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In the name of God, Amen. Know all men by these presents that upon this fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-seven, I, Volkert van Veghte, dwelling in the colony of Rensselaerswyck in the county of Albany, in the province of New York, being old in years, but having my memory and understanding perfect, and considering the shortness and frailty of human life, the certainty of death and the undertainty of the time and hour thereof, and being desirous to set my affairs in good order, make this my last will and testament, hereby annulling, canceling and revoking all wils or testaments heretofore made and declared by me, whether by word of mouth or in writing, and [desire] this to be held as my last will and testament.
Imprimis. I commend my soul to God my Creator and Savior and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian manner, and respecting such temporal etate as belongs to me, money obligations, good, rights and credits, nothing excepted where and whatsoever it may be, I order and dispose thereof as follows:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Gerrit Teunise's son Volkert Van Veghte in consideration of his father's birthright and right of primogeniture fifteen pounds current money of this province.
Item, I give to my wife Liedia Van Veghte my whole estate during her widowhood or lifetime as I possess and occupy the same, nothing whatsoever expected.
Item, I give and bequeath after my wife Liedia Van Veghten's death my whole estate as it may be found after her death to my six afternamed children and children's children, that is to say, my farm, house, barn, ricks, a fourth interest in the sawmill and all other appurtenances belonging to the farm lying in the colony of Renslarswyck on the east side of Hudson's river over against Papsknee, bounded north by the south end of the land of Jannetje Witbeeck and south by the north end of the land of the heirs of Johannis Van Veghten, decd, and west by Papsknee's Kill; and also my just eighth part of the land of the Hoosieck patent to me devised and bequeathed by my father's last will and testament, and furthermore my whole estate and effects, negroes, negresses, negro children, horses, cows, and everything without exception, to my son Dirck Van Veghte, his heirs or assigns a just sixth part of my whole estate and of all the above-named property, nothing whatsoever excepted.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Magrieta Van Den Bergh, wife of Gerrit C. Vancen Bergh, her heirs or assigns, a just sixth part of my whole estate and of all that is above mentioned, without any exception.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Gerrit Teunisse's two children, Volkert and Angenietje Van Veghte, to them and their heirs, each a just sixth part of my whole estate above named, nothing excepted.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Ephraim's daughter, Liedia Van Veghte, to her and her heirs, a just sixth part of my whole estate above named, nothing excepted.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Johannis Van Veghten's heirs, to them and to their heirs, a just sixth part of my whole estate, without exception.
Item, I give and bequeath1 that in case any of my aforenamed children or children's children happen to die before they or any of them attain their majority what is hereinbefore bequeathed to them shall pass to the above-named surviving children, or their heirs, to be divided equally among them.
Item, I will and desire that my farm or whole estate six weeks after my and my wife's death shall be sold to one of my children if he shall be able to buy the same, or else to someone else whom my hereinafter named three executors shall consider fit and able to buy the same, and I authorize and empower my executors or two of them to convey the same after such sale and that their conveyance, signed and sealed by them, shall pass and stand as a perfectly title to anyone as if the same was done by me personally.
Item, I will and desire that the share of the minor children's children in m whole estate shall be secured by obligation for their behoof until the time they shall come of age and then be given to them, and the income of said obligations shall yearly be given to the mothers of the children for maintenance of their children and the principal of the obligations shall remain in the hands of the executors.
Item, I desire and order that if my aforesaid children or any of them may not be satisfied with their just sixth part of the whole and all that belongs to me, which I have above bequeathed and given to them, but seek to make further claim or pretension to any part of my estate, or any portion thereof here or elsewhere of whatsoever nature it may be, those who come to do that shall be completely deprived of their inheritance bequeathed to them above.
Item, Lastly I nominate my two sons Dirck Van Veghten and Gerrit C. Van Den Bergh and my friend Petrus Douw as my executors of this my last will and testament and desire that they my just debts which I may leave behind shall pay in proper time out of my whole estate. In witness of the truth of which I have subscribed and sealed these and declared these to be my last will and testament, the day and year above written.
Volckert van Vegte (L.S.)
Signed, sealed and the above written declared by Volkert Van Veghte to be his last will and testament, in presence of us as witnesses.
Hendr. Beeckman
On the back of the above will was written as follows viz:
Albany the 15Ap 1749
Be it Remembered, that on the Day & Year above written personally appeared befoe me Myndert Schuyler being thereunto Deligated & Appointed Hendrick Beekman & Johs De Wandelaer two of the Subscribeing Witnesses to the Within Written Will of Volckert Van Veghten Deceased, and made Oath on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that they saw the Said Volkert Van Veghten Sign Seal publish & Declare the Same to be his Last Will & That of the time thereof he was of Sound Disposeing Mind & Memory to the best of their knowledge & also further Declare that they Saw Pieter Dewandelaer on Other of the said Witnesses to the sd Will Sign as Witness to the Same in the Presence of the Testator.
Myndert Schuyler
Recorded Ap: 27th 1750
Pr John Colden Clerk
Johannis De Wandelaer
Pieter De Wandelaer
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