Surnames Beginning with "H"
Harrigan's Sons, John, undertakers and embalmers. John Harrigan came to Albany, N. Y., from county Limerick, Ireland, in 1847; (1853 business established,) in 1862 he was elected coroner for a term of three years, and re-elected in 1865. He also served in the Rebellion, enlisting in Co. G, 25th Regt., in 1861. John J. (died 1893), Harvey T. V., Daniel S. and Joseph F. composed the firm. From a small beginning at No. 22 Canal street, the business in 1861, was moved to the building No. 21 Canal street and finally to the business block, corner of Canal and Chapel streets, which they erected in 1890. The building comprises seven lots and has a large stable in the rear. This firm has the finest assortment of burial cases always on hand.
Harrington, Francis A., son of Enoch Harrington, a prominent farmer and mill owner. He was born in Morris, Otsego county, N. Y., March 31, 1843, and was educated in the public schools of his native town. When sixteen he entered the famous old Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin, N. Y., and was graduated in 1864. Meanwhile he had taught school to defray his expenses. In the spring of 1865 he entered the service of the old Albany and Susquehanna Railroad (now a part of D. & H. C. system) in the chief engineering department, and on the completion of the road continued with the company in the operating department until 1886, he entered the service of the N. Y. C. & H. R. Railroad as general freight agent at Troy. January 1, 1890, he was made assistant superintendent of the N. Y. Central system between New York city and Syracuse. In 1891 he was made superintendent of the Mohawk division with headquarters at Albany. In 1893 he was made superintendent of the Mohawk and Malone Railroad from Herkimer and Utica to Malone. He is also managing director of the Troy Union Railroad.
Harriott, Marvin B., son of John V. and Harriet R. (Colfax) Harriott, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., September 6, 1860. His father's ancestors were Scotch and English and first settled in New York city in 1783. The great hospital at Edinburgh, Scotland, known as the Heriot Hospital, was founded and endowed by Sir George Heriot, an ancestor of the subject of this sketch. Mr. Harriott's mother's family came to America from England in 1740, and his maternal great-grandfather was Gen. William Colfax, who was the first commander of General Washington's Lile Guards and afterwards was quartermaster-general on Washington's staff. Through this line Mr. Harriott is related to the late Schuyler Colfax, vice-president of the United States, 1869-1873. John V. Harriott was a graduate of the University of the City of New York, and was president of the Firemen's Fire Insurance Company of New York at the time of his death in 1874. Marvin B. Harriott was educated in the Brooklyn private and public schools and at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. After the completion of his education he accepted a clerkship in a cotton house and subsequently took a three years' course in a sugar refinery. For the past seventeen years he has been a sugar broker, and now represents L. W. Minford & Co., New York, Swift & Co., Chicago, and the Armour Packing Company, Kansas City, for Albany, Troy and Northern New York. Mr. Harriott was a charter member of the Schubert Club. He served two years in Co. A, 10th Bat.. N. G. N. Y., and held all offices up to and including that of first lieutenant and resigned as such in April, 1896. During his term as first lieutenant he served detail as quartermaster of the battalion and as commissary of twelve hundred men at Buflalo, N. Y., during the great railroad strike in 1892.
Harris, Frank S., son of George O. and Mary (Salisbury) Harris, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1868. He received his education in the public schools and Albany Academy and subsequently spent three years at Lake George and New York city. In 1885 he assumed management, for his mother, of the large livery business which was started about 1835 by his grandfather, George, and which has been in the family ever since. In military circles there is none more popular and it would be hard to find a better drilled member of the National Guard. For ten years Mr. Harris was a member of Co. A, 10th Bat., N. G. N. Y., and during part of that time was a sergeant of the company. He is now first lieutenant and commissary on Colonel Fitch's staff of the l0th Bat. N. G. N. Y. He is also a member of the Albany Club.
Harris, Hubbard C., was born in Grafton, Windora county, Vt., in 1835, and is a a son of Jasher and grandson of William, whose ancestors came from England and settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1636. Mr. Harris came to Coeymans in 1853, since when he has followed his trade, that of a mason and contractor, successfully. In 1860 he married Laura, daughter of Elisha and Charlotte Buckland, by whom four children have been born, of whom Harry R. and Laura M. are now living.
Harris, Julius F., son of Marvin C. and Huldah (Dickinson) Harris, was born in the town of Queensbury, Warren county, N. Y., January 3, 1839. Thomas Harris, born in 1576, came from England and ran the ferry from Boston to Winnisimmet and Charlestown. Joseph Harris, who was directly descended from said Thomas Harris, the great grandfather of the subject of this sketch lived in the town of Queensbury, served in the Revolution and originally came from Dutchess county. William D. Harris, the grandfather of Julius F., was a prosperous farmer living in the town of Queensbury. Julius F. Harris was educated at the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, from which he was graduated in 1863. Soon after he removed to Albany, N. Y., studied law with Col. William H. King, was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1882 and was admitted to the bar in the same year. He has since practiced law in Albany. He is a member of Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M., and is a class leader in the Ash Grove M. E. church.
Harris, Melville A., is a native of Albany, born January 16, 1857, and a son of Samuel C. Harris, who came to Albany from New York city in 1833, and for many years was engaged in the manufacture of woodenware. His father was alderman of the Thirteenth ward for six years and president of the Common Council. His mother was Sarah, daughter of Abram Staley of Albany. Mr. Harris was educated at the public schools and Free Academy, now known as the High School, and first associated iiimself with his father as a manufacturer of and dealer in woodenware. In 1880 he accepted a clerkship in the street commissioner's office and shortly afterward in the corporation counsel's office and so continued until May 1, 1894. In June following he was appointed by Louis W. Pratt to his present position of United States gauger. He is an active Democrat and a member and for several years financial secretary of Fireman's Lodge No. 343, A. O. U. W. In 1878 he married Louisa E., daughter of Henry Launsbach of Albany, and their children are Annie Louise, Frederick Staley and Sarah.
Harris, Morris, was born in Albany in 1857, a son of Alexander, who was a native of Russia, born in 1820; he was an only child and came to the United States when a young man and settled in Albany. He soon engaged at selling goods throughout the county, which he followed with success until his death in 1877. His wife was a native of the same place; they reared six children; his wife now resides in New York city. Morris, the subject of this sketch, was the fourth of his father's children. He attended the public schools in Albany until fourteen, when he engaged in the tonsorial business, and four years later in partnership with a younger brother, under the firm name of M. Harris & Co., he engaged in the manufacture of cigars, Mr. Harris acting as traveling salesman, while his brother superintended the manufacturing. Their business increased in small proportions until they employed from twenty to thirty makers. This business they followed successfully for seven years. In 1884 he purchased a hotel interest in Voorheesville, closed his cigar business, and since that time has spent his time catering to the public as hotel proprietor. In 1889 he purchased his present building, which he converted into the hotel he now conducts. His house is well known to public travelers, from which he enjoys a most liberal patronage. His hotel hall has always been used as a court house in that village, and is noted for the many political conventions held in it since his proprietorship. In the spring of 1896 Mr. Harris was one of the promoters of the shirt factory in his village, the capital being subscribed by the residents; he readily became one of the stockholders, and was elected treasurer of the company; also a stockholder in the Voorheesville Canning and Preserving Co. He is one of the five charter members who organized the Odd Fellows Lodge in Voorheesville. He was the first representative of the lodge in the Grand Lodge in October, 1886; also a member of Noah Lodge F, & A. M.,Altamont, N. Y. He married Miss Elizabeth Mendelson, who was born in Ulster county, a daughter of Jacob Mendelson.
Harris, William B., son of Henry H. and Mary A. (Parker) Harris, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1860. He was educated in the public schools and Albany High School and afterwards conducted the cigar stand at the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. depot for eleven years. In 1884 he moved to No. 9 South Pearl street, where he is now the owner and proprietor of a cigar store. He is a member of Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M., Garriaka Tribe of Red Men No. 342, and the Unconditional Republican Club. In 1883 he was married to Carrie Kingsley of Albany.
Hart, John W., has been lifelong resident of West Troy, coming here in 1849 from County Tipperary, Ireland, where he was born in 1842. His father, Patrick Hart, now dead, was street commissioner here from 1869-70. Mr. Hart was educated at St. Patrick's parochial school, and first peddled papers, learning the cooper's trade later, at which he worked for fifteen years. He entered the baking business, in which he is so successfully engaged, in 1892. Mr. Hart has always been interested in the local affairs of West Troy, and served his fellowmen in many offices of trust and honor. His first office was that of village trustee from the Fourth ward in 1867-70. He was village collector in 1878, and chamberlain in 1879, being the first one to hold that office, as the office of treasurer was abolished. He held that office from 1879 to 1885 inclusive, then resigned to take that of county sheriff for three years.
