US GenWeb

Archived Queries
Surnames Beginning with "V"

Please keep in mind as you peruse these queries that the email addresses for the submitters are over 11 years old and may no longer be valid. If YOU placed a query here, PLEASE email Debby Masterson to update your contact information so that researchers wishing to contact you may do so. Thank you!

VADNEY Sat Jan 25 16:20:47 1997
Searching for ancestors of GEORGE EDWARD VADNEY, b. JUNE 3, 1854 AT ALBANY, N.Y. He married GEORGIE ETTA CUMMINGS (b. November 7, 1857 in Concord,N.H.). Georgie Etta and George Edwards Vadney ultimately settled in Chico, California. Any information is very welcome!

VAIL Fri Oct 18 21:16:21 1996
Any information on the Vail surname

VALENTINE Fri May 16 04:30:46 1997
Searching for VALENTINE family residing Albany area 1840-1860s, having son b. about 1846, said to have enlisted Union Army 28th Regt. as drummer boy and deserted in Culpeper VA area. Family may have been importers and from Scotland.

VAN BUREN Thu Feb 20 15:00:26 1997
Looking for information about Abram Van Buren, b.Jan. 1829; m. Gertrude Wagner(b. May 1829) c.1850. Abram is listed in the 1850 census as living in Guilderland. Specifically looking for names of parents of both Abram and Gertrude. They had son named Jacob, b. 1875; m. Jennie Kellerhaus(or Kellerhouse)

VANDERBERG Mon Mar 31 17:08:48 1997
Need information on Garret VANDENBERG/VANDENBARRIGH, born 1842 in Helderberg Hills, near Albany, New York. He served in the New York Kings Royal Regiment (United Empire Loyalist). Who did he marry in the US. He had three daughters, that I have found Elizabeth, Mary. No name for the third. If more children, I have not found. Elizabeth married John GERMAN. Mary married Cornelius OLIVER.

VANDERBURGH Thu Dec 26 12:51:38 1996
Need information about Gerrit Vanderburgh. born 1842 in Albany New York. married (?): and had two daughters, Elizabeth and Mary. If there were other children, I have not found them. He was in the New York Kings Royal Regiment and after the Rev. War, he and family moved to Lennox & Addington couny, Ontario. Any information would be appreciated.

VANDERBILT Mon Sep 1 22:26:17 1997
VANDERBILT, Charles Born:11/5/84 in Onesquethaw, NY Died: 7/29/62 in Albany, NY Counties: Albany,Rensselaer Father: Oliver Vanderbilt Mother: Oella Fryer Spouse: Maybelle Johnson Born: 12/17/84 Died: 1/18/79 in Albany, NY Mother: Lydia Haines

VANDERHEYDEN Wed Feb 26 18:17:02 1997
Schenectady/Albany counties - Interested in the Vanderheyden and Ketelhuyn families. Ancestry of Joachim Vanderheyden (b.1756) and wife, Elizabeth Smith (b.1760). Their only child, Elizabeth, settled in Ontario by 1800.

VAN DER HEYDEN Sat May 17 07:04:27 1997
VAN DER HEYDEN, Ariaantje, born about 1650-s, daughter Rebecca, born Oct. 13, 1695, Albany County married Anthony Bradt, Jr. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

VAN DER HEYDEN Thu Oct 2 11:27:54 1997
VAN DER HEYDEN, I am looking for information on the Van Der Heyden surname. Ariaantje VAN DER HEYDEN, father of Rebecca, born 1695, Albany County, married Anthony Bradt, Jr.

VANDEY Sun Jan 26 15:39:01 1997
searching for ancestors of GEORGE EDWARD VANDEY b. June 3 1854 at Albany NY married GEORGIE ETTA CUMMINGS b. Nov 7, 1857 at Concord NH date of their marriage Oct 7, 1880. George Edwards and Georgie Etta came to Chico, CA in about 1890's. trying to find early information of them and their families

VAN GEEM Wed Nov 20 11:14:21 1996
Did anyone ever come across the familyname "van Geem" My family moved to the USA in 1857. They arrived by boat in New York.

