6, 1743; Obadiah, bp. Oct. 19, 1744; Jannetie, bp. Jan. 12, 1746; Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 23, 1748.
Cooper (Couper), Obadiah, and Maria Fonda, m. March 4, 1743. Ch: Cornelia, bp. Jan. 11, 1744; Pieter, bp. Jan. 12, 1746.
Cooper, Jacob, and Josina Orchard. Ch: Cornelia, bp. Dec. 6, 1748; Maria, bp. Aug. 26, 1750; Obadiah, bp. Nov. 12, 1752; Annatje, bp. Dec. 9, 1753; Sara, bp. Aug. 29, 1756; Obadiah, bp. March 18, 1759; Thomas, b. March 3, 1768.
Cooper, Abraham, and Catarina Ostrander, m. March 22, 1752. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. May 29, 1752; Obadiah, bp. Sept. 12, 1756; Cornelia, bp. Sept. 8, 1754; Maria, bp. Sept. 12, 1756; Rebecca, bp. Nov. 2, 1760; Obadiah, bp. Sept. 30, 1763; Lea, b. Sept. 15, 1764; Catharina, b. Sept. 21, and bp. Sept. 23, 1766, the mother being then dead.
Cooper, Christiaan, and Anna Margarita Strong. Ch: Cooenrad, b. Sept. 5, 1768; Hendrick, b. July 13, 1778. [Christiaan Cooper and Catharine Deerstyne, m. May 28, 1793.
Cooper, Obadiah, and Annatie (Hannah) Van den Bergh, m. May 27, 1769. She d. June 21, 1801, ae. 50 y. 3m. 15d. Ch: Elizabeth, b. July 1, 1770; Elizabeth, b. July 11, 1775; Cornelia, b. Nov. 6, 1777; Jannetie (Caroline ?) b. Sept. 1, 1781, Caroline d. Oct. 15, 1837, ae. 56; Cathalyna, b. March 20, 1785; Margarita, b. Nov. 28, 1787; Rachel, b. Aug. 13, 1791.
Cooper, Willhelmus, and Marytje Beronger (Anna, M. Berringer). Ch: Christiaan, b. July 2, 1784; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1, 1787; Frederick, b. March 27, 1790.
Cooper, Pieter, and Anna Strong (Strunck), m. July 18, 1783. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1784; Johannes, Jan. 19, 1786; Hendrick, March 18, 1788; Annatie, b. March 14, 1790.
Cooper, William, and Maria Hilton. Ch: Sarah Hilton, b. Sept. 7, 1784.
Cooper, Obadiah F., and Len Albrecht, m. June 8, 1781. Ch: Cornelia b. May 22, 1786; Cornelia, b. Nov. 16, 1788.
Cooper, Thomas, and Lea Cooper, m. Sept. 6, 1786. Ch: Catharina, b. March 15, 1787.
Cooper, Paulus (same as last ?) and Lea Cooper. Ch: Abraham, b. May 10, 1789.
Copes, Isaac, and Mary McLean. Ch: Mary, bp. June 25, 1758.
Copley, Calvin, and Rachel Winne. Ch: Charles, b. Oct. 17, 1795.
Cornelise, Jesse, and Maria, his wife. Ch: Petrus, bp. June 2, 1717.
Cornelise, Jephta, and Christina Martense, m. April 30, 1716. Ch: Johannes, b. April 3, 1720.
Cornick (Cowneck), Jonathan, and Margaret Perry. Ch: Elizabeth, b. May 24, 1797; Catharine, b. Sept. 13, 1799.
Corsel, Jacob, and Catharina, his wife. Ch: Jacob Hendrick, bp. May 3, 1761; Catharina Margarita, bp. Jan. 2, 1763.
Cortney, John, first wife, Bregje Segers; second wife, Mary Teeser. Ch: Thomas, bp. Aug. 5, 1778; Judikje, b. Aug. 12, 1780; John, b. June, 1791.