Hartman, Christian, was born in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, in 1830. He was a son of Peter Hartman, who was one of three sons born to Peter Hartman. He was a blacksmith by trade, and his children were Christian, Peter and Henry, the two former coming to America. Peter came over in 1851 and Christian came in 1857. Mrs. Hartman died when Christian was three weeks old, and his father lived to be sixty-seven years of age. Mr. Hartman learned and worked at the blacksmith trade with his father until he came to America. He came direct to Albany county, where he worked for three years at his trade in the railroad shops. In 1860 he removed to the village of Guilderland, where he established in his present location a blacksmith shop, in connection with which he later engaged in the manufacture of wagons and sleighs. He began life in a strange land with nothing but the knowledge of his trade; he has been more than ordinarily successful. He owns two fine residences and has other property. In 1857 he married Elizabeth Miller, born in 1831, and daughter of Adam Miller, by whom two children have been born: Louis and John, who now conduct the business with their father. Louis is married and has one child, Delia. Mr. Hartman has been trustee of the Presbyterian church in Guilderland and is now filling the office of trustee of the Prospect Hill Cemetery.
Hartnett, Daniel J., son of William, was born in Albany, November 7, 1845. His father came from Ireland to Albany in 1825 and was engaged in the meat business until shortly before his death in 1876, owning at one time the Fishslip Market at the foot of Columbia street and was burned out in the big fire in 1848. When fourteen Mr. Hartnett associated himself with his father and continued thus most of the time, until 1870, when he engaged in the meat business alone. In 1878 he moved to the corner of Chapel and Canal streets and in 1890 to No. 95 North Pearl street, where he carries on a large retail business. He was one of the organizers of the Retail Merchants Association and served as its vice-president and secretary; he was one of the organizers of the Retail Butchers Association, was president during its existence, and was one of the principal organizers of the reorganized association; he is also a member of the Knights of Columbus, and is well and favorably known to or by citizens of the city, has repeatedly refused political positions preferring to devote his entire time to the furthering of his business.
Hartt, Eugene R., son of Chauncey N. and Sophia J. (Ross) Hartt, was born in Niagara county, N. Y., April 30, 1845, was educated in private schools at Gasport, N. Y., and at the Albany Boys' Academy, and first engaged in buying grain in the West for Albany houses. Later he became a clerk in the Merchants' National Bank of Albany, bookkeeper for Mills & McMartin, and in 1870 a member of the wholesale grocery firm of William J. Cook & Co., which ceased business in 1873. He then entered the employ of Albert Wing, Son & Co., wholesale grocers. In 1887 this firm adopted its present name of Wing Bros. & Hartt (see sketch of Albert J. Wing). Mr. Hartt is a member of the Fort Orange Club and was for about two years a water commissioner. He married Ada B., daughter of William J. Cook, and has one daughter, Marguerite H.
Haskell, William Hervey, is a son of Simeon Parsons and Mary Huntington (May) Haskell, and comes from good old Puritan stock, being on his maternal side a direct descendant of William Bradford, the first governor of the colony of Massachusetts. His ancestors on his paternal side came to this country about 1632, settling at Beverley, Mass. Simeon P., a native of Western Massachusetts, came to Albany about 1820, was a school teacher, merchant and elder of the Presbyterian church. He died in 1839. His father. Simeon, was one of seven brothers who were Revolutionary soldiers. William Hervey was born in Albany, February 14, 1832 was graduated from the Albany Academy in 1849 and first became a clerk in the bookstore of E. H. Bender. He was for three years a clerk in the Canal Department, and for more than thirteen years bookkeeper and teller for the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank. In December, 1865, he went to New York as paying teller in the First National Bank, but the next summer returned to Albany and engaged in the wholesale coffee and spice business, which he continued until 1880. He was then the general manager of the Albany agency of the Equitable Life Insurance Company of New York, till August, 1894, when he was appointed by Mayor Wilson, chamberlain, which position he still holds. He has been chairman of the Republican County Committee, is president of the Permanent Savings and Loan Association, and one of its incorporators, is a 32° Mason, being past master and treasurer of Masters Lodge No. 5, and has for several years a trustee of the Second Presbyterian church. During the Rebellion he was a member of the war committee and was active in raising troops. In January, 1855, he married Jane Strong, daughter of George Davidson of Albany and of their seven children, five are living: George Davidson, Mary Huntington, Grace Grant, Harriet Reed and William Hervey, Jr.
Haswell, Dr. George S., was born in 1868 and is a son of Isaac M. Haswell, who is a farmer. Dr. Haswell was graduated from the Troy High School in 1889, and from the Albany Medical College in 1892. He began his practice in New York and then settled in West Troy, where he has won the confidence of a large circle of people of his native town. Dr. Haswell, although so young, is a Mason of the order of the Mystic Shrine and the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order. He was elected coroner of Albany county in November, 1896. In 1893 he married Alice, daughter of Edward H. Wiswall of Colonie, by whom he has one daughter, Mildred.
Haswell, John L., is the only son of the late Joseph M. Haswell, who died January 6, 1872. J. M. Haswell came to West Troy from Waterford, Saratoga county, and took a prominent place in business. He was largely interested in lumber, being the senior member of the firm of Haswell & Mosher, and at the time of his death was president of the West Troy National Bank. J. L. Haswell was born at West Troy, January 1, 1866. He is not at present engaged in any active business, but has large real estate interests in the West.
Haswell, Leah E., is the widow of John B. Haswell and daughter of Albert I. Slingerland, who was one of the builders and promoters of the growth of Slingerlands, where he was a farmer and large real estate owner. He was for some years engaged in the lumber business in Albany, but returned to Slingerlands in 1875, where he remained until his death, in June, 1890. He left two daughters: Catherine (Mrs. Dr. Frasier of Amsterdam), and Leah E. (Mrs. John E. Haswell), who has remained on the old homestead since the death ot her husband in 1880. Mr. Haswell was a son of Joseph and grandson of Edward Haswell, who was among the early settlers of Albany county.
Haswell, William H., son of Justus and Nancy L. (Ransom) Haswell, was born in Albany, N. Y., September 29, 1853. He attended the public schools and High School, graduating from the latter in 1872. He spent one year in the employ of his father, dealer in hay and grain, and for three years was special deputy county clerk under his uncle, William E. Haswell, who was county clerk. While in this position Mr. Haswell performed the duties of court clerk. After the expiration of his term of office he returned to business with his father, with whom he remained until 1888, for seven years managing the Brooklyn office of his father's business. In 1888 he became connected with the Ronan Towing and Transportation Line as bookkeeper, and during Mr. Ronan's absences, which are frequent, he has full charge of the business. He is a member of the Albany Club, Old Guard. Albany Zouave Cadets and the Friendly Few, an organization composed of graduates of the High School.
Hatt, George J., was born in Morristown, N. J., and is a son of Rev. Josiah Hatt and Mary Ball Hatt, both of whom died when he was in infancy. He attended the district and select schools in New Jersey, and was graduated from the Fort Ed- ward (N. Y.) Collegiate Institute in 1876. He became a resident of Albany in 1881, at first securing a position as bookkeeper with C. Van Benthuysen & Sons, where he remained until 1886, when he formed the copartnership of Underhill & Hatt in the grocery business, which continued until May 1, 1897, during which time the firm built up and successfully maintained a business second to none in the city. On May 1 he became a stockholder in and secretary of the F. N. Sill Company, one of the largest coal companies in Albany. Mr. Hatt is a Republican in politics, but has never aspired to office, although he has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the city. He is largely interested in church and benevolent work, is a member of the Emanuel Baptist church, and has been president of the local union of the Y. P. S. C. E., and was chairman of the hall committee of the State Convention when held in that city. He married Carrie L. Clark, daughter of Dr. George W. Clark, the noted commentator.
Hatt, Samuel S. Among the members of the Albany county bar there are none more favorably known than Samuel S. Hatt. His education was obtained at the Fort Edward Institute, where he prepared for college, and at the Law Department of Union University, from which he was graduated in 1877 with the degree of LL.B. In the same year he formed a partnership with Charles W. Mead, which has continued until this day, and is one of the representative and successful law firms of the State. He has never entered the field of politics, preferring to devote himself strictly to the practice of his profession. In addition to his extensive practice, however, he is prominently identified with the business, charitable and educational interests of Albany. He is a trustee of the Albany County Savings Bank, of the Albany Orphan Asylum, treasurer of House of Shelter, a member of the Historical Society of Albany and of the Fort Orange Club, and a trustee and the treasurer of the Emmanuel Baptist church, and an active member of the New York State Bar Association. In public and professional life he has always been held in the highest esteem and confidence. He married into one of Albany's oldest families, a daughter of Dr. Peter P. Staats, for many years one of Albany's prominent physicians, and has one son, now preparing for college at the Albany Academy.
