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Surnames Beginning with "V"
Van Aken, De Baun, son of Dr. David F. and Abigail (Lansing) Van Aken, was born in Lishaskill, Albany county, N. Y., January 3, 1863. Dr. David P., the father of the subject of this sketch, is still a practicing physician at Maiden, Ulster county, N. Y. Mr. Van Aken is descended from French-Huguenot stock; from those who, shortly after the massacre of St. Bartholomew's, moved to Holland. Two brothers left Holland and came to America just previous to the Revolution and one of them, Henry, great-great-grandfather of Mr. Van Aken, performed gallant service in the war. Mr. Van Aken's grandfather, Alanson, is now living in the town of New Scotland at the ripe old age of ninety-two; he has been justice of the peace of New Scotland for a number of years. On the maternal side Mr. Van Aken is descended from Gerritt Lansing, who came from Holland and whose descendants have had an important part in framing the history of Albany county. Mr. Van Aken was educated in the Saugerties Institute, the Union Classical Institute at Schenectady and the Albany College of Pharmacy, from which he received the degree of Ph. G. in 1884. After leaving college Mr. Van Aken was associated with Dr. C. H. Smith on Washington avenue for twelve years and was a partner during the last five. In 1894 he purchased the store on the corner of Hamilton and Hawk streets, where he is now doing a large business. He is secretary of the College of Pharmacy and instructor in chemistry therein. For one term he was president of the Alumni Asso- ciation of the college. Mr. Van Aken is a member of the State Street Presbyterian church and has been its Sunday school superintendent for the past five years. In 1890 he married Jessie W. Schermerhorn of East Greenbush, and they have one son, Homer Lansing.
Van Allen, Richard B., was born in the town of Bethlehem. Albany county, in 1842. John Van Allen, the great-grandfather, was a native of Holland. John, the grandfather, was born in the town of Bethlehem in 1780, and was a practical and successful farmer. His wife was Anna Elmandorth, who was born in Kinderhook, a daughter of Jacob Elmandorth. They reared nine children; John, Samuel, Garrett, Philip, Jane, Catherine, Maria, Kaziah and Julia. He died in 1863 and his wife died several years before. Samuel, the father of Richard B., is a native of Bethlehem, born September 2, 1815. He received a common school education and remained on his father's farm until twenty-two years of age, when he married and began for himself on a rented farm. He later purchased one-half of his father's 199 acres, on which he resided until 1875, when he removed to Guilderland, bought a lot and erected a residence at Fuller's Station. Soon after he came into possession of the general store at that place, which he conducted for fourteen years. In 1890 he was succeeded in business by his son Richard and his brother-in-law. He has since led a retired life. While in the town of Bethlehem he was elected school commissioner and was trustee of the district school for fifteen years. In 1836 he married Elizabeth Becker, who was born in Bethlehem in 1813, and was a daughter of Richard and Catherine (Snyder) Becker. Their children are John, Richard, Ira and George. His wife died in 1867. The past few years his children have quietly brought about a reunion at his residence, greatly to the surprise and delight of their aged parents. Richard B. worked on his father's farm and attended the common schools, but at the age of twenty-five left home and engaged as mechanic in the steel works of Troy, and later spent a time at farming, and from 1879 to 1883 he was in the produce business in Albany. In 1883 he removed to Fuller's Station, where he assisted his father in his store. In 1890 he, with his brother-in-law, purchased his father's store and business. He has also been a dealer in hay and straw for the past five years and was for a time interested in a cider mill. He was postmaster at Fuller's Station for two years under Harrison and Cleveland. In 1888 he married Emma Goodman of Schenectady. Mr. and Mrs. Van Allen have two children: Voorhees and Mattie May.
Van Allen, William, was born in the town of New Scotland, on the farm which he now owns, March 14, 1811. Garrett, his great-grandfather, was a native of Holland, came to America and settled in the wilderness in the town of New Scotland, where he cleared a home on a tract of about 350 acres, where he spent his remaining days. He reared two sons, William and John, and two daughters. He lived to an extreme old age. William, the grandfather, was born on the old homestead, September 11, 1744, where he spent his life clearing and improving the farm. His wife was Magdaline Van Wie, born April 8, 1752. They had but one child, Garrett W. Mr. Van Allen died May 28, 1795, and his wife June 33, 1836. Garrett W., the father, was born where his father was. August 1, 1790, and there grew to manhood and spent his life actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. He married, October 5, 1807, Hannah Winnie, when he was but seventeen years of age; she was born October 20, 1790. Their children were Christiana, William, Adam, Garrett, Francis, Philip and Conrad, seven of whom grew to maturity. He died May 13, 1851, and his wife March 8, 1874. William, the subject, has spent his life on the homestead of his great-grandfather. He represented his town in the Board of Supervisors, and in other minor offices. In 1887 he tore down the old stone fort house, which was erected by his great grandfather. October 26, 1887, he married Mrs. Elizabeth
(Moak) Moak, daughter of William Moak of New Scotland.
Van Antwerp, Daniel Lewis, son of William and Sarah (Meadon) Van Antwerp (see sketch of John Henry Van Antwerp for genealogy), was born in Albany, October 6, 1826, and received a public school and academic education. He learned the trade of bookbinder with A. L. Harrison, who had established himself in Albany about 1843, and whom Mr. Van Antwerp succeeded in 1852. This is one of the oldest, as well as one of the best equipped bookbinding and blank book manufacturing establishments in the city, and under Mr. Van Antwerp's able management has en- joyed a prosperous career. The business for many years has been located at No. 16 James street, where a large trade in all kinds of mercantile and other stationery is conducted and where printing and engraving are also done.
