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Surnames Beginning with "B"
Bacon, Allen H., is a member of the wholesale coffee, spice and tea firm of Bacon, Stickney & Co., whose business was started at Nos. 7 and 9 Exchange street in 1835 by William Froment and William Prentiss, under the firm name of Froment & Co. In 1838 they sold out to George L. Crocker, who was succeeded in 1845 by Luther A. Chase and Moses W. Stickney. The firm of L. A. Chase & Co. continued the business until 1851, when Mr. Stickney retired and Samuel N. Bacon and Leander Stickney (brother of Moses W.) were admitted, the name remaining unchanged. March 21, 1857, S. N. Bacon, M. W. Stickney and L. Stickney became sole proprietors under the firm name of Bacon & Stickneys, and in 1861 they erected a new building, forming a part of the firm's present quarters on Dean street. On the admission of James Ten Eyck, March 1, 1865, the name of Bacon, Stickneys & Co. was adopted. Moses W. Stickney died in February, 1879, and his brother, Leander, in January, 1883. In 1888 a five story building was added to their plant on Dean street, where a large wholesale trade in coffees, spices and teas is conducted, being one of the oldest of its kind in the State. The same year Herbert W. Stickney, son of Leander, was admitted. Milton W. Stickney, son of Moses W., was a member of the firm from March, 1879, to March, 1882, and on March 1, 1888, Allen H. Bacon (son of Samuel N.) and Samuel W. Brown became partners. Samuel N. Bacon died September 11, 1889; on October 1, following, the firm was reorganized and now consists of James Ten Eyck, Herbert W. Stickney. Allen H. Bacon and Samuel W. Brown.
Bailey, Asa, was born in Bethlehem in 1825 and is the son of James and grandson of Ephraim Bailey, who came from Connecticut to Bethlehem in 1783 and settled at Becker's Corners, where he died in 1828 and left eight sons: Solomon, Amos, Reuben, James, Edmond, Smith, Ephraim and John. James had four sons: Charles, William, Rensselaer and Asa, who still lives on the homestead where his father settled in 1836 and died in 1851. Asa Bailey has one son, Richard K., who now carries on the farm.
Baillargeon, J. T., has been a merchant of Cohoes for about five years as wholesale and retail dealer in manilla, straw, tea, and tissue paper at No. 145 Bridge avenue, Adam's Island. He came here from New York city, where he had been for eleven years as superintendent of the packing department in a commission house. He was born in Quebec, Ontario, in 1857, the son of Joseph Baillargeon, a retired builder, and educated at Point Lewis. For six years he held a position as foreman for Marshfield & Co., Chicago. Mr. Baillargeon is noted locally as a fine baritone singer.
Baker Albert W., was born in Greene county. He is the son of John S. and grandson of Schuyler Baker, Mr. Baker's father, John moved to Westerlo in 1844. He was a farmer and died in 1877, leaving four sons: Albert, Edward, John and William. Albert, who is a miller, married Adelaide, daughter of T. S. Robbins of Westerlo, and after being a miller there for years he came to Alcove where he is in company with B. T. Briggs and carries on a general milling business.
Baker, George, the well known purveyor of staple meats, has been in business here since 1869. He was of German birth and learned the details of his business in the fatherland, and it is needless to say it was a thorough training. Mr. Baker was twenty-three years old when he started for America, possessed of no capital save ability and integrity. He first located on Nineteenth street, Troy, in 1871. He makes a specialty of trade in boneless boiled hams, distributing them over a wide area with his own teams and men.
Baker, George Comstock, was born in Comstock N. Y., April 29, 1868. He is a son of Isaac V. and Laura D. (Clark) Baker, and is a descendant of John Baker, who was a soldier in King Philip's war and who lived in Swanzey, Mass. George C. Baker is the seventh in direct descent from John Baker, the names of those intervening being John (2), John (3), Reuben (1), Reuben (2), Isaac V. (1), Isaac V. (2). Mr. Baker received his preparatory education in private schools and was graduated from the Granville Military Academy in 1885. The year of 1886 he spent at Williams College and the years of 1887 and 1888 at Union, taking a partial course in the arts and literature. While at Union he was class poet and a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. He was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1889, and in 1891 was graduated and received the degree of LL. M. from Cornell University. During 1892 and 1893 Mr. Baker was in the law department at the attorney-general's office. He is vice-president of the Society of the War of 1812 in the State of New York; registrar of Philip Livingston Chapter, Sons of the Revolution; treasurer of the Albany Chapter Society of the Colonial Wars; member of the Sons of the American Revolution; member of the Society of the Old Guard, and a member of the Fort Orange and Albany Camera Clubs. Mr. Baker is also a thirty-second degree Mason and holds office in several Masonic bodies. In 1895 he married Mary Louise, daughter of Jasper Van Wormer of Albany.
Balch, Lewis, M. D., Ph. D., of English and French ancestry, and eldest son of Rev. Lewis P. W. Balch, D. D., and Anna Jay, was born in New York city July 7, 1847. His father, born in Leesburg, Va., in 1810, died in Detroit, Mich., while rector of Grace Episcopal church, in 1874, was for three years a cadet at West Point, was educated at Princeton College, and for fifteen years was secretary of the House of Bishops of the United States. His grandfather, Hon. Lewis P. W. Balch, of Leetown, Va., was a volunteer at Fort McHenry in the war of 1812, and afterward a United States judge, and was the son of Rev. Stephen Bloomer Balch, born in 1740, a graduate of Princeton College in 1774, pastor of a church at Georgetown, D. C, and died in 1833. Dr. Balch's mother was a daughter of Hon. William Jay, the second son of John Jay, and a judge of Westchester county, N. Y., one of the founders of the American Bible Society, and a prominent anti-slavery advocate and died October 14, 1858. John Jay was the first chief justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, governor and chief justice of New York, minister to Spain, and a celebrated factor in national history. Dr. Balch was educated at the Maryland Institute in Baltimore, the Berkely Institute in Newport, R. I., the Vermont Episcopal Institute in Burlington, and the medical department of McGill University at Montreal. He was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city in March, 1870, served at different times in the Montreal General Hospital, the old New York Hospital on Broadway, the Children's Hospital on Ward's Island, and the Brooklyn City Hospital, and began practice in New York, where he was appointed attending surgeon to the Northern Dispensary. In 1873 he came to Albany, where he has since resided and practiced medicine. He has been attending surgeon to St. Peter's Hospital and the Albany City Hospital and surgeon to the Child's Hospital and the Homoeopathic Hospital. In 1876, on the reorganization of the Albany Medical College, he was appointed professor of anatomy in that institution. He was appointed by Hon. A. B. Banks a district physician, city physician, and health officer of Albany, and became secretary of the State Board of Health in 1886. Soon after his graduation he entered service in the National Guard and was promoted to the post of surgeon. In 1870 he married Miss Jane B. Swann, a niece of Governor Swann, of Maryland, and they have one son, born in 1872.
Baldwin. H. W., the shoe dealer of 29 North Pearl street, is, like a large proportion of Albany's prominent merchants, a self-made man. His business career commenced in New York city, where, when quite a young man, he laid the foundation for the knowledge which was to be of great benefit to him in conducting an establishment of his own. He came here from New York in 1888 and started in business at his present location, succeeding Sherman & Green. By close application and acuteness in buying goods, he built up his trade to such an extent that up to the present time he has had to enlarge his store three times, until now he occupies commodious quarters fitted up in the most modern style. Mr. Baldwin's last improvement was made about a year ago when he nearly doubled the space of his main floor. Mr. Baldwin's business acumen is hereditary. His father was one of the largest lumber dealers in Buffalo and built one of the first houses on the famous Delaware avenue of that city. Mr. Baldwin was born in Buffalo in 1855, and spent his boyhood there.
Ball, David, was born in the town of Berne in December, 1817. His grandfather was a native of Berne and his parents were immigrants to America from Switzerland. John Peter Ball, the father, was also a native of Berne, born in 1788, and spent his life as a farmer. Once while plowing in his field, during the war of 1812, he was suddenly confronted by Indians and taken prisoner on his own horse; after being gone some time he persuaded the Indians to release him and he returned home with his horse unharmed. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Ephraim Bogardus, and their children were Robert, Ephraim and David. He died in 1865 and his wife survived him several years and died when seventy-eight years of age. Mr. Ball is one of the leading farmers of the town of Berne. He received a very limited district school education and when a lad of but fifteen, began life for himself. Having a natural mechanical turn of mind, he engaged to learn the carpenter's trade; this he followed as a journeyman until twenty-five years of age, when by the financial failure of others, he lost what he had earned. He then married and began life anew, this time as boss or contractor of carpentry jobs, which he succeeded in and followed the business over forty years. In connection with this business he also conducted a farm, and during forty years (from the time he was thirty-five years of age) by hard and industrious work and practice of strict economy, he amassed a fortune of over $40,000; from time to time he has added to his real estate possessions, until he now owns some 590 acres, his homestead containing 200 acres. For many years he was an extensive sheep grower, turning off large wool clips. Mr. Ball was elected commissioner of highways and filled the office for nine consecutive years. His wife was Louise M., daughter of Peter Reinhart, and they had five children: Caroline (wife of Hiram Wilsey), Christana (wife of Luzene Deitz), Catharine (wife of John D. White), Ephraim, and Theodora (wife of Dr. Wallace K. Deitz of Berne); Ephraim resides on the home farm and assists in its management. His wife was Esterloa Delemarter, and they have two children: Louisa and Mertie.
Ball, Dayton, son of Dayton and Mary (Phillips) Ball, was born in Lancaster, Pa., in 1832. On his father's side he is of English descent and on his mother's side of Welsh descent. He received his education in the common schools and then entered the office of the Lancaster Intelligencer, President Buchanan's home organ, where he remained one year. He then was employed by Jonathan Russell of Philadelphia, who was a last manufacturer. In 1854 he entered Bryant & Stratton's Mercantile College at Buffalo, N. Y.. from which he graduated and in 1861 he removed to Albany, N. Y., where he obtained the situation of foreman in George H. Graves & Co.'s last manufactory. In 1865 Mr. Ball was made a partner in the business and the name of the firm became Graves, Ball & Co. In 1881 Mr. Graves died and the name was again changed to that of Dayton Ball & Co., the present firm name. Mr. Ball is a 32 degree Mason and was commander of Temple Commandery No. 2, Albany, in 1876 and 1877. He has been treasurer of Temple Lodge and is a member of the building committee of the new Masonic Hall. Mr. Ball is also a member of the Camera, Albany, Fort Orange and Acacia Clubs. In 1862 he was married to Miss Catherine A. Forbes of New York city and they had three children: Kate A., deceased, Henry Dayton and Mabel A.
Ball, Dr. Ogilvie D., son of Joseph S. and Freelove (Mitchell) Ball, was born at Schuyler's Lake, Otsego county, February 4, 1840, was graduated from Hartwick Seminary in 1858 and then entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York city, where he remained one year. In November, 1861, he entered the U. S. volunteer service as medical cadet, attached the 3d N. Y. Light Artillery, and in 1864 was transferred to the line of the same regiment, becoming regimental quarter- master; later he served in various capacities, being assistant adjutant-general of North Carolina, and was mustered out in August, 1865, with the rank of first lieutenant. Returning home he re-entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons and graduated therefrom as M. D. in 1867. He began the practice of medicine at Schenevus, Otsego county, and served as county coroner for three years. He was a member and for one year president of the Otsego County Medical Society. In 1874 he came to Albany, where he has since resided. He joined the Albany County Medical Society in 1874 and has been its censor, vice-president and president. He is a member of the New York State Medical Society and a member and past master of Schenevus Valley Lodge No. 592, F. & A. M.; he was also for several years connected with the Albany Medical College as demonstrator of and adjunct lecturer on anatomy. In 1871 he married Addie Van Derzee of Trumansburg, N. Y., and they have one daughter, Fannie D. Dr. Ball received the honorary degree of A. M. from Union College in 1876.
Banker, William Soules, son of John and Christiana (Kent) Banker, was born in Clinton county, N. Y. He received his education at the Plattsburgh and Champlain Academies, after which he went into business with the Redford Crown Glass Works at Redford, N. Y. He remained with this concern for many years, until their retirement from business. His worth as a salesman had become well known during his connection with the Redford works, and after leaving them he was connected with some of the most important houses in the United States. They were J. W. Blodgett & Co., of Boston; J. R. Jaffrey & Sons, of New York, and N. K. Fairbank & Co., of Chicago, later the N. K. Fairbank Company. In April, 1888, Mr. Banker removed to Albany, representing the latter house, also the Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha, Neb., and he continued to represent the Fairbank Company until November, 1895. He now represents the Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha, Neb.; Central Lard Co., New York city; the Waverly Refining Co., New York city; the National Linseed Oil Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; American Preservers Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Muscatine Oat Meal Co., Muscatine, la.; Eli Pettijohn Cereal Co., Minneapolis, Minn.; Mohawk Condensed Milk Company, Rochester, N. Y.; Jacob Beck & Sons, Detroit, Mich.; De Land & Co. (Cap Sheaf Soda), Fairport, N.Y.; the Rockford Sugar Refining Co., Rockford, Ill.; Connecticut Extract Witch Hazel, Middletown, Conn.; Delgado & Co., New Orleans, La.; Theo. Brierre's Sons, New Orleans, La.; Standard Rice Co., New York city; American Soap Co., New York city; Columbia Falls Packing Co., Columbia Falls, Me.; and the Marshall-Kennedy Milling Co., Allegheny, Pa. Mr. Banker has also other large milling interests; his office and warehouse at 65 and 67 Hudson avenue is one of the best in Albany, large, attractive, and contains all the up to date improvements, including steam power and steam heating.