Havens, Elmer Hamilton, is a descendant of David Havens, born July 13. 1777, and Elizabeth Goodrich, his wife, born December 3, 1785, daughter of a Revolutionary soldier. Their children were David Hyland, Allgenette, Benjamin Franklin, John Braddock and Walter Burling. Benjamin Franklin Havens, born May 22, 1810, married Elizabeth Groesbeck, born in 1817, and had five children: Eugene Hiram, Morton Hamilton, Timothy C., Emma and Caroline. Morton Hamilton Havens, born July 27, 1838, married Elizabeth M. Bunker, born March 16, 1842; their children were Edward Morton (deceased), Ella Elizabeth, Elmer Hamilton, Franklin, Marcia Vanderlip, Alice Rebecca (deceased), Jessie May, Morton and Lydia Oliver. Mr. Havens enlisted August 13. 1862, in Co. F, 113th N. Y. Inf. (afterward known as the 7th N. Y. H. A.), became sergeant August 18, and was promoted second lieutenant of Bat. H, December 13, 1863. He was made second lieutenant of Co. D, 18th U. S. Vet. Reserve Corps, with rank from September 22, 1864. On April 15, 1867, he was appointed president of the Board of Registration of Prince Anne county, Va., mustered out of service January 1, 1868, and brevetted first lieutenant February 10, and captain March 30, 1866, by the Legislature of the State of New York for gallant and meritorious conduct. Elmer Hamilton Havens, born in Albany, January 30, 1864, was educated in the public and high schools and when nineteen began to learn the carpenter's trade of his father, with whom he continued as foreman several years. In 1888 he engaged in business with his brother, Franklin, and since 1890 has been alone. Among the many buildings erected by him are the Smith & Herrick shoe factory, the Schell flats, and a number of residences on Pine Hills. He is a member of the Unconditional Republican Club and in 1895 was elected alderman of the Eleventh ward for two years. September 21, 1886, he married Ida May, daughter of Sydney Chapman and Aleitha (Rossman) Blakeman of Greenbush, N. Y., and their children are Carrie, Aleitha, Elmer Hamilton, Jr., and Sydney Chapman.
Haverly, William J., was born in the town of Knox, July 5, 1849. The progenitor of this line of the family in America was John Haverly, who came from Wurtemburg, Germany, in or about 1750, and settled in that part of Berne which is now Knox, and was a farmer. He had four sons, Karl, Jacob, John, Jr., and George. The son Jacob was the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch. John I., the grandfather, was born in Knox in 1783, where he followed carpentry. His wife was Marilla (born 1797), daughter of Henry Deitz, and their children were Cynthia A., Elizabeth, Jacob, Eli and John D. He died December 2, 1866, and his wife August 30, 1891. John D. Haverly, the father, was born in Knox, January 7, 1827, and attended the common district school. When a boy he worked on a farm by the day or month; subsequently he worked at carpentry with his father, and also learned the shoemaker's trade, which he plied winters. When about thirty years old he engaged in buying and butchering cattle and selling meat; this he followed seven years, when he bought and conducted a hotel in the village of Berne, which, two years later he traded for a farm, upon which the house had been destroyed by fire; he rebuilt the house, built new barns, wagon house and other outbuildings. In 1867 he disposed of the farm and purchased his present farm of 170 acres in the town of Knox, where he has ever since resided. His wife was Sophia E., daughter of Adam and granddaughter of Mathias Shultes. The latter was the progenitor of the Shultes family in America and a native of Holland. Their children were Willard J., Isadore (who died when five years old), Rena and Nina. William J. Haverly has spent most of his life on the farm, engaged for many years with his father in the breeding of trotting and road horses, registered stock. They are the owners of the well known stallion, "Victor Mohawk," whose progeny has produced such satisfactory roadsters. When a boy Mr. Haverly attended the common schools and two terms at Knox Academy, taught school when seventeen years old, and later attended the Albany Normal School, from which he was graduated in June, 1869. He was then engaged in the grocery business in Albany for two years, afterwards returning to his father's farm, in which he took an interest, and followed teaching winters. Since 1874 he has been a dealer in farm machinery, and since 1890 has dealt in fertilizers. Since 1887 he has followed teaching winter and summer, having taught in all twenty-nine terms. Mr. Haverly has for years been prominently identified with the Republican party, has filled the office of collector for the town of Knox, and was elected in 1878 to represent his town in the Board of Supervisors, and again in 1882, 1891 and 1892, and is present supervisor of Knox. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Berne Lodge No. 684, and was for a number of years an Odd Fellow, until the lodge was disbanded. In 1883 he married Carrie M., daughter of Theodore Nauright, a native of Naurightville, N. J., and their children are Edwin B.. May, Elmina D., Theodora N.. Nellie L., Ann A. and John W.
Hawley, Mrs. Clara M. Among the numerous printing establishments in Albany it would be hard to find one where prompt service and fair dealing more abound than in that owned by Mrs. C. M. Hawley. This business was originally established in 1871 by L. H. Burdick, for general job and newspaper printing, at No. 51 North Pearl street. Mr. Burdick continued to own and manage the business until 1878, when, having taken James Taylor into partnership, the firm became Burdick & Taylor. The plant was subsequently moved to Martin Hall and later to No. 481 Broadway, where the business was continued until 1893. In November, 1890, the partnership was dissolved and Lewis J. Roberts came into the firm, making the firm Taylor & Roberts. Mr. Roberts died after thirteen months, but the firm name continued until 1893, when Charles H. Hawley succeeded to the Roberts interest. Mr. Hawley died in November, 1893, and the interest has since been carried on by Mr. Hawley's widow. Mrs. Clara M. Hawley. January 31, 1897, Mrs. Hawley bought Mr. Taylor's interest and has since then been sole owner of the plant, at Nos. 36-88 Beaver street, and secured the services of L. H. Burdick to manage the business for her. Mr. Burdick, bemg the founder of the business, is of course a most valuable man and will build up the concern to hold its own as among the first of its kind in the city. Mr. Burdick also represents the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance Company and for eight years has been secretary of the West End Savings and Loan Association. He is very popular in social and fraternal circles, and is a Knight Templar, Mason, a past grand in the I. O. O. P., and an encampment member.
Hay, Miller, city chamberlain, is a lifelong resident of the city, with whose municipal government his father, the late James Hay, was also closely identified. Mr. Hay was born in Cohoes in 1849, and after acquiring a good business education, was for a short time an employee of a sash and blind factory. In 1869 he joined the fire department, became foreman, afterward assistant chief and then chief for two years; he then learned the knitting trade and was engaged in the leading mills of Cohoes; for one year he was engaged in the county clerk's office under Albert Judson in 1871. In 1883 he was appointed messenger for Senator Charles H. Adams, with whom he remained two years and for two years was with William B. Woodin of Auburn, in intimate contact with the State Legislature, and was of great service as an educational factor afterward. He conducted a confectionery in Cohoes. In 1878 he was appointed jailer and served four years, and in 1883 was appointed an inspector of customs at Albany. He returned to Cohoes in 1886 and engaged in the fruit trade, but on account of ill health he disposed of his business and went to Europe. In 1890 Mr. Hay was appointed to the responsible office of chamberlain for two years, and was reappointed, and is on his fourth term, making eight years and is the present incombent; his duties he has discharged with great credit. He is a member of Cohoes Lodge No. 116, also president of the Second Ward Republican Organization, and has been on the city committee for twenty-one years, of which time he was treasurer eight years. He was married in 1875 to Anna L. Greene of Cohoes, and has had four children; those living are Laura C., Leslie M. and Ruth Eberly.
Hayden, John R., son of Timothy and Mary (Ryan) Hayden, was born at Muitzeskill in the town of Schodack, Rensselaer county, N. Y., May 31, 1859, and removed to Albany, N. Y., five years afterward. He attend the Albany public and high schools, after which he worked at the trade of blacksmith with his father for three years. This, however was not to his liking and he took a course of instruction at the Albany Business College. After finishing this he studied law with N. P. Hinman, Warren S. Kelly, and Wood & Russell. He studied law for five years but never applied for admission to the bar. In 1886 Mr. Hayden was appointed stamper in the mailing department of the Albany post-office and two weeks thereafter was transferred to the general delivery division. In February, 1894, he was appointed to his present position as superintendent of the free delivery division. Mr. Hayden is president of Capital City Council No. 54, C. B. L., and is a member of the Y. M. C. A. October 19, 1887, he married Elizabeth A. Driscoll of Albany, who died December 6, 1895, leaving two children, John and Edward.
Hayes, Edward, a civil engineer, is also associated with a fire insurance business. He graduated from Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., with the degree of C. E. He began practicing in 1878 and held the position of city engineer of Cohoes, N. Y., for eight years. He is now (1895-1896) the engineer for the Public Improvement Commission of the City of Cohoes, N. Y. He was born in Blossburg, Pa., in 1852, and has been a resident of Cohoes since 1856.