Van Allen, P. C., was born in Bethlehem and is the son of David, and grandson of Garrett Van Allen, whose father, with two brothers, came from Holland and settled in Bethlehem. Mr. Van Allen remained on the homestead until 1878, when he moved to New Scotland for two years, after which he settled on his present farm, where he is a farmer. He married a daughter of Josiah Bender of New Scotland, and they have two daughters, Grace and Jesse.
Van Derzee, Andrew S., was born in Coeymans in 1828. He is the son of Charlotte and Andrew Van Derzee. Mr. Van Derzee's grandfather came to Coeymans among the earliest settlers and bought a farm in the southeastern part of the town, in a valley known by the Indians as Haquetock (said by old people of long ago to mean "long valley"), while the Indians were yet located upon it, which is still owned by the family, where he and his son were farmers all their lives. Andrew S. Van Derzee began his business life when thirteen years old by going as cabin boy on one of the Hudson River boats and continued river life until 1849, when he engaged in merchantile business in Coeymans, under the firm name of W. B. Hull & Co., which continued until the death of Mr. Hull, since which time he has carried on the busiuess alone. ln 1851 he married Caroline E. Robb of Dutchess county, who died in 1884 and left one daughter, Mrs. S. F. Powell of Amsterdam, N. Y., and one son, William H., who succeeds to his father's business. In 1890 he married Mrs. Jane C. Brainerd of Saugerties, N. Y. Mr. Van Derzee has always taken a keen interest in the welfare of his town, and has done much for its improvement. The following is from a local paper of date of December 32, 1896:
One of our oldest, most Itighly respected and longest established merchants has retired from business. On Thursday last the new firm of William H. Van Derzee and P. H. Smith look possession of the old stand and successful mercantile business of Andrew S. Van Derzee. Mr. Van Derzee had been in business at this stand for nearly half a century, starting as a partner with the late Wm. B. Hull in 1849. The house has always enjoyed a reputation for reliability. We congratulate our worthy townsman in having secured a competency and most of all on his irreproachable business career, and trust he may be spared to enjoy many years the reward due an industrious career. All will concur in wishing the new firm a prosperous future. |
Van Derzee, John A. Storm Van Derzee came to Rensselaerwyck in the year 1630, having previously emigrated from Holland. He was a trader at Beverwyck, or Albany, in 1661. He married Hilletje, daughter of Gerrit Lansing, and had at least two sons who lived to maturity, viz.: Albert and Wouter. Albert, son of Storm and Hilletje Lansing Van Derzee, married Hilletje Gansevoort, January 20, 1706; their children were Ariaantje, born May 32, 1707; Storm, born June 26, 1709; Harmon, born March 4, 1711. Harmon Van Derzee, son of Albert and Hilletje Gansevoort Van Derzee, married Eva (surname unknown); their children were Albert, baptized June 28, 1738; Cornelis, baptized August 10, 1740; Storm, July 11, 1742. Cornells Van Derzee, son of Harmon Van Derzee and Eva, married Agnes Whitbeck, October 27, 1763; their children were Harmon, born September 3, 1774; Andrew, born May 23, 1766; Eve, born October 13, 1769; Moyaca, born April 25, 1783. Agnes Whitbeck Van Derzee died November 10, 1831; Cornells Van Derzee, her husband, died March 19, 1823. Andrew Van Derzee, son of Cornells Van Derzee and Agnes Whitbeck Van Derzee, married Jane Ten Eyck, March 17, 1797; their children were Agnes, born March 20, 1798; Garritie, born September 16, 1801, died October 9, 1889; Cornelius, born April 7, 1804, died April 11, 1885; Conradt Ten Eyck, born May 30, 1806, died September 36, 1865; John, born October 8, 1808, died December 3, 1861; Caroline, born September 26, 1811; Barent, born December 22, 1818, died December 39, 1857. Jane Ten Eyck Van Derzee, wife of Andrew Van Derzee, died June 4, 1827. Andrew Van Derzee married for the second time widow Charlotte Snyder (born Sherwood); their only child, Andrew S. Van Derzee, was born November 22, 1828. Andrew Van Derzee died April 23, 1835. Conradt Ten Eyck Van Derzee, son of Andrew and Jane Ten Eyck Van Derzee, married Maria Shear, June 19, 1834; their children were Jane, born August 19, 1836; Peter, born August 24, 1838; Agnes, born February 13, 1841; Elizabeth, born March 10, 1843; John A., born February 1, 1845; Albert, born May 9, 1847; Charles, born July 24, 1849; Caroline born January 16, 1856. Maria Shear Van Derzee died December 27, 1876. John A. Van Derzee, son of Conrad Ten Eyck Van Derzee and Maria Shear Van Derzee, married Josephine Waterman October 22, 1874; their, children were Jesse W., born October 30, 1875, died February 6, 1896; Florence G., born November 28, 1880; John Jay, born December 1, 1888. John A. Van Derzee is the present owner and occupant of the old homestead farm which contains 240 acres. He is engaged in raising grain, dairying, fruit culture, and stock raising. This farm, which is in a good state of cultivation, is located south of the Haanakrois Creek, about one-half mile from the Coeymans and Westerlo stone road, formerly the old turnpike. Just one hundred years after the grant to the territory included in the town of Coeymans was made by Governor Lovelace to Barent Peterse Coeymans, the two brothers, Cornelius Van Derzee and Storm Van Derzee, bought from John Barclay and Anna Marghritta, his wife, on the 17th of March, 1673, the lands south of the Haanakrois Creek for 1,300 pounds. (The deed for the above property is at present in possession of one of the descendants.) A substantial stone structure took the place of the log house which was at first built by Cornelius Van Derzee. This house, having been remodeled, is still in a good state of preservation and occupied by Mr. John A. Van Derzee and family.
