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By the death of Frederick L, Tremain, my first born child has been removed from my family, in the morning of his life, and his name added to the honored roll of patriot martyrs who have fallen in the recent struggle for national existence.
When one so brave and patriotic, so good and generous, and, I may add, so talented and distinguished as the subject of this memoir, gives his young life to his country, the promptings of justice and patriotism alone, would require that some record of his example and his services should be preserved.
The voluntary testimonials to his virtues, and to the estimation in which he was held by his brother officers in the army, and by others, who knew him intimately, have been so numerous and emphatic, and the expressions of public sympathy and sorrow so extraordinary and general, as to justify a more enduring memorial than can be supplied by written letters, or the newspapers of the day.
Nor, as I believe, can this labor of love devolve on any one more fitly than on me. No earthly vanity, no vain desire to obtain earthly fame for my gallant boy, exerts any influence upon my action. How vain and empty are earthly fame and worldly honors to him whose remains are deposited in the tomb! How hollow and unsatisfactory are these to one crushed and prostrate under a blow so severe and bewildering, as that I have received!
Were it not for other duties and obligations, often would I have been disposed to use the mourning lamentation of David for his dead son: "O my son Absalom! my son, my son Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son."
But Absalom lost his life while he was engaged in a treasonable conspiracy against the government and authority of his Royal father, while my son offered his, in obedience to the call of his country, and in the performance of the highest duty that could rest upon him as a dutiful, loyal, obedient and faithful son and citizen.
While so much of my happiness, my hopes and my heart lie buried with my brave boy, it may afford me some solace—it is the very least tribute I can offer to his memory—to perform the melancholy office of doing justice to his career.
It may serve to remind my descendants of the household monument which can be seen in my family, so long as that family shall exist.
It may serve to teach them the wickedness and sin of treason against a beneficent government! It may tend to strengthen their love for a country, the preservation of which has demanded so costly a sacrifice! It may stimulate them to take a higher view of their duty to their country and their God! The bright example of this young patriot may nerve their arm, and strengthen their heart, to offer any and all necessary sacrifices, even the sacrifice of life itself, higher than which can no man give, for the preservation of our country, our union, and our free institutions!
Frederick Lyman Tremain was the eldest child of Lyman and Helen Cornwall Tremain, and was born at Durham, Greene county, N. Y., on the 13th of June, 1843. He died at City Point Hospital, Virginia, on the 8th of February, 1865, from a gunshot wound received in battle, near Hatcher's Run, on the 6th of February, being twenty-one years, seven months and twenty-four days old at the time of his death.
Of his ancestry, all that I propose to state in this connection is that he descended, both on his father's and mother's side, from revolutionary stock. His paternal great-grandfather, Nathaniel Tremain, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, who died, highly esteemed and respected, at Pittsfield, Berkshire county, Mass. His maternal great-grandfather, Captain Dan. Cornwall, was also a soldier of the Revolution, and a worthy citizen, who died at Cornwallsville, Greene county, N. Y.
In his boyish career, there is little to record, which is worthy of special notice. While he was by no means precocious, he was a remarkably bright, intelligent and active boy. His nature was so genial and generous that he was always a favorite, not only with his youthful comrades, but with all who were brought in contact with him.
He had a remarkable facility in the acquisition of knowledge, and, apparently without effort, mastered whatever lessons were required of him, in and out of school. In all boyish sports and athletic exercises, he was an acknowledged leader. He displayed then, and through his subsequent life, an unusual degree of mechanical ingenuity.
There was one trait in his character which was developed at a very early period, and which became, afterwards, prominent and extraordinary. This was his wonderful courage, coolness and self-reliance. Many instances to illustrate this characteristic might be related, commencing as early as when he was three years old, but I refrain from giving them a place here, fearful that their publication might be ascribed to an overweening parental fondness. Quick in forming his conclusions, prompt in action, fertile in resources, obstacles and difficulties served only to stimulate him in the execution of his purposes, and rare, very rare, was the instance, so rare, indeed, that no case can be now recalled, in which he failed to accomplish, successfully, whatever he undertook.
His religious education was carefully attended to, and, at an early age, he received the holy rite of baptism, in the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Oak Hill, under the ministration of the Rev. L. A. Barrows. The following extract is from a letter received from this faithful minister and good man, written at Norfolk, St. Lawrence county, his present residence:
"We feel to deeply sympathize with you under the dark cloud which this sudden and unexpected bereavement has thrown over you. Since such is the melancholy fact, that a dear child, a brilliant youth, in the defence of his country, has been called from your paternal embrace, let faith lift the veil, and view in a world of bliss, future scenes more glorious than could have been won here on battle fields. Feederick is gone. I placed the form of the cross upon his forehead, and, as in life, so in death, let us believe that he triumphed over the spiritual enemy, and is now rejoicing in the kingdom of God."
Here let me add that, after his death, there was found in his camp tent, carefully preserved, a copy of the Holy Bible, given
to him by his dear mother, with a mark placed at chapters five and six of Matthew, which contain that sublime and comprehensive epitome of man's whole duty, Christ's sermon on the mount.
In November, 1853, he removed, with his father's family, from Durham to the city of Albany, where he continued to reside until his death. Here several years were passed in faithful and diligent study, preparatory to his college education. The schools he attended in the city were the Albany Boys' Academy, and afterwards the Classical Institute, in Eagle street, of which Prof. Charles H. Anthony was Principal. Under the instruction of this excellent and faithful teacher he spent between two and three years of his life. Between Mr. Anthony and his young pupil, relations of friendship were contracted which continued in full force to the end. The photograph of this teacher of his boyhood was found, after his death, among the valued memorials in
his army trunk.
In 1858, Frederick entered the classical school for boys, under the charge of Mr. James Sedgwick, at Great Barrington, Mass. In this beautiful New England village he remained, pursuing his studies and attracting the affectionate regard of teachers and schoolmates, for one year.
In the spring of 1859, he became a pupil in the celebrated school for boys, under the charge of the Rev. Thomas C. Reed,
D. D., at Walnut Hill, Geneva. He continued in Dr. Reed's school until the summer of 1860, when several of his school companions were examined for admission into Hobart College, Geneva, and Frederick, who had formed very strong attachments with them, also applied and passed his examination, and having been found qualified, was admitted into the Freshman Class and entered that college at the commencement of the college year in September, 1860.
The two years, or nearly two years of his college life were marked by no unusual incidents. Many warm friendships were formed, and his genial and unselfish character, as well as his excellent natural abilities, were duly appreciated.
By the firing upon Fort Sumter his patriotism was aroused, and he experienced an ardent desire to become a volunteer in the Army of the Union. About this time the people of Geneva were engaged in organizing an engineer corps, under the command of Mr. Charles B. Stuart, formerly State Engineer and Surveyor. Frederick desired to enlist, and applied to his father for his permission; but, there being at that time no difficulty in procuring volunteers, and his college career having commenced only the fall before, the paternal consent was then withheld—not finally, but for the present.
In December, 1861, the annual sophomore exercises in public speaking took place, and Frederick was selected as one of the thirteen speakers of his class to participate in them. In a letter inviting his parents to attend, he writes: "I think you will not hear any bad speaking; but, on the contrary, will hear much good speaking on the occasion." The exhibition took place at Linden Hall, in the presence of a large and intelligent audience, and he acquitted himself quite creditably. In the "Geneva Gazette" his performance was specially mentioned in complimentary and flattering terms.
