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Abbreviations used in the following pages: Ch: children; b., born; bp., baptized; m., married; ae., aged; d., died.
Aarnout (See Arnold)
Abbot (Ebbet), James, and Lena Sting. Ch: Johannes b. Feb 4, 1767.
Abbot, William, and Margaret (Mary) Jackson; m. Nov. 30, 1777 Ch: Jane b. Oct. 8, 1779; Margaret b. Nov. 6, 1781; Nancy b. June 20, 1783.
Abeel, Stoffel Janse; master carpenter; in Beverwyck in 1653; Feb 3, 1655, he was aged about 32 years; his wife was Neeltie Janse Croon; Dec. 4, 1670, made his will in which he mentions the following children: Magdalena, then aged 17 and already married; Maria aged 14; Johannes aged 11; and Elizabeth.
Abeel, Johannes, m. Catalina Schuyler, April 10, 1694; merchant; removed to New York city about 1696, but returned; mayor of Albany, 1694-5 and 1709-10; his gravestone dug up near the 2d Dutch Church, had the following inscription:
"Here lies the body of John Abeel who departed this life ye 28th day of
Jany., 1711, and in the 44 year of his age.
"Dient begin van wel te leven
"Gingh der weer den Hemel waert
"Uyt den Hemel was gegeven
"Storf maar verliet de Aert."
Ch: Neeltie, bp. in Albany, April 14, 1695; Christoffel, bp. in New York, Dec. 16, 1696; Catalina, bp. in New York, Oct. 23, 1698; Neeltie, bp. in Albany, March 30, 1701; Jannetie, bp. in Albany, June 6, 1703; David, bp. in Albany, April 29, 1705, m. Maria Duyckink of New York, Feb. 4, 1726.
Abeel, Christoffel, and Margarita Bries, m. Sept. 23, 1720. Ch: Joannes, bp. April. 8, 1722, "an alleged lunatic;" Anthony, bp. Jan. 22, 1724; Anthony Bries, bp. April 11, 1725; David, bp. Aug. 13, 1727; Catharina, bp. Dec. 13, 1729; Rutgart, bp. Feb. 5, 1732; Cathalyna, bp. June 9, 1734; Jacobus, bp. Jan. 26, 1736; Maria, bp. April 27, 1740.
Abeel, David Jr., m. Neeltie Van Bergen "Van Katskil," July 2, 1752. Ch: Annatie, bp. March 1, 1753.
Abeel, Jacobus, m. Egbertie (Abigail) Van Buren, "Van Papsknee" Nov. 18, 1757. Ch: Margarita, bp. Aug. 27, 1758; Willem, bp. Nov. 21, 1761; Christoffer, b. Aug. 22, 1764; Cornelis, b. Feb. 13, 1767; Margarita, b. July 3, 1769; Hendrik, Jan. b. 4, 1772 [sic]; Cathalyna, bp. July 17, 1774; Margarita, b. July 22, 1779.
Abel, Jacob, and Elizabeth Humbert. Ch: Johan Hendrik, bp. Jan. 13, 1754.
Abel, Andries, m. Annatie (Johanna), Marshall, Aug. 24, 1771. Ch: Hendrick, b. May 25, 1772; Annatie, b. June 19, 1774; Johannes, b. Jan. 1, 1777; Andries, b. March 12, 1779; Elizabeth, b. April 6, 1784; Geertruy, b. Oct. 7, 1788; Peter, b. April 25, 1793.
Abrahamse (see Tietsoort), Anthony, and Catrina. Ch: Johannes, bp. Feb. 10, 1712; Neeltie, bp. Nov. 22, 1719; Lydia, bp. July 2, 1721.
Abrahamse, Johannes, m. Catharyna Schians, Aug. 14, 1739. Ch: Anthony, bp. March 23, 1740; Christiaan, bp. Jan. 24, 1742.
Acker, Joost, and Margarita Wever. Ch: Nicolaas, b. Jan. 7, 1762; Margarita, b. Dec. 3, 1765.
Acker, Hendrick, and Margarita Land. Ch: Albert and Michael, b. April 16, 1783.
