US GenWeb

Archived Queries
Surnames Beginning with "R"

Please keep in mind as you peruse these queries that the email addresses for the submitters are over 11 years old and may no longer be valid. If YOU placed a query here, PLEASE email Debby Masterson to update your contact information so that researchers wishing to contact you may do so. Thank you!

RAMSDELL Wed Feb 26 14:32:24 1997
Seek information for Mrs Kimball RAMSDELL said to have married a Benjamin FRENCH in Town of Saratoga in mid to late 1780s.Widow said to have come from Mass or Conn with three sons Jonathan, Silas and William RAMSDELL(RAMSDILL,RAMSDALE) Please Email me with info at Thanks Jim.

RANOUS / RHYNAS Wed Oct 16 19:14:07 1996
James RANOUS/RHYNAS and wife Sarah ? from Dutchess County moved to Prince Edward Co.,Ontario about 1807. Looking for the birth of their children Mary b 1792 and Isaac b 1802 in Poughkeepsie. Also looking for any other Ranous families. May have originated in Pleasant Valley.

RAPALJE Fri May 30 17:37:43 1997
Seeking information about Sarah Rapalje, born in Ft. Orange Albany, June 19, 1625, to Joris Jansen Rapalje and Catalyntie Trico. She was married twice, once to Tunis G. Bogert, and once to Hans Hansen Bergen. Thank you.

READ Sat Jun 21 13:54:39 1997
I am trying to trace Matthew H. Read and family from Albany,NY. I have obtained photos of him, his wife Amelia M. (Peck) and some of their children. Matthew was born 9/2/1804 at E. Windsor,CT. If you are an interested descendant or have information on this family, please send an Email to me. The list of photos, that I have for this family, may be viewed on my Website at the Read link at

REAMOUR Thu Apr 3 23:36:35 1997
Looking for any info on John D. Reamour living in Bethlehem Twp. in 1820. (census page 232). If anybody could look this up for me and then again in 1830 to check if he's the father of Joseph (born 1829, ran away from home 1840/1) who is my ggg-grandfather. Joseph Raemore died July 1907 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co. PA. He shows up there in 1870 married to a local woman and with son, born PA. Related family names are supposedly Duclos, Ballou/Ballard, and Grosjean. My family is at a loss - - ANY help is SO much appreciated. Emily Raemore 5 April 1997

REILLY Wed Jul 23 08:01:55 1997
Family history has it that a small Reilly boy was adopted by a Frenchman and taken to New Orleans. No one has been able to prove this. It was to have happened before the Civil War. Please let me know who to contact. He was supposed to have lived in Albany,NY.

RENWICK Tue Oct 7 16:12:05 1997
RENWICK, William was born 1820 in NY, very possible he had brothers George born in Delaware Co, Asher M, Walter & Theophilis, all born in NY & since George was born in DELAWARE Co likely the others were also. WHO were their parents? Walters obit says there were 9 boys & 1 girl in the family, sister married a ELLIOT. Any information greatly appreciated.

RESUE Sat Aug 16 18:28:14 1997
RESUE; Correction: Searching for information on John Resue b. 1802, Schohaire County; married Polly Colder b. April 1811 in Schohaire County. Children Nelson, Harriet, Calvin, Alonzo. Moved to Steuben County, NY. Have family history information to date for asking.

REYNOLDS Tue Oct 29 21:43:07 1996
I am searching for the father and mother of Aden Reynolds, Essex County, NY (Census 1810), Madison County, NY (Census 1830). Aden's sons William and Adin migrated to Jefferson County, WI in 1837 and 1845 respectively. A possibility of Aden's father or brother is Isaac Reynolds, Essex County (1810 Census). Any help will be appreciated.

RHODES Thu Sep 25 12:01:56 1997
Looking for any info on Ephraim RHODES b abt 1785 in the area of Albany County that was to become Saratoga County. Unk par. M Mary EDMONDS (I think). Had 2 children: Sabrina and Richard B. in Edinburgh. Thanks

RHYNO / RYNO / RENAUD Mon Dec 23 14:21:41 1996
Seek info on William Rhyno/Ryno/Renaud, circa 1812-1813, and Jacques Reneau, circa 1690.

