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Family Sketches

Surnames Beginning with "T"

This page was last updated 25 Mar 2016

These family sketches are from Landmarks of Albany County, New York, edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y.; D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1897.

Targett, Alfred E., is a pioneer in the laundry business of Cohoes. his establishment being the first of its kind here. It was first an adjunct to his hat and furnishing goods business organized in 1873, and the washing was done by hand. Now the extensive establishment contains all the modern machinery of an up-to-date laundry. Mr. Targett was born in England in 1842 and was the son of Charles Targett. He came to this country in 1846 and with his parents settled in Danbury, Conn. In 1853 he moved to Wisconsin, where he worked on a farm about two years, when he returned to Danbury, Conn., and worked for a while in a fur factory; then went to Bethel, Conn., and learned the trade of hat finishing, after which he returned to Danbury and attended the academy and prepared for college, which he entered in 1862 and graduated from the University of Rochester in 1866 with the degree of A. B., being a classmate of Hon. George Raines of Rochester. After graduation he returned to Danbury, Conn., went into the music business and also taught singing in the public schools, an accomplishment he had acquired with his other studies. He came to Cohoes in 1872, where he has ever been highly esteemed as a man, and appreciated for his musical talent. He is an accomplished tenor singer, and sings in various churches. He served for several years as alderman of the Third ward.

Tayer, Albert has been a resident of West Troy since 1861, and in fact has lived his whole life in the vicinity. He was born in Stephentown in 1833. His paternal ancestors were from Normandy; his great-grandfather was an English officer, and his maternal grandfather a soldier of the Revolutionary war. Mr. Taye was brought up to the blacksmith's trade at which he became an expert workman. During the Civil war he worked in Watervliet, and soon after the war established himself at the same business at Troy, N. Y.

Taylor, Robert B., was born in New Scotland, March 10, 1829. Robert, his grandfather, was a native of Ireland, born in 1758 and came to America when a young man and spent his life as a farmer in the town of New Scotland; his wife was Eva Ann Hotaling, born in 1762; they reared four sons and five daughters. John Taylor, the father, was born on the homestead in 1790, and spent his life in agricultural pursuits; his wife was Christiana, daughter of Rev. Harmon and Rachel (Bogart) Van Huysen; to them were born ten children; James, Mary J., Rachel, Harriet, Sarah, John V., Robert, Eva Ann, Eliza, and Catharine; he died in 1850. His wife was born in August, 1794, and lived to be eighty-six years of age. Her father, the Rev. Harmon Van Huysen, son of Harmon, a native of Holland, was a Revolutionary soldier, who ranked as captain, and after the war settled in New Scotland on the farm now owned by his grandson, Robert B. Taylor; it being the donation of his friends in that vicinity, each contributing ten acres. He entered the pulpit and was the founder of the Dutch Reformed church in Guilderland and New Scotland. It was known as the Helderberg Reformed Church. He had three congregations and preached for thirty-one consecutive years. Robert B. lived on his father's farm and attended the common schools. When twenty-one years old his father died, and the following year he began for himself on the same place where he erected his present sightly house. In 1853 he married Elizabeth (born in New Scotland), the daughter of Peter R. and Mary (Ostrander) Furbeck, and granddaughter of John Furbeck.of Germany, who was a prominent Revolutionary soldier in Washington's army. To Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were born five children: Alfred J., John B., and Rensselaer, all of whom are farmers in this town; and Mary Anna, died when she was eighteen years old, and Ellen, died when she was sixteen years old.

Tebbutt, Marshall, was born in Bedford, England, January 20, 1820, came to America in 1852 and settled in Albany and died there April 14, 1885. He engaged in the undertaking business with a partner, under the firm name of of Tebbutt & Vail. This firm was succeeded in 1866 by Tebbutt & Morange and in 1870 Mr. Tebbutt became their successor; afterwards he admitted his sons, Marshall W. and Harry K., who, since their father's death, have continued the business under the style of M. Tebbutt's Sons. Mr. Tebbutt was a supervisor from the Seventh ward and was well and favorably known by a large number of Albany's citizens. His worth as a citizen was recognized and appreciated. He was one of the deacons of the Emanuel Baptist church. Marshall W. Tebbutt is a member of the Masonic order, being a 32d degree Mason and Knight Templar; he is also treasurer of De Witt Chnton Council No. 22, and a member of Cypress Temple, Mystic Shrine. He was married October 18, 1881, to Elizabeth Greene, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; they have three children living. Harry K. Tebbutt is also a Mason, and married Jennie Sims of Albany; he has five children.

