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Capt. Harmon N. Merriman, son of Titus L. and Susan Merriman, was born in Franklin, Susquehanna county, Pa., September 19, 1819. At the early age of fourteen, he made a public profession of his faith in Christ, and united with the Presbyterian church of his native town. While with his parents, and a few years subsequent to his removal from them, Mr. Merriman's occupation was that of an artizan; but shortly after becoming a resident of this city he studied law, and was successfully engaged in its practice when called by his country to enlist in her defence. Mr. Merriman was a member of the Fourth Presbyterian church of this city, and was for about eight years a teacher in its Sabbath School.
In the organization of the Tenth Regiment he took an active and very efficient part; and Company H, of which he became the Captain, was largely enlisted hy his influence and exertions.
This regiment left our city for New Orleans in the month of December, 1862, and it was almost immediately, upon its arrival in that city, called to a perilous service. It was engaged in the earliest assault against Port Hudson, that made May 27, 1863, and it was while gallantly leading his company in that charge that Capt. Merriman received a wound, which, although not at the time supposed to be fatal, proved to be such in the end. He was carried from the field of battle, and was for a short time an inmate of the Military hospital at Baton Rouge. From thence he sailed in the steamer "Thomas A. Scott" for his home. His meloncholy decease on board of that steamer, together with the circumstances of his burial, are thus related by Rev. J. Ford Sutton, the General Superintendent of the United States Christian Commission for the Department of the Gulf. In a letter addressed to the afflicted widow, and dated at sea, July 16, 1863, steamer "Thomas A. Scott," he says:
"It becomes my painful duty to announce to you the death of your husband, Capt, H. N. Merriman, who died at sea yesterday morning at six o'clock, on board the 'Thomas A. Scott,' bound for New York. I first saw Capt. Merriman the night before his death. I went into his state room and inquired after his health.
He said : 'I am all right, but very weak from the effect of my wound.' I remarked that we—that is, the ship's company and myself, had just been holding a short religious service on the quarter deck. He replied: 'I heard you, and should like to have been with you.' Seeing that he was very weak, I gave him a little wine, thinking to pursue the conversation further. But the wine was too strong, and the servant had to be called in to dilute and administer it to him, and the conversation was broken off. I intended to have talked more with him the next morning in regard to his religions feelings. But alas! he had been called away half an hour before I came out of my state room. He evidently died of exhaustion from the effect of his wounds. He was full of hope that he would reach home, where he thought he would soon recover. But the Lord came when he least expected
him. * * * *
"At half past nine o'clock in the morning of the day on which he died the body was brought upon the quarter deck, wrapped in the American flag, and solemn and appropriate funeral services were performed. After that we buried him in the deep—in the Gulf of Mexico, with many tears of sorrow for the loss of our fellow-soldier, and with warm tears of sympathy for his widow and fatherless children, mingled with many prayers that God would indeed be 'the father of the fatherless and the widow's God.' "
The annexed notices of Capt. Merriman's death, taken from the Albany Evening Journal and the Albany Morning Express,
are just tributes to his memory:
"We are pained to hear of the death of Capt. Merriman, of this city, from wounds received before Port Hudson. This intelligence will be the more saddening from the fact that he was convalescing, and might soon be expected home. He was on his way home, accompanied by Brigade Surgeon Blaisdell, of Coeymans, when on the second day out he died, and his body was consigned to the deep.
"Captain M. labored with great zeal to effect a prompt organization of the Tenth when called into service, and shared in all its toils and battles until he was wounded, gallantly leading his company in one of the earliest assaults against Port Hudson. He was an ardent patriot, and has given his life to his conntry. His name will be associated with the heroes of the time, and he placed prominently upon the long roll of our fellow-citizens who, like him, have shed their blood for the Union and the principles of Freedom, Humanity, and Justice."
From the All)any Morning Express:
"Dr. Blaisdell, of Coeymans, late Surgeon of the Seventy-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers, arrived in this city yesterday morning. The doctor left New Orleans a week ago Friday on the steamer 'Scott,' in charge of thirty-four woundcd officers and sixty-one privates. Among the former was Capt. Harmon N. Merriman, of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh (Tenth) Regiment, wounded before Port Hudson. Soon after the sailing of the vessel, it became apparent to the doctor that the Captain was failing rapidly, and the Captain himself was perfectly sensible of his situation. He expressed a great desire and hope that he might he spared to reach home and again see his family, but was fully prepared for death. Dr. B. informs us that he never met a man who seemed possessed of so firm a spirit and determined will. He conversed freely of his affairs, and even consulted the doctor as to the propriety of saving his body, and returning it to his fiimily. He died on Tuesday morning last, in the full enjoyment of all his faculties. It was at first decided to preserve the body and bring it home; but an examination of the ship's stores, showed that it would be impossible to do so, as there was scarcely a sufficient quantity of ice on board for the use of the sick and wounded during the passage, and many other necessary articles could not be procured. It became necessary, therefore, that the remains of the gallant soldier should be committed to the deep. During the day all hands were summoned for the funeral ceremonies. The Episcopal service was performed with great solemnity, after which the body was given to the wide waste of waters. Dr. Blaisdell says it was the most melancholy duty he ever performed, and had there been the slightest chance of saving the remains, they would have brought them to this city."