Heidrich, Charles A., born November 18, 1856, in Albany, is the son of John Heidrich, a native of Germany, who came to Albany about 1854 and died here in 1886, being a mason by trade and a prominent contractor and builder. After finishing his education at the Albany Academy, Mr. Heidrich entered the architectural office of John Cornelius and remained there five years. Meanwhile in 1880 he had associated himself with his father under the firm name of Heidrich & Son and continued as a contractor until the latter's death in 1886, when he opened an architectural office. Since then he devoted his whole time to architecture and building and since 1882 has done a large amount of contracting, numbering among his chief efforts the Fourth Reformed and St. Matthew's churches. He is a member of Guttenberg Lodge No. 737, F. & A. M, Temple Chapter No. 5, R. A. M. and De Witt Clinton Council No. 22 R. & S. M. July 19, 1882, he married Elizabeth Herzog of Albany and their children are Dora Elizabeth and Victor Carl.
Hendrick, James, is the son of a Dutch merchant in the West India trade and on his mother's side is of English descent. He was born in Walsall, England October 10, 1825, was brought to America when five years old, and received a private school education in New York city. He read law in Albany and was admitted to the bar in 1852, but in 1853 became a local insurance agent here, and in 1859 was appointed general agent of the Liverpool & London Insurance Company, which absorbed the Globe Insurance Company in 1864. Mr. Hendrick was general superintendent of the Inland Navigation Department of the Mercantile Marine Insurance Company from 1861 to 1876 and of the same department of the Orient Mutual from 1867 to 1886. He was president of the board of Lake Underwriters, vice-president of the Atlantic Mutual Life of Albany in 1868, president of the Albany City Fire Insurance Company in 1868; has been connected with many industrial, mining and transportation enterprises as president or trustee; was associated with J. H. Ramsay, J. Pierrepont Morgan and others in the celebrated railroad war between Fisk and Gould of the Erie and the directors of the Albany and Susquehanna Railroads in 1867; was engineer and inspector of the Third Division, New York State Militia, from 1853 to 1860; and was a member of the State Board of Charities under Governor Seymour. Has also served as president of the Board of Trade of Albany. Latterly he has confined his attention chiefly to his local insurance agency and to his extensive dairy farm and nurseries at Fort Grove, near Albany.
Hendrickson, Howard, was born in Albany, November 20, 1859, and is the son of the late Jacob Hendrickson, who for many years kept a large wholesale grocery on the dock and died in July, 1879. Mr. Hendrickson was educated in the public schools of Albany and subsequently entered a job printing office, where he worked for three years. He then entered the law office of S. W. Whitmore, meantime taking a course of lectures at the Albany Law School, from which he was graduated May 25, 1882, being immediately admitted to the bar by the General Term of the Supreme Court. Opening a law office he commenced the active practice of his profession, which is varied and extensive. In 1895 he was elected alderman of the Sixteenth ward and during that year served as president of the Common Council, receiving the largest majority ever given a candidate in that ward. In politics he is an influential Republican. He was the organizer of the Commercial Union Co-operative Bank and at present is its attorney and a member of the board of managers. He is the owner of considerable Albany real estate. He is a member of Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M., and has passed through all its chairs. He is a member of Capital City Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, De Witt Clinton Council of Royal Select Masons, Temple Conimandery No. 2, K. T. , and of Cypress Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; he is also a member of William Lacy Lodge No. 93, I. O. O. F.
Hendrie, James H., born in Albany, October 19, 1855, is a son of George and Margaret (Haddow) Hendrie, the former of whom came to Albany from Scotland about 1853 and died here in 1892, being for many years foreman with Smith & Covert, leather dressers. When fourteen Mr. Hendrie began learning the trade of bookbinder and blankbook manufacturer of his uncle, Robert G. Hendrie, who had established business on the corner of Broadway and Hudson avenue in 1867. He remained there until 1879, when he went to Cape Colony, South Africa, and engaged in gold and diamond mining. Returning to Albany in 1887 he bought out his uncle, gradually increased the manufacturing capacity fourfold and now carries on a large business as a bookbinder and stationer and blankbook manufacturer. He is a member of the Albany Caledonian Club and was its secretary three terms. In September, 1889, he married Emily E., daughter of Henry Miller of Albany, and they have one daughter, Emalie Miller Hendrie.
Heney, William H., was born in Oldham, England, January 31, 1863. Two years later he came with his parents to this country; after a two years' residence in Waterford, N. Y., they removed to Troy, N. Y., remaining there about five years. They then took up their residence in Cohoes, which has since been the home of the subject of this sketch. At the age of nine years he entered the Harmony Cotton Mills as an apprentice, continuing his education in the night schools. Mr. Heney has since been employed in various mills in various capacities, and since 1893 has been superintendent of The Hudson Valley Knitting Co., of Waterford, N. Y. He was inspector of election of the Fourth ward for two years, and in 1893 was elected supervisor, being re-elected in 1895. Mr. Heney is a member of Egberts Lodge No. 50, Knights of Pythias, having served as chancellor commander, also as district deputy of the Twenty-eighth District in 1894. He joined the Seventh Separate Co., N. G. S. N. Y., in 1883; after serving five years as quartermaster-sergeant and the same length of time as first sergeant, he applied for and received an honorable discharge in 1892. In 1888 Mr. Henry won the Woodward competitive drill medal, the presentation speech being made by Hon. D. B. Hill, then governor of the State.
Hennessy, John V., M. D., son of Thomas and Margaret (McKinley) Hennessy, was born in New York city in 1854. When he was a boy his parents removed to Bath-on-the-Hudson; here young Mr. Hennessy attended the public schools. After leaving school he obtained a situation as clerk in the office of his father, who was a well known and prosperous builder in Albany. He remained with his father until 1880, when he entered the Albany Medical College and in 1884 was graduated from that institution, receiving the degree of M. D. Dr. Hennessy has practiced in Albany since his graduation. He is a surgeon on the staff of St. Peter's Hospital, attending physician at the Boys' Orphan Asylum, lecturer on materia medica at the Albany Medical College and a member of the Albany County Medical Society. In 1878 he married Sarah Elizabeth Kane of Amsterdam, N. Y.
Herrick, De Laus W. The Herricks are a very old family, tracing their descent in a direct line from the thirteenth century. Those members of the family living in Albany are descended from Henry Herrick, who came from England and settled in Salem, Mass., in the year 1629. Beyond the record of Henry's marriage, the first public record in this country is that of the conviction of Henry Herrick and Edith, his wife, in Essex county, Mass., and their being fined "for aiding and comforting an excommunicated person contrary to order." Some of the descendants of Henry finally settled in Dutchess county, N. Y., and in the time of the Revolutionary war furnished a number of soldiers to the patriot army, among others Stephen and several of his sons, and among them Jonathan. After the close of the war Jonathan emigrated to Duanesburgh, Schenectady county; he was the grandfather of Jonathan R. and De Laus W. Herrick, who subsequently settled in the city of Albany, becoming prosperous merchants; they were the first of their family that had followed any other calling in this country excepting that of farming. Jonathan R. died in the city of Albany in 1890; he was the father of D. Cady Herrick, the present justice of the Supreme Court. De Laus W. Herrick is still living, and is one of the prominent coal merchants of the city.
Hessberg, Albert, was born December 13, 1856, in Albany, where his parents, Simon and Hannah Hessberg, settled in 1845, coming here from Germany. His father, a retired shoe merchant, is still living at the age of seventy-three. Mr. Hessberg on finishing his academical course at the High School, entered the law office of Peckham & Tremain, the firm consisting of Hon. Rufus W, Peckham, Hon. Lyman Tremain and his son Grenville. He remained several years with this firm, acting as its managing clerk. In January, 1878, he was admitted to the bar at the General Term in Albany, at the first written examination under the new Code of Civil Procedure. During 1878 death closed the career of both the Tremains, when Rufus W. Peckham associated himself with S. W. Rosendale and Mr. Hessberg, and the firm of Peckham, Rosendale & Hessberg maintained a high reputation. In 1883 Rufus W. Peckham was elevated to the Supreme Court bench, when the firm dissolved, and that of Rosendale & Hessberg formed, which has continued a successful law practice. In April, 1881, Mr. Hessberg was appointed assistant corporation counsel of the city of Albany and served during the terms of Mayors Nolan and Banks. In the winter of 1884 he was named by the Common Council one of the commissioners to draft new laws and ordinances for the city. In the spring of 1888 he was elected recorder by a majority of 3,000 and served until 1892, when he was re-elected by a majority of 6,000 and served until May, 1896. He is public spirited and proud of the advancement, development and beauty of his native city. He was one who rendered valuable assistance in raising funds for the construction of Harmanus Bleecker Hall. He is a director of the Park Bank of Albany; trustee of the Albany City Savings Institution; manager of the society for providing a home for aged and destitute Israelites; treasurer of the New York State Bar Association; a director in the Cohoes City Railway; vice-president of the United Charities Organization of Albany; president of the Watervliet Turnpike and Railroad Company; one of the managers of the University Centre; member of all the leading Albany clubs and ex president of the Bena Berith organization. On the 19th of June, 1889, he mar- ried Miss Frederika Cohn of Albany and they have two children: Rufus R., and Ruth C.