Barber, Fletcher, son of Isaac L and Mary (Dominick) Barber, was born in the town of Wright, Schoharie county, N. Y., and is the sixth in descent from his paternal ancestor, who came to America from Hertfordshire, England, in 1634, and who was one of the first settlers of Windsor, Conn. Mr. Barber attended the Schoharie Academy and later the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. In 1855 he moved to Albany, N. Y., where he entered the office of M. & S. Patten as a clerk. At their suggestion and with their advice and assurance of their faith in his future success, in 1860 he began business for himself at No. 5 Hudson avenue, making a specialty of buckwheat flour and grass seed, in connection with mill feed and grain. This was continued until 1879, when he removed to Broadway, where the firm of Barber & Bennett was formed. Here the same line of business has been continued and the
house is a leading one in its specialties. Financial success has crowned Mr. Barber's efforts. He has been an active member of the Albany Board of Trade since its formation and has served on committees and in various offices, including that of president. He is a bank director and occupies other offices of trust. In 1865 he was married to Rhobe, daughter of Simeon Morgan of Gallupville, Schoharie county.
Barber, Morgan F., was born in the town of Berne, April 6, 1849. Lemuel (Barbour) the great-grandfather, was a native of France. Gideon, the grandfather, was born in Dutchess county. He was a lifelong and successful farmer, and spent the last thirty-five years of his life in Berne, where he conducted a farm. His wife was Polly Nelson, and their children were Jesse, Nelson, Charles, Darius, John and Roxie. He died in 1874 and his wife died in 1868. Charles, the father, was born in Berne in May, 1825. He was also a lifelong farmer in the town of Berne and Westerlo, but now resides in Berne. His wife was Amanda M., youngest daughter of twenty-four children born to Richard Filkins by two wives, one of whom was Catherine Angell. The children of Charles and Amanda Barber were Morgan F., Oliver J., Sanford H., Perry D. (who died when quite young), Frank, Ida E., Arthur (who died when young), Loren C., Jennie E., who died when eighteen years of age, and Fred. Morgan F. was reared to farm life and received his education in the old Filkins school house in Berne. When sixteen years of age he began for himself by working at farm work, which he followed until twenty-two years of age, with the exception of one year spent at carpentry; being of a speculative turn of mind he then turned his attention to speculating in various things, such as produce, stock, horses, agricultural implements, fruit, nursery stock, etc., which he has continued to the present time. In 1877 he removed to the village of Clarksville and owns a farm and cultivates many varieties of fruits. In 1892 he established a beer bottling business in Clarksville, is also agent for several large breweries, and is a jobber in cigars, doing a general wholesale business. During his nineteen years' residence in this town, seventeen of them have been spent in public office. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Berne Lodge No. 684. In 1871 he married Ruth Emma, born in Westerlo in 1853, a daughter of Nathaniel and Christina (Wright) Newberry, by whom eleven children were born: Lillian, Ida, Evelyn, Lora and Cora (twins), Herman, Eugene, Lucy, Clyde, Morgan and Clifton. Mr. Barber was one of the original promoters and stockholders of the Clarksville and Furabush telephone line and is now one of the directors of the company.
Barckley, Edward L., was born in the town of Knox, June, 1842. Michael Barckley, his great-grandfather, was a native of Germany, and migrated to America settling in the town of Guilderland, a pioneer. Evert Barckley, his grandfather, was born in Guilderland and spent his life as a farmer, and died there in 1826. He had one son and several daughters. Henry, the father of Edward Barckley, was born in the town of Guilderland in 1816, and in early life followed blacksmithing. He subsequently settled in the village of Knox and owned a farm joining the village In 1856 he opened a store and engaged in general mercantile business, but still operated his farm; being a man of good judgment and of unusual business ability, he accumulated a large property. In politics he was iirst a Whig and later identified himself with the Republican party. He was elected town clerk and represented his town on the Board of Supervisors for two terms, and was postmaster for a number of years. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His wife was Magdalene, daughter of Aaron Livingston of Guilderland, and they had two children, Michael and Edward L.; the former was lieutenant in Co. K, 7th N. Y. Heavy Artillery: he was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor and died from the effects of his wound. Henry Barckley was a member of the Dutch Reformed church in which he was elder, an active worker and a liberal supporter; his wife survives him and lives with her son. Edward L. Barckley received his education in the Knox Academy. He remained at home and assisted his father in the store and on the farm, receiving thus a thorough and practical education. Years before the death of his father he assumed full control of his father's business and now owns the farm of 135 acres and store property. For many years Mr. Barckley has been prominently identified with the Republican party and is a recognized leader of that party in his town. The years of 1885, '86 and '87 he represented his town on the Board of Supervisors, in 1895 received the appointment of penitentiary commissioner and was postmaster under Harrison. In November, 1896, his party honored him with the election of treasurer of Albany county. He has often represented his district as a delegate to the County, Assembly and State Conventions. November 22, 1865, he married Miss Eunice, daughter of Alvah and Amanda (Tyler) French, and they have one child, Grace.
Barends, Frederick J., son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Schippers) Barends, was born in Amsterdam, Holland, August 10, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of Holland and in March, 1869, came to America and settled in Albany, N. Y., where for a short time he attended school, and subsequently worked two years in the printing office of the late Joel Munsell. He then went into the employ of the B. W. Wooster furniture company, where he remained twenty-five years. January 1, 1896, he was appointed deputy county clerk of Albany county and he fills the office most acceptably. In 1890 he was nominated for the New York State Assemby by the Republicans of the first district of Albany county and was defeated, but had the satisfaction of reducing the Democratic majority considerably. In November, 1880, he married Hannah Feig of Albany.
Barker, James F. , M. D., son of William and Catherine Barker, was born in Schenectady, N. Y., July 1, 1851, was graduated from Union College as A. B. in 1874 and as A. M. in 1877, read medicine with Dr. James H. Armsby, of Albany, and graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1877 under the degree of M. D. He began the practice of his profession in Albany the same year in partnership with Dr. Armsby, and since 1879 has continued alone. Dr. Barker is a member and ex-vice-presidentof the Albany County Medical Society, a member of the New York State Medical Society, a member and senior warden of Masters Lodge No. 5, F. & A. M., a member of Capital City Chapter, R. A. M., Temple Commandery, K. T., and the Scottish Rites bodies, a 32d degree Mason; also a member of Cypress Temple, Nobles Mystic Shrine; he is also a member of the Albany Unconditional Club, the Albany Club, and the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, through his great-great-grandfather, Lieut. Walter Switz, on his mother's side. In 1887 he married Miss May E. Evans, of Albany.
Bartlett, Ezra Albert, M. D., traces his lineage (1) to Richard Bartlett, who came from Sussex, England, in 1635, to Newbury, Mass., where he died May 25, 1647. The line is (2) Richard, 1621-1698, of Old Town Hill, Mass., member of the council; (3) Richard, of Newbury, married Hannah Emery; (4) Stephen, of Canterbury, Mass., married Hannah Webster; (5) Josiah, 1738-1795, a physician of Kingston, N. H., provincial governor, colonial governor, member of the Provincial Legislature 1705, lieutenant-colonel of the 7th Regt. militia 1770, colonel 1775, delegate to Congress 1773-70, second signer of the Declaration of Independence, congressman 1778, chief justice of the Common Pleas 1779, judge of the Supreme Court 1783, chief justice 1788, member of the convention to adopt the Federal Constitution 1788, president of the State 1793, married Mary Bartlett; (6) Ezra, 1770-1848, a physician of Haverhill, N. H., graduate of Dartmouth College, judge of the Common Pleas, 1807, chief justice of sessions 1820, State senator 1838-28, married Hannah Gale; and (7) Amos Oilman, 1814-1880, a minister, married Georgianna M. Pike, whose ancestors also came to Newbury, Mass., in 1635, where their old stone farm house is still standing. A statue of Hon. Josiah stands in Amesbury, Mass. Dr. Ezra Albert Bartlett, son of Amos G., was born in Newburyport, Mass., July 18, 1845, was graduated from the Atkinson, N. H., Academy, entered the sophomore class of Amherst College and in in September, 1803, enlisted in Bat. M., 4th U. S. Art., serving until 1866. He passed through the non-commissioned rank and in 1805 was promoted first lieutenant 7th Mass. H. A., unattached, but never mustered. He was graduated from Rochester University in 1870, read medicine with his uncle. Dr. Levi Bartlett of Skaneateles, N. Y., and with Dr. Samuel B. Ward of Albany, received the degree of M.D. from the Albany Medical College in 1879, and since then has practiced his profession in Albany. He is ex-president of the Albany County Medical Society, member of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association, member of the faculty of the National College of Electro-Therapeutics at Indianapolis, Ind., member of the staff of the Albany City Hospital and a member of George S. Dawson Post No. 63, G. A. R., and the Sons of the Revolution. He has been a lecturer in the Albany Medical College since about 1881, was for six years a member of the U. S. Board of Examining Surgeons for Pensions and was a charter member and president of the old Albany Academy of Medicine. In 1871 he married Jennie, daughter of John Sargent of Rochester, N. Y., and they have one son, Frank Sargeant Bartlett, born March 10, 1886.
Batchelder, Robert C., son of Rev. Daniel and Lydia (Porter) Batchelder, was born in the State of Maine, the county and town of Knox, July 4, 1856. His father died when he was three years old. Young Batchelder, when old enough to attend school, had to walk three miles, that being the nearest school. At the age of ten years he had to help work the farm and attended school only in winters. He graduated from. Freedom Academy in 1871; he then took entire charge of the farm for three years, at the end of which time, with his mother's consent, he started out for himself; in the spring of 1874 he arrived in the city of Boston, that being the next year after the great financial panic. Positions were hard to obtain; and although young Batchelder was used to hardships and disappointments, yet after a constant effort for over four weeks without obtaining any thing to do, he was the nearest discouraged of any time of his life; he, however, obtained a good position. In 1876 he went to Worcester, Mass., and engaged in the coal and wood business, and in one year had established a good trade. In 1877 he sold out his business there to his brother-in-law, B. F. Wiggins, and came to Albany and located in the same business at 82 and 84 Arch street. In the year 1873 Mr. Batchelder married Miss Lizzie P. Hungerford. ln 1883 he removed his business and took possession of the old established coal yards, 697 Broadway, exending through to Montgomery street. In the fall of 1884 his yards were destroyed by fire. Early the next year he formed a partnership with Robert A. Wallace; they carried on the coal and wood business until 1888, when Mr. Batchelder bought out Mr. Wallace's interest and has since that time carried on the business at 774 Broadway and dockyard foot of Livingston avenue. In 1893 Mr. Batchelder built a large factory at Hawkesbury, Ont., for manufacturing kiln-dried bundle wood, from which point large quantities are shipped to the principal New England cities as well as Albany and Troy. In the spring of 1894 he associated with him in business Mr. Joseph C. McClelland. Mr. Batchelder is a man of pronounced opinion and prompt action, a firm believer in having proper regard for the rights of others as well as to maintain his own rights. He admires men of good deeds and thinks that Genl. Grant was the good, great man in the truest sense; he believes that C M. Depew will go down in history as the greatest orator of this or any other age, and that he should be honored for the fairness with which he discusses all matters. Mr. Batchelder is a member of Ancient City Lodge F. & A. M., Capital Chapter R. A. M., and Temple Commandery No. 2, K. T.
