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Archived Queries
Surnames Beginning with "T"

Please keep in mind as you peruse these queries that the email addresses for the submitters are over 11 years old and may no longer be valid. If YOU placed a query here, PLEASE email Debby Masterson to update your contact information so that researchers wishing to contact you may do so. Thank you!

TALLMADGE Tue Sep 9 04:46:38 1997
IRISH - Joseph Tallmadge My e-mail address has changed since my previous query posting - but should not change again -

TARGETT Sun Sep 28 20:28:27 1997
Obituaries? TARGETT, Alfred S. (b. 1837-43) and wife Ernestine (b. 1852) buried Waterford Rural Cemetery December 31, 1918 and November 30, 1909, respectively. Their daughter, Bessie Louise TARGETT was buried before them at Waterford Rural Cemetery. Marriage Date, Death Dates? TARGETT, John (b. 1845 England) and wife Sarah (nee DINGELDEIN, b. 1855 NYC) living Cohoes 1900+--145 Mohawk Street in 1903, 33 Congress Street in 1905. Business: Alfred S. TARGETT Company, Laundry. 77 Rumson Street, Cohoes. Other TARGETTS include: Arthur B. (b. U.S. 1874) and wife Edith (b. 1877), Stanley E. (b. U.S. June 2, 1887), Helen E. (b. U.S. 1897), Arthur B. Jr. (b. U.S. 1906). Any info on TARGETT would be appreciated. Thank you.

TAYLOR Thu Mar 13 10:00:21 1997 I am looking for information on the parents of Francis M. Taylor b.16 Nov 1827 in Auburn, Cayuga Co. N.Y. Parents: Asa C. and Nellie or Ellen Taylor. Any information will be helpful.

TAYLOR Wed Oct 23 19:38:18 1996
Looking for any info on Aaron TAYLOR b____d 12 Oct 1841 in Warwick, NY. Married to Jane ACKERSON daughter of Garret and Dirkje (SPRINGSTEIN) ACKERSON. They had 9 children: 1. Dorcas married Alfred L DIKEMAN 2. Phoebe b 23 Dec 1792 married to John BENEDICT 3. Ann married to David PALMER 4. James b 22 Dec 1804 married Maria VANDERVORT 5. John Ackerson b 29 June 1807 married Abby Ann WOODRUFF 6. Jonathan 7.Garret married Elizabeth TICE 8. Abigail married Samuel MONTROSS 9. Mary (Polly) married Joseph HOWLAND Any info on this family would be appreciated

TEIXEIRA Fri Jan 24 10:22:04 1997

TEUNICE Sat May 17 07:11:54 1997
TEUNICE, WILLEMPIE married Anthony Bradt (1657-1722),son of Barant Bradt and Susanna Dirkse Meyer, lived in Albany County

THAYER Mon Oct 21 01:51:57 1996
Looking for ANY references to the surname THAYER

THORNE Wed Jun 18 11:01:16 1997
I am interested in four families that lived in Hauverille in about 1850. SAMUEL THORNE (dates unkn) was married to ELIZA CORNWELL (22 Jul 1810-8 Mar 1885), buried in the Franklinton cemetary, but I haven't been able to find the stone. Her parents were JACOB and BETSEY CORNWELL, and nothing is known about them. ALEXANDER EDWARDS (20 Jan 1827-27 April 1905) and his wife SARAH ANN CHURCH (3 Apr 1824-7 Nov 1896) also in Livingstonville and both were buried (according to the records) in Franklinton. Again, no luck. SARAH'S father was SIMON CHURCH from Connecticut, and his wife CATHERINE. In exchange, I can provide information from CHARLES THORNE the present.

THRASHER Thu Jan 30 18:43:28 1997
I am looking for a Charles Thrasher,born in Ct.1764..I think he may be the father to my 3rd great-grandfather Charles Thrasher,born abt 1794 in Ct. as well. Charles jr. was married to a woman named Margaret or Melinda Hicks from N.Y. born in the year 1800. They may have met in N.Y. somewhere and married, and moved to the Cincinnatti Ohio area, by the early 1820's..... I am actually looking for any male any county..any where from 1800-1820..who had a male son with the same data as my 3rd ggpaw.

TINKLEPAUGH Tue Jan 28 04:59:06 1997
HELP! Looking for any information on Simon TINKLEPAUGH. Possibly born in Pennsylvania, lived in Elmira, NY. Had a daughter named Ethel R. TINKLEPAUGH-born around 1885- who married a PHILO. Trying to find ANY connection to Simon's family(has one known brother- Eugene).

TOIGO Fri Jan 31 05:42:25 1997
looking for any references regarding the names "Toigo", or "Felicello" originally from italy. any help appreciated.

