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Otis Jenks was the son of Nathaniel and Phebe Jenks, and was born in the northern part of Vermont, near Canada, on the 1st day of February, 1799. He studied medicine, and in 1819 removed to Melbourne in Canada, where he began the practice of medicine and surgery. In August, 1829, in conformity with a law of the Province, he went before a board of medical commissioners in Quebec, for examination, and received license from the board. He continued in practice at Melbourne, until the spring of 1839. Upon his departure he received the following note.
Melbourne, Canada East, April 30, 1839. |
Dr. Otis Jenks: Dear Sir—We the undersigned beg leave to address you in terms expressive of our entire approbation and satisfaction at the manner in which you have discharged your professional duties among us, for the long period of twenty years. We are firmly persuaded that you have thereby won the affectionate regard of all who knew you, and such are the sentiments we mean to evince to you by this address, and we beg that the sincerity of our professions may plead a sufficient apology for what might be looked upon as an intrusion. We cannot, dear sir, in justice to our feelings, and out of proper regard for your valuable services, allow you to retire from among us, without conveying the high sentiments of gratitude, felt towards you for the steady exertions, unceasingly made by you for our welfare, as well as for the disinterested and friendly intercourse you have kept up towards us during your residence in this country. Ready at all seasons and at all calls, whether from the rich, or the poor, whether rewarded for your services on not, you have indeed acquitted yourself worthy of your trust. The sincere and deep respect which we feel at being separated from you can only be alleviated by the confident hope that your professional talents, your active exertions, your consistent exemplary conduct on the distant field on which you are about to enter may be rewarded in a manner altogether suitable to your deserts. Fare you well, is the earnest prayer of each and all of us, and under the protection of Almighty God, may the blessings of health, happiness and prosperity, attend you and yours. |
Signed, C. B. Fleming, Prot. Min. St Ann's church. Geo. M. Eoss, Hector St George's church, Drumville. J. B. Sully, Wesleyan Minister, Melbourne. D. Thomas, Justice. J. Bradley, Justice. D. Watherson, Justice. J. Thompson, Lieut. Royal Navy. Jno. Aylmer, Capt. Royal Navy. |
Dr. Jenks came to Albany January 16 th, 1840, and received a diploma from the Medical Society of the State of New York. He continued to reside and practice in Albany until failing health admonished him for a time to relinquish active duties. In 1845 he removed to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and continued his practice until 1853, when he went to the neighboring city of Racine, where he died from disease of the lungs, on the 9th of June, 1854, in the fifty-fifth year of his age.
Dr. Jenks was an upright, honest man, greatly beloved by his friends and patients, towards whom he acted with consciencious fidelity.
Dr. Jenks left two sons, William Otis Jenks, who studied medicine but is now a merchant in New York city, and the Rev. George H. Jenks, a clergyman of the Episcopal church in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. A daughter married Daniel Ullman, Esq. of Racine, Wisconsin.