Battershall, Walton W., D. D., was born in Troy, N. Y., January 8, 1840, and is of English descent. The name was originally spelled Battishill and is probably of French derivation. His father, Ludlow A. Battershall, was the senior member of a wholesale grocery house in Troy from 1832 to 1866, when he removed to New York city. For many years he was president of the Union Bank of Troy and prominently interested in financial and educational enterprises. His mother, Eustatia Ward, belonged to a large and respected family which settled in Westchester county. The subject of this sketch was, at an early age, convinced of his duty to prepare himself for the ministry and to this end directed his training. He was graduated from Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., in 1858, and continued his studies in Yale College, from which he was graduated in 1864. While at the college he took the Yale literary prize medal, one of the Townsend premiums of the senior class, and delivered the class poem on commencement week. He studied theology under Rev. Henry C. Potter, M. D., present bishop of New York, at the time rector of St. John's church, Troy; in which Dr. Battershall was ordained deacon. He subsequently entered the senior class of the General Theological Seminary in New York, from which which he was graduated in 1866. In the same year he was ordained priest of the Protestant Episcopal church by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, bishop of New York. After serving for two years as assistant minister at Zion church, Madison avenue, New York, he held the rectorship of St. Thomas's church at Ravenswood, N. Y., from which he was called to Christ church, Rochester N. Y., in 1869, of which parish he was rector five years and a member of the standing committee of the Diocese of Western New York. In 1874 he was called to the rectorship of St. Peter's church, Albany, N. Y., which position he now occupies. He received the degree of D. D. from Union College in 1876. Dr. Battershall has been for several years trustee of Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., a member of the Diocesan Board of Missions and a delegate from the Diocese of Albany to the Triennial Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal church. St. Peter's church is one of the oldest and most important in the country, rich in historic associations and the number of eminent men which have been included in its membership. During the rectorship of Dr Battershall the magnificent church edifice has been greatly enriched and beautified and the parish has shown increased activity as a moral and spiritual power in the community. October 13, 1864, in St. Mark's church, Newark, N. Y., Dr. Battershall married Anna Davidson Williams, who died in Christ church rectory, Rochester, N. Y., September 25, 1873. Dr. Battershall has three children: Fletcher W., Cornelia Smith and Anna Davidson.
Baumes, Mrs. Mary E., is the daughter of John, and the granddaughter of Ambrose Wiltsie, who was among the first settlers of Bethlehem, and had nine sons. John settled on a farm near his father's and died there in 1860, leaving three sons and six daughters, one of whom, Mary E., married Peter H. Baumes, who was a farmer of Bethlehem until 1888, when he sold his farm and settled at Ravena, where he died in 1891, and left three sons: Howard, Hiram and Omar, and two daughters,
Katie and Mary.
Baxter, William C., secretary of the David Judson Coal Company of Troy, is the son of the well known William E. Baxter, an early settler of West Troy, who is prominently connected with the Warford & Robinson Transportation firm, and owns several boats. William C. is a native of West Troy, born in 1866; he finished his education at the Troy Business College, after which he entered the firm with which he is now identified. Mr. Baxter is a trustee of the Second ward, to which office he was elected in 1895, by one of the largest majorities ever given in the ward, and re-elected alderman, November, 1896, under the new city charter. He is a member of the Watervliet Club of West Troy, secretary of the Troy branch of the Commercial Travelers' Home Association, a member of the Y. M. C. A., Royal Arcanum, and Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order.
Bayard, Andrew Herbert, M. D., only son of Augustus Willard and Isabella (Browne) Bayard, was born at Leeds, Greene county, N. Y., October 11, 1867. The Bayards came to America about 1630 and are direct descendants of the renowned French warrior De Chevalier Bayard. When an infant his parents removed to Cohoes, N. Y., and his home was there until 1880, when he moved to Albany, N. Y. He was educated in the Albany Academy, was lieutenant in the military department and received the principal's prize for English composition, three consecutive years, and graduated in the class of 1886; he then took up the study of medicine in the Albany Medical College, receiving the degree of M. D. in 1889, was president of his class in 1886-7 and is now historian. Dr. Bayard subsequently took a post-graduate course at the New York Polyclinic and was assistant to Dr. R. C. M. Page, professor of the practice of medicine, and other special training under prominent teachers, served as assistant surgeon in the old Chambers Hospital, N. Y., since then he has practiced in Poughkeepsie and Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. In 1892 he returned to Albany, N. Y., and at present is recognized as one of the leading young practitioners in the city, enjoying a lucrative practice and was elected county physician in May, 1896. Dr. Bayard is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity of Union University, Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M., Albany Council No. 1,560, Royal Arcanum, surgeon of the Albany Burgesses Corps, Capital City Republican Club and the Albany County Medical Society. October 15, 1890, he married Orlena A. Hunting, eldest daughter of Dr. Nelson Hunting of Albany, N. Y., and they have one son, Roy Hunting.
Becker, De Witt E., son of Francis and Almira (Torrey) Becker, was born in Gallupville, Schoharie county, August 6, 1863, and finished his education at Hartwick Seminary in 1881. Coming to Albany in that year he was employed by Burhans & Sutherland and two years later by Burhans, Sutherland & Co. In 1883 Mr. Burhans severed his connection with the above firm and started in business again with Mr. Becker as partner. In 1887 the firms of David Bradt & Co. and Burhans & Becker consolidated, making the firm of David Bradt, Becker & Co., carrying on a general produce commission business, dealing specially in poultry, eggs and butter. Mr. Becker came to Albany without any capital and with the combined efforts of his partners, David Bradt and William J. Skillicorn, a very large and lucrative business was built up at their present place of business, 386 Broadway. The building is a four story brick and contains the latest improved cold storage and freezing rooms. In addition to their cold storage plant the firm rent cold storage rooms in Chicago, Buffalo and New York, the building in which they are located not being large enough to accommodate their business. The firm is considered by all who know them to be the largest wholesale dealers in poultry in Albany. Mr. Becker was elected two terms in succession president of the Albany County Wheelmen without opposition. He is also director and secretary of the Consumers Ice Company. In 1887 he married Emma E. A., daughter of David Bradt, of Albany, who died in 1890. In 1893 he married her sister, Harriet Myers Bradt. Mr. Becker has just finished a handsome residence on Western avenue, corner of Allen street where he now resides.
Becker, Frederick C., was born in the town of Bethlehem in October, 1829. Frederick, his grandfather, was born in about 1758. He was of German descent and a farmer by occupation, which he followed in the town of Bethlehem. His wife was Catherine Bender, by whom three sons and two daughters were born. He owned 188 acres of land, which he divided between two of his sons. Christopher, the father, was born in Bethlehem in 1801, and was a lifelong farmer, at which he was fairly prosperous. He held some of the most important offices of the town and served his town as assessor, collector, and commissioner of highways. His wife was Hannah Arnold, born in Bethlehem. Their children are Elizabeth, Frederick C., Catherine, Louisa, Christian, Christopher, Jacob, John and Andrew, who died when twenty years of age. Jacob and Christian were soldiers in the war of the Rebellion. Mr. Becker died in 1881 and his wife died several years previous. Frederick lived on his father's farm until he was twenty-six years old, when he embarked in business for himself in March, 1887. He moved to the town of New Scotland and purchased his present farm of seventy acres, on which he has since been doing general farming. While in Bethlehem he served as tax collector and commissioner of highways. In 1861 he married Margaret Hotaling, and their children are Almira, Charles, Catherine, William F. and Addie.
Becker, Howard, was born in Albany and is the son of Aaron, grandson of Aaron and great-grandson of Frederick Becker, who with his father, Frederick Becker, came to Houck's Corners when a boy and died there, leaving three sons: Christopher, Peter and Aaron. Howard Becker came to the farm where he now lives, near Jerusalem, with his father in 1857, where they are farmers.
Bedell, Edwin A., who comes of Huguenot stock on his paternal and of English and Dutch stock on his maternal side, is a son of Edwin T. and Rachel A. Bedell, both of whom died while he was very young. He was born in Albany, October 9, 1853, and was reared in the home of his grandfather and the late Philip Phelps, for more than fifty years the deputy comptroller of the State and well known in financial and religious circles throughout the country. Mr. Bedell's school life was commenced under Professor Anthony, continued at the Boys' Academy and completed at the Western College of the Reformed Church in Michigan, of which his uncle, Rev. Philip Phelps, Jr., was president. His preparation for college was under the private tutorage of Professor Swan. Graduating in 1873 as the salutatorian of his class, he entered the Albany Law School and also the law office of Peckham & Tremain, and was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1874. After spending some time in travel, he began the practice of his profession. He served five years as one of the assistants to the attorney-general of the State, leaving in 1889 to become one of the assistants reporters of the Court of Appeals. He has had a large experience in the law and is an expert in the law of copyright and trade marks. In 1883 he married Caroline E., eldest daughter of Hon. Hiram E. Sickels, the late reporter of the Court of Appeals. He has had two children, one of whom survives. He is a member of the Fort Orange Club and is a man of rare literary ability. When twenty years old, he began to devote his leisure time to the study of sacred music in all its branches, and later he began the study of hymnology. For many years he has been an active member of the Madison Reformed church and for twenty-three years has had charge of Its music and been its organist. Some years ago he compiled a hymnary for the exclusive use of his Sunday school. This was so great a success that he prepared in 1891 the "Church Hymnary," for the church at large, which has met with warm approval throughout the religious world, its sales running up into the thousands.
Belanger, Israel, justice of the peace, and a scholarly young man, had the courage and perseverance to break the fetters of circumstances which surrounded his youth, and gain his way to the front "amid the maddening crowd's ignoble strife." When nine years old he began life in the mill where he remained until twenty years of age as a weaver. He then returned to Joliette, Quebec, where he was born in 1863, and entered Joliette College. In 1890 he graduated with degree of Bachelor of Letters from Laval University, Quebec, and came to Cohoes. Here he studied law with Hon. George H. Fitts and was admitted to the bar in 1892. Besides his law practice and office duties, he is identified with an insurance and real estate agency. He is now justice of peace of the city of Cohoes.
Bell, E. M., M. D., has been a general practitioner at Cohoes since 1893, when he graduated from the Albany Medical College. He is of French ancestry and son of Louis Bell, and was born at Ellenburg, N. Y., in 1806. He had taken an academic course before entering the medical college, and is thoroughly prepared for his chosen life work in the healing art. By his untiring devotion to his calling, which he gives, he has a brilliant future before him. He is at present located at 97 Ontario street. His wife was Lottie Bennett of Troy, by whom he has one daughter, Edith, three years of age, and had one son, Clarence, who died in infancy.
Bell, Horace S., son of Horace and Jane (Seaman) Bell, was born at Stuveysant Falls, Columbia county, February 8, 1845, and received a public school education at Castleton, N. Y. His mother died in 1850 and his father in 1858, and in the latter year he became a clerk in Albany for James R. Hadley, with whom he remained eight years. In 1866 he purchased of Minor J. Veeder the retail grocery and grain business at No. 168 South Pearl street, where he has since been located. In the same year he formed a partnership with William L. Coffin, under the firm name of Bell & Coffin, and so continued until Mr. Coffin's death on February 25, 1896, when he succeeded to the business. Mr. Bell is a director in the First National Bank, a trustee and first vice-president of the Albany City Savings Institution, a director in the Equal Rights Insurance Company of Albany since its organization in 1882, one of the organizers and a director of the Albany County Loan Association, and for several years an elder in the Madison Avenue Reform church. He was married in 1873 to Mary, daughter of John McHarg of Bethlehem, N. Y., and they have three children: Jessie, Horace and Mildred.
Bell, Thomas H., son of George and Martha (Turner) Bell, was born in Carlisle, North of England, August 27, 1861. He was educated in the public schools and was for five years a clerk in the bonded warehouse of the County Hotel and Wine Company, England. In 1880 he came to America and settled in Albany, and through the influence of his uncle, William Gray, he obtained a situation in the office of the Troy Steel & Iron Co., where he remained six years. During that time he became interested in the work of the Young Men's Christian Association and in 1885 was one of the prime movers in the organization of the West Troy Y. M. C. A. He was made president of the preliminary organization and later accepted the office of executive secretary of the permanent organization, and willingly gave his time to the work free of charge. In 1886, at the solicitation of the general secretary, Frank Ober, of the Albany Association, and the Rev. George A. Hall, State secretary, he resigned his position with the Troy Steel & Iron Co. and entered the school for Christian Workers at Springfield, Mass., to prepare for the general secretaryship of the Y. M. C. A. In 1887 Mr. Bell was appointed general secretary of the Lansingburgh Y. M. C. A., but ill health forced him to resign in the spring of the following year. He was then appointed assistant to Supt. J. D. Rogers of the Round Lake Association and remained in that position until 1891, when he entered into partnership with Lee Rivers, in the hardware and electrical supply business, at West Troy, Albany county. In July, 1893, they dissolved partnership, and since then Mr. Bell has been engaged in the electrical business, for a time at West Troy and now at No. 24 Green street, Albany. He is a member of the Evening Star Lodge No. 75, F. & A. M. , of West Troy, and is also a member of the official board of the First Avenue Methodist church of West Troy. October 22, 1890, he married Louisa W., daughter of P. R. Robson of Albany, and they have two children: Ernest B. and Edith May.
Belser, Joseph, Jr., son of Joseph and Barbara (Klett) Belser, was born in Albany, May 4, 1866. Joseph Belser, Sr., was born in Messingen, Germany, March 13, 1836. He came to America in 1852 and settled first in New York city, then in 1854 he removed to Albany and in November, 1857, engaged in the retail dry goods business, at what is now No. 352 South Pearl street. He gradually increased his scope of operations until 1884, when he took in his son-in-law, John Wagner, as a partner under the firm name of Belser & Wagner. This firm continued until 1888, when Mr. Belser's son, Joseph, Jr., became a partner. In 1889 Mr. Wagner withdrew and engaged in the furniture business and Joseph Belser, Sr., Joseph Belser, Jr., and Miss Barbara Belser constituted the firm. In 1890 Joseph, Sr., retired and since then the brother and sister, as Belser & Co., have continued the business. Joseph, Sr., is a member of the Eintracht Singing Society and was for several years its treasurer. The firm of Belser & Co. now occupy for retail purposes three stores at Nos. 348, 350 and 352 South Pearl street; they also have three stores for their wholesale business, which has gradually been built up within the last few years.
