US GenWeb

African-Americans in Albany County, NY

If you have information about African Americans who once lived in Albany County that you would like to contribute to this section, please email Debby Masterson. As you can see, this section is in its infancy. By linking you to AfriGeneas, we do provide those of you just starting out with a very big boost, because AfriGeneas is fantastic! But we need more - much more, and we need it from you who are researching your own African American ancestors as well as from other researchers who may have in their possession documents that name or describe ancestors of African Americans. No clue is too small to offer; it could just be the missing piece of a large jigsaw!

The Center for African American Genealogical Research, Inc. - provides free access to registered users (registration is also free) to any genealogist researching his or her family history
AfriGeneas - the nationwide site for African American genealogical research
NY-AfriGeneas - the branch of AfriGeneas specializing in New York state/colony
1790 US Census - List of Free Black Heads of Families in the First Census of the United States 1790
Time Line of African American History - a good, concise overview - recommended reading for every American
The African American Mosaic - A Library of Congress resource guide
The Underground Railroad in New York State - From New York History Net
"Colored" Troops in the US Civil War - A Thorough Research Guide
The Vigilance Committee in Albany

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson

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