Templeton, Charles B., of Scotch-Irish descent, is the grandson of Philip Templeton, who came from the North of Ireland to Albany about 1800. His parents were John and Cecelia (Payn) Templeton, of whom the former died in 1890. John Templeton was treasurer of the Albany County Savings Bank and cashier of the Albany County Bank and organized both institutions. He held various corporation offices, was president of the Young Men's Association in 1863, for several years president of the Y. M. C. A., and a trustee in a number of charitable and religious organizations. Charles B. Templeton was born in Albany, October 28, 1864, was graduated from the Albany Academy in 1880 and from Union College in 1884, receiving the degrees of A. B. and C. E., and read law with Hungerford & Hotaling. He was graduated from the Albany Law School as LL. B. and admitted to the bar in 1886, and since then has been associated in practice with Hon. Lansing Hotaling. He is a member of the Albany Institute, the Alpha Delta Phi and the Fort Orange and Unconditional Republican Clubs: was secretary and later president of the Young Men's Association for several years; was the first president of the Theta Nu Epsilon (sophmore) College fraternity; was for some time secretary and treasurer of the Union College Alumni Association, and was the commandant of the Unconditional Campaign Club in 1892. He was the Republican candidate for district attorney in 1889, and judge of the City Court in 1892, and has taken an active interest in the League of the Republican Clubs of the State, having been for several years a member of the executive committee, representing Albany county. November 14, 1894, he married Margaret Elizabeth Edwards of Albany.

Ten Eyck, Clinton, was born on May 21, 1833, at Albany, N. Y., and is a son of the late Conrad A. Ten Eyck. He is descended from the old line of Dutch ancestors, one of whom, Conrad Ten Eyck (3), came from Amsterdam, Holland, to America, with his wife, Maria Boele, and their children, about 1650, settling at New Amsterdam. The lineal descent is as follows: (1) Conrad, (2) Jacob, (3) Conrad, (4) Jacob C, (5) Anthony, (6) Conrad A., father of Clinton, (7) Clinton, the subject of this sketch. Clinton was educated in the Albany (N. Y.), Academy, where he took a course in civil engineering, and after leaving school, was engaged on the corps of Eli Parker, (General Grant's private secretary), in the laying out of the Northern (now the D. & H.), & Susquehanna Railroads, and the Erie Canal. Subsequently, he removed to Detroit, Mich., where he was employed on the Detroit and Pontiac R. R., but owing to ill-health, he was obliged to return East. For a time, he held a clerkship in the sheriffs office, and later, conducted a grocery store for two years. About 1863, Mr. Ten Eyck began the manufacture of soap, in which business he has been eminently successful, and in which he is still engaged. In 1860, he married Catherine M. Wilson, and they have had six children, three of whom survive, namely, Conrad, James W. and Jane W.

Ten Eyck, Jacob L., was born in Albany, N. Y., July 8, 1864. When four years of age he went to live with an uncle, after whom he was named, on the old family homestead. His education was recived at a country district school and the public schools of Albany. After eighteen months in Albany High School, he went to the lumber district as tally boy for a firm, and remained one season. He then entered the employ of T. P. Crook & Co., provision dealers, as assistant bookkeeper, where he remained three years. While there he helped organize the Young Men's Democratic Club. He then began the study of law in the office of Messrs. Chase & Delehanty, and while a student was appointed agent of the Barber Asphalt Paving Company. Through his energies Albany adopted the asphalt pavement. He attended the Albany Law School but was admitted to the bar before graduating. He formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, William S. Dyer, which still exists under the firm name of Dyer & Ten Eyck, one of the leading firms of Albany. During the session of 1895 Mr. Ten Eyck represented the Third assembly district of Albany county in the New York State Legislature.

Ten Eyck, James, was born in Albany, N. Y., February 16, 1840. He is a son of Visscher Ten Eyck, who for a long time was cashier of the Commercial Bank. He is a descendant of an old and historical family that came from Holland to America 240 years ago. About the year 1800 Mr. Ten Eyck's grandfather, Abraham R. Ten Eyck, removed to Albany and for a great many years he was prominently identified with Albany's interests. Mr. Ten Eyck attended the Albany Academy and was graduated from Burlington College, N. J., in 1855. He passed the examinations and was admitted as junior at Yale College, but owing to ill health he was compelled to change his plans. He then started in mercantile life as a clerk in the office of the Central Railroad. In September, 1857, he left the railroad and entered the employ of Bacon & Stickney, dealers in coffee and spices. March 1, 1865, he was taken into partnership and on the death of Mr. Bacon he became senior partner of the firm. In 1864 he married the daughter of Mrs. Margaret T. Van Vechten of Albany, but his wife lived only eight months. Mr. Ten Eyck never married again. He has done much for the city of his birth and has been connected with all important organizations. He is a member of St. Peter's church and the Fort Orange and Albany Clubs. He is also a member of the Albany Institute and the only honorary member of the Acacia Club. In politics he is a Republican and has been chairman of the General County Committee. He was at the head of the Citizens Committee that had in charge the reception to President Harrison in 1891. Mr. Ten Eyck officiated at the laying of the corner stones of the State Armory, Harmanus Bleecker Hall and the Albany Masonic Burial lot, also of the Burns Monument. April 24, 1889, he presided at the jubilee of the Masonic fraternity in celelirating the final payment of debt on the Masonic Temple of New York city. Mr. Ten Eyck is the oldest 33 degree Mason in Albany and has been actively identified with the fraternity since his initiation in Masters Lodge No. 5, November 23, 1863. He was master from 1873 to 1877, having passed all the chairs. June 8, 1892, he was elected grand master of Masons in the State of New York. He was also re-elected unanimously but declined. Only one man in the world has a larger jurisdiction over Masons than Mr. Ten Eyck and that man is Prince of Wales. When he was grand master Mr. Ten Eyck presided over 80,000 Masons. The Prince of Wales, as grand master of Great Britain has jurisdiction over about 150,000. It is needless to add that in capitular, cryptic and chivalrous Masonry, Mr. Ten Eyck is held in the highest esteem.