During the summer of 1862, after the President's call for more men appeared, Frederick, who had never for a moment relinquished his desire to enter the army, again urged his father to yield his consent. The author was thus brought face to face with the stern reality of war, and he was called upon to determine the question whether the application of this loved son
should be granted or denied. He had, from the commencement of the great conflict, labored, to the extent of his ability, to convince his countrymen that it was their duty to sustain the Government and overthrow the rebelllion. He had exerted whatever influence he possessed, by public addresses and in various other modes, to induce men to take the field against the enemies of the country. The conviction that it was the solemn duty of every American citizen to sustain the authority and preserve the life of the nation at any and all sacrifices, was as full and complete as the human mind was capable of entertaining. This conviction formed a part of his very being, and he believed that, in this great crisis of the nation's peril, his duty to his beloved country was second only to his duty to his God.
Adherence to this conviction had already caused the sundering of ties and associations cherished through life, and thereby produced an amount of mental suffering capabIe of being endured only by the consciousness of duty performed. More than one year's terrible experience in the sanguinary struggle, had revealed the dangerous character of the conspiracy formed to overthrow the Union and our Republican institutions, and to strengthen the belief, that without universal self-denial and united action among the friends of the Republic, all would be lost, and once gone, could never be regained.
Should he now refuse to make the sacrifice required, by permitting that son to aid in the defence of his imperiled country, a sacrifice which he had been asking others to make? Should he withhold from the service of that country one who possessed the ability and the desire to make himself useful in the contest? Should he be subjected to the reproach of having urged others to send their sons, brothers and relatives to the war, and yet shrink from the application of the stern test of sincerity and patriotism in the case of his own son?
Should he compel that son to feel and, perhaps, to admit, in future times, that he was withheld from going forth to fight against his country's enemies by his own father, and that father, one who had professed to be in favor of prosecuting the war with all the power and resources of the nation?
After careful deliberation, aided by the best lights which his imperfect human reason afforded, he resolved that his consent should no longer be withheld, and it was granted. And now, with the bright hopes and brilliant promises that clustered around that gallant youth forever extinguished—now, with soul and spirit crushed by the traitorous bullet which took his young life—now, with the prop on which I had fondly hoped to lean, in my declining years, shivered to atoms, the question comes home to me: Did I right in yielding that consent? and down, down from the inmost recesses of my soul, the still small voice of conscience whispers an affirmative response.
The consent of his mother followed, and Frederick immediately began his arrangements for the new field of duty, with great earnestness and energy. He had already become a member of Company A, of the Zouave Cadets, a uniformed company in the Tenth Regiment of Militia, and had been engaged in acquiring the drill and the necessary military science. This company has become highly distinguished during the war. It can point, on its muster rolls, to many names among the noblest, most gifted and patriotic of the young men of Albany. It has already sent more than ninety of its members to the field, each one of whom has earned and obtained a commission, many of high rank, and all of respectable position.
Having obtained from Hobart College, an honorable dismissal, his attention was immediately devoted to the new regiment of
infantry, known as the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment of New York Volunteers, which was then in the process of being organized in the city of Albany.
For the purpose of organizing this regiment, His Excellency, Governor Morgan, had designated a war committee, embracing some of the most patriotic and influential citizens of Albany, and the committee held daily sessions at the Mayor's room in the City Hall. It was resolved to make this regiment one of the best that had been sent forth from the State. The Governor had entrusted to the committee the duty of recommending suitable persons to obtain authorization papers, to recruit volunteers with reference to having commissions, as lieutenants and captains, issued to those who were able to recruit the requisite number of men.
Frederick promptly applied to the committee, and was thefirst ptiisuii who received from the Adjutant General, on the
recommendation of the committee, authority to obtain recruits
for the new regiment. He erected his tent in front of Capitol
Park, in State street, issued his posters, associated with him
young Ore and young McEwen, (the former of whom has since
lost his life in the army, and the latter is now Judge Advocate
of the First Division, Second Arm}- Corps, having been for some
time a prisoner at Libliy Prison, Richmond) and proceeded, with
vio-or and eneraT, to obtain volunteers. Indeed, the real manhood
of his character was displayed from the moment he felt
the responsibilities of his position, and continued to manifest
itself, more and more clearlj^, in every subsequent stage of his
The late Adjutant General, John T. Sprague, then a Major in
the United States Army, was on duty for the Government at
Albany, as an auditing and disbursing ofiicer. The war committee
unanimously designated him as the Colonel of the new
regiment, and he accepted the position. The Government at
Washington, however, soon after this, declined to relieve him
from duty in the regular army, and hence he was only enabled
to act as Colonel for a very few days. During that time, however,
discovering the nccessit}' of an Adjutant for the regiment,
and being acquainted with Frederick, Col. Sprague kindly- tendered
him the position of Adjutant. It was accepted, and his
selection approved by Gov. INIgrgan.
In the time that intervened, prior to the period when the regiment
left Albany, which was about thirty da3's, the whole duty of
organizing it, and getting it into proper working order, devolved
upon the new Adjutant.
To the faithful discliarge of these duties, Frederick devoted
himself, days and nights, dividing his time l)etween the headquarters
in Broadway and the barracks. IIow readily he mastered
those duties, and how well he performed them, may be
inferred from the frequent compliments bestowed upon him 1)y
the committee, who were superintending his movements, and
who Avere surprised and gratitied by the qualities he exhibited.
If any apprehensions had been entertained, by reason of theAdjutant's youth, it is believed they were entirely and speedily
Leavis O. Morris, the Coloncd, who was seleeted to command
the new regiment, was a valualde and accomplished otHcer. He
had been fifteen years in the army, and bore an enviable reputation
as an artillery officer.
About the lUth of August, 18(32, the One Hundred and Thirteenth
Regiment, with ten hundred and sixty bayonets, left the
city of Albany, under orders to report at Washington. It was
one of the first regiments placed in the field, under the President's
call, and received a beautiful stand of colors, as well as
the Springfield nmskets, which had been promised to each of the
first four regiments. A finer regiment, or one carrying with it
so many good wishes and so much interest, on the part of Alljanians,
never left our city.
When the regiment reached Washington, the ofiicer in charge
of its defences, knowing the skill of Col.- Morris as an artillery
officer, procured the assignment of the regiment to duty upon
the defences of the city, where it was, not long afterwards, converted
into the Seventh New York Artillery.
The ensuing fifteen months were passed Ij}' Frederick, with
his regiment, near Fort Reno, about five miles from Washington.
He applied himself diligently to the acquisition of the knowledge
required in the artillery service. Part of the time he was enp-
ao-ed in teachino- a school of officers in military tactics. He
devoted himself faithfully to the performance of his official
duties. Twice I had the pleasure of visiting him there, and
could not fail to discover that he was a universal favorite with
the officers and men.
He became thoroughly familiar with his new profession. About
the time of leaving the regiment, he happened one day to be
engaged with a brother officer in discussing the subject of being
examined, as to qualifications, before a military board in session
at Washinoton, when Frederick volunteered to be examined.
His duties called him frequently to Washington, and soon afterwards
he presented himself before the board, and Avas sul^jectecl
to a thorough examination, the result of which was that he passedthe cxamiiuition successfully, and was tendered, in a fcAV days, a
Lieutenant Colonel's commission in a colored regiment, but
meantime he had received another appointment, which he preferred.
At one time he had a severe attack of typhoid fever, produced
by the miasma of the Potomac, to which he was exposed in the
discharge of his official duties, and under the advice of his surgeon,
he obtained a short leave of absence and visited his home,
but soon returned to his duties with renewed zeal and energy.