VAN DYKE Sat, 15 Mar 1997 16:38:51 -0800
Seeking information on the parents of Christopher Columbus Van Dyke & family. Born in NY (county unknown) in Nov. 6, 1808. Siblings: Anna Marie. Ferdinand, Menard, John, Sally & poss. others. Their mother's name was Sarah. The family migrated to IL around 1821, perhaps by sailing from Ellisburg, Jefferson Co. with the Stephen Chase family. Christopher married Alvina Austin Mar. 14, 1833, Anna Marie m. Abraham Williams May 2, 1824, John m. Polly Grabell Dec. 30, 1826, Ferdinand m. Orryanna Chase Jan. 13,1828. All married in Lewistown, Fulton Co., IL.

VAN DYKE Wed Mar 19 15:18:34 1997
Seeking data on ABRAHAM VAN DYKE, HENRY VAN DYKE, All of these people are listed on the NY census for 1810

VAN DYKE Mon Apr 14 19:46:06 1997
Searching for ANY info on Cornelius Van Dyke, born 1760, and married to Sarah (Sally) Soper. She was born 1767. Cornelius was slain by an Indian in 1813, and widow Sarah moved the family to Illinois in 1823. Children before 1810 were Sally, John, Ferdinand, Christopher and Minard. Van Dyke relatives Chase and Rowe lived in the Onandagua area at various time from 1790-1810.

VAN GORCUM Wed Feb 26 11:34:47 1997
Seeking information on Sarah Cornelisse VAN GORCUM who d in Albany NY in Dec 1669. Also seeking information on her husband and children.....she md in New Amsterdam in 1640 to Thomas SAUNDERS (SANDERS) who left Amsterdam in 1637.

VAN HOESEN Wed Apr 2 20:45:59 1997
i am doing research on my family i know my great grand father (lawrence paulsen VanHoesen) was from catskill and his father(Issac Jacob Van hoesen ) date of birth but not the plase of birth and i can not find any one before him i have no aunts or uncles to ask about family history can you point me toward people who could help my search thank you

VAN OLINDA Sat Mar 1 17:05:00 1997
In 1820, Abraham VAN OLINDA and Jacob VAN OLINDA appeared in the Census for Montgomery County, Town of Charleston. At this time, young Marie/a Blanchard lived with her "uncle Van Olinda." Can anyone close the connection for me? She later married my ancestor, John Clayton, also of Charleston.

VAN SCHAICK Sat Jan 4 18:39:29 1997
Searching for information about Ellen VAN SCHAICK (1813 - 1881) who married Joseph GOODLIFF of Utica, Oneida County, New York. I suspect that she may be the daughter of John A. and Lydia VAN SCHAICK of Albany, New York and had a sister Rachel who married Robert MacMILLAN in 1826 in Albany and another sister Isobel who married Walter HOUSTONE in 1827 in Albany.

VAN SCHAICK Thu Oct 2 11:23:42 1997
VAN SCHAICK Looking for any information on the Van Schaick family. Sebert Van Schaick married Janette BOGART, their daughter Catalyntje married Henrick WENDELL. Sara, dauther of Henrdrick married Johannes BRADT (1727-?)

VANVLACK Wed Jan 22 23:34:40 1997
Looking for ancestors, siblings, children of Katharine Van Vlack, Katharine b. 1829 (place of birth not known) and d. Greene Co., NY 1906, bd. Athens Rural Cemetery, Athens, NY; married Warren Church, he b. 1821, d. 1901, bd. Athens Rural Cemetery, Athens, Greene Co, NY; Jan Roelofse Van Vleckeren, m. Tytje Lippes (New Amsterdam, NY, 1665); Marinus Roelofse Van Vleckeren, b. circa 1675-1680, m. Dina Idesse Van Huyse in NY RDC; Marinus (Merinus) Van Vleck, b. 1775, m. Icy Root, d. 1858, Town of Schuyler, Herkimer Co., NY; looking for descendants of Jan A. Van Vlack, b. 1781 Dutchess Co., d. 1859, Chautauqua Co., NY, m. Elizabeth Gidley, she b. 1783 in Dutchess Co, d. 1829 Dutchess Co. Researching VAN VLECKEREN, VAN VLEKKEREN, VAN VLACK, VAN VLECK, GIDLEY, WILTSIE, ROOT

