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In the name of God, Amen. On this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty-four, I, Jannetie Cregier, widow of Martin Cregier, of Albany, in the province of New York, being weak and sickly in body, but having my senses and understanding, the Lord be praised and thanked, and considering the shortness and frailty of human life, the certainty of death and the uncertain time and hour thereof, make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, annulling and canceling all former will or wills, testament or testaments heretofore by me made or published whether by word of mouth or in writing and [desire] the presents to be held as my last will and testament and none else.
First I commend my soul to God and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian manner and there to rest in expectation of a blessed resurrection at the last day; and as regards such temporal estate as the Lord far above my deserts has ben pleased to grant me, I dispose of the same in manner following:
First. I will and order that all my just debts shall be paid in proper time out of the rents of my real and immovable estate in manner following, that is to say, that all my real and immovable estate shall be leased for the time of six years after my death or until my debts are paid, by my executors hereinafter named.
Item. I give to my son Martynus Cregier ten shillings current money of New York for his right of primogeniture.
Item. I give and bequeath to my said son Martynus Cregier the full and complete half of my farm lying at Knistageione in the county of Albany, to wit, the easterly portion with the homestead as I have it in use with the full half of the pasture, cripple bush and woodland behind the homestead and farm, west of the Fuyck or Albany path, to him my aforesaid son Martynus Cregier, his heirs or assigns forever, provided that my son Martynus or his heirs or assigns pay or disburse therefor two hundred fifty pounds current money of New York, to wit, to my daughter Elizabeth, wife of Daniel van Olinda, or her heirs or assigns the sum of fifty poounds thereof within the time of one year after my death, and to my daughter Annatie, wife of Victoor Becker, or her heirs or assigns the sum of fifty pounds thereof within the time of two years after my death, and to my daughter Geertruy, wife of Ulderick van Francke, her heirs or assigns, the sum of fifty pounds thereof within the time of three years after my death, and to Enogh Vreelandt and Marya Vreedlandt, children of my deceased daughter Marya Vreelandt, the sum of one hundred pounds, that is to them or their respective heirs or assigns to each fifty pounds, all current money of New York in the time of four years after my death.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Cregier the full and just half of my said farm and land at Kanistagone, to wit, the westerly portion thereof with the homestead a present my him occupied and used with the full half of the pasture, cripple bush and woodland lying behind the homestead and farm to the west of the Fuyck or Albany path, to him my aforesaid son Samuel Cregier his heirs or assigns forever; also a third part of the orchard fruits for the time of six years after my death, provided that he, my said son Samuel, or his heirs or assigns pay and disburse therefor the sum of two hundred pounds current money of New York, to wit, to my aforesaid daughter Elisabeth, wife of Daniel van Olinda, or her heirs or assigns the sum of fifty pounds within the time of one year after my death, and to my daughter Annatie, wife of Victoor Becker, or her heirs or assigns the sum of fifty pounds within the time of two years after my death, and to my daughter Geertruy, wife of Ulderick van Francke, or her heirs or assigns the sum of fifty pounds in the time of three years after my death, and to Enoch Vreelandt and Maria Vreelandt the sum of fifty pounds, that is, to each of them or their respective heirs or assigns twenty-five pounds, all current money of New York, within the time of four years after my death.
Item. I give and bequeath to my said daughter Elisabeth, wife of Daniel van Olinda, the half of my house and of the lot of ground lying in Albany on Jonker street, between the house and lot of Patroon Jeremiah van Renselaer and Jacob Glen, that is to say, the westerly half part of the house and lot, with the overhang over the alley up to the garret (but the alley under the floor is to be in common between her and her sister Geertruy, to each the half), to her my aforesaid daughter Elizabeth, her daughter Maritie shall have the sum of fifty pounds current money of New York after the death of her mother, my daughter Elizabeth.
Item. I give and bequeath to my said daughter Geertruy, wife of Ulderick van Francke, the easterly half of my aforesaid house and lot in Albany on Jonker street, bounded easterly by the house and lot of Patroon Jeremiah van Renselaer, that is to say the most easterly half of the whole lot, with the half alley heretofore mentioned, the overhang over which belongs to the westerly portion of the house bequeathed to my daughter Elizabeth; which aforesaid easterly half of the house and lot and alley in common under the floor I bequeath to my aforesaid daughter Geertruy, her heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I grant to my aforesaid daughter Elizabeth, wife of Daniel van Olinda, the right to dwell in the house now standing upon the back part of the aforesaid lot, on the west side thereof, during the time of six years after my death, with some ground to the south thereof, now a garden, without any rent to be paid therefor to my executors or any of them.
Item. I give and bequeath to my afornamed daughter Annatie, wife of Victor Becker, all that land lying at Knistageioene to the east of the Fuyck or Albany path beginning and bounded on the shore by the homestead of my son samuel Cregier and thence down the tiver to Schurlynen kill with the island and thence into the woods so far as my right extends on the east of the Fuyck path or [the land] belongs to me, to her my aforesaid daughter Annatie during her life and after her death to her children, to wit, Martynus, Nicholas, Hendrick and Janetie respectively, to their respective heirs and assigns, to each a just fourth part thereof forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my aforesaid two sons Martynus and Samuel Cregier to each the half of my portion and right, being the just half of a certain parcel of land at Knistigone, abutting westerly on my farm between the little kill and the Steene (Stone) kill, to them my aforenamed sons, their respective heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I desire that my daughter Elizabeth together with my daughter Geertruy shall have a third of the apples out of the orchard at Knistigone (bequeathed to my two sons) for the time of six years after my death.
Item. And in case my two sons Martynus and Samuel or either of them should decline to take the aforesaid land at Kniestigeioene hereinbefore mention and bequeathed to them and to pay or turn over the money therefor hereinbefore mentioned to my daughters Elizabeth, Geertruy, Anna and to the two children of my deceased daughter Marya, to wit, Enoch Vreelandt and Maria Vreelandt according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament, then I will that y aforenamed daughters with the two aforenamed children of my deceased daughter Marya shall be entitled to enter upon and share an equal portion of the real and immovable estate with him who reguses to pay according to my desire.
Lastly. I appoint and make my sons Martynus Cregier and Samuel Cregier and moreover my daughters, namely Elizabeth, Annatie and Geertruy, executors of this my last will and testament. Thus signed, sealed and declared to be my last will and testament in presence of the witnesses named below, the day and year first above written.
Jannetje Cregier (L.S.)
Signed, sealed and declared by the testatrix to be her last will and testament in presence of us, as witnesses, signing hereto in the presence of the testatrix
Stephanus van Rensselaer
Albany ye 10 day of June 1741
Be it Remembered that on the day and Year above written personally appeared before me Myndert Schuyler being thereunto deligated and appointed Stefanus van Renselaer and John de Peyster two of the witnesses to the within written will of Jannetie Cregier and made Oath on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that they Saw the said Jannetie Cregier Sign seal publish and declare the same to be her last will and that at the time thereof she was of sound disposing mind and memory the best of their knowledge and Also further declare they saw Gerrt. Bancker one of the other of the witnesses to ye abovesaid will Sign as witness thereunto in the presence of the Testatorix.
Myndert Schuyler
Recorded and Examined the 12th October 1763
Pr. Ha: Gansevoort Clerk
Gerardus Bancker
Jno. de Peyster
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