Coster (Koster), Hendrick, m. Geertje Goosense Van Schaick, After his death in 1678 she married Johannes Lansingh. Ch: Anthony, eldest son; Goosen; Geeritje, wife of Johannes Roseboom; Antje, wife of Johannes Bleeker.
Coster, Anthony, baker, and Elizabeth Ten Broeck, m. Dec. 15, 1698. He was buried in the church, Feb. 6, 1753; she, on the 3d May, 1757. Ch: Henderick, bp. Sept. 3, 1699, buried in the church Sept. 17, 1745; Christiana, bp. Dec. 15, 1700; Geertrytje, bp. July 28, 1706; Ephraim, bp. Sept. 23, 1716.
Costigan, Francis, and Jane Hagerman. Ch: Grace, b. Nov. 16, 1797; Isaac, b. Nov. 7, 1799; John, b. May 4, 1801; Sarah, b. Oct. 1, 1806; Arma, b. Sept. 15, 1807.
Cowper, see Cooper.
Courtnie (Courtir), John, born in Ireland, and Marytje Vander Linde, widow of Jan Oliver, m. Aug. 3, 1735. Ch: Elisabeth, bp. jan. 25, 1736; John, bp. Feb. 12, 1744.
Cowenhoven, Samuel, and Catelyntje Wyntgaart. Ch: Samuel, bp. Dec. 17, 1758.
Crane, Josiah, Jr., and Carolina Walters. Ch: Maria Catharina, b. Sept. 23, 1783.
Cranker, Indlow (?), and Neeltie DeGarmo. Ch: Sara, b. Dec. 15, 1780.
Crannel (Grennel, Crellen, Crenel), William, and Margarita Benuewe (Bennoit), m. June 4, 1726. Ch: Robert, bp. July 10, 1726; Petrus, bp. Feb. 10, 1728; Petrus, bp. Jan. 9, 1732; William Winslow, bp. Jan. 28, 1739.
Crannell, Robert, and Ariaantje Bovie, m. Nov. 13, 1748. Ch: William Winslow, bp. Sept. 26, 1749; d. Dec. 27, 1828, ae. 80y.; Mattheus, bp. Aug. 4, 1751; Petrus, bp. Nov. 14, 1756; Petrus, bp. March 11, 1759.
Crannell, John, and Johanna McManna. Ch: Mary, bp. Sept.. 13, 1757.
Crannell, Pieter, and Catarina Egmont. Ch: Margarita, bp. Oct. 15, 1758; Annatie, b. Dec. 5, 1762; Sara Winselo (Winslow), b. Dec. 30, 1766; Jacob. b. Sept. 10, 1769; Willem, b. Sept. 18, 1771.
Crannell, John, and Volkie Van Alsteyn, m. Jan. 29, 1757. Ch: William, bp. Dec. 18, 1757; Isaac, bp. Jan. 4, 1760; Martin, b. Aug. 22, 1762; Robert, b. Nov. 17, 1764; Marytie, b. Feb. 6, 1767; Margarita, b. Dec. 21, 1770; Robert, bp. May 17, 1772.
Crannell (Crenel), Hendrik, and Jacomyntie Bloemendaal. Ch: Maas, b. Feb. 23, 1768; Margarita, b. Nov. 24, 1769; Cornelis Cadmus, b. Dec. 30, 1772; Rebecca, b. April 5, 1774; Robert, b. June 17, 1776; Johannes, b. March 22, 1779; Petrus, b. May 10, 1781.
Crannel, William Winselo (Winslow), and Marytje Eman, m. Jan. 9, 1780. He d. Dec. 27, 1828, ae. 80y. She d. Oct. 28, 1825. Ch: Ariaantie, b. Dec. 27, 1780; Mattheus, b. Nov. 9, 1784; Maria, b. Dec. 4, 1789; Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1790.
Crannel, Martin, and Caty Brokus. Ch: Baltus, b. Oct. 27, 1790.