Hessberg, Samuel, son of Simon and brother of Albert Hessberg, was born in Al- bany, June 13, 1859, was educated in the public and high schools and in 1876 entered the telegraph department of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. under Henry R. Pierson, who was the resident director of the road at that time. In 1879 he became superintendent of the telegraph lines between Albany and Buffalo, a position he resigned in 1881 to enter the employ of Mr. Pierson, who had engaged in the banking and brokerage business In September, 1889, as manager, he opened a banking and brokerage office in Albany for J. S. Bache & Co., and in April, 1893, became a member of the firm. As a business man Mr. Hessberg's career is one of uninterrupted success. In financial matters his opinion is often sought and highly valued. He was especially active in reorganizing the Distillers and Cattle Feeding Company in March and April, 1895. He has been for a number of years a manager of the Young Men's Association, a member and ex-president of the Adelphi Club, and a member of the Albany Club. He is prominently connected with several charitable organizations. February 5, 1896, he married Rose G., daughter of Isaac Brilleman, one of the leading jewelers of Albany.
Hickey, Dennis, Jr., is the representative of one of the oldest families of the south end of Albany, is a son of Dennis Hickey, for forty years a wholesale liquor dealer here, and who died in 1893. Mr. Hickey was born in Albany in 1867, and was educated at the Christian Brothers' School. He first entered the grocery business, the management of which in 1889 he gave over to a younger brother. In 1890 he opened a large store in Gloversville, then retured to Albany, locating at the corner of Elm and Swan streets; after one year he came to West Troy, and is now proprietor of the United States Grocery and Provision Co., situated on Broadway and Nineteenth streets. The success of this establishment attests the energetic capabilities and shrewd business policy of its manager.
Hickey, William F., the well known attorney, was born at Moriah, N. Y., in 1857. He was the son of Thomas Hickey, a contractor, who was largely interested in local mining. William was educated in the Sherman Academy, at Moriah, and about the time of attaining legal majority began the study of law with B. B. Bishop, at Moriah, forming a law partnership with him three years later which existed for three years. Then Mr. Hickey practiced his profession at Port Henry until 1889 when he located in Troy. Mr. Hickey resides in Green Island and has taken an active interest in local affairs, especially in opposing the recent threatened annexation of Green Island to Troy, and in the erection of the new town of Green Island. Mr. Hickey is now village attorney for the village of Green Island, having held that office for ten terms.
Hicks, John J., son of William and Harriet (Carter) Hicks, was born in Oxford, England, June 26, 1841. He came to America with his parents in 1849 and settled in Troy, N. Y., where his father, a manufacturer of gilt picture frames, died in 1884 and his mother in 1874. He was educated in the Troy public schools and learned the trade of picture frame making with his father. In August, 1861, he enlisted in Co. E, 62d N. Y. Vols., Anderson's Zouaves, and was attached to the provost guard department of the Fifth Army Corps. He was discharged in October, 1863 and, returning home went to Amsterdam, N. Y., as manager of the furniture store of Horace Inman. Two years later he went to Clinton, Iowa, and engaged in contracting and building for about four years, and in 1871 he came to Albany and engaged in business as a manufacturer and dealer of furniture, moving into his present quarters, Nos. 85-87 Beaver street, in 1881. He is a Republican and a member of Master Lodge No. 5, F. & A. M. . Clinton Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F. , and the New York Encampment and Grand Canton No. 1, N. E. M. O. He is past noble grand and past patriarch in the Odd Fellows Order. In 1861 he married Cythis M., daughter of Fraser Hodgman of Troy, and they have six children, Anna Kate, Bertha, Eva, Grace, Libbie and Amy.
Higgins, John H., was born in New Scotland, February 7, 1844. His father, John Higgins, was born in England, July 27, 1809. When seventeen years of age he came to America on account of his health, first settling in Dutchess county, where he lived two years, then in 1828 came to New Scotland and engaged in farm work, which he followed many years. His wife was Elizabeth Schermerhorn of Knox, daughter of Abram Schermerhorn, by whom he had two children: Thomas, who enlisted in Co. D. 91st N. Y. Vols., and died in Pensacola Hospital in 1862; and John H.; John Higgins died in October, 1890, and his wife in November, 1866. John H. Higgins attended the common district school and remained on the farm with his father until twenty-one years of age, when he began for himself by assuming charge of a farm for another party and later rented farms for some years. In 1877 he bought his present farm consisting of 102 acres, where he makes a specialty of dairying and fruit growing, having the finest plum orchard in his vicinity. He has also devoted much time to breeding thoroughbred Jersey cattle and fast horses. In 1863 Mr. Higgins married Mary Ann, daughter of Alex, and Sarah Ann Patterson of New Scotland, by whom he had two children: Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett of New Scotland, and William. His wife died April 25, 1873. His second wife was Emily Albright, daughter of Mrs. Margaret (Hotaling) Albright, and they had one child, Lulu. Mrs. Higgins died July 12, 1894. William Higgins married Nellie Warner, daughter of Franklin Warner, of New Salem.
Higgins, Michael E., chief of the Albany Fire Department, is a son of John and Elizabeth (Mullin) Higgins, natives of Ireland, who, about 1844, settled in Albany where they died, the former in 1856 and the latter in 1885. Michael Higgins was born in Albany, January 17, 1845, received a public school education and when eleven became a newsboy; later he was an engineer on the river, learned the machinist's trade and from 1860 to 1869 was first engineer in Clark, Gifford & Judson's old flour mill. In 1869 he was relief engineer and afterward engineer of Steamer No. 6, which position he held eleven years, when he resigned but continued on as a hoseman. For three years from 1878 he was also engaged in the meat business, and in 1879, 1880 and 1881, served as supervisor of the Fifteenth ward. From 1880 to 1886 he was city marshal; in 1885 he was appointed assistant engineer, and in 1886, on the death of James McQuade, chief engineer of the Albany Fire Department and has since held the latter position. He has been continuously connected with the fire department since 1864, holding every post and becoming a member of the present (paid) force in 1867. For several years he was an active Democrat, a member of various political conventions and first assistant marshal of the Albany Phalanx, and is a member of the A. O. U. W. , and the Exempt Firemen's Association. In 1870 he married Elizabeth L., daughter of James Gallagher of Albany, and they have had five children; John F., Edward J., and Jennie C, who are living, and Hattie and Martin Delehanty, deceased.
Hill & Son. James Hill, a native of England, settled in Albany about 1827 and died there in 1838. He was foreman in a large blacksmith shop which stood on the site of the D. & H. depot, at the foot of Maiden Lane. Cornelius Hill, his son, born December 18, 1833, in Albany, received a public school education, and has always been in the fruit and vegetable business. In 1845 he became a clerk in the old Columbia Street Market and later held a similar position on Van Rensselaer Island. In 1854 he established business for himself and since 1889 has been located on the corner of Hudson avenue and Grand street, the site on which Thurlow Weed's mansion once stood. In 1884 the firm of Hill & Son was formed by the admission of his son, James H. Mr. Hill was alderman two years, and is a member of Temple Lodge F. & A. M., Capital City Chapter R. A. M., and Temple Commandery No. 2, K. T. In January, 1854, he married Mary Mcintosh, and they have nine children living: James H., Erastus C., William M., George C. (all members of Temple Lodge F. & A. M.), Isabella, Ida, Elizabeth, Etta E. and Minnie.
Hills, James W., was born in Watervliet, now Colonie, in 1841. He is the son of the late John Hills, of English descent. He has always been engaged in farming and gardening, and in 1875 purchased the farm of Newton, known as the Newton Place, from whom the hamlet of Newtonville took its name. Mr. Hills is an up-to-date and enterprising farmer, finding market for his product chiefly at Troy. Mrs. Hills is a daughter of the late James McDonald of Delhi, Delaware county, brother-in-law of the late Assemblyman John McDonald of Delaware county. Mrs. and Mrs. Hills have two sons, Goldsmith and Donald E. Hills. They were educated at the Troy Academy, State Normal and Albany Business College.
Hinckley, Charles, born in Westerlo, March 21, 1821, was a son of Josiah and Clarrissa (Slausen) Hinckley. The father of Josiah, Josiah Hinckley, came from New York city and settled in Westerlo when the town was but a wilderness. He fought in the Revolutionary war and then settled on a farm in Westerlo. The great-grandfather was of Scotch descent and married a French lady and settled in New York city, and spent his last days in Westerlo. The father of Charles Hinckley spent his life on the farm in Westerlo, where he died in 1866, and Mrs. Hinckley in 1872. Charles Hinckley married Rachel Ann Huyck, daughter of Walter and Margaret Huyck. Mrs. Hinckley died in 1883. Mr. Hinckley has always been a farmer and carried on farming on the homestead till 1888, when he rented the farm and took up his residence in the vicinty of South Westerlo. He has always been a Democrat in politics.
