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In the name of God, Amen. On the first day of June in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign king George the second, over Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &, in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ one thousand seven hundred and thirty-two, I Dirck Goes, of Kinderhook in the county of Albany and in the province of New York, being weak and sick of body, but having sound and perfect memory and understanding (God be thanked for the same), considering the uncertain condition of this life, and that all flesh must die whenever the Lord shall please to call, and being desirous to set my affairs in order, make this my last will and testament in form and manner following: In the first place I commend my soul to Almighty God my Creator, to Jesus Christ my Savior, to the Hold Ghost my Sancrifier, and my body to the earth from whence it came therein in a becoming and Christian manner to be buried, to rest until my soul and body shall again be reunited, on the day of the general resurrection to become partaker of the insatiable joy of immortality, which God of His grace through the merits of Jesus Christ alone has prepared and promised for all such as have true penitence and faith in Him. As regards such temporal goods as the Lord far above my deserts has been pleased to bestow upon me I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following:
First. It is my will and desire that my wife Elizabeth Goes shall be altogether master of my whole estate as it is now in use, during her widowhood.
2 I bequeath to my son Johannis Goes after my death one of my cattle according to his choice in order that he may make no further claim upon my estate by reason of his primogeniture than shall hereinafter be bequeathed to him.
3 I bequeath to my son Luyckas Goes my house, barn, homestead and orchard as I now have them in possession, for him and his heirs and assigns forever.
4 I bequeath to my two aforenamed sons Johannis Goes and Luyckas Goes to them and their heirs and assigned forever the remainder of all my real estate, arable land, mills, meadow and swamp, to each an equal half and no more, (saving a piece of land called the Maiezhoek, that I give to my daughter Anna, wife of Tobias van Bure[n], to her and her heirs and assigns forever).
5 I bequeath my vote in the Common patent of Kinderhook to my three children to wit, Johannis and Luyckas Goes and Anna, wife of Tobias van Beuren, to each a third part, to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
6 I bequeath all my title and claim which I have at Claverack to my son Johannis Goes and my daughter Anna van Beuren, for them and their heirs and assigns forever, to be divided among them and their heirs, to the one no more than to the other.
7 I will that my sons Johannis and Luyckas Goes shall each pay twenty-five pounds current money of New York to my daughter Anna van Beuren, wife of Tobias van Beuren, to her or her heirs, four years after my wife's death.
8 If my son Luyckas should die without heirs, it is my will that what I have herein bequeathed to him shall go to my son Johannis and my daughter Anna, wife of Tobias van Beuren, to them and their heirs and assigns forever, to one no more than to the other.
9 I give to my son Luyckas Goes my negroToby, and my negress Bettie, for him and his heirs and assigns, after my wife's death.
10 I will that after my wife's death my three children, to wit, Johannis and Luyckas Goes and Anna, wife of Tobias van Beuren, shall have equal parts, each a third part of all my movable goods to wit, furniture, beds, bolsters, horses, cows, sheep and everything else (save what has already been herein bequeathed).
11 I bequeath to my sons Johannis and Luyckas Goes, to them and their heirs and assigns forever, all my waterpower on the Kinderhook kill with shoot, dam and all other property and rights and privileges belonging to the mill aforenamed standing on the great fall, now belonging to me and Coenraed Borghard, with ground and orchard thereto belonging.
In acknowledgment of the truth of which I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written, in presence of these.
Dirck Goes (L.S.)
A. V. Dyck
Albany the 5th Augt. 1732
Appeared before Philip Livingston one of his Majesties Councill for the Province of New York Arent van Dyck one of the Subscribeing wittnesses to the within written Will of Dirk Goes and made oath on the hold Evangelists of Almighty God that he saw the said Dirk Goes seale Publish & Declare the within to be his Last will & Testament, and that at the same time he was of sound Disposeing mind & memory to the best of his knowledge and that he saw the other wittnesses sign thereto, to the best of his Rememberance.
Ph: Livingston
Cornelis van Schaack
Jan Tysen Goes
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