Ackerman, Gilbert, and Rachel De Garmo, m. Feb. 14, 1799. He d. Oct. 11, 1834, ae. 66 y. 10 mo.: She d. Aug. 10, 1827, in her 54th yr. Ch: Jacob, b. Oct. 22, 1799; Richard, b. April 6, 1800; Elizabeth, b. April 14, 1802.
Ackerson, John, and Maria. Ch: Cornelis, b. May 30, 1728.
Ackerson, John, and Engeltie Vrooman. Ch: Adam, b. May 19, 1769.
Ackerson, Cornelis, m. Rebecca Van Santvoord, March 2, 1770. Ch: Margarita, b. June 11, 1771; Willempi(l?)e, b. June 2, 1773.
Adams, James, m. Margarita Hegeman, "Van Neskatha" Nov. 12, 1752. Ch: Willem, bp. July 29, 1753; Albertus, bp. Oct. 23, 1755; Albertus, bp. Sept. 11, 1757.
Adams, John, and Mary. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. June 23, 1765.
Adams, Willem, and Hester Willis (Willson). Ch: Margarita, b. July 8, 1776; Maria, b. Jan. 19, 1790.
Adams, Peter C., and Catalina Van Bergen. Ch: William Van Bergen, b. Dec. 6, 1796.
Adriaensen, Van Veere, Maryn, a noted free-booter who came to Beverwyck in 1631 and afterwards figured disreputably in Gov. Kieft's time in New Amsterdam, - O'Callaghan's Hist., N.N.
Adriaensen, Gysbert, Van Bunick, came out to Beverwyck in 1638 in the "Key of Calmar."--O'Callaghan's Hist. N.N.
Adriaensen, Jacob, Van Utrecht, at Beverwyck in 1639 to 1657, perhaps the same as Jac. Adr. Soogemakelyk, alias Van Woggelum.
Adriaensen, Rut or Rutger. Held a patent for a lot in Beverwyck in 1652, which he sold to Frederick & Henderick Gerritse.
Aertse, Rut (perhaps the same as the last,) in 1674 owned a house next to that of Pieter Clairbout on north side of State street between James street and Broadway.
Aertse, or Aerse, Wouter, Van Nieukerck, sashmaker, a soldier in the W.I. Company's service in Director Kieft's time; in 1678 he bought of Sweer Theunise Van Velsen a lot on the west corner of Broadway and Van Tromp street.
Aertse, Jacob, and Sarah Pels. Ch: Jacob, bp. Feb. 20, 1695.
Aherrin, James, and Mary Haines. Ch: Susanna Haines, bp. July 16, 1779.
Albertsen, Hendrick came out a second time in 1642 with his wife Geertruy Dries and her brother Hendrick Dries, Van Driesbergen. He was the first ferry master; died in 1648 or 1649. - O'Callaghan's Hist. N.N.
Albrecht, Hendrick, and Elizabeth Folent (Foland). Ch: Johannes, bp. Aug. 6, 1749; Eva, bp. Sept. 29, 1751; Anna, bp. Nov. 11, 1753; Philip, bp. Sept. 28, 1755; Helena, bp. Jan. 15, 1758; Jacob, b. Oct. 11, 1763; Hendrick, b. Oct. 10, 1765; Frederic, bp. April 10, 1768.
Albrecht, Johannes, and Rosina Buis or Briesch, m. Jan. 31, 1779. Ch: Hendrick, bp. March 5, 1780.
Allen, John, and Eleanor Sullivan. Ch: John, bp. Jan. 22, 1758.
Allen, David, and Jennet Stewart. Ch: Alexander, bp. March 26, 1779; John, b. April 27, 1780; James, b. March 26, 1782.
Allen, James, and Mary Halenbeck. Ch: William, b. May 4, 1795.
Allertsen, Frans, cooper, at Beverwyck in 1638, afterwards at New Amsterdam.
Amory, John, m. Neeltie Staats, Nov. 9, 1769. Ch: Elizabeth, bp. June 28, 1772.
Anderson, Walter, and Ann ...... Ch: Christian, bp. June 24, 1758.
Andrew, Thomas, and Rachel Ostrander, of Halve Maan. Ch: Sara, b. July 3, 1773.
Andriese, Arent (Van Frederickstadt) came to Beverwyck in 1636; perhaps the same as Ar. And. Bratt, which see.