Ten Eyck, Jacob H., is a descendant of Coenraedt Ten Eyck, who came from Amsterdam, Holland, to New York city about 1650 and was a tanner. The words Ten Eyck mean "from the oak," the oak being the family's coat of arms. Herman Ten Eyck of Albany (where the family settled about 1690) was born here in 1793 and died May 17, 1861, about ten years after he retired from the dry goods business, in which he was long engaged with an elder brother under the firm name of Jacob H. Ten Eyck & Co. Herman Ten Eyck married, in 1821, Eliza Bogart of Geneva, N. Y., who died in 1853, leaving two daughters and an only son. Jacob H. Ten Eyck, the son, and the last living male representative of this branch of the family, was born in Albany, August 17, 1833, attended the Albany Academy and for a few years was clerk in a bank. In 1856 he went to Cuba and spent three years in railroading. Returning to Albany he raised in 1861 Co. G, of the 3d N. Y. Vols., was commissioned a captain in the State militia on April 25, and in May was mustered into U. S. service. He served nearly two years, being promoted major of the 154th N. Y. Vols., and stationed in Virginia with the 11th Army Corps. He resigned in 1864 on account of ill health and since the war has had charge of several estates. He has been a trustee of the Albany Savings Bank and a director in the Albany Insurance Company for about twenty years, is president of the Great Western Turnpike Company (the oldest corporation of the kind in the State), and is connected with several manufacturing companies in Albany and Troy. He was alderman of the old Seventh ward two years, one of the founders of the Fort Orange Club, for ten years a member of the Volunteer Fire Department, and was long a member of the Albany Burgesses Corps, and also commissary of the 10th Regt. In 1867 he married Matilda E., daughter of G. V. S. Bleecker, a prominent citizen and for many years alderman of the Third ward of Albany and the father of Charles E. Bleecker, at one time mayor.

Tennant, Albert C. is the great great-grandson of James Tennant, who, with two brothers came from England to Connecticut about 1700. His parents were Thomas and Dorcas J. (Briggs) Tennant, the latter being a granddaughter of Capt. John Briggs of the Revolutionary army. Mr. Tennant was born in Willett, Cortland county, N. Y., November 11, 1846, was educated in the district schools and at Cinciunatus Academy and was graduated from the Albany State Normal School in January, 1868. He read law in Geneva, N Y., with Hon. W. F. Diefendorf about three years and afterward with Judge Edwin Countryman, then of Cooperstown, and was admitted to the bar at Albany in March, 1873. He then formed a copartnership with Hon. James S. Davenport and practiced at Richfield Springs until January 1, 1884, when, having been elected surrogate of Otsego county, he removed to Cooperstown and at the end of a full term of six years was re-elected to that office, being the only Democrat elected in that county that year. He resigned the position May 1, 1894, and moved to Albany, where he has since practiced law as a member of the firm of Hale, Bulkeley & Tennant. In 1889 he was appointed by Governor Hill a member of the commission to revise the judiciary article of the State Constitution. He was chairman of the Democratic Committee of Otsego county over ten years, has been a delegate to several State conventions and in 1892 was a delegate from New York to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago. He is a member of Richfield Springs Lodge and Chapter of Masons. October 4, 1876, he married Lizzie H., daughter of Hiram Getman of Richfield Springs, and they have one son, Clermonte G.

Terry, Washington C., was born in Coeymans, and is a son of Francis and Barbara (Carhart) Terry, and grandson of John and great-grandson of Philip, whose father was George Terry, who came from Rhode Island to Coeymans and settled near Coeymans, and was mostly engaged in farming. Mr. Terry is a farmer on the farm where his father settled m 1847, and where he died in 1869. He married Sarah E., daughter of Daniel Carhart.

Tessier, Frank, has been a resident of Cohoes since he was eight years of age, when he came here with his father, Pierre Tessier, a carpenter. He was born near Montreal, Canada, in 1848. In 1871 he purchased of John Valley, by whom he had been employed for thirteen years, a bakery which he conducted till 1890. In 1883 he also engaged in the livery business at the present location No. 37 Saratoga street. Mr. Tessier has led an active political life. In 1877 he was elected supervisor from the Third ward, and since 1892 has been superintendent of the streets of the city.

Tessier, Wilfred G., one of the four coroners of Albany county, is a native of the city of Cohoes, and was born in 1863; he was also educated there. After spending eleven years at the baker's trade, he established in 1890 the present business located at No. 69 Garner street as a dealer in groceries. He is holding very acceptably the position of coroner, his first political office.