Bender, Matthew, was born in Albany, December 2, 1845, and is a son of Wendell M., a grandson of Matthew, and a great-grandson of Christian Bender, who came from Wurtemburg, Germany, and settled in Bethlehem, Albany county, in 1740, and was a sergeant in the Revolution in Slingerland's Company, Schuyler's Regiment, 3d Rensselaer Battalion. He married Mary Cramer, and had five sons and four daughters. Matthew Bender, son of Christian, was born in Bethlehem, March 13, 1782, married Elizabeth Ramsey (born March 7, 1789, died December 17, 1839), and died August 8, 1866. Wendell M. Bender, son of Matthew Bender, was born in Bethlehem, October 17, 1812, and married, August 11, 1843, Mary Brown (born February 27, 1833, died October 18, 1854), and died January 10, 1882. Their son, Matthew Bender, was educated in Professor Anthony's Classical Institute and Professor Collins's Private School, and was graduated from Union College in 1866. He then engaged in the wholesale lumber business in Albany with his father until 1877, when he accepted a position with William Gould & Son, law book publishers, which he held for ten years. In 1887 he engaged in business for himself as a publisher of law books and has since continued with marked success, enjoying a trade all over the United States. He is a member of Masters Lodge No. 5, F. & A. M., Capital City Chapter No. 242, R. A. M.. and Temple Commandery No. 2, K. T. July 17, 1867, he married Hannah Louisa, daughter of the late John Thomas, Jr., proprietor of the Premium Mills and a prominent coffee and spice merchant of Albany. They have had five children: Matthew, Jr., and John Thomas, who are associated in business with their father; Louisa and Bertha (who died young), and Melvin Thomas, a student at Union College, class of 1900.
Bennett, David W., was born in New Scotland, August 30, 1838. He was the son of William, who was one of three sons, William, Rushmore, and Thomas, and one daughter, Ann, born to Daniel Bennett, of England. William became a farmer in New Scotland, where he did a large and successful business. His wife was Catharine Bradt, daughter of David Bradt, and granddaughter of Storm Bradt; she was born on the farm now owned by David W. Bennett in 1814, as was her grandfather. To Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were born six children; Daniel, David W., Ann, Abbie (died at twenty years of age), William H., and Hester. Mrs. Bennett died in 1865, and Mr. Bennett spent the last fifteen years of his life in the town of Bethlehem, and died in 1876, aged sixty-nine years. David W. received his education in the common district and Albany schools. He remained on the homestead until he was twenty-four, when he purchased it of his father; he sold it in 1871, when he purchased of an uncle the original homestead of 113 acres of his maternal grandfather, where his mother was born, and four years later he removed to Albany, where he resided one year. For many years he has made a specialty of high grade Jersey cows. He has also devoted much of his time to apple culture, and in the mean time has purchased sixty-eight acres adjoining the homestead. In 1861 he married Miss Harriet Perry of New Scotland. She was the daughter of Casper and Amanda (Meade) Perry; this union was blessed with two children, William C. and Anella. William C. married Elizabeth Higgins and has one child, Edward J. Daniel Bennett, the grandfather of the subject, was born at Stone near Berkley, England, in the year 1777. He married Miss Abigail Rushmore of New Salem, and settled near there on a farm, where he died while yet a young man.
Benson, Samuel J., is one of the most successful builders of his day, as the many buildings in Cohoes and elsewhere will attest. Among them are the "Cascade Mills" for George H. McDonald & Co., and the "Granite Mills" for William Moore, also the Presbyterian church which he is now building. Mr. Benson is a native of Limerick, Ireland, commg to America when three years old with his father, John Benson, a mason. He first settled in Newburgh, N. Y., then in 1866 he came to Cohoes where he learned the stone-mason trade, which pursuit he has always followed most successfully. As a citizen he is well known for his sterling integrity and worth.
Bentley, W. Dr. Richard Bentley, English critic, was born in Culton, England, in 1662 and died in 1742. He had two brothers, Thomas and James, who emigrated to Rhode Island in 1720. James, not liking America, returned to England; Thomas remained m America and was the progenitor of a very numerous and respected line of descendants. Thomas Bentley had three sons: William, Benjamin and Caleb. Rev. Charles E. Bentley, Baptist minister of Lincoln, Neb., and chairman of the Nebraska State Prohibition Committee, is a descendant of Benjamin. Thomas Bentley's son, William, had four sons; Tillinghast, William, Jr., Taber and Pardon. Pardon Bentley was the father of eleven children: Margaret, Pardon, Jr., Thomas, William, John, Charles. Augustus, Samuel, Stephen, Elizabeth and Susan. Pardon Bentley's third son, William, was born in Rhode Island in 1767 and died at Chesterville, N. Y., in 1820. He was twice married; by his first marriage he had three children: Jerusha, Olive and William, Jr. His daughter Olive married Peter Capwell; their son, Albert C. Capwell, was for many years a prominent lawyer in Brooklyn, N. Y. William, Jr., was a resident many years of Westerlo, N. Y.; he was supervisor of the town in 1837 and 1838, and moved to Onondaga county, N.Y., in 1840, where some of his descendants still reside. But one of his sons. George, is living, who resides at Colorado Springs, Col.; a grandson, Floyd F. Bentley, is agent for the D., L. & W. R. R. at Baldwinsville, N.Y. William Bentley, Sr.'s, second marriage was to Abigail, daughter of Elisha Smith of North East, Dutchess county, N. Y., whence they moved to Chesterville, Albany county, in 1800. Their children were Amanda, wife of John Winston; Alva; Abigail, wife of Reuben Winston, M. D.; Harriet, George H., Edward S., Edwin S. and Alexander, all dead except Alexander, who resides at Greenville, N. Y. Alva Bentley had one son, Jasper Bentley, who is a lawyer and resides at Lansing, Mich., and whose daughter is the wife of J. B. Moore, Supreme Court judge of Michigan. George H. Bentley, born March 1, 1806, in Chesterville, N. Y., died July 16, 1863. He married Almira Lawrence, January 30, 1828, and in 1832, in company with his brother Alexander, engaged in the mercantile business in Chesterville, which was dissolved in 1837. George H. Bentley then purchased the old homestead, where he resided the rest of his life. He represented the town in the Board of Supervisors in the years 1854 and 1855. He was the father of Charles Bentley, who was born in Westerlo, N. Y., August 22, 1831, and lived on the old homestead until 1883, when he sold it and moved to Hastings, Neb.; he now resides at Cambridge, Neb. He married Priscilia, daughter of Samuel G. Baker of Westerlo, N. Y., October 14, 1851, and they had one daughter and three sons: Fanny Ada, George, Edward W. and Willis. Charles Bentley was supervisor in Westerlo in 1866-67. Edward W. died June 28, 1866, Fanny Ada died July 19, 1866, and Mrs. Charles Bentley died December 21, 1879. George married Rosella, daughter of Henry L. Tallmadge of Westerlo, and moved to Cambridge, Neb., in 1883, where he now resides. They have two sons: Fred E. and Charles L. Willis Bentley was born May 12, 1868, and in 1883 entered the employment of Ferris Swartout of Chesterville as clerk, in 1887 came to Ravena (then Coeymans Junction) and clerked it for James M. Borthwick (now county clerk) until 1890, when he and an associate clerk, Elvin C. Shults, succeeded Mr. Borthwick in business under the firm name of Shultes & Bentley, until March 18, 1895, when Mr. Shultes retired from the firm and the busmess has since been conducted by Mr. Bentley. Willis Bentley married Cora B., daughter of William H. Winegard of Westerlo, N. Y., February 4, 1891, and their union has been blessed with one daughter, Inez C, born March 19, 1892.
Berns, James H., was born in 1863, a son of James Berns, an artist; his mother being a teacher, made the home of his childhood a dwelling of culture and refinement. Mr. Berns is a Democrat and is a member of the County Committee. James H. is one of the leading young lawyers of Cohoes, and came to the front because of his able handing of the celebrated case of Cahill, who was indicted for shooting his brother-in-law, Charles Scholield, at Cohoes. In 1893 he entered the
Albany Law School, after graduating from the High School and the Albany business College. After his admission to the bar in 1894, he opened an office and began practice.
Best, John A., one of the most prominent farmers of Colonie, and also largely interested in manufacturing and mercantile life, was born in Watervliet in 1850. Abraham Best, his father, is now a retired resident of Saratoga county; it is an old Columbia county family, whose paternal ancestors were from Germany, and on the maternal side from Holland. Mr. Best now operates five farms, aggregating 450 acres, chiefly devoted to dairy products. At Crescent Station he has a coal yard, another at Vischer's Ferry, with a grocery business also. He is a heavy operator in ice and grain. For about five years he was also engaged in the manufacture of knit goods at Troy, the firm being known as the Brunswick Manufacturing Company.
Beutler, William F., was born December 15, 1852, in Albany, and is a son of Frank Benjamin and Susannah (Stoehr) Beutler, both of whom came here from Prussia, Germany, in 1848. Mr. Beutler received a public school education and at the age of eleven years entered the law office of Ira Shafer and Jacob H. Clute, the latter being county judge of Albany county. In the fall of 1864 Alonzo B. Voorhees formed a copartnership with Mr. Shafer, and Mr. Beutler continued with the firm until it dissolved in 1867 by the removal of Mr. Shafer to New York city. He then remained with Mr. Voorhees, and the firm of Voorhees & Norton, until his admission to the bar in 1874, when he formed a copartnership with David J. Norton, as Norton & Beutler, which continued until 1888, and since then he has practiced alone. He was assistant district attorney in 1878, 1879 and 1880 and assistant corporation counsel from June, 1883, to May, 1884, and was long a member of the Unconditional Republican Club, of which he was president in 1886. June 25, 1884, he married Adeline B., daughter of John W. Bartlett of Chelsea, Mass., and they have one daughter, Annie Louise, born March 8, 1886.
Blair, Elmer, son of Robert S. and Jane E. (Steen) Blair, was born in Fort Hunter, N. Y., May 13, 1862. He was graduated from the Cobleskill Academy in 1881, when he removed to Albany to continue his studies, where he became an expert stenographer. After a short time spent in the office of M. V. B. Bull, he entered the service of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company as stenographer, and subsequently became confidential clerk to Dudley Farlin and H. S. Marcy, general freight agent and traffic manager, respectively, of that company. He held this position for five years, when he became the private secretary of Dudley Farhn, having charge of the private interests of that gentleman, which embraced operations on a large scale in the Lima, O., oil fields, and the developing of the electric lighting business in various parts of this State. During this time Mr. Blair personally established and installed the electric lighting plants of Norwich and Cooperstown, N. Y., and became the treasurer and general manager of the corporation in each of those places which controlled its gas and electric lighting facilities. Upon the retirement of Mr. Farlin from active business, Mr. Blair accepted a position, in 1893, with the Adirondack and St. Lawrence Railroad Company, having charge, under Chief Engineer William N. Roberts, of the business department of the construction force of that road, and upon its completion he became the private secretary to Edward M. Burns, its general manager, and later his confidential agent, having charge of Dr. William Seward Webb's Adirondack camp site properties, until January 1, 1895. Mr. Blair then turned his attention to the study of law and removed to Rochester, N. Y., where he read law in the office of Harris & Harris and prac- ticed stenography in the courts until the following September, when he returned to Albany and became the private secrerary of Col. William Gary Sanger, member of assembly from the Second Oneida district. He continued in Colonel Sanger's employ during the legislative session of 1896, and after the passage of the liquor tax law was appointed chief stenographer to the State Department of Excise. Mr. Blair was treasurer of the Young Men's Association of Albany in 1888, collecting during his incumbency the $100,000 building fund for Harmanus Bleecker Hail. On the expiration of his term as treasurer he was elected manager of the association for three years. He is a member of Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M.; Temple Chapter. R. A. M.; De Witt Clinton Council, R. & S. M.; Little Falls Commandery; Ziyara Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Utica; and Mount Herman Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Albany. On October 22, 1895, he married Ella L. Holliday of Oneida, N. Y.
Blessing, Adam J., M. D., was bom in McKownsville, Albany county, N. Y., September 5, 1864. He is a son of Martin M. Blessing and Elizabeth McKown, daughter of John McKown, who was one of the first settlers of McKownsville. The place was named McKownsville in his honor. Dr. Blessing passed through the public schools of Albany and attended the Albany High School for three years. He thereupon commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Vander Veer and in 1886 received his diploma from the Albany Medical College, together with an appointment to St. Peter's Hospital. He served one year at the hospital and immediately commenced the practice of medicine, with office at No. 114 Grand street, where he is now located. Dr. Blessing is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, the Albany County Medical Society, Clinton Lodge I. O. O. F., Ancient City Lodge F. & A. M., and Temple Chapter R. A. M. April 5, 1893, he married Lillian R., daughter of John L. Staats, and they have one son, A. Vander Veer.
