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Know all men by these presents that upon this nineteenth day of December one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven, in the eleventh year of his majesty's reign, King George the second, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, I, Francis Hardick, in good health and having full power and use of my understanding, senses and memory as outwardly appears, considering the shortness and frailty of human life, the certainty of death and the uncertain house thereof, and being desirous to set all things in order, make this my last will and testament in form and manner hereinafter written:
First of all commending my soul to God Almighty my Creator, to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my Sancrifier, and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in a Christian manner, there to rest until my body and soul shall be reunited at the last day and enjoy the eternal bliss of immortality which God of His grace has prepared through the merit of out Savior for all those who unfeignedly repent and believe in Him; and as regards such temporal estate of lands, goods, horses, cattle, credits, etc., as the Lord has been pleased far above my deserts to grant me, I order, give and dispose of the same in manner herinafter written:
First. It is my will and desire that all my just debts in proper time shall be paid.
2 I give to my eldest son Jan Hardick for his birthright as my eldest son thirty shillings current money of New York.
3 I give to my son Jan Hardick a certain piece of land lying on the east side of Hudson's river, new partly in his possession, beginning at a certain place called the Noorder Boght (north bend) at an elm tree at the corner of the fence, stretching thence into a vley (flat) by the first kill which is called the Diepe Leeghtese Kill (Deep Valley creek), then up along the south side of said kill to the fall on said kill, thence up to the corner of the fence of the land now already in his possession, thence to a bridge called the Pople (Poplar) bridge, thence to a bridge called the Swarte (Black) bridge, which bridge lies over a Spruyt (brook), thence along the north side of said spruyt to the land which my son Willem Hardick has bought of him, thence along the fence to the aforesaid elm tree, which I give him for him and his heirs and assigns forever.
4I give and bequeath to my son Willem Hardick all my right, title and interest in and to my land lying at Claverack, excepting what I have already granted or bequeathed, for him, his heirs and assigns forever, on condition that he shall pay to my daughter Sarah Hardick, wife of Jonatan Rees, or her heirs the sum of thirty pounds current money of New York, and to the three children of my deceased daughter Gerrite, wife of Domine Iustus Valkenaer, deceased, fifteen pounds current money of New York, or else he can satisfy them by [giving] each twenty-five morgens of woodland, more or less, it being left to his choice to give either money or land, for them, or their heirs and assigns.
5 It is my will and desire that my son Willem Hardick shall have one year and six weeks after my death in which to pay my abovesaid daughter Sarah and the three children of my abovewritten daughter Gerritje, deceased, or their heirs, the portion aforenamed.
6 I give to my son Willem Hardick, or his heirs, all my movable estate, that is, horses and cows and furniture, excepting the older furniture which I desire shall be divided among my five children, or their heirs, namely: Jan, Willem, Sarah, Gerritje and Volkje Hardick, wife of Leendert Rees.
7 I appoint as executor of this my last will and testament, my above son Willem Hardick. In witness whereof I have signed this in presence of witnesses in Claverak in the county of Albany, the day and year as above.
his X mark
Francis Hardick (L.S.)
Signed and declared this to be his last will and testament. The word Koningh (king) interlined before signing.
Samuel Ten Broeck
Albany the 3 day of Nov. 1742
Be it Remembered that on the day and year above written personally appear'd before me Myndert Schuyler being thereunto Deligated and appointed, Samuel Ten Broeck and Evert Boudt Two of the Subscribing wittnesses to the within will of Fransis Hardick, and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God That they Saw the said Francis Hardick Sign and Seal publish and declare the same to be his Last will and That at the Time thereof he was of Sound disposeing mind and memory to the best of their Knowledge and further declared they Saw the other wittness Derick Ten Broeck sign as sittness thereunto in the presence of the Testator.
Myndert Schuyler
Recorded in the Book of Records of wills held for the City and County of Albany page 206, 207 & 208, the fourth day of November 1742.
Pr me Phil Livingston Jun. D. Clk
Dirk W. en Broeck
Evert Bout his E.B. mark
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