US GenWeb

Inventory of the Estate of Jan Cock

Inventory of the estate left by Jan Cock, a young man, who by the bursting of a cannon in their majesties' fort at Albany was killed on he 9th of February 1689/90, when the French destroyed Schenectady, made by Albert Ryckman and Jan Lansing, aldermen of the city of Albany.

1 hammock
4 shirts
1 linen breeches
1 plush breeches
1 broadcloth breeches
1 coat of cloth with handsome buttons
1 old cloth coat
1 old broadcloth coat (both coats were sold by Katelyntie for 13 skipples of wheat)
1 bombazine waistcoat
1 cloth waistcoat without sleeves
6 pairs of white thread stockings
3 pairs of silk stockings, 1 white and 2 colored
1 pair of sayette stockings
1 pair of sleeves without lace
2 pairs ditto with lace
4 cravats with lace
6 ditto without lace
1 silver spoon
1 hat, sold by Katelyntie for 2 pieces of eight
2 transverse flutes
1 razor
1 barrel and 1 lock for a gun
1 iron-bound chest
1 small trunk
3 pairs of gold buttons for shirts
1 small compass
5 dozens and 10 silver buttons for a waistcoat
1 gold ring 2 silver scruffies (small screws ?)
30 pieces of eight and 6 quarter-guilders
8 pieces of eight that are due from Harpt. Jacobse
1 old Oeffeninge der Godtsaligheyt (Exercise of Godliness)
1 horse pasturing in the woods
The half of a yacht appraised by Jacob Lokermans and Hendrick Martense at thirteen hundred and twenty guilders seawan
By cash received for him by Catelyntie Jacobse, 131 gl. seawan
6 loot (4 ounces) baroque pearls
By case due to him by Samson Bensing, 228 gl. seawan
By 30 gl. due to him from Killiaen van Renselaer.

Send comments or suggestions to:
Debby Masterson

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