In writing to me that he had deemed it best for his health to
make a short visit home, his surgeon says:
" The Adjutant was quite unwilling to listen to the suggestion,
but deeming it best, I insisted, im})eratively, and shall apply for
a furlough to-morrow.
"Eegretting the necessity which separates him, even temporarily,
from the staff, on his own account, I should do myself
injustice, as well as injustice to my brother officers, if I omitted
to state that we shall wait anxiously to hear of his convalescence,
and to welcome him again to the regiment."
Frederick was a uniA^ersal favorite among the common soldiers.
He always treated them with kindness and justice. Quick
to discover real merit in a private, and mingling much with the
men, his opinions concerning promotions had great influence
with Colonel INIorrts, and many a deserving soldier has been
indel)ted for his promotion from the ranks, to the aid and recommendation
of the Adjutant.
He began, after more than a year had elapsed, and still no
orders to move came, to desire more active service. The conversion
of his regiment into an artillery regiment, thus placing
it in a higher l)ranch of service, had been gratifying to him, but
he had not anticipated so long a continuance of garrison duty,
and, having reason to believe that the regiment might remain
doing that duty for a long time, and perhaps until the end of the
war, his active spirit began to chafe imder the monotony of his
present life. Animated l)y an honoral)le ambition, he could not
enjoy a life of inglorious ease.
He wrote several letters to the author, expressing these feelings, and desiring his aid in o1)taining a position where lie might
have an opportunity to aequire distinction, and strike a ])low at
the enemies of his eountr3^
Intlueneed l)y these appeals, the author applied for, and, in
N()vem1)er, obtained, for Frederick, Presidential appointment
as Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain; an
appointment which was suhseqnently conlirmed hy the Senate.
I was present when this appointment was handed to him by that
devoted patriot and able cabinet officer, Edwin M. Stanton. He
observed, as he gave it, "I trust I shall hereafter have the pleasure
of conferring on you higher honors;" to which Frederick
modestly replied, " I hope my future conduct will give you no
reason to regret the confidence reposed in me."
Frederick had learned of the reputation already acquired by
that ])rave and rising young General, Henry E. Davies, Jr., of
the cavalry service, and he asked for and obtained an order to
re})ort to him for duty. Plis departure from the old Seventh
Regiment was the occasion for man}' regrets, with officers and
men, and with himself. The officers assembled to bid him an
aflectionate farewell, and the regimental band serenaded him on
the eve of his departure. This noble regiment took the field
the following spring with more than one thousand seven hundred
and sixty bayonets, and of these brave men how^ few, either officers
or men, are now surviving!
On the 12th of November, soon after his departure. Colonel
Morris issued an order a]ipointing his successor, which was duly
made pul)lic, and contained the following handsome allusion to
the late Adjutant:
"The Colonel commanding, while he rejoices at the promotion
of Ca})tain Tremain, regrets that it will send him to a new field
of duty, and sever his connection with this regiment.
"Pie will bear with him the best wishes of the officers of the
regiment for his future welfiire and success."
Pursuant to orders, Frederick reported for duty to General
Davies, then commanding the First Brigade in the Third Division
of the Cavalry Coi'ps. The new field of duty thus opened
to him, was specially suited to his taste and feelings. It was thecavalry service, and the excitement, life and dash of that arm of
the service were pecnliarly adapted to his ardent and enthusiastic
nature. He became devotedly fond of the cavaby service; the
remainder of his life was spent in it, and he became more and
more interested in and attached to it. An accomplished and
veteran ofKcer, who knew him well, and who had been for
nearly a year in the same division with him, remarked to the
author recently, " Frederick was our beau ideal of a cavalry
oificer. Brave, generous and chivalrous, he attracted our admiration.
We were all proud of him. He had no enemy in the
corps, and he achieved a reputation for gallantry equal to that of
any otiicer in the army."
In the month of April commenced those grand movements of
the cavalry which have become already historic. From that
time, down to his death, the active military career of Frederick
may be said to have been accomplished. He was an actor in
those mighty military movements on which depended the fate
of the nation. He was a soldier of the Eepublic in the great
Army whose tread shook the Continent of America, and whose
heroic deeds have excited the wonder and admiration of the
To the pen of history belongs the noble task of recording the
military operations in which he had the honor to participate
dui'ing the ever memorable campaign of 1864. And yet, when
WT consider the bloody and obstinate nature of the battles that
wei'e fought; the glorious and unconquerable resolution which
was displayed in conducting the movements of the Union armies;
the immense loss of human life; the masterl}^ comlnnations of
those armies; the vast extent of country which constituted the
field of their display; the number of those brilliant raids performed
by the cavalrj^ alone, through the heart of an enemy's
country, each one constituting an interesting history of itself;
the toil, the sacrifices, the fatigue, sufferings, and perils to which
the heroic soldiers in those armies were continually subjected,
and to which, with unflinching fortitude and cheerfulness, they
sul)mitted; when we consider, too, the innumerable deeds of
personal Ijraveiy, performed both by officers and men; the holyand patriotic purposes by which the great body of those armies
was prompted; the iinseltish willingness they manifested to sacrifice
their lives for the preservation of the honor, the integrity,
and the unity of their country; and, finally, the glorious and successful
results of all these operations, we may well doubt whether
history will ever contain more than an outline skeleton of them all.
My allusions to these movements must, necessarily, l)e brief
and imperfect. A few wrecks before his death, Frederick, at my
request, declared his resolution to prepare, at his first leisure
moments, a record of the liattles in wdiich he had been engaged,
but alas ! that leisure never came !
His reports, as Assistant Adjutant General, giving a history
of these movements, are not jet accessible to the public, and I
have derived no information from them. He participated in no
less than twenty-five battles and skirmishes during a period of
ten months. My knowledge of these is derived from his own
letters, dashed off in the midst of exciting scenes, from his conversations,
and from information cheerfully furnished by cultivated
and intelligent army officers, who were associated wath him
at difierent periods of time during the campaign.
On the 22d of April, the Second Cavalry Division, wdiich
included the Second Brigade, to wdiich Frederick w\as attached,
moved from Warrenton to a place near the Junction—the whole
Division being under the command of Major General David M.
Gregg. Here it remained until the 29th, wdien it advanced to
Paoli Mills, and on the 2d of May moved over to Eichardsville.
On the 4th of May the cavalry crossed the Rapidan in advance
of the infantry, and the whole Army of the Potomac crossed
soon after, in pursuance of General Grant's orders. This was
the beginning of the general movement of the army—the intelligence
of which sent a thrill of excitement throughout the
The famous battles of the Wilderness soon followed. These
commenced on the 5th, and continued for seven days. They
were fought without artillery, under great disadvantages, in the
woods, with varied fortunes; and during their continuance w^ere
displayed those w'onderful qualities of courage and dogged resolutioii for which Gencnil Grant has become so distinguished, and
ulso the bravery and heroism, which have covered withgh)ry the
Army of the l*otomac. The k)ss of life was immense, but the
rebels were driven from the ground, and our army moved onward
in its progress towards the walls of Richmond, and towards
the accomplishment of the great object which current events
seem so plainly to indicate must ultimately be accomplished.
On the first day of these battles, the cavalry became engaged
with the enemy's cavalry and infantry in the vicinity of Todd's
Tavern, near Corbin's Bridge.
Severe fighting was continued by the cavalry for several days.