Crannel, Isaac, and Mary (Maris), Morris, b. Nov. 24, 1789. Ch: Folkie, b. Oct. 29, 1790.
Crannel, Nicholas, and Gerritie Van den Bergh. Ch: Robert, b. June 17, 1793; Wynant, b. Oct. 9, 1796; Matthew, b. Sept. 9, 1800; Mary, b. June 31 [sic], 1802.
Creddisch, J., and Cornelia Buscher. Ch: John, bp. June 29, 1734.
Creeve (Creere), Thomas (Tam), and Jannetie, his w. Ch: Neeltje, bp. June 28, 1684; Johannes, bp. May 4, 1686; Johannes, bp. June 16, 1689.
Cregg (Gregg ?), John, and Sara his wife. Ch: Catharine, bp. June 22, 1781.
Cregier (Kregier), Capt. Martyn. He was the first burgomaster of New Amsterdam; a fearless and skillful military leader and an exemplary magistrate. Retiring from the city he settled on a plantation in Niskayuna, a portion of which is still held by his descendants, and there ended his days in the early part of 1713 (?) O'Callaghan's Hist. N. Netherland, II, 554). His children were, Martyn Frans, Catharina, and perhaps others. Frans was b. at Borcken in Holland; he settled as a merchant at New Castle on the Delaware, and was deceased in 1666, when his father and brother-in-law, De Dille, administered on his estate. He m. Walburga De Sille of Maestricht, Holland, Feb. 29, 1660, in New Amsterdam; after his death she m. Willem Bogardus. Catharina Cregier m. Nicasius De Sille, May 26, 1655, in New Amsterdam; in 1686 she was a widow and resided in Broad street.
Creiger (Krefier), Martyn, Jr., m. Jannetje Hendrickse Van Doesburgh, daughter of Maritie Damens, by her 2d husband, Hendrick Andriese Van Doesburgh, in Albany, Oct. 11, 1671. He was public clerk in New Amsterdam, from 1646 to 1661: probably removed to Albany about 1685; owned a lot inherited from his mother-in-law on the east side of North Pearl a little south of Steuben street; made his will Jan. 12, 1702; proved March 3, 1713/1712, in whcih he speaks of his w. Jannetje and all the children below written; d. Jan. 21, 1702. His wife made her will Aug. 22, 1734, proved June 10, 1741, and mentions all the children except Johanna; was buried in Niskayuna, Aug. 28, 1734. Ch: Martin; Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Van Olinda; Maria, w. of Johannes (?) Vreelandt; Annatie, w. of Victor Becker; Johanns, bp. in Albany, Sept. 19, 1686; Samuel, bp. in New York, July 23, 1690; Geertruy, bp. in Albany, July 23, 1693, m. Ulderick Van Vranken.
Cregier, Samuel and Geertruy Visscher, m. May 20, 1716, of Halfmoon, 1750. He d. Sept. 1777, aged 88 y. and was buried in Albany. His wife was buried in Albany, Sept. 9, 1754. Ch: Jannetje, b. Feb. 20, 1717; Martynus, b. Feb. 3, 1719; Dirkie, b. July 24, 1721; Bastiaan, b. Nov. 5, 1723; Anna, b. April 11, 1726; Marya, b. March 30, 1728; Abram, b. Jan. 20, 1730; Geertruy, b. Feb. 18, 1731; Hester, b. Sept. 11, 1733.
Cregier, Martinus, (son of Marten, Jr.), vintner, and Margaret Van Dolsen, m. in New York, July 29, 1702. She and the following children were living in New York in 1741. John, vintner and w. Anne; Henry, mariner; Martinus, mariner; Jane, spinster; Margaret, widow of Burdett Fleetwood, mariner.
Cregier, Martinus, and Sara Van Vranken. Ch: Geertruy, bp. Aug. 2, 1752; Elizabeth, bp. June 23, 1754; Maria, bp. Oct. 24, 1756.