Blessing Brothers. John M. and Belmont E. Blessing, proprietors of the "Three Hill Dairy Farm," were born in the town of Guilderland, in December, 1840 and 1851 respectively. The Blessing family dates back to the early settling of Albany county. Martin Blessing, their great-grandfather, was a native of the town of Guilderland, born in 1767, and one of four sons. He reared three sons and one daughter. John M., their grandfather, was born in the same town in 1799; he was a prosperous farmer in early life, and later removed to Albany, where he was for a time canal collector; he died in Albany in 1860. He reared six sons and four daughters by his first wife, and two daughters by his second wife. Martin J., the father, was also a native of Guilderland, born in 1830. He was reared on a farm and followed that occupation throughout his active life. He purchased and moved on the "Three Hills Farm" of 184 acres in 1849, where he made a success as a farmer and dairy-man. In 1885 he was elected assemblyman; he was also identified with the State militia in which he took much pride. He ranked along the line to colonel. His wife was Elizabeth McKown; their children are John M., Belmont E., Dr. Abraham H. of Albany, and Adam J. of Albany. John M. has remained on the farm from childhood, assisting his father, and later assumed full control of the farm until his brother, Belmont, was associated with it. Belmont E. started out when a young man to see the world, and spent many years roaming throughout the western territories, and spent five years in the gold mines of Idaho. He was a sailor for a time and visited England and some of the other European countries; some years since he returned to the homestead and associated himself with his brother John M. in the farming and dairying business. They now have a dairy of over thirty cows. They are also interested in the pure ice business, having built a pond which is supplied from a spring of fine water; the object of this is to supply those in the city, who are interested in the pure ice water for drinking purposes, with pure spring water ice.
Blodgett, William, was born in Coeymans and is the son of Wolsey Blodgett, whose father settled in Coeymans at an early day and was a farmer. Wolsey Blodgett had five sons, and died on the homestead in 1887. William Blodgett married in 1874 and in 1877 settled at Bethlehem Center, where he is a farmer and has always been prominently identified with the town affairs, being elected assessor in 1885, which office he held for three years. In 1886 he was appointed justice and at the following' election was re-elected and held that office until he resigned in 1896, to take the office of supervisor of the town, which office he now holds; he was also associate judge. His wife is Emma, daughter of Frederick Hungerford, and they have six sons: Burton E., Frederick, Samuel, Charles, Mosher and Arthur. Mr. Blodgett is master of the Bethlehem Grange No. 137, P. of H.
Bloomingdale, Hon. Frank, was born in the town of Guilderland, in July, 1852. He is a son of Adam Bloomingdale, who was also born in this town in 1823. He was one of three sons; Jacob, John and Adam, born to Adam, who was a farmer in Guilderland. Adam, the father, grew to manhood on his father's farm, and in 1849, when twenty-six years of age, went to California to seek his fortune in the gold mines. He remained in California for four years, meeting with some success, and returned to New York city, where he remained three years, and then returned to his native town and engaged in farming. After some years he removed to Schenectady and interested himself in the hay and straw business; ten years later he moved to Voorheesville, where he died in April, 1894. He was twice married; his first wife was Margaret Van Waggoner, daughter of Jacob and Mary Van Waggoner of Rhinebeck. They had six children, of whom three sons and one daughter grew to maturity. His wife died in 1879, at the age of fifty-two. Frank was reared to farm life and attended the common schools. When he was eighteen years of age his father placed him in charge of a hay and straw business, which he conducted for some time. He was also for a time associated with his father in business in Schenectady. In 1875 he moved to the village of Voorheesville, where he engaged in a small way unaided in the hay and straw business on his own account. To his business he has added other lines, and for a number of years was a dealer in agricultural implements. He has erected several storage houses along the railroad in the village, and has erected for himself a fine office and residence. In 1894 and 1895 he was elected to the Assembly. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Voorheesville Lodge, of which he is past noble grand, and is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, Noah Lodge of Altamont, of the Temple Chapter No. 5, Clinton Council No. 22, and of the Cypress Shrine of Albany, and also a member of the Unconditional Club, and the Acacia Club of Albany. In 1873 he was married to Caroline, daughter of Jacob C. Wormer of Guilderland. Their children are Alice M., Josephine and William J. In 1880 his wife died. His second wife was Alice, daughter of Frederick H. La Grange of New Scotland, by whom one child was born, Frederick A. He has two brothers and one sister living, younger than himself; the latter is Mrs. Carrie Bradt, now resides at Voorheesville. N. Y. His brothers, C. A. Bloomingdale and W. C. Bloomingdale, who now reside in Brooklyn, N. Y., are now considered among the largest commission men in hay and straw and farmers' produce in Brooklyn, N. Y., and started on their own resources.
Bloomingdale, John P., an old and highly respected citizen of the town, was born in 1818. John, his grandfather, was a farmer in Guilderland. He was twice married; by the first marriage two sons were born and by the second several sons and daughters. Peter, his father, was a farmer of Guilderland. His wife was Lydia Gray, daughter of Robert Gray, who was a hotel-keeper. Their children were Lucan, Jane, Mary Ann, Lydia, John P., Robert, and Peter. Mr. Bloomingdale remained on the farm, assisting his father, until twenty-six years of age, when he began for himself at farming at which he continued many years, with unusually good success. He added from time to time to his real estate possessions until he owned many farms throughout the county, and at the time of his death owned five farms containing sev- eral hundred acres, and also for years was an extensive money loaner. In 1871 he retired to the village of Guilderland Center, where he owned a large amount of real estate and there devoted a number of years of his time to the building of residences and disposing of them. He erected among other buildings a large cigar factory, which he leased. Mr. Bloomingdale will long be remembered by many to whom he has rendered financial assistance at opportune times. In 1839 he was married to Hannah Young of the town of New Scotland, and daughter of George Young; to them was born one son, Joel, of New Salem. His wife died very young, and five years after her death he married Mary M., daughter of Frederick Crounse of Guilderland. She died in 1870. Mr. Bloomingdale died in July, 1896.
Bloss, Dr. F. S. of West Troy, is a descendant of prominent ancestors in the profession of medicine, as he is a son of J. P. Bloss, a noted physician of Troy, and grandson of Richard BIoss, who was a pioneer homeopathist of Troy, and who died there after twenty-five years of practice. He is also a nephew of Richard D. Bloss, an active practitioner, now of Troy. Dr. F. S. left Burlington, Iowa, where he was born in 1857 and came to Troy in 1859. He went to Schenectady, graduating from the Union Classical Institute, and entered Union College, graduating in 1881, after which he entered the Albany Medical College. He first practiced at Troy with his father, and came to West Troy in 1896. He is a member of the Medical Society of Northern New York.
Boardman & Gray. This well known piano firm was founded in Albany in 1837 by William G. Boardman and James A. Gray. Mr. Gray was the practical member of the concern and was born in New York city in 1814. After serving a regular apprenticeship in piano forte making, he worked for several years as a journeyman and finally joined Mr. Boardman, who, as a business man, had begun the manufacture of pianos on a small scale. They established a factory, over which Mr. Gray had the practical supervision, until shortly before his death in 1889, Mr. Boardman retiring about 1866, and died in 1880. Mr. Gray was among the leaders in developing the American piano and bringing it to its present high standard of perfection. He probably contributed more improvements than any other maker in the United States, and the firm has always made every part of the instrument. The original name of Boardman & Gray has been continued unchanged and the business is now carried on by James S. and William J. Gray (sons of James A.), and William H. Currier, of Toledo, Ohio. From 1877 to 1885 the firm was composed of James A. Gray and his eldest son, William J. Gray; at the death of the father in 1889 the present partnership was formed. Their pianos have from the first taken a foremost rank among the best instruments of the kind in the world and are found in almost every civilized country on the globe.
Boardman, George, born August 10, 1834, in Albany, is the son of William Boardman, a native of Wethersfield, Conn., who was supervisor of the Fourth ward of Albany for several years. George Boardman was educated at the Boys' Academy under Dr. Beck, and at Prof. Anthony's Classical Institute, and immediately after leaving school he became a clerk in a hardware store in New York city. After two years he returned to Albany and entered the employ of N. B. Miles, a hardware dealer, and three years later became bookkeeper for Warner Brothers & Co., manufacturers of lime and cement in Troy and Albany. Later he was engaged in mercantile business in Buffalo and subsequently in Troy until 1877. Meantime he had established, with his brother Albert, a successful wholesale tea and coffee business in Albany, and in 1877 removed hither to give it his whole attention. Afterward another brother, Frank, was admitted under the firm name of George Boardman & Brothers, which is now styled George Boardman & Brother, the junior partner, Albert, having died in 1891. They employ a number of traveling salesmen and have a large trade in the city and vicinity.
Bordwell, Mrs. Margaret K., is one of the oldest residents of Cohoes. She came here with her father, Francis Revell, a native of France, in 1824 from Mechanicville, where she was born in 1823. She was married in 1845 to Jacob A. Bordwell, a boss knitter in the cotton mills until his death, which occurred in 1863. He left three children: Mary Elira, wife of George Cook, of Cohoes; Esther E., widow of Professor George Gravis, late of Troy; and Charles Francis, who conducts a hotel at Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Bordwell is a well preserved lady and a personal landmark, and has in her mature years witnessed the growth of Cohoes into a city.
Bowe, John, son of Michael and Mary (Purcell) Bowe, was born in Albany July 18, 1847. He was educated in the public schools and the Albany Normal College, graduating from the latter in 1878. He then secured a position in the State Insurance Department as clerk, where he remained until elected treasurer of Albany county in the fall of 1890. In 1878 he was elected supervisor of the Third ward of Albany and served three years. In 1888 he was elected alderman of the Third ward and re-elected in the spring of 1890, serving four years in the Board of Aldermen, all of which time he was its president. In the fall of 1890 he was elected treasurer of Albany county, and re-elected in the fall of 1893 and served until his term expired on December 31, 1896. In 1863 he enlisted in Co. F, 176th N. Y. Vols., and served two years and eight months. He is a member of the Catholic Union, the Dongan and Press Clubs, and Post 131, G. A. R. Mr. Bowe is a director of the Albany City National Bank and a trustee of the Albany City Savings Institution.
Bowman, Cassius M., was born in Troy, July 2, 1846. He is the son of Joseph Bowman, the well known veteran collar manufacturer of Troy. Joseph Bowman came to Troy when twelve years of age from Vermont. He was one of the pioneer manufacturers of collars in Troy, as early as 1854, but later removed to a farm in Fulton county. He is, however, a member of the present firm of Bowman & Sons, manufacturers of linen collars and cuffs, No. 555 to 561 Federal street, Troy. This firm was established in 1876 with Cassius M. Howman and Joseph Bowman, Jr., as active members, and employed about 100 people. C. M. Bowman has been a resident of Green Island since 1882, and has taken an active part in local government.
Boyd, James P., M.D., is a native of Albany and a son of one of the foremost physicians of the city in his day. He received his early education at the Albany Boys' Academy and was graduated from Princeton College in 1867. He then entered the Albany Medical College where he pursued the study of medicine with that assiduity which had characterized his earlier school days. Subsequently he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York city and received the degree of M.D. from that institution in 1871. The next two years Dr. Boyd devoted to higher studies in his chosen profession in the famous universities of Germany. He began the practice of medicine in Albany in 1873, and has steadily increased until now; he stands in the foremost rank of the eminent physicians of the city. He is a member of the Albany County Medical Society, the New York State Medical Society, the American Medical Association, the American Association of Obstetricians and the Gynecological Society. He is also a member of the British Gynecological Society. He is also attending gynecologist to Albany Hospital, consulting obstetrician to St. Peter's Hospital and professor of obstetrics, gynecology and diseases of children at the Albany Medical College.
Bradley, Franklin G., is a grandson of Philo Bradley, an early settler of Berne, Albany county, and a son of Daniel G. Bradley, for many years deputy sheriff, and was born in Berne, December 28, 1849. Daniel G. came to Albany in 1857 and was long a prosperous merchant. He married Arvilla Nelson, and of their nine children seven sons are living. With the exception of six years spent on a farm in Guilderland, Franklin G. Bradley has been engaged in the mercantile business since he reached the age of twenty. He established his present grocery and provision store on Beaver street in 1878 and in 1893 moved to No. 99 Hudson avenue. He is a member of Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M., Fort Orange Council. R. A., and American Lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F. In 1868 he married Alice M., daughter of Hiram Gardner of Franklin, Va , who died in 1891, leaving three children: Daniel G., Jennie E. and Franklin G., Jr. He married, second, in 1892, Mrs. Celia (Reed) Weidraan of Summit, Schoharie county.