This was the first time Frederick was "under fire." His conduct
on the occasion excited great admiration. He displayed all
the coolness of a veteran. His General, in speaking of his gallantry
soon afterwards, remarked, "that he was one of the few
men he had seen who did not seem to know the meaning of fear."
On the first day the cavalry were mounted, and the staff officers
were nuich exposed. General Davies and Frederick were
in front, when the enemy charged in and broke our skirmish line,
nearly capturing l)oth of them. This cavalry engagement is
known as the battle of Todd's Tavern. It was during the progress
of this battle that Frederick charged upon the enemy, at
the head of a column, breaking through their lines, and cutting
his way back to the main army.
In the evening of May 8th, an order was received commanding
the Cavalry Corps to proceed to Richmond and destroy the communications
between Lee's army and that city, and to form a
junction with Butler's army. The movement of the entire Cavalry
Corps, commanded by General Sheridan, commenced on
the morning of the 9th. In the afternoon of that day the enemy
attacked the cavalry in the rear, and a severe fight occurred in
which the rebels were repulsed with considera1)le loss. This
occurred at a place called Childslnirg. The cavalry only took
with them on this. march rations for four or five days.
On the 10th, another attack was made by the enemy, followed
up by continued skirmishing and fighting. Our cavalry succeeded,
this day, in recapturing from the enemy about threehundred and lifty prisoners, who had lieen captured on the
second or third day of the fight in the Wilderness. Among them
were two Colonels and Captain Wood, a son of the Honorable
Bradford Wood, of All)any. As may well he supposed, they
were delighted with the change in their condition. They were
on the point, when retaken, of being placed in the i-ailroad cars
at Beaver Dam Station. 8ome of their guard tied and the rest
were taken prisoners. Our troops, on the same day, captured a
large quantity of arms, about a million rations, and destroyed
three locomotives besides three trains of cars. The night of the
10th they encamped within twenty miles of Richmond.
In the morning of the 11th, the First Brigade was detached
from the main ])ody and sent to destroy the I'ailroad at Ashland
Station and the l)ridge over the South Anna River. At Ashland
the contents of a Post Office were seized, and as a school for
young ladies was located here, the captured correspondence
afforded some amusement to the captors.
Frederick accompanied the ])rigade, and after destroying the
railroad at Ashland, he was sent, with two squadrons of cavalry
(a])out one hundred men) to destroy the bridge, when he was
cut off from the main body of the brigade, and was supposed,
for some time, to have been taken prisoner. He continued, however,
on another route, destroying the railroad as they proceeded,
until late in the afternoon, when he succeeded in rejoining the
main column below, much to the satisfaction of his comrades,
who had despaired of seeing him and his little force again. The
same day a severe fight occurred at Old Tavern, with the enemy's
cavalry under the famous Jeb Stewart, who was killed.
That night the corps marched all night, and on the morning
of the 12th reached the Chickahominy river, near Meadow's
Bridge. Here a terrific battle ensued with the whole of the
enemy's cavalry force and infantry, which had been sent out from
Richmond. The enemy greatly outnumbered our forces, and,
during a considerable portion of the time, our troops were surrounded,
and fighting was carried on, around four sides of the
square where our troops were placed, but, under the command
of the indomitable Sheridan, they broke through the enemy'slines, and in the afternoon, General Custer having driven the
enemy from the bridge, our forees crossed the Chiekahominy,
leaving no prisoners in the enemy's hands except those who
Avere wounded.
In this battle the fragment of a spent shell was hurled against
Frederick's person, inflicting a pretty severe injury, although
he treated it lightly in his letter to his mother describing the
It w^as during this raid that he was sent in advance to place a
squadron on picket duty, and they came so near the city of Richmond
as to see the lights and the steeples, and to hear the bells
of the city. This engagement is know n as the battle of Richmond
Heights. The enemy did not pursue, and that night the
corps bivouacked at a place beyond Mechanicsville. On the
nio-ht of the 13th the cavalry remained at Bottom's Bridge, and
on the 14th moved to Haxall's Landing, on the James river,
where our gun boats mistaking the advance guard for the enemy,
at first, tired upon them, but on l)eing signaled the firing ceased
and the tired and w^orn out troops formed the contemplated
junction with Butler's army.
Thus terminated one of the most extraordinary raids on record.
It will ever retain a place among the most brilliant achievements
of the war. A force of cavalry alone advanced through the
heart of Virginia, to the very gates of Richmond, cutting their
way through all opposing forces, breaking up the enemy's lines
of connnunicatiou, removing forever all antiquated prejudices
against the cavalry, and estal)lishing the efficiency and usefulness
of that arm of the service.
The successful accomplishment of this expedition seems more
like romance than sober reality. From that hour the rising star
of General Sherid.vn has been in the ascendant, and a grateful
people wnll ever cherish, with gratitude and pride, the recollection
of the feats performed by him and his bold raiders of the
Cavalry Corps.
On his arrival at the James river, Frederick w^-ote a letter to
his mother, in pencil, giving a graphic account of the raid, which
w^as published, at the time, in the "Evening Journal." Inallutliiig to this pu1>lication, afterwards, he wrote with characteristic
"I am sorry that any of my letters are published. I do not
write them for pul)lication, and do not wish them pii])lished; I
hope that no more will be, for, if they are, I shall stop giving
any accounts at all."
To return to the cavalry: They laid at the James river two or
three days, to recruit the tired horses and men, and then moved
back, to rejoin the main army, crossing the Chickahominy by
night, at Jones' Ford, and returning by way of the Baltimore
Cross Roads and Cold Harlior, Daily skirmishes took place
with the rebel cavahy. Thc}^ then went to the White House,
where they obtained supplies and rations, after which they
marched back and joined the main army near Hanover Court
House, on the 25th, having successfully accomplished all that
had been expected.
Immediately afterwards there was a general advance of the
army, and the cavalry moved down to Hanover Town, on the
Pamunkey river. After marching two days and one night they
met the enemy on the 28th, near Haw's Shop, when the most
severe and obstinate cavalry fight of the war occurred. It commenced
at ten o'clock in the morning, and continued until six in
the afternoon, the fighting on our side being done principally by
Gen. Davies' Brigade, assisted, towards the close of the battle,
by Gen. Custer's Brigade, when the enemy were driven from
the field, leaving their killed and wounded in possession of our
Although Frederick distinguished himself in this battle, as
appears by a letter from one of the staff officers, yet, in his letter
home, he makes no allusion to his own conduct. In a letter
written to his father, on the 30th, he had, for the first time,
evinced some depression of spirits, but in a subsequent one,
dated June 3d, he apologizes for it, and gives a brief description
of the fight. He writes:
"I was feeling badly then, and the reason was that on the 28th
we lost Lieut. Wardell, of our staff. He was my tent mate, and
for a long time we had slept together and were very intimateiiKlecd. He was killed instantly v.hile riding at the General's
side. The fight of Hanover Town, on the 28th, is said to have
been the most severe cavalry fight of the war. The fighting was
done principally by our brigade. We were in about eight hours,
and lost twenty-five officers and one hundred and sixty-eight men,
killed and wounded.
"The General was riding a white horse, and went up on to
the skirmish line with two stafi' oflicers, two orderlies and one
])ugler. One stafi' officer was killed instantly; the other had his
horse killed, and the bugler was also killed. The General's
horse was shot through the tail, and a bullet broke his scabbard.
It is my duty to be with the General always, unless sent away
.specially, and, fortunately for me, I was so sent to another part
of the field, and was looking for the General when this occurred,
and in one minute more would have been in the same place, had
I not met him coming out when he stopped me.