Van Bergen, George A., the well known insurance agent of New Scotland, was born at Troy in 1845. He is a son of the late John C. Van Bergen, who was a resident of Green Island from 1848 to his death in 1862. George Van Bergen was compelled by the exigencies of life to leave school when twelve years old, but has by persistent and well-directed personal research made himself thoroughly informed. He learned the moulders trade, which was his father's, and followed it nearly thirty years. Mr. Van Bergen spent a year in the service of his country as a soldier of Co. F, 89th N. Y. Vols., during which time he spent four months in rebel prisons. In 1884 he took up the insurance business, representing some of the most stable companies, among them the -Etna, Hartford, and the "Insurance Company of North America." He is a citizen of more than ordinary note, has run the gauntlet of local official life, including the presidency of the village.
Van Derzee, Alton, was born in 1843 in Coeymans, and is a son of Barent and Laura (Niles) Van Derzee, and grandson of Cornelius Van Derzee, who settled in Coeymans in 1774 and was a farmer, Mr. Van Derzee moved to the neighborhood where he now lives in 1852 and where his father died in 1850. Mr. Van Derzee has always taken an active interest in the affairs of his town and in 1886 was elected highway commissioner, and in 1887 was on the Board of Supervisors and was elected again in 1891 and 1892. He is a member of the F. & A. M. No. 804.
Van Gaasbeek, Amos C., is descended from an old Dutch family which came from Amsterdam, Holland, to Kingston, N. Y., about 1660. Alexander B. Van Gaasbeek, his father, the son of an eminent physician, Dr. James, was born in Middleburg, Schoharie county, in 1816, and came to Albany in 1833 as a clerk for John Guernsey and later for William Bagley. In 1836 he engaged in the dry goods and carpet business, but in 1849 sold out and went to Panama, where he was engaged in commerce for two years. Returning to Albany he re-engaged in trade, dealing solely in carpets, a business he still continues. Amos C. Van Gaasbeek, born in Albany, July 29, 1853, received his education at the Boys' Academy, under private tutelage, at Professors Anthony's and Collins's Classical Schools (all in Albany), and at Mt. Anthony's Seminary in Bennington, Vt. When seventeen he became a clerk in the carpet house of John H. Pray, Sons & Co., of Boston, but four years later returned to Albany and entered his father's store, in which after one year he was made a partner under the firm name of A. B. Van Gaasbeek & Co. This continued for fifteen years. In 1889 he removed to New York city and with Bartlett Arkell formed the present firm of Van Gaasbeek & Arkell, opening a store at Broadway and 33d street and Fifth avenue, where they engaged in importing, wholesaling and retailing oriental rugs, carpets, etc., and after seven years are recognized as the leading firm in their line in the United States. They control more than one-half of the looms of India, and are the heaviest importers of rugs in America. Mr. Van Gaasbeek was largely instrumental in securing the funds and causing the erection of the Y. M. C. A. building in Albany, serving as treasurer of the building fund and as a member and later as chairman of the building committee. He was an organizer of the Standard Emery Wheel Company of Albany, of which he has continuously been the president. He is a member of the Holland Society, the Uptown Association, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Albany Society, all of New York city, and the Essex County Country Club, of New Jersey. November 4, 1874, he married Helen W., daughter of Allen Comstock of Lenox, Mass.
Van Heusen-Charles Company, The, was founded in 1843 by Theodore V. Van Heusen and Daniel D. T. Charles, both natives of Albany, and succeeded to the crockery business of Wardwell & Bordwell at No. 66 State street. In 1844 they moved to Nos. 62 and 64 State street and in 1856 they purchased the Mansion House property on Broadway and built the store since occupied by the establishment. The original firm name of Van Heusen & Charles was changed in 1864 to Van Heusen, Charles & Co. by the admission of George W. Pierce as a partner. Mr. Charles died August 1, 1892, and soon afterward the firm adopted is present name of the Van Heusen-Charles Company. This is the oldest and largest enterprise of the kind in Albany or Eastern New York and commands an extensive wholesale and retail trade in fine and ordinary china, bric-a-brac, silverware, lamps, gas fixtures, etc. Both founders were representative and highly respected business men, and took a keen interest in the prosperity of their city and its institutions, Mr. Van Heusen, born in 1818. became somewhat prominent in politics and in 1882 was the Republican nominee for Congress. He died June 15, 1893. The officers of the Van Heusen-Charles Company are Charles M. Van Heusen, president; George W. Pierce, vice-president and treasurer; Leonard Jones, secretary.
