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This biography is from ANNALS of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-1851, by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

Patrick Gannon

Patrick Gannon was born in Queens county, Ireland, in 1780. His father was a man of wealth, and respected in the neighborhood in which he resided.

The family were from time immemorial Roman Catholics. The doctor himself was educated with reference to the ministry in the Pomish church. His early years were spent at an academy in Kilkenny; he was subsequently transferred to Trinity College Dublin, where he completed his education. He came to the United States of America in the year 1800, intending to spend his life here as a priest in the church of his fathers. On his arrival, instead of entering the ministry he engaged in teaching a school in the city of New York for one year. At the expiration of the year, he made up his mind to enter the medical profession and in 1802, commenced his studies with Dr. Broadhead of Columbia county, where he remained one year, and returned to New York where he studied three years, enjoying some of the best advantages which the country at that time offorded [sic]. He commenced practice in Brunswick, Rensselaer county, where he soon acquired an excellent reputation.

In 1810 he renounced the religion in which he had been educated. In the year 1815, he removed to Schoharie county, where he settled upon a farm, at the same time continuing bis medical practice. Here he remained until his removal, in 1833, to the city of Albany, where he passed the evening of his life. Until about two years previous to his decease, which occurred on the first of February, 18§4, Dr. Gannon enjoyed good health, and attended to all his professional and other duties. At that time he was the subject of a partial paralysis, from which he never fully recovered; his faculties were but slightly touched by it. About a fortnight previous to his decease he had another stroke of paralysis, which proved the immediate cause of his death. He died in the seventy-fourth year of his age.

Dr. Gannon was married in 1806, to Miss Huddleston, of Clermont, Columbia county, with whom he lived forty-eight years in the utmost conjugal affection and harmony. He died leaving her a childless widow to mourn the loss of one of the best of husbands.

Dr. Gannon was an excellent man, of good sense, and was far more highly educated than was generally supposed. He was eminently prudent and considerate in all his intercourse, and never needlessly gave offence to anybody; modest, and more ready to yield than to claim precedence. In his professional capacity he was greatly respected, and during his residence in the country he had an extended and profitable practice. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, a constant and devout commnicant. He made his will previous to his decease, in which after providing liberally for his wife, relatives and friends, he bequeathed legacies to several of the clergymen of the city. To his own pastor one hundred and seventy-five dollars, and to another fifty dollars; to eight more thirtyfive dollars each; to two others twenty-five dollars each; to his pastor while he was living in Schoharie seventy-five dollars; to the poor of the congregation with whom he worshipped in the city of Albany, one thousand dollars, to be placed at interest, payable annually, and distributed among the poor once a year, in such sums not exceeding twelve dollars, to any one person, as the distributors in their discretion may deem best calculated to do the most good. To the poor of the third and fourth Presbyterian churches, of the Bethel church, and of the North Pearl street Methodist church in the city of Albany, twenty-five dollars to each of said churches. To the American Home Missionary Society, to the Board of Foreign Missions, and to the American Bible Society, each one hundred dollars; to the Theological Seminaries at Princeton, and New Brunswick, state of New Jersey, and to the Union Theological Seminary New York city, each three hundred and fifty dollars, equal to one thousand and fifty dollars; to the trustees of the Albany Academy, one hundred and fifty dollars, the interest of which was to be annually devoted to the purchase of a gold medal to be awarded at each annual examination to the student who has made the greatest proficiency in mathematics and natural philosophy. To the Young Men's Association in the city of Albany, fifty dollars; to the Apprentices Library, fifty dollars; to the poor of the town of Brunswick, Rensselaer county, and the town of Cobleskill in the county of Schoharie, seventy-five dollars each, to be distribtued by the supervisor of each of said towns, and to several of the physicians of Albany, with whom he had been intimate associates, each the sum of twenty-five dollars. The catholic liberality of Dr. Gannon's heart and spirit, his good will towards all men is displayed in his bequests. For these items I am indebted to his executor, Christopher Y. Lansing, Esq.

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