Thacher, Ralph W., was born in Brockport, N. Y., April 24, 1839. He is a son of Dr. Ralph Thacher, who was born in Lebanon, Conn., where five generations of Thachers have lived or were born. Mr. Thacher's mother was Jerusha B. Harrison of Williamstown, Mass. The first member of the Thacher family in America was the Rev. Thomas Thacher, first pastor of the Old South church in Boston, Mass., from whom is also descended John Boyd Thacher, mayor of Albany. Rev. Thomas Thacher landed at Boston in the ship James in August, 1635, in charge of his uncle, Anthony Thacher, who had been a curate of his father's church in Salisbury, England. Rev. Peter Thacher, the father of Rev. Thomas, was rector of St. Edmund's church at Salisbury, England, and lies buried in the churchyard under the shadow of Salisbury cathedral. Ralph W. Thacher, the subject of this sketch, and seventh in descent from Rev. Thomas Thacher, spent the years of 1855 and 1856 at Williams College and was graduated from Hamilton College in 1859. While at Hamilton he was a member of the Phi Upsilon fraternity. After leaving college Mr. Thacher removed to Albany, N. Y. , in 1860 and engaged in the grain business with David N. Glazier and Harvey D. Leonard. After three years Mr. Thacher was taken into partnership and the firm became Glazier, Leonard & Co., which existed five years. Mr. Leonard then retired and the firm became for two years Glazier & Thacher. In 1870 Mr. Thacher withdrew and went to Kansas, where he established the First National Bank of Ottawa, of which he was cashier five years and vice- president four years, including two years after he returned to Albany, in 1877. When Mr. Thacher returned to Albany he bought of David N. Glazier the business that he was originally interested in. Mr. Glazier was then in failing health and shortly after died. Mr. Thacher continued in this business until July, 1891, coupling with it a mill and elevator at Schenectady, N. Y., a mill and elevator at Kenwood, near Albany, two malt houses in Albany and a coal yard in Schenectady, having in all ninety employees. He retired from that business to go into the export trade in New York in 1891, that being the year when there was a shortage in all the wheat producing countries in the world save America. Mr. Thacher was very successful in New York and in the fall of 1892 he retired from active business on account of impaired health. In November, 1896, he took the presidency of the Albany Art Union as a pastime, growing out of his liking for amateur photography and to somewhat satisfy his love of the beautiful in art. Mr. Thacher is a member of Masters Lodge No. 4, F. & A. M., and a demitted member of Temple Chapter, R. A. M.; he was also a charter member of the Fort Orange and Albany Clubs. He is now a member of the University Club of New York and of the New York Produce Exchange. He was formerly a member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Chicago Board of Trade. His first wife was Anna Elizabeth Glazier, of Brockport, N.Y., by whom he has one daughter. Mrs. F. W. Stedman, of Albany. His present wife was Louisa C. Huntington, of Albany, by whom he has a son, Ralph Huntington Thacher.

Thayer, Hon. Lewis V., was born at Glens Falls. N. Y., April 28, 1862. His father was Lewis Thayer, born in Luzerne, Warren county, N. Y. , and is now en- gaged in active business in the city of Troy. His mother was Catherine Van Huesen, a native of Rensselaer county, who died at the age of forty-four. Lewis V. Thayer was a studious boy; he first attended the public schools of Troy and afterward the Business College in that city. After completing a practical education he entered the employ of the National Express Company as a messenger boy in the cashier's office, from which humble position he rose to higher positions, finally establishing and managing express agencies at Plattsburg and Glens Falls, handling large amounts of money, of which he never lost a dollar. In this capacity he served several years, when, in 1887, he was seriously injured in a railroad accident, which confined him to his bed for two years and nine months. His recovery, through the aid of the noted Dr. Sayre, was complete, and was considered almost miraculous, so severe was the injury to his spine. He ascribes much of the success of his cure to the tender and faithful care of his devoted wife. After his recovery he engaged with his father in the livery business, in which he is still interested, with stables and offices in Troy. Mr. Thayer has always been a firm Republican, though not a politician. In October, 1894, he was nominated for sheriff of Albany county, and was elected by a plurality of 5,784, and entered upon his duties January 1, 1895. Sheriff Thayer possesses excellent executive ability, and is endowed with the best traits of character as displayed in the various walks of a useful, honorable life. He is a member of all the Masonic bodies, the Elks, the Red Men, the Troy Yacht Club, the Y. M. C. A. of West Troy and of the Presbyterian church of the latter place. He married on April 30, 1884, Miss Elizabeth A., daughter of Robert Hunter, an influential citizen of West Troy. They have one daughter, and reside at Twenty-fourth street and Eleventh avenue, West Troy.

Thompson, David A., was born at Mannington, Salem county, N. J., May 29, 1844. His parents were of English descent and Quakers, his forefathers migrating to West Jersey about 1680. He obtained his rudimentary education at the Salem Friends School and Academy, and later became a student at Haverford, Pa., where he remained one and one-half years. In 1866 he entered Princeton College and was graduated in 1868. He then removed to Albany, entered the Albany Law School and was graduated in 1869, when he was admitted to the bar. For ten years, until 1879, he practiced his profession alone. In the latter year he formed a partnership with Arthur L. Andrews, under the firm name of Thompson & Andrews, which continued until 1885, when the firm became Stedman, Thompson & Andrews, George L. Stedman being the senior member. This copartnership was dissolved January 1, 1896, Mr. Stedman retiring, and since then the firm has been Thompson & Andrews. In 1874 Mr. Thompson was appointed first clerk to Edmund L. Judson, mayor of Albany, which is the only public office he ever held. He was for many years a member and trustee of the First Congregational church, the Home for Aged Men, the Albany Orphan Asylum, the Albany Mutual Insurance Company, the Albany Female Academy, the Home Savings Bank, and the Albany Safe Deposit and Storage Company. He has been a member of the Committee of Thirteen since 1882 and is now secretary and treasurer of that society; he is also a member of Masters Lodge. No. 5, F. & A. M. October 4, 1871, he married Margaret, daughter of the late Dr. James McNaughton of Albany, and they have three children: James McNaughton, Andrew and Margaret McNaughton Thompson.