Van Leuven, Peter, born December 2, 1825, is a son of Peter Van Leuven and Cathrine (Myers) Van Leuven and grandson of Peter and Catharine (Brietl) Van Leuven, who came from Dutchess county, and on the passage across river in a scow, they were upset and nearly all their goods were lost. They settled a farm near Chesterville, where they spent their lives. Peter Van Leuven, Sr., always followed farming, commencing near Chesterville, where he died August 15, 1863, and Mrs. Van Leuven in 1866. During the war of 1812 he conveyed with his own team ammunition and provisions from Albany to Sackett's Harbor. Peter Van Leuven, Jr., has been a successful farmer and has made many improvements on the homestead, which consists of 162 acres; he also owns 200 acres, part of which he rents. He is a Republican. In 1891 Mr. Van Leuven married Juliett, daughter of Mr. Josiah W. Lay of Chesterville, who was a prominent physician there. On the maternal side Mr. Van Leuven is a descendant of Philip Myers, who was brought to Coeymans when a small boy by his father from Germany. The father returned for the rest of the family and was never heard of. Philip was reared by Peter Whitbeck of Coeymans. He came to Westero and took a large tract of land and became one of the most prominent farmers of the town.
Van Loon, William H., son of Henry F. and Mary (McLaughlin) Van Loon, was born in Lansingburgh, N. Y., August 7, 1835. His paternal grandfather came from Amsterdam, Holland, about 1700; and on his mother's side he is descended from Colonel Cochran of the war of 1812. Mr. Van Loon attended the public schools of Troy, N. Y., and Schenectady county and learned the trade of foundryman at the foundries in Troy and West Troy. Subsequently he entered the employ of Rathbone, Sard & Co. at Albany, N. Y., and remained there thirty-three years, as assistant foreman for eighteen years, and for the balance of the time as the contractor for the stove mountings. In 1892 he bought the business of John Armstrong, plumber and roofer, and he has since then been engaged in that business at No. 787 Broad- way, Albany. Mr. Van Loon is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M., and is a trustee in Grace M. E. church. May 31, 1860, he married Caroline M. Stark, of Glenville, Schenectady county.
Van Meter, Archibald, son of Edmund and Jennett (Loyd) Van Meter, was born in New Scotland, Albany county, March 13, 1825, and about 1828 moved with his parents to the city of Albany, where his father died soon afterward. The family originally came from New Jersey; the father of Holland and Scotch descent, and the mother of Scotch descent. Mr. Van Meter was educated in the public schools of Albany and as a youth, first engaged in gardening. In 1844 he engaged in the meat business, in which he has ever since continued, being located at No. 378 Hudson avenue, since 1877. For several years he has had a large wholesale trade, but now carries on a retail business exclusively. He is member of Wadsworth Lodge, No. 417, F. & A. M.
Van Olinda, John L., was born on the farm he now owns in 1832. This farm was first taken up by Henry Albright in 1740. John L. Hogeboom, the maternal grandfather, came from the town of Ghent, Columbia county, and purchased this farm from Henry Albright about 1792. John L. Hogeboorn was born of Holland parents and reared three children, Lawrence, John and Albertine. They were born in Ghent, Columbia county, the latter being born in 1794; and was the mother of Mrs. Van Olinda. With the exception of four years spent in the village of New Salem, Mr. Van Olinda has spent his whole life on this farm, he having bought it from his father. He has made many improvements, erected a residence and other buildings, cleared some of the land of the timber, and has devoted considerable time to fruit culture, principally to peaches, plums, and apples. He keeps a fine grade of Jersey cattle. For some years he was a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity but later withdrew. In 1856 he was married to Margaret Wynkoop, daughter of Abram and Susan (Albright) Wynkoop. John T. Van Olinda, the grandfather of the subject, was born of Holland parents in the town of Watervliet, Albany county, N. Y., about 1768. He was a farmer and reared four sons and three daughters. He later removed to Brewerton, Onondaga county, and there died in 1848, aged eighty years. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Jacob, the father, was born in the town of Watervliet in 1796; he became a farmer, came to New Scotland, and was employed on subject's farm by John L. Hogeboom, and later married Albertine, his employer's daughter, and lived there until after the death of his father-in-law. He later purchased of his wife's brothers their interest in the farm, and here spent his remaining days. He was thrice married; his first wife was Lydia Ver Plank, by whom he had three children; Mariah, Julian and Ann Eliza. His second wife was Albertine Hogeboon; their children were John L., Lydia Ann, and Albertine. His third wife was Mrs. Sarah Ann Patterson. He died in 1872.
