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William Murry was born in Dublin, Ireland, March 4, 1825. He came to this country with his parents in 1830, and became a resident of Albany in 1846. He was a most consistent and useful member of the North Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and beloved by all who knew him.
In 1848 he enlisted in the service of the United States, and was a faithful and brave soldier during the Mexican war. At the close of that war he returned home, and lived a useful and quiet life, until the Southern rebellion broke out. He then felt it to be his duty to again buckle on his armor, and he enlisted, August 26th, 1862, in the Forty-third Regiment.
During his absence from home, his letters to his beloved wife and friends, were always full of hope for success in the great contest for national existence, and they breathed the spirit of earnest patriotism.
In evidence of his heroism, we cite the following from a letter dated Culpepper, October 4, 1863:
" I think I can say I have done my duty. Wherever my company has been I have been with them, and in the front rank. I will never have it said of me that, when I got within hearing of the cannon, I retired to the woods until the battle was over. My opinion is, every man who will desert his friends in time of battle, deserves to be shot."
Under date, December 4, 1863, near Brandy Station, he wrote these noble words to his wife: "I am fighting for God and my country. I feel proud to be found in the service of my country. What if I do suffer here, I will be rewarded hereafter."
A beautiful evidence of his religious character, as also of his conjugal affection, is found in a letter dated March 25, 1864,
from Brandy Station: "My prayer is that I may get home to see you, my dear wife. You are always in my thoughts. I expected to reach home before now; but this is a world of disappointment. My trust is in God, and in Him alone. Thus far He has been good to me, and I know He will be with me to the end. I am trying to do my duty. My dear, let us trust God, and be faithful
until death, and all will be well."
Under date of May 1, 1864, he says: " If anything befalls me I have friends here that will inform you; but don't be discouraged,
God is with us. He has brought us safe thus far, and why not trust him in time to come! O, let us be faithful until death, so
that we may meet in heaven."
After having escaped many dangers, Mr. Murry was killed at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. A carefully kept and neatly written diary, from July 25, 1863, to April 13, 1864, shows that Mr. Murry was one of the noble heroes of our patriotic army, ever ready for duty, always hopeful, never sacrificing his honor nor his Christian character. Like thousands, his lonely wife is comforted, amid sorrow, by the assurance that her husband died in a good cause, and she hopes to meet his brave and sanctified spirit, in the land of everlasting rest.
The following testimonial to the character of the departed is given by Professor J. T. Cameron, of Albany:
"Mr. Murry came to the Washington Avenue Methodist Church in 1849, and was one of our most substantial members.
He was benevolent and kind to all; modest and retiring in his deportment. While he was ready to do all in his power for the church, yet he shrank from assuming the responsibilities of office. Being induced, however, to accept the position of class leader, he was faithful, and secured the confidence of all. Every object that was proposed for the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom found in him a warm supporter.
It was with deep regret that we were obliged to part with him, and, in the last official meeting, resolutions expressive of our feelings were passed. At the last prayer meeting he endeavored to cheer his weeping friends and said, "If I fall, I hope to fall into the arms of Jesus."
The following; letter has been received from Colonel Terrell:
Albany, March 6, 1866.
He participated in every engagement with his regiment, and, by his remarkable coolness in action, won the highest esteem of his comrades and officers. He possessed that quiet but determined spirit of a brave man, who looks death calmly in the face, and is prepared to go should it be his fate.
His conduct was most exemplary. His Bible was his constant companion, and often, in passing through the regiment, he could be seen alone by himself, reading his book. He never would take part in the coarse jokes or wild frolics of his comrades, but strived to press more sober and solemn thoughts upon their minds. At the storming of Marye's Heights, under a terrible and galling fire, he was one of the first to reach the top, and, by his coolness, inspired his fellow soldiers with confidence and spirit, enabling them to hold what they had so nobly taken.
The campaign again opened, and the long, weary marches were drawing both armies nearer together. At last the grand fight began. Those who were there, and lived through it, will never forget the battles of the Wilderness. It was while the fight was at its highest, and while every gallant son was doing his best to gain the day, that the Corporal, worn out with hard fighting, and faint, was placed by his comrades against a tree for support. The shot and shell were flying in all directions, and our side had to give way, under the dreadful fire which was sweeping away the noble fellows that were unable to walk amid the rain of death. It was not long before our gallant men regained what they had lost; and not until then did they find the mangled forms of their comrades. The Corporal was neverfound. No doubt the brave man dragged his weary body to some lone spot, to die alone amid the thundering of the deadly conflict. All mourned his loss as one that could not be replaced. He was respected while he lived, honored when he died.
Respectfully, WM. H. TERRELL,
Late Lt. Col. 43d N. Y. Vols.
It is with pleasure that I can bear testimony to the Christian and heroic soldier, Corporal William Murry. For almost three
long years he endured all the hardships of a soldier's life without a murmur, and striving to do his duty in the most faithful