Thornton, George and Theron T., of Guilderland, are natives of Duanesburg, Schenectady county. N. Y. Their paternal grandfather was Thomas Thornton, who married Betsey Richardson, both born in Londonderry, N. H.; Thomas was a brother of Dr. Matthew Thornton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and also of Major John Thornton of Schenectady. Their maternal grandparents were Joseph and Lydia (Thompson) Gaige. Their father was Charles Thornton, born in Duanesburg in 1797, where he was a lifelong farmer. In 1854 he moved to the Merry field farm and purchased it in 1856; this farm is now owned and operated by George and Theron T. In 1822 he married Almira Gaige. who bore him seven children, as follows: George, Lydia, Maria L., Theron T., Euretta. Charles W. and Amanda. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton were both members of the Dutch Reformed church, though Mrs. Thornton always retained a love for the Quaker religion, the faith of her ancestors. She died September 12, 1878, and he November 6, 1880. The Thorn- ton Brothers are conducting a general farming business on the homestead. Both are staunch and ardent Democrats and thoroughly interested in the public affairs of their town and county. Have been elected delegates to county, assembly and judicial conventions and have the reputation of being true, fair and impartial jurymen. George has remained unmarried, and Theron T. married Susan M. Lainhart; they have one child, Amey L.

Tibbitts, Lorenzo B., son of William and Abigail (Seaman) Tibbitts, was born in Ballston, Saratoga county, N. Y., November 12, 1847, was educated in the Jonesville Academy and came to Albany in 1866 as superintendent of the gardens and grounds of Moore & Furgeson. In 1867 he was appointed a member of the Albany police force and served for fifteen years. In 1882 he engaged in the milk and dairy produce business on the corner of Green and Division streets, where he has since continued. In 1891 he started his present livery and boarding stable on Liberty street, succeeding M. H. Teater, and since July, 1893, has also had a contract with the United States Government for the transfer of mails between the Albany post-office and the various stations. He has been an active Republican, was for a time vice-president of the Consumers' Ice Company, and is a member of Wadsworth Lodge F. & A. M., Capital City Chapter R. A. M., Temple Commandery No. 2, K. T., and Cyprus Temple N. O. M. S. In 1869 he married Matilda A., daughter of Sylvester Van Home, of Oneida, N. Y., and their children are William S., Cora B., Lorenzo J., Arthur and Lotta.

Toedt, Emanuel B., son of John C., was born in New York city, October 22, 1857, and was prepared for college, but in 1873 entered the New York office of Fairbanks & Co., where he remained eight years. He has ever since been connected with this well-known firm, rising from the humblest to a high post in their employ. In 1880 he came to Albany to take charge of their books and in 1882 was made manager of this branch, which position he still holds. The business of the Albany house was comparatively small when Mr. Toedt assumed charge, but he has successfully increased it eightfold. Since 1890 it has been conducted under the name of the Fairbanks Company, incorporated. This is the largest scale and mill, factory and railroad supply business in this section of the State, and its growth and prosperity are largely due to Mr. Toedt's able management. He is a member of the Fort Orange Club and an associate member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. In February, 1889, he married Miss Lucy, daughter of Samuel M. Yan Santvoord of Albany, and they have one daughter, Marian Van Santvoord Toedt.

Tompkins, Charles M., is the .son of Alva C., grandson of Abraham W., and great- grandson of William Tompkins, who came from Dutchess county to Albany county about April, 1788. Mr. Tompkins, after graduating from the Normal School in 1879, entered the law office of Newcomb & Bailey, January, 1881, where he read law and was admitted to the bar in 1884. He then came to the village of Coeymans and entered into a law partnership with Stephen Springstead, and since the death of Mr. Springstead, in 1891, has continued the business alone. He married Margaretta, daughter of Francis Nodine, and has two children: Alva M. and Frances J.

Tompkins, Stephen, was born in Coeymans in 1857, and is a son of Stephen and Jane (Van Derzee) Tompkins. His grandfather, Daniel C , was a son of Caleb Tompkins, who came from Dutchess county. The grandfather of Mr. Tompkins was a tanner for many years at Stephenville, and came to Coeymans Hollow in 1850, and bought the farm where Mr. Tompkins now lives. He died in 1882. He had three sons: Alfred D., Anson, who died in infancy, and Stephen, who died in 1857, and one daughter, Margaret. Mr. Tompkins is a farmer and one of the most successful men of the town. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William S. Cole, and has two sons: William and Van Derzee.

Toner, J. Seymour, was born in Green Island, Albany county, in 1860, and has always been a resident of that village. He was educated in the public schools there and at an early age became a member of the village fire department, of which he has filled all the positions connected with same and for one year was chief engineer. He served four terms (eight years) as village trustee, the longest term served by any man, although a Democrat in a village having a large Republican majority, he received flattering majorities at each election. He has been connected with the account department of Cluett, Coon & Co., of Troy, for sixteen years, and is now occupying the position of paymaster for that concern.