Van Rensselaer, William Bayard, is a lineal descendant of Killaen Van Rensselaer, and were the English law still in force in this State, would be the ninth patroon, or Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. His great-grandfather, Stephen, known as "the young patroon," was a general in the United States array, lieutenant-governor of New York, member of congress, first chancellor of the Board of Regents, etc., etc., and married Margaret, daughter of Philip J. Schuyler. General Stephen's son, also Stephen, 1789-1868, married Harriet, daughter of William Bayard and had a son. Bayard Van Rensselaer, whose wife was Laura, daughter of Marcus T. Reynolds. They were the parents of W. Bayard and Dr. Howard Van Rensselaer (see sketch of latter for further genealogy). W. Bayard Van Rensselaer, born October 4, 1856, attended the Albany State Normal School, the Boys' Academy, a boarding school at Catskill and St. Paul's School in New Hampshire and graduated from Harvard College in 1879. He attended Harvard Law School one year, read law with Marcus T. and Leonard G. Hun in Albany and was admitted to the bar in 1882. He began active practice, but the death of Charles Van Zandt in 1881 soon placed him in charge of the Stephen Van Rensselaer estate. In 1885 the heirs conveyed their interests in this property to the Van Rensselaer Land Company of which he has since been treasurer and general manager. He is a director in the Cohoes Company (incorporated 1823), which supplies all the factories in Cohoes with water power; and is also a director in the New York State National Bank, a trustee of the Albany Savings Bank, and president of Albany Terminal Warehouse Co., a foundation member of the Fort Orange Club and a member of the University and Reform Clubs of New York city. In 1880 he married Louisa G., daughter of Professor Lane of Harvard University.
Van Schaack, John S., was born in New Scotland in 1834. John, his great-grand- father, was a native of Holland and came to America and settled in Greene county, and reared five sons. He owned a fine farm on Coxsackie flats and lived to be eighty years of age. Albert, the grandfather, was the third son, born in Greene county m 1853. He was a farmer and settled in New Scotland in 1770. His first wife was Eva Spore, by whom he had five children, two of whom grew to maturity. His second wife was Mary Ann Bradt, by whom he had nine children; all grew to maturity. He died in 1830. The father was the oldest son by his fathers first wife, born in New Scotland in 1802, where he spent his life as a farmer. He was a volunteer soldier in the war of 1812, and participated in the battle of Sackett's Harbor. His wife was Sarah Shaver, born in 1809, and daughter of John F. Shaver of Berne. They reared four children; Mary Ann, John S., Frank and Elizabeth. Mrs, Van Schaack died in 1888. John S. was reared to farm work and received his education in the common and district schools and Charlottesville Seminary, and followed farming all his life up to 1888, when he retired to the village of New Salem. He has been and is now serving as justice and was postmaster during both of Cleveland's administrations. He has also filled the office of town auditor and represented his town as delegate to county conventions and at district and Assembly conventions. In 1862 he married Amanda M., daughter of Luke Gallup of Westerlo, by whom three children have been born: Albert, who is a teacher in Texas; Susan and Eli. Mrs. Van Schaack died in 1881.
Van Slyke, G. W., & Horton. George W. Van Slyke, son of Peter B. and Sarah (Covert) Van Slyke, both of Holland Dutch descent, was born in New Baltimore, N. Y., September 5, 1831, andmoved to Stuyvesant, N. Y., with his parents in 1839. His first American ancestor, Willem Pieterse Van Slyke, settled in Beverwyck as early as 1628. Mr. Van Slyke was an engineer in a lumber mill for six years and later a general merchant in New Baltimore until 1868, when he came to Albany and engaged in the manufacture of cigars under the firm name of Gee & Van Slyke. Mr. Gee retired in 1870 and Mr. Van Slyke continued the business with slight changes in the firm name until 1880, when Wallace N. Horton was admitted under the style of G. W. Van Slyke & Co. In 1889 the present name of G. W. Van Slyke & Horton was adopted. Mr. Van Slyke died August 11, 1891, and since then his widow has represented his interest in the business, which is one of the best known of its kind in the country. The firm employs about 175 people and has developed an extensive trade as manufacturers and jobbers of fine cigars. Mr. Van Slyke was a director in the First National Bank, a founder, director and vice-president of the Homestead Savings and Loan Association, an original incorporator and president of The Pure Baking Powder Company, a member of the Holland Society of New York and the Albany Club, a trustee of the Madison Avenue Reformed church and president of the board from 1888 till his death, and president of the consistory of that body. In September, 1864, he married Georgianna Parsons of New Baltimore, who died in November, 1865. He irarried second, February, 1870, Mary E., daughter of Richard T. and Margaret (Bailey) Hoag, of Albany, who survives him. They had two sons, George W. and William H., twins, born January 3, 1873, both graduates of Yale University, class of 1895.
Van Valkenburgh, Hon. John W., was born in the village of Chatham, Columbia county, N. Y., June 23, 1826, and is a son of James B. Van Valkenburgh, also of Chatham, who fought gallantly at Plattsburgh during the war of 1812. He lived until he was eighty-one years of age, dying August 15, 1868. The maiden name of Mr. Van Valkenburg's mother was Clarinda Pitts, an aunt of Hon. Edmund Pitts, ex-speaker of the Assembly. She died July 3, 1871, at the age of eighty-one. His grandfather, Bartholomew Van Valkenburgh, was a native of Holland and came to America at an early date, settling at Chatham, N. Y. He served with distinction in the Revolutionary war. In his early youth, J. W. Van Valkenburgh, the subject of this sketch, attended the common schools in Chatham and worked on his father's farm. When he became of age he joined a military company and on November 16, 1849, was comtnissioned first lieutenant in the old 23d Regiment, N. Y. Militia. This commission he held thirty-six years, until the regiment went out of existence. In 1853 Mr. Van Valkenburgh's services were secured to push forward the work of the Lebanon Springs Railroad, and he is said to have thrown out the first shovel of earth and hired the first man on the work. He displayed great energy and ability in this enterprise. He took a deep interest in politics and early joined the Democratic party. In 1853 he was appointed deputy sheriff of Columbia county and served for three years. In 1856 he was made route agent for the general post-office department and ran the first night express train on the Harlem Railroad from Albany to New York. When the Civil war broke out Mr. Van Valkenburgh offered his services and was commissioned first lieutenant of Co. E, 128th Regiment, N. Y. Vols. August 22, 1862, he was duly mustered into the service. His career was a most creditable one. In January, 1863, he served as a member of a court martial in New Orleans, and continued in the service until April 18, 1864, when on advice of a surgeon he tendered his resignation and was honorably discharged. In 1865 he accepted a position as conductor on the Harlem Railroad. The following year he was elected member of assembly from Columbia County. In 1867 Mr. Van Valkenburgh removed to Albany and has since been an active and esteemed citizen of that city. In 1868 he accepted the superintendency of the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad and in 1872 became interested in the New York and Albany Railroad, now known as the New York Railway. When the Lebanon Springs Railroad became involved Mr. Van Valkenburgh was appointed receiver and held that position for three years. In 1873 he was elected a member of assembly from Albany county and has thus had the honor to represent both Albany and Columbia counties.