VAN VLACK/ VAN VLECK Tue Jun 3 18:54:05 1997
VAN VLACK / VAN VLECK Surnames. Seeking information on Jelse or Jessie Van Vlack / Van Vleck circa 1830. May have been son of Abraham Van Vlack /Van Vleck. Seeking specifically info on spouse and children. Believe Jelse/Jesse to be father of my Great Great Grandmother Katharine Van Vlack. Will share any info on these and related families.

VAN RENNESELAER Wed Jan 22 14:52:14 1997
George Clinton Van Rennselaer born 1819 Oneida County. Son of David VR and Nacny ROE Was Nancy's father William?Which WM? Thought to be Wm of Kinderhook, who was her mother? Was David the son of Stephen, the last patroon/ Would love toexchange data with another descendant. Patte/ Shreveport

VAN WORMER Sun Oct 13 08:22:06 1996
Would like to hear from anyone who has VAN WORMER in his ancestry or knows anything at all about anyone of this name. I'm creating a database which I hope will eventually straighten out the confusion about this surname and help others as well as myself. My immediate problem is Mark Luce VAN WORMER born 1824 in Monroe Co. There were many VAN WORMERs in Albany, Rensselaer and most of the rest of the area in the Mohawk Valley. Probably every county in NY had representatives from this surname in the 1700s and 1800s. Thank you.

VAUGHAN Mon Jan 27 18:57:50 1997
Looking for info on WILLIAM VAUGHAN m. to MARIA. Resided in Albany Co. approx. 1860-70. Moved to Prince Wm. Co., Va. about 1874. Childrens names were Stephen H., Agnes, George, Danforth, Ulysses Grant, Wm. Jr., Mary S., Olive, Alfred, John.

VEEDER Fri Mar 14 14:03:12 1997
Looking for info on CHANCEY H. VEEDER b. 20 Nov 1823 in Albany, NY, d. 23 Dec 1897 in Algona, MI, m. 24 Dec 1850 in Galway, NY to Jane Smith (McIntyre?). I would like to find out both of these people's parents names. Thanks!

VIELE Mon May 12 12:17:31 1997
I am looking for information on WILLIAM VIELE, VELEY and ELIZABETH SAYLES. Born in Albany Co about 1810. They may have married in Albany Co. or in Penn. as several of their children were born there. They then moved to Indiana where Elizabeth died and William and the surviving children moved to Minn.

VIELE Thu Apr 17 08:39:50 1997
Am looking for confirmation of marriage between Teunis VIELE and Barbara OSTRANDER about 1789. They had 4 children I know of. Jacob,b. 1796, Lewis b. 1798, William b. 1800 and Maria b.1802 Would appreciate info on childrens spouses, also.

VISSCHER Tue Feb 25 16:11:47 1997
Alida VISSCHER married Gerardus CLUTE. Gerardus was born in Albany before 19 Oct 1735. He was the son of Gerardus CLUTE and Machelt HEEMSTRAAT. I'm looking for information on Alida VISSCHER including birth, marriage, death, parents,etc.

VOORHEES Wed Jul 16 08:06:36 1997
Ida Williamson VOORHEES - born 28 Nov 1819 at Berne,NY. died 4 July 1900 Schoharie,NY. m 23 July 1844 Rev. Edwin VEDDER. Lived in Glenville in 1850. Both are buried in Old Stone Fort,Schoharie, NY. Seek info parents and siblings. Sincere thanks to all responders. H. Vedder