Toohey, Edward J., son of John and Bridget (Kennedy) Toohey, was born in West Troy, Albany county, N. V., August 23, 1859. His father was one of the pioneer canal men and kept the Whitehall Packet House at the time immigrants came by way of Quebec. Mr. Toohey was eduated at the Christian Brothers Academy in Troy, N. Y., and in 1874 was graduated from Mason College, Terre Bonne, Province of Quebec. After leaving college he obtained a clerkship in his father's store at West Troy, where he remained until elected justice of the peace of that village in 1881, which position he now holds. He is also engaged in the real estate and insurance business. Mr. Toohey was chairman of the Board of Fire Trustees of West Troy for two years and is a member of the Young Men's Democratic Club and was its president for one term. He is president of the Young Men's Literary Association and a member of the Vestris Club of West Troy.

Townsend, Rufus King, son of General Franklin and the late Anna (King) Townsend, was a descendant of Henry Townsend, who came from Norwich, England, to Long Island about 1645. He was born in Albany, March 18, 1853, was educated at the Albany Academy and afterwards became proprietor of the Townsend Furnace, a business established in 1807, which has always remained in the family and in active operation since that time, and of which his father now is the executive head. Very early in life Mr. Townsend manifested an absorbing interest in everything pertaining to the fire department and spared no pains nor money in the advancement of it. Later on he offered his services and many times bravely risked his life. April 18, 1893, he was appointed by Mayor Manning a fire commissioner, in which capacity he served faithfully and well up to the time of his death, which occurred December 31, 1895. For several years Mr. Townsend was a member of the Board of Directors of the New York State National Bank and also of the Albany Savings Bank. Generous and genial in disposition, Mr. Townsend gathered to himself many friends, and yet it can be truly said of him (as of few others of his temperament), that he neither sacrificed honesty of action to sympathy, nor permitted a kind and noble nature to be led into an approval of doubtful measures because of his regard for their author. He seldom failed in correctness of judgment and never in impressing his associates with his candor and fairness. By his death the city has lost a faithful public officer. He was stricken down in the midst of a most brilliant career, but had already won lasting honor and fame in the hearts of those he had helped and encouraged. On June 23, 1891, he married Ida Jerone, daughter of the late Avery Smith and Nellie Corbett Willey of Milwaukee, Wis., who survives him, as does an only child, Anna Jerone Townsend, born June 30, 1893.

Tracey, James F., son of John, was born in Albany, May 30, 1854. John Tracey, a native of Ireland, settled in Canada when he was fourteen years old. During the Canadian rebellion, or "Patriot War," of 1837 he removed to Albany, where he died July 12, 1875, in his sixty-sixth year. He was a successful merchant and a leading, respected citizen, and served, as a member of the Common Council, the Board of Education, the Board of Police Commissioners, a governor of the Albany City Hospital and a trustee of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, St. Agnes Cemetery, St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, and the Albany Savings Bank. He was also a member of the Board of Trade. James F. Tracey was educated partly in the Albany Academy and partly abroad, and was graduated from Georgetown University at Washington, D. C, in 1874. He read law with M. T. & L. G. Hun and at the Albany Law School, class of 1875, and upon his admission to the bar began active practice in Albany. In 1877 he formed a copartnership with James Fenimore Cooper and his father, Paul Fenimore Cooper, which continued until 1893, when Albert Rathbone was admitted under the present firm name of Tracey & Cooper. Paul F. Cooper died in April, 1895, leaving the three surviving partners to continue the firm's large law practice. This firm is a continuance of the old law firm of Charles M. Jenkins and Paul F. Cooper, which at the time of the latter's death was believed to be the, oldest law partnership that had continued without change of name in the United States, it having existed without the admission of new members for about forty years. Mr. Tracey has conducted a general law practice with a specialty of business for banks and estates. He is an active Demcorat and during the first Cleveland campaign was president of the Young Men's Democratic Club of Albany. He was president of the Catholic Union two terms and is a trustee of various charitable and other societies. May 10, 1893, he married Lucianne Bosse, of Quebec, Canada, and they have one son, Walter.

Trager, Christopher, was born in Germany and came to America in 1854. In 1859 he came to Bethlehem Center, where he has since carried on a wagon and blacksmith shop; he also bought a farm in 1874, which he still owns. He has three sons and six daughters: John M., (who carries on the farm), Augustus, George, Anna, Agnes, Minnie, Louisa, Elizabeth and Maggie. His wife was Elizabeth Lash of Rensselaer county, N. Y.

Travis, William C., with his brother, Charles S. Travis, has conducted a lumber business at No. 227 Saratoga street, Cohoes, since 1877, uuder the firm name of Jacob Travis's Sons. Jacob Travis, the father, was a pioneer here in the lumber trade, coming to Cohoes in 1846, and the establishment has been of long standing. In his death, January 8, 1894, Cohoes lost one of its oldest and most honored citizens. William Travis is a native of Waterford, born in 1833, and one of the first aldermen upon the organization of the city in 1869. He has been a member of the Board of Education for two terms. January 18, 1855, he was married to Sarah E., daughter of Alpha White of Cohoes. They have two children; Frances E.. wife of Dr. George A. Cox of Albany, and Matthew S., who married Louisa Molleur; she died August 3, 1895, leaving four children: Osmond C., Matthew S., Jr., William H. and Mary Louise, deceased.