Cregier, Bastiaan, m. 1st, Maria Fonda, d. Jan. 13, 1759; 2d, Derickie Visscher, both of Niskayuna, Jan. 12, 1765. He d. Dec. 17, 1795, aged 72 y. 1 m. 9 d. His w. Dirckie, d. Aug. 2, 1795, ae. 60 y. 4 m. 3 d. Ch: Samuel, b. June 22, 1769; Teunis, b. Jan. 31, 1771; Martinus, b. Feb. 23, 1775; Isaac, b. July 17, 1777.
Cregier, Martinus, and Cathlyntie, [De] Foreest. Ch: Sara, b. Nov. 15, 1780.
Cregier, Martinus, and Eva Vanden Bergh. Ch: Dirkie, b. Sept. 4, 1800; Sebastian, b. Nov. 17, 1802, and d. in Niskayuna, May 8, 1870, in 69th year.
Cregier, Samuel, and Mary Fairchild. Ch: Dirkie, b. Oct. 25, 1800; Ann Maria, b. Feb. 25, 1803.
Cremer (Krimer, Cramer), Jacob, and Maria Barbara. Ch: Georgius Matthias, bp. Nov. 21, 1761.
Cremer, Jurriaen, and Margarita. Ch: Petrus, b. Feb. 21, 1767; Laurens, b. March 30, 1769.
Crevel, see Cribel.
Crever, Johannes, and Marytje Kelmer. Ch: David, b. Oct. 9, 1771.
Cribel (Gruwel, Grewel, Crevel, Cruel), Francis, and Ann Palsin (Balsing, Baltz). Ch: Jellis, bp. Dec. 11, 1757; Catarina, bp. Oct. 21, 1758; Elizabeth, bp. April 13, 1766; Hendrik, b. April 3, 1764; Annatie, bp. May 29, 1768; Martinus, b. June 15, 1770.
Cromwell, Jacobus, of Schenectady, and Maria Phillipse m. in Schenectady, Sept. 26, 1703. Ch: Stephanus, bp. March 6, 1709. See also Schenectady Families.
Crook, see Kruck.
Croon, Dirk Janse, was appointed magistrate of Beverwyck in 1655, and again in 1658; 1660 superintendent of wells; in 1663, Juffrouw Maria Wessels, of New Amsterdam, claimed the half of his property on account of breach of promise. In 1664, he was probably in Amsterdam, Holland.
Crozier, Johannes, and Agnes Darrich. Ch: James, b. Nov. 10, 1778.
Cruiselaar, Silvester, and Maria Shram. Ch: Johannes, b. March 5, 1785.
Cruiff, see Gerbertse.
Crum, John, and Catharine Rudolff. Ch: John Rudolff, b. May 2, 1792.
Cry, Lourens, and Anna Margarita. Ch: Philip Frederick, bp. Jan. 30, 1770.
Cumming, Daniel, and Elizabeth (Abigail), Grant. Ch: Nancy, bp. Nov. 19, 1775; Margaret, April 18, 1779.
Cummings, Cornelis, and Hannah Swells. Ch: Margaret, b. May 22, 1778.
Cummings, John, and Isabella McCay. Ch: Mary, b. Dec. 15, 1781.
Cunningham, Henry, and Margaret. Ch: Margaret, bp. Dec. 13, 1747.
Cuyler (Coeyler, Coyler), Henderick, tailor, born in 1637, came to Albany about 1664, and bought a lot on the hill, on east side of North Pearl street near State, in 1680 he owned a lot on the south side of State street, west of Pearl "near ye Fort," which after his death passed into the possession of his son-in-law, Pieter Van Brugh. In 1675 he made his brother Reynier, "cnoopemaecker tot Amsterdam," his attorney to receive certain property of Pieter Nicolaas Gouverneur. He was deceased in 1691, and his wife Anna in 1703. Ch: Johannes, eldest, b. in 1661; Abraham, Maria, bp. in New York, March 13, 1678, and was licensed to marry John Crugger of New York, March 2, 1703; Anna, m. Myndert Schuyler; Sara, m. Pieter Van Brugh of New York, Nov. 2, 1688.