Bradt, John Van Der Heyden, is an old and prominent landmark of Albany county, and was born in the town of Bethlehem, now New Scotland, December 26, 1831. The first Bradt dates back in America to 1633, and the first one in the town of New Scotland was Adam, the great-grandfather of John Y. D. H. Bradt. He with a man named Sager walked from Albany through the woods in search of a location on which to build them a home; they found it in Bethlehem and Mr. Bradt staked off two acres near where now stands the village of Jerusalem, erected him a log house and began to clear the land to make him a home. He was a typical pioneer, a soldier in the French and Indian war, and reared two sons: Peter A. and Stoltes, between whom he divided his farm. Capt. Peter A., the grandfather of John Bradt, was born on his father's homestead in Bethlehem. When the war for independence broke out he offered his services and was captain of a train of teamsters. He afterward journeyed to New York winters during the Revolutionery war to haul government supplies to Albany; it later came upon him to transfer the Oneida Indians from Albany to Oneida, having under his charge a large number of teams and wagons loaded with Indians and supplies. He gave the land for the site of the first church built in Albany Co., called the Jerusalem church. He was twice married, his first wife was a Miss Weidman, by whom two sons were born: Adani and Garrett. His second wife was Mrs. Jane Hunderman, the widow of a Revolutionary soldier, who lost his life in the war, and they had one son: Henry P. He divided his farm of 250 acres between his two oldest sons, then purchased another farm of 100 acres in 1802, on which he moved the next year and there spent his remaining days with his son Henry. He died in 1826 and his wife lived to be ninety-six years of age. Henry P., the father of John Bradt, was born in Bethlehem, January, 1796, and was a lifelong and successful farmer and property owner. He provided each of his three sons with a good farm and in 1843 purchased the Unionville Hotel and thirty acres and placed his oldest son there. He acquired much other valuable property and was a strong and influential Democrat, but not an aspirant to office. He was drafted in
the war of 1812 and served several months. His wife was Magdalene, daughter of John Van Der Heyden of Bethlehem, and their children were: Peter H., Maria, John V. D. H., Jane Ann, Magdalene, William H. and Louisa K. He died in 1872 and his wife in 1863. John Bradt, grew to manhood on his father's farm, and when twenty-six years of age, in 1847, began for himself on his Grandfather Van Der Heyden's farm, it being the will of that grandparent that the first of his posterity to bear the name of Van Der Heyden was to have the farm. In 1845 Mr. Bradt married Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Albert V. D. Z. Slingerland, and in 1867, on account of the ill health of his wife, Mr. Bradt left the homestead and purchased his present farm at Unionville, where he has ever since resided. In politics Mr. Bradt has always been a strong and active Democrat and filled the office of assessor for years. He was a member of the N. Y. State Militia, was drummer and later drum major. His brother Peter was captain in the State militia and later general; likewise was justice of the peace twelve years and justice of sessions three terms. Mr. and Mrs. Bradt adopted a daughter, Lilly B., now wife of Cornelius Vanderzee of New Scotland. Mrs. Bradt was born October 29, 1820, and died on her birthday in 1890. Since the death of his wife Mr. Bradt has had his daughter and her husband live with him to keep house and take charge of the farm.
Brady, John J., son of John and Ann (Farley) Brady, natives of County Cavan, Ireland, was born in Albany on the 16th of January, 1870. He attended St. Joseph's Parochial School and was graduated from the Christian Brothers' Academy in 1884 and from Manhattan College in 1888, taking the degree of A. B. The latter institution conferred upon him the degree of M. A. in 1892. After leaving college he spent one year in Ireland and in 1890 entered the law office of Judge John W. Walsh and George T. Kelly. He was admitted to the bar by the General Term of the Supreme Court in February, 1893, and at once opened a law office with Judge Walsh and Mr. Kelly. Mr. Brady is a ready speaker and good debater, a devoted and constant worker for the societies of which he is a member, and in 1894 was unanimously elected national secretary and treasurer of the Catholic Young Men's National Union of America, which is composed of the various Catholic clubs throughout the country. This office he still holds, being re-elected in 1895. He is a trustee of the Catholic Union of Albany, a member and ex-president of Cor Jesu Council No. 84, C. B. L., ex-president of the Sacred Heart Sodality, a member of the alumni societies of Manhattan College and the Christian Brothers' Academy, and a member of the Knights of Columbus. In the fall of 1895 he was elected on the Democratic ticket alderman of the Ninth ward, and is leader of the Democratic majority in the Board of Aldermen.
Brasure, John W., grandson of John Brasure, of Nova Scotia, a Frenchman, and son of John W. Brasure, Sr., was born in Albany, June 22, 1859. John W., Sr., only child of John, was born in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., September 11, 1816, came to Albany in 1836, where he died October 10, 1892. Apprenticed to Nathaniel Wright he learned the trade of coach-lamp making, which he followed several years. He was a member of the police force under Chief Morgan and also belonged to the old Volunteer Fire Department. In June, 1857, he engaged in the undertaking business and continued until his death. He was married three times and left four children. He was a member of Ancient City Lodge F. & A. M. John W. Brasure, his son, was educated in the Albany public and High Schools, and when seventeen associated himself with his father in the undertaking businees, to which he succeeded on the latter's death. He is a graduate of three schools of embalming, and a member and past noble grand of Fireman's Lodge No. 19, I. O. O. F.; a member of the New York Encampment No. 1, Canton Nemo, and Woodbine Rebekah, L O. O. F.; corporal of the Albany Burgesses Corps; member of the Albany County Wheelman; charter member of the Capital Lodge Order of the Chosen Friends, and president of the Albany County Undertakers' Association. He was one of the founders of the Nawadaha Tribe No. 397, L O. R. M., which was organized in his office with ten members, which now has four tribes numbering about 400 members, was its first sachem, and in August, 1896, represented it at the Grand Council in Saratoga. July 1, 1896, Mr. Brasure married Helen, daughter of William and Mary McCredie of Albany, and of Scotch descent.
Brennan, Edward J., is a grandson of James Brennan, Sr., a maltster who came to Albany from Ireland and died here in 1880, aged eighty-two. James Brennan, Jr., has been connected with the Albany police force since about 1870. He is a native of the capital city, as is also his wife, Mary Murtaugh. Edward J., their son, was born August 17, 1860, in Albany, was graduated from the Christian Brothers' Academy in 1876 and in 1877 entered the law office of Smith, Bancroft & Moak, being admitted to the bar in 1881. He remained with his preceptors as managing clerk until 1886, when he was elected justice of the City Court for a term of three years. Since 1889 he has been in active practice of his profession, making a specialty of criminal law, in which he has been very successful, having freed many well known criminals. He is a prominent Democrat, has served as delegate to several political conventions and is a member of the A. O. U. W. January 22, 1896, he married Mary, daughter of George Schwartz, a well known pork packer and dealer of Albany.
Brewster, Frederick C., son of Cortland and Rachel (Mors) Brewster, was born in Waterford, Saratoga county, N. Y., August 11, 1860. He was educated in private schools and was graduated from Claverack College in 1879 and from the Troy Business College in 1880. He then went as bookkeeper to the office of his uncle and grandfather, lumber dealers, West Troy, where he rapidly rose to the position of confidential clerk. In January, 1894, he opened a real estate office at No. 1595 Broadway, West Troy, and purchased the insurance agency of Clute & McAllaster. Mr. Brewster has been a member of the Troy Citizens Corps for fifteen years, having served ten years as an active member in the National Guard and five years as a member of the Old Guard. July 20, 1887, Mr. Brewster married Eliza, daughter of John H. Crocker of West Troy.
Bridge, Charles F., son of Charles and Lucy M. (Tinker) Bridge, was born in Albany, February 26, 1865. His great-grandfather, Col. Ebenezer Bridge, born February 3, 1743, died February 13, 1823, served at Lexington as captain of the Fitchburg Minutemen, and is mentioned by Bancroft as a general at Bunker Hill. He served through the Revolution and in the Massachusetts Legislature, and was the grandson of Matthew Bridge, a soldier in King Philip's war. A monument to Ebenezer Bridge stands at Fitchburg, Mass. The first American ancestor was John Bridge, of England, who settled in Cambridge, Mass., in 1632, and was one of the founders of Harvard College, where a monument stands to his memory. Charles Bridge settled in Albany about 1859 and in 1860 became one of the wholesale beef and pork firm of Hawkins Van Antwerp & Co., which was later changed to Van Antwerp, Bridge & Co., and still later Bridge & Davis, from which Mr. Bridge retired in 1884. Charles F. Bridge was educated at the Boys' Academy, received the degree of A. B. from Union College in 1887, was graduated from the Albany Law School with the degree of LL. B. in 1889, read law with I. & J. M. Lawson, and was admitted to the bar in September, 1889. In December following he formed the present copartnership of Mills & Bridge (Charles H. Mills). He is a Republican, and a member of the I. O. O. F., K. A. E. O., and B. P. O. E., the Sons of the Revolution, the Order of Founders and Patriots, the Psi Upsilon fraternity, and the legal fraternity of Phi Delta Phi. October 14, 1891, he married Elizabeth B., daughter of Franklin D. Tower, of Albany.
Brink, Levi L., was born in Wyoming county, Pa., January 11, 1845. In 1856 his parents removed to Susquehanna county where he was inured to the life of a farm lad on his father's i farm until August, 1863, when he enlisted in Co. A, 151st Pa. Vols. This being a short term regiment he was discharged in July, 1863, but re-enlisted in September in Co. H, 11th Pa. Vols., and served until the close of the Rebellion as second sergeant. Returning to the place of his birth he took up the trade of a general mechanic, and mastered the duties so well that in less than five years he was employed by a prominent contracting firm as foreman. Tiring of the roaming life of contractors, on March 1, 1883, he engaged with the motive power department of the W. S. Railroad, and on January 1, 1885, was assigned to Coeymans Junction yard as foreman of inspection and repairs, which position he still holds. He is a member of seversl fraternal orders and a liberal contributor to charitable institutions, owns a find home and is consideres well to do.
Britley, Captain Edward W., was born in Saratoga county, in 1837. He was the son of the late James Britley, also a river man for most of his life. Captain Britley has been principally engaged in the transportation of lumber and timber. He now owns and operates the steam ferry plying between the Arsenal and the Fuller & Warren Works on the Troy side. This is the propeller "Lee Griffith," and a son of Mr. Britley is its pilot. Mr. Britley has been assessor and overseer of the poor of West Troy.
Brumaghim, Eugene, was born in the town of Guilderland, Albany county, N. Y., April 3, 1853. In 1860 he removed to Albany and was graduated from the Albany High School in 1873. During the years of 1880 and 1881 he was principal of the High School at Gillman, Ill. Since that time he has been engaged in mercantile pursuits in Albany, and he is at present connected with Weidman & Co., wholesale grocers. He was president of the Young Men's Association for one term and during his incumbency of that office the $50,000 for Harmanus Bleecker Hall was raised by popular subscription. He is past master of Wadsworth Lodge F. & A. M. and is prominently connected with the Unconditional and Press Clubs.
Brunk, James H., was born January 8, 1840, in the town of Berne on the farm he now owns. Nicholas Brunk, his grandfather, was born in the Mohawk Valley, of Holland ancestry and was a descendant from one of five brothers who migrated from Holland and settled along the Mohawk River as pioneers; Nicholas settled in the town of Knox, where he cleared him a farm and made him a home on 130 acres of land. His wife was Elizabeth Miller and their children were Mathias, Hannah, Henry, Jacob, Gittie Ann, Eva, Catherine and Lydia. Henry Brunk, the father of James, was born in Knox February 28, 1806, where he was a lifelong farmer. He married Rebecca Fowler who was born in Berne on the farm now owned by her son, March 17, 1809. After his marriage, he purchased from his father-in-law the farm of 146 acres and there spent his life. Their children were Almira, Lydia Ann, Jabez, James H., Elizabeth, Catherine S., Nicholas J., and Edgar. He died December 13, 1865, and his wife May 36, 1893. She was a daughter of Lewis Fowler, who was a native of England and came to America in the time of the Revolutionary war and served seven years in the war. James H. Brunk has spent his life on the homestead farm. When a boy he attended the common district schools, but after the death of his father, he hired the farm from his mother and the other heirs and in 1868 purchased it and has added to it since then twenty-seven acres, where he has devoted his attention to a general farming and the breeding of fine grade cattle. Mr. Brunk has filled the office of overseer of the poor for several years. He is an influential member of the Patrons of Industry and president of the Evening Star Lodge of Berne. March 4, 1865, he married Louisa E. Hungerford of Berne, and their children are Willie J., Frank T., Hattie (who died when nineteen), Lena, Alfred and Leroy.
Bullock, Joseph, came to Cohoes as early as 1846, and has been a resident here since, with the exception of eight years in Lockport, where he was engaged in the knitting business. He was of Dutch ancestry, born in Guilderland, in 1835, and decidedly a self-made man, adding to his limited education by close observation and personal research. In 1872 he returned to Cohoes and in 1877 established a baking business, which he conducted with marked success until it was purchased in 1894 by his son, John H. Bullock, who still conducts it at No. 116 Remsen street. Mr. Bullock is a man of great strength of character and convictions. He appreciates highly the picture of the domicile of his youth where both father and mother were born; it was built in 1704 and is yet intact; the brick in the fireplace and chimney were brought from Holland.