" I send areliel paper. You will see by it that they supposed
our whole cavalry force was engaged, together with two corps of
infantry, while- actually there was only our brigade, assisted for
the last three hours by General Custar's Brigade, but the brunt
of the fighting was done by this brigade. They say they only
had one brigade, but in another part of the paper they admit
havino; several detachments of other brigades. We know, from
our prisoners, that their whole cavalry force was engaged, together
with some mounted infantry. We found on the field,
after we had driven them from it, one hundred and sixty-six
dead rebels, and forty wounded ones, and as there are usually
eight or ten wounded to one killed, their loss must have been
" jNIy horse was shot slightly in the neck. Since then we
have had several smaller fights, but I have not time now to mention
This battle is known as the battle of Haw's Shop, or Bethesda
Church. Between this time and the Gordonsville raid, hereafter
mentioned, there was considerable severe fighting around Cold
Harbor, at Barker's Mills and on the Chickahominy, in which the
cavalry participated. The whole army moved down finally toBottom's Bridge. Before going to Bottom's Bridge, the cavalry
had a severe engagement at Sumner's Upper bridge, and, while
dismounted, held possession of it for some time, and until
relieved by the infantry.
We come now to another of those celebrated cavalry raids
which have given to Gen. Sheridan, and his famous Cavalry
Corps, a national and world-wide reputation.
On the Gtli of June the Cavalry Corps left Newcastle, on the
Pamunkey river, and after marching days and nights, with only
four hours in the twenty-four devoted to rest, on the 11th met
the enemy at Trevillian Station, near Gordonsville, when a severe
battle ensued, which continued for two days, the enemy having
the advantage of fighting l)oliind breastworks. We captured
several hundred prisoners, l)ut finding it impossible to lireak
through their fortifications, our troops retired, and returned by
way of Spottsylvania Court House, a circuitous route, to White
House, where our wagon train was, consisting of about nine hundred
wagons loaded with supplies for the army. Gen. Grant
had meanwhile changed his base of supplies from White House
to James river, leaving the wagon train of the Cavalry Corps at
White House.
The rebels, havini>: the inside line, had also been marchinof
upon White House, hoping to capture this train belore the arrival
of the Cavalry Corps, l)ut in this hope they were doomed to
disappointment. Our troops arrived a little in advance of the
enemy, and on the 21st a sharp fight took place at White House,
in which the First Brigade participated, which resulted in driving
the enemy from the field, and the occupation of the ground by
our victorious troops.
Our trains were forwarded to the army at James river. On
the second day's march. Gen. Gregg having command of the
Second Division, was detached with his division to cover the
right of the column.
About six miles from the main column he met a very heavy
force of the enemy's cavalry and infantry at a place called St.
Mary's Church, when another sanguinary and hard fought battletook place, attended with severe loss. This occurred on the
24th of June.
The lighting on our side was conducted by a single division
against the enemy's entire corps, our troops and horses being
tired and worn out by the Gordonsville raid, as they had been
allowed no rest whatever.
In this battle Frederick again distinguished himself by his
coolness and bravery, having been charged with important and
perilous duties, and being exposed under such circumstances that
his commanding General afterwards expressed his wonder that
any mounted officer could survive. He was charged with the
order to bring ofl" the First Pennsylvania Cavalry, and remained
in the field until it had left.
During this battle he rcxle within a very short distance of the
enemy's skirmish line, and by discovering their presence, was
able to prevent Gen. Gregg from mistaking them for our own
troops, and possibly falling into their hands, as the dust ])y
wdiich all the troops were covered had ah-eady deceived him.
During the months of July and August several severe skii'-
niishes and battles took place, in which his brigade and he participated,
viz: At Ream's Station, on the 15th of July; at Malvern
Hill, on the 28th of July; at Lee's Mills, July 31st; at Gravel
Hill, on the 14th, 16th and 17th days of August, and again at
Ream's Station on the 21st, 22d, 23d and 25th days of August.
On one of these occasions, Gen. Davies being absent on sick
leave, and the brigade under the command of Col. Steadman,
Frederick had been ordered to the hospital on account of his
health, and was being carried in an ambulance. Hearing the
firino- of the guns, he left the ambulance and came to the nearest
body of troops, which proved to be the Tenth New York Cavalry,
and here took an active part in the battle, firing with his
own hand, cheering the men, and exposing his person to the
enemy's fire. His conduct excited the enthusiastic admiratiou
of the men in the regiment, and aided in preparing them to give
him the warm welcome, which he subsequently received from
them, when he became the Lieutenant Colonel of that regiment.
On being spoken to on the subject, he remarked, that in theabsence of the General he felt that a peculiar responsibility
rested on the members of the staff; that he knew the eyes of the
army were on the Second Brigade, which occupied an advanced
position, and had acquired a tine reputation, and that he regarded
his own honor as idcntilied with that of the brigade.
The battle at Eeam's Station, the latter part of August, was a
sanguinary affair, and Frederick was then brought alongside of
his old regiment, the Seventh New York Artillery. I learn from
Capt. O'Brien that Frederick volunteered to deliver an important
message to the officer commanding a liattery, w^hich was done
under a heavy fire.
He never returned to the hospital, l)ut his health was so much
impaired that nothing but his indomitable resolution enabled him
to keep his saddle. In a letter to his father, dated August 3 1st,
he alludes in terms of warm adnn'ration to the conduct of the old
Seventh at Ream's Station; naming several former comrades
belonging to it who were killed, and others taken prisoners;
mentions that the conduct of his own l)rigade had received much
credit in Gen. Hancock's official reports; remarks that there had
been considerable fighting for tlie Weldon railroad, in nearly all
of which he had the honor to participate, and thus alludes to his
own health:
"You can have no idea of the excessive fatigue to which we
have been subjected this month, and especially for an A. A. G.
I do not not want to take a sick leave unless I am actually
obliged to, for it is not considered very honoral)le to leave the
field upon the plea of sickness, when one is only al)Out half sick.
There are so many shoulder-strapped individuals that are hiding
under the shadow of a surgeon's certificate, that I don't want to
be ranked among that class."
In a letter to his sister, dated September od, he says:
" Since writing to ftither three days ago, we have marched
nearly forty miles, and have- had quite a hard fight—I fortunately
escaped. We lost quite severely, and this morning we returned
and camped in nearly the same place from which I wrote father.
AVe cannot tell how long we will be allowed to remain quiet;
indeed, since Jul}^ 25th, we have not l)een forty-eight hours inone place, and as you may easily iniairine, avc have had l)iit little
time to write, while the wear, tear and fatigue have l)een terrible.
I have been so tired at times that I would go to sleep on horseback.
Only last night I was so nmch worn out that I laid down
under a tree and Avent sound asleep while it was raining, and I
had not a thing over me. I could not help it.
" I write and tell you this, Nellie, so that you can have some
slight idea of the reasons for my not writing yon in answer to
your letters promptl}^ and not because I am complaining at all.
"When we do get a chance to stop anywhere, I have a great
many written reports to make, and cannot neglect them, and after
they are done, I am so tired that I generally try and go to sleep
for a little while, and letter writing Ijecomes next to an impossibility.
I am not very well, but am on duty, and shall I'emain so
as long as I am al)le.
"I was very sorry to hear of G.'s sickness, and glad to learn
he was getting better. He should congratulate himself that he
was where he could be taken care of. Here, when one gets sick,
he gets very little care, I assure you. They do the best they can,
of course, but a tent and the ground make Init an indifterent sick
room and bed.