ROBBINS Sun Sep 14 19:45:31 1997
I am looking for information on Gideon ROBBINS whose daughter Mary Anne ROBBINS b. 1777 in Saratoga, Albany, NY. She married Thomas J. BARBER Jr. in 1795 in Saratoga, Albany Co., NY. Also information on Vira Ann FRENCH b. 15 Jun 1813 m. Jonas BARBER. Parents of Vira Ann were Adolphus FRENCh and Annis GRINNELL. Thank you for all your help.

ROBBINS Mon Jul 14 08:47:14 1997
Professional researcher wanted: From records left by a family researcher now deceased, "In NY 1790 census JOSEPH ROBBINS is shown in Halfmoon, Albany County, with 2 girls and a son, JOSEPH FRANKLIN ROBBINS. Shows JOSEPH ROBBINS b. abt 1764" Note: I have found a JOSEPH ROBBINS, b. Jun 1764 in Carver, Plymouth, MA (no parents listed) in LDS files. Another LDS listing shows JOSEPH ROBBINS, b. 26 Jun 1764 in Middleboro, Plymouth, MA w/relative JOSEPH ROBBINS. n the 1800 census, JOSEPH ROBBINS is shown in Bloomfield, Ontario County, NY with 6 children, 4 girls and 2 boys. Thus, 3 children were born in either Albany or Ontario counties between 1790 and 1800. In neither census do we know the names of any of the children other than JOSEPH FRANKLIN ROBBINS, who was born in 1790. Presuming that JOSEPH FRANKLIN owned land in Albany County, are there searchable records of land transactions that might show when he moved and his wife's name. I realize that you do not offer research, but if you could pass this letter on to a professional researcher that might be of service to me, it would be sincerely appreciated. The researcher could write me advising what could be done to find out more about this family and the costs of such research.

ROBERTS Tue Nov 26 14:52:51 1996 GGG Grandfather: ROBERTS, Mathew 7 X G Grandfather for Kathleen A. Roberts,(nee) RAVLIN Lawrence

ROBERTS Wed May 7 20:05:06 1997
Looking for Information on a George H. ROBERTS (Cohoes, NY) married to a Rosanna (MACANDREWS)(sp?) Any imformation would greatly be appreciated

ROGERS Sat Jan 25 07:27:07 1997
John ROGERS born abt 1788 Hoosick, Rens, NY. s/o Isaac ROGERS & Rhoda CHASE. died 9 Apr 1892. md Mary ?, bothburied Limerick Cem. Does anyone know Mary's maiden name, & did John & Mary have any other children besides Jane?

ROGERS Thu, 17 Apr 1997 18:15:18 -0700
I'm trying to find out about my mother's father and his people. Her parents were Daniel Raymond Rogers and Mildred Virginia Rogers. Daniel's parents were Marguerite W. Taylor b. 12/15/1890 Georgia and Daniel J. Rogers. Very little is known about the Rogers side of the family because Marguerite and D.J. divorced and I don't think their was much contact afterwards. This is what I know: Daniel Raymond was born in Texas in 1910. Marguerite and Daniel J. met during his stay at a Military Academy in or around San Antonio? His parents were very unhappy about the marriage. They had three children and divorced. She was from Georgia, but I have yet to find anything on her either. I have many old pictures and there are little hints on the back. One of the pictures is very old, it is of a man shoveling snow, in the back ground is a man on a horse drawn carriage loaded with old fashioned milk jugs on the side of the carriage is "A.O. Hatt or Hale?" on the back of the picture is "My grandfather Daniel Albert Rogers in Eastwood, N.Y." My mother and aunt remember their father telling them his fathers people were from Upstate N.Y. and they think they remember hearing Albany somewhere along the line. Their father told them he came from 9 generations of military men. Daniel J. Rogers died between 1940 and 1955. I've had a very difficult time in finding anything on this side of the family. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I don't find an Eastwood in the Atlas. Do you know where it is/was?

ROE Fri Nov 8 13:30:51 1996
Oneida Co., NY - Looking for any information on William Roe. Wife Ann. Came from England in circa 1840. Children George W. Rowe, Joseph Rowe and Charles Rowe. Also looking for Daniel Green. Wife Amy DeWitt. Children, Philena, Daniel Jr.