Cuyler, Johannes, trader, b. in 1641, eldest son of Hendrik Cuyler, admitted freeman of New York city 1696, mayor of Albany, 1725-6; he had a lot on east side of Pearl street second south of Steuben extending to James street. He m. Elsje Ren Broek, Nov. 2, 1684. She was buried in the church, April 14, 1746. Ch: Anna, bp. Nov. 29, 1685; Christina, bp. Sept. 25, 1687; Christina, bp. Dec. 4, 1689, buried in the church Nov. 20, 1755; Hendrick, bp. Jan. 10, 1692; Sara, bp. Oct. 22, 1793 [sic]; Elsje, bp. Aug. 25, 1695; Cornelis, bp. in New York, Feb. 14, 1697; Johannes, bp. Feb. 19, 1699; Maria, bp. Nov. 25, 1702; Elizabeth, bp. May 13, 1705; Rachel, bp. Sept. 21, 1707; Rachel, bp. Nov. 27, 1709.
Cuyler, Abraham, trader, m. Caatje Bleeker, Nov. 17, 1689. He was buried in the church, July 14, 1747; she d. April 8, 1734. Ch: Hendrick, b. in New York, Dec. 22, 1690; Grietje, b. Oct. 26, 1692; Anna, bp. April 14, 1695; d. Nov. 17, 1709; Johannes, b. June 21, 1698; Sara, bp. April 28, 1700; Maria, b. March 30, 1703; d. Feb. 16, 1722; Sara, bp. Oct. 6, 1706; Catharina, b. Feb. 18, 1709; Abraham, b. Dec. 27, 1713; Nicholaas, b. June 27, 1716.
Cuyler, Hendrick, Jr., m. Margarita Van Deusen, Dec. 1, 1722. Ch: Catharina, bp. July 14, 1723; Cathrina, bp. June 6, 1725; Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 15, 1726; Abraham, bp. May 25, 1729; Catalyna, bp. Aug. 22, 1730; Abraham, bp. Aug. 5, 1733.
Cuyler, Johannes A., m. Catharina Wendel, Oct. 28, 1727. He was buried Oct. 27, 1746; she was buried in the church, April 14, 1746. In 1729, he had a house lot on the east corner of Broadway and Steuben St. Ch: Elsie, bp. Sept. 15, 1728; Harmanus, bp. May 3, 1730; Johannes, bp. Sept. 21, 1731; Abraham, bp. Sept. 3, 1732; Catharina, bp. May 12, 1734; Cornelis, bp. Oct. 19, 1735; Anna, bp. Sept. 5, 1736; Margarita, bp. April 20, 1740; Jacob, b. Sept. 28, 1741; Jacob, bp. Jan. 10, 1746, d. in Coxsackie, Oct. 2, 1823.
Cuyler, Cornelis, m. Catharina Schuyler, Dec. 9, 726. In 1730 he had a house lot on south side of Steuben street, the fourth west of Chapel street. Ch: Johannes, bp. Jan. 29, 1729; Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 8, 1731; Philip, bp. Aug. 29, 1733; Hendrik, bp. Aug. 22, 1735; Elsie, bp. April 10, 1737, buried in the church, July 2, 1752; Margarieta, bp. Dec. 10, 1738; Cornelis, b. Oct. 31, 1740; Abraham, b. April 11, 1742 (Col. Abraham Cuyler, died at Yorkfield, Canada, Feb. 5, 1810, ae. 68); Dirk, bp. May 12, 1745.
Cuyler, Abraham, Jr., m. Jannetie Beeckman, May 5, 1744. Ch: Catharina, bp. Jan. 10, 1745.
