Moses Clement, was the eldest son of John Clement, a farmer of New Hampshire, where Moses was born, in Hopkinton, N. H., March 20th, 1780. He studied medicine with Dr. Eben Learned, and attended lectures at Dartmouth College. He received his license to practice from the New Hampshire Medical Society, on the 4th of June, 1807. Ammi K. Cutler being President, and L. Spaulding, Secretary. Dr. Clement settled in Coeymans, in 1808, where he continued to reside during the whole of his life. He united with the County Medical Society in 1821. Dr. Clement married Rachael Capron of Coeymans, by whom he had one son, and three daughters. He died of Pneumonia, on the 3d day of December, 1831, at the age of fifty-one years, having been in practice twenty-five years.