ROHRIG / RORICK / RORIGH Sat Mar 8 13:22:14 1997
ROHRIG / RORICK / RORIGH. Have info to share.

RORABACK Wed Dec 4 11:34:45 1996
Looking for the burial of Lydia Roraback in the Albany area c:1840-1850

ROSS Mon Mar 2406:36:06 1997
ROSS, Rev. David - b: 1703 New Castle, Del. Son of Rev. George ROSS of New Castle. Rev. David was Rector of St. Peter's Church in Albany, NY where he had been a Church of England Missionary. He was the only clergyman in charge at the time of his death. Rev. David married SARAH ROLFE. Had issue: JOHN, b: 1732. Other possible sons include JAMES, DANIEL, AND GEORGE. I'm looking for any material on this Rev. David ROSS and would like to have the names of all his known children. THANK YOU!

ROWE Sat Jun 21 20:27:09 1997
MARY ROWE b: April 5, 1813 Binghampton, NY m: Lewis P. Finch October 25, 1829 in Binghampton, NY. Looking for any and all ancestors of Mary Rowe and Lewis P. Finch b: June 7, 1808 PA. Will share information.

ROWE Sat Oct 4 16:18:58 1997
Searching for info on great-great grandfather, Sanford H. ROWE. Did he marry in New York and have children before moving on to Kansas, then on to Arizona? He has at least one sibling, a sister who relocated to Los Angeles, CA, were there more siblings? He had at least two daughters, one from an earlier marriage, possible in NY, one daughter, Blanch Rowe, possibly more children.

ROWLEY Tue Jan 14 15:39:05 1997
Looking for documentation of father-son relationship between Timothy Rowley, Sr., & Timothy Rowley, Jr. Timothy, Sr. b. in East Haddam, CT; also lived in Kent, CT; Oblong, NY; Richmond, MA; Rensselaerwyck, Renssalaer Co., NY; and Stephentown, Albany Co., NY. Timothy, Jr. was born 1762 in Stephentown, Albany Co., NY. His wife Lucy ? is buried in Williamstown, Oswego Co., NY.

RUEBSAMEN Thu Aug 21 16:20:26 1997
I know that my fathers Grandfather and Grandmother came over to the US from Germany. I heard stories that he was a German sea captain, late 1800's. The couple divorced and the mother took one child with her. His name was John. They both stayed in Southern NY but, one of their Children, my Grandfather (Louis Ruebsamen moved to Syracuse, where he raised his children, (one of which was my father Richard Ruebsamen)I would like to find out where we came from in Germany and who our ancestors are.

RUNDIO Thu Aug 21 14:16:38 1997
Abraham RUNDIO was born about 1800 in Northampton County, PA. He is the son of Peter and Susanna RUNDIO. Abraham's wife's name was Mary/Polly. His son's name was Alpheus RUNDIO. In a letter dated July, 1900, it says, "Abraham went away and was never heard from, or rather never returned. I have often heard my grandmother speak of him and grieve over his disappearance. She said he was last heard of in Albany, N. Y. He was believed to have been murdered for his money. He was a carpenter by trade." Any leads will be greatly appreciated. Nancy Rundio Kirk, 10901 Paulding Road, New Haven, IN 46774

RYAN Fri Sep 12 21:42:26 1997
RYAN, Theodore Edward, born October 31, 1875 in Ft. Edward Died June 8, 1937 in Troy, NY, Rensselaer County Resided in Troy 1917-1937 Wife's name Eleanor (Ella) Larkin, born Feb.21, 1896 Seeking date and place of marriage to Eleanor Larkin (2nd wife) Seeking divorce information (date) from 1st wife - name, Faith Seeking information on child by first wife, John .

RYAN Mon Sep 15 15:23:34 1997
Edward RYAN and his wife Ellen SMITH RYAN emigrated from Ireland during the potato famine. They lived in the 7th Ward of the city of Albany in 1860, 1870, and 1880. Their children were John RYAN, Edward RYAN, Ellen RYAN, Johannah RYAN, Thomas RYAN, Mary RYAN, Margaret RYAN, Emily RYAN, and Alice RYAN. A Thomas RYAN lived with them and was probably Edward's brother from Ireland. I am looking for any information on descendents or ancestors, marriages, deaths, et cetera. In other words, some more RYAN cousins.

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