" We have had some very hard fighting over this Weldon railroad,
and you can congratulate yourself that you still have a
brother in the army. I have several times made up ni}^ mind
that you Avould not have long, but I have been so for spared. I
have not written 3'ou, Nellie, about anything else than myself,
but I know that I am the one that you want to hear about, and
so shall offer no excuse."
Frederick's duties as Assistant Adjutant General were congenial
to his tastes and adapted to his capacity, but yet they had
been exceedingly arduous and laborious. He was chief of the
brigade staff. His labors during a march commenced early and
continued late. He thus explains them in a condensed form, in
answer to my inquiry on the subject:
"To attend to all the details of a movement; in battle, to
remain with the General, and if any orders are given, to give
them to the aids for the regimental commanders, or whomsoeverthey ma}^ concern; to watch the lines, and whenever, in my opinion,
an advantage can be gained, to show it to the General, if he
has not already perceived it; and if the aids are all away on duty,
and an important order is issued, to carry it mj'self, and see that
it is obeyed; sometimes to push on one flank of the skirmish
line while the General is pushing on another, and in every way
to watch the etlect of movements ordered; and, in fact, to be an
assistant to the General (on the field an order from me is the
same as one from him); and after a fight to camp the several
regiments; to see, personally, that a proper picket line is thrown
out; to make ofticial reports of operations, and returns of killed,
wounded and missing, damage done, &c.. &c."
Upon receiving the letters of August 31st and September 3d,
the author applied directly to the Secretary of War for a Ijrief
leave of absence, which, having been promptly granted, Frederick
made a short but delightful visit to his home in September.
Recovering his health and strength, he rejoined the army in time
to participate in the battle of Davis Farm, on the Vaughn Road,
on the 1st of October.
For an account of his gallant bearing on that occasion, I refer
to the letter from Major Thomas, who served on the same staff.
A description of this brilliant aflair was given in the New York
Herald. The first ]>rigade were dismounted, and bravely resisted
an attack l)y an enemy largely outnuml:>ering them; and then,
with a gallant charge, routed and drove them from the field.
He also participated in the first battle of Hatcher's Run on the
26th of November, and in the movement in the latter part of
November, by which General Gregg and his division advanced
to Stony Creek, destroying the bridge and several pieces of
artillery, capturing prisoners, and successfully accomplishing the
object of the advance.
On the 6th of Dqcember, orders were received for the cavalry
to move at three o'clock the next morning with six days' rations.
The movement was made when the weather was very cold, and
on the 9th a severe engagement took place at Bellfield. Major
Sargeaxt, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, was shot while
riding l^y the side of Frederick during the fight—an event whichproduced a serious impression upon his mind. It is understood
that the movement was eminently successful.
A full account of this aftair was given in the Herald, written
bv its army correspondent. In the official report of the movement,
Fredeeick had the honor of being mentioned as " having
l)ehaved with the greatest gallantry and zeal, and having contributed
greatly to the success of the brigade by valuable service."
The time was now approaching for severing his official connection
as Assistant Adjutant General with General Davies and his
brioade stafl'—a relation cemented by their common sufferings,
perils, and glories. A vacancy had occurred in the Colonelcy
of the Tenth New York Cavalry by the withdrawal from that
position of Colonel Irvine, the present accomplished and patriotic
Adjutant General of New York. Lieutenant-Colonel Avep.y,
beino- about to be promoted to fill the vacancy, tendered the position
of Lieutenant-Colonel to Frederick. Colonel Avery had
become well acquainted with Frederick while he was Assistant
Adjutant General. General Irvine informs me that Gen. Gregg
also advised the selection of Frederick, as it would l)e an acquisition
to the regiment.
Having ascertained that all the officers of the regiment were
in favor of his appointment, he resolved to accept the position,
and without delay commissions were issued by his Excellency
Governor Seymour for Colonel Avery and Lieutenant-Colonel
Tremain, but a brief delay in mustering in became necessary, to
enable the regiment to become recruited to the requisite number
for mustering in the new officers.
Frederick, having resigned the office of Assistant Adjutant
General, seized the occasion to pay a holiday visit to his home.
He arrived the evening before New Year's, and passed a few
weeks there in a visit which will be cherished during life by
every member of the family, among their most treasured recollections.
It was a subject of general remark that he had Ijccome much
matured l)y his experience in the army. While cheerful and
hopeful, he was yet grave and thoughtful, and fully impressed
with the duties and responsibilities of his position. He retiiriKHl to the army full of high hopes and expectations.
Fort Fisher had fallen; Thomas had achieved his great victory
over Hood; Sheemax was advancing in triumph, and he confidently
believed that the end of the rel)ellion was at hand.
On his return he met at Washington, in the Invalid Corps, an
old comrade of the Seventh, and true to his nature, which led
him to promote the welfare of others, he wrote a letter of introduction
for him, invoking the author's kind otBces in his behalf
This was the last letter I ever received from him directed to me,
and I «-ive it as a fiiir revelation of the kindness of his character.
" My Dear Father—I have the honor to introduce to you
Lieutenant , formerly of the Seventh New York Artillery,
and now of the Invalid Corps. He was wounded in front of
Petersburg in the famous charge of June 16th, of the Seventh
New York Artillery. The shell that struck him carried away the
left eye, and exposed the brain slightly, so that he can hardly do
nioht duty. He, therefore, wishes to be ordered on duty somewhere
in New York State, where he can still do duty, but, if
possil)le, to some place where he can sleep at night, as the loss
of sleep ffives him terril)le pains in the head on account of the
exposure of the brain,
"He is a gallant officer, and has won for himself a Lieutenancy
from the ranks as a private, and deserves all the favors that loyal
men are al)le to grant hnn.
" If you in any way can assist him in the accomplishment of his
object, you will only lie rendering a gallant soldier what is justly
due him. Your affectionate son,
''Lieutenant Colonel Tenth JY. Y. Cavalry.
''January 27, 1865."
When he joined the Tenth, and had been mustered in as Lieutenant
Colonel, he wrote a letter to his mother expressing his
pleasure at his reception by his new regiment, and his gratification
in being put in charge of an officer's school for instruction
in military tactics, which letter came to hand on the day hereceived bis fattil wound. I learn that his home and his pleasant
visit were the theme of his constant conversation among his intimate
friends. He was kind and affectionate in his nature, and
was devotedly attached to every member of his father's family.
" Sir," said his tent mate to the author, "I felt well acquainted
with every member of your family, from Frej^'s description and
frequent conversation."
On the 7th of February, Avhile eno-aged in court, I received
from Maj. Pease the following telegram: ^'Fehniary G.
was seriously wounded to-day. It is thought not dangerously."
The next train carried from All)any, on their wa}^ to him, his
mother, Dr. Pomfret (who cheerfully consented to go, although
he was home on leave), and the author. AVe arrived in A\'ashington
the next evening, and inunediately, through the War
Department, opened a telegraphic communication with Gen.
Meade's head-quarters. The tirst answer Avas encouraging, but,
alas ! the next brought the fatal intelligence that Lieut. Col. Tre-
MAix died the same evening (the 8th) at City Point Hospital, that
his remains would be embalmed and forwarded north immediately.
Here let me draw a veil over what follows. The agony of
spirit, the bewildering ellects of such a sudden and unexpected
blow, the crushing out of hopes, the bitterness of disappointment,
the terrible reflection that we should never see him alive,
the extinguishment of light, and the darkness and clouds that
intervened, can be known or appreciated only by those doting
parents, who have passed through a similar furnace of affliction.
