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Will of Adam Dingeman

In the name of the Lord, Amen. By the contents of this present pubic instrument, know all men that in the year seventeen hundred and twenty and twenty-one, the twenty-first of January, in the seventh year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King George, I, Adam Dingeman, born at Haerlem in Holland, sick and weak of body, but having the perfect use of my senses, memory and understanding, make this my last will and testament, without the inducement, persuasion or misleading of anyone, in manner following: Commending first and foremost my immortal soul whenever it shall depart from my body to the gracious hands of my Creator and Savior and my body to a Christian burial; and as regards such estate as I on my decease shall leave behind, I give and bequeath it to my children, as well daughters as sons, to be equally divided among them, share and share alike, to the one not more than to the other, whether it be my real estate or my personal property, money, furniture, household goods, rights and credits, all goods, movable and immovable, nothing excepted, annulling hereby all former testaments by me made, and [intending] this alone to be accepted as my last and final will; hereby making my son-in-law Peter Cool sole executor of this my last will and testament, with the power to sell and convey the real estate of lands, etc. and the proceeds thereof to divide equally among my children, and further to do all that the executors by the law of this province are permitted to do. Thus done and executed at the house of Peter Cool aforesaid in the manor of Livingston, the year, month and day aforenamed and with my hand and seal subscribed and sealed.

Was signed,

Adam Dingmans (L.S.)

Signed, sealed and declared in presence of us

Willem Halenbeck
Gysbert Osterhout
Dirk Halenbeek

Appeared abefore Robt. Livingston Junr. Peter van Brugh Esqr. Judges, Evert Bancker and Myndert Schuyer Esqrs. Justices of the Inferior Court of Comon pleas for the City and County of Albany William hawlingbeek, Gysbert oosterhout and Dirk hawlingbeek wittnesses to the within Instrument who declare on the holy Evangelists that they saw adam Dingman sign & seal it and Declare the said Instrument to be his Last will and Testament and that at the same time as it seemd to them he had his perfect sences In Testimony whereof the Judges of the said Court have hereunto sett their hands in Albany this fourteenth day of March in ye seventh year of his majes. Reign annoqe. De. 1720/1

was Signd

Robt. Livingston Junr.
Pieter van Brugh

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Debby Masterson

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