Van Vranken, Adam T., M. D., was born at Vischers Ferry, Saratoga county, N. Y. September 14, 1850. His paternal ancestors came from Holland and settled in Albany, N. Y. in 1646, afterwards purchased a large tract of land beyond the Mohawk River a portion of which is still in possession of the family. He was the son of J. Witbeck Van Vranken and Dorcas Cregier, both of Holland descent. He received his early education in the district schools of his native place, and finished his literary studies at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, and was graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1873, was was house physician in the Albany Hospital and located in West Troy in 1875, where he still resides. He was for ten years attending physician to the Troy Hospital, and is now upon the consulting staff. He is a member of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, and was its president in 1895-96; also a member of the New York State Medical Association, and of the State Medical Society. He was the president of the Alumni Association of Albany Medical College in 1895 and is now the president of the Young Men's Christian Association of West Troy, also president of the Board of Education. He married Miss Lizzie M. Shoemaker of Albany, N. Y., who died in 1886. He then married Miss Emma Harmon of West Troy in 1889.
Vander Veer, Dr. Albert, was born in the town of Root, N. Y., July 10, 1841, and is a son of Abraham H. Vander Veer, who in 1828 built for tannery purposes the first building in what is now Rural Grove. His paternal ancestors came from Alkmaar, Holland, in 1639, and first settled in Long Island and then in New Jersey. His grandmother's ancestors, Vancovenhoven (abbreviated into Conover), were also Hollanders, and on her father's farm in New Jersey the battle of Monmouth was fought, June 28, 1778. William Vander Veer, relative of Dr. Albert, was an officer in the Revolutionary war and a surgeon in the war of 1813. Colonel Frederick, a cousin, and Capt. Garret Vander Veer, a brother, served in the Rebellion. Dr. Albert Vander Veer attended the Union Free School of Palatine and theCanajoharie Academy, and at the age of eighteen began the study of medicine with Dr. Simeon Snow of Currytown, N. Y. One year later he came to Albany, entered the office of the late Dr. John Swinburne, and attended lectures at the Albany Medical College during 1861 and 1863. In the spring of 1862 he became one of the original "one hundred," commissioned as a U. S. Medical Cadet and ordered to duty at Columbian College Hospital, Washington, D. C. While there he attended lectures at the National Medical College, receiving from that institution the degree of M. D., graduating (honorary) later from the Albany Medical College. In December, 1862, he was commissioned assistant surgeon 66th N.Y. Vols., in June, 1864, being raised to grade of surgeon with rank of major. He served with his regiment until the close of the war, being mustered out in September, 1865. During 1865-66 he attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city, and since then has practiced his profession with signal success in Albany. He was appointed to the chair of general and special anatomy in the Albany Medical College in 1869, and attending surgeon to St. Peter's Hospital. On the reorganization of the Albany Medical College in 1876 he became professor of the principles and practice of surgery. In 1883 he was appointed professor of surgery and clinical surgery and still holds these positions. He is a member of the Boston Gynaecological Society, the British Medical Association, the International Medical Congress at Copenhagen in 1884, the British Gynaecological Society, the American Surgical Association, Holland Society of New York, the American Medical Association, the New York Medico-Legal Society, the Albany Institute and the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He is a frequent writer and contributor to leading medical journals. He was a member and president of the Special Water Commission and has been for many years a member of the Albany Board of Health; he has also been president of the Albany County and New York State Medical Societies. Williams and Hamilton Colleges conferred upon him the degree of A. M. in 1883, Union College gave him the degree of Ph. D. in 1883, and the Queen of Holland decorated him with the order of "Oranje-Nassau," because of his services as vice-president of the local Holland Society. He is also one of the Regents of the University of the State of New York.
Varney, F. E., is of French ancestry and a native of Canada, born in 1818. Since 1851 he has been a prominent and honored citizen of West Troy, where he is engaged in the millwright and tanner's business. Mr. Yarney has been a faithful adherent of the Republican party since its organization. He is a member of the Dutch Reformed church and a promoter of all movements tending towards the advancement of the interests of his city. Of his three children, only one survives, Mrs. James Andrews of Watervliet.