The circumstances attending his death may be soon related.
The movement which resulted in the battle of Hatcher's Run Avas
a sreneral advance of the whole division on the mornino- of February
5th, pursuant to orders. They were on the march all that
day, and early the next morning, while the brigade were pi'eparing
for breakfast, the enemy broke in upon them, and a battle
ensued, which continued all day.
About two p. M., while near Dabney's Mills, Frederick wa*
leading his troops on the extreme left, in the skirmish line, nnd
was about to make a charge, the cavalry ]>eing dismounted, when, Gen. Davies haviiio; been womuled, Col. Avery was called to
coininand the brigade, and had sent a mounted olEcer to notify
Frederick that the command of the regiment had devolved upon
him. While Frederick had turned around partly, and was conversing
with the nu^ssenger, he received the fatal wound from a
Minnie ball in his hip.
He left the field, accompanied by two men, meeting on his
wav Col. Avery, who describes him as looking pale, and having
a smile on his face. In the ambulance he was overtaken by his
colored servant, and said to him, cheerfully, that they would
soon visit Albany again. He also, at the same moment, recognized
his cousin, Maj. H. E. Tremaix, of Gen. Gregg's statF.
while he was riding by with an important order from the General
for reinforcements, hailed him, remarking that he was hit,
perhaps serioush^ but he thought not dangerously, and then
urged him to go on in the performance of his duty.
He walked into the field hospital, where General Davies met
him, placed him upon a bed in a room by himself, and gave him
some stimulants. The surgeons extracted the ball that evening,
and pronounced it troublesome only, but not dangerous. He
was visited there by Major Pease, Major Tre3Ial\ and others,
who, relying on the Surgeon's report, left him without serious
apprehensions. The next day he was sent to City Point Hospital,
fifteen or twenty miles, where he arrived, cold and exhausted,
attended by his servant.
He was in much pain and not inclined to converse. The following
day, the 8th, alarming symptoms appeared. He continued
perfectly conscious, made his arrangements to leave for home,
but was not made aware of the fact that his life was in danger,
and about five o'clock, just as his servant had given him some
water, he died, without a murmur or complaint having escaped
his lips.
A post-mortem examination revealed the foct that the wound
was necessarily mortal from the first. The ball, after performing
its course, had fallen back, and its location had deceived the
surgeons who extracted it, and who supposed it merely a flesh
wound. The intollio:eiicc of his deatli spread a deep gloom over his
entire brigade, officers and men. A meeting of the brigade
officers (a rare compliment in the army) was called and attended
by every officer not al)sent on duty, at which just and excellent
resolutions were adopted.
The remains were accompanied from City Point b}^ Colonel
Avery, jNIajor Tre:maix and Dr. Clark. His countenance appeared
natural and life-like.
A military funeral took place on the 16th of February, with
honors suitable to his rank, under the charge of the Tenth New
York, commanded by Colonel Cha^iberlain, the Cadet Zouave
Company A acting as an escort. Everjiihing that affectionate
sympathy could do to render honor to his memory, was done by
his countrymen and countrywomen. Flowers were sent in
bountiful profusion from numerous male and female friends, and
these were, by fair and tasteful hands, beautifully arranged in
the form of crosses, wreaths, a trumpet and croAvn, while the
coffin was festooned, and covered with them in tropical abundance.
After appropriate religious services had been performed at
the author's residence, the public funeral took place at St. Peter's
Church, the Rev. Wm. AVilsox and the Rev. W:m. Tatlock officiating.
His Excellency, Gov. Fenton, accompanied by his staff in
full uniform, honored the funeral with his presence. The names
of the military and civil bearers who attended will be recognized
as among the noblest youth in Albany. Sweet and soh'mu
music b}^ the choir tilled the church. The citizens of Albany
turned out en masse, tilling the spacious church and the streets,
for louff distances. A large concourse followed the remains to
the cemetery, where, after the soldiers had fired appropriate volleys
over his coffin, it was consigned to the vault.
Thus lived and died my brave boy, around whom, for twentyone
years, had clustered my cares, my anxieties, my hopes and
my affections!
No lono-er could we look forward with inexpressible joy to the
termination of this war, as an event which would 1)ring back, in
safety and honor, the soldier we had furnished! The sound ofcarl>ines and artillery can no more reach him! ITcnceforth, wo
nui.st be content to gaze on yonder mnte memorials, his belt
and sash, his spurs and sword, and other precious relics, and to
feed on the memory of his virtues, his patriotism, and the nolile
record he achieved! He died young; but how many of us who
survive have done more for our country and for humanity than he!
My work is ended. I l)elieve this little history to be wholly
free from coloring, but if parental fondness has deceived me in
this belief, the otfence, I am sure, is pardonable.
And now, may Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, grant
that this great sacrifice, although not " now joyous but grievous
may work out the peaceable fruits of righteousness,"—that the
blood of this young martyr may aid in infusing fresh life into
our free institutions;—that this rebellion may be so completely
crushed, that in all future time, no second attempt will l)e made
by wicked men to destroy our Union by treasonable force;—and
may He hasten the day when our National Unity shall become
established on immutable and eternal foundations.
Omitting numerous letters from private citizens full of kind
and feeling tributes, I select a few written by military otficers
whose position, as military men, brought them into close and
intimate relations with the deceased.
War Department, February 10, 1865.
My dear Sir—I am unable to tell how deeply my heart sympathizes
with you and ]Mrs. Trejuain in the great calamity that
has fallen upon you in the death of your son. That he has fallen
upon the field of battle, fighting gallantly for his country, and
o-iven his life as a sacrifice for national existence, may hereafter
be some consolation when time has eml)almed his memory, and
assuaged the present agony of bereavement. I pray you, my
dear friend, accept the assurance of my commiseration, and I
trust that you will find support and comfort from that Divine
Providence, that has called your gallant son from the field of
battle to a haven of rest. Yours truly,
Hon. L. Tremain. EDWIX M. STANTON. Head Qltaeters 2d Cavalry Division,
Army of Potomac, MarcJi 1, 18()5.
Hon. Lyman Tremain:
My dear Sir—I ttike the first opportunity of being able to use
my pen, to express to you my sincere sympathy, on the great loss
you have sustained in the death of your galhmt son, Lieut. Col.
I know that 1 can say nothing that will alleviate the suftering
cansed by a l)low such as that you have sustained, but while you
mourn his loss it will be at least some consolation to know that
he fell fighting for the good cause, and that his name will be ever
remembered among those of the gallant men who have given up
all, even to life itself, for the honor and safety of the country. As
a brave and gallant officer, one who already in his extreme youth
had won high military honors, and had before him a lu'illiant
career of hope and promise, his -early death is deeply and sincerely
regretted by all his fellow officers, and l)y none more than
myself. For a long period he had served upon my staff, and hatl
always deserved and obtained high praise for his knowledge of
duty, his cheerfulness and untiring assiduity, and the conspicuous
gallantry he had dis})layed upon every liattle field. When he
was promoted to a higher position I regretted much that our
intimate personal relations should be disturbed, but I was well
aware of his high deserving, and knew that his promotion was
but a just recognition of his many good qualities.
During the short period he served with his regiment, he had
deserved the highest praise, and I looked upon his future advancement
as secure, and saw that, if his life should be spared,
he had within his reach, the highest honors of the profession
of arms.