TOMPKINS Sat Jan 25 07:51:46 1997
I am searching for information about Robert Tompkins. Robert was born in New York and moved to Canada sometime prior to 1848. Robert met and m. Estella (last name unknown) in Canada. My great grandfather Alexander Nathan Tompkins was b. 8/12/1848 in Canada. By 1877 they were in Michigan where he met and m. Martha Engle d. of Adolf Engle and Velinda Scadden. If anyone thinks they can connect with either Robert of Alex Tompkins I would be very grateful. Alex left no male heirs to carry the name beyond himself.

TOUZZANT Fri Mar 7 09:10:39 1997
Looking for any indeviduals with fallowing Surnames in Albany Co. after c1900. Variations on spelling of Touzzant is also Touzan/ Tousan/ Tousin. Touzzant was spelling from c1900.

TRASK Thu Oct 10 17:20:40 1996
Am researching Trask. Caleb Trask b. 1820, NY suppose to be desc. of Putnams. -m- Mary Wilcox, 1847, Bradford Co. Pa. lived there the rest of his life. Looking for parents of Caleb. Had brothers William, Alanson, Almond and sister Phoebe.

TRAVIS Sat Nov 16 10:26:41 1996
Looking for any information on the birth of Jesse Eugene Travis born prior to 1896 in Apalachin (sp) NY.

TRAVIS Tue Apr 15 18:23:14 1997
I am researching the TRAVIS Family. They were in Chautaugua Co. as early as abt. 1782. Joshua TRAVIS was married there. His son John, was born there on 09 Oct 1782. He married a Sally BRAND. His son, Allen, was born there on 24 Mar 1813 and married on 19 Mar 1840 to Keziah WAXHAM. They later moved to LaPorte Co., IN. Any information you have regarding any of these family would be appreciated.

TRUMPOWER Tue Sep 9 13:12:32 1997
I am looking for the death certificate and obituary for my grandmother, Nellie TRUMPOWER, who died in Pompey, Pompey Hills, or Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY on 25 Jun 1923. She was brought back to MI for burial in her family plot. Her parents were August & Anna Peterson; husband, Peter A., children, Hazel (my mother), Joseph P., Vada, Ray, and Nellie. I will be glad to pay for any copy or postage costs. Also could someone direct me to the agecy to send for the death certificate if found. Thank you for any help you can give me.

TRYON Fri Nov 15 18:55:00 1996
3 Tryon families were living in Coxsackie during the last half of the 1700's - Benjamin, Petrus and Jochum according to census records and records of the Dutch Reform Church of Coxsackie. (I suspect Benjamin, Peter and John were the English equivalents). Johns wife was Catherina Van Slyck, Peters wife was Rachel Dederick and Benjamins wife was Magtel (maiden name unk). Any info you could supply on the connection between these 3 men would be appreciated. Benjamin Tryon rem. from Greene Co, to Tioga/Tompkins Co. NY and eventually settling in MI, with a wife named Mercy. However, I think she is his 2nd wife. Any info on Benjamin Jr's wives would also be appreciated.

TRUAX Sat May 10 13:16:45 1997
I am seeking information on a Jacob Truax b. 1761-62. He would be my gggggrandfather. A manuscript by Thura Hires Truax lists him as a son of Abraham Truax. I strongly doubt this. Neither the NYG&BR (House of Truax 1926-27) nor Pierson's genealogy of Albany support this. This Jacob is the father of Peter Truax who married in Glen Sutton, Que in 1823. Peter was supposedly born in Vermont (1850 census), but I think this may also be inaccurate. I believe Jacob and several brothers or cousins were among a group of families that relocated from Albany to the Farnham, Que area around 1792. The families seemed to move back and forth across the CAN - VT border frequently. I do not however, believe they were UEL. If anyone can shed light on either individual I would be very grateful as this is my only "missing link" in my Truax genealogy.

TULEY Sun Jan 26 15:48:29 1997
In the last half of the 1600s three brothers named Tuley landed in South Carolina. On reportedly went to New York State. Does anyone have any information related to this brother or his decendents?

TURNER Mon Apr 21 16:35:50 1997
I am interested in information regarding Ruth Ann Turner, George Turner, Emily Turner, and Stephen Pool. Ruth Ann Turner was born on August 3, 1835 in Cobleskill, Schoharie county, NY. Her parents were George and Emily Turner. Ruth Ann married Stephen Pool of Albany on November 29, 1855. They later moved to Michigan. Ruth Ann's sisters are Mrs. Martin Fisher of Waterford MI, Mrs. Marvin Hess of Waterford MI, Mrs. Elizabeth Ford of Hartford Conn, and Mrs. William Williams, of Schoharie county. Ruth Ann had a cousin named Mary Jane Turner, who was born on June 27, 1830. She was married to Stephen Pool on April 21, 1850. Mary Jane died on April 15, 1853, and was buried in Cobelskill, Schoharie. They had two children who died at a young age. Any information about these people would be welcome. Thank you.

TURNER Fri Jan 24 09:44:34 1997
Looking for members of the Turner family. Orville Turner (abt 1812 NY) married Laura Jane Covert (abt 1823 NY). Relocated to Huron county Ohio abt 1835/1840.

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Debby Masterson

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