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This biography is from ANNALS of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-1851, by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

Paul Todd Taber

Paul Todd Taber was an only son of Azor Taber, a member of the Albany bar, and a gentleman of distinguished legal attainments, who, having occupied a prominent position in his profession, and served as state senator in 1852 and 53, died at the residence of his daughter, near Albany, June 10, 1858.

Paul was born in Knox, the native town of his father, and where he then resided, on the 9th of February, 1827. He bore the name of his maternal grandfather, General Paul Todd, a prominent citizen of Knox.

In 1839, Mr. Taber having removed to Albany, Paul entered the Albany Academy, where he remained for several years, and until he began the study of medicine with Dr. Armsby. He attended lectures at the Albany Medical College, where he graduated at the summer examination in 1848.

He opened an office in the city, and joined the Society at its anuual meeting in 1848. After practicing a short time he started with a party of friends, several of whom were fellow graduates, by the overland route for California, towards which place thousands of enterprising young men were being allured. A slight illness detained him at St. Josephs, Missouri, where his companions left him. During his sojourn there, he was so impressed with the facilities the state afforded for the success of a young physician, that he soon opened an office at Rock House Prairie, a small place in the vicinity of St. Josephs. After a few years of very successful practice, he was taken ill and died of pneumonia on his twenty-fifth birth day, Feb. 9, 1851; leaving a wife to whom he had been but a few months married. One daughter, Julia Pauline, survives him.

Dr. Taber passsd away in the commencement of a career that promised to be one of honorable usefulness, and where his position in a new country, would have soon given to him a leading influence.

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