This, however, was not to be, and on the 6th of February,
while leading his regiment with gallantry and judgment surpassed
by none, he fell before the fate that has already cut off so
many of our Ijest and bravest men.
While we mourn his loss, we must remember that his death
was as glorious as his life had been distinguished.
Jn the vicissitudes of war, should it be my fate to fall, I couldask no death more distinguished than his; to fall at the crowning
point of a success to which his gallantry and good conduct had
o-i-eatlv assisted, and to know^ that his fVircwell from earth and
welcome above would be the same—" Well done, thou good and
faithful servant."
With the most sincere regards, and the assurance of my heartfelt
sympathy in your affliction, believe me.
Very truly yours, H. E. DAVIES, Jr., Brie/. Gen.
Headquarters Tenth New York Cavalry,
Before Petersburg, Va., March 11, 18G5.
My dear Sir—Although more than a month has elapsed since
the battle of Hatcher's Run, the last engagement in which your
son, our gallant associate, participated, and in which his young
life was laid upon the altar of his country, we, his comrades, are
but the more frequently reminded of the vacant place in our little
circle. Though his connection with the regiment had been recent,
yet, as Assistant Adjutant General of the lirigade, w^e had met
him in social intercourse, and also marked his conspicuous bravery
on the field. From the highest to the lowest he received an earnest
welcome—not as a stranger, Ijut as one who had been identified
with us, of whose name and fame we w^ere proud, and
whose reputation was hereafter to belong more exclusively to us
as a regiment. His honorable and unselfish ambition was particularly
gratified, that his promotion had lieen eftected without detriment
to the individual interests of any of our ofiicers, and which
was enhanced by his previous refusal of a proff'ered appointment,
which, if accepted, would have supplanted a competent and deserving
He came among us with an earnest intention to contribute the
whole of his ability and energy, towards improving the morale
and effectiveness of the organization with which he had become
identified. At times I could not refrain from smiling, at the very
earnest manner in which he endeavored to impress upon me the
fact of his being young—accustomed to hal)its of study and application;
his expressions of desire to share in the responsibility of command, and that it wonld lie but necessai'y to merely indicate
any duty, which it were desirable that he should execute.
A few days before the movement a system of evening recitations
of the officers in Tactics and the Regulations had been instituted
under his charge. To this he devoted himself in the same
earnest and conscientious manner in which he performed every
task. Among other lessons was that of acquiring a new manual
for the carbine, just introduced into the division. In this, to
the surprise of all, he became remarkably proficient after a few
hours' practice—his previous experience as executive officer of
the brio-ade havins: led me to imaoine that he would be found
wanting in the practice necessary to an expert manipulation of
the piece; but to this, as all other duties of his profession, he
had devoted a pains-taking attention.
There was no trait of Lieutenant Colonel Tremain's military
character more prominent than an earnest purpose to contribute
his every effort towards the success of our cause, and Avhich was
evinced on trifling occasions as well as in the crisis of an engagement.
On the morning of our first day's march, after a sleepless
night, owing to the bad condition of the roads, wagons and ambulances
were continually being mired, thus delaying the column.
Although not nnder his charge, he lal)ored assiduously in the
mud and water, and when extricated made sport of the plight in
which he found himself, with the consoling remark : " That he
had earned his pay for that day at least."
We were preparing our breakfast on the morning of the 6th,
when the engagement suddenly opened—he immediately preferring
the request to be allowed the post of danger in command
of the skirmish line. Knowing his thoughts, I requested him
not to lumecessarily expose himself, with the reminder : " That
the Tenth had too often seen him nnder fire, to require needless
evidence of his bravery, in this, his first battle as their Lieutenant
Colonel." Our regiment, at first held in reserve, was afterward
moved forward upon the line, soon after which, owing to the
wound received by General Davies, I was notified 4;hat the command
of the brigade had fallen to myself I then dispatched a
staff officer to apprise Colonel Tremain of his beino; in connnandof the regiment, and while receiving the message he was struck
by a Minnie ball, and a moment afterward passed me, supported by
two men. I shall never forget the pale face, Init cheery voice which
replied to my anxious inquiry regarding his injury : " That it felt
rather deep, and that the blood was running down into his ])Oots."
I could not then realize, that it was the last time in life, that I
was to look upon the face of one who had become near and dear
to me, and whose irreparable loss was henceforth to be mourned
by an entire regiment.
We should be only too happy to contriliute in any way to
assuage your deep grief, but in such atHiction words are very,
ver}^ empty; and in enumerating the noljle, manly characteristics
of the lost one, and while w^e look forward to the future, we are
but reminded of its brilliant prospect, had he been but spared
for its development. Yours, wath sincere sympathy,
M. H. AVERY, Col. Tenth JSF. Y. Cavalry.
Hon. Lyman Teemain, Albany, N. Y.
Song for the young and brave !
A pean for his bright thongh brief career !
But a low dirge above his warrior grave,
The sudden closing to his opening year.
Grief twines with glory. While his morn was red
His Alma Mater's bowers all greenly spread
Joy in his heart, fair fortune at his side,
Home with its joys and friends that loved with pride,
He turned from all to stem the battle tide
For his loved land, and for that land he died.
Amid the roaring rain of musketry,
And thunder-shock of volleys, the keen play
Of bayonet-lightning, his slight form we see
Full in the front, and where death's awful way
"Was wildest ! Woe that he should perish there
In his fresh strength while sweeping upward road
With his good sword, to where Fame, bright and rare
For one so young, stood holding high in air
The laurel wreath. In strife how fiercely glowed
His heart ! in rest how full of love and mirth !
Blue shone the sky. and flowery smiled the earth,
For toward all human kind his heart in gladness flowed. Tlie saddle was his throne, and he a king
Wlien the tierce s(iuadron dashed in thundering might
A cataract of swords and shots—a wing
Of rushing Havoc—a quick cleaving flight
Of deadly levin ! Lo, a glorious raid !
And the galloping steeds and the rush and the clang
Of the ride over mountain, through forest and glade
And the keen thrilling peals of the trumpet ! How sprang
The hamlet in terror while on came the burst
Of the troopers and cheering and tlanie told the woi'st,
As they swept up the harvest and daslied down the wall
And, laden with spoil, skimmed away one and all
"While the night rang with clash and deep thunder of bound
Aud flushed wide with torch-flame, and day heard the sound
From field and from village of wailing and wrath
And the foe sought in vain to block Sheridan's path.
And mid them our eager young hero ! no toil
Too great for his striving ; no battle-turmoil
Too fierce for his daring ; no duty undone
Till the goal of the striving and daring was won.
Oh, long lament for him, the youthful dead !
The bravest of the brave ! mo.st kind and true !
The blossom scarce to perfect life had spread.
The sun had scarcely climbed the morning blue.
And yet so firm he looked at coming death
With eye so dauntless, such untrembling breath
It seemed a mark of scorn. The bullet sped,
And hours rolled onward, while with creeping tread,
The shadowy foe approached ; and when the dart
"Was reared to reach his young, warm, generous heart,
With tenderest love of friends upon his lips
He entered, undismayed, life's dread and dark eclipse.
Song for the young and brave !
Long as the land shall live he died to save
Shall honor cast fresh wreaths upon his grave.
Not lost his bright career ; it shines a light
To kindle other hearts with patriot might,
A.nd when strife calls again, a beacon to the fight.
And not alone home's fractured altar shows
A shrouded radiance, a great nation knows
Her darkened orbs, and keeps them in her heart
And when the frowning clouds of War depart
Her grateful love will kindle them anew
And constellate their rays forever in her view