VROOMAN Mon Oct 7 09:34:20 1996
Seeking Marriage Record of a Simon Vrooman to Marietye ___?___. Vrooman died and his widow remarried Henry Markle. Need Marriage record for this union as well. Attached is an assignement of Mary's dower rights. Apparantly she was unable to gain relief on her own and she sold her rights to Henry's brother Abraham Markle of Ulysses, now Ihaca Onondaga later Cayuga now Tomkins Co, NY. Was document ever filed in Schoharie County? Did Abraham ever recover Mary's Dower Rights? Abraham had married as his second wife, the widow of ___?___ Vrooman who had at least one child Jacob Vrooman who, when Abraham and Catharine Thorn Vrooman emmigrated to Ancaster Twp, Wentworth Co, Ontario, Canada ca 1806, was left in charge of the inn at Ithaca which became known as the Tompkins House. Were the widow's married to Vrooman Brothers? I suspect both Vrooman males died in Ithaca. Some probate or guardianship papers should have been filed in both counties. I am sending this to Cayuga, Onondaga, Tompkins, Albany, and Schoharie Counties in the Hopes that someone will be researching the same surnames or the same time period in these localities which will solve some of these unknowns. Attachment: Know all Men by these presents that Whereas Henry Markle and Maritie Markle Wife of the said Henry Markle & who was the wife of Simon Vrooman deceased ofthe Town of Ulysses in the County of Onondaga and State of New York have by Letter of Attorney bearing even date herewith ordained authorised nominated and appointed Jacob Gebhard Esquire of the Town of Schoharie in the County of Schoharie and Abraham Markle Esquire of the Town of Ulysses of County of Onondaga of State aforesaid our due and lawful Attornies for us and in our Names and for our own proper use and benefit do ask demand sue for recover and receive of and from Jonas Vrooman and Philip Bartholomew by writ of the People of the State of New York of dower unde nihil habect or otherwise the third part of their respective Messuages Stables Gardens and Orchards, Five Hundred Acres of Land One Hundred Acres of Arable one Hundred acres of Meadow, one Hundred Acres of Pasture and Two Hundred Acres of Wood Land with the appurtenances in ;the Town of Middleburgh in; the County of Schoharie aforesaid as her dower of the endowment of the said Simon Vrooman deceased her late Husband and all the Arrearages of Dower in keeping her out of the Possession thereof; and all of the Third part of The Goods, Monies Chattles and Credits which belonged to the said Simon Vrooman deceased in his life time and which got in the possession of the said Jonas Vrooman, after his death and to have take and use all lawful means in their the said Henry Markle and Maritie Markle_s names for the recovery therof by writ of the people of the People of the State of New York of Dower and by arrest or otherwise for the arrearages of dower and for the recovery of the said monies goods Chattles and Credits; and to compound and agree for the same; and in all things to observe and act as in and by the said Letter of Attorney reference thereunto being had may more fully appear-- Now Know Ye that we the said Henry Markle and Maretie Markle for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars good and Lawful money of the State of New York aforesaid to us in hand well and truly paid by the said Jacob Gebhard & Abraham Markle the receipt whereof is acknowledged Have granted assigned bargained sold transferred and set over unto the said Jacob Gebhard and Abraham Markle all that the one third of the respective Messauages Stables Gardens and Orchards, Five Hundred acres of Land, One Hundred Acres of Arable, One Hundred Acres of Meadow one Hundred Acres of Pasture & Two Hundred Acres of Wood Land, and all the arrearages of Dower and all that the one third of the Monies, Goods Chattles & Credits as above mentioned and all our right tile interest claim and demand which we have thereto or to any part thereof to have hold take receive and enjoy the same unto the said Jacob Gebhard and Abraham Markle their Heirs Executors Administrate assigns for ever after The same shall be recovered as in and by the said Letter of Attorney directed-- In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and Seals the first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety Eight Sealed & delivered In the presence of Henry Markle (signature) Hendrick B. Krum (signature) her Thomas Jordan (signature) Maretie X Markle George Mckinley(signature) Mark I believe this document was originally made at Ithaca, but I have know assurance that my supposition is correct. There are many researchers hoping to find this Henry Markle and hook him up with their lines. Any and all help, suggestions, and pertinent references will be greatly

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Debby Masterson

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