Veeder, Peter J., was born in the town of Guilderland, on the Veeder homestead, in 1831. Volkert Veeder, the great grandfather, was a native of Albany county and an agent of Stephen Van Rensselaer, and was also an active worker in the colonizing of this territory. He owned 1,180 acres of land in one body, on the Glass House and Norman's Kill, which was on the Van Ball's patent. He was active and enterprising and owned one mile of land on the Norman's Kill and two miles on Glass House Creek. He reared four sons and three daughters. Peter, the grandfather, was born in Guilderland on the homestead, where he died when thirty-five years of age. His wife was Ellen Bullock, daughter of Matthew Bullock, by whom five children were born: John B., Ellen, Annie and Peter. John B., the father, was born on the same farm, and died on a portion of this tract, which farm his son William D. now owns. He spent his life successfully as a farmer and left a good property valued at $16,000. His wife was Ellen Holmes of New Scotland, daughter of Seymour Holmes, a successful farmer of that town. To them were born three children: John S. (deceased). Peter J. and William D. He died August 13, 1864, and his wife died in 1850. Mr. Veeder is trustee of the Presbyterian church and was later elected elder, which office he held up to the time of his death. Peter J. received his education at the Charlotteville Boarding School and Princeton Academy in Schenectady county. In 1854 he entered the junior class at Union College. He returned to the farm and remained with his father until the latter's death. He then purchased the personal property and conducted the farm of 148 acres. This he conducted until 1874, when he sold his interest to his brother William, and removed to the village of Guilderland, and eight years later purchased the property where he now resides. In 1892 he was appointed by Governor Flower as United States loan commissioner, which position he held for three years. In 1866 he married Emma Weaver, born in Watervliet and daughter of Daniel Weaver. He has been trustee of the Presbyterian church for twenty-five years and treasurer for seven years. For a number of years Mr. Veeder has been retired from active business. The Veeder family dates back to 1616, when the first Veeder came to America from Holland. He was granted a large tract of land in what is now Albany county. Van Rensselaer was later granted a tract of land by the queen, covering the Veeder tract. Van Rensselaer endeavored to dispossess Veeder, and the litigation that followed ended in leaving 1,180 acres in the possession of Veeder. Van Rensselaer being English, and favored by the crown, the arbitrators returned the above decision.
Veeder, Hon. William Davis, was born in Guilderland, Albany county, N. Y., May 19, 1835, a descendant of an old Netherland family. He received a common school and academic education, and read law with Peter Cagger, Nicholas Hill and John K. Porter. He was admitted to the Albany bar in 1858 and entered the office of Hon. Henry Smith in that city, where he remained until his removal to Brooklyn later in the same year, where he has since resided. He soon became active in politics and has filled with enviable distinction many positions of responsibility and honor. He represented the First district of Brooklyn in the Assembly in 1865 and 1866. He was made a member of the Democratic State Committee in 1874, which position he occupied until 1882. He served in the Constitutional Convention of 1867-68, and also in that of 1894 on the Committees on Preamble and on Corporations. In the fall of 1866 he was elected surrogate of Kings county over two opponents by a majority of 4,500; this office he filled for ten years, or until 1877, and what is remarkable, not one of his decisions was ever reversed. In the fall of 1876 he was elected to the Forty-fifth Congress by a vote of 17,916 against 10,630 for Colonel Cavanagh, Independent Democrat endorsed by the Republicans. At the close of his term he retired from active political work and resumed his law practice, which had become extensive. Mr. Veeder is an authority on constitutional law and a specialist in the statutes which relate to trusts, corporations and wills. He was a member of the Municipal Consolidation Inquiry Commission as to the Greater New York.
Victorin, Anthony, was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1850, of French parentage. His early education was obtained in Vienna and later he completed a course in the Polytechnic of Vienna, in the mean time devoted two years to practical work. After leaving the Polytechnic he was engaged in an extensive establishment at Gratz, Austria, for the manufacture and repair of locomotives, railroad cars, etc., as draughtsman, foreman and superintending engineer; later he was in the employ of the Austrian government as inspector of railway material. The last few years of his residence in Europe were devoted to the construction and equipment of industrial establishments in Austria and France. In 1880 he came to the United States where he has been eminently successful. His first engagement here was as civil and mechanical engineer in the construction of the buildings for the Chicago Sugar Refining Company. In 1884 he accepted the position as mechanical engineer at the West Point Foundry, where his duties were the designing and constructing of factories for the production of machinery and heavy ordnance, and in the early part of 1886 he was engaged as mechanical engineer of the Army Ordnance Bureau in Washington. In the fall of 1887 Mr. Victorin was transferred to Watervliet Arsenal, where his knowledge and skill have been devoted to the building and development of the present great gun factory, and designing, constructing and perfecting the gigantic machinery for the manufacture of heavy ordnance. His well known work here ranks him as second to none in the engineering fraternity. Mr. Victorin is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, the Engineers Club of New York, the Pafraets Dael Club and Laureate Boat Club of Troy, and the Fort Orange Club of Albany; he is also an honorary member of the Troy Citizens Corps. Socially he is a man of great popularity, a gentleman of pleasant manners and an entertaining conversationalist. He is proud of his allegiance to his adopted country and is a thorough American in his citizenship.
