George W. Kilbourn, son of James and Catharine Livingston Kilbourn, was born in the city of Albany, September 1, 1844. In his youth he was remarkable for his love of truth and sterling honesty. His parents and friends could say of him that they never knew him to tell a falsehood, or to do a dishonest act. He was a pupil of the Sabbath school attached to the church of which his parents were members, and always manifested a deep interest in the worship of God's house.
At the commencement of the war, our young friend was exceedingly anxious to enlist as a soldier in the defence of his country, and was only deterred from doing so by the conviction of his parents, that he was too young for such a service. As our national perils, however, increased, and the family felt that some one of their number should be given up to the service of the country, George was permitted to go. Prompted by the noblest impulses of patriotism, he enlisted October 10th, 1862, as Sergeant in Company D, of the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment of New York Yolunteers. Shortly after his enlistment the regiment was ordered to New Orleans, and from thence to Bonnet Carre.
Here our young friend was seized with the typhoid fever, and died April 12th, 1863, a little more than eighteen years of age. The deep affliction into which his whole family was cast by this sad bereavement, and their feelings under it, are best described by the father's own words:
"We miss his cheerful face and manly form in the home circle; we miss him at the family altar, where, night and morning, he bowed with us before God. We no longer hear his voice, like sweet music, ascending in prayer, before he retires to rest. But we do not mourn as those who are without hope, for though he made no profession of religion, I believe he loved God and tried to serve Him. Often, unknown to me, after family prayer, and when he was about to lie down to rest, have I heard his voice in earnest supplication to his Heavenly Father."
A Lieutenant, who was sick with him in the hospital, and who was with him when he died, expresses in strong terms his conviction that "Geoege fell asleep in Jesus."