Burdick, G. Dudley, son of G. W. and Mary Elizabeth (Van Antwerp) Burdick, was born in Albany, July 19, 1842. He was educated in the public schools and learned the trade of mason, which he followed until 1878, when he engaged in his present business of contractor and builder. He built the Tweddle Building, the Dudley Observatory, the Albany Safe Deposit and Storage Building, the Madison Avenue Presbyterian church and Wolfert's Roost and many other notable structures. Mr. Burdick is a member of Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M. and of the board of deacons of the State Street Presbyterian church. He served seven years in the old volunteer fire department and in Co. B, 10th Regiment, N. Y. N. G. December 26, 1876, he married Emma Havard, daughter of John Havard of Brooklyn, N. Y. , who died November 24, 1881, leaving a son and daughter, Clarke Havard and Mary Louise. Clarke Havard died March 6, 1883. October 10, 1884, he married Juliette, daughter of Epraim Hotaling, of Albany, N. Y.
Burdick, Norman, is descended from an old Rhode Island family, his grandfather being Elkanah Burdick, of Granville, N. Y., born August 6, 1771, died April 21, 1832, who married Martha Worden. His father, Joseph Uriah Burdick, of Dexter Me., born in 1808, married Cynthia Morgan. Mr. Burdick was born in Middletown, Vt., June 2, 1834, received a common school education, learned the trade of iron molder in Amherst, N. H., and came to Albany in 1864 as superintendent for Shear, Packard & Co., stove manufacturers. He continued with them and their successors, Perry & Co., in the foundry, until 1871, when he became traveling salesman for the latter firm. From 1877 to 1881 he had charge of the foundry at Sing Sing prison in 1881. He engaged in the manufacture of patent stove specialties in that city, and in 1883 moved the business to Albany. In 1885 his son, Bainbridge W., became his partner under the present firm name of Burdick & Son, and in 1888 they moved the establishment from Green street to the corner of Liberty and Division streets, where it is now located. The firm also has a slate quarry at Hampton, N. Y., and a large stock farm of about 500 acres at the same place, where they breed fine trotting horses. Mr. Burdick has always been a Republican. He is a member of Custus Morum Lodge, I. O. O. F., and Post Lull, G. A. R., both of Milford. N. H., and is a member and past master of Benevolent Lodge, No. 7, F. & A. M., also of Milford. He is a member of all Masonic bodies of New Hampshire except De Witt Clinton Council, Temple Commandery and Cyprus Temple, of Albany. He is a charter member of the Acacia Club and a member of the Albany Republican Unconditional Club. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. C, 4th N. Y. Vols., was promoted second lieutenant and served until 1864, when he was honorably discharged for disability. He married Mary V., daughter of Otis R. Fisher, of Wilton, N. H., and they have two children: Bainbridge W. and Ethel (Mrs. Elmer E. Wygant), both of Albany. Bainbridge Winfield Burdick, born in Amherst, N. H., February 13, 1864, is a member of Wadsworth Lodge, No. 417, F. & A. M., of all the Odd Fellow bodies, of the Republican Unconditional Club and of the Albany Burgesses Corps.
Burrick, Rev. Julius J., was born in Waereghen, in the diocese of Ghent, Belgium, in 1858. His early education was acquired under eminent tutors of St. Nicholas College. His philosophical course was subsequently pursued at the same college, and his theological at the Seminary of Ghent. Before his assumption of holy orders and in recognition of his superior talents, he was promoted to the dignity of a professor's chair, which he held until April, 1892, when, coming to America, he was appointed pastoral director of his present charge, the Sacred Heart of Mary, French Catholic church, of Watervliet, N.Y. As a clergyman of marked religious zeal, and a scholar of broad culture in many languages, he enjoys the merited esteem and confidence of all his ecclesiastical and secular associates.
Butler, Walter Burdett, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 17, 1857, and is a son of Benjamin Francis Burdett Butler, who was born in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, in 1810, came to America in 1840, and died in Brooklyn June 16, 1874. The latter was professor of languages in the Brooklyn Female Academy, Flatbush Institute, and the author of Butler's Spanish Teacher, French Speaker and several other educational works. Mr. Butler was educated in the grammar and private schools of Brooklyn, came to Albany October 1, 1872, and was graduated from the Albany Business College in 1875. He was bookkeeper for W. F. Hurcomb & Co. for six years. In 1879 he went to Colorado and spent one year in mining, being assistant secretary of a mining company in the Ward district. In 1880 he returned to New York city as bookkeeper for D. W. Richards & Co., and in the fall of that year came to Albany, where he was made cashier of the old Commercial Telephone Company. In 1883 this company was merged into the Hudson River Telephone Company and Mr. Butler was continued as cashier until 1893, when he was made the secretary and auditor. He is secretary of the Albany District Telegraph Company and a member of Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M., Capital City Chapter No. 252, R. A. M., De Witt Clinton Council, R. & S. M., Temple Commandery No. 2, K. T., and Cypress Temple N. of S. M.; he is also a member of Co. A of the Old Guard, Albany Zouave Cadets, the Young Men's Democratic Club and the Albany Masonic Relief Association. He has often appeared as expert accountant before courts and in other capacities. In October, 1882, he married Adda May, daughter of John Kennedy, Jr., of Albany.
Butler, William H., son of David and Laura A. (Smith) Butler, was born in Oneida, N. Y., January 31, 1860, and was graduated from the Oneida High School in 1878. He then became a freight conductor on the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., and continued in this capacity and in the depot at Albany in all ten years, when he learned the trade of clothing cutter and merchant tailor. In 1893 he established himself in the merchant tailoring business at Nos. 635 and 637 Broadway, Albany, where he has built up a large and growing trade. Mr. Butler is a member of Mount Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M., of all the Masonic bodies to and including the 33 degree, and of the Acacia Club. In 1880 he married Cora B., daughter of William Foster of Siloani, Madison county, N. Y., and they have one daughter, Lenora Belle.
Babcock, Robert, M. D., son of John and Hester (Van Derzee) Babcock, was born in Bethlehem, Albany county, N. Y., December 2, 1857. He attended the Albany Academy in 1873 and was graduated in 1877. He graduated from the University of Rochester in 1881, with the degree of A. B.. and from the Albany Medical College in 1884, with the degree of M.D. For a year and a half Dr. Babcock was assistant house physician and surgeon at the Albany Hospital. He then moved to Holyoke, Mass., where he practiced for a short time, and in 1886 returned to Albany, where he has since practiced. He has been instructor in materia medica and therapeutics at the Albany Medical College and has been on the surgical staff of the dispensary connected with the Albany Hospital. He is a member of the Albany County Medical Society. February 18, 1886, Dr. Babcock married Maria Witbeck and they have one son, Robert Witbeck.
Bailey, J. De Witt, son of John and Katharine (Kilmer) Bailey, was born in the town of Bethlehem, Albany county, N. Y., March 25, 1831. He received his education at the public schools and learned the trade of wagonmaker from his father, who was engaged in that business. In 1835 the Bailey family moved to the village of Coeymans and here J. De Witt worked for his father after learning the trade, and after a time branched out into the business of carriage painter. For many years Mr. Bailey worked at this trade and follows it now to a very limited extent. In the spring of 1870 he was appointed keeper of the United States light house at Coeymans, and since then he has been placed in charge of five beacon lights on the Hudson River near Coeymans Landing. Mr. Bailey is a member of the Methodist church of Coeymans. In December, 1854, he married Anne Rebecca Miller, and they have three children: Edgar, Emma L., and Mrs. Edward Long.
Bailey, Theodore P., M.D., is of English and Holland Dutch descent and was born in Cusseta, Ala., November 13, 1857. Dr. Solomon Bailey, his grandfather, was for many years a prominent physician in Bethlehem, Albany county, and was the father of Dr. William H., Henry, and Dr. James S. Bailey, all of Albany. The latter was graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1853, practiced his profession in Alabama until 1866, and from that time in Albany until his death, which occurred July 1, 1883. He was president of the Albany County Medical Society, received the degree of A. M. from Hamilton College, also from Soule University of Galveston, Texas, and was a prominent writer for medical journals. He was an enthusiastic entomologist, having a large collection and was a member of several foreign and American societies. Dr. Theodore P. Bailey, his son, was educated in the Albany public and high schools and at the West Point Military Academy. He read medicine with his father, attended the Albany Medical College and graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1880; since then he has been in active practice in Albany. He is a member of the Albany County Medical Society and its treasurer, was one of the founders of the New York State Medical Association, is instructor in dermatology in the Albany Medical College and is dispensary physician in dermatology in the Albany Hospital. He is a Democrat and in the fall of 1895 was elected alderman of the Fifth ward, and is a member of the Finance Board of the city; he is also a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M., Central City Chapter No. 242, R. A. M., Temple Commandery No. 5, K. T., and medical examiner for the Royal Arcanum in Albany.
Bailey, William Howard, was born December 28, 1825, at Bethlehem, Albany county, N. Y. He was the seventh in a family of nine children. His father, Dr. Solomon Bailey, a man greatly respected by the community in which he resided, was a physician with a large practice. He was frequently called in consultation by other physicians, his opinion being valued highly. The arduous duties of his profession, however, proved too severe even for his strong and vigorous constitution, and in 1830 he discontinued his active practice and retired to a farm. It was at this farm that William H. Bailey, the subject of this sketch, received his early training. The outdoor exercise and pure air incident to farm life were valuable influences in the formation of his character. He earlyattended a district school, but the instruction there received was largely supplemented by the intellectual assistance of his father. After the death of his father in 1839 he continued his studies at the Albany Academy, but afterward went to the Utica Academy, and subsequently to the State Nor- mal School at Albany. He finally became a student at Cazenovia Seminary. For five years he taught school at various places. While in charge of the Union School at Trumansburg, Tompkins county, N. Y., he began the study of medicine. From Trumansburg he went to Cusseta, Chambers county, Alabama, to take charge of the Male Academy located in that town. During these years of teaching he devoted every spare moment to the study of medicine, and in 1851 returned to Albany to attend lectures at the Albany Medical College, at which institution he was graduated in 1853. His first experience in the practice of medicine was at Utica, N. Y., which was then the home of his mother. In 1854 he removed to Albany, N. Y., where he has since resided. Shortly after his removal to Albany he became a member of the Albany County Medical Society. For four years he was treasurer of the society, and in 1870 was elected president. In 1855 he was married to Miss Sarah Jane Peck, who died in 1860, leaving him two daughters, Anne Peck and Mary Ella, both of whom still survive. In 1862 he was married to Miss Anne Eliza Peck, who still lives. He was appointed a delegate to the State Medical Society in 1860, and in 1864 made a permanent member. From 1865 to 1875 he was secretary of this society, and in 1880 was elected president. In 1871 he received the honorary degree of M. D. from Soule University, Texas, and in 1877 that of LL. D. from the Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania. In 1882 he was appointed one of the State consulting board of the Hudson River Hospital for the Insane at Poughkeepsie, which office he held for several years. For many years he was one of the United States board of pension examining surgeons. He also served as obstetrician and as consultant obstetrician for the Albany Hospital, which latter position he still holds. He was repeatedly elected delegate to the American Medical Association and to different State societies by the New York State Medical Society and by the Albany County Medical Society. His connection with these societies gives ample evidence of his industry and of the appreciation in which he was held by the medical profession. He was a man of acknowledged ability in various lines. As a citizen he took an active part in municipal affairs, serving two terms as alderman. As a teacher he was eminently successful and beloved by his pupils. It is as a physician, however, that he will longest be remembered, for he was recognized as a leader in his profession. His genial, courteous manner and kind, considerate spirit won him many friends. His long years of successful practice have given him a record surpassed by few. He was honored and respected far beyond the average man, and his life of willing self-sacrifice for the benefit of his fellowmen will leave an influence not soon to be forgotten.
Bassler, Elias, a well known landmark, was born in the town of Knox, on the old Bassler homestead, February, 1819. Frederick Bassler, his great-grandfather, was a native of Switzerland, who immigrated to America before 1750 and settled in Philadelphia. He was married on board of ship while on his way to America. Between 1750 and 1760 he settled in what is now the town of Knox, took up 238 acres of land and made himself a home in the forest, and was one of the first eight to settle in the town of Berne. Frederick Bassler, the grandfather of Elias, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1753, and grew to manhood on his father's farm in Knox, of which he subsequently came in possession. When the Revolutionary war broke out he took sides with the British and enlisted in their service. His wife was Martha Ball, a native of Berne, born in 1768, and their children were Peter, Frederick, Henry, John, Beniamin, Eve, Elizabeth, Maria and Ann Eliza. He died November 5, 1851, at the age of ninety-eight years; his wife died February 27, 1833. Frederick, the father of Elias Bassler, was born on the homestead in 1793; coming into possession of one-half of the homestead, he added more to his landed possessions, where he remained a lifelong and successful farmer. He was prominent and influential in the political affairs of his town and county, being chosen six times by his townsmen to represent them in the Board of Supervisors, and was once elected to represent his district in the State Legislature on the Republican ticket. He was actively identified with the church and was one of the building committee to erect the first Dutch Reformed church of Berne, in which he afterwards officiated. His wife was Maria Salsburg, and their children were Anna, Maria, Elias, Jacob, Peter, Levinus, Sophia, Eliza and Emma. He died in 1874 and his wife in 1862. Elias Bassler, when a boy, attended the common district schools. He remained on the farm until thirty-nine years af age, when he came into possession of his present farm of 130 acres, through the assistance of his father, and on this farm he has ever since resided, doing general farming. In politics Mr. Bassler is a Republican, and while feeling a keen interest in the welfare of his party, he has never sought political honors. In 1842 he married Eva, daughter of Jacob Sand of Knox, and they have three children: Dorthy L. (wife of Nicholas Sheldon of Knox), Olivia M. (wife of James E. Onderdonk of Central Bridge, N. Y.), and Catharine E. (who died when nineteen). Mrs. Bassler died in February, 1894. They were both members of the Reformed church, in which he has officiated as deacon and elder. He has now retired from the active life and care of the farm, which he now leases to his son-in-law, Mr. Sheldon.
