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This biography is from Landmarks of Albany County, New York, edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y.; D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1897.

George A. House

George A. House, well known in both business and political circles, is one of the most enterprising men of Cohoes, his native city. After graduating from the High School in 1870, he at once accepted a position with H. R. Grant & Co.. in the hardware trade. In connection with his duties in the store he acquired a knowledge of telegraphy. On the dissolution of this firm he was appointed manager of the Western Union Telegraph office at Cohoes, which position he held until 1883. In that year he resigned and became the Cohoes representative of Samuel Blaisdell, Jr., & Co., cotton and wool dealers, Chicopee, Mass. Almost immediately perceiving the necessity of a warehouse in Cohoes he perfected his plans and then forming a co-partnership with C. M. Blaisdell, a member of the firm of S. Blaisdell, Jr., & Co., carried the new venture to a successful issue. In 1894 C. M. Blaisdell disposed of his interest to his wife, Mr. House retaining his equal position. In 1895 Mr. House individually built the Younglove Avenue Warehouse. Mr. House is a very influential political leader, standing unswervingly in the Republican party. He has served as fire commissioner, filling the vacancy caused by the death of the Hon. D. J. Johnston, general superintendent of the Harmony Mills. He is a member of Cohoes Lodge No. 116, F. & A. M., life member of Cohoes Chapter, R. A. M., life member of Bloss Council of Troy, R. and S. M., past orator of Royal Arcanum, past grand Cohoes Lodge, I. O. O. F., member of Cohoes Business Men's Association, member of Cohoes City Club, and Pafraets Dael Club of Troy.

He was born in 1853 of Holland ancestry and was the son of Moses House, who came here as early as 1850, a shoemaker by trade. He was also a private banker and real estate dealer.

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Debby Masterson

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