Treadwell, George Curtis, son of Major George H. and Elizabeth S. Treadwell, was born in Albany, N.Y., August 24, 1872. On his father's side he is a descendant of a long line of Puritan ancestors, the first of whom, Thomas Treadwell, came to America in 1636 and settled in Ipswich, Mass. Mr. Treadwell's great-grandfather was Governor Treadwell, the last of the Puritan governors of Connecticut and also the last person serving as chief magistrate, who combined the theologian and the statesman. The grandfather of the subject of this sketch was the late George Curtis Treadwell, well known as one of the most eminent of the men that have advanced the welfare of Albany. George H. Treadwell, the father of George C, was prominently identified with the commercial interests of Albany and was the organizer of the George C. Treadwell Company, and one of the largest stockholders. George C. Treadwell was educated at Farmington, Conn., and at Sedgwick Institute at Great Barrington, Mass., where he prepared for Yale University and was graduated in 1893. At present Mr. Treadwell is a trustee and agent for two Treadwell estates, and is a great lover and student of art. For two years he was secretary and director of the George C. Treadwell Company. He is a member of the Sons of the Revolution, Society of the Colonial Wars, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, University Glee Club of New York city and of the Signal Corps of the 3d Brigade, N. G. N. Y., from which he has been recently promoted to Colonel on the Governor's staff, having been appointed military secretary to Governor Black, January 9, 1897.

Trego, Thomas Markley, A. M., M. D., is the only surviving son of James and Maria Trego. He was born in the city of New York, August 31, 1847. His ancestry can be traced back nearly 250 years. His father, who was born in Pennsylvania on January 1, 1815, is of the seventh generation and descends in a direct line from his ancestor, James Trego, who was one and the oldest of three brothers and sons of Peter and Judith Trego, who were born in France about the year 1650. Being Huguenots and of French extraction, they escaped to England in 1685 during the persecution and there formed part of the colony of William Penn, emigrating with him to this country and finally settled in Chester county, Pa. The maiden name of the doctor's mother was Maria Houghtaling oldest daughter of Thomas C. Houghtaling of Albany county, N. Y., who is a descendant of a genuine Holland-Dutch family. His mother, Kathrine Van Bergen, was a descendant of General Salisbury of Catskill, N. Y. Mr. Houghtailing's ancestors were amongst the earliest settlers of that county. The same may be said of the ancestry on Mr. Houghtaling's mother's side, who were of the Van Derzees. The earliest ancestor of this name occurs as grantee in a conveyance bearing the date April 23. 1652. In the spring of 1852 the parents of Dr. Trego removed to the village of New Baltimore, Greene county, where he attended the common school. When he was about fifteen years old his parents sent him to the Brooklyn Boys' Academy, where he remained a year, and in the fall of 1865 he was placed in the Grammar School connected with Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. After a year's study he was prepared to enter the freshman class of the college, and in 1870 was graduated with honor in the class which celebrated the college centennial. In the autumn of 1870 he commenced the study of medicine in the office of the late Dr. S. Oakley Van Der Poel of Albany. When Dr. Van Der Poel was appointed health officer at Quarantine, New York, Dr. Trego continued his studies with Drs. Thomas and Edward R. Hun of Albany. Upon leaving the office of the latter after nearly a year and a half of study, he entered that of Dr. Thomas M. Markoe of New York, meanwhile attending lectures in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, graduating in 1874. After graduation he returned to Albany, having been appointed resident physician in St. Peter's Hospital. In the fall of 1875 he resigned this position and opened an office for the general practice of medicine in Albany. Dr. Trego has greatly excelled in the treatment of the diseases of children and is on the staff of the Child's Hospital, Albany Orphan Asylum, Babies' Nursery, and St. Margaret's Home. He is also an attending physician at the Home for Aged Men. In 1881 he was appointed physician to St. Agnes's School for Young Ladies. In addition to his great and deserved prominence in the medical profession he also holds a desirable reputation for accomplishments and broad cultivation in the field of literature. In the summer of 1878 Dr. Trego, with his father, crossed the Atlantic and visited London, Edinburgh, Paris, Antwerp, Belgium, Dublin, Berlin and other famous places. In 1878 he was appointed one of the district physicians, and in 1887 was appointed coroner's physician for the city and county of Albany and held the office for three years. In 1881 he married Jessie, the youngest daughter of George W. Carpenter of Albany. Mrs. Trego died after fourteen months of married life.

True, George M., is a descendant of Puritan ancestors and was born in Holderness, N. H., August, 1856. His parents were Joseph F. and Mary B. (Watson) True. He received his education in the common schools and at the New Hampton Literary Institution, after leaving which he was superintendent of schools in the town of Holderness, at the same time studying law with James L. Wilson of Ashland, N. H. He was graduated from the Albany Law School in May, 1881, and has since practiced law at No. 82 State street, Albany. He was married August 39, 1881, to Mary A, Wood, of Albany. He is a member of Ancient City Lodge No. 452, F. & A. M., and Albany Senate No. 641, Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order. He is one of the attorneys for the State Department of Agriculture.