Hitt, Hon. Galen R., is the son of New England ancestors and was born in Pawlet, Vt., August 16, 1843. He received his preliminary education in the public schools and in 1859 he entered the Troy Conference Academy at Poultney, Vt., where he remained four years. He then began the study of law at Rutland, Vt., and finished his studies in Albany, N. Y., where he was admitted to the bar by the General Term in the spring of 1865. In the fall of the same year he married Sarah J. Crowley, daughter of the late Hon. John Crowley of Mount Holly, Vt., and took up his residence in Albany. He has built up a very large practice, especially in criminal cases. In 1874 he helped to organize the Albany Boatmen's Relief Association, of which for six years he was a director and for four years attorney. In 1877 he joined the Albany Burgesses Corps and has held the offices of president and vice-president. In politics Mr. Hitt has always been a hard worker for the Democratic party. In the spring of 1884 he was elected alderman from the Sixth ward and in 1888 was alderman-at-large. He served four years in the Common Council and was a very instrumental member of that body. He was chairman of the Common Council committee on celebration of the Albany bi-centennial. In the winter of 1888 he was the first to start the carnival and he was also interested in the movement to furnish the city of Albany with pure water. In the fall of 1888 Mr. Hitt was chosen to represent the Third district of Albany county in the State Legislature and served during that session on the Committee on Cities and State Prisons. He also introduced the bill for the repaving of State street. Again in 1889 he was elected a member of the Legislature and was one of the most eloquent debaters on the floor of the Assembly. He was ever on the lookout for Albany's best interests and so well did he serve the first two terms of his election that in 1890 and 1891 he was re-elected. Mr. Hitt is now practicing law at No. 93 State street. He is a member of the Democratic Phalanx and chairman of the commission on the Northern Boulevard.
Hobbs, Edward A., son of David and Abigail (Pratt) Hobbs, was born in the town of Charlton, Mass., August 15, 1838. Mr. Hobbs's ancestors came to America from England in the early part of the eighteenth century and located in Massachusetts. His grandfather, Joseph Pratt, was the captain of a Massachusetts company in the war of 1812. Mr. Hobbs attended the Troy Conference Academy at Poultney, Vt., in the winter of 1857, and afterward attended the State Normal School for one term. For three winters he taught school in Columbia county, and in May, 1861, removed to Albany, N. Y., where he was for nine years engaged in the grocery business at No. 5 Clinton avenue, the firm name being Hobbs & Bedell. He then moved to No. 7 Clinton avenue, where he was also located nine years, from 1870 to 1879. For four years he was in partnership with Frank Van Salisbury. Since 1874 Mr. Hobbs has been engaged in the grocery business alone. In the fall of 1878 Mr. Hobbs bought the property on the corner of North Pearl street and Clinton avenue and in 1879 he occupied it and has ever since been located there. He is an active member of the Fourth Presbyterian church and on May 13, 1889, was elected an elder and has held the ofhce ever since. He was elected a trustee in 1884, 1887, 1890, 1893 and 1896. October 21, 1862, he married Celestia A., daughter of Palmer Miller of Schodack, N. Y.
Hochstrasser, Arthur E., was born in the town of Berne, February 5, 1847. The founder of the Hochstrasser name in America was Jacob Hochstrasser, the great grandfather of Arthur E. He was a native of Holland and was one of the pioneer settlers in the town of Berne. He was one of a committee to petition the Legislature to set off the town of Berne from Rensselaerville, and the chairman of the committee to draft the town laws, and was the first supervisor and first justice of the peace. Paul I., the grandfather of Arthur E. Hochstrasser, was born in the town of Berne in 1762. He was a shoemaker by trade, and a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He settled in the town of Knox, where he erected a saw mill and manufactured lumber for some years, but returned to Berne and purchased 200 acres of land, a portion of which embraced the White Sulphur Springs, and there spent his remaining days. His wife was Dorothy Fisher. Peter Hochstrasser, the father of Arthur E., was born in Berne on the homestead, April 18, 1800. He was a wheelwright by trade, his principal manufactures being spinning wheels, flax and wool wheels; he also owned a farm of seventy-five acres which he supervised. His wife was Eliza Weidman, born in Berne July 20, 1808, daughter of Col. Jacob Weidman. Their children were Jacob M., John, Charles (who was a soldier in the Rebellion), Arthur E., Catharine, Margaret and Sarah. He died April 20, 1880, his wife February 15, 1887. Arthur E. Hochstrasser learned the turner's trade and when eighteen purchased a factory and engaged in the manufacture of bedsteads; three years later he formed a partnership with his brother Jacob M. in a saw mill and manufactured lumber, bedsteads, etc. In 1882 he sold his mill interest and engaged in general mercantile business in the village of Berne and in 1891 he erected his present store building. He owns and resides on the place where he was born. He was town clerk from 1882 to 1885, was town committeeman, president of the town Republican organization from 1886 to the present time, and has often been chosen as delegate to town, district and State conventions. Mr. Hochstrasser is a member of the Masonic fraternity and was one of the charter members of Helderberg Lodge of Odd Fellows. He is one of the active promoters and contributors in and to the proposed Albany, Helderberg and Schoharie railroad, of which he is also a stockholder. September 25, 1868, he married Josephine, daughter of Edward Settle of Berne, and they have one child, Fred P. His wife died March 1, 1882, and February 4, 1885, Mr. Hochstrasser married Hattie, daughter of Henry W. Weidman, and they have two children, Margaret and Chester.
Hochstrasser, Jacob, the proprietor and manager of the White Sulphur Springs Hotel, was born in 1832. Jacob, his father, was born at White Sulphur Springs in 1795. His wife was Margaret, daughter of Cornelius West, of Cooksburg, N. Y., and their children were Paul, Abel, Amos, Peter and Jacob. He died in 1875 and she in 1870. Jacob Hochstrasser attended the common schools and after leaving home settled in the village of Berne, where he erected a fine residence. For many years he was extensively and successfully interested in bee culture, earning the name of "Honey Jake;" during this time he was also a dealer in fine horses. In 1868 he was pursuaded by his father to return to the farm, which he took charge of and cared for his parents in their declining years. On account of the excellent healing character of the sulphur water which flowed so freely from the springs on his place, many people would come to drink and to bathe in the water and would beg to be boarded, and in 1881 Mr. Hochstrasser concluded to erect a hotel. He selected a beautiful location, erected his hotel, which has a capacity to accommodate 110 people, and gave it the name of the White Sulphur Springs Hotel. Mr. Hochstrasser's excellent judgment in laying out the grounds and keeping them in repair, as well as providing beautiful picnic grounds, has made his place by far the most beautiful and desirable summer resort on the Helderberg Mountains. In 1854 he married Maria, daughter of James N. and Elizabeth (Bassler) Hilton of Berne, and they have one child, Frank of Philmont, Columbia county, N. Y., where he is established in the undertaking business.
Hollands, William, was born November 4, 1887, in the town of Watervliet, Albany county, and is the son of William and Mary (Palmer) Hollands. He was educated in the public and private schools of West Troy and was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1862. After the death of his father in 1853 he assumed the control of the West Troy Advocate, which his father had successfully conducted prior to his death, and continued the publication until its abandonment in 1864. He was elected justice of the peace of the town of Watervliet for an unexpired term 1863 to 1865, and from 1865 to 1873 he was engaged in mercantile business with Thomas and James Scarborough. Mr. Hollands was postmaster of West Troy from September, 1865, to March, 1878. In 1873 he began the practice of law, which he has since continued, and is also engaged in the fire insurance business. He is a member of the Watervliet Social Club and warden of Trinity Episcopal church. October 3, 1867, he married Harriet N., daughter of Thomas S. Truair, of Syracuse, N. Y.
Hollenbeck, Frank, is the son of Jacob, grandson of Jacob; his great-grandfather came from Holland. Mr. Hollenbeck remained on the homestead, where his grandfather settled, until 1880, when he came to his present farm. He married Lucy M., daughter of Cornelius Mosher.
Hollenbeck, Jerome M., born in the town of Rensselaerville, N. Y., June 15, 1855, is a son of Charles Hollenbeck, who was born in Columbia county, July 4, 1810, and came to Albany county with his parents in 1814, where he was a farmer. He died August 3, 1894. His wife was Hannah Hess, born August 22, 1815, and died June 21, 1893. Jerome Hollenbeck was educated in Rensselaerville Academy and select schools and is by occupation a farmer and speculator. October 6, 1880, he married Ida Cartwright, daughter of Salmon S. Cartwright, and they have two children: Malla May and Bertha.
