Addison J. Fellows was the second son of Joseph and Mary Fellows. He was born in the city of Troy, August 2d, 1839. His genealogy is thoroughly English, on both his father's and mother's side; his ancestors came from the old Puritan stock.
While yet young his father moved to Albany, and from that time to his death he resided here.
Of a genial and happy disposition, he formed a large circle of friends; and the mildness of his manner and his affectionate heart, made him the joy of his father's family.
At the breaking out of the rebellion, although he was engaged in business, yet he felt greatly inclined to contribute his services towards maintaining the good old flag, but his friends persuaded him to remain at home.
In the fall of 1861, however, he felt so deeply that it was his duty to otfer himself to his country, that he transferred his business to his brother's hands, and volunteered as a private soldier in Company F, of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers. The date of his enlistment was September, 1861. Being offered a higher position, he declined it, on the ground that he enlisted as an act of duty, and not for position. The remainder of his life was short.
In December, after returning from a long picket duty, while the regiment was stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., he was attacked by typhoid fever, and before his father and brother could reach him, although they went to him as rapidly as possible, his soul had returned to the God who gave it.
Thus died one who, pure in heart and purpose, gave his life for his country as truly as though he had been killed in front of the cannon's mouth.
Although not a professed Christian, he ever reverenced God and His laws, and loved the ways of righteousness. Almost one of his last acts was, to engage in an evening meeting with some of
his Christian comrades.
His body was brought home, and a funeral discourse preached over his remains by the Rev. Dr. Magoon, at the First Baptist Church. He was followed by the Fire Department and military of the city, and the various societies to which he belonged, to his last home in the Albany cemetery. Thus passed away an upright man, a pure patriot, and a brave soldier.