Tucker, Luther Henry, Jr., was born in Albany, N. Y., September 9, 1869. He received his preparatory education at the Albany Academy, after which he entered Yale University and graduated in the class of 1891. While at Yale he was a speaker in the junior exhibition for the H. J. Ten Eyck Prize. Mr. Tucker was also a speaker for the De Forest Medal in his senior year, and hence a Townsend prize man. He was class poet, editor of the Yale Literary Magazine, and a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity. Immediately after graduation Mr. Tucker sailed for Europe and visited Ireland, England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Holland and Belgium. He returned in December, 1891, and took a post-graduate course at Yale in 1892 and 1893 (Foote scholarship) in English literature; in June, 1894, he received the degree of A. M. December 1, 1893, he entered the lirm of Luther Tucker & Son, since which time he has been an editor of the Cultivator and Country Gentleman. March 28, 1894, he married Florence Barnard, daughter of the late Stephen P. Barnard, M. D., of Hudson, N. Y., and Grand Rapids, Mich. They have one daughter; Katharine Barnard.

Tucker, Willis G., M. D., son of the late Luther Tucker, editor and agricultural writer, was born in Albany October 31, 1849. He was educated at the Albany Academy, graduating in 1866 read medicine with the late Prof. James H. Armsby, and was graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1870. During this period he devoted much of his time to the study of chemistry and other natural sciences. In 1871 he was appointed assistant professor of chemistry inthe Albany Medical College, and in 1874 and 1875 lectured on materia medica also. When the faculty was reorganized in 1876 he became professor of inorganic and analytical chemistry, and in 1887 the department of toxicology was also assigned to him. In 1882 he was made registrar of the college, which position he still holds. Since 1874 Dr. Tucker has been lecturer on chemistry at St. Agnes School, and at different times professor of chemistry at the Albany Academy, the Albany Female Academy, and from 1876 to 1887 in the Albany High School. In 1881 he was largely instrumental in founding the Albany College of Pharmacy, a department of Union University, and has served it as professor of chemistry and as secretary and president of its faculty. In 1881 he was appointed one of the public analysts to the State Board of Health, and since 1891 has been director of the laboratory of the board. He was one of the originators of the Alumni Association of the Albany Medical College in 1874 and has ever since been its secretary. He is a fellow of the Chemical Society of London and is a member of various scientific societies in this country.

Tupper, Horace D., one of the most estimable, enterprising and public spirited citizens of the town of Colonie, Mr. Tupper's surroundings at his place of business, at the junction of the two canals above West Troy, attest something of his energy and originality. He was born at Glens Falls, September 20, 1844, and by the death of his father, when yet a little boy, was thrown very early upon his own resources, to which event perhaps must be ascribed some of his rugged and indomitable character. In his early years of manhood, he followed boating on the canals, and is still largely interested in that line of business, but his interests are multiplied. He operates two saw-mills, two large farms, a brick yard, and the "Crescent" drydock, beside timbered lands near Lake George and a line of boats, employing 105 men, also two large wholesale ice houses, one on Mohawk Basin and one at Crescent. In the midst of all these bustling, exacting interests, Mr. Tupper has found time for much in the way of practical benevolence.

Turner, John H., was born in England, June 13, 1821, and is a son of Peter, a son of Reginald, who lived and died in England at the age of ninety-five. The wife of Peter Turner was Sarah Lawton, born in England. The parents of John H. came to America about 1827 and settled in Berne, where he died in 1839 and his wife died in 1857. John H. was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He had two brothers and three sisters, of whom one brother and two sisters are now living. Mr. Turner worked out by the day and month for five years, and in 1858 bought the farm of 150 acres which he now owns. In 1845 he married Eliza Norton, by whom nine children have been born; Sarah A., Emma, Lydia, Newton, Bertha, Charles (deceased), Wesley (deceased), Channing, and Eliza. Channing was edu- cated for a physician and died at Oak Hill after practicing for one year.

Tygert, Thomas, was born in the town of Berne in 1825. John Tygert, his father, was born in 1790; he was one of six sons and six daughters born to William Tygert, of Kinderhook, who was a farmer and came to Albany county about 1797, and died in the town of Guilderland. His father was a native of Ireland. John was a farmer all his lifetime; he first settled in the town of Berne and later in New Scotland, where he spent his life as a successful farmer. His wife was Jane Warner, born in Albany county and daughter of Frederick Warner; their children were Frederick, Mary and Thomas. His first wife died many years ago. He was twice married after her death. Thomas Tygert received a common school education and remained with his father and had charge of the farm for many years. In 1867 he removed to Guilderland, where he purchased his present farm of 130 acres, where he has since resided. In 1885 he embarked in the coal business, and for some years after was a dealer in hay and straw. He was commissioner for three terms, and is now town auditor. In 1846 he married Catherine, daughter of John Fuller. Their children are John, Aaron, Jane, May Anna, Sarah, Hattie, Augusta and Ella. His second wife was Levinna Coan, born in Guilderland and daughter of Peter Coan. The children by this marriage are Beatrice and William M. Mrs. Tygert is a member of the Ladies' Missionary Society.

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