Bedell, Jerry, is the son of Thomas and grandson of Jeremiah, who came to Coeymans at an early day. His sons were David, Nathan and Thomas. Thomas Bedell married Rachel Powell, and had five sons: Edgar P., John G., Alfred, Samuel and Jerry. He was a large and successful fruit grower, and died in 1893. Jerry Bedell married Helen I., daughter of David Vanheusen, and has one son, Enos D.
Belding, Samuel B., son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Brown) Belding, was born in Charlton, Saratoga county, N. Y., April 26, 1847. He is descended from one of three brothers who came from England to America with the Puritans and settled near Lenox, Mass. Their descendants fought bravely in the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars. Prof. Belding's immediate ancestors settled in Saratoga county in 1793, and his maternal great-great-grandfather, Robert Barckley, was a provincial governor of New Jersey. Prof. Belding graduated from the Charlton Academy in 1865, and then pursued a study of organ music under J. Augustus Read of Albany, N. Y. In 1866 he secured the position of organist in the Tabernacle Baptist church and remained there one year, when he went to the Fourth Presbyterian church, where he was organist for five and one-half years. Prof. Belding then removed to Boston, Mass., and studied under Dudley Buck. In 1874 he returned to Albany and became the organist of the First Reformed church, where he is at present; in 1876 he secured the position of organist at the Temple Beth Emeth which he ably fills at the present time. In May, 1886, Prof. Belding assumed control of the music at the Albany State Normal College and is the instructor there at the present time; he also has many private pupils and is recognized to be one of the finest musicians in this State. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 3, Temple Chapter No. 5, De Witt Clinton Council No. 22, Temple Commandery No. 2, A. S. R., and Cyprus Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. He is also the organist for Mt. Vernon, Masters, Wadsworth and Washington Masonic lodges and the Shrine. In March, 1874, he married Elfiida St. J. Weeks of Albany, and they have one child, Elizabeth Brown.
Blackburn, John, son of Robert and Sarah (Barnett) Blackburn, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, October 13, 1837. He attended the National School in Ireland, and when nineteen years of age came to America and settled in Troy, N. Y., where he obtained a position as officeman and salesman for John Kerr & Co., manufacturers and dealers in wool. He remained in their employ six years and ten months, after which he moved to Albia, where he bought the factory store of the Troy Woolen Company; he was there four years manufacturing army goods and doing a large business, and during that time made trips through the Western States, buying wool for J. Kerr & Co. After the war, manufacturing having practically ceased, Mr. Blackburn moved to Albany and entered the grocery business in the west end, where he was engaged fourteen years, after which he formed a partnership with John J. Jones and went into the coal business. Twelve years later Mr. Jones died and the firm of Blackburn, Wallace & Co. was formed: this firm consists of John Blackburn, John T. D. Blackburn, and Robert A. Wallace. They are located at Nos. 105 Water street, 705 Broadway, 841 Broadway, 30 Ontario street and at Menands. Mr. Blackburn is a member of Masters Lodge F. & A. M., a member of the West End Presbyterian church and has been chairman of the board of trustees since the organization of the church in 1876. He has also been a trustee of the Albany Exchange Savings Bank for twelve years. In 1863 he married Nancy Downing of Troy, N. Y., and they have three children; Robert M., minister in the Presbyterian church at New Scotland, Albany county, N. Y.; John T. D., in business with his father; and Zelda Rebecca.
Bleecker, W. Rutger, son of Thomas S. and Catharine (McCullock) Bleecker, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1869. He received his education in the Albany public and high schools, which latter institution he left in 1886 to accept the position of messenger in the New York State National Bank. Since his connection with this institution he has won the trust and confidence of his employers and has been deservedly promoted up to his present position, that of individual bookkeeper, to which he was appointed in April, 1896. He is a member of Wadsworth Lodge No. 417, F. & A. M., Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order, and is an honorary member of the Philidoxia Society of the Albany High School. March 14, 1894, he married Elizabeth Pendell of Monticello, Sullivan county, N. Y.
Bogue, Henry L., late of Cohoes, was one of the most successful bridge builders of his day. He was born at Canton, N. Y., in 1825, and came to Cohoes in 1854. Here he became a member of the firm of Smith & Bogue and was awarded the contract for building the Waterford bridge. He built the first bridge across the Mohawk, and portions of the Hudson River Railroad from Cold Spring to New Hamburg, and that part of the Erie Railroad from Dunkirk to Hinsdale. With his many business enterprises he also operated a lumber business with his brother, C. M. Bogue. In 1865 he engaged in the manufacture of knit goods with George H. Wager as a partner. That same year he also built the Riverside Knitting Mill. Mr. Bogue was a Democrat and held many local offices, serving two years as mayor, and proving a very capable chief magistrate. His death, in 1886, was mourned throughout the city, as a man of sterling character and of true nobility. His wife was Clara Chase of Newburgh, whom he married in 1852 at Fishkill-on-the-Hudson; four children also survive him.
Borthwick, Acton S., son of James M. and Charity (Sisson) Borthwick, was born in Huntersland, Schoharie county, N. Y., August 34, 1871, where he attended the public schools and in 1884 moved to Albany, N. Y., and spent two years at the High School. Subsequently he went to Coeymans, N. Y., where he worked three years in his father's store and in 1890 returned to Albany and was employed by George W. Yerkes & Co. until January 1, 1896, when his father. County Clerk James M. Borthwick, appointed him court clerk, which position he now fills. Mr. Borthwick is a member of the Unconditional Republican Club, the Improved Order of Red Men, Ancient City Lodge F. & A. M., Capital City Chapter R. A. M., De Witt Clinton Council R. & S. M., Temple Commandery No. 2, and Cyprus Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. In 1895 he married Charlotte M. Conde of Albany.
Bradford, William, was born in Albany, N. Y., August 4, 1860, and is of Scotch parentage. He attended the public schools and was graduated from the Albany High School in 1879. After leaving school Mr. Bradford learned the photograph business with J. L. Abbott, Haines and Horton; he took naturally to this business, having spent much time in this work when a school boy. After serving an apprenticeship with the above named photographers he took up the study of process work, which was then in its infancy. Mr. Bradford was the first practical man to do that class of work in the city and he was employed by Weed, Parsons & Co. until 1892, when the Albany Engraving Company was organized as a copartnership, Mr. Bradford being an equal partner. In 1893 the company was incorporated; the officers are William Bradford, president; F. G. Jewett, vice-president; A. H. Calderwood, treasurer; E. T. Jewett, secretary, and James Bradford, manager. This company started with almost nothing and is now one of the largest of its kind in the country, all due to Mr. Bradford's close application to the art. He is a member of the Albany Camera Club, the Albany County Wheelmen and the Empire Curling Club. July 30, 1884, he married Helen L. Smith of Tully, Onondaga county, N. Y., and they have two children, William, Jr., and Helen I.
Bradt, Samuel Cary, was born February 17, 1834. He is a son of David, who was born March 27, 1789, and who died August 26, 1854, and who married Marie Reamer. Storm Albert Bradt, the father of David, was born May 21, 1750, and died March 27, 1848. He married Catharine Winne, born June 2, 1787, died October 18, 1847. He was a son of Storm Albert Bradt, who married Magdalene Lang and who died December 13, 1799. Albert Storm was a son of Andriese Albert, who was a son of Albert Andriese (De Noorman), who came from Holland to America in 1630 and settled at what is now Kenwood, below Albany, and built the first mill in this section and named the Normanskill; he died June 7, 1686. It was mentioned at the time that he was one of the oldest residents and earliest of the settlers of Rensselaerwyck. Samuel Cary Bradt, the subject of this sketch, moved to Albany in 1853 and became a clerk for A. M. Brumaghim, wholesale grocer at No. 68 Washington avenue. He went into business in 1856 at No. 30 Washington avenue, corner of Hawk street, and has been in business at different locations on the avenue for forty years, and is now the only merchant on the avenue who has been in business for so long a time. Mr. Bradt married Martha Wood and his family consists of one daughter, Mary Ellington, the wife of Rev. W. H. A. Hall of Gloversville, N. Y., and one son, Warren Lansing, who married Anna E. Shill and who is now in busi- ness with his father at No. 55 Washington avenue. Mr. Bradt is one of very few Albanians who can speak the original Holland-Dutch. He is a member of the Holland Society of New York and of the Unconditional Republican Club of Albany.
Brewster, James C. and Warren H., comprising the firm of J. Brewster's Sons, carriage and sleigh manufacturers, and repairers of farm, road, and delivery wagons of every description. Both members of the firm are young and enterprising men. Their father, the late James G. Brewster established the business in Colonie in 1852. The family have been prominent throughout the history of the town of Watervliet, and it is noteworthy and peculiar that two branches of the Brewster family were united by the marriage of the parents of the gentlemen comprising the firm of J. Brewster's Sons, although they were not nearly related. From the Brewsters that sailed in the Mayflower, the ancestral line is without a break. Upon the death of James G. Brewster, in 1885, the two sons succeeded to the business at Newtonville, with the detail of which they have become thoroughly familiar. J. C. Brewster superintends the wood-working department, and Warren the blacksmithing department. They make a specialty of the buckboard known as the Joubert & White.
Brierley, William P., M. D., son of John and Anna Amelia (Coles) Brierley, was born in Stockport, Columbia county, N. Y. , in 1863. He received his prelimmary education under the instruction of the Rev. George Fisher, pastor of the church of St. John the Evangelist, Episcopal, at Stockport. He studied in this way for eight years, then spent two years studying in a drug store in Hudson, N. Y., and Lenox, Mass. He then determined upon the medical profession and studied one year with Dr. C. E. Fritts of Hudson; he then moved to Albany and registered with the late Dr. John Swinburne. In 1886 he graduated from the Albany Medical College and received the degree of M. D. Dr. Brierley remained with Dr. Swinburne two years after graduation and had charge of the dispensary when Dr. Swinburne was in Washington as a member of congress. Since then Dr. Brierley has practiced in Albany. He is a member of the Albany County Medical Society, Capital City Lodge I. O. O. F., and of the Ojibway Tribe of Red Men. June 14, 1890, he married Katharine, daughter of Jacob Holler. They have three sons, John Herbert, Harold
Potter and Walter.
Brilleman, Isaac, son of Alexander, was born January 19, 1845, in Amsterdam, Holland, where he was educated and where he learned the art of diamond polishing. He descends from several generations of jewelers. In 1860 he came to America and settled in Albany, where he immediately found employment in the jewelry business. In 1866 he opened a jewelry store on the corner of South Pearl street and Hudson avenue and in 1884 moved to his present location, Nos. 31-33 North Pearl street, the latter number being added in 1893, when he magnificently remodeled and refitted the entire establishment. In 1895 he added what is termed a "crystal maze," one of the most elaborate show rooms in the world and probably the only one of its kind in this country outside of New York. He deals extensively in the finest grades of watches, clocks, diamonds and other precious stones, sterling silver, optical goods, hollow and flat ware, cut glass, bric-a-brac; china, etc., a large part of which is imported by him. He is one of the foremost jewelers of the State. He is a Democrat and was alderman of the Fifth ward in 1878-79. He is a member of Washington Lodge No. 85, F. & A. M., a trustee of Beth Emeth congregation, treasurer of the Rural and Bethlehem cemeteries and a trustee of the Hebrew Benevolent Society since about 1870.
Brown, Johh C., M. D., son of P. J. and Margaret (Bough) Brown, was born in Oswego, N. Y. July 22, 1870. In 1881 he moved to Albany, N. Y., with his parents and attended the Christian Brothers' Academy, from which he was graduated in 1886. While there he organized and was the first president of the Justin Literary Society. In 1887 he entered the Niagara University, where he remained three years, and while there he was one of the founders of the Shakespeare Dramatic Association. He returned to Albany and received the degree of M. D. from the Albany Medical College in 1893. He subsequently spent one term in the Charity Hospital on Blackwell's Island, N. Y., and returned to Albany, where he has since practiced medicine. In 1895 Dr. Brown was elected coroner's physician, and in 1896 he was re-elected. He is a member of the Albany County Medical Society, the Alumni Association of the Albany Medical College and the Dongan Club, of which he was secretary in 1895.