Viele, Maurice Edward, is descended from Cornelius Cornelison Viele, who fled from France to Holland to escape persecution, came to Fort Orange, now Albany, and subsequently removed to Schenectady, where he resided when that place was destroyed by the Indians, and whence he returned to Albany in 1670. His son, Ludovickus Viele, born 1709, married Maria Frear; their son, Jacob, married Eva Le Fort; and their son, Ludovickus, married Effie Toll. Hon. John L. Viele, son of the latter, 1788-1832, married Cathalina, daughter of John and granddaughter of Col. John Knickerbocker, of Schaghticoke, where Col. John raised and commanded a regiment in the Revolution, participating in the battle of Saratoga. She died in 1837. Hon. John L. Viele was assemblyman from Saratoga county, senator from the Fourth district, two terms each, and was a Regent of the University of New York at the time of his death. Maurice E. Viele, his son, born in Waterford, N. Y., May 17, 1823, attended the academy at Lansingburgh and in 1837 came to Albany to finish his education in the academy here. After clerking in Albany and New York, latterly for Boorman, Johnston, Ayers & Co., iron merchants, he formed in November, 1845, a partnership with Alexander Davidson, and as Davidson & Viele purchased the hardware store in Albany of M. Van Alstyne & Co. Mr. Davidson died in 1859 and Mr. Viele continued the business with other parties until 1864, when he became sole owner. In 1891 he transferred the stock to the Albany Hardware and Iron Company and retired from active life, being at that time the oldest hardware mer- chant in the capital city. During his career he bought out six different hardware concerns. He was an organizer and long a director of the Merchants Bank of Albany, was for several years a director in the Commercial National Bank, was an organizer and president of the old Albany Agricultural and Art Association, and has been a trustee of Rutgers College since 1853, being the second oldest member ot that board. He has been a trustee of the Albany Orphan Asylum since about 1850 and of the Albany Academy since 1872, was president of the Albany County Bible Society, and Albany City Tract and Missionary Society several years, and was an incorporator in 1876 and since 1892 president of the Home for Aged Men. For eight years he has been a trustee of the Berkshire Industrial Farm at Canaan Four Corners, Columbia county, and in politics has been a Republican since the formation of that party. In 1850 he married Maria, daughter of Charles De Kay Townsend, M. D., of Albany.She died in 1889.
Vineberg, Archibald, M. D., son of Capt. Lozier and Malcha Vineberg, was born in Helena, Ark., September 18, 1802. Capt. Lozier Vineberg was in the Mexican war under General Taylor and served with Jeff. Davis and succeeded him as captain. In 1863 Dr. Vineberg went with his parents to Abrotis, Portugal, on the mouth of the Tagus River, where he remained from six to eight years and where he was taught by a private instructor. From there he went to Toweron, Posen, Germany, where he remained until he was fourteen years of age, returning to Madrid, Spain, where he attended the De Zabbo Medical College, from which he was graduated and received the degree of M. D. in 1879. In 1880 Dr. Vineberg came to New York city, where he remained about a year with Professor Lang. He then went to New Orleans, La., where he practiced medicine for three years. In 1883 he again went to Europe, traveling for a year and a half and returned to America from Japan by the way of San Francisco. From thence he went to New Orleans, where he started in the optical business, making a specialty of correcting errors of refraction. In 1886, being in ill health, he sold out his business and traveled extensively in Colorado and California. He settled in Norfolk, Va., where he married Bettie Guttman Frankfort. From Norfolk he removed to Albany, N. Y., where he opened an optical store at No. 113 North Pearl street; subsequently he moved to No. 65 North Pearl street and in 1893 to No. 3 North Pearl street, where he is now doing business as an optician. Dr. Vineberg is a member of Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M., Capital City Lodge No. 440, I. O. O. F., Fort Orange Council No. 697, Royal Arcanum, Albany Council American Legion of Honor, of which he has been the district deputy for the past five years, and Gideon Lodge. He has four children: Hiram, Ray, Ruth and L. DeLezier.
Visscher, Edward W., was born in Albany, April 5, 1870, and is descended from one of the oldest families in this section. Bastiaen Visscher came from Hoorn, Holland, to America, prior to 1644 and settled in what was then Rensselaerwyak, now Albany. His son, Harmen B., was born there and had a son, Manning Visscher, whose son Barent J. was baptized in Albany, March 13, 1737. Johannes B. Visscher, son of Barent J. was born here September 4, 1769 and died April 15, 1825. His son, John B. Visscher, was born here August 31, 1825, and married first, Ann, daughter of Abraham R. and Annetje (Visscher) Ten Eyck, and second, Alida, daughter of Douw and Jane Ann (Lieverse) Lansing. He died January 31, 1890, and was survived by Edward W. Visscher and William L. Visscher. Edward W. Visscher was educated in the Albany Academy and in 1887 entered the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, with which he has since been connected. He is a member of the Holland Society of New York and of the Fort Orange Club. In January, 1895, he married Miss Mame E., daughter of Eugene P. Palmer of Chicago, Ill.
Vloebergh, Louis, was born in Belgium, Province of Antwerp, in 1823, where he learned the wheelwright's trade, which he followed until 1857, when he came to Albany where he worked for some time, when he came to Bethlehem Center in 1861, and has since carried on a shop. He has three sons: Livine, who is in business in Albany, Augustus and Joseph, who are business with their father, and two daughters, Mathilda and Cristina.