Cuyler, Abraham, m. Catharine Wendel, April 1, 1762. Ch: Hendrick, b. Jan. 30, 1763; Jacob, b. March 1, 1765; Margarita, b. Feb. 2, 1768; Helena, b. Dec. 3, 1770; Hendrick, b. July 15, 1773.
Cuyler, Nicolaas, merchant, m. Maria Schuyler, May 11, 1745. She was buried at the Flats, Feb. 3, 1750. Ch: Catharine and Susanna, bp. Jan. 10, 1746; Abraham, bp. Nov. 20, 1748.
Cuyler, Cornelis, Jr., and Annatie Wendel. Ch: Catharina, b. Jan. 4, 1764.
Cuyler, Abraham C., m. Jannetie Glen, April 10, 1764. He was mayor of Albany, 1770-8, and d. in Yorkfield, Canada, Feb. 5, 1810, ae. 68 years. Ch: Cathalina, b. June 17, 1765; Jacob, b. Aug. 15, 1766; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 5, 1767; Cornelis, b. July 7, 1769; Jacob Glen, b. Aug. 20, 1773.
Cuyler, Philip, and Sarah. Ch: Cathalyna Sophia, b. Jan. 19, 1766.
Cuyler, Jacob, and Lydia Van Vechten, m. March 5, 1764. He d. June 5, 1804, ae. 62 y. 6 m. Ch: Johannes, b. Aug. 14, 1766, d. Aug. 7, 1811, ae. 45 y.; Dirk, b. Oct. 9, 1767, c. March 31, 1800, ae. 32 y. 5 m. 22 d.; Catharina, b. June 22, 1770; Jacob, b. Nov. 21, 1772; Glen, b. Feb. 18, 1775; Tobias Van Vechten, b. Nov. 4, 1777; Cornelis, b. May 7, 1780.
Cuyler, Abraham N., and Margarita Wendell. Ch: Nicolaas, b. April 13, 1765; Catharina, b. and bp. "op desen dag," Feb. 27, 1771; Maria, b. Feb. 15, 1773; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1775; Robert, b. Sept. 9, 1777; Jeremie, bp. March 8, 1782.
Cuyler, Harmanus, and Elizabeth Van Bergen. Ch: Johannes, b. May 29, 1774.
Cuyler, Cornelis, and Jannetie Yates. Ch: Joseph, b. Aug. 20, 1779; Cornelis, Aug. 15, 1781; Cornelis, b. Feb. 15, 1783; Maria, b. Feb. 22, 1785.
Cuyler, John C., and Hannah Mayley. He d. Oct. 25, 1828, in his 63 year. Ch: Caty, b. ----- 12, 1788; John Mayley, b. Nov. 25, 1796; Augustus, b. Jan. 7, 1799; William Tremper, b. Dec. 21, 1801; Catharine Mayley, b. Feb. 6, 1807.
Cuyler, John J., m. Jennet Wray, Feb. 6, 1789; she died, Nov. 16, 1789, ae. 20 y. 1 m. 26 d. Ch: George Wray, bp. Nov. 15, 1789.
Cuyler, Jacob A., and Rebecca Kane (Cane). Ch: William, b. April 14, 1790; Elizabeth, b. Feb. 1, 1792; Abraham, b. Aug. 8, 1796; Abraham, b. March 15, 1798; Philip Stephen Van Rensselaer, b. Nov. 17, 1799; Henry, b. May 3, 1803, Henry, b. March 23, 1804.
Cuyler, John T., and Mary Vernor. Mary Vernor, relict of John Cuyler, and daughter of John and Eve Vernor, d. July 20, 1846, ae. 70 y. 9 m. 14 d. Ch: Vernor, b. June 19, 1799; Peter Schuyler, b. July 28, 1801.
Cuyler, Glen, and Mary Forman Ledyard. Ch: Benjamin Ledyard, b. Sept. 18, 1797; Richard Glen, b. July 2, 1799.
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