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This biography is from ANNALS of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-1851, by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

Carol Humphrey

Carrol Humphrey was the eldest son of Chauncey Humphrey, a native of Connecticut, but who at an early period of life became a resident of Albany. Carrol was born in 1805. He pursued his literary studies at Union College, where he was graduated as Bachelor of Arts in 1821. Shortly afterwards he began the study of medicine with his uncle, Dr. Gideon Humphrey, and attended medical lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, where he received his medical degree. The advantages that wealth affords were bestowed upon his education; a diligent and careful student, he did not fail to improve them.

For two or three years he was a practitioner in Albany, and was admitted to this Society in 1831. During the prevalence of cholera in 1832, he was an active member of the profession. He was an intelligent and careful physician, and prescribed with no inconsiderable skill. He was regarded as a young man of high promise, with a symmetrical figure, an erect carriage, a clear brunette complexion, a full black eye, a prompt easy manner. His appearance was every way prepossessing, while his tastes were refined and cultivated. After two or three years in the profession, partly in pursuit of health, and partly for the purposes of travel and scientific studies, he sailed for the East Indies as a surgeon of the Edward, of Philadelphia. On board the vessel he met with a fall, and was so badly injured, that he died in a few days after his arrival in Calcutta, on the 21st of May, 1834.

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