Andriese, Jan, "de Iersman Van Dublingh" alias Jantie (Johnny.) He settled in Beverwyck before 1645; afterwards at Catskil where he bought land of Pieter Bronck; in 1657 he was complained of by Hans de Vos for selling brandy to the Indians at Catskil. He died in 1664. His bouwery contained 69 morgens besides a lot for a homestead.
Anthony, Israel, and Elizabeth Van Arnhem. Ch: Alida, b. March 16, 1788.
Anthonyse, Egbert, and ...... Ch: Barent, b. May 10, 1684.
Any, David, and Anna Maria ...... Ch: Jacob, bp. May 13, 1764.
Appel, Adriaen Janse, from Leyden; 1654 received a patent for a lot at Beverwyck on condition that the house to be erected thereon be not an ordinary tippling house but an inn for travelers; 1656 he sued Marcelis Janse for the loss of an anker of brandy by drawing it with violence through the streets; 1676-86 he was one of the four school-masters of Albany. He resided for a time at New Amsterdam. He had two sons, Johannes and Willem, who at different times resided at Schenectady, Albany and New York; at the former place they were both wounded by the French and Indians in their attack upon the village Feb. 9, 1690.
Appelstouwn (Appleton?) John, "geboren tot Leicester in oude England," m. Annatie Casparus, Oct. 11, 1701. Ch: Johannes, bp. March 29, 1702.
Archard (Orchard?) Matthew, and Elizabeth Murphy. Ch: Rachel, bp. July 25, 1790.
Archer (Archel) and Mary ...... Ch: Mary, born in Feb. in Kinderhook and bp. March 11, 1722 (Athens Luth. Ch.); Sara, bp. Feb. 16, 1726.
Ariaen, Meester (Doctor), was in Beverwyck in 1665.
Arissen, Gerrit, and wife ...... Chk: Arien, bp. Sept. 9, 1683.
Armstrong, John, and Catryna De Garmo. Ch: Catharina, bp. Dec. 12, 1730; Maria, bp. Nov. 25, 1733.
Arnold (Arnout), Jacob of Normanskil; first wife Margriet Arnold. Ch: Isaac, bp. Dec. 26, 1742; second wife Anna Mook, m. Nov. 10, 1751. Ch: Jacob, bp. April 26, 1752; Margarita, bp. Dec. 16, 1753; Elizabeth, bp. July 18, 1756; Johannes, b. June 5, 1762; Hendrik, b. Oct. 26, 1765.
Arnold, Johannes, and Annatie Hillebrand. Ch: Annatie, b. Feb. 23, 1766.
Arnold, Elias, and Geertruy Groesbeeck. Ch: Annatie, b. July 22, 1779; Gysbert, b. July 26, 1781; Elizabeth, b. March 4, 1784; Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1785; Neeltie, b. March 12, 1789; Gerrit, b. June 18, 1791; Maria, b. Oct. 27, 1793.
Arnold, Hendrick, and Jannetie Van Alstyne. Ch: Jacobus, b. Nov. 1, 1786; Caty, b. May 22, 1790.
Arnold, Isaac, of the Hellenberg, and Gerritie Huyck. Ch: Margarita, b. Aug. 12, 1790.
Arnold, Isaac, and Sophia Philips. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Dec. 28, 1794; Catharine, b. Jan. 23, 1799.
Arnot, John, and Mary Walley, m. Jan. 21, 1794. Ch: Jacob, bp. April 12, 1802.
Arnoud (see Arnold), Johannes, and Elizabeth Bries (Buis, Buisch). Ch: Ariaantie, bp. April 19, 1778; Hendrik, b. Jan. 8, 1780; Pieter, b. May 29, 1784; Jacobus, June 19, 1790.
Atkinson, Peter, and Ann Griffin. Ch: Isabella, b. Nov. 14, 1777.
Auringer, Marten, and Christina Sheer. Ch: Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1778.
Auringer, Marten, and Maria Buis. Ch: Margarita, b. June 13, 1789.
Austin, Aaron, and Elsie Austin. Ch: Cornelis, b . Oct. 3, 1782.
Austin, Robert, and Mary Parks. Ch: Matthew, b. Feb. 21, 1799; Penelope, b. Dec. 3, 1800.
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