Horrocks, John, a retired manufacturer and well known resident of Cohoes, is the son of Samuel Horrocks, who came to America from England in 1849 and to Cohoes in 1854. The latter was a man of upright character, much beloved by his fellow-citizens, and was for many years a vestryman of St. John's church. His death occurred February 12, 1892. Mr. Horrocks was born in Hyde,Cheshire, England, in 1841, but was educated here. Since entering business life he has been closely identified with municipal affairs, and has taken an active interest in church. Masonic and educational matters. He was for many years a manufacturer of knit underwear, of the firm of George Warhurst & Co., then Horrocks & Van Benthuysen, and later known as the Atlantic Knitting Company.
Hoskins, Charles M., son of Martin and Helen (Pratt) Hoskins, was born in Jamaica, Windham county, Vt., June 25, 1861. He received his education in the public schools of Vermont and then learned the trade of shirt cutter in the factories of Starbuck and Joseph Fowler in Glens Falls, N.Y., where he remained five years. He then removed to Leominster, Mass., where he was employed by the Leominster Shirt Company and remained there three years, rising from cutter to the position of superintendent of the factory. From Leonminster he removed to Albany, N. Y., where he was given the position of cutter on special orders in the factory of S. L. Munson. He stayed with Mr. Munson two and one-half years, leaving in February, 1895, to accept his present position of manager of the Albany Shirt Company. Mr. Hoskins is a member of Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M., and Clinton Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F. August 21, 1889, he married Frances Mary Harris of Garrettsville, N. Y., and they have one son, Charles Albert.
Hotaling, John S., was born in Greene county in 1856 and is the son of William J. and grandson of Garret, who came from Holland. Mr. Hotaling began life working by the month on a farm and by economy and hard work, is now the owner of a fine farm near Bethlehem Center. Mr. Hotaling's wife was Viola, daughter of Henry Kulmer, of Bethlehem, and they have three sons and three daughters: J. Walter, Henry, William, Jessie, Caroline and Mary.
Hotaling, Hon. Lansing, son of David I. and Ellen (Hillebrant) Hotaling, was born, April 17, 1838, in Albany, where his father, a contractor and builder, settled about 1828 and died in 1869. His ancestors came here at an early day. Mr. Hotaling was educated in Albany, was graduated from the Albany State Normal School in 1856, read law with Oliver M. Hungerford, and was admitted [to the bar] in 1859. He has since practiced his profession in Albany. In 1861 he formed a copartnership with his preceptor, which continued until Mr. Hungerford's death in 1888. He was elected district attorney of Albany county in 1877 for three years, was a member of the Assembly for the Second Albany district in 1885, and is a trustee of the Albany County Savings Bank and a director in the Albany County Bank. He has never married.
Houck, James A., the oldest hotel proprietor in one place in Albany, is a son of Christian Houck, one of the earliest hotel keepers in the town of Knox, Albany county, where James A. was born in 1839. About 1859 the family came to Albany, where Christian conducted the Avenue House on Washington avenue until his death. In 1871 James A. Houck succeeded a Mr. Brayton as proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, on State street corner of South Pearl, and immediately changed the name to the Globe Hotel, which it still bears, and under which it has attained a wide popularity. In May, 1894, he admitted his son Clarence A. as a partner under the firm name of J. A. Houck & Son. Mr. Houck is one of the best known landlords in Eastern New York and during his quarter of a century proprietorship of the Globe has won a high reputation among the traveling public. He was elected sheriff of Albany county in 1879, as a Republican, and served one term and was a candidate for county clerk, but suffered defeat along with the rest of the ticket.
Houghton, George H., M. D., son of Thomas and Hannah (Harrison) Houghton, was born in the town of Vernon, Oneida county, November 6, 1853. He is a descendant of General Houghton, who was killed at the battle of Albura in the Peninsular war. Dr. Houghton attended the district schools until he was seventeen, when he ran away from home to the lumber regions of Michigan, where he spent four years in Michigan, Minnesota and Manitoba and traveled over most of the Western States, returning east in 1873. He attended the Utica Business College and Whitestown, N. Y. Seminary, where he was graduated. He then taught school two years and studied medicine with Dr. William M. James of Whitestown, N. Y. In 1879 he entered the Albany Medical College and graduated in 1882, after which he studied three years in the Swinburne Hospital, Albany, N. Y., since when he has practiced in Albany. He is surgeon for the D. & H. and N. Y. C. R. R. Cos. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M. In 1884 he married Catharine, daughter of Rev. J. E. Bowen and they have two children, Guy and Oscar E.
Howell, Fred S., son of George Oliver and Lucy G. (Rowland) Howell, was born in the town of Hector, Schuyler county, N. Y., May 15, 1865. He received his edu- cation at the Watkins (N. Y.) Academy, and subsequently studied telegraphy. He made great progress in this profession and at the early age of fifteen became manager of the Western Union telegraph office at Watkins, where he remained three and a half years. Mr. Howell moved to Syracuse, N. Y., being in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, and later to Waverly. In 1885 he moved to Schenectady, N. Y., and represented the Associated Press as operator on the Daily Union. In 1886 Mr. Howell moved to Albany to accept the position of Associated Press telegrapher on the Albany Argus; in 1888 he went with the Press and Knickerbocker, doing United Press work, and from 1888 to 1893 held a position of telegrapher in a broker's office in connection with his newspaper work. In 1893, upon the consolidation of the United and Associated Presses, Mr. Howell gave up press work and succeeded to the commission business of J. H. Knight, having offices in the Benson building. In 1895 Mr. Howell assumed the management of the Albany office of Price, McCormick & Co. and held this responsible position until February, 1897, when he bought the extensive house furnishing business of Isaac Hough, comprising two stores in Albany, one in Cohoes, one in Schennectady and one in Troy. Mr. Howell is a member of the Albany Press Club. April 11, 1894, he married Jane E., daughter of the late Hon. Michael Richard. They have one daughter.
Hubbard, George A., son of Miles and Maria C. (Cadman) Hubbard, was born in Lexington, Ky., September 1, 1856. His parents moved to New York State when he was an infant and he was educated in the Spencertown (N. Y.) Academy. He then removed to Troy, N. Y., where for a time he was employed as cutter in the stores of Morris Gross and Julius Saul, and subsequently he entered the employ of G. M. Hitchins, manufacturer of ladies' underwear and calico wrappers, on Green Island. After three years he went back to Julius Saul, but remained only a short time, for Mr. Hitchins liked his work so well that he gave him an interest in the business as an inducement to return. Later the business was moved to Hudson, N. Y., and then to Albany, where, after two years, Mr. Hubbard succeeded to the sole ownership, and has since manufactured in his own name. In 1880 he married Florence M., daughter of Thomas D. Davis of Waterford, N. Y.
Hudson, Charles D., born in Troy, N. Y.. August 26, 1853, is a son of Daniel Hudson, who married Mary A. Henry, of Schenectady, N. Y., and who moved in 1837 from Schoharie county to Troy, where he lived to the time of his death. Mr. Hudson was educated in the common schools of Troy, but when a young man went to work in his father's box factory and afterwards in the Manufacturers' National Bank. He subsequently accepted a position as shipper in a collar factory, keeping up his studies as best he could. In 1868 he entered the law office of Smith, Wellinton & Black of Troy, and was admitted to the bar in 1881. He at once commenced practice in the village of West Troy (now the city of Watervliet), Albany county, where he has been ever since, occupying the same office. He has been reasonably successful, having in both Rensselaer and Albany counties been engaged in some important litigations involving large amounts of property. He has conducted a general law business but has given special attention to the preparation and trial of causes. He is a Democrat in politics, but never held office. Having a taste for literature, he has written and published articles on historical and other subjects. He was married in Troy to Ruth M. Hudson and has one daughter, Mabel R. He is a memberof the Watervliet Club and an attendant of the First Avenue M. E. church.
Huested, Dr. Alfred B., son of Reuben (died 1841) and Mahala (Birch) Huested, was born in the town of Clifton Park, Saratoga county, May 15, 1840, and came with his mother in 1852 to Albany, where he was educated in the public schools and Boys' Academy. He read medicine with Drs. Arrasby and Pomfret and in 1862 became hospital steward of the 113th N. Y. Inf. (afterward the 7th N. Y. Heavy Art.), with which he remained until 1863, when he returned home, resumed his studies and was graduated as M. D. from the Albany Medical College. He then passed his ex- amination before the State Military Examining Board, returned to his regiment (the 7th H. A.) and in March, 1864, was commissioned assistant surgeon, a position he held until he was mustered out in Denver, Col., in 1866. Returning to Albany he entered upon the active practice of his profession, but in 1867 engaged in the retail drug business on the corner of Hudson avenue and Eagle street, whence he moved in December, 1886, to his present location on the corner of State and Eagle streets, admitting at the same time Garrett V. Dillenback as a partner under the firm name of A. B. Huested & Co. He has been president of the State Board of Pharmacy since 1884, is a member of the American and New York State Pharmaceutical Associations, was president of the latter two years, and is a member of Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M. He was appointed professor of botany and materia medica in the Albany College of Pharmacy in 1883, and still holds that position. In 1867 he married Margaret A., daughter of Dr. James E. Pomfret of Albany, and they have three sons: Frank P., James E. and Alfred B.
Hughan, James C., proprietor of the Granite and Marble Works at West Troy, was born in Cohoes in 1854. James B. Hughan, his father, late of Cohoes, settled there in 1850 and died in 1892, aged seventy years. He was born at Dalbettie, Scotland. James C. Hughan spent his early days at Cohoes, and when about nineteen went to Maine and spent two years learning the details of the stone cutting art. He then came to Troy and engaged in the business on his own account. In 1892 he removed the working plant to a more eligible location at West Troy, near the Delaware and Hudson depot. Mr. Hughan enjoys a large and well merited patronage. He employs five men at the yards, which he personally superintends. Mr. Hughan's mother was Miss Anne Lennon, of Scottish birth. In 1885 he was united in marriage with Miss Helen Jones of Cohoes.
Hull, Samuel T., son of Henry G. and Rhoda A. (Corbin) Hull, was born in Roxbury, Delaware county, N. Y., October 20, 1851. His father's ancestors were members of an old Connecticut family that served in the Revolution; one of them having been Captain Hull, who commanded the U. S. S. Constitution at the time of her engagement with the Guerriere. His mother's ancestors, the Corbins, belonged to a prosperous family in Delaware county and they fought in the Revolution. Mr. Hull's father was a stock dealer and farmer and died in 1853. Samuel T. Hull was educated at the Roxbury Academy and at Stamford Seminary, Stamford, N. Y., and was graduated from that institution in 1871. He then went to Cobleskill, Schoharie county, and studied law with County Judge William C. Lamont, teaching school during the winters. He left there in November, 1872, and taught school at Arkville, Delaware county, during that winter, and in March, 1873, he went to Kingston, N. Y., and entered the law office of ex-Attorney-General Schoonmaker as managing clerk. Mr. Hull was admitted to the bar in January, 1875, and practiced law at Kingston until April 1, 1890, when he was appointed bookkeeper of the State Banking Department at Albany. Subsequently he was promoted to the position of chief clerk and remained there until May 1, 1896, some months after the resignation of Hon. Charles M. Preston, superintendent. He then formed a copartnership with the Hon. Galen R. Hitt, with whom he has since practiced law in Albany. He was for eight years city judge of Kingston and for four years justice of sessions of Ulster county. He is Past Grand Chanceller of the order of Knights of Pythias of New York State; is a member of Kingston Division No. 18, U. R. K. P.. Endow- ment Section No. 185, K. P., Franklin Lodge No. 37, K. P., and is now Chief Tribune, the head of the judicial branch of the order. Mr. Hull is a Past Grand of Kosciusko Lodge No. 86, I. O. O. F., and a member of Kingston Encampment No. 125, I. O. O. F. He is at present Past Regent of Albany Council No. 1560, Royal Arcanum, and Senior Seneschal of Albany Senate No. 641, K. A. E. O. He was superintendent of the engrossing room of the Assembly during the winter of 1883, and has several times been a delegate to Democratic State and county conventions. October 2, 1873, he married Saphronia R. Jones of Kingston. N. Y., and they have one daughter: Vira R.
Hulsapple, John H., son of William and Annie (Snook) Hulsapple, was born in the town of East Greenbush, N. Y., October 5, 1839. He is of German descent, his grandfather, Cornelius Hulsapple, having come to America early in the nineteenth century. He was educated chiefly at Professor Smith's private seminary in Troy, and after leaving it was for eight years a clerk in the office of Robert Robinson, coal dealer, in West Troy. He then went to New York city and was employed by George H. Stone, lumber dealer, for three years. He returned to West Troy in 1863 and was connected with Betts & Robinson, lumber forwarders, until he became a member of the firm of D. Scrafford & Co., lumber dealers, of West Troy. When that firm discontinued business he formed a partnership with Benjamin Shaffer, under the firm name of Shaffer & Hulsapple, which lasted about two years, when Mr. Hulsapple succeeded to the sole control of the business, which he conducted for about three years. He now has a fire insurance agency in West Troy and is also a book-keeper for C. H. Green, lumber dealer of Troy. Mr. Hulsapple is a member of the Evening Star Lodge No. 75, F. & A. M. of West Troy, and a warden of Trinity Episcopal church. He was president of the village of West Troy for one year, trustee for six years and a school trustee for several years. April 18, 1864, he married Lydia, daughter of Jesse Montgomery of Albany and they have six sons and one daughter, Harry M., Herbert S., William H., John T., Clarence, Eustis and Florence.
Hungerford, Sidney A., is a member of an old Berne, Albany county, family, the first of whom was John, who came from Connecticut. His father, Alexander Hungerford, was born there December 23, 1823, and in 1870 removed to the foot of the Indian Ladder road, in Guilderland, where he still resides. He had twelve children; Daniel, John V. S., Eleanor C. (Mrs. Isaac B. McNary), Morgan (deceased), Lewis A., Barbara (Mrs. Peter F. Barkhuft), Myron, Sidney A., Isaac, Mary E. (Mrs. Jacob M. Chesbro), Chester and Ira. Sidney A. Hungerford, born in Berne, June 11, 1858, attended the district school, also the old State Normal of Albany, read law with John Folmsbee and later with Hungerford & Hotaling, of Albany, and was admitted to the bar November 23, 1883. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the active practice of his profession, having an office at No. 50 State street. He is an active Democrat, a member of Chancellors Lodge No. 58, K. P., and the K. O. T. M., and councillor of Capital Council, Order of the Chosen Friends. October 28, 1885, he married Eva A., daughter of John Furback, of New Scotland.
Hunter, James, son of Robert and Elizabeth, was born in County Down, Ireland, January 4, 1865, and was educated and reared on a farm in his native country. He came to America in 1883, settling in Albany, where he lived with and was employed by Robert H. Moore, a lumber merchant, remaining with him two years; he was then with Hugh Patterson and E. P. Bates one year each, learning the gas and steam fitting trade, and was subsequently with the Ferguson Boiler Company, becoming their superintendent. In January, 1893, he engaged in the steam and gas fitting business for himself at Nos. 9 and 11 Liberty street, and in May, 1894, bought out the Ferguson Boiler Company. In April, 1895, he occupied their old quarters on Church street, where he manufactures high and low pressure steam boilers and steam and hot water heating apparatus, doing also a general contracting business in steam and hot water heating, and dealing in boilers, engines and general steam supplies. June 24, 1891, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Babcock of Albany, and they have two children, Henry Babcock and Charlotte.
Hunting, Edwin Francis, son of Ambrose R. and Amanda (Severson) Hunting, was born in Gallupville, Schoharie county, N. Y., April 1,1864. The family is descended from John Hunting, who resided in the east of England. John Hunting came to America in 1638 and was ordained elder of the church in Dedham, Mass. The family coat of arms contains, among other emblems, three hunting dogs, as many stags' heads; the dogs holding between the paws a stag's head. His son, John Hunting, was born in 1640; whose son Nathaniel was born in 1675; who also had a son Nathaniel, who was born in 1703; whose son Captain Joseph was born in 1731; whose son Joseph was born in 1766, and settled in Schoharie county (on the farm now occupied by the father of Edwin F.) He also had a son Joseph (grandfather) born in 1805, and resided on the farm occupied by his father. Ambrose R. (father) was born in 1833. He attended the district school, Schoharie Academy and Charlotteville Seminary. He has served his town several terms as supervisor; his district for two terms as school commissioner; and his county (Schoharie) in the legislature in the year 1891, as assemblyman, being elected by the Democratic party, of which he has been a lifelong member. Edwin F. attended the district school and Gallupville Academy, and in December, 1883, removed to Albany, N. Y., where he served an apprenticeship at the drug business. In the fall of 1885 he entered the Albany College of Pharmacy. He took the regular course and graduated in 1887, received the degree of Ph. G. He stood at the head of his class, and received the prize for the best general examination. In March, 1887, Mr. Hunting purchased the drug business at No. 67 Central avenue. In December, 1888, he married Margaret F. Hocomb of Albany, and they have three children, Mildred E., Joseph W., and Ruth. In February, 1795, he purchased the building and removed his business to the present location, No. 131 Central avenue, corner of Lexington avenue. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M., and is the president of the Alumni Association of the College of Pharmacy, of which he was also the treasurer for five years. He is a Democrat, a bimetallist, and was an ardent supporter of Mr. Bryan for the presidency. He is much opposed to the English system of government rule by a moneyed aristocracy, and holds in contempt the pseudo aristocrats, who are striving to foist the English system upon this Republic. He sympathizes much with the many, who suffer so grievously on account of our present monetary system — those who are compelled to yield to avarice and greed a portion of their pittance, that the holdings of the avaricious might be correspondingly increased.
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Debby Masterson